public function PPD() { $data['customer_id'] = $this->customer_id; foreach ($_POST as $key => $val) { $cate = substr($key, 0, 3); switch ($cate) { case 'in_': $data[substr($key, 3)] = (int) $val; break; case 'te_': if (strlen($val) == 11 && (int) $val || substr_count($val, '-') == 1 && strlen($val) == 12) { $data[substr($key, 3)] = (int) $val; } else { die('联系方式错误'); } break; case "ur_": if ($val) { preg_match("/^((https?|ftp|news):\\/\\/)?([a-z]([a-z0-9\\-]*[\\.。])+([a-z]{2}|aero|arpa|biz|com|coop|edu|gov|info|int|jobs|mil|museum|name|nato|net|org|pro|travel)|(([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])\\.){3}([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5]))(\\/[a-z0-9_\\-\\.~]+)*(\\/([a-z0-9_\\-\\.]*)(\\?[a-z0-9+_\\-\\.%=&]*)?)?(#[a-z][a-z0-9_]*)?\$/", $val) ? $data[substr($key, 3)] = str_inmysql($val) : die("您输入的网址不正确"); } break; default: $data[$key] = str_inmysql($val); } } //$data['customer_id'] = $this->customer_id; $data['id'] ? (int) $data['id'] : ($data['create_date'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s")); $this->data = $data; return $this; }
public function getPostData() { $postObj = simplexml_load_string($GLOBALS["HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA"], 'SimpleXMLElement', LIBXML_NOCDATA); $post_data['FromUserName'] = str_inmysql($postObj->FromUserName); $post_data['ToUserName'] = str_inmysql($postObj->ToUserName); $post_data['FromMsgType'] = str_inmysql($postObj->MsgType); $post_data['Keyword'] = trim(str_inmysql($postObj->Content, '1')); $post_data['CreateTime'] = str_inmysql($postObj->CreateTime); $post_data['Location_X'] = str_inmysql($postObj->Location_X); $post_data['Location_Y'] = str_inmysql($postObj->Location_Y); $post_data['Label'] = str_inmysql($postObj->Label); $post_data['Event'] = str_inmysql($postObj->Event); $post_data['EventKey'] = str_inmysql($postObj->EventKey); $post_data['PicUrl'] = str_inmysql($postObj->PicUrl); $post_data['Recognition'] = str_inmysql($postObj->Recognition); if ($post_data['Event'] == 'CLICK') { $post_data['Keyword'] = str_inmysql($post_data['EventKey']); } //服务号用户自动上传地理位置的处理 if (strtolower($postObj->Event) == 'location') { $memberLocationModel = new Model_Subtable('member_location'); $memberLocationRow = $memberLocationModel->where("fromuser='******'")->dataRow(); if ($memberLocationRow) { $locationArr['info'][id] = $memberLocationRow['id']; } $locationArr['info'][fromuser] = $postObj->FromUserName; $locationArr['info'][latitude] = $postObj->Latitude; $locationArr['info'][longitude] = $postObj->Longitude; $locationArr['info'][precision] = $postObj->Precision; $locationArr['info'][addtime] = $postObj->CreateTime; $memberLocationModel->add($locationArr); } return $post_data; }
public function add() { $data = array(); if ($_POST['id']) { $data['id'] = (int) $_POST['id']; } $data['content'] = str_inmysql($_POST['content']); $data['tid'] = (int) $_POST['tid']; $data['uid'] = (int) $_SESSION['customer_id']; $data['name'] = str_inmysql($_SESSION['weixin_name']); $res = $this->upsert($data); return $res; }
public function dataFilter($arr) { if ($arr[info]) { $data = $arr[info]; } if ($arr[num]) { foreach ($arr[num] as $k => $v) { $data[$k] = (int) $v; } } if ($arr[str]) { foreach ($arr[str] as $k => $v) { $data[$k] = str_inmysql($v); } } return $data; }
