public function map() { $dirty_type = @$_REQUEST["se_account_type"]; switch ($dirty_type) { case "vo_transfer_volume": $urlbase = config()->gratiaweb . "/status_graphs/status_vo"; $sub_title = "Transfer volume (Grouped by VO)"; $ylabel = "Transfer Volume (GB)"; break; case "user_transfer_volume": $urlbase = config()->gratiaweb . "/transfer_graphs/user_transfer_volume"; $sub_title = "Transfer Volumn (Grouped by Username)"; $ylabel = "Transfer Volume (GB)"; break; case "se_space": $urlbase = config()->gratiaweb . "/status_graphs/status_se_bar"; $sub_title = "Total Space"; $ylabel = "GB"; break; case "se_space_free": $urlbase = config()->gratiaweb . "/status_graphs/status_se_free_bar"; $sub_title = "Total Free Space"; $ylabel = "GB"; break; default: slog("unknown account_type (rgse) - maybe a bot"); exit; } return array($urlbase, $sub_title, $ylabel); }
public function map() { $dirty_type = @$_REQUEST["ce_account_type"]; switch ($dirty_type) { case "gip_vo": $urlbase = config()->gratiaweb . "/status_graphs/status_vo"; $sub_title = "Running Jobs by VO"; $ylabel = "Jobs"; break; case "gip_vo_waiting": $urlbase = config()->gratiaweb . "/status_graphs/status_vo_waiting"; $sub_title = "Queued Jobs by VO"; $ylabel = "Jobs"; break; case "rsv_metric_quality": $urlbase = config()->gratiaweb . "/rsv_graphs/rsv_metric_quality"; $sub_title = "RSV Data"; $ylabel = "Probe Names"; break; default: slog("unknown account_type (rgce) - maybe bot?"); exit; } return array($urlbase, $sub_title, $ylabel); }
protected function upload($params) { slog($params); /* 返回标准数据 */ $return = array('status' => 1, 'info' => '上传成功', 'data' => ''); $model = $params['model'] == 'Picture' ? 'Picture' : 'File'; /* 调用文件上传组件上传文件 */ $table = D($model); $driver = C("{$model}_UPLOAD_DRIVER"); d_f('upload', $driver); $upload_config = C("{$model}_UPLOAD"); d_f('upload', $upload_config); if (isset($params['rootPath'])) { $upload_config['rootPath'] = $params['rootPath']; } $info = $table->upload($_FILES, $upload_config, $driver, C("UPLOAD_{$driver}_CONFIG")); d_f('upload', $info); /* 记录图片信息 */ if ($info) { $return['status'] = 1; $return = array_merge($info[$params['field']], $return); if (method_exists($this, 'after_upload')) { $this->after_upload(CONTROLLER_NAME, $info, $result); } } else { $return['status'] = 0; $return['info'] = $table->getError(); } d_f('upload', $return); return $return; }
function uget($url, $opts = null) { $t = -microtime(true); $rs = odie_get($url, $opts); $t += microtime(true); $t = intval($t * 1000); slog("{$url} [{$rs['0']}]\t{$t} ms"); return $rs; }
public function parseMusic() { $query_res = curl('', array('query' => I('query'))); $query = json_decode($query_res, 1); if (false !== $query) { $this->ajaxReturn($query); } else { slog('curl失败'); $this->error('查询失败'); } }
public function index() { $wechatauth = new WechatAuth(C('WEIXIN.APPID'), C('WEIXIN.SECRET'), C('')); $access_token = $wechatauth->getAccessToken(); $result = $wechatauth->getServerIp($access_token); if (isset($result['errcode'])) { $this->error($result['errmsg']); } slog($result); $this->assign('ip', $result['ip_list']); $this->display(); }
public function __construct() { if (APP_DEBUG) { slog(array('error_handler' => true, 'optimize' => false, 'show_included_files' => true, 'force_client_id' => C('MY_DEBUG'), 'allow_client_ids' => C('DENUG_ARRAY')), 'set_config'); } $this->weixinTool = D('WeixinTool', 'Service'); $this->weixin = new WechatAuth(C('appid'), C('appsecret'), $this->weixinTool->getToken()); //是否更新创建菜单 if (C('wx_ismenu') == 100) { $this->weixinTool->createMenu(); } }
