Exemple #1
 * srp_admin_menu_options()
 * This function builds the plugin admin page.
 * @author Luca Grandicelli <*****@*****.**>
 * @copyright (C) 2011-2014 Luca Grandicelli
 * @package special-recent-posts-free
 * @version 2.0.4
 * @return boolean true
function srp_admin_menu_options()
    // Checking if we have the user has the 'install_plugins' permission enabled.
    if (!current_user_can('install_plugins')) {
        // Abort script with message.
        wp_die(__('You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.', SRP_TRANSLATION_ID));
    // Updating and validating data/POST Check.
    // Importing global default options array.
    $srp_current_options = get_option('srp_plugin_options');

<!-- BEGIN SRP admin page -->
<div class="wrap">

	<!-- BEGIN WP Hack: fake H2 for WP notifications -->
	<!-- END WP Hack: fake H2 for WP notifications -->

	<!-- BEGIN SRP admin container -->
	<div id="srp-admin-container">

		<!-- BEGIN SRP PRO Promo -->
		<div class="srp-notify-upgrade">

			<!-- BEGIN SRP PRO Logo -->
			<img src="<?php 
srp-pro-logo-notify-upgrade.png" alt="<?php 
    esc_attr_e('The Special Recent Posts PRO logo', SRP_TRANSLATION_ID);
" />
			<!-- END SRP PRO Logo -->

			<!-- BEGIN SRP PRO Promo Description -->
    _e('Special Recent Posts PRO Edition v3 has been released!', SRP_TRANSLATION_ID);
 <a href='http://codecanyon.net/item/special-recent-posts-pro-edition/552356?ref=lucagrandicelli' target="_blank" title="<?php 
    echo esc_attr(__('Upgrade now to Special Recent Posts PRO Edition v3', SRP_TRANSLATION_ID));
">Upgrade Now!</a>
    printf(__('Now finally with %1$sPagination Support%2$s, %1$sResponsive Multi Layouts%2$s, %1$sCustom Post Types & Taxonomy Management%2$s, %1$sAuto Update Notifications%2$s<br />and much more up to %1$s120 customization options available%2$s. Now translated in multiple languages. %3$sDiscover all the new features%4$s</a>', SRP_TRANSLATION_ID), '<strong>', '</strong>', '<a href="http://codecanyon.net/item/special-recent-posts-pro-edition/552356?ref=lucagrandicelli" target="_blank" title="' . esc_attr(__('Discover all the new features of Special Recent Posts PRO Edition v3', SRP_TRANSLATION_ID)) . '">', '</a>');
			<!-- END SRP PRO Promo Description -->

		<!-- END SRP PRO Promo -->
		<!-- BEGIN SRP admin page header -->
		<div class="srp-admin-panel-header">

			<!-- BEGIN SRP admin page header logo -->
			<img src="<?php 
widget-header-logo.png" alt="<?php 
    esc_attr_e('The Special Recent Posts FREE logo', SRP_TRANSLATION_ID);
" />
			<!-- END SRP admin page header logo -->

			<!-- BEGIN SRP admin page header title -->
    _e('Special Recent Posts FREE - General Settings', SRP_TRANSLATION_ID);
			<!-- END SRP admin page header title -->

		<!-- END SRP admin page header -->
		<!-- BEGIN SRP admin page header description -->
		<div class="srp-settings-description">
    printf(__('%1$sWelcome to the SRP FREE General Settings Page.%2$s%3$sIn this area you can configure all the main settings for the Special Recent Posts FREE plugin. Please keep in mind that these are basic options; further special customization options apply for each widget instance, shortcode or PHP code to ensure an high level of customization. Go to your Wordpress widgets page and drag the Special Recent Posts FREE widget onto one of your draggable areas to see all the additional options available.', SRP_TRANSLATION_ID), '<strong>', '</strong>', '<br />');
		<!-- END SRP admin page header description -->
		<!-- BEGIN menu tabs container -->
		<div id="srp-tabs-container">

