Exemple #1
function pick_count()
    $arr['search_index']['name'] = milu_lang('rules_search_index');
    $arr['search_index']['msg'] = milu_lang('search_index_notice');
    $arr['search_index']['show'] = '<span style=" width:120px; float:left">' . milu_lang('search_index_c') . '<hr>';
    $type_arr = array('1' => milu_lang('fast_pick_rules'), '2' => milu_lang('dxc_system_rules'), '3' => milu_lang('fastpick_evo'));
    $type_arr2 = array('3' => milu_lang('server_'), '4' => milu_lang('local_'));
    foreach ($type_arr as $k => $v) {
        foreach ($type_arr2 as $k2 => $v2) {
            $type = $k . $k2;
            $show_name = '<span style=" width:120px; float:left">' . $type_arr[$k] . $type_arr2[$k2] . '</span>';
            $search_index_count = DB::result(DB::query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . DB::table('strayer_searchindex') . " WHERE type='{$type}'"), 0);
            $arr['search_index']['show'] .= $show_name . ' ' . $search_index_count . '<br />';
    $log_info = IO::info(PICK_DIR . '/data/log');
    $arr['log']['name'] = milu_lang('log_size');
    $arr['log']['msg'] = milu_lang('auto_pick_notice');
    $arr['log']['show'] = sizecount($log_info['size']);
    $cache_info = IO::info(PICK_CACHE, 1, 1);
    $arr['cache']['name'] = milu_lang('cache_file_size');
    $arr['cache']['show'] = milu_lang('cache_size_value', array('s' => sizecount($cache_info['size']), 'p' => PICK_CACHE_SIZE));
    $arr['cache']['msg'] = milu_lang('cache_notice');
    return $arr;
Exemple #2
function getattach_row($attach, &$attachs, &$imgattachs)
    global $_G;
    $attach['filename'] = cutstr($attach['filename'], $_G['setting']['allowattachurl'] ? 25 : 30);
    $attach['attachsize'] = sizecount($attach['filesize']);
    $attach['dateline'] = dgmdate($attach['dateline']);
    $attach['filetype'] = attachtype($attach['ext'] . "\t" . $attach['filetype']);
    if ($attach['isimage'] < 1) {
        if ($attach['isimage']) {
            $attach['url'] = $attach['remote'] ? $_G['setting']['ftp']['attachurl'] : $_G['setting']['attachurl'];
            $attach['width'] = $attach['width'] > 300 ? 300 : $attach['width'];
        if ($attach['pid']) {
            $attachs['used'][] = $attach;
        } else {
            $attachs['unused'][] = $attach;
    } else {
        $attach['url'] = ($attach['remote'] ? $_G['setting']['ftp']['attachurl'] : $_G['setting']['attachurl']) . '/forum';
        $attach['width'] = $attach['width'] > 300 ? 300 : $attach['width'];
        if ($attach['pid']) {
            $imgattachs['used'][] = $attach;
        } else {
            $imgattachs['unused'][] = $attach;
Exemple #3
 function dbbackup()
     // 加载数据库工具类
     // 备份整个数据库并将其赋值给一个变量
     $backup =& $this->dbutil->backup();
     // 加载文件辅助函数并将文件写入你的服务器
     $path = dirname(BASEPATH) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'upload' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'dbbackup' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . date('Y.m.d_H.i.s') . '_smart.zip';
     $relpath = str_replace(dirname(BASEPATH), "", $path);
     $writeResult = write_file($path, $backup);
     if ($writeResult && file_exists($path)) {
         $path_parts = pathinfo($path);
         $fileName = $path_parts["basename"];
         $size = filesize($path);
         $data = array('uid' => $this->tank_auth->get_user_id(), 'fileName' => $fileName, 'fileSize' => $size, 'path' => $relpath, 'backupdate' => time());
         $id = $this->dbbackup_model->addRes($data);
         $delString = '<a class="backup_dld" href="#">下载</a> ' . '<input type="hidden" id="backup_del_' . $id . '" name="backup_del_' . $id . '" value="' . $id . '">' . '<a class="backup_delete" href="#">删除</a>';
         $jsonData = array('uid' => $this->tank_auth->get_user_id(), 'fileName' => $fileName, 'fileSize' => sizecount($size), 'path' => $relpath, 'backupdate' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time()), 'opt' => $delString);
         echo '{"result":"true","msg":' . json_encode($jsonData) . '}';
     } else {
         echo '{"result":"false","msg":"' . lang('admin_tools_add_backup_failed') . '"}';
Exemple #4
 public function right()
     $this->member_db = pc_base::load_model('member_model');
     $this->messagequeue_db = pc_base::load_model('messagequeue_model');
     $total_member = $this->member_db->count();
     $todaytime = strtotime(date('Y-m-d', SYS_TIME));
     $today_member = $this->member_db->count("`regdate` > '{$todaytime}'");
     $total_messagequeue = $this->messagequeue_db->count();
     $mysql_version = $this->member_db->get_version();
     $mysql_table_status = $this->member_db->get_table_status();
     $mysql_table_size = $mysql_table_index_size = '';
     foreach ($mysql_table_status as $table) {
         $mysql_table_size += $table['Data_length'];
         $mysql_table_index_size += $table['Index_length'];
     $mysql_table_size = sizecount($mysql_table_size);
     $mysql_table_index_size = sizecount($mysql_table_index_size);
     $applist = getcache('applist');
     $appnum = empty($applist) ? 0 : count($applist);
     include $this->admin_tpl('right');
Exemple #5
function parseattach($attachpids, $attachtags, &$postlist, $showimages = 1, $skipaids = array())
    global $db, $tablepre, $discuz_uid, $skipaidlist, $readaccess, $attachlist, $attachimgpost, $maxchargespan, $timestamp, $forum, $ftp, $attachurl, $dateformat, $timeformat, $timeoffset, $hideattach, $thread, $tradesaids, $trades, $exthtml, $tagstatus, $sid, $authkey, $exempt;
    $query = $db->query("SELECT a.*, af.description, ap.aid AS payed FROM {$tablepre}attachments a LEFT JOIN {$tablepre}attachmentfields af ON a.aid=af.aid LEFT JOIN {$tablepre}attachpaymentlog ap ON ap.aid=a.aid AND ap.uid='{$discuz_uid}' WHERE a.pid IN ({$attachpids})");
    $attachexists = FALSE;
    while ($attach = $db->fetch_array($query)) {
        $attachexists = TRUE;
        $exthtml = '';
        if ($skipaids && in_array($attach['aid'], $skipaids)) {
        $attached = 0;
        $extension = strtolower(fileext($attach['filename']));
        $attach['ext'] = $extension;
        $attach['attachicon'] = attachtype($extension . "\t" . $attach['filetype']);
        $attach['attachsize'] = sizecount($attach['filesize']);
        $attach['attachimg'] = $showimages && $attachimgpost && $attach['isimage'] && (!$attach['readperm'] || $readaccess >= $attach['readperm']) ? 1 : 0;
        if ($attach['price']) {
            if ($maxchargespan && $timestamp - $attach['dateline'] >= $maxchargespan * 3600) {
                $db->query("UPDATE {$tablepre}attachments SET price='0' WHERE aid='{$attach['aid']}'");
                $attach['price'] = 0;
            } else {
                if (!$discuz_uid || !$forum['ismoderator'] && $attach['uid'] != $discuz_uid && !$attach['payed']) {
                    $attach['unpayed'] = 1;
        $exemptattachpay = $exempt & 8 ? 1 : 0;
        $attach['payed'] = $attach['payed'] || $forum['ismoderator'] || $attach['uid'] == $discuz_uid ? 1 : 0;
