Exemple #1
 private function get_md5()
     // getting the md5 hash of the file
     $a[0] = $this->html->getElementByTagName("div.window_section")->nextsibling()->childNodes(1)->childNodes(0)->plaintext;
     $a[1] = $this->html->getElementByTagName("div.window_section")->nextsibling()->nextsibling()->childNodes(1)->childNodes(0)->plaintext;
     $this->md = trim(substr(strchr($a[0], "MD5:") ? $a[0] : $a[1], 4));
  * @TODO ! BAM
  * @param $s1
  * @param $s2
  * @return bool|int
 public static function isRotation($s1, $s2)
     if (!strchr($s2 . $s2, $s1)) {
         return false;
     return true;
Exemple #3
 public function updateUser($id)
     $req = $this->app->request();
     $imageName = $_FILES['image']['name'];
     $imageTmp = $_FILES['image']['tmp_name'];
     $uniqueID = md5(uniqid(rand(), true));
     $fileType = strchr($imageName, '.');
     $newUpload = 'assets/img_public/' . $uniqueID . $fileType;
     if ($imageName != null) {
     move_uploaded_file($imageTmp, $newUpload);
     @chmod($newUpload, 0777);
     if ($imageName != null) {
         $sql = 'UPDATE users SET u_email = :u_email, u_password = :u_password, u_image = :u_image, level = :level WHERE user_id = :id';
     } else {
         $sql = 'UPDATE users SET u_email = :u_email, u_password = :u_password, level = :level WHERE user_id = :id';
     $this->users = parent::connect()->prepare($sql);
     $this->users->bindValue(':u_email', $req->post('email'));
     $this->users->bindValue(':u_password', Bcrypt::hash($req->post('password')));
     if ($imageName != null) {
         $this->users->bindValue(':u_image', $newUpload);
     $this->users->bindValue(':level', $req->post('level'));
     $this->users->bindValue(':id', $id);
     try {
     } catch (PDOException $e) {
 public function get($handle, $id)
     $result = array();
     $lyric = '';
     // id should be url of lyric
     if (strchr($id, $this->sitePrefix) === FALSE) {
         return FALSE;
     $content = FujirouCommon::getContent($id);
     if (!$content) {
         return FALSE;
     $prefix = "<div class='lyricbox'>";
     $suffix = "<!--";
     $lyricLine = FujirouCommon::getSubString($content, $prefix, $suffix);
     $pattern = '/<\\/script>(.*)<!--/';
     $matchedString = FujirouCommon::getFirstMatch($lyricLine, $pattern);
     if (!$matchedString) {
         return FALSE;
     $lyric = trim(str_replace('<br />', "\n", $matchedString));
     $lyric = FujirouCommon::decodeHTML($lyric);
     $lyric = trim(strip_tags($lyric));
     $handle->addLyrics($lyric, $id);
     return TRUE;
Exemple #5
 public function thumbnail2(Request $request)
     if ($request->hasFile('thumbnail_file2')) {
         $messages = ['photo.image' => '上传文件必须是图片', 'photo.max' => '上传文件不能大于:maxkb'];
         $this->validate($request, ['photo' => 'image|max:100000'], $messages);
         if ($request->file('thumbnail_file2')->isValid()) {
             $OriginalName = $request->file('thumbnail_file2')->getClientOriginalName();
             $file_pre = sha1(time() . $OriginalName);
             $file_suffix = substr(strchr($request->file('thumbnail_file2')->getMimeType(), "/"), 1);
             $destinationPath = 'uploads';
             $fileName = $file_pre . '.' . $file_suffix;
             Image::make($request->file('thumbnail_file2'))->resize(300, null, function ($constraint) {
             })->save('uploads/thumbnails/' . $fileName);
             $request->file('thumbnail_file2')->move($destinationPath, $fileName);
             $img = new Img();
             $img->name = $fileName;
             Session()->flash('img2', $fileName);
             return $fileName;
         } else {
             return "上传文件无效!";
     } else {
         return "文件上传失败!";
 function SOAP_Test($methodname, $params, $expect = NULL, $cmp_func = NULL)
     # XXX we have to do this to make php-soap happy with NULL params
