Exemple #1
  * Path in urls configuration to key.
  * Override if necessary.
  * @return array of keys
 protected function getConfigKeys()
     $path = explode('\\', strToLower(get_class($this)));
     $path = array_splice($path, 1);
     // remove first (Csfd)
     return $path;
Exemple #2
  * Get the Solr field associated with a particular browse action.
  * @param string $action Browse action
  * @param string $backup Backup browse action if no match is found for $action
  * @return string
 public function getSolrField($action, $backup = null)
     $action = strToLower($action);
     $backup = strToLower($backup);
     switch ($action) {
         case 'dewey':
             return 'dewey-hundreds';
         case 'lcc':
             return 'callnumber-first';
         case 'author':
             return 'authorStr';
         case 'topic':
             return 'topic_facet';
         case 'genre':
             return 'genre_facet';
         case 'region':
             return 'geographic_facet';
         case 'era':
             return 'era_facet';
     if ($backup == null) {
         return $action;
     return $this->getSolrField($backup);
Exemple #3
 public function __construct($url, array $args = NULL, $method = self::GET, $cookie = NULL)
     $headers = ['Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded'];
     if ($cookie) {
         $headers[] = "Cookie: {$cookie}";
     $polo = ['http' => ['method' => $method, 'header' => implode("\r\n", $headers), 'ignore_errors' => TRUE]];
     if ($args) {
         $polo['http']['content'] = http_build_query($args);
     list($this->content, $rawHeaders) = $this->fileGetContents($url, NULL, stream_context_create($polo));
     if ($this->content === FALSE) {
         list($res) = $this->fileGetContents('http://google.com');
         if ($res === FALSE) {
             throw new Exception('Request failed. Your internet connection is down.', Exception::NO_CONNECTION);
         } else {
             throw new Exception('Request failed. You have been blacklisted by CSFD firewall, which usually lasts for about a day.', Exception::BLOCKED);
     $this->statusCode = (int) substr($rawHeaders[0], strlen('HTTP/1.1 '));
     $headers = [];
     foreach ($rawHeaders as $header) {
         $p = strpos($header, ':');
         if ($p === FALSE) {
             // ignore status header from redirected request
         $key = strToLower(substr($header, 0, $p));
         $value = trim(substr($header, $p + 1));
         $headers[$key][] = $value;
     $this->headers = $headers;
Exemple #4
 function __construct($table)
     $class = get_class($this);
     echo "\n";
  *  \brief Metoda mapujaca wywolania metod w formacie load[typKonfiguracji]
  *  Do stwierdzenia czy zazadano wywolania metody ladujacej konfiguracje o
  *  podanym formacie uzyto wyrazen regularnych. 
  *  \param $name Nazwa wywoˆywanej metody
  *  \param $args Tablica z parametrami wywolywanej metody
 public function __call($name, $args)
     if (ereg('load(.*)', $name, $arr)) {
         return $this->load($args[0], strToLower($arr[1]));
     return false;
function cmpLang($a, $b)
    if ($a == $b) {
        return 0;
    return strtolower($a->TranslatedName) < strToLower($b->TranslatedName) ? -1 : 1;
 function onOpen() {
   $key = $this->getAttribute('key');
   $obj = $this->getDocument()->getVariable($key);
   if(is_object($obj) || is_array($obj)) {
     foreach($obj as $k=>$v) {
       $this->getDocument()->setVariable($k, $v);
       // Loop thru each method to detect it's a getter and include its ret value 
       $rClass = new ReflectionClass($obj);
       foreach($rClass->getMethods() as $rMethod){
         ($mn = $rMethod->getName());
          && ('get' === substr($mn,0,3))
