public function insert_main_content($data) { $data_source = $data; $column_idsarr = explode(',', $data['column_id']); //根据栏目 获取站点id include_once CUR_CONF_PATH . 'lib/column.class.php'; $column_obj = new column(); $column_detail_datas = $column_obj->get_column_by_id(' id,site_id,name,support_client,column_url,folderformat,fileformat,syn_id,parents ', $data['column_id'], 'id'); $this->obj->update('column', ' id in (' . $data['column_id'] . ')', array('content_update_time' => TIMENOW)); //对keywords每个字进行转码 $keywordstr = ''; if (!empty($data['keywords'])) { $keywordstr = str_utf8_unicode($data['keywords']); } //对title每个字进行转码 $titlestr = ''; if (!empty($data['title'])) { $titlestr = $this->get_titleResult($data['title']); $title_pinyin_str = get_spell_title($data['title']); } foreach ($column_idsarr as $kc => $vc) { $firstcolumn = array(); $firstcolumn = $column_detail_datas[$vc]; if (empty($firstcolumn)) { continue; } $site_id = $firstcolumn['site_id']; if (!$firstcolumn['support_client']) { continue; } $client_typearr = explode(',', $firstcolumn['support_client']); $data['site_id'] = $firstcolumn['site_id']; $data['column_id'] = $vc; //查看内容是否存在,如果在相同模块下内容已存在,则报错,如果内容相同,但栏目不同,则只插入内容关联表中 $check_result = $this->obj->check_content($data); if (!$check_result) { $content_status[$vc] = 0; //表示这条内容在几个栏目中已发布的 continue; } //检测文稿内容正文里有无视频跟图集 if ($data['content']) { $material_result = $this->obj->check_material_by_content($data['content']); } if ($check_result != 'new') { $content_status[$vc] = 0; //表示这条内容在几个栏目中后面几个个发布的 //$check_result就是content_id(content表中内容id) //插入数据到关联表中 $content_relation_data = array('site_id' => $data['site_id'], 'bundle_id' => $data['bundle_id'], 'module_id' => $data['module_id'], 'struct_id' => $data['struct_id'], 'column_id' => $data['column_id'], 'column_name' => $firstcolumn['name'], 'content_fromid' => $data['content_fromid'], 'content_id' => $check_result, 'weight' => $data['weight'], 'is_have_indexpic' => empty($data['indexpic']) ? 0 : 1, 'is_have_video' => empty($data['video']) ? 0 : 1, 'keywords_unicode' => addslashes($keywordstr), 'title_unicode' => addslashes($titlestr), 'title_pinyin' => $title_pinyin_str, 'share_num' => $data['share_num'], 'comment_num' => $data['comment_num'], 'click_num' => $data['click_num'], 'publish_time' => empty($data['publish_time']) ? TIMENOW : $data['publish_time'], 'create_time' => empty($data['create_time']) ? TIMENOW : $data['create_time'], 'verify_time' => empty($data['verify_time']) ? TIMENOW : $data['verify_time'], 'publish_user' => $data['publish_user'], 'create_user' => $data['user_name'], 'verify_user' => $data['verify_user'], 'file_domain' => $data['file_domain'], 'file_dir' => $data['file_dir'], 'file_custom_filename' => $data['file_custom_filename'], 'status' => $this->settings['is_need_audit'] ? 0 : 1, 'is_complete' => 0, 'praise_count' => $data['praise_count'], 'is_have_content_video' => intval($material_result['video']), 'is_have_content_tuji' => intval($material_result['tuji'])); $crd_id = $this->obj->insert('content_relation', $content_relation_data); $this->obj->update_column_content_num($data['column_id']); //插入到对应的客户端Liv_content_client表中 foreach ($client_typearr as $kct => $vct) { //对客户端的处理 $content_client_data['client_type'] = $vct; $content_client_data['relation_id'] = $crd_id; $client_check_result = $this->obj->get_content_client('id', $content_client_data); if ($client_check_result) { continue; } else { $this->obj->insert('content_client_relation', $content_client_data); } } //查询各自内容表的id $c_detail = $this->obj->get_content_by_id(' * ', $check_result); $expand_id = $c_detail['expand_id']; if ($data['use_maincolumn']) { $relate_info = $this->obj->get_relate_by_cc($check_result, $c_detail['column_id']); $file_name = $relate_info['file_name']; } else { //计算出内容整个目录 if ($data['make_content_dir']) { $file_name = make_content_dir($data['publish_id'] ? $data['publish_id'] : $crd_id, $content_relation_data['create_time'], $firstcolumn['folderformat'], $firstcolumn['fileformat'], $data['file_custom_filename']); } else { $file_name = make_content_dir($data['publish_id'] ? $data['publish_id'] : $crd_id, $content_relation_data['create_time'], $firstcolumn['folderformat'], $firstcolumn['fileformat'], $data['custom_filename']) . $this->settings['make_content_file_suffix']; } } $this->obj->update_content_relation_by_id($crd_id, array('order_id' => $crd_id, 'file_name' => $file_name)); if (!$this->settings['is_need_audit']) { //整理内容栏目的信息,插入到xunsearch中;先查出现有的content_columns $content_columns = $this->obj->get_content_columns(' * ', array('content_id' => $check_result)); $column_datas = @unserialize($content_columns['column_datas']); $column_datas[$firstcolumn['id']] = array('id' => $firstcolumn['id'], 'column_url' => $firstcolumn['column_url'], 'name' => $firstcolumn['name'], 'relation_id' => $crd_id, 'parents' => $firstcolumn['parents']); $new_content_columns = array('column_ids' => $content_columns['column_ids'] . ',' . $vc, 'column_datas' => serialize($column_datas)); $this->obj->update_content_columns($check_result, $new_content_columns); if (!empty($data['video'])) { //更新百度视频收录 $this->obj->update_video_record($data + array('rid' => $crd_id, 'file_name' => $file_name)); } //判断有无推送,有则插入到content_push表中 //$this->obj->content_push($data,$check_result,$crd_id,true); //插入到xunsearch中 $this->opration_xunsearch($c_detail + $content_relation_data, $new_content_columns, 'update', $column_detail_datas); //判断是否之前有is_complete=1的relation记录,如有,则直接生成,如没有则至is_complete=0并不生成 $cr_datas = $this->obj->get_content_relation($check_result, ' AND is_complete=1 AND column_id!=' . $data['column_id']); if ($cr_datas && is_array($cr_datas)) { //表示之前有完成的记录 $this->obj->update_content_relation_by_id($crd_id, array('is_complete' => 1)); //插入到content_publish_time表中 if (!$data['use_maincolumn']) { $this->obj->insert('content_publish_time', array('content_id' => $crd_id, 'publish_time' => empty($data['publish_time']) ? TIMENOW : $data['publish_time'])); } } } } else { $content_status[$vc] = 1; //表示这条内容在几个栏目中第一个发布的 //查询出所需插入的字段 $tablename = get_tablename($data['bundle_id'], $data['module_id'], $data['struct_id'], $data['struct_ast_id']); $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "content_field WHERE bundle_id='" . $data['bundle_id'] . "' AND module_id='" . $data['module_id'] . "' AND struct_id='" . $data['struct_id'] . "' "; if (!empty($data['struct_ast_id'])) { $sql .= " AND struct_ast_id='" . $data['struct_ast_id'] . "'"; } else { $sql .= " AND struct_ast_id=''"; } $fields = $this->db->query_first($sql); if (empty($fields['field'])) { $result['msg'] = '数据表中没有相关字段'; $result['error'] = '2'; $this->addItem($result); $this->output(); } $fieldsarr = explode(',', $fields['field']); $sqlstr = ''; //插入数据到模块对应表中 // unset($data['id']); foreach ($data as $k => $v) { if (in_array($k, $fieldsarr)) { //如果值是数组,串行化存储 $v = is_array($v) ? serialize($v) : $v; $sqlstr .= $k . "='" . $v . "',"; } } $sqlstr = trim($sqlstr, ','); if (empty($sqlstr)) { $result['msg'] = '数据插入到模块表失败,缺少相关参数'; $result['error'] = '2'; $this->addItem($result); $this->output(); } $expand_id = $this->obj->insert($tablename, $sqlstr); if (!