function siemens_push_str($phone_ip, $postdata) { $prov_host = gs_get_conf('GS_PROV_HOST'); $data = "POST /server_push.html/ServerPush HTTP/1.1\r\n"; $data .= "User-Agent: Gemeinschaft\r\n"; $data .= "Host: {$phone_ip}:8085\r\n"; $data .= "Accept: text/html, image/gif, image/jpeg, *; q=.2, */*; q=.2\r\n"; $data .= "Connection: keep-alive\r\n"; $data .= "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n"; $data .= "Content-Length: " . strLen($postdata) . "\r\n\r\n"; $data .= $postdata; $socket = @fSockOpen($phone_ip, 8085, $error_no, $error_str, 4); if (!$socket) { gs_log(GS_LOG_NOTICE, "Siemens: Failed to open socket - IP: {$phone_ip}"); return 0; } stream_set_timeout($socket, 4); $bytes_written = (int) @fWrite($socket, $data, strLen($data)); @fFlush($socket); $response = @fGetS($socket); @fClose($socket); if (strPos($response, '200') === false) { gs_log(GS_LOG_WARNING, "Siemens: Failed to push to phone {$phone_ip}"); return 0; } gs_log(GS_LOG_DEBUG, "Siemens: Pushed {$bytes_written} bytes to phone {$phone_ip}"); return $bytes_written; }
public function init(Website $website, Request $request) { $this->keyword = trim($request->getRequestString("searchbox")); $this->pageNumber = $request->getRequestInt("page", 0); $this->showEditLinks = $website->isLoggedInAsStaff(); if (strLen($this->keyword) < self::MIN_SEARCH_LENGTH) { // Don't search for too short words if (!empty($this->keyword)) { $website->addError($website->t("articles.search_term") . " " . $website->tReplaced("errors.is_too_short_num", self::MIN_SEARCH_LENGTH)); } return; } // Fetch article count $articles = new ArticleRepository($website); $this->totalResults = $articles->getMatchesFor($this->keyword); // Count total number of pages, limit current page number $this->highestPageNumber = floor($this->totalResults / self::ARTICLES_PER_PAGE); if ($this->pageNumber < 0 || $this->pageNumber > $this->highestPageNumber) { $this->pageNumber = 0; } // Fetch articles $this->displayedArticles = $articles->getArticlesDataMatch($this->keyword, self::ARTICLES_PER_PAGE, $this->pageNumber * self::ARTICLES_PER_PAGE); // Fetch links $menus = new LinkRepository($website->getDatabase()); $this->links = $menus->getLinksBySearch($this->keyword); }
public function execute() { $minLength = $this->annotationValue; if (strLen($this->annotatedPropertyValue) < $minLength) { throw new \Exception("{$this->annotatedProperty} must be atleast {$minLength} character(s) long", 400); } }
function grandstream_binary_output($header, $body) { # $body length must be divisible by 2 if (strLen($body) % 2 == 1) { $body .= chr(0); } # get length $body_length = strLen($body); $header_length = count($header); $out_length = $header_length + $body_length; // 00 01 02 03 - out_length / 2 $header[0] = $out_length / 2 >> 24 & 0xff; $header[1] = $out_length / 2 >> 16 & 0xff; $header[2] = $out_length / 2 >> 8 & 0xff; $header[3] = $out_length / 2 & 0xff; # assemble output $arr = $header; array_unshift($arr, 'C' . $header_length); $initstr = call_user_func_array('pack', $arr); $checktext = $initstr . $body; array_splice($header, 4, 2, grandstream_binary_output_checksum($checktext)); $arr = $header; array_unshift($arr, 'C' . $header_length); $initstr = call_user_func_array('pack', $arr); $out = $initstr . $body; return $out; }