          && (0 == count($rMethod->getParameters()))) {
               $var = subStr($mn,3); //extract the variable name
               $var[0] = strToLower($var[0]); //lower first letter case
       	      $this->getDocument()->setVariable($var, $rMethod->invoke($obj) );
     return self::PROCESS_BODY;
   return self::SKIP_BODY;
Exemple #8
function autoloadFields($class)
    if (strToLower(left($class, 5)) !== 'field') {
    require_once jailpath(DIAMONDMVC_ROOT . '/classes/fields', strToLower(substr($class, 5)) . '.php');
Exemple #9
  * @return string
  * @param string $namespace
 public static function namespaceToName($namespace)
     $result = preg_replace('/' . preg_quote(self::MODULE_SUFFIX) . '$/', '', $namespace);
     $result = preg_replace('/(.)([A-Z])/', '\\1' . self::MODULE_NAME_SEPARATOR . '\\2', $result);
     $result = strToLower($result);
     return $result;
Exemple #10
function draw_array($array, $nice = false)
    global $_josh;
    if (!is_array($array)) {
        return false;
    $return = '<table cellspacing="1" style="background-color:#ccc;color:#333;border:0px;">';
    //if (!$nice) ksort($array);
    foreach ($array as $key => $value) {
        $key = urldecode($key);
        if ($nice && strToLower($key) == 'j') {
        //$value = format_quotes($value);
        if (strToLower($key) == 'email') {
            $value = '<a href="mailto:' . $value . '">' . $value . '</a>';
        if (is_array($value)) {
            $value = draw_array($value, $nice);
        $return .= '<tr><td style="background-color:#eee;"><b>';
        $return .= $nice ? format_text_human($key) : $key;
        $return .= '&nbsp;</b></td><td style="background-color:#fff;">';
        $return .= is_object($value) ? 'object value' : $value;
        $return .= '</td></tr>';
    $return .= '</table>';
    return $return;
  * [Describe function...]
  * @return	[type]		...
 function main()
     global $LANG;
     $this->content .= $this->main_parse_html($this->modData['openKeys']);
     // if no HTTP input conversion is configured, the input was uft-8 (urlencoded).
     $fromCharSet = 'utf-8';
     // if conversion was done, the input is encoded in mbstring.internal_encoding
     if (in_array('mbstring', get_loaded_extensions()) && ini_get('mbstring.encoding_translation')) {
         $fromCharSet = strToLower(ini_get('mbstring.internal_encoding'));
     $clientInfo = t3lib_div::clientInfo();
     // the charset of the content element, possibly overidden by forceCharset
     $toCharSet = t3lib_div::_GP('charset') ? t3lib_div::_GP('charset') : 'iso-8859-1';
     // IE wants it back in utf-8
     if ($clientInfo['BROWSER'] = 'msie') {
         $toCharSet = 'utf-8';
     } elseif ($clientInfo['SYSTEM'] = 'win') {
         // if the client is windows the input may contain windows-1252 characters;
         if (strToLower($toCharSet) == 'iso-8859-1') {
             $toCharSet = 'Windows-1252';
     // convert to requested charset
     $this->content = $LANG->csConvObj->conv($this->content, $fromCharSet, $toCharSet);
     header('Content-Type: text/plain; charset=' . $toCharSet);
 public function authenticate()
     $usersAR = Users::model()->getAllUsers();
     //		var_dump ($usersAR);
     $Users = array();
     foreach ($usersAR as $user) {
         $Users[$user->username] = '';
     			// username => password
     if (!isset($Users[strToLower($this->username)])) {
         echo "Username not found: " . strToLower($this->username);
         echo "<br/>Please go back and try again.";
         $this->errorCode = self::ERROR_USERNAME_INVALID;
         //	$this->errorCode=self::ERROR_PASSWORD_INVALID;
     } else {
         $this->errorCode = self::ERROR_NONE;