/** * 日志 * @param \Yaf\Dispatcher $dispatcher */ public function _initLogger(\Yaf\Dispatcher $dispatcher) { //SocketLog if (Yaf\ENVIRON === 'develop') { if ($this->config->socketlog->enable) { //载入 \Yaf\Loader::import('Common/Logger/slog.function.php'); //配置SocketLog slog($this->config->socketlog->toArray(), 'config'); } } }
function StopAttack($StrFiltKey, $StrFiltValue, $ArrFiltReq) { $StrFiltValue = arr_foreach($StrFiltValue); if (preg_match("/" . $ArrFiltReq . "/is", $StrFiltValue) == 1) { slog("<br><br>操作IP: " . $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"] . "<br>操作时间: " . strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") . "<br>操作页面:" . $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] . "<br>提交方式: " . $_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] . "<br>提交参数: " . $StrFiltKey . "<br>提交数据: " . $StrFiltValue); print "<div style=\"position:fixed;top:0px;text-align:center;width:100%;height:100%;background-color:white;color:green;font-weight:bold;border-bottom:5px solid #999;\"><br>您的提交带有不合法参数,不要酱紫嘛!</div>"; exit; } if (preg_match("/" . $ArrFiltReq . "/is", $StrFiltKey) == 1) { slog("<br><br>操作IP: " . $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"] . "<br>操作时间: " . strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") . "<br>操作页面:" . $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] . "<br>提交方式: " . $_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] . "<br>提交参数: " . $StrFiltKey . "<br>提交数据: " . $StrFiltValue); print "<div style=\"position:fixed;top:0px;text-align:center;width:100%;height:100%;background-color:white;color:green;font-weight:bold;border-bottom:5px solid #999;\"></div>"; exit; } }
public function processXML($bdii) { $resources = array(); $model = new Resource(); $oim_resources = $model->getgroupby("fqdn"); foreach ($bdii->Resources->Resource as $resource) { $fqdn = (string) $resource->FQDN; if (isset($oim_resources[$fqdn])) { $oim_resource_info = $oim_resources[$fqdn][0]; $resources[$oim_resource_info->id] = array("info" => $oim_resource_info, "bdii" => $resource); } else { slog("BDII FQDN: [{$fqdn}] doesn't exist in OIM"); } } return $resources; }
function get_answer_link_list($content) { $dom = HTML5::loadHTML($content); $dom = $dom->getElementById('zh-profile-answer-list'); $ret = array(); if (empty($dom)) { echo "empty #zh-profile-answer-list\n"; slog('empty #zh-profile-answer-list'); return $ret; } foreach ($dom->getElementsByTagName('a') as $key => $node) { if ($attr = $node->getAttribute('class') == 'question_link') { $ret[] = $node->getAttribute('href'); } } return $ret; }
function StopAttack($StrFiltKey, $StrFiltValue, $ArrFiltReq) { $StrFiltValue = arr_foreach($StrFiltValue); if (preg_match("/" . $ArrFiltReq . "/is", $StrFiltValue) == 1) { slog("<br><br>操作IP: " . $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"] . "<br>操作时间: " . strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") . "<br>操作页面:" . $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] . "<br>提交方式: " . $_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] . "<br>来源: " . $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] . "<br>提交参数: " . $StrFiltKey . "<br>提交数据: " . $StrFiltValue); header('HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request'); header('status: 400 Bad Request'); print "<div style=\"position:fixed;top:0px;width:100%;height:100%;background-color:white;color:green;font-weight:bold;border-bottom:5px solid #999;\"><br>您的提交带有不合法参数,谢谢合作!