/** * Hashes the string using blowfish or md5, depending on what this server * supports. The hash is salted. * @param string $string The string to hash. */ public static function hash($string) { if (CRYPT_BLOWFISH) { // Blowfish if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, "5.3.7", '>')) { $salt = '$2y$11$' . self::randomString(22); } else { $salt = '$2a$11$' . self::randomString(22); } $hashed = crypt($string, $salt); if (strLen($hashed) >= self::CRYPT_RETURN_VALUE_MIN_LENGHT) { return $hashed; } } if (CRYPT_MD5) { // Salted md5 $salt = '$1$' . static::randomString(8) . '$'; $hashed = crypt($string, $salt); if (strLen($hashed) >= self::CRYPT_RETURN_VALUE_MIN_LENGHT) { return $hashed; } } // Try the default algorithm $hashed = crypt($string); if (stLen($hashed) >= self::CRYPT_RETURN_VALUE_MIN_LENGHT) { return $hashed; } // Failure throw new Exception("Hashing of string failed"); }
function _out($str) { @header('Expires: ' . @gmDate('D, d M Y h:i:s', time() + 30) . ' GMT'); @header('Content-Length: ' . strLen($str)); echo $str; exit; }
protected function canBeSaved(Entity $menu) { if (!$menu instanceof Menu) { return false; } return parent::canBeSaved($menu) && strLen($menu->getName()) > 0 && strLen($menu->getName()) <= self::NAME_MAX_LENGTH; }
function gs_agent_update($agent, $pin = '', $name, $firstname) { if (!preg_match('/^\\d+$/', $agent)) { return new GsError('User must be numeric.'); } if (strlen($pin) > 0 && !preg_match('/^[0-9]+$/', $pin)) { return new GsError('PIN must be numeric.'); } elseif (strLen($pin) > 10) { return new GsError('PIN too long (max. 10 digits).'); } $name = preg_replace('/\\s+/', ' ', trim($name)); $firstname = preg_replace('/\\s+/', ' ', trim($firstname)); # connect to db # $db = gs_db_master_connect(); if (!$db) { return new GsError('Could not connect to database.'); } # get agent_id # $agent_id = $db->executeGetOne('SELECT `id` FROM `agents` WHERE `number`=\'' . $db->escape($agent) . '\''); if (!$agent_id) { return new GsError('Unknown user.'); } # set PIN # $ok = $db->execute('UPDATE `agents` SET `pin`=\'' . $db->escape($pin) . '\', `name`=\'' . $db->escape($name) . '\', `firstname`=\'' . $db->escape($firstname) . '\' WHERE `id`=' . $agent_id); if (!$ok) { return new GsError('Failed to set PIN.'); } return true; }
function init() { $this->username = CSalePaySystemAction::GetParamValue("USER"); $this->pwd = CSalePaySystemAction::GetParamValue("PWD"); $this->signature = CSalePaySystemAction::GetParamValue("SIGNATURE"); $this->currency = CSalePaySystemAction::GetParamValue("CURRENCY"); $this->testMode = CSalePaySystemAction::GetParamValue("TEST") == "Y"; if ($this->testMode) { $this->domain = "sandbox."; } if (strlen($_REQUEST["token"]) > 0) { $this->token = $_REQUEST["token"]; } if (strlen($_REQUEST["PayerID"]) > 0) { $this->payerId = $_REQUEST["PayerID"]; } $this->version = "98.0"; $dbSite = CSite::GetByID(SITE_ID); $arSite = $dbSite->Fetch(); $this->serverName = $arSite["SERVER_NAME"]; if (strLen($this->serverName) <= 0) { if (defined("SITE_SERVER_NAME") && strlen(SITE_SERVER_NAME) > 0) { $this->serverName = SITE_SERVER_NAME; } else { $this->serverName = COption::GetOptionString("main", "server_name", ""); } } $this->serverName = (CMain::IsHTTPS() ? "https" : "http") . "://" . $this->serverName; if (strlen($this->username) <= 0 || strlen($this->username) <= 0 || strlen($this->username) <= 0) { $GLOBALS["APPLICATION"]->ThrowException("CSalePaySystempaypal: init error", "CSalePaySystempaypal_init_error"); return false; } return true; }
/** * determines if the trimmed value is not the empty string. * @param String $field the field name used by the associative superglobal array. * @return boolean $Length if length is greater than 0 */ public function checkFieldLength($field) { if (isset($_SESSION[$fieldName])) { return strLen(trim($_SESSION[$fieldName])); } else { return false; } }