         $userID = Yii::app()->db->createCommand()->select('u.userID')->from('Users u')->where('u.username=:username', array(':username' => strToLower($this->name)))->queryRow();
         $this->_id = $userID;
     return !$this->errorCode;
function runTests($path, Container $container)
    global $argv;
    $tests = $argv;
    foreach (file_get_php_classes($path) as $class) {
        if (!is_subclass_of($class, TestCase::class)) {
        /** @var TestCase $test */
        $test = new $class($container);
        if (!$tests) {
        $first = TRUE;
        foreach ($test->getTests() as $method) {
            foreach ($tests as $name) {
                if (strpos(strToLower($method), strToLower($name)) !== FALSE) {
                    if (!$first) {
                        echo "\n";
                    echo "{$method}\n";
                    $first = FALSE;
Exemple #14
 function tdo($attr = '')
     $value = array();
     foreach (split('=', preg_replace("/(\\S+)(\\s)?=(\\s)?/", "PAR_" . "\\1" . "=", $attr)) as $item) {
         if (ereg('^PAR_', $item)) {
             $key = ereg_replace('^PAR_', '', $item);
             $value[$key] = array();
         } else {
             foreach (split(' ', preg_replace("/[\"\\']/", '', $item)) as $i) {
                 if (ereg('^PAR_', $i)) {
                     $key = eregi_replace('^PAR_', '', strToLower($i));
                     $value[$key] = array();
                 } else {
                     $value[$key][] = $i;
     $value["class"][] = "zebra";
     foreach ($value as $key => $values) {
         $a[$key] = join(' ', $values);
     $this->prt2("\n  <td " . joinX(" ", $a, "'") . ">");
Exemple #15
function cmpForumLang($a, $b)
    if ($a == $b) {
        return 0;
    return strtolower($a->Name) < strToLower($b->Name) ? -1 : 1;
  * @param CommandSender $sender
  * @param Command $command
  * @param string $commandAlias
  * @param array $args
  * @return bool
 public function onCommand(CommandSender $sender, Command $command, $commandAlias, array $args)
     if (strToLower($command) === $this->plugin->getDatabase()->get("command-name")) {
         // TODO: 명령어만 친 경우
         if (!isset($args[0])) {
             return true;
         switch (strToLower($args[0])) {
             //TODO: '/예제 어쩌구'
             case $this->plugin->getDatabase()->get("hello-world"):
                 // TODO: '/예제 저쩌구'
             // TODO: '/예제 저쩌구'
             case $this->plugin->getDatabase()->get("dlrow-olleh"):
                 // TODO: 잘못된 명령어를 입력한 경우
             // TODO: 잘못된 명령어를 입력한 경우
     return true;
Exemple #17
  * Tests that all classes are cased properly.  
  * This helps avoid __autoload problems when working 
  * locally on a case insensatie system
 public function lintClassCase($config)
     $nodes = $config->xPath('//class');
     $errors = array();
     foreach ($nodes as $node) {
         $str_node = (string) $node;
         if (strpos($str_node, '/') !== false) {
             if ($str_node != strToLower($str_node)) {
                 $errors[] = 'URI [' . $str_node . '] must be all lowercase;';
         } else {
             if (strpos($str_node, '_') !== false) {
                 $parts = preg_split('{_}', $str_node, 4);
                 foreach ($parts as $part) {
                     if (ucwords($part) != $part) {
                         $errors[] = "Class [{$str_node}] does not have proper casing. Each_Word_Must_Be_Leading_Cased.";
             } else {
                 $errors[] = 'Class [' . $str_node . '] doesn\'t loook like a class';
     if (count($errors) > 0) {
         $this->fail(implode("\n", $errors));
Exemple #18
* Generates bin/magento command files
* This command generates the necessary files and configuration 
* for a new command for Magento 2's bin/magento command line program.
