$y = array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); foreach ($vendors as $name => $x) { if (!$name) { $name = "not reported by client"; } else { $name = "<a href=android_tasks.php?vendor={$name}>{$name}</a>"; } show_item($name, $x); $y[1] += $x[1]; $y[3] += $x[3]; } show_item("total", $y); end_table(); page_tail(); } $models = get_cached_data(86400); if ($models) { $models = unserialize($models); } else { $models = get_models(); set_cached_data(86400, serialize($models)); } $vendor = get_str("vendor", true); if ($vendor) { uasort($models, 'compare'); show_vendor($vendor, $models); } else { $vendors = get_vendors($models); uasort($vendors, 'compare'); show_vendors($vendors); }
} if ($have_mac) { $n++; } if ($have_linux) { $n++; } $show_total = $n > 1; start_table(); echo "<tr>"; if ($show_total) { show_list($x->total, "Total"); } show_list($x->win, "Windows"); show_list($x->linux, "Linux"); show_list($x->mac, "Mac"); echo "</tr></table>\n"; } $d = get_cached_data(86400); if ($d) { $data = unserialize($d); } else { $data = get_gpu_lists(); set_cached_data(86400, serialize($data)); } page_head(tra("Top GPU models")); echo tra("The following lists show the most productive GPU models on different platforms. Relative speeds are shown in parentheses."); show_vendor("NVIDIA", $data->cuda); show_vendor("ATI/AMD", $data->ati); show_vendor("Intel", $data->intel_gpu); page_tail();
$n++; } if ($have_mac) { $n++; } if ($have_linux) { $n++; } $show_total = $n > 1; start_table(); echo "<tr>"; if ($show_total) { show_list($x->total, "Total"); } show_list($x->win, "Windows"); show_list($x->linux, "Linux"); show_list($x->mac, "Mac"); echo "</tr></table>\n"; } $d = get_cached_data(86400); if ($d) { $data = unserialize($d); } else { $data = get_gpu_lists(); set_cached_data(86400, serialize($data)); } page_head(tra("Top GPU models")); echo tra("The following lists show the most productive GPU models on different platforms. Relative speeds are shown in parentheses."); show_vendor("NVIDIA", $data->cuda); show_vendor("ATI/AMD", $data->ati); page_tail();