public function getCoupon() { $CouponRecordTable = new Model_ApplistCouponRecord(); $CouponListTable = new Model_ApplistCouponList(); $cfromuser = $this->fromuser; $customer_id = $this->customer_id; //搜索条件 $filter['where'] = " customer_id='{$customer_id}' and state='1' "; $sql = $CouponListTable->select($filter); //解析结果集 $couponInfo = $CouponListTable->fetchRow($sql); $filter['where'] = "fromuser='******' and pid='{$couponInfo['id']}'"; $times = $CouponRecordTable->count($filter); //如果领取次数未满 if ($couponInfo && $couponInfo['end_date'] > date("Y-m-d") && $times < $couponInfo['times'] && $couponInfo['stock'] > $couponInfo['use_num']) { //插入领取成功记录 $data['pid'] = (int) $couponInfo['id']; $data['end_date'] = $couponInfo['end_date']; $data['state'] = 2; $data['customer_id'] = $customer_id; $data['fromuser'] = $cfromuser; $data['create_date'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $data['coupon_name'] = str_inmysql($couponInfo['denomination']); $memberTable = new Model_Member(); $nickname = $memberTable->fetchRow("select nickname from member where fromuser='******' and customer_id='{$customer_id}'"); $data['nickname'] = $nickname['nickname']; $id = $CouponRecordTable->upsert($data); $CouponListTable->query("update applist_coupon_list set use_num=use_num+1 where id='{$couponInfo['id']}' and customer_id='{$customer_id}'"); //获取优惠券 规则信息 返回微信单图文格式 $CouponTable = new Model_ApplistCoupon(); $info = $CouponTable->fetchRow("select * from applist_coupon where customer_id='{$customer_id}'"); //返回微信数据 $data['msgtype'] = 'news'; $data['title'] = $info['title']; $data['description'] = $info['info']; $data['picurl'] = 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . "/data/image_c/" . $info['pic']; $data['url'] = 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . "/mobile/coupon/index.php?id=" . $id . "&pid=" . $data['pid'] . "&fromuser="******"&sign=" . $this->timesign; return $data; } else { $data['msgtype'] = "text"; $data['content'] = $couponInfo['cue']; return $data; } }
$infoModel = new Model_InfoCate(); if (method_is('post') && $_POST['cate_name_two']) { $cate_name = str_inmysql($_POST['cate_name_two']); $id = (int) $_POST['id']; $infoModel->query("update info_cate set cate_name='{$cate_name}' where id='{$id}' and customer_id='{$customer_id}'"); echo "success"; die; } if (method_is('post') && $_POST['del_id']) { $id = (int) $_POST['del_id']; $infoModel->delete("id='{$id}' and customer_id='{$customer_id}'"); echo "success"; die; } $type = $_POST['info_type']; $data['info_type'] = str_inmysql($_POST['info_type']); $data['customer_id'] = $customer_id; $data['cate_name'] = $_POST['cate_name']; $filter['where'] = "info_type='{$data['info_type']}' and customer_id='{$customer_id}' and cate_name='{$data['cate_name']}'"; $nums = $infoModel->count($filter); if ($nums > 0) { echo '1'; die; } $num = $infoModel->insert($data); if ($num > 0) { $row = array('id' => $num, 'cate_name' => $data['cate_name']); $res = json_encode($row); header('Content-Type: application/json'); echo $res; }
$data = Model_Table::get('InfoCommon')->findByWhere("id='{$id}' and customer_id='{$customer_id}' and info_type='" . Model_InfoCommon::get_type($info_type) . "'"); $smarty->assign('infoRow', $data); } //submit if (method_is('post')) { $data['customer_id'] = $customer_id; $data['info_type'] = Model_InfoCommon::get_type($info_type); $data['keyword'] = isset($_POST['keyword']) ? str_inmysql(str_replace(array(';', ','), ',', $_POST['keyword'])) : ''; $data['state'] = isset($_POST['state']) ? (int) $_POST['state'] : ''; $data['cate_id'] = isset($_POST['cate_id']) ? (int) $_POST['cate_id'] : ''; $data['info_title'] = isset($_POST['info_title']) ? str_inmysql($_POST['info_title']) : ''; $data['pic_showincontent'] = isset($_POST['show']) ? (int) $_POST['show'] : ''; $data['info_pic'] = isset($_POST['info_pic']) ? str_inmysql($_POST['info_pic']) : ''; $data['info_desc'] = isset($_POST['info_desc']) ? str_inmysql($_POST['info_desc']) : ''; $data['info_intro'] = isset($_POST['info_intro']) ? str_inmysql($_POST['info_intro']) : ''; $data['info_url'] = isset($_POST['info_url']) ? str_inmysql($_POST['info_url']) : ''; $data['create_date'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $_WGT['TIME']); if (!$data['keyword']) { ajax_feedback(0, '1201'); } if (!$data['info_intro']) { ajax_feedback(0, '1202'); } if (!$data['cate_id']) { $data['cate_id'] = Model_Table::get('InfoCate')->saveDefaultCate($customer_id, $info_type); } //关键词过滤 $keyArray = explode(',', $data['keyword']); $keyTable = new Model_KeywordList(); foreach ($keyArray as $v) { $filter['where'] = "customer_id='{$customer_id}' and keyword='{$v}'";
