WHERE dom_name =' . $DB->quote($dom_name)); echo '<a href="#" rel="' . $dom_type . '">' . stats_dom_type_title($dom_type) . '</a>'; break; case 'dom_status_edit': // Update status of a reffering domain from list screen by clicking on the type column // Check that this action request is not a CSRF hacked request: $Session->assert_received_crumb('domstatus'); // Check permission: $current_User->check_perm('stats', 'edit', true); load_funcs('sessions/model/_hitlog.funcs.php'); $dom_status = param('new_dom_status', 'string'); $dom_name = param('dom_name', 'string'); $DB->query('UPDATE T_basedomains SET dom_status = ' . $DB->quote($dom_status) . ' WHERE dom_name =' . $DB->quote($dom_name)); echo '<a href="#" rel="' . $dom_status . '" color="' . stats_dom_status_color($dom_status) . '">' . stats_dom_status_title($dom_status) . '</a>'; break; case 'iprange_status_edit': // Update status of IP range from list screen by clicking on the status column // Check that this action request is not a CSRF hacked request: $Session->assert_received_crumb('iprange'); // Check permission: $current_User->check_perm('spamblacklist', 'edit', true); $new_status = param('new_status', 'string'); $iprange_ID = param('iprange_ID', 'integer', true); $DB->query('UPDATE T_antispam__iprange SET aipr_status = ' . (empty($new_status) ? 'NULL' : $DB->quote($new_status)) . ' WHERE aipr_ID =' . $DB->quote($iprange_ID)); echo '<a href="#" rel="' . $new_status . '" color="' . aipr_status_color($new_status) . '">' . aipr_status_title($new_status) . '</a>'; break; case 'emadr_status_edit':
// User can edit Domain global $admin_url; $initial_referer_domain = $domain_name = url_part($initial_referer, 'host'); $domain_status_action = ''; if (!$Domain || $initial_referer_domain != $Domain->get('name')) { // Link to create a new domain $domain_status_action .= action_icon(sprintf(T_('Add domain %s'), $initial_referer_domain), 'new', $admin_url . '?ctrl=stats&tab=domains&action=domain_new&dom_name=' . $initial_referer_domain . '&dom_status=blocked'); } if ($Domain) { // Link to edit existing domain $domain_status_action .= action_icon(sprintf(T_('Edit domain %s'), $Domain->get('name')), 'edit', $admin_url . '?ctrl=stats&tab=domains&action=domain_edit&dom_ID=' . $Domain->ID); } $Form->select_input_array('edited_initial_referer_status', $domain_status, stats_dom_status_titles(), T_('Initial referer status'), '', array('force_keys_as_values' => true, 'background_color' => stats_dom_status_colors(), 'field_suffix' => $domain_status_icon . $domain_status_action)); } else { // Only view status of Domain $Form->info(T_('Initial referer status'), $domain_status_icon . stats_dom_status_title($domain_status)); } } //$registration_ts = strtotime( $edited_User->get( 'datecreated' ) ); if ($edited_User->check_status('is_closed')) { $account_close_ts = $UserSettings->get('account_close_ts', $edited_User->ID); $account_close_date = empty($account_close_ts) ? T_('Unknown date') : format_to_output(date2mysql($account_close_ts)); //$days_on_site = empty( $account_close_ts ) ? T_( 'Unknown' ) : ( round( ( $account_close_ts - $registration_ts ) / 86400/* 60*60*24 */) ); } else { $account_close_date = 'n/a'; //$days_on_site = ( round( ( $servertimenow - $registration_ts ) / 86400/* 60*60*24 */) ); } $Form->info_field(T_('Account closed on'), $account_close_date); $textarea_params = array('cols' => 40, 'maxlength' => 255, 'style' => 'resize: none'); if ($edited_User->ID == 1) { $textarea_params['disabled'] = "disabled";