  * Get interface data.
  * @param array   $options
  * @param array   $options['nodeids']		Node IDs
  * @param array   $options['hostids']		Interface IDs
  * @param boolean $options['editable']		only with read-write permission. Ignored for SuperAdmins
  * @param boolean $options['selectHosts']	select Interface hosts
  * @param boolean $options['selectItems']	select Items
  * @param int     $options['count']			count Interfaces, returned column name is rowscount
  * @param string  $options['pattern']		search hosts by pattern in Interface name
  * @param int     $options['limit']			limit selection
  * @param string  $options['sortfield']		field to sort by
  * @param string  $options['sortorder']		sort order
  * @return array|boolean Interface data as array or false if error
 public function get(array $options = array())
     $result = array();
     $nodeCheck = false;
     $userType = self::$userData['type'];
     $userId = self::$userData['userid'];
     $sqlParts = array('select' => array('interface' => 'hi.interfaceid'), 'from' => array('interface' => 'interface hi'), 'where' => array(), 'group' => array(), 'order' => array(), 'limit' => null);
     $defOptions = array('nodeids' => null, 'groupids' => null, 'hostids' => null, 'interfaceids' => null, 'itemids' => null, 'triggerids' => null, 'editable' => null, 'nopermissions' => null, 'filter' => null, 'search' => null, 'searchByAny' => null, 'startSearch' => null, 'excludeSearch' => null, 'searchWildcardsEnabled' => null, 'output' => API_OUTPUT_REFER, 'selectHosts' => null, 'selectItems' => null, 'countOutput' => null, 'groupCount' => null, 'preservekeys' => null, 'sortfield' => '', 'sortorder' => '', 'limit' => null, 'limitSelects' => null);
     $options = zbx_array_merge($defOptions, $options);
     // editable + PERMISSION CHECK
     if ($userType != USER_TYPE_SUPER_ADMIN && !$options['nopermissions']) {
         $permission = $options['editable'] ? PERM_READ_WRITE : PERM_READ;
         $userGroups = getUserGroupsByUserId($userId);
         $sqlParts['where'][] = 'EXISTS (' . 'SELECT NULL' . ' FROM hosts_groups hgg' . ' JOIN rights r' . ' ON r.id=hgg.groupid' . ' AND ' . dbConditionInt('r.groupid', $userGroups) . ' WHERE hi.hostid=hgg.hostid' . ' GROUP BY hgg.hostid' . ' HAVING MIN(r.permission)>' . PERM_DENY . ' AND MAX(r.permission)>=' . $permission . ')';
     // nodeids
     $nodeids = is_null($options['nodeids']) ? get_current_nodeid() : $options['nodeids'];
     // interfaceids
     if (!is_null($options['interfaceids'])) {
         $sqlParts['where']['interfaceid'] = dbConditionInt('hi.interfaceid', $options['interfaceids']);
         if (!$nodeCheck) {
             $nodeCheck = true;
             $sqlParts['where'] = sqlPartDbNode($sqlParts['where'], 'hi.interfaceid', $nodeids);
     // hostids
     if (!is_null($options['hostids'])) {
         $sqlParts['select']['hostid'] = 'hi.hostid';
         $sqlParts['where']['hostid'] = dbConditionInt('hi.hostid', $options['hostids']);
         if (!$nodeCheck) {
             $nodeCheck = true;
             $sqlParts['where'] = sqlPartDbNode($sqlParts['where'], 'hi.hostid', $nodeids);
     // itemids
     if (!is_null($options['itemids'])) {
         $sqlParts['select']['itemid'] = 'i.itemid';
         $sqlParts['from']['items'] = 'items i';
         $sqlParts['where'][] = dbConditionInt('i.itemid', $options['itemids']);
         $sqlParts['where']['hi'] = 'hi.interfaceid=i.interfaceid';
         if (!$nodeCheck) {
             $nodeCheck = true;
             $sqlParts['where'] = sqlPartDbNode($sqlParts['where'], 'i.itemid', $nodeids);
     // triggerids
     if (!is_null($options['triggerids'])) {
         $sqlParts['select']['triggerid'] = 'f.triggerid';
         $sqlParts['from']['functions'] = 'functions f';
         $sqlParts['from']['items'] = 'items i';
         $sqlParts['where'][] = dbConditionInt('f.triggerid', $options['triggerids']);
         $sqlParts['where']['hi'] = 'hi.hostid=i.hostid';
         $sqlParts['where']['fi'] = 'f.itemid=i.itemid';
         if (!$nodeCheck) {
             $nodeCheck = true;
             $sqlParts['where'] = sqlPartDbNode($sqlParts['where'], 'f.triggerid', $nodeids);
     // node check, should last, after all ****IDS checks
     if (!$nodeCheck) {
         $sqlParts['where'] = sqlPartDbNode($sqlParts['where'], 'hi.interfaceid', $nodeids);
     // search
     if (is_array($options['search'])) {
         zbx_db_search('interface hi', $options, $sqlParts);
     // filter
     if (is_array($options['filter'])) {
         $this->dbFilter('interface hi', $options, $sqlParts);
     // limit
     if (zbx_ctype_digit($options['limit']) && $options['limit']) {
         $sqlParts['limit'] = $options['limit'];
     $sqlParts = $this->applyQueryOutputOptions($this->tableName(), $this->tableAlias(), $options, $sqlParts);
     $sqlParts = $this->applyQuerySortOptions($this->tableName(), $this->tableAlias(), $options, $sqlParts);
     $sqlParts = $this->applyQueryNodeOptions($this->tableName(), $this->tableAlias(), $options, $sqlParts);
     $res = DBselect($this->createSelectQueryFromParts($sqlParts), $sqlParts['limit']);
     while ($interface = DBfetch($res)) {
         if (!is_null($options['countOutput'])) {
             if (!is_null($options['groupCount'])) {
                 $result[] = $interface;
             } else {
                 $result = $interface['rowscount'];
         } else {
             if (!isset($result[$interface['interfaceid']])) {
                 $result[$interface['interfaceid']] = array();
             // itemids
             if (isset($interface['itemid']) && is_null($options['selectItems'])) {
                 if (!isset($result[$interface['interfaceid']]['items'])) {
                     $result[$interface['interfaceid']]['items'] = array();
                 $result[$interface['interfaceid']]['items'][] = array('itemid' => $interface['itemid']);
             $result[$interface['interfaceid']] += $interface;
     if (!is_null($options['countOutput'])) {
         return $result;
     if ($result) {
         $result = $this->addRelatedObjects($options, $result);
         $result = $this->unsetExtraFields($result, array('hostid'), $options['output']);
     // removing keys (hash -> array)
     if (is_null($options['preservekeys'])) {
         $result = zbx_cleanHashes($result);
     return $result;
Exemple #2
  * Get Template data
  * @param array $options
  * @return array|boolean Template data as array or false if error
 public function get($options = array())
     $result = array();
     $nodeCheck = false;
     $userType = self::$userData['type'];
     $userid = self::$userData['userid'];
     $sqlParts = array('select' => array('templates' => 'h.hostid'), 'from' => array('hosts' => 'hosts h'), 'where' => array('h.status=' . HOST_STATUS_TEMPLATE), 'group' => array(), 'order' => array(), 'limit' => null);
     $defOptions = array('nodeids' => null, 'groupids' => null, 'templateids' => null, 'parentTemplateids' => null, 'hostids' => null, 'graphids' => null, 'itemids' => null, 'triggerids' => null, 'with_items' => null, 'with_triggers' => null, 'with_graphs' => null, 'with_httptests' => null, 'editable' => null, 'nopermissions' => null, 'filter' => null, 'search' => '', 'searchByAny' => null, 'startSearch' => null, 'excludeSearch' => null, 'searchWildcardsEnabled' => null, 'output' => API_OUTPUT_REFER, 'selectGroups' => null, 'selectHosts' => null, 'selectTemplates' => null, 'selectParentTemplates' => null, 'selectItems' => null, 'selectDiscoveries' => null, 'selectTriggers' => null, 'selectGraphs' => null, 'selectApplications' => null, 'selectMacros' => null, 'selectScreens' => null, 'selectHttpTests' => null, 'countOutput' => null, 'groupCount' => null, 'preservekeys' => null, 'sortfield' => '', 'sortorder' => '', 'limit' => null, 'limitSelects' => null);
     $options = zbx_array_merge($defOptions, $options);
     // editable + PERMISSION CHECK
     if ($userType != USER_TYPE_SUPER_ADMIN && !$options['nopermissions']) {
         $permission = $options['editable'] ? PERM_READ_WRITE : PERM_READ;
         $userGroups = getUserGroupsByUserId($userid);
         $sqlParts['where'][] = 'EXISTS (' . 'SELECT NULL' . ' FROM hosts_groups hgg' . ' JOIN rights r' . ' ON r.id=hgg.groupid' . ' AND ' . dbConditionInt('r.groupid', $userGroups) . ' WHERE h.hostid=hgg.hostid' . ' GROUP BY hgg.hostid' . ' HAVING MIN(r.permission)>' . PERM_DENY . ' AND MAX(r.permission)>=' . $permission . ')';
     // nodeids
     $nodeids = !is_null($options['nodeids']) ? $options['nodeids'] : get_current_nodeid();
     // groupids
     if (!is_null($options['groupids'])) {
         $sqlParts['select']['groupid'] = 'hg.groupid';
         $sqlParts['from']['hosts_groups'] = 'hosts_groups hg';
         $sqlParts['where'][] = dbConditionInt('hg.groupid', $options['groupids']);
         $sqlParts['where']['hgh'] = 'hg.hostid=h.hostid';