        $attach['url'] = $attach['remote'] ? $ftp['attachurl'] : $attachurl;
        $attach['dateline'] = dgmdate("{$dateformat} {$timeformat}", $attach['dateline'] + $timeoffset * 3600);
        $postlist[$attach['pid']]['attachments'][$attach['aid']] = $attach;
        if (is_array($attachtags[$attach['pid']]) && in_array($attach['aid'], $attachtags[$attach['pid']])) {
            $findattach[$attach['pid']][] = "/\\[attach\\]{$attach['aid']}\\[\\/attach\\]/i";
            $replaceattach[$attach['pid']][] = $hideattach[$attach['pid']] ? '[attach]***[/attach]' : attachtag($attach['pid'], $attach['aid'], $postlist);
            $attached = 1;
        if (!$attached || $attach['unpayed']) {
            if ($attach['isimage']) {
                $postlist[$attach['pid']]['imagelist'] .= attachlist($attach);
            } else {
                if (!$skipaidlist || !in_array($attach['aid'], $skipaidlist)) {
                    $postlist[$attach['pid']]['attachlist'] .= attachlist($attach);
    if ($attachexists) {
        foreach ($attachtags as $pid => $aids) {
            if ($findattach[$pid]) {
                $postlist[$pid]['message'] = preg_replace($findattach[$pid], $replaceattach[$pid], $postlist[$pid]['message'], 1);
                $postlist[$pid]['message'] = preg_replace($findattach[$pid], '', $postlist[$pid]['message']);
    } else {
        $db->query("UPDATE {$tablepre}posts SET attachment='0' WHERE pid IN ({$attachpids})", 'UNBUFFERED');
function parseattach($attachpids, $attachtags, &$postlist, $skipaids = array())
    global $_G;
    $query = DB::query("SELECT a.*, af.description, l.relatedid AS payed\n\t\tFROM " . DB::table('forum_attachment') . " a\n\t\tLEFT JOIN " . DB::table('forum_attachmentfield') . " af ON a.aid=af.aid\n\t\tLEFT JOIN " . DB::table('common_credit_log') . " l ON l.relatedid=a.aid AND l.uid='{$_G['uid']}' AND l.operation='BAC'\n\t\tWHERE a.pid IN ({$attachpids})");
    $attachexists = FALSE;
    while ($attach = DB::fetch($query)) {
        $attachexists = TRUE;
        if ($skipaids && in_array($attach['aid'], $skipaids)) {
        $attached = 0;
        $extension = strtolower(fileext($attach['filename']));
        $attach['ext'] = $extension;
        $attach['attachicon'] = attachtype($extension . "\t" . $attach['filetype']);
        $attach['attachsize'] = sizecount($attach['filesize']);
        $attach['attachimg'] = $_G['setting']['attachimgpost'] && $attach['isimage'] && (!$attach['readperm'] || $_G['group']['readaccess'] >= $attach['readperm']) ? 1 : 0;
        if ($attach['price']) {
            if ($_G['setting']['maxchargespan'] && TIMESTAMP - $attach['dateline'] >= $_G['setting']['maxchargespan'] * 3600) {
                DB::query("UPDATE " . DB::table('forum_attachment') . " SET price='0' WHERE aid='{$attach['aid']}'");
                $attach['price'] = 0;
            } else {
                if (!$_G['uid'] || !$_G['forum']['ismoderator'] && $attach['uid'] != $_G['uid'] && !$attach['payed']) {
                    $attach['unpayed'] = 1;
        $exemptattachpay = $_G['group']['exempt'] & 8 ? 1 : 0;
        $attach['payed'] = $attach['payed'] || $_G['forum']['ismoderator'] || $attach['uid'] == $_G['uid'] ? 1 : 0;
        $attach['url'] = ($attach['remote'] ? $_G['setting']['ftp']['attachurl'] . '/' : $_G['setting']['attachurl']) . 'forum/';
        $attach['dateline'] = dgmdate($attach['dateline'], 'u');
        $postlist[$attach['pid']]['attachments'][$attach['aid']] = $attach;
        if (!empty($attachtags[$attach['pid']]) && is_array($attachtags[$attach['pid']]) && in_array($attach['aid'], $attachtags[$attach['pid']])) {
            $findattach[$attach['pid']][] = "/\\[attach\\]{$attach['aid']}\\[\\/attach\\]/i";
            $replaceattach[$attach['pid']][] = attachtag($attach['pid'], $attach['aid'], $postlist);
            $attached = 1;
        if (!$attached) {
            if ($attach['isimage']) {
                $postlist[$attach['pid']]['imagelist'] .= attachlist($attach);
            } else {
                if (!$_G['forum_skipaidlist'] || !in_array($attach['aid'], $_G['forum_skipaidlist'])) {
                    $postlist[$attach['pid']]['attachlist'] .= attachlist($attach);
    if ($attachexists) {
        foreach ($attachtags as $pid => $aids) {
            if ($findattach[$pid]) {
                $postlist[$pid]['message'] = preg_replace($findattach[$pid], $replaceattach[$pid], $postlist[$pid]['message'], 1);
                $postlist[$pid]['message'] = preg_replace($findattach[$pid], '', $postlist[$pid]['message']);
    } else {
        updatepost(array('attachment' => '0'), "pid IN ({$attachpids})", true);
 public static function gettablestatus($tablename, $formatsize = true)
     $status = DB::fetch_first("SHOW TABLE STATUS LIKE '" . str_replace('_', '\\_', $tablename) . "'");
     if ($formatsize) {
         $status['Data_length'] = sizecount($status['Data_length']);
         $status['Index_length'] = sizecount($status['Index_length']);
     return $status;
Exemple #8
 public function ajax_clear()
     $applist = $this->applications_db->listinfo('', '', 1, 100, 'appid');
     setcache('applist', $applist);
     $applistinfo = getcacheinfo('applist');
     $return['filesize'] = sizecount($applistinfo['filesize']);
     $return['filemtime'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $applistinfo['filemtime']);
Exemple #9
 function forumdisplay_thread_subject_output()
     global $_G;
     $tids = "";
     $arr = array();
     $j = 0;
     foreach ($_G['forum_threadlist'] as $v) {
         $arr[$j]['tid'] = $v['tid'];
         $tids .= "," . $v['tid'];
     $tids = substr($tids, 1);
     if ($tids == "") {
         $tids = "0";
     $query = DB::query("select tid,seeds,leechers,finished,size from " . DB::table('xbtit_files') . " where tid in ({$tids})");
     while ($row = DB::fetch($query)) {
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($arr); $i++) {
             if ($row['tid'] == $arr[$i]['tid']) {
                 $arr[$i]['seeds'] = $row['seeds'];
     foreach ($arr as $row) {
         if ($row['seeds'] == "") {
             $return[] = "";
         } else {
             $size = sizecount($row['size']);
             include './xbt/config.inc.php';
             $tid = $row['tid'];
             $query = DB::query("select displayorder,highlight,digest from " . DB::table('forum_thread') . " where tid= ({$tid})");
             $rs = DB::fetch($query);
             if ($rs['displayorder'] > 0 or $rs['digest'] > 0 or $rs['highlight'] > 0) {
                 if ($rs['displayorder'] > 0) {
                     $up = $upload_weight['top'];
                     $down = $down_weight['top'] * 100;
                 } elseif ($rs['digest'] > 0) {
                     $up = $upload_weight['digest'];
                     $down = $down_weight['digest'] * 100;
                 } else {
                     $up = $upload_weight['highlight'];
                     $down = $down_weight['highlight'] * 100;