     if (!$params) {
         $params = array();
     if (strchr($methodname, '(')) {
         preg_match('/(.*)\\((.*)\\)/', $methodname, $matches);
         $this->test_name = $methodname;
         $this->method_name = $matches[1];
     } else {
         $this->test_name = $this->method_name = $methodname;
     $this->method_params = $params;
     if ($expect !== NULL) {
         $this->expect = $expect;
     if ($cmp_func !== NULL) {
         $this->cmp_func = $cmp_func;
     // determine test type
     if ($params) {
         $v = array_values($params);
         if (gettype($v[0]) == 'object' && (get_class($v[0]) == 'SoapVar' || get_class($v[0]) == 'SoapParam')) {
             $this->type = 'soapval';
Exemple #7
  * @param $handle
  * @param $fields
  * @param string $delimiter
  * @param string $enclosure
  * @param bool $useArrayKey
  * @param string $escape
 public static function putCSV($handle, $fields, $delimiter = ',', $enclosure = '"', $useArrayKey = false, $escape = '\\')
     $first = 1;
     foreach ($fields as $key => $field) {
         if ($first == 0) {
             fwrite($handle, $delimiter);
         if ($useArrayKey) {
             $f = str_replace($enclosure, $enclosure . $enclosure, $key);
         } else {
             $field = EXPORT_ENCODE_FUNCTION != "none" && function_exists(EXPORT_ENCODE_FUNCTION) ? call_user_func(EXPORT_ENCODE_FUNCTION, $field) : $field;
             $f = str_replace($enclosure, $enclosure . $enclosure, $field);
         if ($enclosure != $escape) {
             $f = str_replace($escape . $enclosure, $escape, $f);
         if (strpbrk($f, " \t\n\r" . $delimiter . $enclosure . $escape) || strchr($f, "")) {
             fwrite($handle, $enclosure . $f . $enclosure);
         } else {
             fwrite($handle, $f);
         $first = 0;
     fwrite($handle, "\n");
 function stripallslashes($string)
     while (strchr($string, '\\')) {
         $string = stripslashes($string);
     return $string;
 public function index($doc_id = NULL)
     $docss[0] = array("Basic Instructions" => 'basics.html');
     $docss[1] = array("Answering Queries" => 'queries.html');
     $docss[2] = array('Add Assignment' => "add_assignment.html", "Sample Assignment" => "sample_assignment.html", "Detect similar codes" => "moss.html", "Tests Structure" => "tests_structure.html", "Assignment Helper" => "assignment_helper.html");
     $docss[3] = array('About The Campus Judge' => 'readme.html', 'Users' => "users.html", 'Clean urls' => "clean_urls.html", 'Installation' => "installation.html", 'Settings' => "settings.html", 'Sandboxing' => "sandboxing.html", 'Security' => "security.html", 'Shield' => "shield.html");
     $baseaddr = "assets/docs/html/";
     $level = $this->user->level;
     $docs = [];
     for ($i = 0; $i <= $level; $i++) {
         $docs = array_merge($docs, $docss[$i]);
     if ($doc_id === NULL) {
         $data = array('all_assignments' => $this->assignment_model->all_assignments(), 'docs' => array_keys($docs));
         $this->twig->display('pages/docslist.twig', $data);
     } else {
         if (strchr($doc_id, ".md")) {
             $doc_id = array_search(str_replace(".md", ".html", $doc_id), $docs);
         if ($doc_id && array_key_exists($doc_id, $docs)) {
             $data = array('all_assignments' => $this->assignment_model->all_assignments(), 'page' => file_get_contents($baseaddr . $docs[$doc_id]));
             //echo file_get_contents($baseaddr.$filename);
             $this->twig->display('pages/docview.twig', $data);
         } else {
Exemple #10
function image_thumb_onfly($image_path, $height, $width, $crop = FALSE, $ratio = TRUE)
    // Get the CodeIgniter super object
    $CI =& get_instance();
    $ext = strchr($image_path, '.');
    $file_name = substr(basename($image_path), 0, -strlen($ext));
    // Path to image thumbnail