<br><br>了解更多请点击:<a href=\"\"></a></div>"; exit; } if (preg_match("/" . $ArrFiltReq . "/is", $StrFiltKey) == 1) { slog("<br><br>操作IP: " . $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"] . "<br>操作时间: " . strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") . "<br>操作页面:" . $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] . "<br>提交方式: " . $_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] . "<br>来源: " . $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] . "<br>提交参数: " . $StrFiltKey . "<br>提交数据: " . $StrFiltValue); header('HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request'); header('status: 400 Bad Request'); print "<div style=\"position:fixed;top:0px;width:100%;height:100%;background-color:white;color:green;font-weight:bold;border-bottom:5px solid #999;\"><br>您的提交带有不合法参数,谢谢合作!<br><br>了解更多请点击:<a href=\"\"></a></div>"; exit; } }
public function getBdii() { //try only for N seconds to pull this data $ctx = stream_context_create(array('http' => array('timeout' => 8))); //cache these xml for little bit $seconds = 60; $c = new Cache("/tmp/myosg.bdii"); if ($c->isFresh($seconds)) { $cemonbdii_content = $c->get(); } else { //cemon raw file listing for production slog("loading " . config()->cemonbdii_url); $cemonbdii_content = file_get_contents(config()->cemonbdii_url, 0, $ctx); if ($cemonbdii_content !== false) { $c->set($cemonbdii_content); } else { error_log("failed to download xml from " . config()->cemonbdii_url . " -- using previous cache"); error_log(print_r($ctx, true)); //use previous cache $cemonbdii_content = $c->get(); } } $cemonbdii = new SimpleXMLElement($cemonbdii_content); /* $c = new Cache("/tmp/myosg.bdii-itb"); if($c->isFresh($seconds)) { $cemonbdii_itb_content = $c->get(); } else { //cemon raw file listing for itb slog("loading ".config()->cemonbdii_itb_url); $cemonbdii_itb_content = file_get_contents(config()->cemonbdii_itb_url, 0, $ctx); $c->set($cemonbdii_itb_content); } //merge itb content to prod content try { $itb = new SimpleXMLElement($cemonbdii_itb_content); $this->merge($cemonbdii, $itb); } catch(exception $e) { elog("failed to parse for some reason... maybe itb is not available?"); } */ return $cemonbdii; }
public static function saveAnswer($base_url, $username, $answer_link_list) { foreach ($answer_link_list as $url) { if (preg_match('%^/question/(\\d+)/answer/(\\d+)%', $url, $matches)) { $qid = $matches[1]; $aid = $matches[2]; } else { echo "{$url} not good\n"; exit(1); } $url = $base_url . $url; echo "\t{$url}"; $t = microtime(true); list($code, $content) = odie_get($url); echo "\t[{$code}]"; if ($code != 200) { // fail fast echo "\tfail\n"; slog("{$url} [{$code}] error"); $success_ratio = get_average(0, 'success_ratio'); continue; } else { $success_ratio = get_average(1, 'success_ratio'); } $t = intval((microtime(true) - $t) * 1000); $avg = intval(get_average($t)); echo "\t{$t} ms\n"; if (empty($content)) { echo "content is empty\n"; slog("{$url} [{$code}] empty"); return false; } list($question, $descript, $content, $vote) = parse_answer_pure($content); slog("{$url} [{$code}] ^{$vote}\t{$question}"); Question::saveQuestion($qid, $question, $descript); Answer::_saveAnswer($aid, $qid, $username, $content, $vote); } if (isset($success_ratio) && isset($avg)) { $success_ratio = intval($success_ratio * 100) . '%'; echo "\tAvg: {$avg} ms\tsuccess_ratio: {$success_ratio}\n"; } }
/** * 列表 */ public function tickeListAct() { slog("test"); $areainfo = R('Api/areainfo'); foreach ($areainfo['data'] as $k => $v) { //如果是成都地区,过滤佛山的场馆 if (DISTRICT_SERVER == 'CHENGDU' && $v['id'] == 3) { continue; } $venuesinfo = R('Api/venuesinfo', array($v['id'])); foreach ($venuesinfo['data'] as $k1 => $v1) { $areaName[$v1['id']]['id'] = $v1['id']; $areaName[$v1['id']]['name'] = $v['name'] . $v1['name']; } } $this->assign('activity_text', getSysConfig('activity-text')); $this->assign('isHasCoupon', \Wechat\Logic\CouponLogic::isHasCoupon(getOpenid())); $this->assign('venuesinfo', $areaName); $this->display(); }
