Exemple #1
function review_of_systems_report($pid, $encounter, $cols, $id)
    $count = 0;
    $data = formFetch("form_review_of_systems", $id);
    $sql = "SELECT name from form_review_of_systems_checks where foreign_id = '" . add_escape_custom($id) . "'";
    $results = sqlQ($sql);
    $data2 = array();
    while ($row = sqlFetchArray($results)) {
        $data2[] = $row['name'];
    $data = array_merge($data, $data2);
    if ($data) {
        print "<table><tr>";
        foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
            if ($key == "id" || $key == "pid" || $key == "user" || $key == "groupname" || $key == "authorized" || $key == "activity" || $key == "date" || $value == "" || $value == "0000-00-00 00:00:00") {
            if ($value == "on") {
                $value = "yes";
            $key = ucwords(str_replace("_", " ", $key));
            if (is_numeric($key)) {
                $key = "check";
            print "<td><span class=bold>{$key}: </span><span class=text>{$value}</span></td>";
            if ($count == $cols) {
                $count = 0;
                print "</tr><tr>\n";
 function default_action_process()
     if ($_POST['process'] != "true") {
     $this->well_child = new FormWellChild($_POST['id']);
     $new_form = false;
     if (empty($_POST['id'])) {
         $new_form = true;
     if ($GLOBALS['encounter'] == "") {
         $GLOBALS['encounter'] = date("Ymd");
     if ($new_form) {
         addForm($GLOBALS['encounter'], "Well Child Visit", $this->well_child->id, "well_child", $GLOBALS['pid'], $_SESSION['userauthorized']);
     if (!empty($_POST['cpt_code'])) {
         $sql = "select * from codes where code ='" . mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['cpt_code']) . "' order by id";
         $results = sqlQ($sql);
         $row = mysql_fetch_array($results);
         if (!empty($row)) {
             addBilling(date("Ymd"), 'CPT4', $row['code'], $row['code_text'], $_SESSION['pid'], $_SESSION['userauthorized'], $_SESSION['authUserID'], $row['modifier'], $row['units'], $row['fee']);
     $_POST['process'] = "";
 function populate()
     $sql = "SELECT name from form_evaluation_checks where foreign_id = '" . add_escape_custom($this->id) . "'";
     $results = sqlQ($sql);
     while ($row = sqlFetchArray($results)) {
         $this->checks[] = $row['name'];
 function populate()
     $sql = "SELECT name from form_review_of_systems_checks where foreign_id = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($this->id) . "'";
     $results = sqlQ($sql);
     while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($results, MYSQL_ASSOC)) {
         $this->checks[] = $row['name'];
 function insurance_numbers_factory($provider_id)
     $ins = array();
     $sql = "SELECT id FROM " . $this->_table . " where provider_id = '" . $provider_id . "' order by insurance_company_id";
     $results = sqlQ($sql);
     while ($row = sqlFetchArray($results)) {
         $ins[] = new InsuranceNumbers($row['id']);
     return $ins;
 function providers_factory($sort = "ORDER BY lname,fname")
     $psa = array();
     $sql = "SELECT id FROM " . $this->_table . " where authorized = 1 " . $sort;
     $results = sqlQ($sql);
     while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($results)) {
         $psa[] = new Provider($row['id']);
     return $psa;
 function factory_company($foreign_id = "")
     if (empty($foreign_id)) {
         $foreign_id = "like '%'";
     } else {
         $foreign_id = " = '" . mysql_real_escape_string(strval($foreign_id)) . "'";
     $a = new Address();
     $sql = "SELECT id FROM  " . $a->_table . " WHERE foreign_id " . $foreign_id;
     //echo $sql . "<bR />";
     $results = sqlQ($sql);
     //echo "sql: $sql";
     $row = mysql_fetch_array($results);
     if (!empty($row)) {
         $a = new Address($row['id']);
     return $a;
 static function factory_address($foreign_id = "")
     if (empty($foreign_id)) {
         $foreign_id = "like '%'";
     } else {
