function stats_dashboard_widget_content() { if (!isset($_GET['width']) || !($width = (int) ($_GET['width'] / 2)) || $width < 250) { $width = 370; } if (!isset($_GET['height']) || !($height = (int) $_GET['height'] - 36) || $height < 230) { $height = 180; } $_width = $width - 5; $_height = $height - ($GLOBALS['is_winIE'] ? 16 : 5); // hack! $options = stats_dashboard_widget_options(); $blog_id = Jetpack_Options::get_option('id'); $q = array('noheader' => 'true', 'proxy' => '', 'blog' => $blog_id, 'page' => 'stats', 'chart' => '', 'unit' => $options['chart'], 'color' => get_user_option('admin_color'), 'width' => $_width, 'height' => $_height, 'ssl' => is_ssl(), 'j' => sprintf('%s:%s', JETPACK__API_VERSION, JETPACK__VERSION)); $url = 'https://' . STATS_DASHBOARD_SERVER . "/wp-admin/index.php"; $url = add_query_arg($q, $url); $method = 'GET'; $timeout = 90; $user_id = JETPACK_MASTER_USER; $get = Jetpack_Client::remote_request(compact('url', 'method', 'timeout', 'user_id')); $get_code = wp_remote_retrieve_response_code($get); if (is_wp_error($get) || 2 != intval($get_code / 100) && 304 != $get_code || empty($get['body'])) { stats_print_wp_remote_error($get, $url); } else { $body = stats_convert_post_titles($get['body']); $body = stats_convert_chart_urls($body); $body = stats_convert_image_urls($body); echo $body; } $post_ids = array(); $csv_end_date = date('Y-m-d', current_time('timestamp')); $csv_args = array('top' => "&limit=8&end={$csv_end_date}", 'search' => "&limit=5&end={$csv_end_date}"); /* translators: Stats dashboard widget postviews list: "$post_title $views Views" */ $printf = __('%1$s %2$s Views', 'jetpack'); foreach ($top_posts = stats_get_csv('postviews', "days={$options['top']}{$csv_args['top']}") as $i => $post) { if ($post['post_id'] == 0) { unset($top_posts[$i]); continue; } $post_ids[] = $post['post_id']; } // cache get_posts(array('include' => join(',', array_unique($post_ids)))); $searches = array(); foreach ($search_terms = stats_get_csv('searchterms', "days={$options['search']}{$csv_args['search']}") as $search_term) { if ($search_term['searchterm'] == 'encrypted_search_terms') { continue; } $searches[] = esc_html($search_term['searchterm']); } ?> <a class="button" href="admin.php?page=stats"><?php _e('View All', 'jetpack'); ?> </a> <div id="stats-info"> <div id="top-posts" class='stats-section'> <div class="stats-section-inner"> <h3 class="heading"><?php _e('Top Posts', 'jetpack'); ?> </h3> <?php if (empty($top_posts)) { ?> <p class="nothing"><?php _e('Sorry, nothing to report.', 'jetpack'); ?> </p> <?php } else { foreach ($top_posts as $post) { if (!get_post($post['post_id'])) { continue; } ?> <p><?php printf($printf, '<a href="' . get_permalink($post['post_id']) . '">' . get_the_title($post['post_id']) . '</a>', number_format_i18n($post['views'])); ?> </p> <?php } } ?> </div> </div> <div id="top-search" class='stats-section'> <div class="stats-section-inner"> <h3 class="heading"><?php _e('Top Searches', 'jetpack'); ?> </h3> <?php if (empty($searches)) { ?> <p class="nothing"><?php _e('Sorry, nothing to report.', 'jetpack'); ?> </p> <?php } else { ?> <p><?php echo join(', ', $searches); ?> </p> <?php } ?> </div> </div> </div> <div class="clear"></div> <?php exit; }