                 $return[] = "[<span style='color:#F00;'>↓{$down}%</span>&nbsp;&nbsp;<span style='color:#00F;'>↑{$up}x</span>]";
             } else {
                 $return[] = "";
     return $return;
Exemple #10
function getattach($pid, $posttime = 0)
    global $_G;
    require_once libfile('function/attachment');
    $attachs = $imgattachs = array();
    $sqladd1 = $posttime > 0 ? "AND a.dateline>'{$posttime}'" : '';
    $sqladd2 = $pid > 0 ? "OR a.pid='{$pid}'" : '';
    $query = DB::query("SELECT a.*, af.description\r\n\t\tFROM " . DB::table('forum_attachment') . " a\r\n\t\tLEFT JOIN " . DB::table('forum_attachmentfield') . " af USING(aid)\r\n\t\tWHERE (a.uid='{$_G['uid']}' AND a.tid='0' {$sqladd1}) {$sqladd2} ORDER BY a.aid DESC");
    if (!empty($_G['fid']) && $_G['forum']['attachextensions']) {
        $allowext = str_replace(' ', '', $_G['forum']['attachextensions']);
        $allowext = explode(',', $allowext);
    } else {
        $allowext = '';
    while ($attach = DB::fetch($query)) {
        $attach['filenametitle'] = $attach['filename'];
        $attach['ext'] = fileext($attach['filename']);
        if ($allowext && !in_array($attach['ext'], $allowext)) {
        $attach['filename'] = cutstr($attach['filename'], $_G['setting']['allowattachurl'] ? 25 : 30);
        $attach['attachsize'] = sizecount($attach['filesize']);
        $attach['dateline'] = dgmdate($attach['dateline']);
        $attach['filetype'] = attachtype($attach['ext'] . "\t" . $attach['filetype']);
        if ($attach['isimage'] < 1) {
            if ($attach['isimage']) {
                $attach['url'] = $attach['remote'] ? $_G['setting']['ftp']['attachurl'] : $_G['setting']['attachurl'];
                $attach['width'] = $attach['width'] > 300 ? 300 : $attach['width'];
            if ($attach['pid']) {
                $attachs['used'][] = $attach;
            } else {
                $attachs['unused'][] = $attach;
        } else {
            $attach['url'] = ($attach['remote'] ? $_G['setting']['ftp']['attachurl'] : $_G['setting']['attachurl']) . '/forum';
            $attach['width'] = $attach['width'] > 300 ? 300 : $attach['width'];
            if ($attach['pid']) {
                $imgattachs['used'][] = $attach;
            } else {
                $imgattachs['unused'][] = $attach;
    return array('attachs' => $attachs, 'imgattachs' => $imgattachs);
Exemple #11
	 * swfupload上传附件
	public function swfupload(){
		$grouplist = getcache('grouplist','member');			
			if( $_POST['swf_auth_key'] != md5(pc_base::load_config('system','auth_key').$_POST['SWFUPLOADSESSID']) || ($_POST['isadmin']==0 && !$grouplist[$_POST['groupid']]['allowattachment'])) exit();
			$attachment = new attachment($_POST['module'],$_POST['catid'],$_POST['siteid']);
			$aids = $attachment->upload('Filedata',$_POST['filetype_post'],'','',array($_POST['thumb_width'],$_POST['thumb_height']),$_POST['watermark_enable']);
			if($aids[0]) {
				$filename= (strtolower(CHARSET) != 'utf-8') ? iconv('gbk', 'utf-8', $attachment->uploadedfiles[0]['filename']) : $attachment->uploadedfiles[0]['filename'];
				if($attachment->uploadedfiles[0]['isimage']) {
					echo $aids[0].','.$this->upload_url.$attachment->uploadedfiles[0]['filepath'].','.$attachment->uploadedfiles[0]['isimage'].','.$filename;
				} else {
					$fileext = $attachment->uploadedfiles[0]['fileext'];
					if($fileext == 'zip' || $fileext == 'rar') $fileext = 'rar';
					elseif($fileext == 'doc' || $fileext == 'docx') $fileext = 'doc';
					elseif($fileext == 'xls' || $fileext == 'xlsx') $fileext = 'xls';
					elseif($fileext == 'ppt' || $fileext == 'pptx') $fileext = 'ppt';
					elseif ($fileext == 'flv' || $fileext == 'swf' || $fileext == 'rm' || $fileext == 'rmvb') $fileext = 'flv';
					else $fileext = 'do';
					echo $aids[0].','.$this->upload_url.$attachment->uploadedfiles[0]['filepath'].','.$fileext.','.$filename;
			} else {
				echo '0,'.$attachment->error();

		} else {
			if($this->isadmin==0 && !$grouplist[$this->groupid]['allowattachment']) showmessage(L('att_no_permission'));
			$args = $_GET['args'];
			$authkey = $_GET['authkey'];
			if(upload_key($args)!=$authkey) showmessage(L('attachment_parameter_error'));
			$siteid = $this->get_siteid();
			$site_setting = get_site_setting($siteid);
			$file_size_limit = sizecount($site_setting['upload_maxsize']*1024);		
			$att_not_used = param::get_cookie('att_json');
			if(empty($att_not_used) || !isset($att_not_used)) $tab_status = ' class="on"';
			if(!empty($att_not_used)) $div_status = ' hidden';
			$att = $this->att_not_used();					
			include $this->admin_tpl('swfupload');
function getswfattach($getcount = 1)
    global $db, $tablepre, $discuz_uid, $dateformat, $timeformat, $timeoffset;
    require_once DISCUZ_ROOT . './include/attachment.func.php';
    $swfattachs = array();
    if ($getcount) {
        $swfattachs = $db->result_first("SELECT count(*) FROM {$tablepre}attachments WHERE tid='0' AND pid='0' AND uid='{$discuz_uid}' ORDER BY dateline");
    } else {
        $query = $db->query("SELECT aid, filename, description, isimage, thumb, attachment, dateline, filesize, width FROM {$tablepre}attachments WHERE tid='0' AND pid='0' AND uid='{$discuz_uid}' ORDER BY dateline");
        while ($swfattach = $db->fetch_array($query)) {
            $swfattach['filenametitle'] = $swfattach['filename'];
            $swfattach['filename'] = cutstr($swfattach['filename'], 30);
            $swfattach['attachsize'] = sizecount($swfattach['filesize']);
            $swfattach['dateline'] = gmdate("{$dateformat} {$timeformat}", $swfattach['dateline'] + $timeoffset * 3600);
            $swfattach['filetype'] = attachtype(fileext($swfattach['attachment']) . "\t" . $swfattach['filetype']);
            $swfattachs[] = $swfattach;
    return $swfattachs;
 public function index()
     $m = new Model();
     $list = $m->query("SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM " . "`" . C('DB_NAME') . "`");
     $tables = array();
     foreach ($list as $key => $val) {
         $tables[$key]['name'] = $val['Name'];
         $tables[$key]['rows'] = $val['Rows'];
         $tables[$key]['engine'] = $val['Engine'];
         $tables[$key]['data_length'] = sizecount($val['Data_length']);
         $tables[$key]['create_time'] = $val['Create_time'];
         $tables[$key]['collation'] = $val['Collation'];
     $this->assign('list', $tables);
Exemple #14
function getattach($pid, $posttime = 0)
    global $_G;
    require_once libfile('function/attachment');
    $attachs = $imgattachs = array();
    $sqladd1 = $posttime > 0 ? "AND a.dateline>'{$posttime}'" : '';
    $sqladd2 = $pid > 0 ? "OR a.pid='{$pid}'" : '';
    $query = DB::query("SELECT a.*, af.description\n\t\tFROM " . DB::table('forum_attachment') . " a\n\t\tLEFT JOIN " . DB::table('forum_attachmentfield') . " af ON a.aid=af.aid\n\t\tWHERE (a.uid='{$_G['uid']}' AND a.tid='0' {$sqladd1}) {$sqladd2} ORDER BY dateline");
    while ($attach = DB::fetch($query)) {