public function get() { //shiould take less than 5 seconds to pull this data $ctx = stream_context_create(array('http' => array('timeout' => 5))); //load OpenTickets XML $c = new Cache(config()->gocticket_open_cache); if (!$c->isFresh(60)) { try { slog("loading " . config()->gocticket_open_url); $xml = file_get_contents(config()->gocticket_open_url, 0, $ctx); //try parsing it.. $obj = new SimpleXMLElement($xml); //store good xml $c->set($xml); return $obj; } catch (exception $e) { elog($e->getMessage() . " -- using cache."); } } slog("Using cache"); return new SimpleXMLElement($c->get()); }
/** * Execute the job. * * @return void */ public function handle() { //启动SocketLog slog(['error_handler' => true], 'config'); $api = new API($this->user->account->toArray(), $this->user->account->getKey()); $message = WechatMessage::create(['waid' => $api->waid, 'wuid' => $this->user->getKey(), 'type' => 'text', 'transport_type' => 'send', 'message_id' => '']); $data = ['touser' => $this->user->openid]; $type = 'text'; if ($this->media instanceof Attachment) { $attachment = $this->media; $type = $attachment->file_type(); $type == 'audio' && ($type = 'voice'); $media = $this->uploadToWechat($api, $this->media, $type); if (empty($media)) { return; } $type = $media['type']; //多余的步骤 $data += ['msgtype' => $type, $type => ['media_id' => $media['media_id']]]; if ($type == 'video') { $data[$type] += ['thumb_media_id' => '', 'title' => $attachment->filename, 'description' => $attachment->description]; } slog('发送微信消息(来自附件)'); slog($this->media->toArray()); //入库 WechatMessageMedia::create(['id' => $message->getKey(), 'media_id' => $media['media_id'], 'aid' => $this->media->getKey(), 'format' => $this->media->ext]); } elseif ($this->media instanceof WechatDepot) { //素材 $depot = $this->media; $type = $depot->type; $data += ['msgtype' => $type, $type => []]; $url = new UrlTool($api); if ($type == 'news') { $data[$type] = ['articles' => array_map(function ($v) use($url) { return ['title' => $v['title'], 'description' => $v['description'], 'url' => $url->getURL('wechat/news?id=' . $v['id'], $this->user), 'picurl' => url('attachment?id=' . $v['cover_aid'])]; }, $depot->news->toArray())]; } else { if ($type == 'text') { $data[$type] = ['content' => $depot->text->content]; } else { if ($type == 'callback') { // } else { if ($type == 'music') { $url = Attachment::findOrFail($depot->{$type}->thumb_aid)->url(NULL, true); $data[$type] = ['title' => $depot->{$type}->title, 'description' => $depot->{$type}->description, 'musicurl' => $url, 'hqmusicurl' => $url]; !empty($depot->{$type}->thumb_aid) && ($media = $this->uploadToWechat($api, Attachment::find($depot->{$type}->thumb_aid), 'image')); $data[$type] += ['thumb_media_id' => !empty($media) ? $media['thumb_media_id'] : '']; } else { $media = $this->uploadToWechat($api, Attachment::find($depot->{$type}->aid), $type); $data[$type] = ['media_id' => $media['media_id']]; if ($type == 'video') { !empty($depot->{$type}->thumb_aid) && ($media = $this->uploadToWechat($api, Attachment::find($depot->{$type}->thumb_aid), 'image')); $data[$type] += ['title' => $depot->{$type}->title, 'description' => $depot->{$type}->description, 'thumb_media_id' => !empty($media) ? $media['thumb_media_id'] : '']; } } } } } slog('发送微信消息(来自素材库)'); slog($this->media->toArray()); //入库 $message->wdid = $this->media->getKey(); } else { //String $data += ['msgtype' => 'text', 'text' => ['content' => $this->media]]; //入库 WechatMessageText::create(['id' => $message->getKey(), 'content' => $this->media]); } $message->type = $type; $message->save(); return $api->sendCustomMessage($data); }
