function addFlightFromFile($filename, $calledFromForm, $userIDstr, $argArray = array()) { global $CONF_default_cat_add, $CONF_photosPerFlight, $CONF; global $CONF_NAC_list, $CONF_use_NAC, $CONF_use_validation, $CONF_airspaceChecks, $CONF_server_id; global $userID, $CONF_new_flights_submit_window; global $flightsTable; set_time_limit(120); global $CONF_server_id; list($thisServerID, $userIDforFlight) = splitServerPilotStr($userIDstr); if (!$thisServerID) { $thisServerID = $CONF_server_id; } require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/CL_actionLogger.php'; $log = new Logger(); $log->userID = $userID + 0; // the userId that is logged in , not the one that the flight will be atrributed to $log->ItemType = 1; // flight; $log->ItemID = 0; // 0 at start will fill in later if successfull $log->ServerItemID = $thisServerID; $log->ActionID = 1; //1 => add 2 => edit; $log->ActionXML = ''; $log->Modifier = 0; $log->ModifierID = 0; $log->ServerModifierID = 0; $log->Result = 0; $log->ResultDescription = ""; if (!$filename) { $log->ResultDescription = getAddFlightErrMsg(ADD_FLIGHT_ERR_YOU_HAVENT_SUPPLIED_A_FLIGHT_FILE, 0); if (!$log->put()) { echo "Problem in logger<BR>"; } return array(ADD_FLIGHT_ERR_YOU_HAVENT_SUPPLIED_A_FLIGHT_FILE, 0); } // now is the time to remove bad chars from the filename! $newFilename = str_replace("'", " ", $filename); $newFilename = toLatin1($newFilename); if ($newFilename != $filename) { rename($filename, $newFilename); $filename = $newFilename; } if (!is_file($filename)) { $log->ResultDescription = getAddFlightErrMsg(ADD_FLIGHT_ERR_NO_SUCH_FILE, 0); if (!$log->put()) { echo "Problem in logger<BR>"; } return array(ADD_FLIGHT_ERR_NO_SUCH_FILE, 0); } if (strtolower(substr($filename, -4)) != ".igc") { $log->ResultDescription = getAddFlightErrMsg(ADD_FLIGHT_ERR_FILE_DOESNT_END_IN_IGC, 0); if (!$log->put()) { echo "Problem in logger<BR>"; } return array(ADD_FLIGHT_ERR_FILE_DOESNT_END_IN_IGC, 0); } $tmpIGCPath = $filename; $flight = new flight(); if ($thisServerID != $CONF_server_id) { $flight->userServerID = $thisServerID; } $flight->userID = $userIDforFlight; /* $flight->cat=$gliderCat; $flight->private=$is_private; $flight->category=$category; $flight->comments=$comments; $flight->glider=$glider; $flight->linkURL=$linkURL; */ foreach ($argArray as $varName => $varValue) { if ($varName == 'NACclubID' || $varName == 'NACid' || $varName == 'comments') { continue; } $flight->{$varName} = $varValue; } $comments = $argArray['comments']; if ($comments) { $flight->commentsNum = 1; } if (strtolower(substr($flight->linkURL, 0, 7)) == "http://") { $flight->linkURL = substr($flight->linkURL, 7); } if ($flight->cat == -1) { $flight->cat = $CONF_default_cat_add; } # martin jursa 22.06.2008: # in case the glider is not given otherwise, try to extract it from the IGC file if (empty($flight->glider)) { $flight->glider = extractGlider($lines); } // if no brand was given , try to detect $flight->checkGliderBrand(); // we must cope with some cases here // 1. more flights in the igc // 2. garmin saved paths -> zero time difference -> SOLVED! if (!$flight->getFlightFromIGC($tmpIGCPath)) { $log->ResultDescription = getAddFlightErrMsg(ADD_FLIGHT_ERR_THIS_ISNT_A_VALID_IGC_FILE, 0); if (!