        $attach['filenametitle'] = $attach['filename'];
        $attach['ext'] = fileext($attach['filename']);
        $attach['filename'] = cutstr($attach['filename'], $_G['setting']['allowattachurl'] ? 25 : 30);
        $attach['attachsize'] = sizecount($attach['filesize']);
        $attach['dateline'] = dgmdate($attach['dateline']);
        $attach['filetype'] = attachtype($attach['ext'] . "\t" . $attach['filetype']);
        if ($attach['isimage'] < 1) {
            if ($attach['isimage']) {
                $attach['url'] = $attach['remote'] ? $_G['setting']['ftp']['attachurl'] : $_G['setting']['attachurl'];
                $attach['width'] = $attach['width'] > 110 ? 110 : $attach['width'];
            if ($attach['pid']) {
                $attachs['used'][] = $attach;
            } else {
                $attachs['unused'][] = $attach;
        } else {
            $attach['url'] = ($attach['remote'] ? $_G['setting']['ftp']['attachurl'] : $_G['setting']['attachurl']) . '/forum';
            $attach['width'] = $attach['width'] > 110 ? 110 : $attach['width'];
            if ($attach['pid']) {
                $imgattachs['used'][] = $attach;
            } else {
                $imgattachs['unused'][] = $attach;
    return array('attachs' => $attachs, 'imgattachs' => $imgattachs);
Exemple #15
 public function public_index()
     $this->html = pc_base::load_app_class('html');
     $size = $this->html->index();
     showmessage(L('index_create_finish', array('size' => sizecount($size))));
Exemple #16
function movedate($query)
    global $sourcesize, $tableid, $movesize, $targettableid, $hash, $tableindex, $threadtableids, $fieldstr, $fromtableid, $posttable_info;
    $tids = array();
    while ($value = DB::fetch($query)) {
        $tids[$value['tid']] = $value['tid'];
    $fromtable = getposttable($fromtableid, true);
    $condition = " tid IN(" . dimplode($tids) . ")";
    DB::query("INSERT INTO " . DB::table(getposttable($targettableid)) . " ({$fieldstr}) SELECT {$fieldstr} FROM {$fromtable} WHERE {$condition}", 'SILENT');
    if (DB::errno()) {
        DB::delete(getposttable($targettableid), $condition);
    } else {
        foreach ($threadtableids as $threadtableid) {
            $table = $threadtableid ? "forum_thread_{$threadtableid}" : 'forum_thread';
            DB::update($table, array('posttableid' => $targettableid), $condition);
            if (DB::affected_rows() == count($tids)) {
        DB::delete(getposttable($fromtableid), $condition);
    $status = gettablestatus(DB::table(getposttable($targettableid)), false);
    $targetsize = $sourcesize + $movesize * 1048576;
    $nowdatasize = $targetsize - $status['Data_length'];
    if ($status['Data_length'] >= $targetsize) {
        cpmsg('postsplit_done', 'action=postsplit&operation=optimize&tableid=' . $fromtableid, 'form');
    cpmsg('postsplit_doing', 'action=postsplit&operation=movepost&fromtable=' . $tableid . '&movesize=' . $movesize . '&targettable=' . $targettableid . '&hash=' . $hash . '&tindex=' . $tableindex, 'loadingform', array('datalength' => sizecount($status['Data_length']), 'nowdatalength' => sizecount($nowdatasize)));
Exemple #17
  * 数据库导入
 public function import()
     $database = pc_base::load_config('database');
     if ($_GET['dosubmit']) {
         $admin_founders = explode(',', pc_base::load_config('system', 'admin_founders'));
         if (!in_array($this->userid, $admin_founders)) {
         $this->pdo_name = $_GET['pdoname'];
         $pre = trim($_GET['pre']);
         $this->fileid = trim($_GET['fileid']);
         $this->db_charset = $database[$this->pdo_name]['charset'];
         $this->db_tablepre = $database[$pdo_name]['tablepre'];
         $this->db = db_factory::get_instance($database)->get_database($this->pdo_name);
     } else {
         ${$pdos} = $others = array();
         foreach ($database as $name => $value) {
             $pdos[$name] = $value['database'] . '[' . $value['hostname'] . ']';
         $pdoname = $_GET['pdoname'] ? $_GET['pdoname'] : key($pdos);
         $sqlfiles = glob(CACHE_PATH . 'bakup/' . $pdoname . '/*.sql');
         if (is_array($sqlfiles)) {
             $prepre = '';
             $info = $infos = $other = $others = array();
             foreach ($sqlfiles as $id => $sqlfile) {
                 if (preg_match("/([phpcmstables_|db_][0-9]{8}_[0-9a-z]{20}_)([0-9]+)\\.sql/i", basename($sqlfile), $num)) {
                     list($tem_pre, $temp_date, $temp_string, $temp_end) = explode('_', basename($sqlfile));
                     rename($sqlfile, CACHE_PATH . 'bakup/' . $pdoname . '/' . $temp_string . '_' . $tem_pre . '_' . $temp_date . '_' . $temp_end);
                 if (preg_match("/([0-9a-z]{20}_[phpcmstables_|db_]+[0-9]{8}_)([0-9]+)\\.sql/i", basename($sqlfile), $num)) {
                     $info['filename'] = basename($sqlfile);
                     $info['filesize'] = sizecount(filesize($sqlfile));
                     $info['maketime'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', filemtime($sqlfile));
                     $info['pre'] = $num[1];
                     $info['number'] = $num[2];
                     if (!$id) {
                         $prebgcolor = '#CFEFFF';
                     if ($info['pre'] == $prepre) {
                         $info['bgcolor'] = $prebgcolor;
                     } else {
                         $info['bgcolor'] = $prebgcolor == '#CFEFFF' ? '#F1F3F5' : '#CFEFFF';
                     $prebgcolor = $info['bgcolor'];
                     $prepre = $info['pre'];
                     $infos[] = $info;
                 } else {
                     $other['filename'] = basename($sqlfile);
                     $other['filesize'] = sizecount(filesize($sqlfile));
                     $other['maketime'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', filemtime($sqlfile));
                     $others[] = $other;
         $show_validator = true;
         include $this->admin_tpl('database_import');
Exemple #18
if ($do == 'optimize') {
    $_W['page']['title'] = '优化 - 数据库 - 系统管理';
    $sql = "SHOW TABLE STATUS LIKE '{$_W['config']['db']['tablepre']}%'";
    $tables = pdo_fetchall($sql);
    $totalsize = 0;
    $ds = array();
    foreach ($tables as $ss) {
        if (!empty($ss) && !empty($ss['Data_free'])) {
            $row = array();
            $row['title'] = $ss['Name'];
            $row['type'] = $ss['Engine'];
            $row['rows'] = $ss['Rows'];
            $row['data'] = sizecount($ss['Data_length']);
            $row['index'] = sizecount($ss['Index_length']);
            $row['free'] = sizecount($ss['Data_free']);
            $ds[$row['title']] = $row;
    if (checksubmit()) {
        foreach ($_GPC['select'] as $t) {
            if (!empty($ds[$t])) {
                $sql = "OPTIMIZE TABLE {$t}";
        message('数据表优化成功.', 'refresh');
if ($do == 'run') {
    $_W['page']['title'] = '运行SQL - 数据库 - 系统管理';
        $page = max(1, intval($page));