         $foreign_id = " = '" . add_escape_custom(strval($foreign_id)) . "'";
     $a = new Address();
     $sql = "SELECT id FROM  " . $a->_table . " WHERE foreign_id " . $foreign_id;
     //echo $sql . "<bR />";
     $results = sqlQ($sql);
     //echo "sql: $sql";
     $row = sqlFetchArray($results);
     if (!empty($row)) {
         $a = new Address($row['id']);
     return $a;
 static function factory_phone_numbers($foreign_id = "")
     if (empty($foreign_id)) {
         $foreign_id = "like '%'";
     } else {
         $foreign_id = " = '" . add_escape_custom(strval($foreign_id)) . "'";
     $phone_numbers = array();
     $p = new PhoneNumber();
     $sql = "SELECT id FROM  " . $p->_table . " WHERE foreign_id " . $foreign_id . " ORDER BY type";
     //echo $sql . "<bR />";
     $results = sqlQ($sql);
     //echo "sql: $sql";
     while ($row = sqlFetchArray($results)) {
         $phone_numbers[] = new PhoneNumber($row['id']);
     return $phone_numbers;
 function populate()
     $sql = "SELECT name from form_hp_tje_checks where foreign_id = '" . add_escape_custom($this->id) . "'";
     $results = sqlQ($sql);
     while ($row = sqlFetchArray($results)) {
         $this->checks[] = $row['name'];
     $sql = "SELECT doctor,specialty,tx_rendered,effectiveness,date from form_hp_tje_history where foreign_id = '" . add_escape_custom($this->id) . "'";
     $results = sqlQ($sql);
     while ($row = sqlFetchArray($results)) {
         $this->history[] = $row;
     $sql = "SELECT nature_of_accident,injuries,date from form_hp_tje_previous_accidents where foreign_id = '" . add_escape_custom($this->id) . "'";
     $results = sqlQ($sql);
     while ($row = sqlFetchArray($results)) {
         $this->previous_accidents[] = $row;
 function default_action_process()
     if ($_POST['process'] != "true") {
     $this->prosthesis = new FormProsthesis($_POST['id']);
     if ($GLOBALS['encounter'] == "") {
         $GLOBALS['encounter'] = date("Ymd");
     addForm($GLOBALS['encounter'], "Prosthesis & Orthotics Form", $this->prosthesis->id, "prosthesis", $GLOBALS['pid'], $_SESSION['userauthorized']);
     if (!empty($_POST['cpt_code'])) {
         $sql = "select * from codes where code ='" . mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['cpt_code']) . "' order by id";
         $results = sqlQ($sql);
         $row = mysql_fetch_array($results);
         if (!empty($row)) {
             addBilling(date("Ymd"), 'CPT4', $row['code'], $row['code_text'], $_SESSION['pid'], $_SESSION['userauthorized'], $_SESSION['authUserID'], $row['modifier'], $row['units'], $row['fee']);
     $_POST['process'] = "";
 function default_action_process()
     if ($_POST['process'] != "true") {
     $this->evaluation = new FormEvaluation($_POST['id']);
     if ($GLOBALS['encounter'] == "") {
         $GLOBALS['encounter'] = date("Ymd");
     addForm($GLOBALS['encounter'], "Evaluation Form", $this->evaluation->id, "evaluation", $GLOBALS['pid'], $_SESSION['userauthorized']);
     if (!empty($_POST['cpt_code'])) {
         $sql = "select * from codes where code ='" . add_escape_custom($_POST['cpt_code']) . "' order by id";
         $results = sqlQ($sql);
         $row = sqlFetchArray($results);
         if (!empty($row)) {
             addBilling(date("Ymd"), 'CPT4', $row['code'], $row['code_text'], $_SESSION['pid'], $_SESSION['userauthorized'], $_SESSION['authUserID'], $row['modifier'], $row['units'], $row['fee']);
     $_POST['process'] = "";
function lab_results_messages($set_pid, $rid, $provider_id = "")
    if ($provider_id != "") {
        $where = "AND id = '" . $provider_id . "'";
    // Get all active users.
    $rez = sqlStatement("select id, username from users where username != '' AND active = '1' {$where}");
    for ($iter = 0; $row = sqlFetchArray($rez); $iter++) {
        $result[$iter] = $row;
    if (!empty($result)) {
        foreach ($result as $user_detail) {
            // Make sure it is empty.
            // Check user authorization. Only send the panding review message to authorised user.
