$community_links = $data->clo; } else { // No data was found, generate new data for the cache and store it $user = lookup_user_id($id); BoincForumPrefs::lookup($user); $user = @get_other_projects($user); $community_links = get_community_links_object($user); $data->user = $user; $data->clo = $community_links; set_cached_data(USER_PAGE_TTL, serialize($data), $cache_args); } if (!$user->id) { error_page("No such user"); } $logged_in_user = get_logged_in_user(false); page_head($user->name); start_table(); echo "<tr><td valign=top>"; start_table(); show_user_summary_public($user); end_table(); project_user_summary($user); show_other_projects($user, false); echo "</td><td valign=top>"; start_table(); show_profile_link($user); community_links($community_links, $logged_in_user); end_table(); echo "</td></tr></table>"; page_tail(true); }
function show_manage_user_form($user) { global $special_user_bitfield; $Nbf = sizeof($special_user_bitfield); admin_page_head("Management {$user->name}"); if (!defined("POST_REPORT_EMAILS")) { echo "<p><font color='RED'>\n There is no administrative email address defined for reporting problems\n or abuse in the forums. Please define POST_REPORT_EMAILS in project.inc\n </font></p>\n"; } echo "<form name='manage_user' action=manage_user.php method='POST'>\n <input type='hidden' name='userid' value='" . $user->id . "'>\n "; start_table(); row1("<b>User: </b> {$user->name} <div align='right'>\n <input name=\"delete_user\" type=\"submit\" value=\"Delete user\">\n </div>"); show_user_summary_public($user); show_profile_link_ops($user); row2("Email:", "{$user->email_addr}"); project_user_summary($user); end_table(); project_user_page_private($user); echo "</form>\n"; // Special User status: echo "\n\n<P>\n <table width='100%'><tr>\n <td width='50%' valign='TOP'> \n"; echo "<form name='special_user' action=manage_user.php method=\"POST\">\n <input type='hidden' name='userid' value='" . $user->id . "'>\n "; start_table(); row1("Special User Status"); echo "<tr>\n"; for ($i = 0; $i < $Nbf; $i++) { $bit = substr($user->prefs->special_user, $i, 1); echo "<tr><td><input type='checkbox'' name='special_user_" . $i . "' value='1'"; if ($bit == 1) { echo " checked='checked'"; } echo ">" . $special_user_bitfield[$i] . "</td></tr>\n"; } echo "</tr>"; echo "</tr><td colspan={$Nbf} align='RIGHT'>\n <input name='special_user' type='SUBMIT' value='Update'>\n </td></tr>\n "; end_table(); echo "</form>\n"; echo "\n\n</td><td valign='TOP'>\n\n"; // Suspended posting privileges echo "<form name='banishment' action=manage_user.php method=\"POST\">\n <input type='hidden' name='userid' value='" . $user->id . "'>\n "; start_table(); row1("Suspension"); if ($user->prefs->banished_until) { $dt = $user->prefs->banished_until - time(); if ($dt > 0) { $x = " Suspended until " . time_str($user->prefs->banished_until) . "<br/> (Expires in " . time_diff($dt) . ")"; } else { $x = " last suspended " . time_str($user->prefs->banished_until); } row1($x); } else { $dt = 0; } echo "<tr><td>\n Suspend user for:\n <blockquote>\n <input type='radio' name='suspend_for' value='3600'> 1 hour <br/>\n <input type='radio' name='suspend_for' value='7200'> 2 hours <br/>\n <input type='radio' name='suspend_for' value='18000'> 6 hours <br/>\n <input type='radio' name='suspend_for' value='36000'> 12 hours <br/>\n <input type='radio' name='suspend_for' value='86400'> 24 hours <br/>\n "; echo "\n <input type='radio' name='suspend_for' value='172800'> 48 hours <br/>\n <input type='radio' name='suspend_for' value='", 86400 * 7, "'> 1 week <br/>\n <input type='radio' name='suspend_for' value='", 86400 * 14, "'> 2 weeks <br/>\n "; if ($dt > 0) { echo "\n <input type='radio' name='suspend_for' value='-1'> <b>unsuspend</b> <br/>"; } echo "\n </blockquote>\n\n "; echo "<P>Reason (required):\n"; echo "<textarea name='suspend_reason' cols='40' rows='4'></textarea>"; echo "<br><font size='-2' >The reason will be sent to both the user\n and to the project administrators.</font>\n"; echo "<p align='RIGHT'><input name='suspend_submit' type='SUBMIT' value='Update'></P>\n"; echo " </td></tr>\n"; end_table(); echo "</form>\n"; echo "</td></tr> </table>\n"; admin_page_tail(); }