        $query = $db->query("SELECT a.*, af.description, p.fid, p.author, t.tid, t.tid, t.subject, f.name AS fname\r\n\t\t\tFROM {$tablepre}attachments a LEFT JOIN {$tablepre}attachmentfields af ON a.aid=af.aid, {$tablepre}posts p, {$tablepre}threads t, {$tablepre}forums f\r\n\t\t\tWHERE t.tid=a.tid AND f.fid=p.fid AND t.displayorder>='0' AND p.invisible='0' AND {$sql} LIMIT " . ($page - 1) * $ppp . ',' . $ppp);
        while ($attachment = $db->fetch_array($query)) {
            if (!$attachment['remote']) {
                $matched = file_exists($attachdir . '/' . $attachment['attachment']) ? '' : lang('attach_lost');
                $attachment['url'] = $attachurl;
            } else {
                if (@fclose(@fopen($ftp['attachurl'] . '/' . $attachment['attachment'], 'r'))) {
                    $matched = '';
                } else {
                    $matched = lang('attach_lost');
                $attachment['url'] = $ftp['attachurl'];
            $attachsize = sizecount($attachment['filesize']);
            if (!$nomatched || $nomatched && $matched) {
                $attachments .= showtablerow('', array('class="td25"', 'title="' . $attachment['description'] . '" class="td21"'), array("<input class=\"checkbox\" type=\"checkbox\" name=\"delete[]\" value=\"{$attachment['aid']}\" />", $attachment['remote'] ? "<span class=\"diffcolor3\">{$attachment['filename']}" : $attachment['filename'], "<a href=\"{$attachment['url']}/{$attachment['attachment']}\" class=\"smalltxt\" target=\"_blank\">" . cutstr($attachment['attachment'], 30) . "</a>", $attachment['author'], "<a href=\"viewthread.php?tid={$attachment['tid']}\" target=\"_blank\">" . cutstr($attachment['subject'], 20) . "</a>", $attachsize, $attachment['downloads'], $matched ? "<em class=\"error\">{$matched}<em>" : "<a href=\"attachment.php?aid=" . aidencode($attachment['aid']) . "&noupdate=yes\" target=\"_blank\" class=\"act nomargin\">{$lang['download']}</a>"), TRUE);
        $attachmentcount = $db->result_first("SELECT count(*) FROM {$tablepre}attachments a LEFT JOIN {$tablepre}attachmentfields af ON a.aid=af.aid, {$tablepre}posts p, {$tablepre}threads t, {$tablepre}forums f\r\n\t\t\tWHERE t.tid=a.tid AND f.fid=p.fid AND t.displayorder>='0' AND p.invisible='0' AND {$sql}");
        $multipage = multi($attachmentcount, $ppp, $page, "{$BASESCRIPT}?action=attachments");
        $multipage = preg_replace("/href=\"{$BASESCRIPT}\\?action=attachments&amp;page=(\\d+)\"/", "href=\"javascript:page(\\1)\"", $multipage);
        $multipage = str_replace("window.location={$BASESCRIPT}.'?action=attachments&amp;page='+this.value", "page(this.value)", $multipage);
        echo <<<EOT
<script type="text/JavaScript">
\tfunction page(number) {
Exemple #20
    echo $info['engine'];
    echo $info['collation'];
    echo $info['rows'];
    echo sizecount($info['size']);
    echo $info['data_free'];
								<a href="?m=database&f=index&v=public_repair&operation=optimize&tables=<?php 
    echo $info['name'];
    echo $this->su();
" class="btn btn-primary btn-xs">优化</a>
								<a href="?m=database&f=index&v=public_repair&operation=repair&tables=<?php 
    echo $info['name'];
    echo $this->su();
Exemple #21
    $fileupload = ini_get('upload_max_filesize');
} else {
    $fileupload = '<font color="red">' . $lang['no'] . '</font>';
$dbsize = 0;
$query = DB::query("SHOW TABLE STATUS LIKE '{$_G['config']['db'][1]['tablepre']}%'", 'SILENT');
while ($table = DB::fetch($query)) {
    $dbsize += $table['Data_length'] + $table['Index_length'];
$dbsize = $dbsize ? sizecount($dbsize) : $lang['unknown'];
if (isset($_G['gp_attachsize'])) {
    $attachsize = 0;
    for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) {
        $attachsize += intval(DB::result_first("SELECT SUM(filesize) FROM " . DB::table('forum_attachment_' . $i)));
    $attachsize = is_numeric($attachsize) ? sizecount($attachsize) : $lang['unknown'];
} else {
    $attachsize = '<a href="' . ADMINSCRIPT . '?action=index&attachsize">[ ' . $lang['detail'] . ' ]</a>';
$membersmod = DB::result_first("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . DB::table('common_member_validate') . " WHERE status='0'");
$threadsdel = DB::result_first("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . DB::table('forum_thread') . " WHERE displayorder='-1'");
$query = DB::query("SELECT idtype, COUNT(*) AS count FROM " . DB::table('common_moderate') . " WHERE status='0' GROUP BY idtype");
$modcount = array();
while ($value = DB::fetch($query)) {
    $modcount[$value['idtype']] = $value['count'];
$medalsmod = DB::result_first("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . DB::table('forum_medallog') . " WHERE type='2'");
$threadsmod = $modcount['tid'];
$postsmod = $modcount['pid'];
$blogsmod = $modcount['blogid'];
$doingsmod = $modcount['doid'];
Exemple #22
$page_title = L('clean_cache');
include $this->admin_tpl('header');
<div class="subnav">
	<h2 class="title-1 line-x f14 fb blue lh28"><?php 
echo L('clean_cache');

	<div class="content-menu ib-a blue line-x">
echo L('cache_size');
:<span id='filesize'><?php 
echo sizecount($applistinfo['filesize']);
</span> |
echo L('last_modify_time');
:<span id='filemtime'><?php 
echo date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $applistinfo['filemtime']);
		<a href="javascript:clearcache('applist');" class="on">
echo L('clean_applist_cache');
Exemple #23
function GetSFileList($dir, $content, $re = 0)
    global $filedata, $j, $nowpath, $writabledb;
    !$j && ($j = 1);
    if ($dh = opendir($dir)) {
        while ($file = readdir($dh)) {
            $ext = getextension($file);
            $f = str_replace('//', '/', $dir . '/' . $file);
            if ($file != '.' && $file != '..' && is_dir($f)) {
                GetSFileList($f, $content, $re = 0);
            } elseif ($file != '.' && $file != '..' && is_file($f) && in_array($ext, explode(',', $writabledb))) {
                $find = 0;
                if ($re) {
                    if (preg_match('@' . $content . '@', $file) || preg_match('@' . $content . '@', @file_get_contents($f))) {
                        $find = 1;
                } else {
                    if (strstr($file, $content) || strstr(@file_get_contents($f), $content)) {
                        $find = 1;
                if ($find) {
                    $filedata[$j]['filename'] = str_replace($nowpath, '', $f);
                    $filedata[$j]['size'] = sizecount(@filesize($f));
                    $filedata[$j]['mtime'] = @date('Y-m-d H:i:s', filemtime($f));
                    $filedata[$j]['filechmod'] = getChmod($f);
                    $filedata[$j]['fileperm'] = getPerms($f);
                    $filedata[$j]['fileowner'] = getUser($f);
                    $filedata[$j]['dirlink'] = $dir;
                    $filedata[$j]['server_link'] = $f;
                    $filedata[$j]['client_link'] = ue($f);
        return $filedata;
    } else {
        return array();
Exemple #24
					$db->query("OPTIMIZE TABLE $table[Name]");

				echo "<tr>\n".
