function sp_notify($type, $text, $now = false)
    global $spThisUser;
    # test for extreme condition
    if (empty($spThisUser->trackid)) {
    $data = serialize(array($type, $text));
    if ($now) {
        $spThisUser->notification = $data;
    } else {
        spdb_query('UPDATE ' . SFTRACK . " SET notification='{$data}' WHERE id={$spThisUser->trackid}");
function sp_ProfileEditMobile($tabSlug = 'profile', $menuSlug = 'overview')
    # is this edit for current user of admin edit of user
    global $spVars, $spThisUser;
    if (!empty($spVars['member'])) {
        $userid = (int) $spVars['member'];
    } else {
        $userid = $spThisUser->ID;
    if (empty($userid) || $spThisUser->ID != $userid && !$spThisUser->admin) {
        sp_notify(SPFAILURE, sp_text('Invalid profile request'));
        $out = sp_render_queued_notification();
        $out .= '<div class="spMessage">';
        $out .= apply_filters('sph_ProfileErrorMsg', sp_text('Sorry, an invalid profile request was detected. Do you need to log in?'));
        $out .= '</div>';
        echo $out;
    # see if query args used to specify tab and/or menu
    if (isset($_GET['ptab'])) {
        $tabSlug = sp_esc_str($_GET['ptab']);
    if (isset($_GET['pmenu'])) {
        $menuSlug = sp_esc_str($_GET['pmenu']);
    # set up the profile data
    global $spProfileUser;
    $tabs = sp_profile_get_tabs();
    if (!empty($tabs)) {
        echo '<div id="spProfileAccordion">';
        echo "<div class='spProfileAccordionTab'>\n";
        $firstTab = $firstMenu = '';
        $tabSlugExist = $menuSlugExist = false;
        foreach ($tabs as $tab) {
            # do we need an auth check?
            $authCheck = empty($tab['auth']) ? true : sp_get_auth($tab['auth'], '', $userid);
            # is this tab being displayed and does user have auth to see it?
            if ($authCheck && $tab['display']) {
                if ($tab['slug'] == $tabSlug) {
                    $tabSlugExist = true;
                if (empty($firstTab)) {
                    $firstTab = $tab['slug'];
                echo '<h2 id="spProfileTabTitle-' . esc_attr($tab['slug']) . '">' . sp_filter_title_display($tab['name']) . "</h2>\n";
                echo "<div id='spProfileTab-" . esc_attr($tab['slug']) . "' class='spProfileAccordionPane'>\n";
                if (!empty($tab['menus'])) {
                    echo "<div class='spProfileAccordionTab'>\n";
                    foreach ($tab['menus'] as $menu) {
                        # do we need an auth check?
                        $authCheck = empty($menu['auth']) ? true : sp_get_auth($menu['auth'], '', $userid);
                        # is this menu being displayed and does user have auth to see it?
                        if ($authCheck && $menu['display']) {
                            if ($menu['slug'] == $menuSlug) {
                                $menuSlugExist = true;
                            if (empty($firstMenu)) {
                                $firstMenu = $menu['slug'];
                            $thisSlug = $menu['slug'];
                            # this variable is used in the form action url
                            # special checking for displaying menus
                            $spProfileOptions = sp_get_option('sfprofile');
                            $spAvatars = sp_get_option('sfavatars');
                            $noPhotos = $menu['slug'] == 'edit-photos' && $spProfileOptions['photosmax'] < 1;
                            # dont display edit photos if disabled
                            $noAvatars = $menu['slug'] == 'edit-avatars' && !$spAvatars['sfshowavatars'];
                            # dont display edit avatars if disabled
                            $hideMenu = $noPhotos || $noAvatars;
                            $hideMenu = apply_filters('sph_ProfileMenuHide', $hideMenu, $tab, $menu, $userid);
                            if (!$hideMenu) {
                                echo '<h2 id="spProfileMenuTitle-' . esc_attr($menu['slug']) . '">' . sp_filter_title_display($menu['name']) . "</h2>\n";
                                echo "<div id='spProfileMenu-" . esc_attr($menu['slug']) . "' class='spProfileAccordionPane'>\n";
                                if (!empty($menu['form']) && file_exists($menu['form'])) {
                                    echo "<div class='spProfileAccordionForm'>\n";
                                    include_once $menu['form'];
                                    echo "</div>\n";
                                } else {
                                    echo sp_text('Profile form could not be found') . ': [' . $menu['name'] . ']<br />';
                                    echo sp_text('You might try the forum - toolbox - housekeeping admin form and reset the profile tabs and menus and see if that helps');
                                echo "</div>\n";
                                # menu pane
                    echo "</div>\n";
                    # menu accordion
                echo "</div>\n";
                # tab pane
        echo "</div>\n";
        # tab accordion
        echo '</div>';
        # profile accordion
        # inline js to create profile tabs
        global $firstTab, $firstMenu;
        $firstTab = $tabSlugExist ? $tabSlug : $firstTab;
        # if selected tab does not exist, use first tab
        $firstMenu = $menuSlugExist ? $menuSlug : $firstMenu;