$expand_id) { $result['msg'] = '数据插入到模块表失败'; $result['error'] = '2'; $this->addItem($result); $this->output(); } $content_data = array('site_id' => $data['site_id'], 'column_id' => $data['column_id'], 'bundle_id' => $data['bundle_id'], 'module_id' => $data['module_id'], 'struct_id' => $data['struct_id'], 'expand_id' => $expand_id, 'plan_set_id' => $data['plan_set_id'], 'content_fromid' => $data['content_fromid'], 'title' => $data['title'], 'subtitle' => $data['subtitle'], 'brief' => $data['brief'], 'keywords' => $data['keywords'], 'indexpic' => is_array($data['indexpic']) ? serialize($data['indexpic']) : $data['indexpic'], 'video' => is_array($data['video']) ? serialize($data['video']) : $data['video'], 'outlink' => $data['outlink'], 'child_num' => $data['child_num'], 'source' => $data['source'], 'appid' => $data['appid'], 'appname' => $data['appname'], 'ip' => $data['ip'], 'publish_user' => $data['publish_user'], 'create_user' => $data['user_name'], 'verify_user' => $data['verify_user'], 'template_sign' => $data['template_sign'], 'catalog' => $data['catalog'], 'tcolor' => $data['tcolor'], 'isbold' => $data['isbold'], 'isitalic' => $data['isitalic'], 'use_maincolumn' => $data['use_maincolumn'] ? 1 : 0, 'author' => $data['author'], 'iscomment' => $data['iscomment'] ? 1 : 0, 'is_praise' => $data['is_praise'] ? 1 : 0); $content_id = $this->obj->insert('content', $content_data); if (!$content_id) { $result['msg'] = '数据插入到模块表失败'; $result['error'] = '2'; $this->addItem($result); $this->output(); } //插入数据到关联表中 $content_relation_data = array('site_id' => $data['site_id'], 'bundle_id' => $data['bundle_id'], 'module_id' => $data['module_id'], 'struct_id' => $data['struct_id'], 'column_id' => $data['column_id'], 'column_name' => $firstcolumn['name'], 'content_fromid' => $data['content_fromid'], 'content_id' => $content_id, 'weight' => $data['weight'], 'is_have_indexpic' => empty($data['indexpic']) ? 0 : 1, 'is_have_video' => empty($data['video']) ? 0 : 1, 'keywords_unicode' => addslashes($keywordstr), 'title_unicode' => addslashes($titlestr), 'title_pinyin' => $title_pinyin_str, 'share_num' => $data['share_num'], 'comment_num' => $data['comment_num'], 'click_num' => $data['click_num'], 'publish_time' => empty($data['publish_time']) ? TIMENOW : $data['publish_time'], 'create_time' => empty($data['create_time']) ? TIMENOW : $data['create_time'], 'verify_time' => empty($data['verify_time']) ? TIMENOW : $data['verify_time'], 'publish_user' => $data['publish_user'], 'create_user' => $data['user_name'], 'verify_user' => $data['verify_user'], 'file_domain' => $data['file_domain'], 'file_dir' => $data['file_dir'], 'file_custom_filename' => $data['file_custom_filename'], 'status' => $this->settings['is_need_audit'] ? 0 : 1, 'is_complete' => $data['is_complete'] ? 1 : 0, 'praise_count' => $data['praise_count'], 'is_have_content_video' => intval($material_result['video']), 'is_have_content_tuji' => intval($material_result['tuji'])); /** if($data['publish_id']) { $content_relation_data['id'] = $data['publish_id']; } */ $crd_id = $this->obj->insert('content_relation', $content_relation_data); if (!