					"<td class=\"altbg1\" align=\"center\">".$lang['yes']."</td>\n".
					"<td class=\"altbg2\" align=\"center\">$table[Name]</td>\n".
					"<td class=\"altbg1\" align=\"center\">".($db->version() > '4.1' ?  $table['Engine'] : $table['Type'])."</td>\n".
					"<td class=\"altbg2\" align=\"center\">$table[Rows]</td>\n".
					"<td class=\"altbg1\" align=\"center\">$table[Data_length]</td>\n".
					"<td class=\"altbg2\" align=\"center\">$table[Index_length]</td>\n".
					"<td class=\"altbg1\" align=\"center\">0</td>\n".
				$totalsize += $table['Data_length'] + $table['Index_length'];
		echo "<tr><td colspan=\"7\" align=\"right\">$lang[database_optimize_used] ".sizecount($totalsize)."</td></tr></table>";

	echo '</table></form>';

function fetchtablelist($tablepre = '') {
	global $db;
	$arr = explode('.', $tablepre);
	$dbname = $arr[1] ? $arr[0] : '';
	$sqladd = $dbname ? " FROM $dbname LIKE '$arr[1]%'" : "LIKE '$tablepre%'";
	!$tablepre && $tablepre = '*';
	$tables = $table = array();
	$query = $db->query("SHOW TABLE STATUS $sqladd");
	while($table = $db->fetch_array($query)) {
		$table['Name'] = ($dbname ? "$dbname." : '').$table['Name'];
Exemple #25
function getattach($posttime = 0)
    global $db, $tablepre, $discuz_uid, $dateformat, $timeformat, $timeoffset, $pid, $ftp, $attachurl;
    require_once DISCUZ_ROOT . './include/attachment.func.php';
    $attachs = $imgattachs = array();
    $sqladd1 = $posttime > 0 ? "AND a.dateline>'{$posttime}'" : '';
    $sqladd2 = $pid > 0 ? "OR a.pid='{$pid}'" : '';
    $query = $db->query("SELECT a.*, af.description\r\n\t\tFROM {$tablepre}attachments a\r\n\t\tLEFT JOIN {$tablepre}attachmentfields af ON a.aid=af.aid\r\n\t\tWHERE (a.uid='{$discuz_uid}' AND a.tid='0' {$sqladd1}) {$sqladd2} ORDER BY dateline");
    while ($attach = $db->fetch_array($query)) {
        $attach['filenametitle'] = $attach['filename'];
        $attach['ext'] = fileext($attach['filename']);
        $attach['filename'] = cutstr($attach['filename'], 30);
        $attach['attachsize'] = sizecount($attach['filesize']);
        $attach['dateline'] = gmdate("{$dateformat} {$timeformat}", $attach['dateline'] + $timeoffset * 3600);
        $attach['filetype'] = attachtype($attach['ext'] . "\t" . $attach['filetype']);
        if ($attach['isimage'] < 1) {
            if ($attach['isimage']) {
                $attach['url'] = $attach['remote'] ? $ftp['attachurl'] : $attachurl;
                $attach['width'] = $attach['width'] > 110 ? 110 : $attach['width'];
            if ($attach['pid']) {
                $attachs['used'][] = $attach;
            } else {
                $attachs['unused'][] = $attach;
        } else {
            $attach['url'] = $attach['remote'] ? $ftp['attachurl'] : $attachurl;
            $attach['width'] = $attach['width'] > 110 ? 110 : $attach['width'];
            if ($attach['pid']) {
                $imgattachs['used'][] = $attach;
            } else {
                $imgattachs['unused'][] = $attach;
    return array('attachs' => $attachs, 'imgattachs' => $imgattachs);
function recyclebinpostshowpostlist($fid, $authors, $starttime, $endtime, $keywords, $start_limit, $lpp)
    global $_G, $lang, $posttableid, $security;
    $tids = $fids = array();
    if ($security) {
        $postlist = C::t('#security#security_evilpost')->fetch_all_by_search($posttableid, null, $keywords, -5, $fid, null, $authors ? explode(',', str_replace(' ', '', $authors)) : null, strtotime($starttime), strtotime($endtime), null, null, $start_limit, $lpp);
    } else {
        $postlist = C::t('forum_post')->fetch_all_by_search($posttableid, null, $keywords, -5, $fid, null, $authors ? explode(',', str_replace(' ', '', $authors)) : null, strtotime($starttime), strtotime($endtime), null, null, $start_limit, $lpp);
    if (empty($postlist)) {
        return false;
    foreach ($postlist as $key => $post) {
        $tids[$post['tid']] = $post['tid'];
        $fids[$post['fid']] = $post['fid'];
    foreach (C::t('forum_thread')->fetch_all_by_tid($tids) as $thread) {
        $thread['tsubject'] = $thread['subject'];
        $threadlist[$thread['tid']] = $thread;
    $query = C::t('forum_forum')->fetch_all_by_fid($fids);
    foreach ($query as $val) {
        $forum = array('fid' => $val['fid'], 'forumname' => $val['name'], 'allowsmilies' => $val['allowsmilies'], 'allowhtml' => $val['allowhtml'], 'allowbbcode' => $val['allowbbcode'], 'allowimgcode' => $val['allowimgcode']);
        $forumlist[$forum['fid']] = $forum;
    foreach ($postlist as $key => $post) {
        $post['message'] = discuzcode($post['message'], $post['smileyoff'], $post['bbcodeoff'], sprintf('%00b', $post['htmlon']), $forumlist[$post['fid']]['allowsmilies'], $forumlist[$post['fid']]['allowbbcode'], $forumlist[$post['fid']]['allowimgcode'], $forumlist[$post['fid']]['allowhtml']);
        $post['dateline'] = dgmdate($post['dateline']);
        if ($post['attachment']) {
            require_once libfile('function/attachment');
            foreach (C::t('forum_attachment_n')->fetch_all_by_id('tid:' . $post['tid'], 'pid', $post['pid']) as $attach) {
                $_G['setting']['attachurl'] = $attach['remote'] ? $_G['setting']['ftp']['attachurl'] : $_G['setting']['attachurl'];
                $attach['url'] = $attach['isimage'] ? " {$attach['filename']} (" . sizecount($attach['filesize']) . ")<br /><br /><img src=\"" . $_G['setting']['attachurl'] . "forum/{$attach['attachment']}\" onload=\"if(this.width > 100) {this.resized=true; this.width=100;}\">" : "<a href=\"" . $_G['setting']['attachurl'] . "forum/{$attach['attachment']}\" target=\"_blank\">{$attach['filename']}</a> (" . sizecount($attach['filesize']) . ")";
                $post['message'] .= "<br /><br />{$lang['attachment']}: " . attachtype(fileext($attach['filename']) . "\t") . $attach['url'];