    $image_thumb = dirname($image_path) . '/' . $file_name . '_' . $height . '_' . $width . $ext;
    if (!file_exists($image_thumb)) {
        // LOAD LIBRARY
        $config['image_library'] = 'gd2';
        $config['source_image'] = $image_path;
        $config['new_image'] = $image_thumb;
        $config['maintain_ratio'] = $ratio;
        $config['height'] = $height;
        $config['width'] = $width;
        if ($crop) {
        } else {
    return '<img src="' . dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']) . '/' . $image_thumb . '" onerror="loadNoPic(this,\'' . base_url() . '\')"/>';
Exemple #11
 public function updateCarousel($id)
     $req = $this->app->request();
     $imageName = $_FILES['image']['name'];
     $imageTmp = $_FILES['image']['tmp_name'];
     $uniqueID = md5(uniqid(rand(), true));
     $fileType = strchr($imageName, '.');
     $newUpload = 'assets/img_public/' . $uniqueID . $fileType;
     if ($imageName != null) {
     move_uploaded_file($imageTmp, $newUpload);
     @chmod($newUpload, 0777);
     if ($imageName != null) {
         $sql = 'UPDATE carousels SET image = :image, title = :title, description = :description where carousel_id = :id';
     } else {
         $sql = 'UPDATE carousels SET title = :title, description = :description where carousel_id = :id';
     $this->carousels = parent::connect()->prepare($sql);
     if ($imageName != null) {
         $this->carousels->bindValue(':image', $newUpload);
     $this->carousels->bindValue(':title', $req->post('title'));
     $this->carousels->bindValue(':description', $req->post('description'));
     $this->carousels->bindValue(':id', $id);
     try {
     } catch (PDOException $e) {
Exemple #12
 static function fputcsv($handle, $row, $fd = ',', $quot = '"')
     $str = '';
     $nums = count($row);
     $i = 1;
     foreach ($row as $cell) {
         $cell = trim($cell);
         if (!self::detectUTF8($cell)) {
             $cell = @iconv('gb2312', 'utf-8', $cell);
         if (empty($cell)) {
         $cell = str_replace(array($quot, "\n"), array($quot . $quot, ''), $cell);
         if ($i < $nums) {
             if ($fd && strchr($cell, $fd) !== FALSE || strchr($cell, $quot) !== FALSE) {
                 $str .= $quot . $cell . $quot . $fd;
             } else {
                 $str .= $cell . $fd;
         } else {
             $str .= $cell . $quot;
     fputs($handle, substr($str, 0, -1) . "\n");
     return strlen($str);
Exemple #13
  * Finds cities on given name and country
  * @param string $p_cityName
  * @param string $p_countryCode
  * @return array
 public function FindCitiesByNameLocal($p_cityName, $p_countryCode = '')
     global $g_ado_db;
     $cityName_changed = str_replace(' ', '%', trim($p_cityName));
     $is_exact = !strchr($p_cityName, '%');
     $queryStr = 'SELECT DISTINCT id, city_name as name, country_code as country, population, X(position) AS latitude, Y(position) AS longitude
         FROM ' . $this->m_dbTableName . ' WHERE city_name LIKE ?';
     if (!empty($p_countryCode)) {
         $queryStr .= ' AND cl.country_code = ?';
     $sql_params = array($p_cityName, $cityName_changed, $cityName_changed . '%', '%' . $cityName_changed . '%');
     $queryStr .= ' GROUP BY id ORDER BY population DESC, id LIMIT 100';
     $cities = array();
     foreach ($sql_params as $param) {
         $params = array($param);
         if (!empty($p_countryCode)) {
             $params[] = (string) $p_countryCode;
         $rows = $g_ado_db->GetAll($queryStr, $params);
         foreach ((array) $rows as $row) {
             $one_town_info = (array) $row;
             $one_town_info['provider'] = 'GN';
             $one_town_info['copyright'] = 'Data © GeoNames.org, CC-BY';
             $cities[] = $one_town_info;
         if (!empty($cities)) {
     return $cities;
Exemple #14
  * Returns an event!