         if (!is_null($options['groupCount'])) {
             $sqlParts['group']['hg'] = 'hg.groupid';
         if (!$nodeCheck) {
             $nodeCheck = true;
             $sqlParts['where'] = sqlPartDbNode($sqlParts['where'], 'hg.groupid', $nodeids);
     // templateids
     if (!is_null($options['templateids'])) {
         $sqlParts['where']['templateid'] = dbConditionInt('h.hostid', $options['templateids']);
         if (!$nodeCheck) {
             $nodeCheck = true;
             $sqlParts['where'] = sqlPartDbNode($sqlParts['where'], 'h.hostid', $nodeids);
     // parentTemplateids
     if (!is_null($options['parentTemplateids'])) {
         $sqlParts['select']['parentTemplateid'] = 'ht.templateid as parentTemplateid';
         $sqlParts['from']['hosts_templates'] = 'hosts_templates ht';
         $sqlParts['where'][] = dbConditionInt('ht.templateid', $options['parentTemplateids']);
         $sqlParts['where']['hht'] = 'h.hostid=ht.hostid';
         if (!is_null($options['groupCount'])) {
             $sqlParts['group']['templateid'] = 'ht.templateid';
         if (!$nodeCheck) {
             $nodeCheck = true;
             $sqlParts['where'] = sqlPartDbNode($sqlParts['where'], 'ht.templateid', $nodeids);
     // hostids
     if (!is_null($options['hostids'])) {
         $sqlParts['select']['linked_hostid'] = 'ht.hostid as linked_hostid';
         $sqlParts['from']['hosts_templates'] = 'hosts_templates ht';
         $sqlParts['where'][] = dbConditionInt('ht.hostid', $options['hostids']);
         $sqlParts['where']['hht'] = 'h.hostid=ht.templateid';
         if (!is_null($options['groupCount'])) {
             $sqlParts['group']['ht'] = 'ht.hostid';
         if (!$nodeCheck) {
             $nodeCheck = true;
             $sqlParts['where'] = sqlPartDbNode($sqlParts['where'], 'ht.hostid', $nodeids);
     // itemids
     if (!is_null($options['itemids'])) {
         $sqlParts['select']['itemid'] = 'i.itemid';
         $sqlParts['from']['items'] = 'items i';
         $sqlParts['where'][] = dbConditionInt('i.itemid', $options['itemids']);
         $sqlParts['where']['hi'] = 'h.hostid=i.hostid';
         if (!$nodeCheck) {
             $nodeCheck = true;
             $sqlParts['where'] = sqlPartDbNode($sqlParts['where'], 'i.itemid', $nodeids);
     // triggerids
     if (!is_null($options['triggerids'])) {
         $sqlParts['select']['triggerid'] = 'f.triggerid';
         $sqlParts['from']['functions'] = 'functions f';
         $sqlParts['from']['items'] = 'items i';
         $sqlParts['where'][] = dbConditionInt('f.triggerid', $options['triggerids']);
         $sqlParts['where']['hi'] = 'h.hostid=i.hostid';
         $sqlParts['where']['fi'] = 'f.itemid=i.itemid';
         if (!$nodeCheck) {
             $nodeCheck = true;
             $sqlParts['where'] = sqlPartDbNode($sqlParts['where'], 'f.triggerid', $nodeids);
     // graphids
     if (!is_null($options['graphids'])) {
         $sqlParts['select']['graphid'] = 'gi.graphid';
         $sqlParts['from']['graphs_items'] = 'graphs_items gi';
         $sqlParts['from']['items'] = 'items i';
         $sqlParts['where'][] = dbConditionInt('gi.graphid', $options['graphids']);
         $sqlParts['where']['igi'] = 'i.itemid=gi.itemid';
         $sqlParts['where']['hi'] = 'h.hostid=i.hostid';
         if (!$nodeCheck) {
             $nodeCheck = true;
             $sqlParts['where'] = sqlPartDbNode($sqlParts['where'], 'gi.graphid', $nodeids);
     // node check !!!!
     // should last, after all ****IDS checks
     if (!$nodeCheck) {
         $sqlParts['where'] = sqlPartDbNode($sqlParts['where'], 'h.hostid', $nodeids);
     // with_items
     if (!is_null($options['with_items'])) {
         $sqlParts['where'][] = 'EXISTS (' . 'SELECT NULL' . ' FROM items i' . ' WHERE h.hostid=i.hostid' . ' AND i.flags IN (' . ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_NORMAL . ',' . ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_CREATED . ')' . ')';
     // with_triggers
     if (!is_null($options['with_triggers'])) {
         $sqlParts['where'][] = 'EXISTS (' . 'SELECT NULL' . ' FROM items i,functions f,triggers t' . ' WHERE i.hostid=h.hostid' . ' AND i.itemid=f.itemid' . ' AND f.triggerid=t.triggerid' . ' AND t.flags IN (' . ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_NORMAL . ',' . ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_CREATED . ')' . ')';
     // with_graphs
     if (!is_null($options['with_graphs'])) {
         $sqlParts['where'][] = 'EXISTS (' . 'SELECT NULL' . ' FROM items i,graphs_items gi,graphs g' . ' WHERE i.hostid=h.hostid' . ' AND i.itemid=gi.itemid' . ' AND gi.graphid=g.graphid' . ' AND g.flags IN (' . ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_NORMAL . ',' . ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_CREATED . ')' . ')';
     // with_httptests
     if (!empty($options['with_httptests'])) {
         $sqlParts['where'][] = 'EXISTS (SELECT ht.httptestid FROM httptest ht WHERE ht.hostid=h.hostid)';
     // filter
     if (is_array($options['filter'])) {
         $this->dbFilter('hosts h', $options, $sqlParts);
     // search
     if (is_array($options['search'])) {
         zbx_db_search('hosts h', $options, $sqlParts);
     // limit
     if (zbx_ctype_digit($options['limit']) && $options['limit']) {
         $sqlParts['limit'] = $options['limit'];
     $sqlParts = $this->applyQueryOutputOptions($this->tableName(), $this->tableAlias(), $options, $sqlParts);
     $sqlParts = $this->applyQuerySortOptions($this->tableName(), $this->tableAlias(), $options, $sqlParts);
     $sqlParts = $this->applyQueryNodeOptions($this->tableName(), $this->tableAlias(), $options, $sqlParts);
     $res = DBselect($this->createSelectQueryFromParts($sqlParts), $sqlParts['limit']);
     while ($template = DBfetch($res)) {
         if (!is_null($options['countOutput'])) {
             if (!is_null($options['groupCount'])) {
                 $result[] = $template;
             } else {
                 $result = $template['rowscount'];
         } else {
             $template['templateid'] = $template['hostid'];
             if (!isset($result[$template['templateid']])) {
                 $result[$template['templateid']] = array();
             // groupids
             if (isset($template['groupid']) && is_null($options['selectGroups'])) {
                 if (!isset($result[$template['templateid']]['groups'])) {
                     $result[$template['templateid']]['groups'] = array();
                 $result[$template['templateid']]['groups'][] = array('groupid' => $template['groupid']);
             // hostids
             if (isset($template['linked_hostid']) && is_null($options['selectHosts'])) {
                 if (!isset($result[$template['templateid']]['hosts'])) {
                     $result[$template['templateid']]['hosts'] = array();
                 $result[$template['templateid']]['hosts'][] = array('hostid' => $template['linked_hostid']);
             // parentTemplateids
             if (isset($template['parentTemplateid']) && is_null($options['selectParentTemplates'])) {
                 if (!isset($result[$template['templateid']]['parentTemplates'])) {
                     $result[$template['templateid']]['parentTemplates'] = array();
                 $result[$template['templateid']]['parentTemplates'][] = array('templateid' => $template['parentTemplateid']);
             // itemids
             if (isset($template['itemid']) && is_null($options['selectItems'])) {
                 if (!isset($result[$template['templateid']]['items'])) {
                     $result[$template['templateid']]['items'] = array();
                 $result[$template['templateid']]['items'][] = array('itemid' => $template['itemid']);
             // triggerids
             if (isset($template['triggerid']) && is_null($options['selectTriggers'])) {
                 if (!isset($result[$template['templateid']]['triggers'])) {
                     $result[$template['templateid']]['triggers'] = array();
                 $result[$template['templateid']]['triggers'][] = array('triggerid' => $template['triggerid']);
             // graphids
             if (isset($template['graphid']) && is_null($options['selectGraphs'])) {
                 if (!isset($result[$template['templateid']]['graphs'])) {
                     $result[$template['templateid']]['graphs'] = array();
                 $result[$template['templateid']]['graphs'][] = array('graphid' => $template['graphid']);
             $result[$template['templateid']] += $template;
     if (!is_null($options['countOutput'])) {
         return $result;
     if ($result) {
         $result = $this->addRelatedObjects($options, $result);
     // removing keys (hash -> array)
     if (is_null($options['preservekeys'])) {
         $result = zbx_cleanHashes($result);
     return $result;
Exemple #3
  * Get discovery service data.