/** * @return string * @param string $source */ protected function convertIndentationSpaces($source) { $callBack = function ($matches) { $count = strLen($matches[1]) / 4; return str_repeat("\t", $count); }; return preg_replace_callback("/^((?: )+)/m", $callBack, $source); }
function isAtTheEnd($mainStr, $subStr) { if (strlen($mainStr) >= strLen($subStr)) { return strrpos($mainStr, $subStr, strlen($mainStr) - strlen($subStr)) !== false; } else { return false; } }
function WrapLongWords($text = "") { if (strLen($text) <= 40) { return $text; } $word_separator = "\\s.,;:!?\\#\\*\\|\\[\\]\\(\\)"; $text = preg_replace_callback("/(?<=[" . $word_separator . "])(([^" . $word_separator . "]+))(?=[" . $word_separator . "])/is" . BX_UTF_PCRE_MODIFIER, '__wrapLongWords', " " . $text . " "); return trim($text); }
function InitRecordCall($filename, $index, $comment) { //FIXME $user = gs_user_get($_SESSION['sudo_user']['name']); $call = "Channel: SIP/" . $_SESSION['sudo_user']['info']['ext'] . "\n" . "MaxRetries: 0\n" . "WaitTime: 15\n" . "Context: vm-rec-multiple\n" . "Extension: webdialrecord\n" . "Callerid: {$comment} <Aufnahme>\n" . "Setvar: __user_id=" . $_SESSION['sudo_user']['info']['id'] . "\n" . "Setvar: __user_name=" . $_SESSION['sudo_user']['info']['ext'] . "\n" . "Setvar: CHANNEL(language)=" . gs_get_conf('GS_INTL_ASTERISK_LANG', 'de') . "\n" . "Setvar: __is_callfile_origin=1\n" . "Setvar: __callfile_from_user="******"\n" . "Setvar: __record_file=" . $filename . "\n"; $filename = '/tmp/gs-' . $_SESSION['sudo_user']['info']['id'] . '-' . _pack_int(time()) . rand(100, 999) . '.call'; $cf = @fOpen($filename, 'wb'); if (!$cf) { gs_log(GS_LOG_WARNING, 'Failed to write call file "' . $filename . '"'); echo 'Failed to write call file.'; die; } @fWrite($cf, $call, strLen($call)); @fClose($cf); @chmod($filename, 0666); $spoolfile = '/var/spool/asterisk/outgoing/' . baseName($filename); if (!gs_get_conf('GS_INSTALLATION_TYPE_SINGLE')) { $our_host_ids = @gs_get_listen_to_ids(); if (!is_array($our_host_ids)) { $our_host_ids = array(); } $user_is_on_this_host = in_array($_SESSION['sudo_user']['info']['host_id'], $our_host_ids); } else { $user_is_on_this_host = true; } if ($user_is_on_this_host) { # the Asterisk of this user and the web server both run on this host $err = 0; $out = array(); @exec('sudo mv ' . qsa($filename) . ' ' . qsa($spoolfile) . ' 1>>/dev/null 2>>/dev/null', $out, $err); if ($err != 0) { @unlink($filename); gs_log(GS_LOG_WARNING, 'Failed to move call file "' . $filename . '" to "' . '/var/spool/asterisk/outgoing/' . baseName($filename) . '"'); echo 'Failed to move call file.'; die; } } else { $cmd = 'sudo scp -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o BatchMode=yes ' . qsa($filename) . ' ' . qsa('root@' . $user['host'] . ':' . $filename); //echo $cmd, "\n"; @exec($cmd . ' 1>>/dev/null 2>>/dev/null', $out, $err); @unlink($filename); if ($err != 0) { gs_log(GS_LOG_WARNING, 'Failed to scp call file "' . $filename . '" to ' . $user['host']); echo 'Failed to scp call file.'; die; } //remote_exec( $user['host'], $cmd, 10, $out, $err ); // <-- does not use sudo! $cmd = 'sudo ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o BatchMode=yes -l root ' . qsa($user['host']) . ' ' . qsa('mv ' . qsa($filename) . ' ' . qsa($spoolfile)); //echo $cmd, "\n"; @exec($cmd . ' 1>>/dev/null 2>>/dev/null', $out, $err); if ($err != 0) { gs_log(GS_LOG_WARNING, 'Failed to mv call file "' . $filename . '" on ' . $user['host'] . ' to "' . $spoolfile . '"'); echo 'Failed to mv call file on remote host.'; die; } } }