  * @param <type> $dayName
  * @param <type> $row
  * @return <type>
 private static function parseRow($row)
     $event = new WPlan_Event();
     if ($row == "...") {
         $event->empty = TRUE;
         return $event;
     $event->empty = FALSE;
     $parts = explode(',', $row);
     $i = 0;
     foreach ($parts as $part) {
         $part = trim($part);
         switch ($i) {
             case 0:
                 $times = WPlan::parseTimes($part);
                 $event->from = $times['from'];
                 $event->to = $times['to'];
             case 1:
                 $event->name = $part;
             case 2:
                 $sep = ' ';
                 if (strchr($part, '/')) {
                     $sep = '/';
                 $event->sensei = explode($sep, $part);
                 $event->info[] = $part;
         $i += 1;
     return $event;
Exemple #15
 function set_fromhost()
     global $proxyIPs;
     global $fullfromhost;
     global $fromhost;
     @($fullfromhost = $_SERVER["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"]);
     if ($fullfromhost == "") {
         @($fullfromhost = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]);
         $fromhost = $fullfromhost;
     } else {
         $ips = explode(",", $fullfromhost);
         $c = count($ips);
         if ($c > 1) {
             $fromhost = trim($ips[$c - 1]);
             if (isset($proxyIPs) && in_array($fromhost, $proxyIPs)) {
                 $fromhost = $ips[$c - 2];
         } else {
             $fromhost = $fullfromhost;
     if ($fromhost == "") {
         $fromhost = "";
         $fullfromhost = "";
     if (defined("IPV6_LEGACY_IPV4_DISPLAY")) {
         if (strchr($fromhost, '.') && ($p = strrchr($fromhost, ':'))) {
             $fromhost = substr($p, 1);
     //sometimes,fromhost has strang space
     bbs_setfromhost(trim($fromhost), trim($fullfromhost));
Exemple #16
 public function execute()
     if (!defined('WIKIHIERO_VERSION')) {
         $this->error("Please install WikiHiero first!\n", true);
     $wh_prefabs = "\$wh_prefabs = array(\n";
     $wh_files = "\$wh_files   = array(\n";
     $imgDir = dirname(__FILE__) . '/img/';
     if (is_dir($imgDir)) {
         $dh = opendir($imgDir);
         if ($dh) {
             while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) {
                 if (stristr($file, WikiHiero::IMAGE_EXT)) {
                     list($width, $height, $type, $attr) = getimagesize($imgDir . $file);
                     $wh_files .= "  \"" . WikiHiero::getCode($file) . "\" => array( {$width}, {$height} ),\n";
                     if (strchr($file, '&')) {
                         $wh_prefabs .= "  \"" . WikiHiero::getCode($file) . "\",\n";
     } else {
         $this->error("Images directory {$imgDir} not found!\n", true);
     $wh_prefabs .= ");";
     $wh_files .= ");";
     $file = fopen('data/tables.php', 'w+');
     fwrite($file, "<?php\n\n");
     fwrite($file, '// File created by generateTables.php version ' . WIKIHIERO_VERSION . "\n");
     fwrite($file, '// ' . date('Y-m-d \\a\\t H:i') . "\n\n");
     fwrite($file, "{$wh_prefabs}\n\n{$wh_files}\n\n{$this->moreTables}\n");
function highlight($word, $s)
    $text = '';
    $s = split(' ', $s);
    foreach ($s as $w) {
        if ($w == $word) {
            $text .= $w . ' ';
        } elseif (strchr($w, '_') !== false) {
            $text .= str_replace('_', ' ', $w) . ' ';