  * @param array  $options
  * @param array  $options['nodeids']				Node IDs
  * @param array  $options['groupids']				ServiceGroup IDs
  * @param array  $options['hostids']				Service IDs
  * @param bool   $options['monitored_hosts']		only monitored Services
  * @param bool   $options['templated_hosts']		include templates in result
  * @param bool   $options['with_items']				only with items
  * @param bool   $options['with_triggers']			only with triggers
  * @param bool   $options['with_httptests']			only with http tests
  * @param bool   $options['with_graphs']			only with graphs
  * @param bool   $options['editable']				only with read-write permission. Ignored for SuperAdmins
  * @param bool   $options['selectGroups']			select ServiceGroups
  * @param bool   $options['selectTemplates']		select Templates
  * @param bool   $options['selectItems']			select Items
  * @param bool   $options['selectTriggers']			select Triggers
  * @param bool   $options['selectGraphs']			select Graphs
  * @param int    $options['count']					count Services, returned column name is rowscount
  * @param string $options['pattern']				search hosts by pattern in Service name
  * @param string $options['extendPattern']			search hosts by pattern in Service name, ip and DNS
  * @param int    $options['limit']					limit selection
  * @param string $options['sortfield']				field to sort by
  * @param string $options['sortorder']				sort order
  * @return array									service data as array or false if error
 public function get($options = array())
     $result = array();
     $nodeCheck = false;
     $userType = self::$userData['type'];
     $sqlParts = array('select' => array('dservices' => 'ds.dserviceid'), 'from' => array('dservices' => 'dservices ds'), 'where' => array(), 'group' => array(), 'order' => array(), 'limit' => null);
     $defOptions = array('nodeids' => null, 'dserviceids' => null, 'dhostids' => null, 'dcheckids' => null, 'druleids' => null, 'editable' => null, 'nopermissions' => null, 'filter' => null, 'search' => null, 'searchByAny' => null, 'startSearch' => null, 'excludeSearch' => null, 'searchWildcardsEnabled' => null, 'output' => API_OUTPUT_REFER, 'selectDRules' => null, 'selectDHosts' => null, 'selectHosts' => null, 'countOutput' => null, 'groupCount' => null, 'preservekeys' => null, 'sortfield' => '', 'sortorder' => '', 'limit' => null, 'limitSelects' => null);
     $options = zbx_array_merge($defOptions, $options);
     // editable + PERMISSION CHECK
     if (USER_TYPE_SUPER_ADMIN == $userType) {
     } elseif (is_null($options['editable']) && self::$userData['type'] == USER_TYPE_ZABBIX_ADMIN) {
     } elseif (!is_null($options['editable']) && self::$userData['type'] != USER_TYPE_SUPER_ADMIN) {
         return array();
     // nodeids
     $nodeids = !is_null($options['nodeids']) ? $options['nodeids'] : get_current_nodeid();
     // dserviceids
     if (!is_null($options['dserviceids'])) {
         $sqlParts['where']['dserviceid'] = dbConditionInt('ds.dserviceid', $options['dserviceids']);
         if (!$nodeCheck) {
             $nodeCheck = true;
             $sqlParts['where'] = sqlPartDbNode($sqlParts['where'], 'ds.dserviceid', $nodeids);
     // dhostids
     if (!is_null($options['dhostids'])) {
         $sqlParts['select']['dhostid'] = 'ds.dhostid';
         $sqlParts['where'][] = dbConditionInt('ds.dhostid', $options['dhostids']);
         if (!is_null($options['groupCount'])) {
             $sqlParts['group']['dhostid'] = 'ds.dhostid';
         if (!$nodeCheck) {
             $nodeCheck = true;
             $sqlParts['where'] = sqlPartDbNode($sqlParts['where'], 'ds.dhostid', $nodeids);
     // dcheckids
     if (!is_null($options['dcheckids'])) {
         $sqlParts['select']['dcheckid'] = 'dc.dcheckid';
         $sqlParts['from']['dhosts'] = 'dhosts dh';
         $sqlParts['from']['dchecks'] = 'dchecks dc';
         $sqlParts['where'][] = dbConditionInt('dc.dcheckid', $options['dcheckids']);
         $sqlParts['where']['dhds'] = 'dh.dhostid=ds.dhostid';
         $sqlParts['where']['dcdh'] = 'dc.druleid=dh.druleid';
         if (!is_null($options['groupCount'])) {
             $sqlParts['group']['dcheckid'] = 'dc.dcheckid';
     // druleids
     if (!is_null($options['druleids'])) {
         $sqlParts['select']['druleid'] = 'dh.druleid';
         $sqlParts['from']['dhosts'] = 'dhosts dh';
         $sqlParts['where']['druleid'] = dbConditionInt('dh.druleid', $options['druleids']);
         $sqlParts['where']['dhds'] = 'dh.dhostid=ds.dhostid';
         if (!is_null($options['groupCount'])) {
             $sqlParts['group']['druleid'] = 'dh.druleid';
         if (!$nodeCheck) {
             $nodeCheck = true;
             $sqlParts['where'] = sqlPartDbNode($sqlParts['where'], 'dh.druleid', $nodeids);
     // node check !!!!!
     // should last, after all ****IDS checks
     if (!$nodeCheck) {
         $sqlParts['where'] = sqlPartDbNode($sqlParts['where'], 'ds.dserviceid', $nodeids);
     // filter
     if (is_array($options['filter'])) {
         $this->dbFilter('dservices ds', $options, $sqlParts);
     // search
     if (is_array($options['search'])) {
         zbx_db_search('dservices ds', $options, $sqlParts);
     // limit
     if (zbx_ctype_digit($options['limit']) && $options['limit']) {
         $sqlParts['limit'] = $options['limit'];
     $sqlParts = $this->applyQueryOutputOptions($this->tableName(), $this->tableAlias(), $options, $sqlParts);
     $sqlParts = $this->applyQuerySortOptions($this->tableName(), $this->tableAlias(), $options, $sqlParts);
     $sqlParts = $this->applyQueryNodeOptions($this->tableName(), $this->tableAlias(), $options, $sqlParts);
     $res = DBselect($this->createSelectQueryFromParts($sqlParts), $sqlParts['limit']);
     while ($dservice = DBfetch($res)) {
         if (!is_null($options['countOutput'])) {
             if (!is_null($options['groupCount'])) {
                 $result[] = $dservice;
             } else {
                 $result = $dservice['rowscount'];
         } else {
             if (!isset($result[$dservice['dserviceid']])) {
                 $result[$dservice['dserviceid']] = array();
             // druleids
             if (isset($dservice['druleid']) && is_null($options['selectDRules'])) {
                 if (!isset($result[$dservice['dserviceid']]['drules'])) {
                     $result[$dservice['dserviceid']]['drules'] = array();
                 $result[$dservice['dserviceid']]['drules'][] = array('druleid' => $dservice['druleid']);
             // dhostids
             if (isset($dservice['dhostid']) && is_null($options['selectDHosts'])) {
                 if (!isset($result[$dservice['dserviceid']]['dhosts'])) {
                     $result[$dservice['dserviceid']]['dhosts'] = array();
                 $result[$dservice['dserviceid']]['dhosts'][] = array('dhostid' => $dservice['dhostid']);
             $result[$dservice['dserviceid']] += $dservice;
     if (!is_null($options['countOutput'])) {
         return $result;
     if ($result) {
         $result = $this->addRelatedObjects($options, $result);
         $result = $this->unsetExtraFields($result, array('dhostid'), $options['output']);
     // removing keys (hash -> array)
     if (is_null($options['preservekeys'])) {
         $result = zbx_cleanHashes($result);
     return $result;
Exemple #4
  * Get Media types data
  * @param array $options
  * @param array $options['nodeids'] filter by Node IDs
  * @param array $options['mediatypeids'] filter by Mediatype IDs
  * @param boolean $options['type'] filter by Mediatype type [ USER_TYPE_ZABBIX_USER: 1, USER_TYPE_ZABBIX_ADMIN: 2, USER_TYPE_SUPER_ADMIN: 3 ]
  * @param boolean $options['output'] output only Mediatype IDs if not set.
