Exemple #1
         echo "<HR NOSHADE COLOR=#000000 SIZE=1>\n<BR>\n";
         show_detail($link, $id, $_GET['site']);
     } else {
         list($month, $year) = get_month_year();
         //            echo "1. Введено: $PHP_AUTH_USER : $PHP_AUTH_PW <br>";
         //             echo "2. Введено: $ulogin : $passwd ";
         echo "<H1>{$web_client_your_stat} {$month} {$year}</H1>\n";
         $result = mysql_query("SELECT id FROM users where login='******'", $link);
         $id = mysql_result($result, 0, "id");
         show_info($link, $id);
         echo "<HR NOSHADE COLOR=#000000 SIZE=1>\n<BR>\n";
         show_stat($link, $id);
         echo "<HR NOSHADE COLOR=#000000 SIZE=1>\n";
         if (!isset($no_mail)) {
             show_mailstat($link, $PHP_AUTH_USER);
         echo "<HR NOSHADE COLOR=#000000 SIZE=1>\n";
         //                show_form();
 } else {
     Header("WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=\"{$web_client_auth_realm}\"");
     Header("HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized");
     echo "1. Введено: {$PHP_AUTH_USER} : {$PHP_AUTH_PW} <br>";
     echo "{$msg} {$msg2}";
function show_packages($systemid, $page = "ms_computer")
    global $l, $pages_refs, $ii, $td3, $td2, $td4;
    $query = "SELECT a.name, d.tvalue,d.ivalue,d.comments,e.fileid, e.pack_loc,h.name as name_server,h.id,a.comment\n\t\t\tFROM devices d left join download_enable e on e.id=d.ivalue\n\t\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN download_available a ON e.fileid=a.fileid\n\t\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN hardware h on h.id=e.server_id\n\t\t\tWHERE d.name='DOWNLOAD' and a.name != '' and pack_loc != ''   AND d.hardware_id=%s\n\t\t\tunion\n\t\t\tSELECT '%s', d.tvalue,d.ivalue,d.comments,e.fileid, '%s',h.name,h.id,a.comment \n\t\t\tFROM devices d left join download_enable e on e.id=d.ivalue\n\t\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN download_available a ON e.fileid=a.fileid\n\t\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN hardware h on h.id=e.server_id\n\t\t\tWHERE d.name='DOWNLOAD' and a.name is null and pack_loc is null  AND d.hardware_id=%s";
    $arg_query = array($systemid, $l->g(1129), $l->g(1129), $systemid);
    $resDeploy = mysql2_query_secure($query, $_SESSION['OCS']["readServer"], $arg_query);
    if (mysqli_num_rows($resDeploy) > 0) {
        while ($valDeploy = mysqli_fetch_array($resDeploy)) {
            $td3 = $ii % 2 == 0 ? $td2 : $td4;
            if (strpos($valDeploy["comment"], "[VISIBLE=1]") or strpos($valDeploy["comment"], "[VISIBLE=]") or !$_SESSION['OCS']['profile']->getRestriction('TELEDIFF_VISIBLE') and strpos($valDeploy["comment"], "[VISIBLE=0]") or !strpos($valDeploy["comment"], "[VISIBLE") or $_SESSION['OCS']['profile']->getRestriction('TELEDIFF_VISIBLE', 'NO') == "NO" and preg_match("[VISIBLE=0]", $valDeploy["comment"])) {
                //echo $valDeploy["comment"];
                //	echo $_SESSION['OCS']['profile']->getRestriction('TELEDIFF_VISIBLE');
                echo "<tr>";
                echo "<td bgcolor='white' align='center' valign='center'><img width='15px' src='image/red.png'></td>";
                echo $td3 . $l->g(498) . " <b>" . $valDeploy["name"] . "</b>";
                if (isset($valDeploy["fileid"])) {
                    echo "(<small>" . $valDeploy["fileid"] . "</small>)";
                if ($valDeploy["name_server"] != "") {
                    echo " (" . $l->g(499) . " redistrib: <a href='index.php?" . PAG_INDEX . "=" . $pages_refs[$page] . "&head=1&systemid=" . $valDeploy["id"] . "' target='_blank'><b>" . $valDeploy["name_server"] . "</b></a>";
                } else {
                    echo " (" . $l->g(499) . ": " . $valDeploy["pack_loc"] . " ";
                echo ")</td>";
                if ($page == "ms_computer") {
                    echo $td3 . $l->g(81) . ": " . ($valDeploy["tvalue"] != "" ? $valDeploy["tvalue"] : $l->g(482));
                    echo $valDeploy["comments"] != "" ? " (" . $valDeploy["comments"] . ")" : "";
                    echo "</td>";
                    if ($_SESSION['OCS']['profile']->getConfigValue('TELEDIFF') == "YES") {
                        echo "{$td3} <a href='index.php?" . PAG_INDEX . "=" . $pages_refs[$page] . "&head=1&suppack=" . $valDeploy["ivalue"] . "&systemid=" . urlencode($systemid) . "&option=cd_configuration'>" . $l->g(122) . "</a></td>";
                    } elseif (strstr($valDeploy["tvalue"], 'ERR_') or strstr($valDeploy["tvalue"], 'EXIT_CODE')) {
                        echo $td3 . "<a href='index.php?" . PAG_INDEX . "=" . $pages_refs[$page] . "&head=1&affect_reset=" . $valDeploy["ivalue"] . "&systemid=" . urlencode($systemid) . "&option=cd_configuration'>" . $l->g(113) . "</a>";
                        if ($valDeploy["name"] != $l->g(1129)) {
                            echo $td3 . "<a href='index.php?" . PAG_INDEX . "=" . $pages_refs[$page] . "&head=1&affect_again=" . $valDeploy["ivalue"] . "&systemid=" . urlencode($systemid) . "&option=cd_configuration'>" . $l->g(1246) . "</a></td>";
                    } elseif (strstr($valDeploy["tvalue"], 'NOTIFIED')) {
                        if (isset($valDeploy["comments"]) and strtotime($valDeploy["comments"]) < strtotime("-12 week")) {
                            echo $td3 . "<a href='index.php?" . PAG_INDEX . "=" . $pages_refs[$page] . "&head=1&reset_notified=" . $valDeploy["ivalue"] . "&systemid=" . urlencode($systemid) . "&option=cd_configuration'><img src=image/delete-small.png></a>";
                } else {
                    if ($_SESSION['OCS']['profile']->getConfigValue('TELEDIFF') == "YES") {
                        echo "{$td3} <a href='index.php?" . PAG_INDEX . "=" . $pages_refs[$page] . "&popup=1&suppack=" . $valDeploy["ivalue"] . "&systemid=" . urlencode($systemid) . "&option=" . urlencode($l->g(500)) . "'>" . $l->g(122) . "</a></td>";
                    echo "</tr>";
                echo "</tr>";