public static function profile($rid)
        global $lng, $DEA;
        $race = new Race($rid);
        $roster = $DEA[$race->name];
        title($lng->getTrn('race/' . strtolower(str_replace(' ', '', $race->name))));
    <center><img src="<?php 
        echo RACE_ICONS . '/' . $roster['other']['icon'];
" alt="Race icon"></center>
        echo $lng->getTrn('common/reroll');
: <?php 
        echo $roster['other']['rr_cost'] / 1000;
        $players = array();
        foreach ($roster['players'] as $player => $d) {
            $p = (object) array_merge(array('position' => $player), $d);
            $p->skills = implode(', ', skillsTrans($p->def));
            $p->N = implode('', $p->norm);
            $p->D = implode('', $p->doub);
            $p->position = $lng->getTrn("position/" . strtolower(str_replace(' ', '', $p->position)));
            $players[] = $p;
        $fields = array('position' => array('desc' => $lng->getTrn('common/pos')), 'pos_id' => array('desc' => 'ID'), 'ma' => array('desc' => 'Ma'), 'st' => array('desc' => 'St'), 'ag' => array('desc' => 'Ag'), 'av' => array('desc' => 'Av'), 'skills' => array('desc' => $lng->getTrn('common/skills'), 'nosort' => true), 'N' => array('desc' => 'Normal', 'nosort' => true), 'D' => array('desc' => 'Double', 'nosort' => true), 'cost' => array('desc' => $lng->getTrn('common/price'), 'kilo' => true, 'suffix' => 'k'), 'qty' => array('desc' => 'Max. qty'));
        HTMLOUT::sort_table('Roster', urlcompile(T_URL_PROFILE, T_OBJ_RACE, $race->race_id, false, false), $players, $fields, sort_rule('race_page'), isset($_GET['sortpl']) ? array(($_GET['dirpl'] == 'a' ? '+' : '-') . $_GET['sortpl']) : array(), array('GETsuffix' => 'pl', 'noHelp' => true, 'doNr' => false));
        // Teams of the chosen race.
        $url = urlcompile(T_URL_PROFILE, T_OBJ_RACE, $race->race_id, false, false);
        HTMLOUT::standings(STATS_TEAM, false, false, array('url' => $url, 'teams_from' => STATS_RACE, 'teams_from_id' => $race->race_id));
        echo '<br>';
        HTMLOUT::recentGames(STATS_RACE, $race->race_id, false, false, false, false, array('url' => $url, 'n' => MAX_RECENT_GAMES, 'GET_SS' => 'gp'));
 private function _HHMerc($DETAILED)
     global $lng;
     $team = $this;
     // Copy. Used instead of $this for readability.
     title("<a name='anc'>" . $lng->getTrn('common/merchh') . "</a>");
     $mdat = array();
     foreach (Mercenary::getMercsHiredByTeam($team->team_id, false) as $merc) {
         $o = (object) array();
         $m = new Match($merc->match_id);
         $o->date_played = $m->date_played;
         $o->opponent = $m->team1_id == $team->team_id ? $m->team1_name : $m->team2_name;
         foreach (array('match_id', 'skills', 'mvp', 'cp', 'td', 'intcpt', 'bh', 'ki', 'si') as $f) {
             $o->{$f} = $merc->{$f};
         $o->cas = $o->bh + $o->ki + $o->si;
         $o->match = '[view]';
         $o->tour = get_alt_col('tours', 'tour_id', $m->f_tour_id, 'name');
         $o->score = "{$m->team1_score} - {$m->team2_score}";
         $o->result = matchresult_icon($m->team1_id == $team->team_id && $m->team1_score > $m->team2_score || $m->team2_id == $team->team_id && $m->team1_score < $m->team2_score ? 'W' : ($m->team1_score == $m->team2_score ? 'D' : 'L'));
         array_push($mdat, $o);
     $fields = array('date_played' => array('desc' => $lng->getTrn('common/dateplayed')), 'tour' => array('desc' => $lng->getTrn('common/tournament')), 'opponent' => array('desc' => $lng->getTrn('common/opponent')), 'skills' => array('desc' => $lng->getTrn('common/skills')), 'cp' => array('desc' => 'Cp'), 'td' => array('desc' => 'Td'), 'intcpt' => array('desc' => 'Int'), 'cas' => array('desc' => 'Cas'), 'bh' => array('desc' => 'BH'), 'si' => array('desc' => 'Si'), 'ki' => array('desc' => 'Ki'), 'mvp' => array('desc' => 'MVP'), 'score' => array('desc' => $lng->getTrn('common/score'), 'nosort' => true), 'result' => array('desc' => $lng->getTrn('common/result'), 'nosort' => true), 'match' => array('desc' => $lng->getTrn('common/match'), 'href' => array('link' => 'index.php?section=matches&amp;type=report', 'field' => 'mid', 'value' => 'match_id'), 'nosort' => true));