  * @param boolean $options['count'] output only count of objects in result. ( result returned in property 'rowscount' )
  * @param string $options['pattern'] filter by Host name containing only give pattern
  * @param int $options['limit'] output will be limited to given number
  * @param string $options['sortfield'] output will be sorted by given property [ 'mediatypeid', 'alias' ]
  * @param string $options['sortorder'] output will be sorted in given order [ 'ASC', 'DESC' ]
  * @return array
 public function get($options = array())
     $result = array();
     $nodeCheck = false;
     $userType = self::$userData['type'];
     $sqlParts = array('select' => array('media_type' => 'mt.mediatypeid'), 'from' => array('media_type' => 'media_type mt'), 'where' => array(), 'group' => array(), 'order' => array(), 'limit' => null);
     $defOptions = array('nodeids' => null, 'mediatypeids' => null, 'mediaids' => null, 'userids' => null, 'editable' => null, 'filter' => null, 'search' => null, 'searchByAny' => null, 'startSearch' => null, 'excludeSearch' => null, 'searchWildcardsEnabled' => null, 'output' => API_OUTPUT_REFER, 'selectUsers' => null, 'countOutput' => null, 'groupCount' => null, 'preservekeys' => null, 'sortfield' => '', 'sortorder' => '', 'limit' => null);
     $options = zbx_array_merge($defOptions, $options);
     // permission check
     if (USER_TYPE_SUPER_ADMIN == $userType) {
     } elseif (is_null($options['editable']) && self::$userData['type'] == USER_TYPE_ZABBIX_ADMIN) {
     } elseif (!is_null($options['editable']) || self::$userData['type'] != USER_TYPE_SUPER_ADMIN) {
         return array();
     // nodeids
     $nodeids = !is_null($options['nodeids']) ? $options['nodeids'] : get_current_nodeid();
     // mediatypeids
     if (!is_null($options['mediatypeids'])) {
         $sqlParts['where'][] = dbConditionInt('mt.mediatypeid', $options['mediatypeids']);
         if (!$nodeCheck) {
             $nodeCheck = true;
             $sqlParts['where'] = sqlPartDbNode($sqlParts['where'], 'mt.mediatypeid', $nodeids);
     // mediaids
     if (!is_null($options['mediaids'])) {
         $sqlParts['select']['mediaid'] = 'm.mediaid';
         $sqlParts['from']['media'] = 'media m';
         $sqlParts['where'][] = dbConditionInt('m.mediaid', $options['mediaids']);
         $sqlParts['where']['mmt'] = 'm.mediatypeid=mt.mediatypeid';
         if (!$nodeCheck) {
             $nodeCheck = true;
             $sqlParts['where'] = sqlPartDbNode($sqlParts['where'], 'm.mediaid', $nodeids);
     // userids
     if (!is_null($options['userids'])) {
         $sqlParts['select']['userid'] = 'm.userid';
         $sqlParts['from']['media'] = 'media m';
         $sqlParts['where'][] = dbConditionInt('m.userid', $options['userids']);
         $sqlParts['where']['mmt'] = 'm.mediatypeid=mt.mediatypeid';
         if (!$nodeCheck) {
             $nodeCheck = true;
             $sqlParts['where'] = sqlPartDbNode($sqlParts['where'], 'm.userid', $nodeids);
     // should last, after all ****IDS checks
     if (!$nodeCheck) {
         $sqlParts['where'] = sqlPartDbNode($sqlParts['where'], 'mt.mediatypeid', $nodeids);
     // filter
     if (is_array($options['filter'])) {
         $this->dbFilter('media_type mt', $options, $sqlParts);
     // search
     if (is_array($options['search'])) {
         zbx_db_search('media_type mt', $options, $sqlParts);
     // limit
     if (zbx_ctype_digit($options['limit']) && $options['limit']) {
         $sqlParts['limit'] = $options['limit'];
     $sqlParts = $this->applyQueryOutputOptions($this->tableName(), $this->tableAlias(), $options, $sqlParts);
     $sqlParts = $this->applyQuerySortOptions($this->tableName(), $this->tableAlias(), $options, $sqlParts);
     $sqlParts = $this->applyQueryNodeOptions($this->tableName(), $this->tableAlias(), $options, $sqlParts);
     $res = DBselect($this->createSelectQueryFromParts($sqlParts), $sqlParts['limit']);
     while ($mediatype = DBfetch($res)) {
         if (!is_null($options['countOutput'])) {
             if (!is_null($options['groupCount'])) {
                 $result[] = $mediatype;
             } else {
                 $result = $mediatype['rowscount'];
         } else {
             if (!isset($result[$mediatype['mediatypeid']])) {
                 $result[$mediatype['mediatypeid']] = array();
             // userids
             if (isset($mediatype['userid']) && is_null($options['selectUsers'])) {
                 if (!isset($result[$mediatype['mediatypeid']]['users'])) {
                     $result[$mediatype['mediatypeid']]['users'] = array();
                 $result[$mediatype['mediatypeid']]['users'][] = array('userid' => $mediatype['userid']);
             $result[$mediatype['mediatypeid']] += $mediatype;
     if (!is_null($options['countOutput'])) {
         return $result;
     if ($result) {
         $result = $this->addRelatedObjects($options, $result);
     // removing keys (hash -> array)
     if (is_null($options['preservekeys'])) {
         $result = zbx_cleanHashes($result);
     return $result;
Exemple #5
  * Get UserMacros data.