			<!-- BEGIN menu tabs -->
			<ul class="srp-tabs-menu">

				<!-- BEGIN 'General Settings' menu tab -->
				<li class="srp-settings-tab current">
					<a href="#srp-tab-1" title="<?php 
    esc_attr_e('General Settings', SRP_TRANSLATION_ID);
    _e('General Settings', SRP_TRANSLATION_ID);
				<!-- END 'General Settings' menu tab -->

				<!-- BEGIN 'Custom CSS Editor' menu tab -->
				<li class="srp-settings-tab">
					<a href="#srp-tab-2" title="<?php 
    esc_attr_e('Custom CSS Editor', SRP_TRANSLATION_ID);
    _e('Custom Css Editor', SRP_TRANSLATION_ID);
				<!-- END 'Custom CSS Editor' menu tab -->

				<!-- BEGIN 'Cache Settings' menu tab -->
				<li class="srp-settings-tab">
					<a href="#srp-tab-3" title="<?php 
    esc_attr_e('Cache Settings', SRP_TRANSLATION_ID);
    _e('Cache Settings', SRP_TRANSLATION_ID);
				<!-- END 'Cache Settings' menu tab -->

				<!-- BEGIN 'Plugin Notes' menu tab -->
				<li class="srp-settings-tab">
					<a href="#srp-tab-4" title="<?php 
    esc_attr_e('Plugin Notes', SRP_TRANSLATION_ID);
    _e('Plugin Notes', SRP_TRANSLATION_ID);
				<!-- END 'Plugin Notes' menu tab -->

			<!-- EOF admin Tabs -->

			<!-- BEGIN tab element -->
			<div class="srp-tab">

				<!-- BEGIN 'General Settings' tab content -->
				<div id="srp-tab-1" class="metabox-holder srp-tab-content">

					<!-- BEGIN options form -->
					<form id="srp_admin_form" name="srp_admin_form" action="" method="POST">

						<!-- BEGIN options form hidden values-->
						<input type="hidden" value="yes" name="srp_dataform">
						<input type="hidden" value="<?php 
    echo $srp_current_options['srp_version'];
" name="srp_version">
						<!-- END options form hidden values-->


						<!-- BEGIN options form entries -->
						<ul class="srp-settings-list">

							<!-- BEGIN 'Compatibility Mode' -->

								<!-- BEGIN 'Compatibility Mode' label -->
								<label for="srp_compatibility_mode">
    _e('Compatibility Mode', SRP_TRANSLATION_ID);
								<!--END  'Compatibility Mode' label -->

								<!-- BEGIN 'Compatibility Mode' description -->
								<div class="srp-label-description">
    _e('This option enables some compatibility features in order to work seamlessly with other plugins. If you are experiencing conflict problems, you might want to disable this option switching it to no.', SRP_TRANSLATION_ID);
								<!-- END 'Compatibility Mode' description -->

								<!-- BEGIN 'Compatibility Mode' value -->
								<select id="srp_compatibility_mode" name="srp_compatibility_mode">

									<option value="yes" <?php 
    selected($srp_current_options['srp_compatibility_mode'], 'yes');
    _e('Enabled', SRP_TRANSLATION_ID);

									<option value="no" <?php 
    selected($srp_current_options['srp_compatibility_mode'], 'no');
    _e('Disabled', SRP_TRANSLATION_ID);

								<!-- END 'Compatibility Mode' value -->

							<!-- END 'Compatibility Mode' -->

							<!-- BEGIN 'Log Errors On Screen' -->

								<!-- BEGIN 'Log Errors On Screen' label -->
								<label for="srp_log_errors_screen">
    _e('Log Errors On Screen', SRP_TRANSLATION_ID);
								<!-- BEGIN 'Log Errors On Screen' label -->

								<!-- BEGIN 'Log Errors On Screen' description -->
								<div class="srp-label-description">
    _e('This option enables the SRP error logging system. Switch this to yes if you want to log potential errors or warnings on screen.', SRP_TRANSLATION_ID);
								<!-- END 'Log Errors On Screen' description -->

								<!-- BEGIN 'Log Errors On Screen' value -->
								<select id="srp_log_errors_screen" name="srp_log_errors_screen">

									<option value="yes" <?php 
    selected($srp_current_options['srp_log_errors_screen'], 'yes');
    _e('Yes', SRP_TRANSLATION_ID);