     HTMLOUT::sort_table("<a name='tp_mhhanc'>" . $lng->getTrn('common/merchh') . "</a>", urlcompile(T_URL_PROFILE, T_OBJ_TEAM, $team->team_id, false, false) . '&amp;subsec=hhmerc' . ($DETAILED ? '&amp;detailed=1' : '&amp;detailed=0'), $mdat, $fields, sort_rule('star_HH'), isset($_GET['sorttp_mhh']) ? array(($_GET['dirtp_mhh'] == 'a' ? '+' : '-') . $_GET['sorttp_mhh']) : array(), array('GETsuffix' => 'tp_mhh', 'doNr' => false));
Exemple #3
 public static function standings($obj, $node, $node_id, array $opts)
         Makes various kinds of standings tables.
         $obj and $node types are STATS_* types.
         $opts = array(
            'url' => page URL on which table is to be displayed (required!)
            'GET_SS' => GET Sorting suffix
            'return_objects' => bool
            'teams_from' => [T_OBJ_COACH|T_OBJ_RACE] when $obj = T_OBJ_TEAM and this is set, only teams related to this object type (teams_from), of ID = $opts[teams_from_id] are fetched.
            'teams_from_id' => ID (int) see "teams_from" for details.
     global $lng, $settings, $objFields_avg;
     $tblTitle = '';
     $objs = $fields = $extra = array();
     $fields_before = $fields_after = array();
     // To be merged with $fields.
     if (!array_key_exists('GET_SS', $opts)) {
         $opts['GET_SS'] = '';
     } else {
         $extra['GETsuffix'] = $opts['GET_SS'];
     # GET Sorting Suffix
     $PAGE = isset($_GET["page"]) ? (int) $_GET["page"] : 1;
     $PAGELENGTH = 0;
     # Infinite, is overrided in below switch/case..
     $extra['noHelp'] = false;
     $W_TEAMS_FROM = array_key_exists('teams_from', $opts);
     $enableRaceSelector = $obj == T_OBJ_PLAYER || $obj == T_OBJ_TEAM && (!isset($opts['teams_from']) || $opts['teams_from'] != T_OBJ_RACE);
     # NO filters for teams of a coach on the coach's teams list.
     $_COACH_TEAM_LIST = $W_TEAMS_FROM && $opts['teams_from'] == T_OBJ_COACH;
     if ($_COACH_TEAM_LIST) {
         list(, , $T_STATE) = HTMLOUT::nodeSelector(array('nonodes' => true, 'state' => true));
         # Produces a state selector.
         $_SELECTOR = array(false, false, $T_STATE, T_RACE_ALL, 'GENERAL', 'mv_played', self::T_NS__ffilter_ineq_gt, 0);
     } else {
         $_SELECTOR = HTMLOUT::nodeSelector(array('force_node' => array($node, $node_id), 'race' => $enableRaceSelector, 'sgrp' => true, 'ffilter' => true, 'obj' => $obj));
     list($sel_node, $sel_node_id, $sel_state, $sel_race, $sel_sgrp, $sel_ff_field, $sel_ff_ineq, $sel_ff_limit) = $_SELECTOR;
     $filter_node = array($sel_node => $sel_node_id);
     $filter_race = $sel_race != T_RACE_ALL ? array(T_OBJ_RACE => $sel_race) : array();
     $filter_having = array('having' => array($sel_ff_field . ($sel_ff_ineq == self::T_NS__ffilter_ineq_gt ? '>=' : '<=') . $sel_ff_limit));
     if ($_COACH_TEAM_LIST && $sel_state != T_STATE_ALLTIME) {
         $filter_having['having'][] = 'rdy IS TRUE';
         $filter_having['having'][] = 'retired IS FALSE';
     $SGRP_GEN = $sel_sgrp == 'GENERAL';
     $ALL_TIME = self::_isNodeAllTime($obj, $sel_node, $sel_node_id);
     $manualSort = isset($_GET["sort{$opts['GET_SS']}"]);
     $sortRule = array_merge($manualSort ? array(($_GET["dir{$opts['GET_SS']}"] == 'a' ? '+' : '-') . $_GET["sort{$opts['GET_SS']}"]) : array(), $obj == T_OBJ_TEAM && $sel_node == T_NODE_TOURNAMENT && is_object($tr = new Tour($sel_node_id)) ? array_map(create_function('$val', 'return $val[0]."mv_".substr($val,1);'), $tr->getRSSortRule()) : sort_rule($obj));
     $set_avg = isset($_GET['pms']) && $_GET['pms'];
     // Per match stats?