$crd_id) { $result['msg'] = '数据插入到关联表失败'; $result['error'] = '2'; $this->addItem($result); $this->output(); } $this->obj->update_column_content_num($data['column_id']); //生成内容url $this->obj->update_content_relation_by_id($crd_id, array('order_id' => $crd_id, 'file_name' => $data['file_custom_filename'] ? make_content_dir($data['publish_id'] ? $data['publish_id'] : $crd_id, $content_relation_data['create_time'], $firstcolumn['folderformat'], $firstcolumn['fileformat'], $data['file_custom_filename']) : make_content_dir($data['publish_id'] ? $data['publish_id'] : $crd_id, $content_relation_data['create_time'], $firstcolumn['folderformat'], $firstcolumn['fileformat'], $data['custom_filename']) . $this->settings['make_content_file_suffix'])); //插入到对应的客户端Liv_content_client表中 $content_client_data['relation_id'] = $crd_id; foreach ($client_typearr as $kct => $vct) { //对客户端的处理 $content_client_data['client_type'] = $vct; $check_result = $this->obj->get_content_client('id', $content_client_data); if ($check_result) { continue; } else { $this->obj->insert('content_client_relation', $content_client_data); } } if (!$this->settings['is_need_audit']) { //插入到Liv_content_columns,栏目的相关信息 $column_datas = array($data['column_id'] => array('id' => $data['column_id'], 'column_url' => $firstcolumn['column_url'], 'name' => $firstcolumn['name'], 'relation_id' => $crd_id, 'parents' => $firstcolumn['parents'])); $content_columns = array('content_id' => $content_id, 'column_ids' => $data['column_id'], 'column_datas' => serialize($column_datas)); $content_columns_id = $this->obj->insert('content_columns', $content_columns); if (!empty($data['video'])) { //更新百度视频收录 $this->obj->update_video_record($data + array('rid' => $crd_id)); } //判断有无推送,有则插入到content_push表中 $this->obj->content_push($data, $content_id, $crd_id, false); if ($data['is_complete']) { //插入到content_publish_time表中 $this->obj->insert('content_publish_time', array('content_id' => $crd_id, 'publish_time' => $content_relation_data['publish_time'])); } //插入到xunsearch中 $content_data['content_id'] = $content_id; $this->opration_xunsearch($content_data + $content_relation_data, $content_columns, 'add', $column_detail_datas); } } //对视频跟电视剧处理 if ($data['bundle_id'] == 'livmedia' && $data['app_uniqueid'] == 'tv_play') { $content_detail = $this->obj->get_all_content_by_relationid($crd_id, true); if ($content_detail && $content_detail['content_fromid']) { include_once ROOT_PATH . 'lib/class/tv_play.class.php'; $tv_playobj = new tv_play(); $tv_playobj->update_tv($content_detail['content_fromid'], $content_detail['content_url']); } } $content_rid[$vc] = $crd_id; } if ($expand_id) { //清除memcache缓存 $this->memcache_flush(APP_UNIQUEID); $result['msg'] = 'ok'; $result['expand_id'] = $expand_id; $result['content_rid'] = $content_rid; $result['content_status'] = $content_status; } else { $result['msg'] = '同一内容,同一栏目,同一客户端内容重复'; $result['error'] = '3'; } $this->addItem($result); $this->output(); }
/** * 给需要搜索的标题进行分词后格式转换 * 如标题:纠结“单独二胎” 折射理性生育观 * 转换后:7ea07ed3 535572ec 4e8c 4e8c80ce 62985c04 74066027 751f80b2 89c2 * :纠结 单独 二 */ public function get_titleResult($title) { $title_result = $this->xs_getResult($title); if ($title_result && is_array($title_result)) { foreach ($title_result as $tr_v) { $title_resultstr .= $tr_tag . $tr_v['word']; $tr_tag = ','; } $title = str_utf8_unicode($title_resultstr); } else { $title = str_utf8_unicode($title); } return $title; }
public function update() { $con = $content_con = ''; $data = $this->input['data']; if (!$data['content_fromid']) { exit; } $fromid = $data['content_fromid']; $data['struct_ast_id'] = empty($data['struct_ast_id']) ? '' : $data['struct_ast_id']; $field = $this->obj->get_field($data['bundle_id'], $data['module_id'], $data['struct_id'], $data['struct_ast_id']); $tablename = get_tablename($data['bundle_id'], $data['module_id'], $data['struct_id'], $data['struct_ast_id']); $fieldsarr = explode(',', $field['field']); unset($data['id']); unset($data['expand_id']); foreach ($data as $ku => $vu) { if (in_array($ku, $fieldsarr)) { $con .