        # if selected tab does not exist, use first menu in first tab
        # are we forcing password change on first login?
        if (isset($spThisUser->sp_change_pw) && $spThisUser->sp_change_pw) {
            $firstTab = 'profile';
            $firstMenu = 'account-settings';
        add_action('wp_footer', 'sp_ProfileEditFooterMobile');
Exemple #3
	<script type="text/javascript">
	jQuery(document).ready(function() {
        setTimeout(function() {
        }, 500);
# check for tab press
if (isset($_GET['tab'])) {
    # profile edit, so only admin or logged in user can view
    if (empty($userid) || $spThisUser->ID != $userid && !$spThisUser->admin) {
        sp_notify(SPFAILURE, sp_text('Invalid profile request'));
        $out .= sp_render_queued_notification();
        $out .= '<div class="sfmessagestrip">';
        $out .= apply_filters('sph_ProfileErrorMsg', sp_text('Sorry, an invalid profile request was detected. Do you need to log in?'));
        $out .= '</div>';
        return $out;
    # set up profile for requested user
    # get pressed tab and menu (if pressed)
    $thisTab = sp_esc_str($_GET['tab']);
    $thisMenu = isset($_GET['menu']) ? sp_esc_str($_GET['menu']) : '';
    # get all the tabs meta info
    $tabs = sp_profile_get_tabs();
    if (!empty($tabs)) {
        foreach ($tabs as $tab) {
            # find the pressed tab in the list of tabs
function sp_process_template()
    global $spVars, $spGlobals, $spThisUser, $spNewPosts;
    # grab the pageview, checking to see if its a search page
    $pageview = $spVars['pageview'];
    # determine page template to load
    switch ($pageview) {
        case 'group':
            $tempName = sp_process_group_view();
        case 'forum':
            $tempName = sp_process_forum_view();
        case 'topic':
            $tempName = sp_process_topic_view();
        case 'search':
            $tempName = sp_process_search_view();
        case 'members':
            $tempName = sp_process_members_view();
        case 'profileedit':
            $tempName = sp_process_profileedit_view();
        case 'profileshow':
            $tempName = sp_process_profileshow_view();
        case 'newposts':
            $tempName = sp_process_newposts_view();
            $tempName = sp_process_default_view($pageview);
    # allow plugins/themes access to the template name
    $tempName = apply_filters('sph_TemplateName', $tempName, $pageview);
    # allow output prior to SP display
    do_action('sph_BeforeDisplayStart', $pageview, $tempName);
    # SP display starts here
    # Any control data item inspection needed
    if (sp_current_user_can('SPF Manage Toolbox') && !empty($spThisUser->inspect)) {
        sp_display_inspector('control', '');
    # forum top anchor
    echo '<a id="spForumTop"></a>';
    # Define the main forum container
    echo "\n\n<!-- Simple:Press display start -->\n\n";
    echo '<div id="spMainContainer">';
    # Create the sliding panel div needed for mobile display
    echo "<div id='spMobilePanel'></div>";
    # allow output before the SP display
    do_action('sph_AfterDisplayStart', $pageview, $tempName);
    # load the pageview template if valid
    # allow output after the SP display
    do_action('sph_BeforeDisplayEnd', $pageview, $tempName);
    # Display any queued messages
    echo '</div>';
    echo "\n\n<!-- Simple:Press display end -->\n\n";
    # forum bottom anchor
    echo '<a id="spForumBottom"></a>';
    # SP display ends here
    # allow output after the SP display
    do_action('sph_AfterDisplayEnd', $pageview, $tempName);
    # Post display processing