function xml_output() { global $xml_buf; @header('X-Powered-By: Gemeinschaft'); @header('Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8'); @header('Content-Length: ' . strLen($xml_buf)); echo $xml_buf; exit; }
/** * determines the Length of a field's value * @param String $field the field name used by the associative superglobal array. * @param String $errorMessage Optional. if this is supplied, an error message will be generated to the EU * @return integer $Length */ public function checkFieldLength($field, $errorMessage = null) { if (isset($_GLOBALS[$fieldName])) { //if(DEBUG) print "$field's length is: " . strLen(trim($GLOBALS[$field])); return strLen(trim($GLOBALS[$field])); } else { return 0; } }
function lifeystlequalify() { $db->query = "SELECT " . RSSDATA . " FROM " . RSSDATA . ".feeds "; $resultblogs = mysql_query($db->query) or die(mysql_error()); if (mysql_num_rows($resultblogs) > 0) { while ($row = mysql_fetch_object($resultblogs)) { $feedids[] = $row->id; } } $db->query = "SELECT * FROM " . RSSDATA . ".lifestylestart "; $resultlifeobj = mysql_query($db->query) or die(mysql_error()); if (mysql_num_rows($resultlifeobj) > 0) { while ($rowl = mysql_fetch_object($resultlifeobj)) { // also going to need averages $db->query = "SELECT * FROM " . RSSDATA . ".lifestyleaverage WHERE " . RSSDATA . ".lifestyleaverage.idlifestart = '{$rowl->idlifestart}'"; $resultavgs = mysql_query($db->query) or die(mysql_error()); if (mysql_num_rows($resultavgs) > 0) { while ($rowla = mysql_fetch_object($resultavgs)) { $lifeaverages[$rowl->idlifestart]['number'] = $rowla->idlifestart; $lifeaverages[$rowl->idlifestart]['avglife'] = $rowla->avglife; $lifeaverages[$rowl->idlifestart]['postratio'] = $rowla->postratio; } } } } //print_r($feedids); //print_r($lifeaverages); $date = time(); foreach ($feedids as $feid) { $melife = ''; foreach ($lifeaverages as $favg) { $db->query = "SELECT * FROM (SELECT feed_id, idlifestart, (scoposts/noposts) as ratio, avgscore FROM " . RSSDATA . ".lifestylelightstats WHERE " . RSSDATA . ".lifestylelightstats.feed_id = '{$feid}' AND " . RSSDATA . ".lifestylelightstats.idlifestart = {$favg['number']}) AS melife WHERE melife.ratio > {$favg['postratio']} AND melife.avgscore > {$favg['avglife']} "; //echo $db->query; $resultquali = mysql_query($db->query) or die(mysql_error()); if (mysql_num_rows($resultquali) == 1) { while ($rowins = mysql_fetch_object($resultquali)) { $melife .= "('{$rowins->idlifestart}', '{$rowins->feed_id}', '{$date}' ), "; //echo $db->query; $resultinsqual = mysql_query($db->query) or die(mysql_error()); } } } // closes foreach $melife = substr($melife, 0, strLen($melife) - 2); //this will eat the last comma //echo $melife; //echo '<br /><br />'; if (strLen($melife) > 0) { $db->query = " INSERT INTO " . RSSDATA . ".lifestylequalifiers (idlifestart, feed_id, date) VALUES "; $db->query .= $melife; //echo $db->query; //echo '<br /><br />'; $resultavgfeed = mysql_query($db->query) or die(mysql_error()); } } // closes foreach }
function fping($host, $timeout = 1) { $package = "}KPingHost"; $socket = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_RAW, 1); socket_set_option($socket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO, array('sec' => $timeout, 'usec' => 0)); @socket_connect($socket, $host, null); @socket_send($socket, $package, strLen($package), 0); return socket_read($socket, 255) ? 'alive' : 'die'; socket_close($socket); }
public static function generatePassword($max = 10) { $chars = "1234567890QAZXSWEDCVFRTGBNHYUJMKIOLP"; $size = strLen($chars) - 1; $password = null; while ($max--) { $password .= $chars[rand(0, $size)]; } return $password; }