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, true); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data); } curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); $output = curl_exec($curl); curl_close($curl); return $output; } $BottomMenu = new Model_BottomMenu(); $id = (int) $_POST['mid']; $c_id = (int) $_SESSION['customer_id']; $data = array(); $data['customer_id'] = (int) $_SESSION['customer_id']; $data['menu_name'] = str_inmysql($_POST['m_name']); $data['menu_type'] = str_inmysql($_POST['m_type']); $data['menu_key'] = str_inmysql($_POST['m_key']); $data['menu_order'] = (int) $_POST['menu_order']; $data['id'] = (int) $_POST['m_id']; $data['parent_id'] = (int) $_POST['parent_id']; if ($_POST['act'] == "createMenu") { pub(); } elseif ($_POST['act'] == "createMenuDo") { if ($_POST['m_id'] == '0') { unset($data['id']); } if ($_POST['m_id'] == '999999999') { unset($data['id']); $p = $BottomMenu->fetchRow("select id from bottom_menu where menu_order='{$data[menu_order]}' and customer_id='{$data[customer_id]}' and parent_id='0'"); $data['parent_id'] = $p['id']; } $result = $BottomMenu->insert($data);
$ch = curl_init($url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, $postType); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $jsonData); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('Content-Type: application/json')); $result = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); return $result; } $Customer_Config = new Model_CustomerConfig(); $data = array(); $data['customer_id'] = (int) $_SESSION['customer_id']; $data['c_type'] = str_inmysql('appid'); $data['c_value'] = str_inmysql($_POST['app_id']) . ',' . str_inmysql($_POST['app_Secret']); $data['create_date'] = str_inmysql(date("Y-m-d H:i:s")); $appid = $_POST['app_id']; $secret = $_POST['app_Secret']; $url = "{$appid}&secret={$secret}"; //获取 token $get_token = post($url, $postType = 'GET', ''); if (strstr($get_token, 'errmsg')) { die('无效的AppId'); //如果有获取token成功 } else { if (strstr($get_token, 'access_token')) { $Customer_Config->upsert($data); die('success'); } else { die('微信无应答,请稍候再试!'); }
<?php include_once "../../includes/"; check_login(); //验证是否登录 $postTable = new Model_Subtable('sub_task'); $replyTable = new Model_Subtable('sub_reply'); //回复数据的添加 if ($_POST['action'] == 'add') { //管理员头像 $uRow = D('sub_user')->find(1); $data['info']['head_pic'] = '/data/image_c/' . $uRow['head_pic']; $data['info']['tid'] = (int) $_POST['tid']; $data['info']['content'] = str_inmysql($_POST['content']); $data['info']['name'] = '云姐'; $res = $replyTable->add($data); if ($res) { echo json_encode($res); } exit; } //数据删除 if ($_GET['action'] == 'del') { $id = (int) $_GET['id']; $res = $replyTable->del($id); echo json_encode($res); exit; } //根据ID查询帖子信息 $id = (int) $_GET['id']; $vo = $postTable->find($_GET['id']);
$id = isset($_POST['id']) ? (int) $_POST['id'] : ''; $data = array(); $data['is_reply'] = 1; $data['reply_list'] = isset($_POST['reply_list']) ? str_inmysql($_POST['reply_list']) : ''; $sqlStatus = Model_Table::get('Message')->updateById($id, $data); ajax_feedback(1, array('is_reply_str' => Model_Table::get('Message')->is_reply(1))); } //sql $filter = array(); $now_time = time(); $n_time = $now_time - 48 * 3600; $filter['where'] = "customer_id = '{$customer_id}' and create_time > '{$n_time}' and fromuser !=''"; $filter['order'] = "id desc"; //$filter['order'] .= $status ? ',status asc' : ',status desc'; if ($_POST['search']) { $sea = str_inmysql($_POST['search']); $filter['where'] = "customer_id = '{$customer_id}' and msg_content like '%{$sea}%' and fromuser !=''"; //如果是ajax请求48小时外信息 } elseif (method_is('get') && $_GET['act'] == 'history') { $filter['where'] = "customer_id = '{$customer_id}' and create_time < '{$n_time}' and fromuser!=''"; //smarty $smarty->assign("val", true); } //result $msgModel = new Model_Message(); $result = $msgModel->paginate($filter, '*', $page); $pager = $result['pager']; //var_dump($_SESSION['customer_id']);die(); //pager if ($pager['count'] > $pager['size']) { $pagerhtml = new SubPages($pager['size'], $pager['count'], $pager['current'], $pager['range'], 2, '');
