function echo_movie($film)
    echo "imdb_code : " . $film['imdb_code'] . "\n";
    echo "Name      : " . $film['title'] . "\n";
    echo "Year      : " . $film['year'] . "\n" . "Genre(s)  : ";
    echo show_tab($film['genres']) . "\n" . "Directors : ";
    echo show_tab($film['directors']) . "\n";
    echo "Stock     : " . $film['stock'] . "\n";
    echo "Rate      : " . $film['rate'] . "\n";
    echo "____________\n\n";
function echo_movie($film)
    echo "imdb_code : " . $film['imdb_code'] . "\n";
    echo "Name      : " . $film['title'] . "\n";
    echo "Year      : " . $film['year'] . "\n" . "Genre(s)  : ";
    echo show_tab($film['genres']) . "\n" . "Directors : ";
    echo show_tab($film['directors']) . "\n";
    // echo "Link      : " . $film['link'] . "\n";
    echo "Stock     : " . $film['stock'] . "\n";
    echo "Rate      : " . $film['rate'] . "\n";
    echo "____________\n\n";
function show_renting_students($db)
    $collection_students = $db->createCollection("students");
    $cursor_student = $collection_students->find();
    $i = 0;
    foreach ($cursor_student as $student) {
        if (isset($student["rented_movies"][0])) {
            echo "" . $student['login'] . "\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n";
            echo "Name    : " . $student['name'] . "\n";
            echo "Email   : " . $student['email'] . "\n";
            echo "Phone   : " . $student['phone'] . "\n";
            echo "Renting : ";
            show_tab(find_movies($student["rented_movies"], $db));
            echo "\n";
            echo "____________\n\n";
    echo "*" . $i . "*\n";
function show_rented_movies($db)
    $collection_movies = $db->createCollection("movies");
    $cursor_movie = $collection_movies->find();
    $i = 0;
    foreach ($cursor_movie as $film) {
        if (isset($film["renting_students"][0])) {
            echo "imbd_code : " . $film['imdb_code'] . "\n";
            echo "Name      : " . $film['title'] . "\n";
            echo "Year      : " . $film['year'] . "\n" . "Genre(s)  : ";
            echo show_tab($film['genres']) . "\n" . "Directors : ";
            echo show_tab($film['directors']) . "\n";
            echo "Link      : " . $film['link'] . "\n";
            echo "Stock     : " . $film['stock'] . "\n";
            echo "Rate      : " . $film['rate'] . "\nRented by : ";
            echo show_tab(find_students($film["renting_students"], $db)) . "\n";
            echo "____________\n\n";
    echo "*" . $i . "*\n";
function show_movies_genre($db, $argv)
    $collection = $db->createCollection("movies");
    $cursor = $collection->find();
    $i = 0;
    foreach ($cursor as $film) {
        if (in_array(strtolower($argv[3]), $film["genres"])) {
            echo "imdb_code : " . $film['imdb_code'] . "\n";
            echo "Name      : " . $film['title'] . "\n";
            echo "Year      : " . $film['year'] . "\n" . "Genre(s)  : ";
            echo show_tab($film['genres']) . "\n" . "Directors : ";
            echo show_tab($film['directors']) . "\n";
            echo "Stock     : " . $film['stock'] . "\n";
            echo "Rate      : " . $film['rate'] . "\n";
            echo "____________\n\n";
    if ($i == 0) {
        echo "Sorry, no movie found.\n";
    } else {
        echo "*" . $i . "*\n";
Exemple #6
function show_stat($db, $argv)
    $i = 0;
    if (sizeof($argv) == 2) {
        $collection = $db->createCollection("movies");
        $cursor = $collection->find(array('rented' => array('$gt' => 0)));
        $cursor = $cursor->sort(array("rented" => -1));
        $cursor = $cursor->limit(20);
        foreach ($cursor as $film) {
            echo $film['title'] . "\t";
            echo $film['year'] . "\n";
            echo "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n";
            echo "Rented    : " . $film['rented'] . " times\n";
            echo "Genre      : " . show_tab($film['genre']) . "\n";
            echo "Rate      : " . $film['rate'] . "\n";
            echo "imbd_code : " . $film['imdb_code'] . "\n";
            echo "____________\n\n";
        echo "*" . $i . "*\n";
    } else {
        echo "Invalid number of arguments\n";
function show_movies_genre($db, $argv)
    $collection = $db->createCollection("movies");
    $cursor = $collection->find();
    $i = 0;
    foreach ($cursor as $film) {
        if (in_array(strtolower($argv[3]), $film["genres"])) {
            echo "imdb_code : " . $film['imdb_code'] . "\n";
            echo "Name      : " . $film['title'] . "\n";
            echo "Year      : " . $film['year'] . "\n" . "Directors : ";
            echo show_tab($film['directors']) . "\n";
            echo "Rate      : " . $film['rate'] . "\n";
            echo "Link      : " . $film['link'] . "\n";
            echo "Stock     : " . $film['stock'] . "\n";
            echo "____________\n\n";
    if ($i == 0) {
        echo "Sorry, there's no movie according to your research.\n";
    } else {
        echo "*" . $i . "*\n";
Exemple #8
function show_details($document, $db)
    echo "Login \t: " . $document["login"] . "\n";
    echo "Name  \t: " . $document["name"] . "\n";
    echo "Age   \t: " . $document["age"] . "\n";
    echo "Email \t: " . $document["email"] . "\n";
    echo "Phone \t: " . $document["phone"] . "\nRenting : ";
    show_tab(find_movies($document["rented_movies"], $db));
    echo "\n";
Exemple #9
function login_logs_theme()
    global $user, $globals, $l, $theme, $softpanel, $error, $logs, $done;
    // For Deleting Login Logs
    if (optGET('delete_all')) {
        if (!empty($error)) {
            echo '0' . current($error);
            return false;
        // Affirm Record Deletion
        if (!empty($done)) {
            echo '1' . $l['rec_deleted'];
            return true;
    echo '<center><div class="sai_tit"><img src="' . $theme['a_images'] . 'login_logs.gif" alt="" />&nbsp;' . $l['ftp_head'] . '</div></center>
	<div id="show_log">';
    echo '</div>
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