            // $thisauth = acl_check('patients', 'sign', $user_detail['username']);
            // Route message to administrators if there is no provider match.
            if ($provider_id == "") {
                $thisauth = acl_check('admin', 'super', $user_detail['username']);
            } else {
                $thisauth = true;
            if ($thisauth) {
                // Send lab result message to the ordering provider when there is a new lab report.
                $userauthorized = formData("userauthorized");
                $pname = getPatientName($set_pid);
                $link = "<a href='../../orders/orders_results.php?review=1&set_pid={$set_pid}'" . " onclick='return top.restoreSession()'>here</a>";
                $note = "Patient {$pname}'s lab results have arrived. Please click {$link} to review them.<br/>";
                $note_type = "Lab Results";
                $message_status = "New";
                // Add pnote.
                $noteid = addPnote($set_pid, $note, $userauthorized, '1', $note_type, $user_detail['username']);
                sqlQ("update pnotes set message_status='" . $message_status . "' where id = '{$noteid}'");
Exemple #14
function UpdateTable($tablename, $pid_col, $oldvalue, $newvalue)
    global $commitchanges, $oemrdb;
    $sqlstmt = "select count(*) as numrows from " . $tablename . " where " . $pid_col . "='" . $oldvalue . "'";
    $qResults = sqlQ($sqlstmt);
    if ($qResults) {
        $row = sqlFetchArray($qResults);
        if ($row['numrows'] > 0) {
            $sqlstmt = "update " . $tablename . " set " . $pid_col . "='" . $newvalue . "' where " . $pid_col . "='" . $oldvalue . "'";
            if ($commitchanges == true) {
                $qResults = sqlQ($sqlstmt);
            $rowsupdated = $GLOBALS['adodb']['db']->_affectedrows();
            echo "<li>";
            echo "" . $tablename . ": " . $rowsupdated . " row(s) updated<br>";
            echo "</li>";
 function insurance_companies_factory($city = "", $sort = "ORDER BY name, id")
     if (empty($city)) {
         $city = "";
     } else {
         $city = " WHERE city = " . add_escape_custom($foreign_id);
     $p = new InsuranceCompany();
     $icompanies = array();
     $sql = "SELECT p.id, a.city FROM  " . $p->_table . " as p INNER JOIN addresses as a on p.id = a.foreign_id " . $city . " " . add_escape_custom($sort);
     //echo $sql . "<bR />";
     $results = sqlQ($sql);
     //echo "sql: $sql";
     while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($results)) {
         $icompanies[] = new InsuranceCompany($row['id']);
     return $icompanies;
 function pharmacies_factory($city = "", $sort = "ORDER BY name")
     if (empty($city)) {
         $city = "";
     } else {
         $city = " WHERE city = " . mysql_real_escape_string($foreign_id);
     $p = new Pharmacy();
     $pharmacies = array();
     $sql = "SELECT p.id, a.city FROM  " . $p->_table . " as p INNER JOIN addresses as a on p.id = a.foreign_id " . $city . " " . mysql_real_escape_string($sort);
     //echo $sql . "<bR />";
     $results = sqlQ($sql);
     //echo "sql: $sql";
     while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($results)) {
         $pharmacies[] = new Pharmacy($row['id']);
     return $pharmacies;
Exemple #17
function era_callback_check(&$out)
    global $InsertionId;
    //last inserted ID of
    global $StringToEcho, $debug;
    if ($_GET['original'] == 'original') {
        $StringToEcho = "<br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/>";
        $StringToEcho .= "<table border='1' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0'  width='750'>";
        $StringToEcho .= "<tr bgcolor='#cccccc'><td width='50'></td><td class='dehead' width='150' align='center'>" . htmlspecialchars(xl('Check Number'), ENT_QUOTES) . "</td><td class='dehead' width='400'  align='center'>" . htmlspecialchars(xl('Payee Name'), ENT_QUOTES) . "</td><td class='dehead'  width='150' align='center'>" . htmlspecialchars(xl('Check Amount'), ENT_QUOTES) . "</td></tr>";
        $WarningFlag = false;
        for ($check_count = 1; $check_count <= $out['check_count']; $check_count++) {
            if ($check_count % 2 == 1) {
                $bgcolor = '#ddddff';
            } else {
                $bgcolor = '#ffdddd';