									<option value="no" <?php 
    selected($srp_current_options['srp_log_errors_screen'], 'no');

								<!-- END 'Log Errors On Screen' value -->

							<!-- END 'Log Errors On Screen' -->
							<!-- BEGIN 'No-Posts Image Placeholder' -->

								<!-- BEGIN 'No-Posts Image Placeholder' label -->
								<label for="srp_noimage_url">
    _e('No-Posts Image Placeholder', SRP_TRANSLATION_ID);
								<!-- END 'No-Posts Image Placeholder' label -->

								<!-- BEGIN 'No-Posts Image Placeholder' description -->
								<div class="srp-label-description">
    _e('This is the default image that appears when no other images are available inside a post. You can use the one you prefer by simply typing in the full URL of the image. If you leave this field empty, the default no-image placeholder will be loaded instead.', SRP_TRANSLATION_ID);
								<!-- END 'No-Posts Image Placeholder' description -->

								<!-- BEGIN 'No-Posts Image Placeholder' value -->
								<input type="text" id="srp_noimage_url" name="srp_noimage_url" value="<?php 
    echo esc_url($srp_current_options['srp_noimage_url']);
" size="90" /><br />
    _e('Default size: 200px x 200px.', SRP_TRANSLATION_ID);
								<!-- END 'No-Posts Image Placeholder' value -->

							<!-- BEGIN 'No-Posts Image Placeholder' -->

							<!-- BEGIN 'Thumbnail Image Quality Ratio' -->

								<!-- BEGIN 'Thumbnail Image Quality Ratio' label -->
								<label for="srp_thumbnail_jpeg_quality">
    _e('JPEG Image Quality Ratio', SRP_TRANSLATION_ID);
								<!-- END 'Thumbnail Image Quality Ratio' label -->

								<!-- BEGIN 'Thumbnail Image Quality Ratio' description -->
								<div class="srp-label-description">
    _e("This options sets the JPEG quaility ratio when the 'Custom Thumbnails Option' is enabled. Numerical values are accepted only. 100 is the maximum quality, but 80 is an acceptable compromise between file size and image quality. Range: 0 to 100.", SRP_TRANSLATION_ID);
								<!-- END 'Thumbnail Image Quality Ratio' description -->

								<!-- BEGIN 'Thumbnail Image Quality Ratio' value -->
								<input type="text" id="srp_thumbnail_jpeg_quality" name="srp_thumbnail_jpeg_quality" value="<?php 
    echo stripslashes($srp_current_options['srp_thumbnail_jpeg_quality']);
" size="2" maxlength="3" />
								<!-- END 'Thumbnail Image Quality Ratio' value -->

							<!-- END 'Thumbnail Image Quality Ratio' -->

							<!-- BEGIN 'Disable Plugin CSS' -->

								<!-- BEGIN 'Disable Plugin CSS' label -->
								<label for="srp_disable_theme_css">
    _e('Disable Plugin CSS', SRP_TRANSLATION_ID);
								<!-- END 'Disable Plugin CSS' label -->

								<!-- BEGIN 'Disable Plugin CSS' description -->
								<div class="srp-label-description">
    _e("This option enables/disables the built-in widget stylesheet. Set this option to 'yes' if you wish to use your own CSS.", SRP_TRANSLATION_ID);
								<!-- END 'Disable Plugin CSS' description -->

								<!-- BEGIN 'Disable Plugin CSS' value -->
								<select id="srp_disable_theme_css" name="srp_disable_theme_css">

									<option value="yes" <?php 
    selected($srp_current_options['srp_disable_theme_css'], 'yes');
    _e('Yes', SRP_TRANSLATION_ID);

									<option value="no" <?php 
    selected($srp_current_options['srp_disable_theme_css'], 'no');

								<!-- END 'Disable Plugin CSS' value -->

							<!-- END 'Disable Plugin CSS' -->

						<!-- END options form entries -->

						<!-- BEGIN form submit button -->
						<input type="submit" name="submit" class="button-primary" value="<?php 
    _e('Save Options', SRP_TRANSLATION_ID);
" />
						<!-- END form submit button -->

