function process_signup_2($POST) { global $seo_tag, $consts; #/ encrypt password include_once '../includes/func_enc.php'; $new_pass = @$POST['pass_w']; $pass_w = @md5_encrypt($new_pass); $joined_on = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); #/save users $sql_users = "INSERT INTO users (package_id, email_add, pass_w, first_name, middle_name, last_name, company_name, joined_on)\n VALUES ('{$POST['package_id']}', '{$POST['email_add']}', '{$pass_w}', '{$POST['first_name']}', '{$POST['middle_name']}', '{$POST['last_name']}', '{$POST['company_name']}', '{$joined_on}')"; @mysql_exec($sql_users, 'save'); $user_id = @mysql_insert_id(); //var_dump($user_id); die(); if ($user_id > 0) { $POST['secret_question_id'] = (int) @$POST['secret_question_id']; #/save user_info $sql_user_info = "INSERT INTO user_info (user_id, secret_question_id, secret_answer)\n VALUES ('{$user_id}', '{$POST['secret_question_id']}', '{$POST['secret_answer']}')"; @mysql_exec($sql_user_info, 'save'); #/save acc_verifications $verification_str = mt_rand() . md5(uniqid(rand())) . mt_rand(); $sql_veri = "INSERT INTO acc_verifications (user_id, verification_str)\n VALUES ('{$user_id}', '{$verification_str}')"; @mysql_exec($sql_veri, 'save'); include_once '../includes/email_templates.php'; include_once '../includes/send_mail.php'; #/ Send Emails to User $heading = $subject = "Account Confirmation from"; $body_in = signup_success($POST['first_name'], $user_id, $verification_str); send_mail($POST['email_add'], $subject, $heading, $body_in); #/ Send Emails to Admin $subject = "New Member Signup Notification from"; $heading = "New Member Joined Us at"; $body_in_admin = signup_notice_to_admin($POST, $joined_on); send_mail($consts['support_em'], $subject, $heading, $body_in_admin); //die('x'); #/ Lock & Redirect $_SESSION['signup_success'] = '1'; $_SESSION['signup_stage'] = 'signup-details'; reset_attempt_counts(); redirect_me('signup-details'); } else { $_SESSION["CUSA_MSG_GLOBAL"] = array(false, 'Unable to process your request at this moment! Please try again later.'); redirect_me($seo_tag); } }
$sql_veri = "INSERT INTO acc_verifications (user_id, verification_str)\n VALUES ('{$u_id}', '{$verification_str}')"; @mysql_exec($sql_veri, 'save'); #/save user_permissions //private fields only $fields_perm = 'email_add,state,city,address_ln_1,address_ln_2,zip,phone_number'; $sql_fields_perm = "INSERT INTO user_permissions (user_id, fields_perm)\n VALUES ('{$u_id}', '{$fields_perm}')"; @mysql_exec($sql_fields_perm, 'save'); #/ Send Account Creation Email include_once '../../includes/email_templates.php'; include_once '../../includes/send_mail.php'; $chk_pkg = mysql_exec("SELECT * FROM membership_packages WHERE id='{$_POST['package_id']}'", 'single'); $heading = $subject = "Account Setup Confirmation from"; $insert_msg = "Please find below your Temporary Password:<br /><br />"; $insert_msg .= "<b>Email Address</b>: {$_POST['email_add']}<br />"; $insert_msg .= "<b>Password</b>: {$new_pass}<br /><br />"; $insert_msg .= "Please note that this is a temporary password and you should update it after your first login."; $body_in = signup_success($_POST['first_name'], $u_id, $verification_str, $insert_msg, $chk_pkg, true); send_mail($_POST['email_add'], $subject, $heading, $body_in, '', $consts['mem_support_em']); #- } $_SESSION["CUSA_ADMIN_MSG_GLOBAL"] = array(true, 'The User data has been Added successfully. A Temporary Password has been generated and an Email has been sent to their Email Address.'); //redirect_me("{$consts['DOC_ROOT_ADMIN']}admin_users_opp.php{$param2}&u_id={$u_id}", true); } //end Add .. ##/ Image processing & savings if ($u_id > 0) { include_once '../../includes/resize_images.php'; $up_path = "../user_files/prof/{$u_id}/"; if (!is_dir($up_path)) { mkdir($up_path, 0705, true); } $sql_upd_prt = $profile_pic = '';
function process_signup_2($POST, $chk_pkg, $redir = true, $joined_on = '') { global $seo_tag, $consts; #/ encrypt password include_once '../includes/func_enc.php'; $new_pass = @$POST['pass_w']; $pass_w = @md5_encrypt($new_pass); if (empty($joined_on)) { $joined_on = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); } #/save users $sql_users = "INSERT INTO users (package_id, email_add, pass_w, first_name, middle_name, last_name, company_name, joined_on)\n VALUES ('{$POST['package_id']}', '{$POST['email_add']}', '{$pass_w}', '{$POST['first_name']}', '{$POST['middle_name']}', '{$POST['last_name']}', '{$POST['company_name']}', '{$joined_on}')"; @mysql_exec($sql_users, 'save'); $user_id = @mysql_insert_id(); //var_dump("<pre>", $sql_users, $user_id); die(); if ($user_id > 0) { $POST['secret_question_id'] = (int) @$POST['secret_question_id']; #/save user_info $sql_user_info = "INSERT INTO user_info (user_id, secret_question_id, secret_answer)\n VALUES ('{$user_id}', '{$POST['secret_question_id']}', '{$POST['secret_answer']}')"; @mysql_exec($sql_user_info, 'save'); #/save acc_verifications $verification_str = mt_rand() . md5(uniqid(rand())) . mt_rand(); $sql_veri = "INSERT INTO acc_verifications (user_id, verification_str)\n VALUES ('{$user_id}', '{$verification_str}')"; @mysql_exec($sql_veri, 'save'); #/save user_permissions //private fields only $fields_perm = 'email_add,state,city,address_ln_1,address_ln_2,zip,phone_number'; $sql_fields_perm = "INSERT INTO user_permissions (user_id, fields_perm)\n VALUES ('{$user_id}', '{$fields_perm}')"; @mysql_exec($sql_fields_perm, 'save'); include_once '../includes/email_templates.php'; include_once '../includes/send_mail.php'; #/ Send Emails to User $heading = $subject = "Account Confirmation from"; $body_in = signup_success($POST['first_name'], $user_id, $verification_str, '', $chk_pkg); send_mail($POST['email_add'], $subject, $heading, $body_in, '', $consts['mem_support_em']); #/ Send Emails to Admin $subject = "New Member Signup Notification from"; $heading = "New Member Joined Us at"; $body_in_admin = signup_notice_to_admin($POST, $joined_on, $chk_pkg['is_basic']); send_mail($consts['mem_support_em'], $subject, $heading, $body_in_admin); //die('x'); #/ Generate Welcome Notification include_once '../includes/notif_func.php'; $notif_data = array('template_id' => "5", 'user_id' => "{$user_id}", 'from_user_id' => "0", 'objects' => '', 'object_id' => '0', 'object_location' => ''); @generate_notification($notif_data); if ($redir != false) { #/ Lock & Redirect $_SESSION['signup_success'] = '1'; $_SESSION['signup_stage'] = 'signup-details'; reset_attempt_counts(); redirect_me('signup-details'); } else { return $user_id; } } else { if ($redir != false) { $_SESSION["CUSA_MSG_GLOBAL"] = array(false, 'Unable to process your request at this moment! Please try again later.'); redirect_me($seo_tag); } else { return false; } } }