            $rs = sqlQ("select reference from ar_session where reference='" . $out['check_number' . $check_count] . "'");
            if (sqlNumRows($rs) > 0) {
                $bgcolor = '#ff0000';
                $WarningFlag = true;
            $StringToEcho .= "<tr bgcolor='{$bgcolor}'>";
            $StringToEcho .= "<td><input type='checkbox'  name='chk" . $out['check_number' . $check_count] . "' value='" . $out['check_number' . $check_count] . "'/></td>";
            $StringToEcho .= "<td>" . htmlspecialchars($out['check_number' . $check_count]) . "</td>";
            $StringToEcho .= "<td>" . htmlspecialchars($out['payee_name' . $check_count]) . "</td>";
            $StringToEcho .= "<td align='right'>" . htmlspecialchars(number_format($out['check_amount' . $check_count], 2)) . "</td>";
            $StringToEcho .= "</tr>";
        $StringToEcho .= "<tr bgcolor='#cccccc'><td colspan='4' align='center'><input type='submit'  name='CheckSubmit' value='Submit'/></td></tr>";
        if ($WarningFlag == true) {
            $StringToEcho .= "<tr bgcolor='#ff0000'><td colspan='4' align='center'>" . htmlspecialchars(xl('Warning, Check Number already exist in the database'), ENT_QUOTES) . "</td></tr>";
        $StringToEcho .= "</table>";
    } else {
        for ($check_count = 1; $check_count <= $out['check_count']; $check_count++) {
            $chk_num = $out['check_number' . $check_count];
            $chk_num = str_replace(' ', '_', $chk_num);
            if (isset($_REQUEST['chk' . $chk_num])) {
                $check_date = $out['check_date' . $check_count] ? $out['check_date' . $check_count] : $_REQUEST['paydate'];
                $post_to_date = $_REQUEST['post_to_date'] != '' ? $_REQUEST['post_to_date'] : date('Y-m-d');
                $deposit_date = $_REQUEST['deposit_date'] != '' ? $_REQUEST['deposit_date'] : date('Y-m-d');
                $InsertionId[$out['check_number' . $check_count]] = arPostSession($_REQUEST['InsId'], $out['check_number' . $check_count], $out['check_date' . $check_count], $out['check_amount' . $check_count], $post_to_date, $deposit_date, $debug);
Exemple #18
if (isset($mode)) {
    if ($mode == "add") {
        $sql = "REPLACE INTO immunizations set \n                      id = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($id) . "',\n                      administered_date = if('" . mysql_real_escape_string($administered_date) . "','" . mysql_real_escape_string($administered_date) . "',NULL),  \n                      immunization_id = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($form_immunization_id) . "',\n                      manufacturer = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($manufacturer) . "',\n                      lot_number = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($lot_number) . "',\n                      administered_by_id = if(" . mysql_real_escape_string($administered_by_id) . "," . mysql_real_escape_string($administered_by_id) . ",NULL),\n                      administered_by = if('" . mysql_real_escape_string($administered_by) . "','" . mysql_real_escape_string($administered_by) . "',NULL),\n                      education_date = if('" . mysql_real_escape_string($education_date) . "','" . mysql_real_escape_string($education_date) . "',NULL), \n                      vis_date = if('" . mysql_real_escape_string($vis_date) . "','" . mysql_real_escape_string($vis_date) . "',NULL), \n                      note   = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($note) . "',\n                      patient_id   = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($pid) . "',\n                      created_by = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($_SESSION['authId']) . "',\n                      updated_by = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($_SESSION['authId']) . "',\n                      create_date = now() ";
        $administered_date = $education_date = date('Y-m-d');
        $immunization_id = $manufacturer = $lot_number = $administered_by_id = $note = $id = "";
        $administered_by = $vis_date = "";
    } elseif ($mode == "delete") {
        // log the event
        newEvent("delete", $_SESSION['authUser'], $_SESSION['authProvider'], 1, "Immunization id " . $_POST['id'] . " deleted from pid " . $_POST['pid']);
        // delete the immunization
