function setMysqlOptimize($select, $database = null) { global $gbl, $sgbl, $login, $ghtml; log_cleanup("Mysql Optimization"); $database = $database ? $database : "_all_"; $pass = slave_get_db_pass(); if ($select === 'repair') { log_cleanup("- Repairing database"); if ($database === '_all_') { system("mysqlcheck --user=root --password=\"{$pass}\" --repair --all-databases"); } else { system("mysqlcheck --user=root --password=\"{$pass}\" --repair --databases {$dbname}"); } } else { if ($select === 'optimize') { log_cleanup("- Compacting database"); if ($database === '_all_') { system("mysqlcheck --user=root --password=\"{$pass}\" --optimize --all-databases"); } else { system("mysqlcheck --user=root --password=\"{$pass}\" --optimize --databases {$dbname}"); } } } log_cleanup("- MySQL Service restart"); $ret = lxshell_return("service", "mysqld", "restart"); if ($ret) { throw new lxexception('mysqld_restart_failed', 'parent'); } }
function remove_test_root() { $pass = slave_get_db_pass(); $__tr = mysql_connect("localhost", "root", $pass); mysql_select_db("mysql", $__tr); mysql_query("delete from user where Host = '' and User = '******'", $__tr); }
function setupsecondary_main() { global $gbl, $sgbl, $login, $ghtml; global $argv; $dbf = $sgbl->__var_dbf; $prgm = $sgbl->__var_program_name; $list = parse_opt($argv); if (!isset($list['primary-master'])) { print "need --primary-master=\n"; exit; } if (!isset($list['sshport'])) { print "need --sshport=\n"; exit; } $master = $list['primary-master']; $sshport = $list['sshport']; print "Taking backup of the current database anyway...\n"; lxshell_php("../bin/common/mebackup.php"); $slavepass = randomString(7); print "Setting up mysql to receive data from master\n"; add_line_to_secondary_mycnf($master, $slavepass); $pass = slave_get_db_pass(); // TODO: REPLACE MYSQL_CONNECT $dblink = mysqli_connect("localhost", "root", $pass, $dbf); mysqli_query($dblink, "STOP SLAVE"); print "Getting initial data from the master\n"; system("ssh -p {$sshport} {$master} \"(cd /usr/local/lxlabs/{$prgm}/httpdocs ; lphp.exe ../bin/common/setupprimarymaster.php --slavepass={$slavepass})\" | mysql -u root -p{$pass} {$dbf}"); print "starting mysql data getting process\n"; mysqli_query($dblink, "CHANGE MASTER TO master_host='{$master}', master_password='******'"); mysqli_query($dblink, "START SLAVE"); lxfile_touch("../etc/secondary_master"); lxfile_touch("../etc/running_secondary"); }
function pmaster_main() { global $gbl, $sgbl, $login, $ghtml; global $argv; ob_start(); $pass = slave_get_db_pass(); $tfile = ltempnam("/tmp", "mastertmp"); $dbf = $sgbl->__var_dbf; $list = parse_opt($argv); $slavepass = $list['slavepass']; add_line_to_master_mycnf(); mysql_connect("localhost", "root", $pass); mysql_query("grant replication slave on *.* to lxlabsslave@'%' identified by '{$slavepass}'"); system("mysqldump --master-data -u root '-p{$pass}' {$dbf} > {$tfile}"); ob_clean(); readfile($tfile); ob_start(); unlink($tfile); ob_clean(); }
function pmaster_main() { global $gbl, $sgbl, $login, $ghtml; global $argv; ob_start(); $pass = slave_get_db_pass(); $tfile = ltempnam("/tmp", "mastertmp"); $dbf = $sgbl->__var_dbf; $list = parse_opt($argv); $slavepass = $list['slavepass']; add_line_to_master_mycnf(); // TODO: REPLACE MYSQL_CONNECT $dblink = mysqli_connect("localhost", "root", $pass, $dbf); mysqli_query($dblink, "GRANT REPLICATION SLAVE ON *.* TO lxlabsslave@'%' IDENTIFIED BY '{$slavepass}'"); system("mysqldump --master-data -u root '-p{$pass}' {$dbf} > {$tfile}"); ob_clean(); readfile($tfile); ob_start(); unlink($tfile); ob_clean(); }