     echo '<br><a href="' . $opts['url'] . '&amp;pms=' . ($set_avg ? 0 : 1) . '"><b>' . $lng->getTrn('common/' . ($set_avg ? 'ats' : 'pms')) . "</b></a><br><br>\n";
     // Common $obj type fields.
     $fields = self::_getDefFields($obj, $sel_node, $sel_node_id);
     // Was a different (non-general) stats group selected?
     if (!$SGRP_GEN) {
         $grps_short = getESGroups(true, true);
         $grps_long = getESGroups(true, false);
         $fields_short = $grps_short[$sel_sgrp];
         $fields_long = $grps_long[$sel_sgrp];
         $fields = array_combine(array_strpack('mv_%s', $fields_long), array_map(create_function('$f', 'return array("desc" => $f);'), $fields_short));
         $objFields_avg = array_merge($objFields_avg, array_map(create_function('$k', 'return substr($k, 3);'), array_keys($fields)));
     switch ($obj) {
         case STATS_PLAYER:
             $tblTitle = $lng->getTrn('menu/statistics_menu/player_stn');
             $fields_before = array('name' => array('desc' => $lng->getTrn('common/player'), 'href' => array('link' => urlcompile(T_URL_PROFILE, T_OBJ_PLAYER, false, false, false), 'field' => 'obj_id', 'value' => 'player_id')), 'f_tname' => array('desc' => $lng->getTrn('common/team'), 'href' => array('link' => urlcompile(T_URL_PROFILE, T_OBJ_TEAM, false, false, false), 'field' => 'obj_id', 'value' => 'owned_by_team_id')));
             $PAGELENGTH = $settings['standings']['length_players'];
             list($objs, $PAGES) = Stats::getRaw(T_OBJ_PLAYER, $filter_node + $filter_having + $filter_race, array($PAGE, $PAGELENGTH), $sortRule, $set_avg);
         case STATS_TEAM:
             $tblTitle = $lng->getTrn('menu/statistics_menu/team_stn');
             $fields_before = array('name' => array('desc' => $lng->getTrn('common/name'), 'href' => array('link' => urlcompile(T_URL_PROFILE, T_OBJ_TEAM, false, false, false), 'field' => 'obj_id', 'value' => 'team_id')));
             // Show teams standings list only for teams owned by... ?