public function warnx($msg) { slog("{$msg}"); }
require dirname(__DIR__) . "/odie.php"; require dirname(__DIR__) . "/logic.php"; require __DIR__ . "/lib_mongodb.php"; require __DIR__ . "/autoload.php"; use model\User; use model\Question; use model\Answer; $base_url = ''; $ids = Question::getIds(); echo "there are ", count($ids), " questions to fetch\n"; $sum = $existing_sum = 1; foreach ($ids as $qid) { $url = "{$base_url}/question/{$qid}"; timer(); list($code, $content) = odie_get($url); slog($url . " [{$code}]"); $t = timer(); echo "Fetch question {$qid} [{$code}] {$t} ms\n"; $username_list = get_username_list($content); timer(); foreach ($username_list as $username => $nickname) { echo "\t{$username}"; if (User::saveUser($username, $nickname)) { $existing_sum++; } $sum++; } Question::setFetched($qid); $rate = intval((1 - $existing_sum / $sum) * 100); $t = timer(); echo "\tSave: {$t} ms\t Rate {$rate}%\n";
slog(array('error_handler' => true, 'optimize' => true, 'show_included_files' => true), 'set_config'); slog('hello world'); //一般日志 slog('msg', 'log'); //一般日志 slog('msg', 'error'); //错误日志 slog('msg', 'info'); //信息日志 slog('msg', 'warn'); //警告日志 slog('msg', 'trace'); // 输入日志同时会打出调用栈 slog('msg', 'alert'); //将日志以alert方式弹出 slog('msg', 'log', 'color:red;font-size:20px;'); //自定义日志的样式,第三个参数为css样式 header("Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8"); ini_set('display_errors', '1'); error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE); if (!file_exists('PigData/install.lock')) { header('Location:install/index.php'); exit; } if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { function stripslashes_deep($value) { $value = is_array($value) ? array_map('stripslashes_deep', $value) : stripslashes($value); return $value; } $_POST = array_map('stripslashes_deep', $_POST);
<?php include './php/SocketLog.class.php'; //配置 slog(array('host' => 'localhost', 'optimize' => false, 'show_included_files' => false, 'error_handler' => false, 'force_client_id' => '', 'allow_client_ids' => array()), 'set_config'); //输出日志 slog('hello world'); //一般日志 slog('msg', 'log'); //一般日志 slog('msg', 'error'); //错误日志 slog('msg', 'info'); //信息日志 slog('msg', 'warn'); //警告日志 slog('msg', 'trace'); // 输入日志同时会打出调用栈 slog('msg', 'alert'); //将日志以alert方式弹出 slog('msg', 'log', 'color:red;font-size:20px;'); //自定义日志的样式,第三个参数为css样式 //调试sql $link = mysql_connect('localhost:3306', 'root', '', true); mysql_select_db('kuaijianli', $link); $sql = "DELETE * FROM `uxxxser`"; slog($sql, $link);
public function config($name = 0) { $model = D('Config'); $result = true; $data = array(); $code = 404; $url = ''; switch ($this->_method) { case 'head': break; case 'option': break; case 'get': // 列出资源 if ('list' == $name) { $data = $model->select(); } else { $id = $name; $data = $model->find($id); } if ($model->getError() || $model->getDbError()) { $result = false; } else { $code = 200; } break; case 'put': if ('save' == $name) { // 批量更新资源 $config = I('put.config'); if (empty($config)) { $result = false; $data = '表单为空'; } else { if ($config && is_array($config)) { foreach ($config as $name => $value) { $map = array('name' => $name); $model->where($map)->setField('value', $value); } } $code = 200; } } else { $puts = $model->create(I('put.')); if (false === $puts) { $result = false; $data = $model->getError(); } else { $id = $puts['id']; if ($find = $model->find($id)) { $result = false !