        } else {
            $ww = $w;
            $ln = strlen($w);
            if ($ln > 2) {
                $tail = substr($w, -2);
                if ($tail == "'s" || $tail == "'d") {
                    $ww = substr($w, 0, $ln - 2);
                } else {
                    $tail = substr($w, -3);
                    if ($tail == "'ve" || $tail == "'ll" || $tail == "'re" || $tail == "'em") {
                        $ww = substr($w, 0, $ln - 3);
            $text .= "<A HREF=\"javascript:show_word('" . $ww . "')\" class=\"normal\">" . $w . '</A> ';
    return $text;
Exemple #18
 * Show all catalogue
function ShowCatalogueList()
    global $db;
    $nc_core = nc_Core::get_object();
    $all_sites = $nc_core->catalogue->get_all();
    if (!empty($all_sites)) {
        $td = "<td>";
        echo "\n\t\t<form method='post' action='index.php'>\n\n\t\t<table border='0' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' width='99%' class='border-bottom'>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t<td>ID</td>\n\t\t<td width='60%'>" . CONTROL_CONTENT_CATALOUGE_FUNCS_SHOWCATALOGUELIST_SITE . "</td>\n\t\t<td>" . CONTROL_CONTENT_CATALOUGE_FUNCS_SHOWCATALOGUELIST_SUBSECTIONS . "</td>\n\t\t<td>\n\t\t  <div class='icons icon_prior' title='" . CONTROL_CONTENT_CATALOUGE_FUNCS_SHOWCATALOGUELIST_PRIORITY . "'></div></td>\n\t\t<td>" . CONTROL_CONTENT_CATALOUGE_FUNCS_SHOWCATALOGUELIST_GOTO . "</td>\n\t\t<td>\n\t\t  <div class='icons icon_delete' title='" . CONTROL_CONTENT_CATALOUGE_FUNCS_SHOWCATALOGUELIST_DELETE . "'></div></td>\n \t\t</tr>";
        foreach ($all_sites as $site) {
            print "<tr>";
            print $td . (!$site['Checked'] ? "<font>" : "<font>") . $site['Catalogue_ID'] . "</font></td>";
            print $td . "<a href='{$ADMIN_PATH}subdivision/full.php?CatalogueID={$site['Catalogue_ID']}'>" . (!$site['Checked'] ? "<font color='cccccc'>" : "<font>") . $site['Catalogue_Name'] . "</a></font></td>";
            print $td . "<a href='" . $ADMIN_PATH . "subdivision/?CatalogueID=" . $site['Catalogue_ID'] . "'>" . (!$site['Checked'] ? "<font color=cccccc>" : "") . CONTROL_CONTENT_CATALOUGE_FUNCS_SHOWCATALOGUELIST_LIST . " (" . HighLevelChildrenNumber($site['Catalogue_ID']) . ")</a></td>\n";
            print "<td>" . nc_admin_input_simple("Priority" . $site['Catalogue_ID'], $site['Priority'] ? $site['Priority'] : 0, 3, "class='s' maxlength='5'") . "</td>\n";
            print "<td>";
            print "<a href=index.php?phase=2&CatalogueID=" . $site['Catalogue_ID'] . "&type=2><div class='icons icon_settings" . (!$site['Checked'] ? "_disabled" : "") . "' title='" . CONTROL_CONTENT_CATALOUGE_FUNCS_SHOWCATALOGUELIST_TOOPTIONS . "'></div></a>";
            print !GetSubClassCount($site['Title_Sub_ID']) ? "<img src=" . $ADMIN_PATH . "images/emp.gif width=18 height=18 style='margin:0px 2px 0px 2px;'>" : "<a target=_blank href=http://" . $EDIT_DOMAIN . $SUB_FOLDER . $HTTP_ROOT_PATH . "?catalogue=" . $site['Catalogue_ID'] . "&sub=" . $site['Title_Sub_ID'] . (nc_strlen(session_id()) > 0 ? "&" . session_name() . "=" . session_id() . "" : "") . "><div class='icons icon_pencil" . (!$site['Checked'] ? "_disabled" : "") . "' title='" . CONTROL_CONTENT_CATALOUGE_FUNCS_SHOWCATALOGUELIST_EDIT . "'></div></a>";