= $ku . "='" . (is_array($vu) ? serialize($vu) : $vu) . "',"; } } $con = trim($con, ','); if (!$con) { exit; } $this->obj->update_child_table($tablename, $con, $fromid); //请求前端更新,插入到content_publish_time表中,查询关联表里的id $relation_ids_arr = $this->obj->get_relationid_by_expand_id($data['bundle_id'], $data['module_id'], $data['struct_id'], $fromid); //如果没有子表,则同时更新content表 if (!$data['struct_ast_id']) { $content_con = ''; //对keywords每个字进行转码 $keywordstr = ''; if (!empty($data['keywords'])) { $keywordstr = str_utf8_unicode($data['keywords']); } //对title每个字进行转码 $titlestr = ''; if (!empty($data['title'])) { $titlestr = $this->get_titleResult($data['title']); $title_pinyin_str = get_spell_title($data['title']); } //检测文稿内容正文里有无视频跟图集 if ($data['content']) { $material_result = $this->obj->check_material_by_content($data['content']); } $update_content_data = array('title' => $data['title'], 'subtitle' => $data['subtitle'], 'brief' => $data['brief'], 'keywords' => $data['keywords'], 'indexpic' => is_array($data['indexpic']) ? serialize($data['indexpic']) : $data['indexpic'], 'video' => is_array($data['video']) ? serialize($data['video']) : $data['video'], 'outlink' => $data['outlink'], 'child_num' => $data['child_num'], 'source' => $data['source'], 'ip' => $data['ip'], 'create_user' => $data['user_name'], 'verify_user' => $data['verify_user'], 'template_sign' => $data['template_sign'], 'catalog' => $data['catalog'], 'tcolor' => $data['tcolor'], 'isbold' => $data['isbold'], 'isitalic' => $data['isitalic'], 'author' => $data['author'], 'iscomment' => $data['iscomment'] ? 1 : 0, 'is_praise' => $data['is_praise'] ? 1 : 0); $sql_extra = $space = ' '; foreach ($update_content_data as $k => $v) { $sql_extra .= $space . $k . "='" . $v . "'"; $space = ','; } //更新content表并返回新信息 $content_detail = $this->obj->update_content($data['bundle_id'], $data['module_id'], $data['struct_id'], $fromid, $sql_extra); $update_content_relation_data = array('is_have_indexpic' => empty($data['indexpic']) ? 0 : 1, 'is_have_video' => empty($data['video']) ? 0 : 1, 'keywords_unicode' => addslashes($keywordstr), 'title_unicode' => addslashes($titlestr), 'title_pinyin' => addslashes($title_pinyin_str), 'share_num' => $data['share_num'], 'comment_num' => $data['comment_num'], 'click_num' => $data['click_num'], 'create_time' => empty($data['create_time']) ? TIMENOW : $data['create_time'], 'verify_time' => empty($data['verify_time']) ? TIMENOW : $data['verify_time'], 'praise_count' => $data['praise_count'], 'is_have_content_video' => intval($material_result['video']), 'is_have_content_tuji' => intval($material_result['tuji'])); if ($this->settings['is_support_update_weight']) { $update_content_relation_data['weight'] = $data['weight']; } $this->obj->update('content_relation', ' content_id=' . $content_detail['id'], $update_content_relation_data); $sql = "select * from " . DB_PREFIX . "content_relation where content_id=" . $content_detail['id']; $rinfo = $this->db->query($sql); while ($rrow = $this->db->fetch_array($rinfo)) { $rid_column_id[$rrow['id']] = $rrow['column_id']; $rid_column_data[$rrow['column_id']] = $rrow; $last_relation_data = $rrow; } /** //更新relation表 $update_relation_data = array( 'file_domain' => $data['file_domain'], 'file_dir' => $data['file_dir'], 'file_custom_filename' => $data['file_custom_filename'], ); $sql = "select id,column_id,file_custom_filename,file_name from " . DB_PREFIX . "content_relation where content_id=" . $content_detail['id']; $rinfo = $this->db->query($sql); while ($rrow = $this->db->fetch_array($rinfo)) { $rid_column_id[$rrow['id']] = $rrow['column_id']; if ($data['file_custom_filename']) { if (strrpos($v['file_name'], '/') === false) { $update_relation_data['file_name'] = $data['file_custom_filename']; } else { $update_relation_data['file_name'] = substr($v['file_name'], 0, strrpos($v['file_name'], '/') + 1) . $v['file_custom_filename']; } } $this->obj->update('content_relation', ' id=' . $rrow['id'], $update_relation_data); } */ //更新百度视频收录 if ($content_detail['is_have_video']) { $this->obj->update_content_video_record(implode(',', $relation_ids_arr), $content_detail); } //判断有无推送,有则插入到content_push表中 $this->obj->content_push($data, $content_detail['id'], $rid_column_data[$content_detail['column_id']]['id'], true); //更新xunsearch $content_columns = $this->obj->get_content_columns(' * ', array('content_id' => $content_detail['id'])); $this->update_xunsearch($data, $content_detail + $last_relation_data, $content_columns, ''); } //删除缓存 if ($data['struct_ast_id']) { $data_id = $this->obj->get_update_child_id($tablename, $con, $fromid, false); } else { $data_id = $this->obj->get_update_child_id($tablename, $con, $fromid); } if ($data_id) { include CUR_CONF_PATH . 'lib/cache.class.php'; $this->cache = new Cache(); $this->cache->initialize(CUR_CONF_PATH . 'cache/' . $tablename . '/'); $this->cache->delete($data_id); } //清除memcache缓存 $this->memcache_flush(APP_UNIQUEID); foreach ($relation_ids_arr as $v) { if ($data['use_maincolumn']) { if ($rid_column_id[$v] == $content_detail['column_id']) { $this->obj->insert('content_publish_time', array('content_id' => $v, 'publish_time' => TIMENOW)); } } else { $this->obj->insert('content_publish_time', array('content_id' => $v, 'publish_time' => TIMENOW)); } } //更新主内容childs_data内容 if ($data['bundle_id'] == 'tuji') { $this->obj->insert_childs_to_content($data['bundle_id'], $data['module_id'], $data['struct_id'], 'tuji_pics', '', $v); } }
public function get_content_condition($to_count = false) { $condition = $other_field = ''; $condition .= " WHERE 1 "; if ($client_type = intval($this->input['client_type'])) { $condition .= " AND cr.client_type='" . $client_type . "'"; } $condition .= " AND r.is_complete=1 "; if ($this->settings['is_need_audit']) { $condition .= " AND r.status=1"; } //支持多个栏目 if ($min_id = intval($this->input['min_id'])) { $condition .= " AND>" . $min_id; } if ($this->input['id']) { $ids = hg_filter_ids($this->input['id']); $condition .= " AND IN (" . $ids . ')'; } if ($site_id = intval($this->input['site_id'])) { $condition .= " AND r.site_id=" . $site_id; } $column_id = urldecode($this->input['column_id']); if (!$column_id && ($column_name = trim($this->input['column_name']))) { $fid = intval($this->input['fid']); $column_name = explode(',', $column_name); if (!$this->input['child_column']) { $sql = 'SELECT parents FROM ' . DB_PREFIX . "column WHERE id=" . $fid; $info = $this->db->query_first($sql); if ($info['parents']) { $parents = explode(',', $info['parents']); $fid = $parents[count($parents) - 1]; } if ($fid) { $sql = 'SELECT id FROM ' . DB_PREFIX . "column WHERE concat(',', parents, ',') LIKE '%," . $fid . ",%' AND name IN ('" . implode("','", $column_name) . "')"; } else { $sql = 'SELECT id FROM ' . DB_PREFIX . "column WHERE name IN ('" . implode("','", $column_name) . "')"; } } else { $sql = 'SELECT id FROM ' . DB_PREFIX . "column WHERE fid={$fid} AND name IN ('" . implode("','", $column_name) . "')"; } $tmp_column = array(); $info = $this->db->query($sql); while ($row = $this->db->fetch_array($info)) { $tmp_column[] = $row['id']; } $column_id = implode(',', $tmp_column); if (!