== $model->save($puts); $code = $result ? 200 : 404; } else { $result = false; $data = "record not found"; $code = 412; } } } S('DB_CONFIG_DATA', null); break; case 'post': // 新增资源 $posts = $model->create(); if (false == $posts) { $data = $model->getError(); $result = false; } else { $id = $model->add(); if (!$id) { $result = false; } else { $code = 201; $data = $id; $url = '/admin.php/Config/index'; } } break; case 'delete': // 删除资源 // parse_str(file_get_contents('php://input'), $_DELETE); // slog($_DELETE); $id = array_unique((array) I('', 0)); slog($id); if (empty($id)) { $code = 404; $data = '请选择要操作的数据'; } else { $code = 200; $map = array('id' => array('in', $id)); if (M('Config')->where($map)->delete()) { S('DB_CONFIG_DATA', null); //记录行为 $url = '/admin.php/Config/index'; $data = '删除成功'; } else { $code = 412; $result = false; $data = '删除失败!'; } } break; } if ($result) { $this->success($data, $code, $url); } else { $this->error($data, $code, $url); } }
$changes .= "\n"; } echo $changes; $summary = count($newdata) . " files scanned, " . count($changed) . " changed, " . count($added) . " added, " . count($deleted) . " deleted\n"; if (count($changed) + count($added) + count($deleted) > 0) { if ($emailAddressToAlert != "") { $headers = "Return-path: {$emailAddressToAlert}\r\n"; $headers .= "Reply-to: {$emailAddressToAlert}\r\n"; $headers .= "Content-Type: text/plain\r\n"; $headers .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\r\n"; $headers .= "From: {$emailAddressToAlert}\r\n"; $headers .= "X-Priority: 3\r\n"; $headers .= "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n"; $headers .= "Organization: {$servername}\r\n"; $headers .= "\n\n"; //Add the new hash value to the email $emailBody = "Some files in the '{$scandir}' folder have changed since " . $oldsettings["date"] . ".\n" . $summary . "\n" . $changes . "\nScanned in " . (microtime(true) - $time_start) . " seconds.\n"; mail($emailAddressToAlert, $emailSubject, $emailBody, $headers); //Simple mail function for alert. } } slog($summary); // Write new data to a file $datafile = fopen($scandir . $datafilename, "w"); fwrite($datafile, "---\t---\t" . date("Y-m-d H:i:s") . "\t---\t" . $scandir . "\t" . $mode . "\n"); foreach ($newdata as $filedata) { fwrite($datafile, $filedata["namehash"] . "\t" . $filedata["checkhash"] . "\t" . $filedata["date"] . "\t" . $filedata["size"] . "\t" . $filedata["name"] . "\t" . $filedata["ext"] . "\n"); } fclose($datafile); slog(date("Y-m-d H:i:s") . " Done in " . (microtime(true) - $time_start) . " seconds!\n\n"); echo "\nDone in " . (microtime(true) - $time_start) . " seconds!</pre></html>";
if (($attr = $node->getAttribute('class')) == 'zm-profile-header-img zg-avatar-big zm-avatar-editor-preview') { $src = $node->getAttribute('src'); } } User::updateByUserName($username, array('avatar' => $src)); $link_list = get_answer_link_list($content); $rs = Answer::saveAnswer($base_url, $username, $link_list); $num = get_page_num($content); if ($num > 1) { foreach (range(2, $num) as $i) { echo "\nNo. {$n} fetch page {$i}\t"; $url_page = "{$url}?page={$i}"; timer(); list($code, $content) = uget($url_page); $t = timer(); $avg = intval(get_average($t, 'user page')); slog("{$url_page} [{$code}]"); echo "[{$code}]\t{$t} ms\tAvg: {$avg} ms\n"; if ($code != 200) { echo "奇奇怪怪的返回码 {$code}\n"; continue; } $link_list = get_answer_link_list($content); Answer::saveAnswer($base_url, $username, $link_list); } } User::updateByUserName($username, array('has_fetch' => true)); } catch (Exception $e) { slog('warning: resume with ' . $e->getCode() . ' ' . $e->getMessage()); } }