        showtablerow("id=\"mod_{$post['pid']}_row1\"", array('rowspan="3" class="rowform threadopt" style="width:80px;"', 'class="threadtitle"'), array("<ul class=\"nofloat\"><li><input class=\"radio\" type=\"radio\" name=\"moderate[{$post['pid']}]\" id=\"mod_{$post['pid']}_1\" value=\"delete\" checked=\"checked\" /><label for=\"mod_{$post['pid']}_1\">{$lang['delete']}</label></li><li><input class=\"radio\" type=\"radio\" name=\"moderate[{$post['pid']}]\" id=\"mod_{$post['pid']}_2\" value=\"undelete\" /><label for=\"mod_{$post['pid']}_2\">{$lang['undelete']}</label></li><li><input class=\"radio\" type=\"radio\" name=\"moderate[{$post['pid']}]\" id=\"mod_{$post['pid']}_3\" value=\"ignore\" /><label for=\"mod_{$post['pid']}_3\">{$lang['ignore']}</label></li></ul>", "<h3><a href=\"forum.php?mod=forumdisplay&fid={$post['fid']}\" target=\"_blank\">" . $forumlist[$post['fid']]['forumname'] . "</a> &raquo; <a href=\"forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid={$post['tid']}\" target=\"_blank\">" . $threadlist[$post['tid']]['tsubject'] . "</a>" . ($post['subject'] ? ' &raquo; ' . $post['subject'] : '') . "</h3><p><span class=\"bold\">{$lang['author']}:</span> <a href=\"home.php?mod=space&uid={$post['authorid']}\" target=\"_blank\">{$post['author']}</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; <span class=\"bold\">{$lang['time']}:</span> {$post['dateline']} &nbsp;&nbsp; IP: {$post['useip']}</p>"));
        showtablerow("id=\"mod_{$post['pid']}_row2\"", 'colspan="2" style="padding: 10px; line-height: 180%;"', '<div style="overflow: auto; overflow-x: hidden; max-height:120px; height:auto !important; height:120px; word-break: break-all;">' . $post['message'] . '</div>');
        showtablerow("id=\"mod_{$post['pid']}_row3\"", 'class="threadopt threadtitle" colspan="2"', "{$lang['isanonymous']}: " . ($post['anonymous'] ? $lang['yes'] : $lang['no']) . " &nbsp;&nbsp; {$lang['ishtmlon']}: " . ($post['htmlon'] ? $lang['yes'] : $lang['no']));
    return true;
Exemple #27
function parseforumattach(&$post, $aids)
    global $_G;
    if ($aids = array_unique($aids)) {
        require_once libfile('function/attachment');
        $finds = $replaces = array();
        foreach (C::t('forum_attachment_n')->fetch_all_by_id('tid:' . $post['tid'], 'aid', $aids) as $attach) {
            $attach['url'] = ($attach['remote'] ? $_G['setting']['ftp']['attachurl'] : $_G['setting']['attachurl']) . 'forum/';
            $attach['dateline'] = dgmdate($attach['dateline'], 'u');
            $extension = strtolower(fileext($attach['filename']));
            $attach['ext'] = $extension;
            $attach['imgalt'] = $attach['isimage'] ? strip_tags(str_replace('"', '\\"', $attach['description'] ? $attach['description'] : $attach['filename'])) : '';
            $attach['attachicon'] = attachtype($extension . "\t" . $attach['filetype']);
            $attach['attachsize'] = sizecount($attach['filesize']);
            $attach['refcheck'] = !$attach['remote'] && $_G['setting']['attachrefcheck'] || $attach['remote'] && ($_G['setting']['ftp']['hideurl'] || $attach['isimage'] && $_G['setting']['attachimgpost'] && strtolower(substr($_G['setting']['ftp']['attachurl'], 0, 3)) == 'ftp');
            $aidencode = packaids($attach);
            $widthcode = attachwidth($attach['width']);
            $is_archive = $_G['forum_thread']['is_archived'] ? "&fid=" . $_G['fid'] . "&archiveid=" . $_G['forum_thread']['archiveid'] : '';
            if ($attach['isimage']) {
                $attachthumb = getimgthumbname($attach['attachment']);
                if ($_G['setting']['thumbstatus'] && $attach['thumb']) {
                    $replaces[$attach['aid']] = "<a href=\"javascript:;\"><img id=\"_aimg_{$attach['aid']}\" aid=\"{$attach['aid']}\" onclick=\"zoom(this, this.getAttribute('zoomfile'), 0, 0, '{$_G[forum][showexif]}')\"\n\t\t\t\t\t\tzoomfile=\"" . ($attach['refcheck'] ? "forum.php?mod=attachment{$is_archive}&aid={$aidencode}&noupdate=yes&nothumb=yes" : $attach['url'] . $attach['attachment']) . "\"\n\t\t\t\t\t\tsrc=\"" . ($attach['refcheck'] ? "forum.php?mod=attachment{$is_archive}&aid={$aidencode}" : $attach['url'] . $attachthumb) . "\" alt=\"{$attach['imgalt']}\" title=\"{$attach['imgalt']}\" w=\"{$attach['width']}\" /></a>";
                } else {
                    $replaces[$attach['aid']] = "<img id=\"_aimg_{$attach['aid']}\" aid=\"{$attach['aid']}\"\n\t\t\t\t\t\tzoomfile=\"" . ($attach['refcheck'] ? "forum.php?mod=attachment{$is_archive}&aid={$aidencode}&noupdate=yes&nothumb=yes" : $attach['url'] . $attach['attachment']) . "\"\n\t\t\t\t\t\tsrc=\"" . ($attach['refcheck'] ? "forum.php?mod=attachment{$is_archive}&aid={$aidencode}&noupdate=yes " : $attach['url'] . $attach['attachment']) . "\" {$widthcode} alt=\"{$attach['imgalt']}\" title=\"{$attach['imgalt']}\" w=\"{$attach['width']}\" />";
            } else {
                $replaces[$attach['aid']] = "{$attach['attachicon']}<a href=\"forum.php?mod=attachment{$is_archive}&aid={$aidencode}\" onmouseover=\"showMenu({'ctrlid':this.id,'pos':'12'})\" id=\"aid{$attach['aid']}\" target=\"_blank\">{$attach['filename']}</a>";
            $finds[$attach['aid']] = '[attach]' . $attach['aid'] . '[/attach]';
        if ($finds && $replaces) {
            $post['message'] = str_ireplace($finds, $replaces, $post['message']);
Exemple #28
$updatetime = @filemtime(M_ROOT . './dynamic/cache/cmsinfos.cac.php');
$lic_file = M_ROOT . './dynamic/license.cert';
$now_svr = strtolower($_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"]);
$opsarr = array('ck' => "checked='1'", 'nock' => "checked='0'", 'm' => "createdate>'" . ($timestamp - 30 * 24 * 3600) . "'", 'w' => "createdate>'" . ($timestamp - 7 * 24 * 3600) . "'", 'd3' => "createdate>'" . ($timestamp - 3 * 24 * 3600) . "'", 'd1' => "createdate>'" . ($timestamp - 24 * 3600) . "'");
$tblarr = array('archive' => 'archives', 'comment' => 'comments', 'reply' => 'replys', 'offer' => 'offers', 'answer' => 'answers', 'orders' => 'orders', 'member' => 'members', 'amember' => 'members', 'mtran' => 'mtrans', 'utran' => 'utrans', 'mcomment' => 'mcomments', 'mreply' => 'mreplys');
if ($timestamp - $updatetime > 3600 * 4) {
    $cmsinfos['dbversion'] = $db->result_one("SELECT VERSION()");
    $cmsinfos['dbsize'] = 0;
    $query = $db->query("SHOW TABLE STATUS LIKE '{$tblprefix}%'", 'SILENT');
    while ($table = $db->fetch_array($query)) {
        $cmsinfos['dbsize'] += $table['Data_length'] + $table['Index_length'];
    $cmsinfos['dbsize'] = $cmsinfos['dbsize'] ? sizecount($cmsinfos['dbsize']) : lang('unknow');
    $cmsinfos['attachsize'] = $db->result_one("SELECT SUM(size) FROM {$tblprefix}userfiles");