        $sql = "DELETE FROM immunizations WHERE id =" . mysql_real_escape_string($id) . " LIMIT 1";
    } elseif ($mode == "edit") {
        $sql = "select * from immunizations where id = " . mysql_real_escape_string($id);
        $results = sqlQ($sql);
        while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($results)) {
            $administered_date = $row['administered_date'];
            $immunization_id = $row['immunization_id'];
            $manufacturer = $row['manufacturer'];
            $lot_number = $row['lot_number'];
            $administered_by_id = $row['administered_by_id'] ? $row['administered_by_id'] : 0;
            $administered_by = $row['administered_by'];
            $education_date = $row['education_date'];
            $vis_date = $row['vis_date'];
            $note = stripslashes($row['note']);
// set the default sort method for the list of past immunizations
if (!$sortby) {
Exemple #19
     $sqland = " AND ";
     $sqlstmt .= $sqland . " lname='" . $row['lname'] . "'";
 if ($parameters['match_sex']) {
     $sqlstmt .= $sqland . " sex='" . $row['sex'] . "'";
     $sqland = " AND ";
 if ($parameters['match_ssn']) {
     $sqlstmt .= $sqland . " ss='" . $row['ss'] . "'";
     $sqland = " AND ";
 if ($parameters['match_dob']) {
     $sqlstmt .= $sqland . " dob='" . $row['dob'] . "'";
     $sqland = " AND ";
 $mResults = sqlQ($sqlstmt);
 if (!$mResults) {
 if (sqlNumRows($mResults) <= 1) {
 echo "<div class='match_block' style='padding: 5px 0px 5px 0px;' id='dupediv" . $dupecount . "'>";
 echo "<table>";
 echo "<tr class='onerow' id='" . $row['id'] . "' oemrid='" . $row['id'] . "' dupecount='" . $dupecount . "' title='Merge duplicates into this record'>";
 echo "<td>" . $row['lname'] . ", " . $row['fname'] . "</td>";
 echo "<td>" . $row['dob'] . "</td>";
 echo "<td>" . $row['sex'] . "</td>";
 echo "<td>" . $row['ss'] . "</td>";
 echo "<td><input type='button' value=' ? ' class='moreinfo' oemrid='" . $row['pid'] . "' title='More info'></td>";
 echo "</tr>";
 static function prescriptions_factory($patient_id, $order_by = "active DESC, date_modified DESC, date_added DESC")
     $prescriptions = array();
     require_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/../translation.inc.php";
     $p = new Prescription();
     $sql = "SELECT id FROM  " . $p->_table . " WHERE patient_id = " . add_escape_custom($patient_id) . " ORDER BY " . add_escape_custom($order_by);
     $results = sqlQ($sql);
     while ($row = sqlFetchArray($results)) {
         $prescriptions[] = new Prescription($row['id']);
     return $prescriptions;
if (!empty($_POST['form_submit'])) {
    //  grant file privilege to user
    $dbh = $GLOBALS['dbh'];
    if ($dbh == FALSE) {
        echo "\n";
        echo "<p>" . getSqlLastError() . " (#" . getSqlLastErrorNo() . ")\n";
    $login = $sqlconf["login"];
    $loginhost = $sqlconf["host"];
    //  mysql_select_db($sqlconf['dbase']) or die(getSqlLastError());
    if (sqlQ("GRANT FILE ON *.* TO '{$login}'@'{$loginhost}'", $dbh) == FALSE) {
        echo xl("Error when granting file privilege to the OpenEMR user.");
        echo "\n";
        echo "<p>" . getSqlLastError() . " (#" . getSqlLastErrorNo() . ")\n";
        echo xl("Error");
        echo "\n";
    } else {
        echo "<font color='green'>";
    echo xl("File privilege granted to OpenEMR user.");
    echo "<br></font>\n";
    echo "<p><font color='green'>";
    echo xl("Database upgrade finished.");
    echo "</font></p>\n";
    echo "<p><font color='red'>";
Exemple #22
        $diags = $_POST['code']['diag'];
        $procs = $_POST['code']['proc'];
        $sql = array();
        if (!empty($procs) && !empty($diags)) {
            $sql = array();
            foreach ($procs as $proc) {
                $justify_string = "";
                foreach ($diags as $diag) {
                    $justify_string .= $diag . ":";
                $sql[] = "UPDATE billing set justify = concat(justify,'" . add_escape_custom($justify_string) . "') where encounter = '" . add_escape_custom($_POST['encounter_id']) . "' and pid = '" . add_escape_custom($_POST['patient_id']) . "' and code = '" . add_escape_custom($proc) . "'";
        if (!empty($sql)) {
            foreach ($sql as $q) {
                $results = sqlQ($q);
        // Save NDC fields, if present.