<?php define('APP_PATH', './App/'); define('APP_DEBUG', 1); define('BIND_MODULE', 'Api'); if (!function_exists('slog')) { require './SocketLog.class.php'; $slog_config = array('host' => '', 'port' => 1229, 'error_handler' => true, 'optimize' => true, 'allow_client_ids' => array('yangweijie_jay'), 'show_included_files' => false); if (isset($_GET['slog_force_client_id'])) { $slog_config['force_client_id'] = $_GET['slog_force_client_id']; } slog($slog_config, 'set_config'); } require './ThinkPHP/ThinkPHP.php';
function _setguest() { $guest = new User(null); Zend_Registry::set("user", $guest); slog("guest access from " . $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]); }
/** * 执行语句 * @access public * @param string $str sql指令 * @param boolean $fetchSql 不执行只是获取SQL * @return mixed */ public function execute($str, $fetchSql = false) { $this->initConnect(true); if (!$this->_linkID) { return false; } $this->queryStr = $str; if (!empty($this->bind)) { $that = $this; $this->queryStr = strtr($this->queryStr, array_map(function ($val) use($that) { return '\'' . $that->escapeString($val) . '\''; }, $this->bind)); } if ($fetchSql) { return $this->queryStr; } //释放前次的查询结果 if (!empty($this->PDOStatement)) { $this->free(); } $this->executeTimes++; N('db_write', 1); // 兼容代码 // 记录开始执行时间 $this->debug(true); $this->PDOStatement = $this->_linkID->prepare($str); if (false === $this->PDOStatement) { $this->error(); return false; } foreach ($this->bind as $key => $val) { if (is_array($val)) { $this->PDOStatement->bindValue($key, $val[0], $val[1]); } else { $this->PDOStatement->bindValue($key, $val); } } $this->bind = array(); slog($this->queryStr, $this->_linkID); $result = $this->PDOStatement->execute(); $this->debug(false); if (false === $result) { $this->error(); return false; } else { $this->numRows = $this->PDOStatement->rowCount(); if (preg_match("/^\\s*(INSERT\\s+INTO|REPLACE\\s+INTO)\\s+/i", $str)) { $this->lastInsID = $this->_linkID->lastInsertId(); } return $this->numRows; } }
public function getHost($id) { $c = new Cache("/tmp/myosg.personar.hosts.{$id}"); if ($c->isFresh(60 * 10)) { //seconds return $c->get(); //use cache } else { //try only for N seconds to pull this data $ctx = stream_context_create(array('http' => array('timeout' => 8))); $url = config()->perfsonar_host_url . "/{$id}"; slog("refreshing cache for {$url}"); $json = file_get_contents($url, 0, $ctx); slog("done"); if ($json !== false) { $hosts = json_decode($json); $c->set($hosts); return $hosts; } else { //failed to load then, use stale cache error_log("failed to download xml from {$url} -- using previous cache"); error_log(print_r($ctx, true)); return $c->get(); } } }
public function testlogAct() { print_r(date('Y-m-d', 1454300937)); slog("45646546456"); }
public function tmpUploadVideo() { $appid = C('WEIXIN.APPID'); $appsecret = C('WEIXIN.SECRET'); $token = session("token"); if ($token) { $auth = new WechatAuth($appid, $appsecret, $token); } else { $auth = new WechatAuth($appid, $appsecret); $token = $auth->getAccessToken(); session(array('expire' => $token['expires_in'])); session("token", $token['access_token']); } if (session('?weixin_video_id')) { return session('weixin_video_id'); } else { $filename = './Public/video.mp4'; $type = 'video'; $discription = array('title' => '视频标题', 'introduction' => '视频描述'); $media = $auth->materialAddMaterial($filename, $type, $discription); session('weixin_video_id', $media); slog($media); return session('weixin_video_id'); } }