$log->put()) { echo "Problem in logger<BR>"; } return array(ADD_FLIGHT_ERR_THIS_ISNT_A_VALID_IGC_FILE, 0); } // Compute hash now $lines = file($tmpIGCPath); $hash = md5(implode('', $lines)); $flight->hash = $hash; unset($lines); // check for mac newlines -> NOT USED NOW // we now use auto_detect_line_endings=true; /* if ( count ($lines)==1) { if ($lines[0]=preg_replace("/\r([^\n])/","\r\n\\1",$lines[0])) { DEBUG('addFlightFromFile',1,"addFlightFromFile: MAC newlines found<BR>"); if (!$handle = fopen($tmpIGCPath, 'w')) { print "Cannot open file ($filename)"; exit; } if (!fwrite($handle, $lines[0])) { print "Cannot write to file ($filename)"; exit; } fclose($handle); } } */ // echo $flight->DATE ." > ". date("Y-m-d",time()+3600*10) ."<BR>"; // check for dates in the furure if ($flight->DATE > date("Y-m-d", time() + 3600 * 10)) { @unlink($flight->getIGCFilename(1)); @unlink($tmpIGCPath . ".olc"); @unlink($tmpIGCPath); $log->ResultDescription = getAddFlightErrMsg(ADD_FLIGHT_ERR_DATE_IN_THE_FUTURE, 0); if (!$log->put()) { echo "Problem in logger<BR>"; } return array(ADD_FLIGHT_ERR_DATE_IN_THE_FUTURE, 0); } // Two week time limit check - P.Wild /// Modification martin jursa 08.05.2007 cancel the upload if flight is too old if ($CONF_new_flights_submit_window > 0) { if (!L_auth::isAdmin($userID)) { if ($flight->DATE < date("Y-m-d", time() - $CONF_new_flights_submit_window * 24 * 3600)) { @unlink($flight->getIGCFilename(1)); @unlink($tmpIGCPath . ".olc"); @unlink($tmpIGCPath); $log->ResultDescription = getAddFlightErrMsg(ADD_FLIGHT_ERR_OUTSIDE_SUBMIT_WINDOW, 0); if (!$log->put()) { echo "Problem in logger<BR>"; } return array(ADD_FLIGHT_ERR_OUTSIDE_SUBMIT_WINDOW, 0); } } } // end martin / peter $sameFilenameID = $flight->findSameFilename(basename($filename)); if ($sameFilenameID > 0) { if ($flight->allowDuplicates) { while (is_file($flight->getIGCFilename())) { $flight->filename = '_' . $flight->filename; } } else { @unlink($flight->getIGCFilename(1)); @unlink($tmpIGCPath . ".olc"); @unlink($tmpIGCPath); $log->ResultDescription = getAddFlightErrMsg(ADD_FLIGHT_ERR_SAME_FILENAME_FLIGHT, 0); if (!$log->put()) { echo "Problem in logger<BR>"; } return array(ADD_FLIGHT_ERR_SAME_FILENAME_FLIGHT, $sameFilenameID); } } $sameFlightsArray = $flight->findSameTime(); if (count($sameFlightsArray) > 0) { if ($flight->allowDuplicates) { // we allow duplicates if they are from another server $dupFound = 0; foreach ($sameFlightsArray as $k => $fArr) { if ($fArr['serverID'] == $flight->serverID) { // if a same flight from this server is present we dont re-insert $dupFound = 1; break; } else { // fill in ids of flights to 'disable' $disableFlightsList[$fArr['ID']]++; } } } else { $dupFound = 1; } if ($dupFound) { @unlink($flight->getIGCFilename(1)); @unlink($tmpIGCPath . ".olc"); @unlink($tmpIGCPath); $log->ResultDescription = getAddFlightErrMsg(ADD_FLIGHT_ERR_SAME_DATE_FLIGHT, 0); if (!$log->put()) { echo "Problem in logger<BR>"; } // return array( ADD_FLIGHT_ERR_SAME_DATE_FLIGHT,$sameFlightsArray[0]['serverID'].'