        $ndcarr = $_POST['ndc'];
        for ($lino = 1; !empty($ndcarr["{$lino}"]['code']); ++$lino) {
            $ndc = $ndcarr["{$lino}"];
            $ndc_info = '';
            if ($ndc['ndcnum']) {
                $ndc_info = 'N4' . trim($ndc['ndcnum']) . '   ' . $ndc['ndcuom'] . trim($ndc['ndcqty']);
            sqlStatement("UPDATE billing SET ndc_info = '{$ndc_info}' WHERE " . "encounter = '" . add_escape_custom($_POST['encounter_id']) . "' AND " . "pid = '" . add_escape_custom($_POST['patient_id']) . "' AND " . "code = '" . add_escape_custom($ndc['code']) . "'");
 if ($_GET['mode'] == "add") {
     $sql = "REPLACE INTO immunizations set \n                      id = ?,\n                      administered_date = if(?,?,NULL),  \n                      immunization_id = ?,\n                      cvx_code = ?, \n                      manufacturer = ?,\n                      lot_number = ?,\n                      administered_by_id = if(?,?,NULL),\n                      administered_by = if(?,?,NULL),\n                      education_date = if(?,?,NULL), \n                      vis_date = if(?,?,NULL), \n                      note   = ?,\n                      patient_id   = ?,\n                      created_by = ?,\n                      updated_by = ?,\n                      create_date = now() ";
     $sqlBindArray = array(trim($_GET['id']), trim($_GET['administered_date']), trim($_GET['administered_date']), trim($_GET['form_immunization_id']), trim($_GET['cvx_code']), trim($_GET['manufacturer']), trim($_GET['lot_number']), trim($_GET['administered_by_id']), trim($_GET['administered_by_id']), trim($_GET['administered_by']), trim($_GET['administered_by']), trim($_GET['education_date']), trim($_GET['education_date']), trim($_GET['vis_date']), trim($_GET['vis_date']), trim($_GET['note']), $pid, $_SESSION['authId'], $_SESSION['authId']);
     sqlStatement($sql, $sqlBindArray);
     $administered_date = $education_date = date('Y-m-d');
     $immunization_id = $cvx_code = $manufacturer = $lot_number = $administered_by_id = $note = $id = "";
     $administered_by = $vis_date = "";
 } elseif ($_GET['mode'] == "delete") {
     // log the event
     newEvent("delete", $_SESSION['authUser'], $_SESSION['authProvider'], 1, "Immunization id " . $_GET['id'] . " deleted from pid " . $pid);
     // delete the immunization
     $sql = "DELETE FROM immunizations WHERE id =? LIMIT 1";
     sqlStatement($sql, array($_GET['id']));
 } elseif ($_GET['mode'] == "edit") {
     $sql = "select * from immunizations where id = ?";
     $results = sqlQ($sql, array($_GET['id']));
     while ($row = sqlFetchArray($results)) {
         $administered_date = $row['administered_date'];
         $immunization_id = $row['immunization_id'];
         $cvx_code = $row['cvx_code'];
         $code_text = '';
         if (!empty($cvx_code)) {
             $query = "SELECT codes.code_text as `code_text`, codes.code as `code` " . "FROM codes " . "LEFT JOIN code_types on codes.code_type = code_types.ct_id " . "WHERE code_types.ct_key = 'CVX' AND codes.code = ?";
             $row = sqlQuery($query, array($cvx_code));
             $code_text = $row['code_text'];
         $manufacturer = $row['manufacturer'];
         $lot_number = $row['lot_number'];
         $administered_by_id = $row['administered_by_id'] ? $row['administered_by_id'] : 0;
         $administered_by = $row['administered_by'];
         $education_date = $row['education_date'];