            print "<a href=http://" . ($site['Domain'] ? strchr($site['Domain'], ".") ? $site['Domain'] : $site['Domain'] . "." . $DOMAIN_NAME : $DOMAIN_NAME) . $SUB_FOLDER . (nc_strlen(session_id()) > 0 ? "?" . session_name() . "=" . session_id() . "" : "") . " target=_blank><div class='icons icon_preview" . (!$site['Checked'] ? "_disabled" : "") . "' title='" . CONTROL_CONTENT_CATALOUGE_FUNCS_SHOWCATALOGUELIST_SHOW . "'></div></a>";
            print "</td>";
            print "<td>" . nc_admin_checkbox_simple("Delete" . $site['Catalogue_ID'], $site['Catalogue_ID']) . "</td>\n";
            print "</tr>\n";
        echo "\n \t\t</table>\n\t\t<br />\n    " . $nc_core->token->get_input() . "\n \t\t<input type=hidden name=phase value='4' />\n \t\t<input class='hidden' type='submit' />\n \t\t</form>\n\t  ";
    } else {
    return 0;
 public function fileUpload(Request $request)
     // return ($request->file('photo')->getMimeType());
     if ($request->hasFile('photo')) {
         $messages = ['photo.image' => '上传文件必须是图片', 'photo.max' => '上传文件不能大于:maxkb'];
         $this->validate($request, ['photo' => 'image|max:500'], $messages);
         if ($request->file('photo')->isValid()) {
             $file_pre = getdate()[0];
             $file_suffix = substr(strchr($request->file('photo')->getMimeType(), "/"), 1);
             $destinationPath = 'uploads';
             $fileName = $file_pre . '.' . $file_suffix;
             $request->file('photo')->move($destinationPath, $fileName);
             $img = new Img();
             $img->name = $fileName;
             Session()->flash('img', $fileName);
             // return view('/admin/fileselect');
             return $fileName;
         } else {
             return "上传文件无效!";
     } else {
         return "文件上传失败!";
Exemple #20
function Corrida($txt_numero)
    $corrida = array();
    if (strlen(strchr($txt_numero, '-')) > 0) {
        $numeros = explode('-', $txt_numero);
        $numero1 = $numeros[0];
        $numero2 = $numeros[1];
        $diferencia = $numero1 - $numero2;
        if ($numero1 > 0 && $numero2 > 0) {
            $cadena = '';
            $flag = false;
            if ($diferencia < 0) {
                $diferencia = $diferencia * -1;
                $flag = true;
            for ($i = 0; $i <= $diferencia; $i++) {
                if ($flag) {
                    $cadena = $numero1 + $i;
                    $corrida[] = $cadena;
                } else {
                    $cadena = $numero2 + $i;
                    $corrida[] = $cadena;
            return $corrida;
        } else {
            return $txt_numero;
    } else {
        return $txt_numero;
* Smarty {sprite} function plugin
* Type:     		function<br>
* Name:     		sprite<br>
* Purpose:  		将"中间页"显示在on-the-fly的dynamic div中, 
						在保持原"大页面“原状的情况下, 加载需要操作的用户界面(由link的href指定),
						实现及流程类似于Smarty plugin: Confirm
* @link 
* @author 		XU Jian <*****@*****.**>
* @param 		array
* @param 		Smarty

function smarty_function_sprite($params, &$smarty)
    $link = $params['link'];
    if (!isset($link)) {
        $smarty->trigger_error('Smarty plugin sprite error: parameter "link" expected.');
    $width = $params['width'];
    if (!isset($width) || $width == '') {
        $width = '400';
    $height = $params['height'];
    if (!isset($height) || $height == '') {
        $height = '300';
    $oncomplete = $params['oncomplete'];
    if (!isset($oncomplete) || $oncomplete == '') {
        $oncomplete = 'function(){ return;}';
    } else {
        if (strchr($oncomplete, '(') || strchr($oncomplete, 'return')) {