<?php include_once "htmllib/lib/include.php"; chdir("/usr/local/lxlabs/lxadmin/httpdocs/"); $pass = slave_get_db_pass(); $res = mysql_connect("localhost", "root", $pass); $dbadminpass = trim(file_get_contents("/usr/local/lxlabs/lxadmin/etc/conf/lxadmin.pass")); print $dbadminpass; print "\n"; mysql_query("grant all on kloxo.* to 'kloxo'@'localhost' identified by '{$dbadminpass}';"); mysql_query("flush privileges");
function PrepareRoundCubeDb() { global $gbl, $sgbl, $login, $ghtml; $pass = slave_get_db_pass(); //system("yum -y install lxroundcube"); $pstring = null; if ($pass) { $pstring = "-p\"{$pass}\""; } //$cmd = "echo \"drop database roundcubemail \" | mysql -u root $pstring 2>/dev/null"; //system($cmd); $cmd = " echo \"create database roundcubemail ; grant all on roundcubemail.* to roundcube@localhost identified by 'pass' \" | mysql -u root {$pstring} 2>/dev/null"; system($cmd); system("mysql -u roundcube -ppass roundcubemail < /home/kloxo/httpd/webmail/roundcube/SQL/mysql.initial.sql 2>/dev/null"); }
function setMysqlConvert($engine, $database, $table, $config) { global $gbl, $sgbl, $login, $ghtml; log_cleanup("Convert of MySQL engine"); $engine = strtolower($engine); $database = $database ? $database : '_all_'; $table = $table ? $table : '_all_'; $config = $config ? $config : 'yes'; $pass = slave_get_db_pass(); //--- the first - to 'disable' skip- and restart mysql system("sed -i 's/skip/\\;###123###skip/g' /etc/my.cnf"); $ret = lxshell_return("service", "mysqld", "restart"); if ($ret) { throw new lxexception('mysqld_restart_failed', 'parent'); } mysql_connect('localhost', 'root', $pass); log_cleanup("- Converting to " . $engine . " engine"); if ($database === '_all_') { $dbs = mysql_query('SHOW databases'); while ($db = mysql_fetch_array($dbs)) { log_cleanup("-- " . $db[0] . " database converted"); if ($db[0] === 'mysql') { } else { if ($db[0] === 'information_schema') { } else { mysql_select_db($db[0]); if ($table === '_all_') { $tbls = mysql_query('SHOW tables'); while ($tbl = mysql_fetch_array($tbls)) { log_cleanup("--- " . $tbl[0] . " table converted"); mysql_query("ALTER TABLE {$tbl[0]} ENGINE={$engine}"); } } else { mysql_query("ALTER TABLE {$table} ENGINE={$engine}"); log_cleanup("--- " . $table . " table converted"); } } } } } else { mysql_select_db($database); log_cleanup("-- " . $database . " database converted"); if ($table === '_all_') { $tbls = mysql_query('SHOW tables'); while ($tbl = mysql_fetch_array($tbls)) { log_cleanup("--- " . $tbl[0] . " table converted"); mysql_query("ALTER TABLE {$tbl[0]} ENGINE={$engine}"); } } else { mysql_query("ALTER TABLE {$table} ENGINE={$engine}"); log_cleanup("--- " . $table . " table"); } } //--- the second - back to 'original' config and restart mysql system("sed -i 's/\\;###123###skip/skip/g' /etc/my.cnf"); $ret = lxshell_return("service", "mysqld", "restart"); if ($ret) { throw new lxexception('mysqld_restart_failed', 'parent'); } if ($config === 'yes') { if ($database === '_all_') { $string = implode("", file("/etc/my.cnf")); $file = fopen("/etc/my.cnf", "w"); $string_array = explode("\n", $string); $string_collect = null; foreach ($string_array as $sa) { if (stristr($sa, 'skip-innodb') !== FALSE) { $string_collect .= ""; continue; } if (stristr($sa, 'default-storage-engine') !== FALSE) { $string_collect .= ""; continue; } $string_collect .= $sa . "\n"; } if ($engine === 'myisam') { $string_source = "[mysqld]\n"; $string_replace = "[mysqld]\nskip-innodb\ndefault-storage-engine=myisam\n"; log_cleanup("- Added \"skip-innodb and default-storage-engine=" . $engine . "\" in /etc/my.cnf"); } else { $string_source = "[mysqld]\n"; $string_replace = "[mysqld]\ndefault-storage-engine={$engine}\n"; log_cleanup("- Added \"default-storage-engine=" . $engine . "\" in /etc/my.cnf"); } $string_collect = str_replace($string_source, $string_replace, $string_collect); fwrite($file, $string_collect, strlen($string_collect)); } } log_cleanup("- Convert of MySQL to " . $engine . " engine finished"); log_cleanup("- MySQL Service restarted"); $ret = lxshell_return("service", "mysqld", "restart"); if ($ret) { throw new lxexception('mysqld_restart_failed', 'parent'); } }