  * @param array $options
  * @param array $options['nodeids'] node ids
  * @param array $options['groupids'] usermacrosgroup ids
  * @param array $options['hostids'] host ids
  * @param array $options['hostmacroids'] host macros ids
  * @param array $options['globalmacroids'] global macros ids
  * @param array $options['templateids'] tempalate ids
  * @param boolean $options['globalmacro'] only global macros
  * @param boolean $options['selectGroups'] select groups
  * @param boolean $options['selectHosts'] select hosts
  * @param boolean $options['selectTemplates'] select templates
  * @return array|boolean UserMacros data as array or false if error
 public function get($options = array())
     $result = array();
     $userType = self::$userData['type'];
     $userid = self::$userData['userid'];
     $sqlParts = array('select' => array('macros' => 'hm.hostmacroid'), 'from' => array('hostmacro hm'), 'where' => array(), 'order' => array(), 'limit' => null);
     $sqlPartsGlobal = array('select' => array('macros' => 'gm.globalmacroid'), 'from' => array('globalmacro gm'), 'where' => array(), 'order' => array(), 'limit' => null);
     $defOptions = array('nodeids' => null, 'groupids' => null, 'hostids' => null, 'hostmacroids' => null, 'globalmacroids' => null, 'templateids' => null, 'globalmacro' => null, 'editable' => null, 'nopermissions' => null, 'filter' => null, 'search' => null, 'searchByAny' => null, 'startSearch' => null, 'excludeSearch' => null, 'searchWildcardsEnabled' => null, 'output' => API_OUTPUT_REFER, 'selectGroups' => null, 'selectHosts' => null, 'selectTemplates' => null, 'countOutput' => null, 'preservekeys' => null, 'sortfield' => '', 'sortorder' => '', 'limit' => null);
     $options = zbx_array_merge($defOptions, $options);
     // editable + PERMISSION CHECK
     if ($userType != USER_TYPE_SUPER_ADMIN && !$options['nopermissions']) {
         if (!is_null($options['editable']) && !is_null($options['globalmacro'])) {
             return array();
         } else {
             $permission = $options['editable'] ? PERM_READ_WRITE : PERM_READ;
             $userGroups = getUserGroupsByUserId($userid);
             $sqlParts['where'][] = 'EXISTS (' . 'SELECT NULL' . ' FROM hosts_groups hgg' . ' JOIN rights r' . ' ON r.id=hgg.groupid' . ' AND ' . dbConditionInt('r.groupid', $userGroups) . ' WHERE hm.hostid=hgg.hostid' . ' GROUP BY hgg.hostid' . ' HAVING MIN(r.permission)>' . PERM_DENY . ' AND MAX(r.permission)>=' . $permission . ')';
     // nodeids
     $nodeids = !is_null($options['nodeids']) ? $options['nodeids'] : get_current_nodeid();
     // global macro
     if (!is_null($options['globalmacro'])) {
         $sqlPartsGlobal['where'] = sqlPartDbNode($sqlPartsGlobal['where'], 'gm.globalmacroid', $nodeids);
         $options['groupids'] = null;
         $options['hostmacroids'] = null;
         $options['triggerids'] = null;
         $options['hostids'] = null;
         $options['itemids'] = null;
         $options['selectGroups'] = null;
         $options['selectTemplates'] = null;
         $options['selectHosts'] = null;
     } else {
         $sqlParts['where'] = sqlPartDbNode($sqlParts['where'], 'hm.hostmacroid', $nodeids);
     // globalmacroids
     if (!is_null($options['globalmacroids'])) {
         $sqlPartsGlobal['where'][] = dbConditionInt('gm.globalmacroid', $options['globalmacroids']);
     // hostmacroids
     if (!is_null($options['hostmacroids'])) {
         $sqlParts['where'][] = dbConditionInt('hm.hostmacroid', $options['hostmacroids']);
     // groupids
     if (!is_null($options['groupids'])) {
         $sqlParts['select']['groupid'] = 'hg.groupid';
         $sqlParts['from']['hosts_groups'] = 'hosts_groups hg';
         $sqlParts['where'][] = dbConditionInt('hg.groupid', $options['groupids']);
         $sqlParts['where']['hgh'] = 'hg.hostid=hm.hostid';
     // hostids
     if (!is_null($options['hostids'])) {
         $sqlParts['select']['hostid'] = 'hm.hostid';
         $sqlParts['where'][] = dbConditionInt('hm.hostid', $options['hostids']);
     // templateids
     if (!is_null($options['templateids'])) {
         $sqlParts['select']['templateid'] = 'ht.templateid';
         $sqlParts['from']['macros_templates'] = 'hosts_templates ht';
         $sqlParts['where'][] = dbConditionInt('ht.templateid', $options['templateids']);
         $sqlParts['where']['hht'] = 'hm.hostid=ht.hostid';
     // search
     if (is_array($options['search'])) {
         zbx_db_search('hostmacro hm', $options, $sqlParts);
         zbx_db_search('globalmacro gm', $options, $sqlPartsGlobal);
     // filter
     if (is_array($options['filter'])) {
         if (isset($options['filter']['macro'])) {
             $sqlParts['where'][] = dbConditionString('hm.macro', $options['filter']['macro']);
             $sqlPartsGlobal['where'][] = dbConditionString('gm.macro', $options['filter']['macro']);
     // sorting
     $sqlParts = $this->applyQuerySortOptions('hostmacro', 'hm', $options, $sqlParts);
     $sqlPartsGlobal = $this->applyQuerySortOptions('globalmacro', 'gm', $options, $sqlPartsGlobal);
     // limit
     if (zbx_ctype_digit($options['limit']) && $options['limit']) {
         $sqlParts['limit'] = $options['limit'];
         $sqlPartsGlobal['limit'] = $options['limit'];
     // init GLOBALS
     if (!is_null($options['globalmacro'])) {
         $sqlPartsGlobal = $this->applyQueryOutputOptions('globalmacro', 'gm', $options, $sqlPartsGlobal);
         $res = DBselect($this->createSelectQueryFromParts($sqlPartsGlobal), $sqlPartsGlobal['limit']);
         while ($macro = DBfetch($res)) {
             if ($options['countOutput']) {
                 $result = $macro['rowscount'];
             } else {
                 if (!isset($result[$macro['globalmacroid']])) {
                     $result[$macro['globalmacroid']] = array();
                 $result[$macro['globalmacroid']] += $macro;
     } else {
         $sqlParts = $this->applyQueryOutputOptions('hostmacro', 'hm', $options, $sqlParts);
         $res = DBselect($this->createSelectQueryFromParts($sqlParts), $sqlParts['limit']);
         while ($macro = DBfetch($res)) {
             if ($options['countOutput']) {
                 $result = $macro['rowscount'];
             } else {
                 if (!isset($result[$macro['hostmacroid']])) {
                     $result[$macro['hostmacroid']] = array();
                 // groupids
                 if (isset($macro['groupid'])) {
                     if (!isset($result[$macro['hostmacroid']]['groups'])) {
                         $result[$macro['hostmacroid']]['groups'] = array();
                     $result[$macro['hostmacroid']]['groups'][] = array('groupid' => $macro['groupid']);
                 // templateids
                 if (isset($macro['templateid'])) {
                     if (!isset($result[$macro['hostmacroid']]['templates'])) {
                         $result[$macro['hostmacroid']]['templates'] = array();
                     $result[$macro['hostmacroid']]['templates'][] = array('templateid' => $macro['templateid']);
                 // hostids
                 if (isset($macro['hostid'])) {
                     if (!isset($result[$macro['hostmacroid']]['hosts'])) {
                         $result[$macro['hostmacroid']]['hosts'] = array();
                     $result[$macro['hostmacroid']]['hosts'][] = array('hostid' => $macro['hostid']);
                 $result[$macro['hostmacroid']] += $macro;
     if (!is_null($options['countOutput'])) {
         return $result;
     if ($result) {
         $result = $this->addRelatedObjects($options, $result);
         $result = $this->unsetExtraFields($result, array('hostid'), $options['output']);
     // removing keys (hash -> array)
     if (is_null($options['preservekeys'])) {
         $result = zbx_cleanHashes($result);
     return $result;
Exemple #6
function get_accessible_groups_by_rights(&$rights, $user_type, $perm, $perm_res = null, $nodeid = null)
    $result = array();
    $where = array();
    if (!is_null($nodeid)) {
        $where = sqlPartDbNode($where, 'g.groupid', $nodeid);
    if (count($where)) {
        $where = ' WHERE ' . implode(' AND ', $where);
    } else {
        $where = '';
    $group_perm = array();
    foreach ($rights as $right) {
        $group_perm[$right['id']] = $right['permission'];
    $dbHostGroups = DBselect('SELECT n.nodeid AS nodeid,n.name AS node_name,g.*,' . PERM_DENY . ' AS permission' . ' FROM groups g' . ' LEFT JOIN nodes n ON ' . DBid2nodeid('g.groupid') . '=n.nodeid' . $where);
    while ($dbHostGroup = DBfetch($dbHostGroups)) {
        if (USER_TYPE_SUPER_ADMIN == $user_type) {
            $dbHostGroup['permission'] = PERM_READ_WRITE;
        } else {
            if (isset($group_perm[$dbHostGroup['groupid']])) {
                $dbHostGroup['permission'] = $group_perm[$dbHostGroup['groupid']];
            } else {
                if (is_null($dbHostGroup['nodeid'])) {
                    $dbHostGroup['nodeid'] = id2nodeid($dbHostGroup['groupid']);
                $dbHostGroup['permission'] = PERM_DENY;
        if ($dbHostGroup['permission'] < $perm) {
        switch ($perm_res) {
            case PERM_RES_DATA_ARRAY:
                $result[$dbHostGroup['groupid']] = $dbHostGroup;
                $result[$dbHostGroup['groupid']] = $dbHostGroup['groupid'];
    CArrayHelper::sort($result, array(array('field' => 'node_name', 'order' => ZBX_SORT_UP), array('field' => 'name', 'order' => ZBX_SORT_UP)));
    return $result;
Exemple #7
  * Get events data.