            $oncomplete = 'function(){' . $oncomplete . '}';
    $onload = $params['onload'];
    $onunload = $params['onunload'];
    $onabort = $params['onabort'];
    $onerror = $params['onerror'];
    $onrequirevalidate = $params['onrequirevalidate'];
    $title = $params['title'];
    $mask = $params['mask'];
    $script = Template::RequireJs('/lib/jquery/jquery.form.js');
    $script .= "\n";
    $script .= '<script type="text/javascript">';
    $script .= '$(\'' . $link . '\').sprite(';
    $script .= '{title: "' . $title . '" ';
    $script .= ', oncomplete: ' . $oncomplete;
    if (isset($mask)) {
        $script .= ', mask: ' . $mask;
    if (isset($onload)) {
        $script .= ', onload: ' . $onload;
    if (isset($onunload)) {
        $script .= ', onunload: ' . $onunload;
    if (isset($onrequirevalidate)) {
        $script .= ', onrequirevalidate: ' . $onrequirevalidate;
    if (isset($onabort)) {
        $script .= ', onabort: function(r){' . $onabort . '}';
    if (isset($onerror)) {
        $script .= ', onerror: function(r){' . $onerror . '}';
    $script .= '});';
    $script .= '</script>';
    $script .= "\n";
    Template::ScriptHolder('', $script);
    return '';
function useragent()
    $useragent = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'];
    //print $useragent;
    if (strchr($useragent, "MSIE")) {
        return 'IE';
Exemple #23
function datel_date($format, $tms = false)
    $tms = datel_tms($tms);
    if (strchr($format, 'F')) {
        $format = str_replace('F', datel_quote($GLOBALS['lang']['time_ms_' . gmdate('n', $tms)]), $format);
    return gmdate($format, $tms);
Exemple #24
 function setroute()
     if (strchr($this->path, '/')) {
         list($this->route, $this->path) = explode('/', $this->path, 2);
     } else {
         $this->route = $this->path;
 public static function rpc_get_default(Context $ctx)
     if (null === ($fid = $ctx->get('fid'))) {
         $fid = trim(strchr($ctx->query(), '/'), '/');
     $node = Node::load($fid, $ctx->db);
     $path = os::webpath($ctx->config->getDirName(), $ctx->config->files, $node->filepath);
     return new Redirect($path, Redirect::PERMANENT);
Exemple #26
 public function GetCredit()
     $result = file_get_contents("{$this->wsdl_link}credit.php?user={$this->username}&pass={$this->password}");
     if (strchr($result, 'OK')) {
         return preg_replace('/[^0-9]+/', '', $result);
     } else {
         return false;
 function stripslashes($str)
     global $ost_wpdb;
     //remove backslashes
     while (strchr($str, '\\')) {
         $str = stripslashes($str);
     return $str;
 function checkInvalidChars($formVal)
     $invalidChars = array("~", "`", "!", "@", "#", "\$", "%", "^", "&", "*", "_", "-", "+", "=", "|", "\\", "{", "}", ":", ";", "\"", "'", ",", "<", ".", ">", "?", "/");
     foreach ($invalidChars as $invalidCh) {
         if (strchr($formVal, $invalidCh)) {
             return true;
Exemple #29
 public function haveType($types, $exact = false)
     $ftype = $exact ? $this->datas['type'] : strchr($this->datas['type'], "/", true);
     if (is_array($types)) {
         $types = array_map('strtolower', $types);
         return in_array($ftype, $types);
     return $ftype == strtolower($types);
function CheckFlags($aflag, $flags)
    for ($cc = 0; $cc < strlen($aflag); $cc++) {
        if (strchr($flags, $aflag[$cc])) {
            return $cc + 1;
    return 0;