				<!-- END 'General Settings' tab content -->

				<!-- BEGIN 'Custom CSS Editor' tab content -->
				<div id="srp-tab-2" class="metabox-holder srp-tab-content">

					<!-- BEGIN 'Custom CSS Editor' container -->
				    <div class="wrap">

				        <div id="icon-themes" class="icon32"></div>

				        <!-- BEGIN 'Custom CSS Editor' title -->
    _e('Custom CSS Editor', SRP_TRANSLATION_ID);
				        <!-- END 'Custom CSS Editor' title -->

				        <!-- BEGIN 'Custom CSS Editor' ACE plugin placeholder -->
			            <div id="custom_css_container">
			                <div name="srp_custom_css" id="srp_custom_css" style="border: 1px solid #DFDFDF; -moz-border-radius: 3px; -webkit-border-radius: 3px; border-radius: 3px; width: 100%; height: 400px; position: relative;"></div>
			            <!-- END 'Custom CSS Editor' ACE plugin placeholder -->

			            <!-- BEGIN code textarea -->
    $csseditor_introtext = '/*' . PHP_EOL . __('Welcome to the Special Recent Posts Custom CSS editor!', SRP_TRANSLATION_ID) . PHP_EOL . __("Please add all your custom CSS here and avoid modifying the core plugin files, since that'll make upgrading the plugin problematic. Your custom CSS will be loaded in your <head> section of your wordpress theme, which means that your rules will take precedence. Just add your CSS here for what you want to change, you don't need to copy all the plugin's stylesheet content.", SRP_TRANSLATION_ID) . PHP_EOL . '*/';
			            <textarea id="srp_custom_css_textarea" name="srp_custom_css" style="display: none;"><?php 
    echo $srp_current_options['srp_custom_css'] == 'Default CSS Comment' ? $csseditor_introtext : $srp_current_options['srp_custom_css'];
			            <!-- END code textarea -->

			            <!-- BEGIN form submit button -->
			            	<input type="submit" class="button-primary" value="<?php 
    _e('Save Changes', SRP_TRANSLATION_ID);
" />
			            <!-- END form submit button -->

				        <!-- END options form -->

				    <!-- END 'Custom CSS Editor' container -->

				<!-- END 'Custom CSS Editor' tab content -->

				<!-- BEGIN 'Empty Cache Folder' tab content -->
				<div id="srp-tab-3" class="metabox-holder srp-tab-content">

					<!-- BEGIN options form -->
					<form id="srp-cache-flush-form" action="" method="POST">

						<!-- BEGIN options form entries -->
						<ul class="srp-settings-list">

							<!-- BEGIN 'Empty Cache Folder' -->

								<!-- BEGIN 'Empty Cache Folder' label -->
								<label for="srp_cache_flush">
    _e('Empty Cache Folder', SRP_TRANSLATION_ID);
								<!-- END 'Empty Cache Folder' label -->

								<!-- BEGIN 'Empty Cache Folder' description -->
								<div class="srp-label-description">
    _e('Click this button to empty the custom thumbnails cache folder.', SRP_TRANSLATION_ID);
								<!-- END 'Empty Cache Folder' description -->

								<!-- BEGIN 'Empty Cache Folder' submit button -->
								<input type="hidden" value="yes" name="srp_cache_flush">
								<input type="submit" value="<?php 
    _e('Empty Cache Folder', SRP_TRANSLATION_ID);
" class="button-primary srp-empty-cache-btn">
								<!-- END 'Empty Cache Folder' submit button -->

							<!-- BEGIN 'Empty Cache Folder' -->

						<!-- END options form entries -->

					<!-- END options form -->
				<!-- END 'Empty Cache Folder' tab content -->

				<!-- BEGIN 'Plugin Notes' tab content -->
				<div id="srp-tab-4" class="metabox-holder srp-tab-content srp-tab-plugin-info">

					<!-- BEGIN 'Plugin Notes' title -->
    _e('Special Recent Posts FREE Edition', SRP_TRANSLATION_ID);
					<!-- END 'Plugin Notes' title -->