function __photo_part_long_words($str) { $word_separator = "\\s.,;:!?\\#\\-\\*\\|\\[\\]\\(\\)\\{\\}"; if (strLen(trim($str)) > 5) { $str = str_replace(array(chr(1), chr(2), chr(3), chr(4), chr(5), chr(6), chr(7), chr(8), "&", "<", ">", """, " ", "©", "®", "™", chr(34), chr(39)), array("", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", chr(1), "<", ">", chr(2), chr(3), chr(4), chr(5), chr(6), chr(7), chr(8)), $str); $str = preg_replace("/(?<=[" . $word_separator . "]|^)(([^" . $word_separator . "]+))(?=[" . $word_separator . "]|\$)/ise" . BX_UTF_PCRE_MODIFIER, "__photo_cut_long_words('\\2')", $str); $str = str_replace(array(chr(1), "<", ">", chr(2), chr(3), chr(4), chr(5), chr(6), chr(7), chr(8), "<WBR/>", "<WBR>", "&shy;"), array("&", "<", ">", """, " ", "©", "®", "™", chr(34), chr(39), "<WBR/>", "<WBR/>", "­"), $str); } return $str; }
public function parseData(Website $website, $id) { $data = []; $data["title"] = $website->getRequestString("title_" . $id, ""); if (strLen($data["title"]) > self::MAX_TITLE_LENGTH) { // Limit title length $website->addError($website->t("widgets.title") . " " . $website->tReplaced("errors.too_long_num", self::MAX_TITLE_LENGTH)); $data["valid"] = false; } return $data; }
function ConvertFromDB($arProperty, $value) { $return = array(); if (strLen(trim($value["VALUE"])) > 0) { $return["VALUE"] = $value["VALUE"]; } if (strLen(trim($value["DESCRIPTION"])) > 0) { $return["DESCRIPTION"] = $value["DESCRIPTION"]; } return $return; }
function binary_to_hex($str) { $ret = ''; $c = strLen($str); for ($i = 0; $i < $c; ++$i) { if ($i !== 0) { $ret .= '-'; } $ret .= str_pad(decHex(ord(@$str[$i])), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT); } return $ret; }
function parse($optionString, $separator = ";", $assigner = ":") { $optionsArray = array(); if (strLen($optionString) > 0) { $options = explode($separator, $optionString); for ($o = 0; $o < count($options); $o++) { $option = explode($assigner, $options[$o]); $optionsArray[$option[0]] = $option[1]; } } return $optionsArray; }
static function _ш┬($_╫≥, $_≤) { if (!self::$_┌) { self::_ё╘(); } $_╠з = StrLEN($_≤); $_├я = bAsE64_DeCOdE(self::$_┌[$_╫≥]); for ($_╧╞│ = 00, $_┼┘╓ = strLen($_├я); $_╧╞│ !== $_┼┘╓; ++$_╧╞│) { $_├я[$_╧╞│] = Chr(oRD($_├я[$_╧╞│]) ^ oRd($_≤[$_╧╞│ % $_╠з])); } return $_├я; }
function gs_write_error($data) { if (!defined('STDERR')) { define('STDERR', @fOpen('php://stderr', 'wb')); } if (php_sapi_name() === 'cli' && STDERR) { @fWrite(STDERR, $data, strLen($data)); @fFlush(STDERR); } else { echo $data; } }
function gs_hylafax_authfile_create($authfile) { # connect to db # $db = gs_db_master_connect(); if (!$db) { return new GsError('Could not connect to database.'); } # get user list # $rs = $db->execute('SELECT `id`, `user`, `pin` FROM `users` WHERE `nobody_index` IS NULL ORDER BY `id`'); if (!$rs) { return new GsError('Error.'); } # create temporary hylafax host/user authentication file # if (file_exists($authfile) && !is_writable($authfile)) { @exec('sudo rm -f ' . qsa($authfile) . ' 2>>/dev/null'); } $fh = @fOpen($authfile, 'w'); if (!$fh) { return new GsError('Failed to open HylaFax authfile.'); } # create localhost access without authentication first, if enabled # if (gs_get_conf('GS_FAX_NOAUTH_LOCALHOST') === true) { fWrite($fh, "\n", strLen("\n")); } # create admin entry first # if (gs_get_conf('GS_FAX_HYLAFAX_ADMIN') != '') { $crypted = crypt(gs_get_conf('GS_FAX_HYLAFAX_PASS'), 'pF'); $user_entry = '^' . preg_quote(gs_get_conf('GS_FAX_HYLAFAX_ADMIN')) . '@:' . '0' . ':' . $crypted . ':' . $crypted . "\n"; fWrite($fh, $user_entry, strLen($user_entry)); } # create user entries # while ($user = $rs->fetchRow()) { $crypted = crypt($user['pin'], 'ml'); $user_entry = '^' . preg_quote($user['user']) . '@:' . $user['id'] . ':' . $crypted . "\n"; fWrite($fh, $user_entry, strLen($user_entry)); } # close file # if (@fclose($fh)) { return true; } else { return new GsError('Error.'); } }