$music_table = new Model_InfoVideo(); $data = $music_table->fetchRow("select * from info_video where id='{$id}' and customer_id='{$customer_id}'"); $smarty->assign('infoRow', $data); } //submit if (method_is('post')) { $data['customer_id'] = $customer_id; //$data['info_type'] = Model_InfoVideo::get_type($info_type); $data['keyword'] = isset($_POST['keyword']) ? str_inmysql(str_replace(array(';', ','), ',', $_POST['keyword'])) : ''; $data['cate_id'] = isset($_POST['cate_id']) ? (int) $_POST['cate_id'] : ''; $data['create_date'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $_WGT['TIME']); $data['video_name'] = isset($_POST['video_name']) ? str_inmysql($_POST['video_name']) : ''; $data['video_pic'] = isset($_POST['video_pic']) ? str_inmysql($_POST['video_pic']) : ''; $data['video_desc'] = isset($_POST['video_desc']) ? str_inmysql($_POST['video_desc']) : ''; $data['video_url'] = isset($_POST['video_url']) ? str_inmysql($_POST['video_url']) : ''; $data['state'] = isset($_POST['state']) ? str_inmysql($_POST['state']) : ''; if (!$data['keyword']) { ajax_feedback(0, '1201'); } if (!$data['video_name']) { ajax_feedback(0, '1309'); } if (!$data['video_url']) { ajax_feedback(0, '1308'); } if (!$data['cate_id']) { $data['cate_id'] = Model_Table::get('InfoCate')->saveDefaultCate($customer_id, $info_type); } //关键词过滤 $keyArray = explode(',', $data['keyword']); $keyTable = new Model_KeywordList();
$datatwo['url'] = str_inmysql($_POST['url']); $datatwo['order_num'] = (int) $_POST['order_num']; if ($_POST['act'] == 'sele' && $_POST['d_id']) { $id = (int) $_POST['d_id']; $p_id = (int) $_POST['id']; $rows = $Model_InfoCommonDetail->fetchRow("select * from info_common_detail where id='{$id}' and info_common_id='{$p_id}'"); //$rowsstr = str_replace("\n", "", $rows['msg_content']); //$rows['msg_content'] = str_replace("\r", "", $rowsstr); $res = json_encode($rows); header('Content-Type: application/json'); echo $res; die; } //The One if ($_POST['info_type_form'] == 'one') { $data['keyword'] = str_inmysql(str_replace(array(';', ','), ',', $_POST['keyword'])); $data['id'] = (int) $_POST['id']; $data['state'] = (int) $_POST['state']; $data['customer_id'] = (int) $_SESSION['customer_id']; $data['create_date'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $_WGT['TIME']); $data['info_type'] = (int) 3; //关键词过滤 $keyArray = explode(',', $data['keyword']); $keyTable = new Model_KeywordList(); foreach ($keyArray as $v) { $filter['where'] = "customer_id='{$customer_id}' and keyword='{$v}'"; $nums = $keyTable->count($filter); if ($nums > 0 && !$_POST['id']) { $res = json_encode(array('1' => 'error', '2' => "关键词 \"" . $v . '" 已存在,请更换')); header('Content-Type: application/json'); echo $res;
<?php include_once "../../includes/"; include_once "../../includes/login_check.php"; $customer_id = (int) $_SESSION['customer_id']; $replyModel = new Model_AutoReply(); if ($_POST['save'] == '1') { //params $data = array(); $data['customer_id'] = $customer_id; $data['type_id'] = '2'; $data['is_keyword'] = (int) $_POST['is_keyword']; $data['reply_content'] = $data['is_keyword'] ? '' : str_inmysql($_POST['reply_content']); $data['reply_keyword'] = $data['is_keyword'] ? str_inmysql($_POST['reply_keyword']) : ''; $data['create_date'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $_WGT['TIME']); $data['state'] = (int) $_POST['state']; //save if ((int) $_POST['id'] > 0) { $gxid = (int) $_POST['id']; $replyModel->row_update($data, " id='{$gxid}' and type_id='2' and customer_id='{$customer_id}' "); } else { $replyModel->insert($data); } die('success'); } //find $replyRow = $replyModel->findByCustomerId($customer_id, '2'); //smarty $smarty->assign('replyRow', $replyRow); $smarty->setTpl('info/templates/auto_reply.html')->display();