<?php include_once "htmllib/lib/include.php"; print slave_get_db_pass();
function PrepareHordeDb() { global $gbl, $sgbl, $login, $ghtml; log_cleanup("Preparing Horde database"); $pass = slave_get_db_pass(); $user = "******"; $host = "localhost"; $link = mysql_connect($host, $user, $pass); if (!$link) { log_cleanup("- Mysql root password incorrect"); exit; } $pstring = null; if ($pass) { $pstring = "-p\"{$pass}\""; } $result = mysql_select_db('horde_groupware', $link); log_cleanup("- Fix MySQL commands in import files of Horde"); $hordefile = "/home/kloxo/httpd/webmail/horde/scripts/sql/groupware.mysql.sql"; $content = lfile_get_contents($hordefile); $content = str_replace("USE horde;", "USE horde_groupware;", $content); $content = str_replace(") ENGINE = InnoDB;", ");", $content); // --- better create table logic --> also see updateDatabaseProperly() $content = str_replace(" IF NOT EXISTS", "", $content); $content = str_replace("CREATE TABLE", "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS", $content); $content = str_replace("CREATE DATABASE horde;", "CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS horde_groupware;", $content); $content = str_replace("CREATE DATABASE horde_groupware;", "CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS horde_groupware;", $content); // no need 'IF NOT EXISTS' for INDEX // $content = str_replace("CREATE INDEX", "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS", $content); lfile_put_contents($hordefile, $content); $result = mysql_query("CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS horde_groupware", $link); if (!$result) { log_cleanup("- ***** There is something REALLY wrong... Go to and report to the team *****"); exit; } system("mysql -f -u root {$pstring} < /home/kloxo/httpd/webmail/horde/scripts/sql/groupware.mysql.sql >/dev/null 2>&1"); $cfgfile = "/home/kloxo/httpd/webmail/horde/config/conf.php"; lxfile_cp("/usr/local/lxlabs/kloxo/file/horde.config.phps", $cfgfile); system("chattr -i {$cfgfile}"); log_cleanup("- Generating password"); $pass = randomString(8); log_cleanup("- Add password to configuration file"); $content = lfile_get_contents($cfgfile); $content = str_replace("__lx_horde_pass", $pass, $content); lfile_put_contents($cfgfile, $content); $result = mysql_query("GRANT ALL ON horde_groupware.* TO horde_groupware@localhost IDENTIFIED BY '{$pass}'", $link); mysql_query("flush privileges", $link); if (!$result) { log_cleanup("Could not grant privileges. Script Aborted"); exit; } log_cleanup("- Database installed"); $pass = null; $pstring = null; //--- to make sure always 644 system("chmod 644 /home/kloxo/httpd/webmail/horde/config/conf.php"); }
<?php include_once "htmllib/lib/include.php"; if ($argv[1]) { $mysqlpass = $argv[1]; } else { $mysqlpass = slave_get_db_pass(); } $db = $sgbl->__var_dbf; $username = $sgbl->__var_program_name; $program = $username; $newpass = randomString(9); $newpass = client::createDbPass($newpass); mysql_connect("localhost", "root", $mysqlpass); $cmd = "grant all on {$db}.* to {$username}@localhost identified by '{$newpass}'"; print "{$cmd}\n"; mysql_query($cmd); lfile_put_contents("../etc/conf/{$program}.pass", $newpass);