*   pestle.phar Pulsestorm_Generate Example
* Creates
* app/code/Pulsestorm/Generate/Command/Example.php
* app/code/Pulsestorm/Generate/etc/di.xml
* @command generate_command
* @argument module_name In which module? [Pulsestorm_Helloworld]
* @argument command_name Command Name? [Testbed]
function pestle_cli($argv)
    $module_info = getModuleInformation($argv['module_name']);
    $namespace = $module_info->vendor;
    $module_name = $module_info->name;
    $module_shortname = $module_info->short_name;
    $module_dir = $module_info->folder;
    $command_name = $argv['command_name'];
    // $command_name       = input("Command Name?", 'Testbed');
    createPhpClass($module_dir, $namespace, $module_shortname, $command_name);
    $path_di_xml = createDiIfNeeded($module_dir);
    $xml_di = simplexml_load_file($path_di_xml);
    //get commandlist node
    $nodes = $xml_di->xpath('/config/type[@name="Magento\\Framework\\Console\\CommandList"]');
    $xml_type_commandlist = array_shift($nodes);
    if (!$xml_type_commandlist) {
        throw new Exception("Could not find CommandList node");
    $argument = simpleXmlAddNodesXpath($xml_type_commandlist, '/arguments/argument[@name=commands,@xsi:type=array]');
    $full_class = $namespace . '\\' . $module_shortname . '\\Command\\' . $command_name;
    $item_name = str_replace('\\', '_', strToLower($full_class));
    $item = $argument->addChild('item', $full_class);
    $item->addAttribute('name', $item_name);
    $item->addAttribute('xsi:type', 'object', 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance');
    $xml_di = formatXmlString($xml_di->asXml());
    writeStringToFile($path_di_xml, $xml_di);
Exemple #19
function autoloadEvents($class)
    if (strToLower(right($class, 5)) !== 'event') {
    require_once jailpath(DIAMONDMVC_ROOT . '/classes/events', strToLower(substr($class, 0, strlen($class) - 5)) . '.php');
Exemple #20
function mainAutoLoader($class)
    // Exceptions werden leicht besonders behandelt.
    if (right($class, 9) === 'Exception') {
        $file = DIAMONDMVC_ROOT . "/exceptions/{$class}.php";
    } else {
        $class = strToLower($class);
        if (left($class, 10) === 'controller' and $class !== 'controller') {
            $class = substr($class, 10);
            $file = DIAMONDMVC_ROOT . "/controllers/{$class}.php";
        } else {
            if (left($class, 5) === 'model' and $class !== 'model') {
                $class = substr($class, 5);
                $file = DIAMONDMVC_ROOT . "/models/{$class}.php";
            } else {
                if (left($class, 6) === 'module' and $class !== 'module') {
                    $class = substr($class, 6);
                    $file = DIAMONDMVC_ROOT . "/modules/{$class}/{$class}.php";
                } else {
                    $file = DIAMONDMVC_ROOT . "/lib/class_{$class}.php";
    if (file_exists($file)) {
        include_once $file;
Exemple #21
function createPathFromNamespace($namespace)
    $parts = explode('\\', $namespace);
    $path_dir = strToLower('modules/' . implode('/', $parts));
    $path_full = $path_dir . '/module.php';
    return $path_full;
Exemple #22
* Generates plugin XML
* This command generates the necessary files and configuration 
* to "plugin" to a preexisting Magento 2 object manager object. 