  * @param _array $options
  * @param array $options['itemids']
  * @param array $options['hostids']
  * @param array $options['groupids']
  * @param array $options['eventids']
  * @param array $options['applicationids']
  * @param array $options['status']
  * @param array $options['editable']
  * @param array $options['count']
  * @param array $options['pattern']
  * @param array $options['limit']
  * @param array $options['order']
  * @return array|int item data as array or false if error
 public function get($options = array())
     $result = array();
     $nodeCheck = false;
     $userType = self::$userData['type'];
     $userid = self::$userData['userid'];
     $sqlParts = array('select' => array($this->fieldId('eventid')), 'from' => array('events' => 'events e'), 'where' => array(), 'order' => array(), 'group' => array(), 'limit' => null);
     $defOptions = array('nodeids' => null, 'groupids' => null, 'hostids' => null, 'triggerids' => null, 'objectids' => null, 'eventids' => null, 'editable' => null, 'object' => EVENT_OBJECT_TRIGGER, 'source' => EVENT_SOURCE_TRIGGERS, 'acknowledged' => null, 'nopermissions' => null, 'value' => null, 'time_from' => null, 'time_till' => null, 'eventid_from' => null, 'eventid_till' => null, 'filter' => null, 'search' => null, 'searchByAny' => null, 'startSearch' => null, 'excludeSearch' => null, 'searchWildcardsEnabled' => null, 'output' => API_OUTPUT_REFER, 'selectHosts' => null, 'selectItems' => null, 'selectTriggers' => null, 'selectRelatedObject' => null, 'select_alerts' => null, 'select_acknowledges' => null, 'countOutput' => null, 'groupCount' => null, 'preservekeys' => null, 'sortfield' => '', 'sortorder' => '', 'limit' => null);
     $options = zbx_array_merge($defOptions, $options);
     $this->checkDeprecatedParam($options, 'selectTriggers');
     $this->checkDeprecatedParam($options, 'selectItems');
     $this->checkDeprecatedParam($options, 'sortfield', 'object');
     $options = $this->convertDeprecatedParam($options, 'triggerids', 'objectids');
     // editable + PERMISSION CHECK
     if ($userType != USER_TYPE_SUPER_ADMIN && !$options['nopermissions']) {
         // triggers
         if ($options['object'] == EVENT_OBJECT_TRIGGER) {
             // specific triggers
             if ($options['objectids'] !== null) {
                 $triggers = API::Trigger()->get(array('triggerids' => $options['objectids'], 'editable' => $options['editable']));
                 $options['objectids'] = zbx_objectValues($triggers, 'triggerid');
             } else {
                 $permission = $options['editable'] ? PERM_READ_WRITE : PERM_READ;
                 $sqlParts['where'][] = 'EXISTS (' . 'SELECT NULL' . ' FROM functions f,items i,hosts_groups hgg' . ' JOIN rights r' . ' ON r.id=hgg.groupid' . ' AND ' . dbConditionInt('r.groupid', getUserGroupsByUserId($userid)) . ' WHERE e.objectid=f.triggerid' . ' AND f.itemid=i.itemid' . ' AND i.hostid=hgg.hostid' . ' GROUP BY f.triggerid' . ' HAVING MIN(r.permission)>' . PERM_DENY . ' AND MAX(r.permission)>=' . $permission . ')';
         } elseif ($options['object'] == EVENT_OBJECT_ITEM || $options['object'] == EVENT_OBJECT_LLDRULE) {
             // specific items or LLD rules
             if ($options['objectids'] !== null) {
                 if ($options['object'] == EVENT_OBJECT_ITEM) {
                     $items = API::Item()->get(array('output' => array('itemid'), 'itemids' => $options['objectids'], 'editable' => $options['editable']));
                     $options['objectids'] = zbx_objectValues($items, 'itemid');
                 } elseif ($options['object'] == EVENT_OBJECT_LLDRULE) {
                     $items = API::DiscoveryRule()->get(array('itemids' => $options['objectids'], 'editable' => $options['editable']));
                     $options['objectids'] = zbx_objectValues($items, 'itemid');
             } else {
                 $permission = $options['editable'] ? PERM_READ_WRITE : PERM_READ;
                 $sqlParts['where'][] = 'EXISTS (' . 'SELECT NULL' . ' FROM items i,hosts_groups hgg' . ' JOIN rights r' . ' ON r.id=hgg.groupid' . ' AND ' . dbConditionInt('r.groupid', getUserGroupsByUserId($userid)) . ' WHERE e.objectid=i.itemid' . ' AND i.hostid=hgg.hostid' . ' GROUP BY hgg.hostid' . ' HAVING MIN(r.permission)>' . PERM_DENY . ' AND MAX(r.permission)>=' . $permission . ')';
     // nodeids
     $nodeids = !is_null($options['nodeids']) ? $options['nodeids'] : get_current_nodeid();
     // eventids
     if (!is_null($options['eventids'])) {
         $sqlParts['where'][] = dbConditionInt('e.eventid', $options['eventids']);
         if (!$nodeCheck) {
             $nodeCheck = true;
             $sqlParts['where'] = sqlPartDbNode($sqlParts['where'], 'e.objectid', $nodeids);
     // objectids
     if ($options['objectids'] !== null && in_array($options['object'], array(EVENT_OBJECT_TRIGGER, EVENT_OBJECT_ITEM, EVENT_OBJECT_LLDRULE))) {
         $sqlParts['where'][] = dbConditionInt('e.objectid', $options['objectids']);
         if (!is_null($options['groupCount'])) {
             $sqlParts['group']['objectid'] = 'e.objectid';
         if (!$nodeCheck) {
             $nodeCheck = true;
             $sqlParts['where'] = sqlPartDbNode($sqlParts['where'], 'e.objectid', $nodeids);
     // groupids
     if (!is_null($options['groupids'])) {
         $sqlParts = $this->addQuerySelect('hg.groupid', $sqlParts);
         // triggers
         if ($options['object'] == EVENT_OBJECT_TRIGGER) {
             $sqlParts['from']['functions'] = 'functions f';
             $sqlParts['from']['items'] = 'items i';
             $sqlParts['from']['hosts_groups'] = 'hosts_groups hg';
             $sqlParts['where']['hg'] = dbConditionInt('hg.groupid', $options['groupids']);
             $sqlParts['where']['hgi'] = 'hg.hostid=i.hostid';
             $sqlParts['where']['fe'] = 'f.triggerid=e.objectid';
             $sqlParts['where']['fi'] = 'f.itemid=i.itemid';
         } elseif ($options['object'] == EVENT_OBJECT_LLDRULE || $options['object'] == EVENT_OBJECT_ITEM) {
             $sqlParts['from']['items'] = 'items i';
             $sqlParts['from']['hosts_groups'] = 'hosts_groups hg';
             $sqlParts['where']['hg'] = dbConditionInt('hg.groupid', $options['groupids']);
             $sqlParts['where']['hgi'] = 'hg.hostid=i.hostid';
             $sqlParts['where']['fi'] = 'e.objectid=i.itemid';
     // hostids
     if (!is_null($options['hostids'])) {
         $sqlParts = $this->addQuerySelect('i.hostid', $sqlParts);
         // triggers
         if ($options['object'] == EVENT_OBJECT_TRIGGER) {
             $sqlParts['from']['functions'] = 'functions f';
             $sqlParts['from']['items'] = 'items i';
             $sqlParts['where']['i'] = dbConditionInt('i.hostid', $options['hostids']);
             $sqlParts['where']['ft'] = 'f.triggerid=e.objectid';
             $sqlParts['where']['fi'] = 'f.itemid=i.itemid';
         } elseif ($options['object'] == EVENT_OBJECT_LLDRULE || $options['object'] == EVENT_OBJECT_ITEM) {
             $sqlParts['from']['items'] = 'items i';
             $sqlParts['where']['i'] = dbConditionInt('i.hostid', $options['hostids']);
             $sqlParts['where']['fi'] = 'e.objectid=i.itemid';
     // should last, after all ****IDS checks
     if (!$nodeCheck) {
         $sqlParts['where'] = sqlPartDbNode($sqlParts['where'], 'e.eventid', $nodeids);
     // object
     if (!is_null($options['object'])) {
         $sqlParts['where']['o'] = 'e.object=' . zbx_dbstr($options['object']);
     // source
     if (!is_null($options['source'])) {
         $sqlParts['where'][] = 'e.source=' . zbx_dbstr($options['source']);
     // acknowledged
     if (!is_null($options['acknowledged'])) {
         $sqlParts['where'][] = 'e.acknowledged=' . ($options['acknowledged'] ? 1 : 0);
     // time_from
     if (!is_null($options['time_from'])) {
         $sqlParts['where'][] = 'e.clock>=' . zbx_dbstr($options['time_from']);
     // time_till