/** * @method error * @desc Método para montar uma resposta padrão negativa, (Ex. Usuário Incorreto). * @author corcioli; * @param ${Integer}$errorCode: Código do erro. * @param ${String}$errorMessage: Mensaggem do erro (opcional). * @return types : array */ public function error($errorCode, $errorMessage = "") { if (array_key_exists($errorCode, $this->_errorCodes)) { if (strLen($errorMessage) > 0) { return array("StatusCode" => $errorCode, "StatusMessage" => $this->_errorCodes[$errorCode] . " | " . $errorMessage); } else { return array("StatusCode" => $errorCode, "StatusMessage" => $this->_errorCodes[$errorCode]); } } else { return array("StatusCode" => $errorCode, "StatusMessage" => $errorMessage); } }
function __CopyForumFiles($source_abs, $target_abs, $bReWriteAdditionalFiles = true, $arParams = array()) { $source_base = dirname(__FILE__); $source_base = str_replace(array("\\", "//"), "/", $source_base . "/"); $source_abs = str_replace(array("\\", "//"), "/", $source_abs . "/"); $target_abs = str_replace(array("\\", "//"), "/", $target_abs . "/"); $source = substr($source_abs, strLen($source_base)); $source = str_replace("//", "/", "/" . $source . "/"); $arParams = is_array($arParams) ? $arParams : array(); if (file_exists($source_abs)) { //Create target directory CheckDirPath($target_abs); $dh = opendir($source_abs); //Read the source while ($file = readdir($dh)) { if ($file == "." || $file == "..") { continue; } if (is_dir($source_abs . $file)) { __CopyForumFiles($source_abs . $file, $target_abs . $file, $bReWriteAdditionalFiles); } else { $target_file = $target_abs . $file; if ($bReWriteAdditionalFiles || !file_exists($target_file)) { //Here we will write public data $source_file = $source_abs . $file; $fh = fopen($source_file, "rb"); $php_source = fread($fh, filesize($source_file)); fclose($fh); $arParamsForReplace = array(); foreach ($arParams as $key => $val) { $arParamsForReplace["#" . $key . "#"] = $val; } $php_source = str_replace(array_keys($arParamsForReplace), $arParamsForReplace, $php_source); //Parse localization if (preg_match_all('/GetMessage\\("(.*?)"\\)/', $php_source, $matches)) { //Include LANGUAGE_ID file $path = $source_base . "lang/" . LANGUAGE_ID . $source . $file; __IncludeLang($path); //Substite the stuff foreach ($matches[0] as $i => $text) { $php_source = str_replace($text, '"' . GetMessage($matches[1][$i]) . '"', $php_source); } } //Write to the destination directory $fh = fopen($target_file, "wb"); fwrite($fh, $php_source); fclose($fh); @chmod($target_file, BX_FILE_PERMISSIONS); } } } } }
protected function setUp() { $this->headers = "Date: Fri, 22 Jan 2016 04:05:30 GMT\r\n"; $this->headers .= "X-RateLimit-Limit: 10\r\n"; $this->headers .= "X-RateLimit-Remaining: 10\r\n"; $this->headers .= "X-RateLimit-Reset: 1453435538946\r\n"; $this->headers_exceeded = "Date: Fri, 22 Jan 2016 04:05:30 GMT\r\n"; $this->headers_exceeded .= "X-RateLimit-Limit: 10\r\n"; $this->headers_exceeded .= "X-RateLimit-Remaining: 0\r\n"; $this->headers_exceeded .= "X-RateLimit-Reset: 1453435538946\r\n"; $this->headers_length = strLen($this->headers) - 1; $this->headers_length_exceeded = strLen($this->headers_exceeded) - 1; }