*     pestle.phar generate_plugin_xml Pulsestorm_Helloworld 'Magento\Framework\Logger\Monolog' 'Pulsestorm\Helloworld\Plugin\Magento\Framework\Logger\Monolog'
* @argument module_name Create in which module? [Pulsestorm_Helloworld]
* @argument class Which class are you plugging into? [Magento\Framework\Logger\Monolog]
* @argument class_plugin What's your plugin class name? [<$module_name$>\Plugin\<$class$>]
* @command generate_plugin_xml
function pestle_cli($argv)
    // $module_info = askForModuleAndReturnInfo($argv);
    $module_info = getModuleInformation($argv['module_name']);
    $class = $argv['class'];
    $class_plugin = $argv['class_plugin'];
    $path_di = $module_info->folder . '/etc/di.xml';
    if (!file_exists($path_di)) {
        $xml = simplexml_load_string(getBlankXml('di'));
        writeStringToFile($path_di, $xml->asXml());
        output("Created new {$path_di}");
    $xml = simplexml_load_file($path_di);
    //     $plugin_name    = strToLower($module_info->name) . '_' . underscoreClass($class);
    //     simpleXmlAddNodesXpath($xml,
    //         "/type[@name=$class]/plugin[@name=$plugin_name,@type=$class_plugin]");
    $type = $xml->addChild('type');
    $type->addAttribute('name', $class);
    $plugin = $type->addChild('plugin');
    $plugin->addAttribute('name', strToLower($module_info->name) . '_' . underscoreClass($class));
    $plugin->addAttribute('type', $class_plugin);
    writeStringToFile($path_di, formatXmlString($xml->asXml()));
    output("Added nodes to {$path_di}");
    $path_plugin = getPathFromClass($class_plugin);
    $body = implode("\n", ['    //function beforeMETHOD($subject, $arg1, $arg2){}', '    //function aroundMETHOD($subject, $procede, $arg1, $arg2){return $proceed($arg1, $arg2);}', '    //function afterMETHOD($subject, $result){return $result;}']);
    $class_definition = str_replace('<$body$>', "\n{$body}\n", createClassTemplate($class_plugin));
    writeStringToFile($path_plugin, $class_definition);
    output("Created file {$path_plugin}");
Exemple #23
 public static function decode($source)
     $num = sizeof(self::$bArr);
     $len = strlen($source);
     $out = 0;
     if (3 > $len) {
         throw new \Exception("Given code ({$source}} is too short; at least 3 letters expected.");
     if (1 != $len % 2) {
         throw new \Exception("Wrong code ({$source}} given.");
     if ($len != $num * 2 - 1) {
         throw new \Exception("Given code ({$source}} doesn't match given number size.");
     $tmp = array();
     for ($i = 0; $i < $len; $i += 2) {
         array_unshift($tmp, strToLower($source[$i]));
     $exp = 1;
     foreach ($tmp as $i => $v) {
         $p = strpos(self::$bArr[$i], $v);
         if (false === $p) {
             $v = strToUpper($v);
             throw new \Exception("Index \"{$v}\" not found in ({$source}), at least 2 required.");
         $out += $p * $exp;
         $exp = $exp * 20;
     $p = strpos(self::$aArr, strToLower($source[1]));
     if ($p != $out % 5) {
         throw new \Exception("Control number in ({$source}) doesn't match.");
     return $out;
Exemple #24
 static function factory($cn, \cherry\Mvc\Request $req)
     \Cherry\Log(\Cherry\LOG_DEBUG, "Invoking controller: %s", $cn);
     // Check the namespace
     $app = \cherry\Application::getInstance();
     $cfg = $app->getConfiguration('application', 'application');
     $ns = $cfg['namespace'];
     if (substr($cn, 0, strlen($ns)) == $ns) {
         $cpath = explode('\\', strToLower($cn));
         $fpath = CHERRY_APP . _DS_ . 'application' . _DS_ . join(_DS_, array_slice($cpath, 2));
     } else {
         $fpath = strToLower($cn);
     $fpath = str_replace('\\', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $fpath);
     if (substr($fpath, -10, 10) == 'controller') {
         $fpath = substr($fpath, 0, strlen($fpath) - 10);
     $fpath .= '.php';
     if (file_exists($fpath)) {
         require_once $fpath;
         $cobj = new $cn($req);
         return $cobj;
     } else {
         throw new \Exception("Could not include file; " . $fpath);
Exemple #25
 public static function getBrowser()
     $browsers = "mozilla msie gecko firefox ";
     $browsers .= "konqueror safari netscape navigator ";