             switch ($W_TEAMS_FROM ? $opts['teams_from'] : false) {
                 case T_OBJ_COACH:
                     $fields_before['f_rname'] = array('desc' => $lng->getTrn('common/race'), 'href' => array('link' => urlcompile(T_URL_PROFILE, T_OBJ_RACE, false, false, false), 'field' => 'obj_id', 'value' => 'f_race_id'));
                     list($objs, $PAGES) = Stats::getRaw(T_OBJ_TEAM, $filter_node + $filter_having + $filter_race + array(T_OBJ_COACH => (int) $opts['teams_from_id']), false, $sortRule, $set_avg);
                 case T_OBJ_RACE:
                     $fields_before['f_cname'] = array('desc' => $lng->getTrn('common/coach'), 'href' => array('link' => urlcompile(T_URL_PROFILE, T_OBJ_COACH, false, false, false), 'field' => 'obj_id', 'value' => 'owned_by_coach_id'));
                     $PAGELENGTH = $settings['standings']['length_teams'];
                     list($objs, $PAGES) = Stats::getRaw(T_OBJ_TEAM, $filter_node + $filter_having + array(T_OBJ_RACE => (int) $opts['teams_from_id']), array($PAGE, $PAGELENGTH), $sortRule, $set_avg);
                     // All teams
                 // All teams
                     $PAGELENGTH = $settings['standings']['length_teams'];
                     list($objs, $PAGES) = Stats::getRaw(T_OBJ_TEAM, $filter_node + $filter_having + $filter_race, array($PAGE, $PAGELENGTH), $sortRule, $set_avg);
             // Translating race name
             foreach ($objs as &$o) {
                 $o['f_rname'] = $lng->getTrn('race/' . strtolower(str_replace(' ', '', $o['f_rname'])));
         case STATS_RACE:
             $tblTitle = $lng->getTrn('menu/statistics_menu/race_stn');
             $fields_before = array('name' => array('desc' => $lng->getTrn('common/race'), 'href' => array('link' => urlcompile(T_URL_PROFILE, T_OBJ_RACE, false, false, false), 'field' => 'obj_id', 'value' => 'race_id')));
             $dash_empty = false;
             if ($sel_node == T_NODE_TOURNAMENT) {
                 $dash_empty = 'mv_team_cnt';
             } else {
                 if ($ALL_TIME) {
                     $dash_empty = 'rg_team_cnt';
             if ($dash_empty) {
                 $extra['dashed'] = array('condField' => $dash_empty, 'fieldVal' => 0, 'noDashFields' => array('name'));
             list($objs, $PAGES) = Stats::getRaw(T_OBJ_RACE, $filter_node + $filter_having, false, $sortRule, $set_avg);
             // Translating race name
             foreach ($objs as &$o) {
                 $o['name'] = $lng->getTrn('race/' . strtolower(str_replace(' ', '', $o['name'])));
         case STATS_COACH:
             $tblTitle = $lng->getTrn('menu/statistics_menu/coach_stn');
             $fields_before = array('name' => array('desc' => $lng->getTrn('common/coach'), 'href' => array('link' => urlcompile(T_URL_PROFILE, T_OBJ_COACH, false, false, false), 'field' => 'obj_id', 'value' => 'coach_id')));
             $PAGELENGTH = $settings['standings']['length_coaches'];
             list($objs, $PAGES) = Stats::getRaw(T_OBJ_COACH, $filter_node + $filter_having, array($PAGE, $PAGELENGTH), $sortRule, $set_avg);
         case STATS_STAR:
             $tblTitle = $lng->getTrn('menu/statistics_menu/star_stn');
             $fields_before = array('name' => array('desc' => $lng->getTrn('common/star'), 'href' => array('link' => urlcompile(T_URL_PROFILE, T_OBJ_STAR, false, false, false), 'field' => 'obj_id', 'value' => 'star_id')), 'cost' => array('desc' => 'Price', 'kilo' => true, 'suffix' => 'k'), 'ma' => array('desc' => 'Ma'), 'st' => array('desc' => 'St'), 'ag' => array('desc' => 'Ag'), 'av' => array('desc' => 'Av'));
             $extra['dashed'] = array('condField' => 'mv_played', 'fieldVal' => 0, 'noDashFields' => array('name'));
             list($objs, $PAGES) = Stats::getRaw(T_OBJ_STAR, $filter_node + $filter_having, false, $sortRule, $set_avg);
     foreach ($objs as $idx => $obj) {
         $objs[$idx] = (object) $obj;
     if (!$SGRP_GEN) {
         $tmp = $fields_before['name'];
         $fields_before = $fields_after = array();
         $fields_before['name'] = $tmp;
     $fields = array_merge($fields_before, $fields, $fields_after);
     // Add average marker on fields (*).