    $cmsinfos['attachsize'] = is_numeric($cmsinfos['attachsize']) ? sizecount($cmsinfos['attachsize']) : lang('unknow');
    $cmsinfos['sys_mail'] = @ini_get('sendmail_path') ? 'Unix Sendmail ( Path: ' . @ini_get('sendmail_path') . ')' : (@ini_get('SMTP') ? 'SMTP ( Server: ' . ini_get('SMTP') . ')' : 'Disabled');
    $cmsinfos['serverip'] = $_SERVER["SERVER_ADDR"];
    $cmsinfos['servername'] = $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"];
    foreach ($tblarr as $k => $v) {
        foreach ($opsarr as $x => $y) {
            if ($k == 'orders') {
                $x == 'ck' && ($y = "state='1'");
                $x == 'nock' && ($y = "state<>'1'");
            } elseif ($k == 'member') {
                $x == 'm' && ($y = "regdate>'" . ($timestamp - 30 * 24 * 3600) . "'");
                $x == 'w' && ($y = "regdate>'" . ($timestamp - 7 * 24 * 3600) . "'");
                $x == 'd3' && ($y = "regdate>'" . ($timestamp - 3 * 24 * 3600) . "'");
                $x == 'd1' && ($y = "regdate>'" . ($timestamp - 24 * 3600) . "'");
            } elseif ($k == 'amember') {
                $x == 'ck' && ($y = "grouptype2<>0 AND checked='1'");
                 $disabledstr = '';
                 if (isset($issettids[$thread['tid']])) {
                     $disabledstr = 'disabled';
                 } else {
                     $issettids[$thread['tid']] = $thread['tid'];
                 $post = C::t('forum_post')->fetch_threadpost_by_tid_invisible($thread['tid']);
                 $thread = array_merge($thread, $post);
                 $thread['message'] = discuzcode($thread['message'], $thread['smileyoff'], $thread['bbcodeoff'], sprintf('%00b', $thread['htmlon']), $thread['allowsmilies'], $thread['allowbbcode'], $thread['allowimgcode'], $thread['allowhtml']);
                 $thread['moddateline'] = dgmdate($thread['moddateline']);
                 $thread['dateline'] = dgmdate($thread['dateline']);
                 if ($thread['attachment']) {
                     require_once libfile('function/attachment');
                     foreach (C::t('forum_attachment_n')->fetch_all_by_id('tid:' . $thread['tid'], 'tid', $thread['tid']) as $attach) {
                         $_G['setting']['attachurl'] = $attach['remote'] ? $_G['setting']['ftp']['attachurl'] : $_G['setting']['attachurl'];
                         $attach['url'] = $attach['isimage'] ? " {$attach['filename']} (" . sizecount($attach['filesize']) . ")<br /><br /><img src=\"" . $_G['setting']['attachurl'] . "forum/{$attach['attachment']}\" onload=\"if(this.width > 100) {this.resized=true; this.width=100;}\">" : "<a href=\"" . $_G['setting']['attachurl'] . "forum/{$attach['attachment']}\" target=\"_blank\">{$attach['filename']}</a> (" . sizecount($attach['filesize']) . ")";
                         $thread['message'] .= "<br /><br />{$lang['attachment']}: " . attachtype(fileext($attach['filename']) . "\t") . $attach['url'];
                 showtablerow("id=\"mod_{$thread['tid']}_row1\"", array('rowspan="3" class="rowform threadopt" style="width:80px;"', 'class="threadtitle"'), array("<ul class=\"nofloat\"><li><input class=\"radio\" type=\"radio\" name=\"moderate[{$thread['tid']}]\" id=\"mod_{$thread['tid']}_1\" value=\"delete\" " . (empty($disabledstr) ? "checked=\"checked\"" : '') . " {$disabledstr} /><label for=\"mod_{$thread['tid']}_1\">{$lang['delete']}</label></li><li><input class=\"radio\" type=\"radio\" name=\"moderate[{$thread['tid']}]\" id=\"mod_{$thread['tid']}_2\" value=\"undelete\" {$disabledstr}/><label for=\"mod_{$thread['tid']}_2\">{$lang['undelete']}</label></li><li><input class=\"radio\" type=\"radio\" name=\"moderate[{$thread['tid']}]\" id=\"mod_{$thread['tid']}_3\" value=\"ignore\" {$disabledstr}/><label for=\"mod_{$thread['tid']}_3\">{$lang['ignore']}</label></li></ul>", "<h3><a href=\"forum.php?mod=forumdisplay&fid={$thread['fid']}\" target=\"_blank\">{$thread['forumname']}</a> &raquo; {$thread['subject']}</h3><p><span class=\"bold\">{$lang['author']}:</span> <a href=\"home.php?mod=space&uid={$thread['authorid']}\" target=\"_blank\">{$thread['author']}</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; <span class=\"bold\">{$lang['time']}:</span> {$thread['dateline']} &nbsp;&nbsp; {$lang['threads_replies']}: {$thread['replies']} {$lang['threads_views']}: {$thread['views']}</p>"));
                 showtablerow("id=\"mod_{$thread['tid']}_row2\"", 'colspan="2" style="padding: 10px; line-height: 180%;"', '<div style="overflow: auto; overflow-x: hidden; max-height:120px; height:auto !important; height:120px; word-break: break-all;">' . $thread['message'] . '</div>');
                 showtablerow("id=\"mod_{$thread['tid']}_row3\"", 'class="threadopt threadtitle" colspan="2"', "{$lang['operator']}: <a href=\"home.php?mod=space&uid={$thread['moduid']}\" target=\"_blank\">{$thread['modusername']}</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; {$lang['recyclebin_delete_time']}: {$thread['moddateline']}&nbsp;&nbsp; {$lang['reason']}: {$thread['reason']}");
         showsubmit('rbsubmit', 'submit', '', '<a href="#rb" onclick="checkAll(\'option\', $(\'rbform\'), \'delete\')">' . cplang('recyclebin_all_delete') . '</a> &nbsp;<a href="#rb" onclick="checkAll(\'option\', $(\'rbform\'), \'undelete\')">' . cplang('recyclebin_all_undelete') . '</a> &nbsp;<a href="#rb" onclick="checkAll(\'option\', $(\'rbform\'), \'ignore\')">' . cplang('recyclebin_all_ignore') . '</a> &nbsp;', $multi);
         echo '<iframe name="rbframe" style="display:none"></iframe>';
 } else {
Exemple #30
 } else {
     $query = q("SHOW TABLE STATUS");
     $table_num = $table_rows = $data_size = 0;
     $tabledb = array();
     while ($table = mysql_fetch_array($query)) {
         $data_size = $data_size + $table['Data_length'];
         $table_rows = $table_rows + $table['Rows'];
         $table['Data_length'] = sizecount($table['Data_length']);
         $tabledb[] = $table;
     $data_size = sizecount($data_size);
     p('<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">');
     p('<form action="' . $self . '" method="post">');
     makehide('haz', 'sqladmin');
     p('<tr class="head">');
     p('<td width="2%" align="center"><input name="chkall" value="on" type="checkbox" onclick="CheckAll(this.form)" /></td>');
     if ($highver) {