     $browsers .= "opera mosaic lynx amaya omniweb";
     $browsers = explode(" ", $browsers);
     $nua = strToLower($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']);
     $res = array();
     $l = strlen($nua);
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($browsers); $i++) {
         $browser = $browsers[$i];
         $n = stristr($nua, $browser);
         if (strlen($n) > 0) {
             $res["version"] = "";
             $res["browser"] = $browser;
             $j = strpos($nua, $res["browser"]) + $n + strlen($res["browser"]) + 1;
             for (; $j <= $l; $j++) {
                 $s = substr($nua, $j, 1);
                 if (is_numeric($res["version"] . $s)) {
                     $res["version"] .= $s;
     return $res;
Exemple #26
 public function onCommand(CommandSender $sender, Command $command, $commandAlias, array $args)
     if (!$this->isEnabled() or !$sender->hasPermission("PMSocket.commands")) {
         return false;
     if (!isset($args[0])) {
         $sender->sendMessage(TextFormat::GOLD . "/pmsocket password <password>");
         return true;
     switch (strToLower($args[0])) {
         case "password":
             if (!isset($args[1])) {
                 $sender->sendMessage(TextFormat::GOLD . "[PMSocket] /pmsocket password <password>");
                 return true;
             $this->db["password"] = implode(" ", $args);
             $sender->sendMessage(TextFormat::GOLD . "[PMSocket] The password has been registered!");
             if ($this->resender == null) {
     return true;
 function conv_ringtone($infile, $outbase)
     $outfile = $outbase .'.wav';
     $outfile = $outbase . '.mp3';
     if (strToLower(subStr($infile, -4, 4)) === '.mp3') {
         if (fileSize($infile) <= 1000000) {
             # 1 MB
             if (!@copy($infile, $outfile)) {
                 return false;
             return $outfile;
     if     (is_executable( '/usr/local/bin/mpg123' ))
     	$mpg123 = '/usr/local/bin/mpg123';
     elseif (is_executable( '/usr/bin/mpg123' ))
     	$mpg123 = '/usr/bin/mpg123';
     elseif (is_executable( '/bin/mpg123' ))
     	$mpg123 = '/bin/mpg123';
     	$mpg123 = 'mpg123';
     if (strToLower(subStr($infile, -4, 4)) === '.mp3') {
     	# convert mp3 to wav first
     	$wavfile = $infile .'.wav';
     	$cmd = $mpg123 .' -m -w - -n 1000 -q '. qsa($infile) .' > '. qsa($wavfile) .' 2>>/dev/null';
     	# cuts file after 1000 frames (around 2.3 MB, depending on the rate)
     	# don't use -r 8000 as that doesn't really work for VBR encoded MP3s
     	@exec($cmd, $out, $err);
     	if ($err != 0) {
     		if (is_file($wavfile)) @unlink( $wavfile );
     		return false;
     	$infile = $wavfile;
     	$rm_tmp = $wavfile;
     } else
     	$rm_tmp = false;
     $cmd = 'sox '. qsa($infile) .' -r 8000 -c 1 -w '. qsa($outfile) .' trim 0 125000s 2>>/dev/null';
     # WAV, PCM, 8 kHz, 16 bit, mono
     # "The time for loading the file should not be longer then 3 seconds.
     # Size < 250 KByte."
     # cuts file after 125000 samples (around 245 kB, 15 secs)
     @exec($cmd, $out, $err);
     if ($err != 0) {
     	# $err == 2 would be unknown format
     	if (is_file($outfile)) @unlink( $outfile );
     	if ($rm_tmp && is_file($rm_tmp)) @unlink($rm_tmp);
     	return false;
     return $outfile;
     //return false;
     return null;
     # not implemented
  * Ns\FooBar => foo-bar
  * @return string
 public function getShortEntityName()
     $fqn = $this->repository->getEntityClassName();
     $class = substr($fqn, strrpos($fqn, '\\') + 1);
     return preg_replace_callback('~[A-Z]~', function ($c) {
         return '-' . strToLower($c);
     }, lcFirst($class));
 public function __construct($parent, $type = null)
     $this->_type = strToLower(!empty($type) ? $type : $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']);
     $this->_protect = $this->get('/Config/Request/protect_' . $this->_type, $this->get('/Config/Request/protect', true));
     $this->_verify = $this->get('/Config/Request/verify_' . $this->_type, $this->get('/Config/Request/verify', true));
Exemple #30
 function __construct($fileName = null)
     if ($fileName) {
         $this->fileName = $fileName;
         $this->extension = strToLower(File::getExtension($fileName));