$column_id && $fid) { $column_id = $fid; } } if ($column_id) { $column_ids = ''; $column_id = explode(',', $column_id); $column_id = "'" . implode("','", $column_id) . "'"; if (!$this->input['not_need_child_column']) { $columns_data = $this->column->get_column_by_id(' id,name,fid,parents,childs,content_num ', $column_id, 'id'); $tag = ''; if (is_array($columns_data) && $columns_data) { foreach ($columns_data as $k => $v) { $column_ids .= $tag . $v['childs']; $tag = ','; } } } else { $column_ids = $column_id; } if ($column_ids) { $column_idarr = @array_unique(explode(',', $column_ids)); $column_ids = implode(',', $column_idarr); $condition .= " AND r.column_id in (" . $column_ids . ")"; } else { $this->errorOutput(NO_COLUMN_ID); } } if ($bundle_id = urldecode($this->input['bundle_id'])) { $bundle_idarr = explode(',', $bundle_id); $condition .= " AND r.bundle_id in ('" . implode("','", $bundle_idarr) . "')"; } if ($this->input['exclude_special']) { $condition .= " AND r.bundle_id != '" . $this->input['exclude_special'] . "'"; } if ($this->input['exclude_bundle']) { $exclude_bundle = explode(',', $this->input['exclude_bundle']); $condition .= " AND r.bundle_id NOT IN('" . implode("','", $exclude_bundle) . "')"; } if ($module_id = urldecode($this->input['module_id'])) { $condition .= " AND r.module_id='" . $module_id . "'"; } if (isset($this->input['weight']) && $this->input['weight'] !== '' && $this->input['weight'] != -1) { $condition .= " AND r.weight='" . intval($this->input['weight']) . "'"; } if ($exclude_id = $this->input['exclude_id']) { $condition .= " AND r.content_id not in (" . $exclude_id . ")"; } if ($cid = $this->input['cid']) { $cid = hg_filter_ids($this->input['cid']); $condition .= " AND r.content_id in (" . $cid . ")"; } //查询权重 if (isset($this->input['start_weight']) && intval($this->input['start_weight']) >= 0) { $condition .= " AND r.weight >= " . $this->input['start_weight']; } if (isset($this->input['end_weight']) && intval($this->input['end_weight']) >= 0) { $condition .= " AND r.weight <= " . $this->input['end_weight']; } if (isset($this->input['except_weight']) && $this->input['except_weight'] !== '') { $condition .= " AND r.weight != " . intval($this->input['except_weight']); } if (isset($this->input['is_have_indexpic']) && $this->input['is_have_indexpic'] !== '') { $condition .= " AND r.is_have_indexpic=" . intval($this->input['is_have_indexpic']); } if (isset($this->input['is_have_video']) && $this->input['is_have_video'] !== '') { $condition .= " AND r.is_have_video=" . intval($this->input['is_have_video']); } if ($start_time = trim(urldecode($this->input['starttime']))) { if ($start_time = strtotime($start_time)) { $condition .= " AND r.publish_time >= '" . $start_time . "'"; } } if ($end_time = trim(urldecode($this->input['endtime']))) { if ($end_time = strtotime($end_time)) { $condition .= " AND r.publish_time <= '" . $end_time . "'"; } } if ($create_user = trim($this->input['create_user'], ' ')) { $condition .= " AND r.create_user='******'create_user'] . "' "; } if ($publish_user = trim($this->input['publish_user'], ' ')) { $condition .= " AND r.publish_user='******'publish_user'] . "' "; } //查询发布的时间 if ($this->input['date_search']) { $today = strtotime(date('Y-m-d')); $tomorrow = strtotime(date('Y-m-d', TIMENOW + 24 * 3600)); switch (intval($this->input['date_search'])) { case 1: //所有时间段 break; case 2: //昨天的数据 $yesterday = strtotime(date('y-m-d', TIMENOW - 24 * 3600)); $condition .