					<!-- BEGIN 'Plugin Notes' notes -->
						<!-- BEGIN Plugin Version -->
    _e('Plugin Version:', SRP_TRANSLATION_ID);
						<!-- END Plugin Version -->

						<!-- BEGIN Latest update -->
    _e('Latest update:', SRP_TRANSLATION_ID);
    _e('September 27, 2014', SRP_TRANSLATION_ID);
						<!-- BEGIN Latest update -->

						<!-- BEGIN Website -->
    _e('Website:', SRP_TRANSLATION_ID);
    printf('<a href="%1$s" title="%2$s" target="_blank">http://www.specialrecentposts.com/</a>', esc_url('http://www.specialrecentposts.com/?ref=uri_ps'), __('The Special Recent Posts Official Website.', SRP_TRANSLATION_ID));
						<!-- BEGIN Website -->

						<!-- BEGIN Customer Support -->
    _e('Customer Support & F.A.Q:', SRP_TRANSLATION_ID);
    printf('<a href="%1$s" title="%2$s" target="_blank">http://wordpress.org/support/plugin/special-recent-posts/</a>', esc_url('http://wordpress.org/support/plugin/special-recent-posts/'), __('Visit the online Wordpress.org forum to get instant support.', SRP_TRANSLATION_ID));
						<!-- BEGIN Customer Support -->

						<!-- BEGIN Online Documentation & F.A.Q -->
    _e('Online Documentation:', SRP_TRANSLATION_ID);
    printf('<a href="%1$s" title="%2$s" target="_blank">http://www.specialrecentposts.com/docs/</a>', esc_url('http://www.specialrecentposts.com/docs/?ref=docs_ps'), __('Learn how to use SRP. View the online documentation.', SRP_TRANSLATION_ID));
						<!-- BEGIN Online Documentation & F.A.Q -->

						<!-- BEGIN Social Menu -->
    _e('Follow Special Recent Posts on:', SRP_TRANSLATION_ID);
							<ul class="srp-social-list">

									<a class="srp-social-icon-facebook" href="https://www.facebook.com/SpecialRecentPosts/" title="<?php 
    echo esc_attr(__('Follow SRP on Facebook', SRP_TRANSLATION_ID));
" target="_blank"></a>

									<a class="srp-social-icon-twitter" href="https://twitter.com/lucagrandicelli" title="<?php 
    echo esc_attr(__('Follow Luca Grandicelli on Twitter', SRP_TRANSLATION_ID));
" target="_blank"></a>

									<a class="srp-social-icon-googlep" href="https://google.com/+Specialrecentposts" title="<?php 
    echo esc_attr(__('Follow SRP on Google+', SRP_TRANSLATION_ID));
" target="_blank"></a>

									<a class="srp-social-icon-envato" href="http://codecanyon.net/user/lucagrandicelli" title="<?php 
    echo esc_attr(__('Follow Luca Grandicelli on Envato', SRP_TRANSLATION_ID));
" target="_blank"></a>
						<!-- END Social Menu -->

					<!-- BEGIN 'Plugin Notes' notes -->

					<!-- BEGIN 'Plugin Notes' credits note -->
    printf(__('The Special Recent Posts plugin is created, developed and supported by %1$sLuca Grandicelli%2$s', SRP_TRANSLATION_ID), '<a href="http://www.lucagrandicelli.co.uk/?ref=author_ps" title="Luca Grandicelli | Official Website" target="_blank">', '</a>');
					<!-- END 'Plugin Notes' credits note -->
				<!-- END 'Plugin Notes' tab content -->