function stats_dashboard_widget_content() { $blog_id = stats_get_option('blog_id'); if (!($width = (int) ($_GET['width'] / 2)) || $width < 250) { $width = 370; } if (!($height = (int) $_GET['height'] - 36) || $height < 230) { $height = 230; } $_width = $width - 5; $_height = $height - ($GLOBALS['is_winIE'] ? 16 : 5); // hack! $options = stats_dashboard_widget_options(); $q = array('noheader' => 'true', 'proxy' => '', 'page' => 'stats', 'blog' => $blog_id, 'key' => stats_get_api_key(), 'chart' => '', 'unit' => $options['chart'], 'width' => $_width, 'height' => $_height); $url = ''; $url = add_query_arg($q, $url); $get = wp_remote_get($url, array('timeout' => 300)); if (is_wp_error($get) || empty($get['body'])) { $http = $_SERVER['HTTPS'] ? 'https' : 'http'; $src = clean_url("{$http}://{$blog_id}&noheader=true&chart&unit={$options['chart']}&width={$_width}&height={$_height}"); echo "<iframe id='stats-graph' class='stats-section' frameborder='0' style='width: {$width}px; height: {$height}px; overflow: hidden' src='{$src}'></iframe>"; } else { $body = stats_convert_post_titles($get['body']); $body = stats_convert_swf_urls($body); $body = stats_convert_chart_urls($body); $body = stats_convert_image_urls($body); echo $body; } $post_ids = array(); if (version_compare('2.7-z', $GLOBALS['wp_version'], '<=')) { $csv_args = array('top' => '&limit=8', 'active' => '&limit=5', 'search' => '&limit=5'); /* translators: Stats dashboard widget postviews list: "$post_title $views Views" */ $printf = __('%1$s %2$s Views', 'stats'); } else { $csv_args = array('top' => '', 'active' => '', 'search' => ''); /* translators: Stats dashboard widget postviews list: "$post_title, $views Views" */ $printf = __('%1$s, %2$s views', 'stats'); } foreach ($top_posts = stats_get_csv('postviews', "days={$options['top']}{$csv_args['top']}") as $post) { $post_ids[] = $post['post_id']; } foreach ($active_posts = stats_get_csv('postviews', "days={$options['active']}{$csv_args['active']}") as $post) { $post_ids[] = $post['post_id']; } // cache get_posts(array('include' => join(',', array_unique($post_ids)))); $searches = array(); foreach ($search_terms = stats_get_csv('searchterms', "days={$options['search']}{$csv_args['search']}") as $search_term) { $searches[] = esc_html($search_term['searchterm']); } ?> <div id="stats-info"> <div id="top-posts" class='stats-section'> <div class="stats-section-inner"> <h4 class="heading"><?php _e('Top Posts', 'stats'); ?> </h4> <?php foreach ($top_posts as $post) { if (!get_post($post['post_id'])) { continue; } ?> <p><?php printf($printf, '<a href="' . get_permalink($post['post_id']) . '">' . get_the_title($post['post_id']) . '</a>', number_format_i18n($post['views'])); ?> </p> <?php } ?> </div> </div> <div id="top-search" class='stats-section'> <div class="stats-section-inner"> <h4 class="heading"><?php _e('Top Searches', 'stats'); ?> </h4> <p><?php echo join(', ', $searches); ?> </p> </div> </div> <div id="active" class='stats-section'> <div class="stats-section-inner"> <h4 class="heading"><?php _e('Most Active', 'stats'); ?> </h4> <?php foreach ($active_posts as $post) { if (!get_post($post['post_id'])) { continue; } ?> <p><?php printf($printf, '<a href="' . get_permalink($post['post_id']) . '">' . get_the_title($post['post_id']) . '</a>', number_format_i18n($post['views'])); ?> </p> <?php } ?> </div> </div> </div> <br class="clear" /> <p class="textright"> <a class="button" href="index.php?page=stats"><?php _e('View All', 'stats'); ?> </a> </p> <?php exit; }