_'. $sameFlightsArray[0]['ID']); return array(ADD_FLIGHT_ERR_SAME_DATE_FLIGHT, $sameFlightsArray[0]['ID']); } else { DEBUG("FLIGHT", 1, "addFlightFromFile: Duplicate DATE/TIME flight will be inserted<br>"); } } $sameFlightsArray = $flight->findSameHash($hash); if (count($sameFlightsArray) > 0) { if ($flight->allowDuplicates) { // we allow duplicates if they are from another server //echo "searching in dups "; //print_r($sameFlightsArray); $dupFound = 0; $flightPilot = new pilot($flight->userServerID + 0, $flight->userID + 0); $flightPilotMapTable = $flightPilot->pilotMapping(); // print_r($flightPilotMapTable); foreach ($sameFlightsArray as $k => $fArr) { if ($fArr['serverID'] == $flight->serverID) { // if a same flight from this server is present we dont re-insert $dupFound = 1; break; } else { // check that the existing flight belongs to a pilot that is 'mapped' to // $flight->userID + $flight->userServerID if (!$flightPilotMapTable[$fArr['userServerID']][$fArr['userID']]) { DEBUG("FLIGHT", 1, "addFlightFromFile: Same hash from external Server BUT from the pilot was not mapped into local <br>"); // We allow the flight to be submitted but then we must check and disable all duplicates but one //$dupFound=1; //break; } // fill in ids of flights to 'disable' $disableFlightsList[$fArr['ID']]++; } } } else { // echo "no dups allowesd"; $dupFound = 1; } if ($dupFound) { @unlink($flight->getIGCFilename(1)); @unlink($tmpIGCPath . ".olc"); @unlink($tmpIGCPath); $log->ResultDescription = getAddFlightErrMsg(ADD_FLIGHT_ERR_SAME_HASH_FLIGHT, 0); if (!$log->put()) { echo "Problem in logger<BR>"; } return array(ADD_FLIGHT_ERR_SAME_HASH_FLIGHT, $sameFlightsArray[0]['ID']); } else { DEBUG("FLIGHT", 1, "addFlightFromFile: Duplicate HASH flight will be inserted<br>"); // echo "addFlightFromFile: Duplicate HASH flight will be inserted<br>"; } } // print_r($disableFlightsList); /* if ( ! $flight->allowDuplicates ) { $sameHashIDArray=$flight->findSameHash( $hash ); if (count($sameHashIDArray)>0) { @unlink($flight->getIGCFilename(1)); @unlink($tmpIGCPath.".olc"); @unlink($tmpIGCPath); $log->ResultDescription=getAddFlightErrMsg(ADD_FLIGHT_ERR_SAME_HASH_FLIGHT,0); if (!$log->put()) echo "Problem in logger<BR>"; return array(ADD_FLIGHT_ERR_SAME_HASH_FLIGHT,$sameHashIDArray[0]['serverID'].'_'.$sameHashIDArray[0]['ID']); } } */ //****************************************************** // PASSED ALL TESTS , NOW DO SOME WORK WITH OUR FLIGHT //****************************************************** // move the flight to corresponding year $flight->checkDirs(); //$yearPath=$flightsAbsPath."/".$userIDstr."/flights/".$flight->getYear(); //$maps_dir=$flightsAbsPath."/".$userIDstr."/maps/".$flight->getYear(); //$charts_dir=$flightsAbsPath."/".$userIDstr."/charts/".$flight->getYear(); //$photos_dir=$flightsAbsPath."/".$userIDstr."/photos/".$flight->getYear(); //if (!is_dir($yearPath)) mkdir($yearPath,0755); //if (!is_dir($maps_dir)) mkdir($maps_dir,0755); //if (!is_dir($charts_dir)) mkdir($charts_dir,0755); //if (!is_dir($photos_dir)) mkdir($photos_dir,0755); /** * Martin Jursa; to avoid error log flooding */ if (file_exists($tmpIGCPath)) { @rename($tmpIGCPath, $flight->getIGCFilename()); } // in case an olc file was created too if (file_exists($tmpIGCPath . ".olc")) { @rename($tmpIGCPath . ".olc", $flight->getIGCFilename() . ".olc"); } // these commands seem redundant: //@unlink($tmpIGCPath.".olc"); //@unlink($tmpIGCPath); /*old: @rename($tmpIGCPath, $flight->getIGCFilename() ); // in case an olc file was created too @rename($tmpIGCPath.".olc", $flight->getIGCFilename().".olc" ); @unlink($tmpIGCPath.".olc"); @unlink($tmpIGCPath); */ // if we use NACclubs // get the NACclubID for userID // and see if the flight is in the current year (as defined in the NAclist array if ($CONF_use_NAC) { require_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/CL_NACclub.php"; list($pilotNACID, $pilotNACclubID) = NACclub::getPilotClub($userIDforFlight); DEBUG("FLIGHT", 1, "addFlightFromFile: pilotNACID:{$pilotNACID}, pilotNACclubID: {$pilotNACclubID}<br>"); if ($CONF_NAC_list[$pilotNACID]['use_clubs']) { DEBUG("FLIGHT", 1, "addFlightFromFile: use_clubs is on<br>"); if ($argArray['NACclubID'] > 0 && $argArray['NACid'] > 0) { $flight->NACclubID = $argArray['NACclubID']; $flight->NACid = $argArray['NACid']; DEBUG("FLIGHT", 1, "addFlightFromFile: using arguments NACclubID NACid<br>"); } else { DEBUG("FLIGHT", 1, "addFlightFromFile: calculating NACclubID NACid<br>"); // check year -> we only put the club for the current season , so that results for previous seasons cannot be affected $currSeasonYear = $CONF_NAC_list[$pilotNACID]['current_year']; DEBUG("FLIGHT", 1, "addFlightFromFile: currSeasonYear: {$currSeasonYear}<br>"); if ($CONF_NAC_list[$pilotNACID]['periodIsNormal']) { $seasonStart = $currSeasonYear - 1 . "-12-31"; $seasonEnd = $currSeasonYear . "-12-31"; } else { $seasonStart = $currSeasonYear - 1 . $CONF_NAC_list[$pilotNACID]['periodStart']; $seasonEnd = $currSeasonYear . $CONF_NAC_list[$pilotNACID]['periodStart']; } DEBUG("FLIGHT", 1, "addFlightFromFile: seasonStart:{$seasonStart} , seasonEnd:{$seasonEnd}<br>"); if ($flight->DATE > $seasonStart && $flight->DATE <= $seasonEnd) { DEBUG("FLIGHT", 1, "addFlightFromFile: inside Season !!<br>"); $flight->NACclubID = $pilotNACclubID; $flight->NACid = $pilotNACID; } } } } if ($CONF_use_validation) { $ok = $flight->validate(0); // dont update DB } if ($CONF_airspaceChecks) { $flight->checkAirspace(0); // dont update DB } $flight->putFlightToDB(0); // now do the photos if ($calledFromForm) { require_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/CL_flightPhotos.php"; $flightPhotos = new flightPhotos($flight->flightID); // $flightPhotos->getFromDB(); $j = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < $CONF_photosPerFlight; $i++) { $var_name = "photo" . $i . "Filename"; $photoName = $_FILES[$var_name]['name']; $photoFilename = $_FILES[$var_name]['tmp_name']; if ($photoName) { if (CLimage::validJPGfilename($photoName) && CLimage::validJPGfile($photoFilename)) { // $newPhotoName=toLatin1($photoName); // Fix for same photo filenames 2009.02.03 //global $flightsAbsPath; global $CONF; $newPhotoName = flightPhotos::getSafeName(LEONARDO_ABS_PATH . '/' . str_replace("%PILOTID%", $flight->getPilotID(), str_replace("%YEAR%", $flight->getYear(), $CONF['paths']['photos'])), $photoName); //$flightsAbsPath.'/'.$flight->getPilotID()."/photos/".$flight->getYear() , //$photoName ) ; $phNum = $flightPhotos->addPhoto($j, $flight->getPilotID() . "/photos/" . $flight->getYear(), $newPhotoName, $description); $photoAbsPath = $flightPhotos->getPhotoAbsPath($j); if (move_uploaded_file($photoFilename, $photoAbsPath)) { CLimage::resizeJPG($CONF['photos']['thumbs']['max_width'], $CONF['photos']['thumbs']['max_height'], $photoAbsPath, $photoAbsPath . ".icon.jpg", $CONF['photos']['compression']); CLimage::resizeJPG($CONF['photos']['normal']['max_width'], $CONF['photos']['normal']['max_height'], $photoAbsPath, $photoAbsPath, $CONF['photos']['compression']); $flight->hasPhotos++; $j++; } else { //upload not successfull $flightPhotos->deletePhoto($j); } } } } // also try to get geotag info $flightPhotos->computeGeoInfo(); } // took care of photos // tkae care of comments if ($comments) { global $lang2isoGoogle, $currentlang; $flightComments = new flightComments($flight->flightID); $commentInsertResult = $flightComments->addComment(array('parentID' => 0, 'userID' => $flight->userID + 0, 'userServerID' => $flight->userServerID + 0, 'guestName' => '', 'guestPass' => '', 'guestEmail' => '', 'text' => $comments, 'languageCode' => $lang2isoGoogle[$currentlang]), 0); } // now is a good time to disable duplicate flights we have found from other servers // AND are from the same user (using pilot's mapping table to find that out) global $db; if (0) { foreach ($disableFlightsList as $dFlightID => $num) { $query = "UPDATE {$flightsTable} SET private = private | 0x02 WHERE ID={$dFlightID} "; $res = $db->sql_query($query); # Error checking if ($res <= 0) { echo "<H3> Error in query: {$query}</H3>\n"; } } } //or $flight->hideSameFlights(); set_time_limit(200); $flight->computeScore(); $flight->updateTakeoffLanding(); // echo "TakeoffID:".$flight->takeoffID."<BR>"; if (in_array($flight->takeoffID, $CONF['takeoffs']['private'])) { $flight->private = 1; } $flight->putFlightToDB(1); // update return array(1, $flight->flightID); // ALL OK; }
$pilotName = getPilotRealName($add_pilot_id, $add_pilot_server_id); $resText = "Pilot Name: {$pilotName} -> "; if ($pilotName) { $query = "INSERT INTO {$clubsPilotsTable} (clubID,pilotID,pilotServerID) VALUES ({$clubID},{$add_pilot_id},{$add_pilot_server_id} )"; $res = $db->sql_query($query); if ($res <= 0) { $resText .= "This pilot is already in the club"; } $resText .= "Pilot added "; } else { $resText .= "No such pilot ID "; } } else { if ($action == "remove_pilot") { // $pilotToRemove=$_POST['pilotToRemove']; list($pilotToRemoveServerID, $pilotToRemove) = splitServerPilotStr($_POST['pilotToRemove']); $query = "DELETE FROM {$clubsPilotsTable} WHERE clubID={$clubID} AND pilotID={$pilotToRemove} AND pilotServerID={$pilotToRemoveServerID} "; $res = $db->sql_query($query); if ($res <= 0) { $resText .= "<H3> Error in removing pilot ! {$query}</H3>\n"; } else { $resText .= "Pilot removed "; } } } } ?> <script language="javascript"> function addClubPilot() {
} $count = 0; for ($i = 1; $i <= 3; $i++) { $varname = "FILTER_pilot" . $i . "_select"; $op_varname = "FILTER_pilot" . $i . "_select_op"; if (${$varname}) { if ($count == 0) { // open ( $filter_clause .= " AND ( "; $first_op = ${$op_varname}; $inter_op = $first_op == "=" ? " AND " : " OR "; } else { $filter_clause .= $first_op == "=" ? " OR " : " AND "; } $this_op = $first_op; list($thisUserServerID, $thisUserID) = splitServerPilotStr(${$varname}); $filter_clause .= " ( userID {$this_op} {$thisUserID} {$inter_op} userServerID {$this_op} {$thisUserServerID}) "; $count++; } } if ($count) { $filter_clause .= " ) "; } $count = 0; for ($i = 1; $i <= 3; $i++) { $varname = "FILTER_takeoff" . $i . "_select"; $op_varname = "FILTER_takeoff" . $i . "_select_op"; if (${$varname} > 0) { if ($count == 0) { // open ( $filter_clause .= " AND ( ";