     if (!is_null($options['time_till'])) {
         $sqlParts['where'][] = 'e.clock<=' . zbx_dbstr($options['time_till']);
     // eventid_from
     if (!is_null($options['eventid_from'])) {
         $sqlParts['where'][] = 'e.eventid>=' . zbx_dbstr($options['eventid_from']);
     // eventid_till
     if (!is_null($options['eventid_till'])) {
         $sqlParts['where'][] = 'e.eventid<=' . zbx_dbstr($options['eventid_till']);
     // value
     if (!is_null($options['value'])) {
         $sqlParts['where'][] = dbConditionInt('e.value', $options['value']);
     // search
     if (is_array($options['search'])) {
         zbx_db_search('events e', $options, $sqlParts);
     // filter
     if (is_array($options['filter'])) {
         $this->dbFilter('events e', $options, $sqlParts);
     // limit
     if (zbx_ctype_digit($options['limit']) && $options['limit']) {
         $sqlParts['limit'] = $options['limit'];
     $sqlParts = $this->applyQueryOutputOptions($this->tableName(), $this->tableAlias(), $options, $sqlParts);
     $sqlParts = $this->applyQuerySortOptions($this->tableName(), $this->tableAlias(), $options, $sqlParts);
     $sqlParts = $this->applyQueryNodeOptions($this->tableName(), $this->tableAlias(), $options, $sqlParts);
     $res = DBselect($this->createSelectQueryFromParts($sqlParts), $sqlParts['limit']);
     while ($event = DBfetch($res)) {
         if (!is_null($options['countOutput'])) {
             if (!is_null($options['groupCount'])) {
                 $result[] = $event;
             } else {
                 $result = $event['rowscount'];
         } else {
             if (!isset($result[$event['eventid']])) {
                 $result[$event['eventid']] = array();
             // hostids
             if (isset($event['hostid']) && is_null($options['selectHosts'])) {
                 if (!isset($result[$event['eventid']]['hosts'])) {
                     $result[$event['eventid']]['hosts'] = array();
                 $result[$event['eventid']]['hosts'][] = array('hostid' => $event['hostid']);
             $result[$event['eventid']] += $event;
     if (!is_null($options['countOutput'])) {
         return $result;
     if ($result) {
         $result = $this->addRelatedObjects($options, $result);
         $result = $this->unsetExtraFields($result, array('object', 'objectid'), $options['output']);
     // removing keys (hash -> array)
     if (is_null($options['preservekeys'])) {
         $result = zbx_cleanHashes($result);
     return $result;
Exemple #8
  * Modifies the SQL parts to implement all of the node related options.
  * @param string $tableName
  * @param string $tableAlias
  * @param array  $options
  * @param array  $sqlParts
  * @return array
 protected function applyQueryNodeOptions($tableName, $tableAlias, array $options, array $sqlParts)
     $pkOption = $this->pkOption($tableName);
     $pkFieldId = $this->fieldId($this->pk($tableName), $tableAlias);
     // if no specific ids are given, apply the node filter
     if (!isset($options[$pkOption])) {
         $nodeIds = isset($options['nodeids']) ? $options['nodeids'] : get_current_nodeid();
         $sqlParts['where'] = sqlPartDbNode($sqlParts['where'], $pkFieldId, $nodeIds);
     return $sqlParts;
Exemple #9
  * Get history data.
  * @param array $options
  * @param array $options['itemids']
  * @param boolean $options['editable']
  * @param string $options['pattern']
  * @param int $options['limit']
  * @param string $options['order']
  * @return array|int item data as array or false if error
 public function get($options = array())
     $result = array();
     $nodeCheck = false;
     $sqlParts = array('select' => array('history' => 'h.itemid'), 'from' => array(), 'where' => array(), 'group' => array(), 'order' => array(), 'limit' => null);
     $defOptions = array('history' => ITEM_VALUE_TYPE_UINT64, 'nodeids' => null, 'hostids' => null, 'itemids' => null, 'triggerids' => null, 'editable' => null, 'nopermissions' => null, 'filter' => null, 'search' => null, 'searchByAny' => null, 'startSearch' => null, 'excludeSearch' => null, 'searchWildcardsEnabled' => null, 'time_from' => null, 'time_till' => null, 'output' => API_OUTPUT_REFER, 'countOutput' => null, 'groupCount' => null, 'groupOutput' => null, 'preservekeys' => null, 'sortfield' => '', 'sortorder' => '', 'limit' => null);
     $options = zbx_array_merge($defOptions, $options);
     if (!($tableName = CHistoryManager::getTableName($options['history']))) {
         $tableName = 'history';
     $sqlParts['from']['history'] = $tableName . ' h';
     // editable + PERMISSION CHECK
     if (USER_TYPE_SUPER_ADMIN == self::$userData['type'] || $options['nopermissions']) {
     } else {
         $items = API::Item()->get(array('itemids' => $options['itemids'] === null ? null : $options['itemids'], 'output' => array('itemid'), 'editable' => $options['editable'], 'preservekeys' => true, 'webitems' => true));
         $options['itemids'] = array_keys($items);
     // nodeids
     $nodeids = !is_null($options['nodeids']) ? $options['nodeids'] : get_current_nodeid();
     // itemids
     if (!is_null($options['itemids'])) {
         $sqlParts['where']['itemid'] = dbConditionInt('h.itemid', $options['itemids']);
         if (!$nodeCheck) {
             $nodeCheck = true;
             $sqlParts['where'] = sqlPartDbNode($sqlParts['where'], 'h.itemid', $nodeids);
     // hostids
     if (!is_null($options['hostids'])) {
         $sqlParts['select']['hostid'] = 'i.hostid';
         $sqlParts['from']['items'] = 'items i';
         $sqlParts['where']['i'] = dbConditionInt('i.hostid', $options['hostids']);
         $sqlParts['where']['hi'] = 'h.itemid=i.itemid';
         if (!$nodeCheck) {
             $nodeCheck = true;
             $sqlParts['where'] = sqlPartDbNode($sqlParts['where'], 'i.hostid', $nodeids);
     // should be last, after all ****IDS checks
     if (!$nodeCheck) {
         $sqlParts['where'] = sqlPartDbNode($sqlParts['where'], 'h.itemid', $nodeids);
     // time_from
     if (!is_null($options['time_from'])) {
         $sqlParts['select']['clock'] = 'h.clock';
         $sqlParts['where']['clock_from'] = 'h.clock>=' . zbx_dbstr($options['time_from']);
     // time_till
     if (!is_null($options['time_till'])) {
         $sqlParts['select']['clock'] = 'h.clock';
         $sqlParts['where']['clock_till'] = 'h.clock<=' . zbx_dbstr($options['time_till']);
     // filter
     if (is_array($options['filter'])) {
         $this->dbFilter($sqlParts['from']['history'], $options, $sqlParts);
     // search
     if (is_array($options['search'])) {
         zbx_db_search($sqlParts['from']['history'], $options, $sqlParts);
     // output
     if ($options['output'] == API_OUTPUT_EXTEND) {
         $sqlParts['select']['history'] = 'h.*';
     // countOutput
     if (!is_null($options['countOutput'])) {
         $options['sortfield'] = '';
         $sqlParts['select'] = array('count(DISTINCT h.hostid) as rowscount');
         // groupCount
         if (!is_null($options['groupCount'])) {
             foreach ($sqlParts['group'] as $key => $fields) {
                 $sqlParts['select'][$key] = $fields;
     // groupOutput
     $groupOutput = false;
     if (!is_null($options['groupOutput'])) {
         if (str_in_array('h.' . $options['groupOutput'], $sqlParts['select']) || str_in_array('h.*', $sqlParts['select'])) {
             $groupOutput = true;
     // sorting
     $sqlParts = $this->applyQuerySortOptions($tableName, $this->tableAlias(), $options, $sqlParts);
     // limit
     if (zbx_ctype_digit($options['limit']) && $options['limit']) {
         $sqlParts['limit'] = $options['limit'];
     $itemids = array();
     $sqlParts['select'] = array_unique($sqlParts['select']);
     $sqlParts['from'] = array_unique($sqlParts['from']);
     $sqlParts['where'] = array_unique($sqlParts['where']);
     $sqlParts['order'] = array_unique($sqlParts['order']);
     $sqlSelect = '';
     $sqlFrom = '';
     $sqlOrder = '';
     if (!empty($sqlParts['select'])) {