<?php include_once "../../includes/"; include_once "../../includes/login_check.php"; //var //$member_id = (int) $_SESSION['member_id']; $customer_id = (int) $_SESSION['customer_id']; $page = (int) $_REQUEST["p"] > 0 ? (int) $_REQUEST["p"] : 1; $fromuser = str_inmysql($_GET['fromuser']); if ($_POST['month'] && $_POST['year']) { // $m = $_POST['month']; $y = $_POST['year']; $today = $_POST['year'] . '-' . $_POST['month'] . '-' . date('j', mktime(0, 0, 1, $m == 12 ? 1 : $m + 1, 1, $m == 12 ? $y + 1 : $y) - 24 * 3600); //echo $d=die(); $and = " and left(create_date,10)<='{$today}'"; $start_date = $today = $_POST['year'] . '-' . $_POST['month'] . '-01'; $smarty->assign('mon', $m); $smarty->assign('yea', $y); } else { $today = date("Y-m-d"); $start_date = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('-29 day')); /* $smarty->assign('mon',date('m')); $smarty->assign('yea',date('Y')); */ } $and = isset($and) ? $and : ''; $member = new Model_Member(); $data = $member->fetchRow("select * from member where customer_id={$customer_id} and fromuser='******'"); $smarty->assign("list", $data); $message = new Model_Message(); $result = $message->fetchAll("select msg_content,create_date from message where customer_id='{$customer_id}' and fromuser='******'");
if ($id) { $music_table = new Model_InfoLbs(); $data = $music_table->fetchRow("select * from info_lbs where id='{$id}' and customer_id='{$customer_id}'"); $smarty->assign('infoRow', $data); } //submit if (method_is('post')) { $data['customer_id'] = $customer_id; $data['create_date'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $_WGT['TIME']); $data['location_name'] = isset($_POST['location_name']) ? str_inmysql($_POST['location_name']) : ''; $data['location_intro'] = isset($_POST['location_intro']) ? str_inmysql($_POST['location_intro']) : ''; $data['location_desc'] = isset($_POST['location_desc']) ? str_inmysql($_POST['location_desc']) : ''; $data['location_pic'] = isset($_POST['location_pic']) ? str_inmysql($_POST['location_pic']) : ''; $data['state'] = isset($_POST['state']) ? str_inmysql($_POST['state']) : ''; $data['x_dian'] = isset($_POST['x_dian']) ? str_inmysql($_POST['x_dian']) : ''; $data['y_dian'] = isset($_POST['y_dian']) ? str_inmysql($_POST['y_dian']) : ''; if (!$data['location_name']) { ajax_feedback(0, '1310'); } if (!$data['x_dian']) { ajax_feedback(0, '1311'); } if (!$data['y_dian']) { ajax_feedback(0, '1312'); } //save-InfoLbs $info_id = Model_Table::get('InfoLbs')->upsert($data); //save-keywordlist $list = array('customer_id' => $customer_id, 'info_id' => $info_id, 'keyword' => $data['keyword'], 'info_type' => $info_type); Model_Table::get('KeywordList')->saveForKeywords($list); //return
<?php //后台管理员管理 include_once "../../includes/"; //登录页面显示 if ($_REQUEST['a'] == 'login') { $smarty->setLayout('layout_nologin.html')->setTpl('suser/templates/login.html')->display(); die; } $model = new Model_Subtable('sub_suser'); //登录验证 if ($_REQUEST['a'] == 'doLogin') { $name = str_inmysql($_POST['name']); $pass = md5($_POST['pass']); $res = $model->where(" `name`='" . $name . "' and `pass`='" . $pass . "'")->dataRow(); if ($res) { $_SESSION['suser'] = $res; $_SESSION['customer_id'] = 1378; echo 'success'; die; } die; } //注销 if ($_REQUEST['a'] == 'logout') { $_SESSION['suser'] = null; $_SESSION['customer_id'] = null; echo '<script type="text/javascript">window.location.href="/home/suser/index.php?a=login"</script>'; die; } //判断是否登录