			<!-- END rab element -->

		<!-- END menu tabs container -->

	<!-- END SRP admin container -->

<!-- END SRP admin page -->

    // Returning true.
    return true;
function srp_admin_menu_options()
    // Checking if we have the manage option permission enabled.
    if (!current_user_can('manage_options')) {
        wp_die(__('You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.', SRP_TRANSLATION_ID));
    // For first, let's check if there is some kind of compatibility error.
	<!-- Generating Option Page HTML. -->
	<div class="wrap">
		<div id="srp-admin-container">
    // Updating and validating data/POST Check.
    srp_update_data($_POST, get_option('srp_plugin_options'));
    // Importing global default options array.
    $srp_current_options = get_option('srp_plugin_options');
			<!-- BOF Title and Description section. -->
			<h2 class="srp_admin_headertitle"><?php 
    _e('Special Recent Posts FREE Edition (version ' . SRP_PLUGIN_VERSION . ') - Settings Page', SRP_TRANSLATION_ID);
			<div class="srp_option_header_l1">
    _e('<strong>Welcome to the Special Recent Posts FREE Edition Admin Panel.</strong><br /> In this page you can configure the main settings for the Special Recent Posts FREE Edition plugin. Keep in mind that these are basic options. 
				Special options apply for each widget instance, shortcode or PHP code to ensure an high level of customization. Go to Widget Page and drag the Special Recent Posts FREE Edition widget to see additional options available.', SRP_TRANSLATION_ID);
				<div class="error">
					<h3>Want to go PRO? Special Recent Posts PRO Edition is now available. <a href="http://codecanyon.net/item/special-recent-posts-pro/552356" title="Upgrade now to Special Recent Posts PRO Edition" target="_blank">Upgrade Now!</a></h3>
			<!-- EOF Title and Description section. -->
			<!-- BOF Admin Tabs -->
			<ul id="srp_widget_tabs">
					<a onClick="javascript:srpTabsSwitcher(1);" class="srp_tab_1 active" title="<?php 
    _e('General Settings', SRP_TRANSLATION_ID);
" href="#"><?php 
    _e('General Settings', SRP_TRANSLATION_ID);
					<a onClick="javascript:srpTabsSwitcher(2);" class="srp_tab_2" title="<?php 
    _e('Cache Settings', SRP_TRANSLATION_ID);
" href="#"><?php 
    _e('Cache Settings', SRP_TRANSLATION_ID);
			<!-- EOF Admin Tabs -->
			<div class="metabox-holder" id="srp_tab1">
				<!--  Open Form. -->
				<form id="srp_admin_form" name="srp_admin_form" action="" method="POST">
					<input type="hidden" value="yes" name="srp_dataform">
					<input type="hidden" value="<?php 
    echo $srp_current_options["srp_version"];
" name="srp_version">
					<input type="hidden" value="<?php 
    echo $srp_current_options["srp_global_post_limit"];
" name="srp_global_post_limit">
					<div class="postbox">
    _e('General Settings', SRP_TRANSLATION_ID);