         $sqlSelect .= implode(',', $sqlParts['select']);
     if (!empty($sqlParts['from'])) {
         $sqlFrom .= implode(',', $sqlParts['from']);
     $sqlWhere = !empty($sqlParts['where']) ? ' WHERE ' . implode(' AND ', $sqlParts['where']) : '';
     if (!empty($sqlParts['order'])) {
         $sqlOrder .= ' ORDER BY ' . implode(',', $sqlParts['order']);
     $sqlLimit = $sqlParts['limit'];
     $sql = 'SELECT ' . $sqlSelect . ' FROM ' . $sqlFrom . $sqlWhere . $sqlOrder;
     $dbRes = DBselect($sql, $sqlLimit);
     $count = 0;
     $group = array();
     while ($data = DBfetch($dbRes)) {
         if ($options['countOutput']) {
             $result = $data;
         } else {
             $itemids[$data['itemid']] = $data['itemid'];
             $result[$count] = array();
             // hostids
             if (isset($data['hostid'])) {
                 if (!isset($result[$count]['hosts'])) {
                     $result[$count]['hosts'] = array();
                 $result[$count]['hosts'][] = array('hostid' => $data['hostid']);
             // triggerids
             if (isset($data['triggerid'])) {
                 if (!isset($result[$count]['triggers'])) {
                     $result[$count]['triggers'] = array();
                 $result[$count]['triggers'][] = array('triggerid' => $data['triggerid']);
             $result[$count] += $data;
             // grouping
             if ($groupOutput) {
                 $dataid = $data[$options['groupOutput']];
                 if (!isset($group[$dataid])) {
                     $group[$dataid] = array();
                 $group[$dataid][] = $result[$count];
     if (is_null($options['preservekeys'])) {
         $result = zbx_cleanHashes($result);
     return $result;
Exemple #10
  * Get Users data
  * @param array $options
  * @param array $options['nodeids'] filter by Node IDs
  * @param array $options['usrgrpids'] filter by UserGroup IDs
  * @param array $options['userids'] filter by User IDs
  * @param boolean $options['type'] filter by User type [ USER_TYPE_ZABBIX_USER: 1, USER_TYPE_ZABBIX_ADMIN: 2, USER_TYPE_SUPER_ADMIN: 3 ]
  * @param boolean $options['getAccess'] extend with access data for each User
  * @param boolean $options['count'] output only count of objects in result. ( result returned in property 'rowscount' )
  * @param string $options['pattern'] filter by Host name containing only give pattern
  * @param int $options['limit'] output will be limited to given number
  * @param string $options['sortfield'] output will be sorted by given property [ 'userid', 'alias' ]
  * @param string $options['sortorder'] output will be sorted in given order [ 'ASC', 'DESC' ]
  * @return array
 public function get($options = array())
     $result = array();
     $nodeCheck = false;
     $userType = self::$userData['type'];
     $sqlParts = array('select' => array('media' => 'm.mediaid'), 'from' => array('media' => 'media m'), 'where' => array(), 'group' => array(), 'order' => array(), 'limit' => null);
     $defOptions = array('nodeids' => null, 'usrgrpids' => null, 'userids' => null, 'mediaids' => null, 'mediatypeids' => null, 'filter' => null, 'search' => null, 'searchByAny' => null, 'startSearch' => null, 'excludeSearch' => null, 'searchWildcardsEnabled' => null, 'output' => API_OUTPUT_REFER, 'editable' => null, 'countOutput' => null, 'groupCount' => null, 'preservekeys' => null, 'sortfield' => '', 'sortorder' => '', 'limit' => null);
     $options = zbx_array_merge($defOptions, $options);
     // permission check
     if (USER_TYPE_SUPER_ADMIN == $userType) {
     } elseif (is_null($options['editable']) && self::$userData['type'] == USER_TYPE_ZABBIX_ADMIN) {
         $sqlParts['from']['users_groups'] = 'users_groups ug';
         $sqlParts['where']['mug'] = 'm.userid=ug.userid';
         $sqlParts['where'][] = 'ug.usrgrpid IN (' . ' SELECT uug.usrgrpid' . ' FROM users_groups uug' . ' WHERE uug.userid=' . self::$userData['userid'] . ' )';
     } elseif (!is_null($options['editable']) || self::$userData['type'] != USER_TYPE_SUPER_ADMIN) {
         $options['userids'] = self::$userData['userid'];
     // nodeids
     $nodeids = !is_null($options['nodeids']) ? $options['nodeids'] : get_current_nodeid();
     // mediaids
     if (!is_null($options['mediaids'])) {
         $sqlParts['where'][] = dbConditionInt('m.mediaid', $options['mediaids']);
         if (!$nodeCheck) {
             $nodeCheck = true;
             $sqlParts['where'] = sqlPartDbNode($sqlParts['where'], 'm.mediaid', $nodeids);
     // userids
     if (!is_null($options['userids'])) {
         $sqlParts['select']['userid'] = 'u.userid';
         $sqlParts['from']['users'] = 'users u';
         $sqlParts['where'][] = dbConditionInt('u.userid', $options['userids']);
         $sqlParts['where']['mu'] = 'm.userid=u.userid';
         if (!is_null($options['groupCount'])) {
             $sqlParts['group']['userid'] = 'm.userid';
         if (!$nodeCheck) {
             $nodeCheck = true;
             $sqlParts['where'] = sqlPartDbNode($sqlParts['where'], 'u.userid', $nodeids);
     // usrgrpids
     if (!is_null($options['usrgrpids'])) {
         $sqlParts['select']['usrgrpid'] = 'ug.usrgrpid';
         $sqlParts['from']['users_groups'] = 'users_groups ug';
         $sqlParts['where'][] = dbConditionInt('ug.usrgrpid', $options['usrgrpids']);
         $sqlParts['where']['mug'] = 'm.userid=ug.userid';
         if (!is_null($options['groupCount'])) {
             $sqlParts['group']['usrgrpid'] = 'ug.usrgrpid';
         if (!$nodeCheck) {
             $nodeCheck = true;
             $sqlParts['where'] = sqlPartDbNode($sqlParts['where'], 'ug.usrgrpid', $nodeids);
     // mediatypeids
     if (!is_null($options['mediatypeids'])) {
         $sqlParts['select']['mediatypeid'] = 'm.mediatypeid';
         $sqlParts['where'][] = dbConditionInt('m.mediatypeid', $options['mediatypeids']);
         if (!is_null($options['groupCount'])) {
             $sqlParts['group']['mediatypeid'] = 'm.mediatypeid';
         if (!$nodeCheck) {
             $nodeCheck = true;
             $sqlParts['where'] = sqlPartDbNode($sqlParts['where'], 'm.mediatypeid', $nodeids);
     // should last, after all ****IDS checks
     if (!$nodeCheck) {
         $sqlParts['where'] = sqlPartDbNode($sqlParts['where'], 'm.mediaid', $nodeids);
     // filter
     if (is_array($options['filter'])) {
         $this->dbFilter('media m', $options, $sqlParts);
     // search
     if (is_array($options['search'])) {
         if ($options['search']['passwd']) {
             self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _('It is not possible to search by user password.'));
         zbx_db_search('media m', $options, $sqlParts);
     // limit
     if (zbx_ctype_digit($options['limit']) && $options['limit']) {
         $sqlParts['limit'] = $options['limit'];
     $mediaids = array();
     $sqlParts = $this->applyQueryOutputOptions($this->tableName(), $this->tableAlias(), $options, $sqlParts);
     $sqlParts = $this->applyQuerySortOptions($this->tableName(), $this->tableAlias(), $options, $sqlParts);
     $sqlParts = $this->applyQueryNodeOptions($this->tableName(), $this->tableAlias(), $options, $sqlParts);
     $res = DBselect($this->createSelectQueryFromParts($sqlParts), $sqlParts['limit']);
     while ($media = DBfetch($res)) {
         if (!is_null($options['countOutput'])) {
             if (!is_null($options['groupCount'])) {
                 $result[] = $media;
             } else {
                 $result = $media['rowscount'];
         } else {
             $mediaids[$media['mediaid']] = $media['mediaid'];
             if (!isset($result[$media['mediaid']])) {
                 $result[$media['mediaid']] = array();
             $result[$media['mediaid']] += $media;
     if (!is_null($options['countOutput'])) {
         return $result;
     // removing keys (hash -> array)
     if (is_null($options['preservekeys'])) {
         $result = zbx_cleanHashes($result);
     return $result;