= " AND r.publish_time > '" . $yesterday . "' AND r.publish_time < '" . $today . "'"; break; case 3: //今天的数据 $condition .= " AND r.publish_time > '" . $today . "' AND r.publish_time < '" . $tomorrow . "'"; break; case 4: //最近3天 $last_threeday = strtotime(date('y-m-d', TIMENOW - 2 * 24 * 3600)); $condition .= " AND r.publish_time > '" . $last_threeday . "' AND r.publish_time < '" . $tomorrow . "'"; break; case 5: //最近7天 $last_sevenday = strtotime(date('y-m-d', TIMENOW - 6 * 24 * 3600)); $condition .= " AND r.publish_time > '" . $last_sevenday . "' AND r.publish_time < '" . $tomorrow . "'"; break; default: //所有时间段 break; } } //标题 if ($this->input['k'] || $this->input['title']) { $title = $this->input['title'] ? $this->input['title'] : $this->input['k']; $title = $this->get_titleResult($title . ' '); if ($title) { if ($this->settings['App_textsearch'] && !$this->input['normal_search']) { $condition .= " AND MATCH (title_unicode) AGAINST ('" . $title . "' IN BOOLEAN MODE )"; $other_field = ",MATCH (title_unicode) AGAINST ('" . $title . "' IN BOOLEAN MODE ) AS title_score"; } else { $condition .= " AND r.title_unicode like '%" . $title . "%'"; $not_use_title_score = true; } } } if ($keywords = urldecode($this->input['keywords'])) { $keywordsstr = str_utf8_unicode($keywords); if ($keywordsstr) { if ($this->settings['App_textsearch'] && !$this->input['normal_search']) { $condition .= " AND MATCH (keywords_unicode) AGAINST ('" . $keywordsstr . "' IN BOOLEAN MODE )"; $other_field = ",MATCH (keywords_unicode) AGAINST ('" . $keywordsstr . "' IN BOOLEAN MODE ) AS score"; } else { $condition .= " AND r.keywords_unicode like '%" . $keywordsstr . "%'"; $not_use_score = true; } } } if ($title_pinyin_str = urldecode($this->input['spell_title'])) { $title_pinyin_str = get_spell_title($title_pinyin_str); if ($title_pinyin_str) { $condition .= " AND MATCH (title_pinyin) AGAINST ('" . $title_pinyin_str . "' IN BOOLEAN MODE )"; $other_field = ",MATCH (title_pinyin) AGAINST ('" . $title_pinyin_str . "' IN BOOLEAN MODE ) AS title_pinyin"; } } if ($this->input['need_group_cid']) { $condition .= " GROUP BY r.content_id "; } if (!$to_count) { $order_tag = true; $condition .= " ORDER BY "; if ($keywordsstr && !$not_use_score) { $condition .= " score DESC "; $order_tag = false; } else { if ($title && !$not_use_title_score) { $condition .= " title_score DESC "; $order_tag = false; } else { if ($spell_title_str) { $condition .= " title_pinyin DESC "; $order_tag = false; } } } //排序 if ($sort_field = urldecode($this->input['sort_field'])) { if (in_array($sort_field, array('weight', 'id', 'order_id', 'publish_time'))) { $condition .= ($order_tag ? " " : ",") . 'r.' . $sort_field . ' '; $order_tag = false; if ($sort_type = urldecode($this->input['sort_type'])) { $condition .= in_array($sort_type, $this->settings['sort_keyword']) ? $sort_type : 'DESC'; } if ($sort_field == 'weight') { $condition .= ' ,r.order_id DESC'; } } else { if (in_array($sort_field, $this->settings['content_field'])) { $condition .= ($order_tag ? " " : ",") . 'r.' . $sort_field . ' '; $order_tag = false; if ($sort_type = urldecode($this->input['sort_type'])) { $condition .= in_array($sort_type, $this->settings['sort_keyword']) ? $sort_type : 'DESC'; } } else { $condition .= ($order_tag ? ' ' : ',') . "r.publish_time DESC "; $order_tag = false; } } } else { $condition .= ($order_tag ? ' ' : ',') . "r.order_id DESC "; } //$condition .= ($order_tag ? ' ' : ',') . " DESC "; } $result['condition'] = $condition; $result['other_field'] = $other_field; return $result; }