						<!-- BOF Left Box. -->
						<div id="srp-admin-leftcontent">
    _e('This is the General Settings page. Here you can customize all of the settings that globally apply to the plugin.', SRP_TRANSLATION_ID);
    _e('Enable Compatibility Mode', SRP_TRANSLATION_ID);
    _e('This option enables some compatibility features that change the behaviour of the SRP plugin, in order to work seamlessly with other plugins.
									If you are experiencing problems with Special Recent Posts PRO and other plugins, you might want to disable this option.', SRP_TRANSLATION_ID);
    _e('Log Errors on Screen', SRP_TRANSLATION_ID);
    _e('This option enables the error logging on screen. It\'s useful to understand where something has gone wrong during the image generation process.', SRP_TRANSLATION_ID);
    _e('No-Posts Image Placeholder', SRP_TRANSLATION_ID);
    _e('This is the default image that appears when no other images are available inside a post. 
									You can use the one you prefer, by simply typing in the full URL of the image. 
									If you leave this field empty, the default no-image placeholder will be loaded.', SRP_TRANSLATION_ID);
    _e('Disable Plugin CSS?', SRP_TRANSLATION_ID);
    _e('This option enables/disables the built-in widget stylesheet. Set this option to "Yes" if you wish to use your own style.', SRP_TRANSLATION_ID);
    _e('Theme CSS', SRP_TRANSLATION_ID);
    _e('This is the global Stylesheet. All layout changements must be done here. 
									Consider that in some cases, your custom theme CSS might override these settings. 
									In this case, edit this stylesheet using the <i>"<strong>!important"</strong></i> attribute beside each rule to override your theme css rules.', SRP_TRANSLATION_ID);
						<!-- EOF Left Box. -->
						<!-- BOF Right Box. -->
						<div id="srp-admin-rightcontent">
									<!--BOF Compatibility Mode -->
									<label for="srp_compatibility_mode"><?php 
    _e('Enable Compatibility Mode', SRP_TRANSLATION_ID);
									<span class="srp-smalltext"><?php 
    _e('Switch this to No if you\'re experiencing visualization problems or other kind of incompatibility with other plugins.', SRP_TRANSLATION_ID);
</span><br />
									<select id="srp_compatibility_mode" name="srp_compatibility_mode">
										<option value="yes" <?php 
    selected($srp_current_options["srp_compatibility_mode"], 'yes');
    _e('Yes', SRP_TRANSLATION_ID);
										<option value="no" <?php 
    selected($srp_current_options["srp_compatibility_mode"], 'no');
									<!--EOF Compatibility Mode -->
									<!--BOF Log Errors on Screen -->
									<label for="srp_log_errors_screen"><?php 
    _e('Log Errors on Screen?', SRP_TRANSLATION_ID);
									<span class="srp-smalltext"><?php 
    _e('Switch this to Yes if you want to log potential errors or warnings on screen.', SRP_TRANSLATION_ID);
</span><br />
									<select id="srp_log_errors_screen" name="srp_log_errors_screen">
										<option value="yes" <?php 
    selected($srp_current_options["srp_log_errors_screen"], 'yes');
    _e('Yes', SRP_TRANSLATION_ID);
										<option value="no" <?php 
    selected($srp_current_options["srp_log_errors_screen"], 'no');
									<!--EOF Log Errors on Screen -->
								<!--BOF Thumbnail Custom URL -->
									<label for="srp_noimage_url"><?php 
    _e('No-Posts Image Placeholder', SRP_TRANSLATION_ID);
									<input type="text" id="srp_noimage_url" name="srp_noimage_url" value="<?php 
    echo stripslashes($srp_current_options['srp_noimage_url']);
" size="90" /><br />
									<span class="srp-smalltext"><?php 
    _e('Enter the absolute url of the image placeholder. Default size: 100px x 100px.', SRP_TRANSLATION_ID);
								<!--EOF Thumbnail Custom URL -->
								<!--BOF Disable Theme CSS -->
									<label for="srp_disable_theme_css"><?php 
    _e('Disable Plugin CSS?', SRP_TRANSLATION_ID);
									<select id="srp_disable_theme_css" name="srp_disable_theme_css">
										<option value="yes" <?php 
    selected($srp_current_options["srp_disable_theme_css"], 'yes');
    _e('Yes', SRP_TRANSLATION_ID);
										<option value="no" <?php 
    selected($srp_current_options["srp_disable_theme_css"], 'no');
								<!--EOF Disable Theme CSS -->								
						<!-- EOF Right Box. -->
						<div class="clearer"></div>
					</div><!-- EOF postbox. -->
					<input type="submit" name="submit" class="button-primary" value="<?php 
    _e('Save Options', SRP_TRANSLATION_ID);
" />
				</form> <!--EOF Form. -->
			</div><!-- EOF metabox-holder. -->
			<div class="metabox-holder" id="srp_tab2">
				<form id="srp-cache-flush-form" action="" method="POST">
					<div class="postbox">
    _e('Cache Settings', SRP_TRANSLATION_ID);
						<!-- BOF Left Box. -->
						<div id="srp-admin-leftcontent">
    _e('Empty Cache Folder', SRP_TRANSLATION_ID);
    _e('Click this button to empty the thumbnails cache folder.', SRP_TRANSLATION_ID);
						<!-- EOF Left Box. -->
						<!-- BOF Right Box. -->
						<div id="srp-admin-rightcontent">
							<input type="hidden" value="yes" name="cache_flush">
							<input type="submit" value="<?php 
    _e('Empty Cache Folder', SRP_TRANSLATION_ID);
" class="button-primary">
							<!-- EOF Cache Flush Section -->

						<div class="clearer"></div>		
					</div><!-- EOF postbox. -->
			</div><!-- EOF metabox-holder. -->
		</div> <!-- EOF srp_adm_container -->
	</div> <!-- EOF Wrap. -->