     if ($set_avg) {
         foreach (array_keys($fields) as $f) {
             $f_cut = preg_replace('/^\\w\\w\\_/', '', $f);
             if (in_array($f_cut, $objFields_avg)) {
                 $fields[$f]['desc'] .= '*';
     $extra['page'] = $PAGE;
     $extra['pages'] = $PAGES;
     $extra['pagelength'] = $PAGELENGTH;
     HTMLOUT::sort_table($tblTitle, $opts['url'] . ($set_avg ? '&amp;pms=1' : ''), $objs, $fields, $sortRule, array(), $extra);
     return array_key_exists('return_objects', $opts) && $opts['return_objects'] ? array($objs, $sortRule) : true;
 public static function starHireHistory($obj, $obj_id, $node, $node_id, $star_id = false, $opts = array())
     global $lng;
         If $star_id is false, then the HH from all stars of $obj = $obj_id will be displayed, instead of only the HH of star = $star_id 
     if (!array_key_exists('GET_SS', $opts)) {
         $opts['GET_SS'] = '';
     } else {
         $extra['GETsuffix'] = $opts['GET_SS'];
     # GET Sorting Suffix
     $extra['doNr'] = false;
     $extra['noHelp'] = true;
     if ($ANC = array_key_exists('anchor', $opts)) {
         $extra['anchor'] = $opts['anchor'];
     $mdat = array();
     foreach ($star_id ? array(new Star($star_id)) : Star::getStars($obj, $obj_id, $node, $node_id) as $s) {
         foreach ($s->getHireHistory($obj, $obj_id, $node, $node_id) as $m) {
             $o = (object) array();
             foreach (array('match_id', 'date_played', 'hiredBy', 'hiredAgainst', 'hiredByName', 'hiredAgainstName') as $k) {
                 $o->{$k} = $m->{$k};
             foreach ($s->getStats(T_NODE_MATCH, $m->match_id) as $k => $v) {
                 $o->{$k} = $v;
             $o->match = $lng->getTrn('common/view');
             $o->tour = get_alt_col('tours', 'tour_id', $m->f_tour_id, 'name');
             $o->score = "{$m->team1_score} - {$m->team2_score}";
             $o->result = matchresult_icon($m->team1_id == $m->hiredBy && $m->team1_score > $m->team2_score || $m->team2_id == $m->hiredBy && $m->team1_score < $m->team2_score ? 'W' : ($m->team1_score == $m->team2_score ? 'D' : 'L'));
             $o->star_id = $s->star_id;
             $o->name = $s->name;
             array_push($mdat, $o);
     $fields = array('date_played' => array('desc' => $lng->getTrn('common/dateplayed')), 'name' => array('desc' => $lng->getTrn('common/star'), 'href' => array('link' => urlcompile(T_URL_PROFILE, T_OBJ_STAR, false, false, false), 'field' => 'obj_id', 'value' => 'star_id')), 'tour' => array('desc' => $lng->getTrn('common/tournament')), 'hiredByName' => array('desc' => $lng->getTrn('profile/star/hiredby'), 'href' => array('link' => urlcompile(T_URL_PROFILE, T_OBJ_TEAM, false, false, false), 'field' => 'obj_id', 'value' => 'hiredBy')), 'hiredAgainstName' => array('desc' => $lng->getTrn('common/opponent'), 'href' => array('link' => urlcompile(T_URL_PROFILE, T_OBJ_TEAM, false, false, false), 'field' => 'obj_id', 'value' => 'hiredAgainst')), 'cp' => array('desc' => 'Cp'), 'td' => array('desc' => 'Td'), 'intcpt' => array('desc' => 'Int'), 'cas' => array('desc' => 'Cas'), 'bh' => array('desc' => 'BH'), 'si' => array('desc' => 'Si'), 'ki' => array('desc' => 'Ki'), 'mvp' => array('desc' => 'MVP'), 'score' => array('desc' => $lng->getTrn('common/score'), 'nosort' => true), 'result' => array('desc' => $lng->getTrn('common/result'), 'nosort' => true), 'match' => array('desc' => $lng->getTrn('common/match'), 'href' => array('link' => 'index.php?section=matches&amp;type=report', 'field' => 'mid', 'value' => 'match_id'), 'nosort' => true));
     if ($star_id) {
     if ($obj && $obj_id) {
     $title = $lng->getTrn('common/starhh');
     if ($ANC) {
         $title = "<a name='{$opts['anchor']}'>" . $title . '<a>';
     HTMLOUT::sort_table($title, $opts['url'], $mdat, $fields, sort_rule('star_HH'), isset($_GET["sort{$opts['GET_SS']}"]) ? array(($_GET["dir{$opts['GET_SS']}"] == 'a' ? '+' : '-') . $_GET["sort{$opts['GET_SS']}"]) : array(), $extra);