/** * 根据距离 升降序商品 * @param $where string * @param $orderbyfield 排序字段 * @param $orderbymethod 排序方式 ASC DESC * @param $offset * @param $limit * @param $is_show_distance (0:不调取距离,1,调取距离,) * @return array */ public function getSellingBydistance($where = "", $order_by_field, $order_by_method, $offset, $limit, $is_show_distance = "") { $db_prefix = option('system.DB_PREFIX'); if (!empty($order_by_field) && !empty($order_by_method)) { $order = $order_by_field . ' ' . strtoupper($order_by_method); if ($order_by_field == 'sort') { $order .= ', product_id DESC'; } } else { // 默认排序 $order = 'sort DESC, product_id DESC'; } $julis = ""; $WebUserInfo = show_distance(); $long = $WebUserInfo['long']; $lat = $WebUserInfo['lat']; //不出现分销 if (is_array($where)) { $where = implode(" and ", $where); } $where = $where ? $where . "and" : ""; $where = $where . " p.supplier_id=0 and p.status=1 and p.is_recommend=1 and sc.long>0"; $products = $this->db->table("Product as p")->join('Store as s ON s.store_id=p.store_id', 'LEFT')->join('Store_contact as sc ON sc.store_id=p.store_id', 'LEFT')->field("`p`.*, ROUND(6378.138 * 2 * ASIN(SQRT(POW(SIN(({$lat}*PI()/180-`sc`.`lat`*PI()/180)/2),2)+COS({$lat}*PI()/180)*COS(`sc`.`lat`*PI()/180)*POW(SIN(({$long}*PI()/180-`sc`.`long`*PI()/180)/2),2)))*1000) AS juli")->where($where)->group('p.store_id')->order("`juli` " . $order_by_method)->limit($offset . ',' . $limit)->select(); foreach ($products as &$tmp) { $tmp['image'] = getAttachmentUrl($tmp['image']); $tmp['link'] = url_rewrite('goods:index', array('id' => $tmp['product_id'])); } return $products; }
public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->user_session = $_SESSION['user']; $this->assign('user_session', $_SESSION['user']); // 基类已经分类过此变量 //$config = option('config'); //$this->assign('config', $config); /** * 用F进行缓存时,后台更新此值,直接进行清空缓存 */ //获取导航 对此值进行文件缓存 $navList = F('pc_slider_pc_nav'); if (empty($navList)) { $navList = M('Slider')->get_slider_by_key('pc_nav', 7); F('pc_slider_pc_nav', $navList); } $this->assign('navList', $navList); //导航栏目 //获取热门搜索 对此值进行文件缓存 $search_hot = F('pc_search_hot'); if (empty($search_hot)) { $search_hot = D('Search_hot')->order("sort asc ,id desc")->limit(7)->select(); F('pc_search_hot', $search_hot); } $this->assign('search_hot', $search_hot); //公用头部右侧广告位 对此值进行文件缓存 $public_top_ad = F('pc_adver_pc_index_top_right'); if (empty($public_top_ad)) { $public_top_ad = M('Adver')->get_adver_by_key('pc_index_top_right', 1); F('pc_adver_pc_index_top_right', $public_top_ad); } $this->assign('public_top_ad', $public_top_ad[0]); // 购物内的数量 //dump($this->user_session); $cart_number = 0; if (isset($this->user_session['uid'])) { $user_cart = D('User_cart')->where(array('uid' => $this->user_session['uid']))->field('sum(pro_num) as number')->find(); $cart_number = $user_cart['number']; } $this->cart_number = $cart_number; $this->assign('cart_number', $cart_number); // 产品分类进行缓存 $categoryList = F('pc_product_category_all'); if (empty($categoryList)) { $categoryList = M('Product_category')->getAllCategory(15, true); F('pc_product_category_all', $categoryList); } $this->assign('categoryList', $categoryList); //cookie 地理坐标 $WebUserInfo = show_distance(); /* if($WebUserInfo['long']) { $xml_array=simplexml_load_file("http://api.map.baidu.com/geocoder?location={$WebUserInfo[lat]},{$WebUserInfo[long]}&output=xml&key=18bcdd84fae25699606ffad27f8da77b"); //将XML中的数据,读取到数组对象中 foreach($xml_array as $tmp){ $WebUserInfo['address'] = $tmp->formatted_address; } }*/ $this->assign('WebUserInfo', $WebUserInfo); $this->user_location = $WebUserInfo; // 友情链接 $flink_list = D('Flink')->where(array('status' => 1))->order('sort desc')->limit(10)->select(); $this->assign('flink_list', $flink_list); if (empty($WebUserInfo['long']) || empty($WebUserInfo['lat'])) { if (empty($_COOKIE['Location_qrcode']) || empty($_COOKIE['Location_qrcode']['ticket']) || $_COOKIE['Location_qrcode']['status'] > 0) { $location_return = M('Recognition')->get_location_qrcode(); if ($location_qrcode['error_code'] == false) { $location_data = D('Location_qrcode')->where(array('id' => $location_return['id']))->find(); setcookie('Location_qrcode[id]', $location_return['id'], time() + 60 * 60 * 24); setcookie('Location_qrcode[ticket]', $location_return['ticket'], time() + 60 * 60 * 24); setcookie('Location_qrcode[status]', $location_data['status'], time() + 60 * 60 * 24); } //dump($location_return); $this->assign('location_qrcode', $location_return); } else { $this->assign('location_qrcode', $_COOKIE['Location_qrcode']); } } else { $location_return = M('Recognition')->get_location_qrcode(); $location_data = D('Location_qrcode')->where(array('id' => $location_return['id']))->find(); $location_qrcode['id'] = $location_return['id']; $location_qrcode['ticket'] = $location_return['ticket']; $location_qrcode['status'] = $location_data['status']; $this->assign('location_qrcode', $location_qrcode); } if ($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] == '') { } }
function ajax_loaction() { $WebUserInfo = show_distance(); if ($WebUserInfo['long']) { $xml_array = simplexml_load_file("http://api.map.baidu.com/geocoder?location={$WebUserInfo[lat]},{$WebUserInfo[long]}&output=xml&key=18bcdd84fae25699606ffad27f8da77b"); //将XML中的数据,读取到数组对象中 foreach ($xml_array as $tmp) { $WebUserInfo['address'] = $tmp->formatted_address; } if (!empty($WebUserInfo['address'])) { echo json_encode(array('status' => true, 'msgAll' => $WebUserInfo['address'], 'msg' => msubstr($WebUserInfo['address'], 0, 8, 'utf-8'))); exit; } else { echo json_encode(array('status' => false)); exit; } } else { echo json_encode(array('status' => false)); exit; } }
public function nearshops($long, $lat, $order, $sort = "asc", $offset = "0", $limit = "10", $get_distance = "", $wheres = "") { $limit = $limit ? $limit : '12'; //$order = $order ? $order : "`juli` ASC"; $where = ""; $where2 = ""; $WebUserInfo = show_distance(); $db_prefix = option('system.DB_PREFIX'); $order_juli = ""; $orders = ""; if ($order == 'juli') { $order_juli = " order by c.juli " . $sort; } else { $orders = " order by " . $order . ' ' . $sort; } $julis = ""; if ($get_distance) { $squares = returnSquarePoint($WebUserInfo['long'], $WebUserInfo['lat'], $get_distance); $where .= "and sc.lat<>0 and sc.lat>{$squares['right-bottom']['lat']} and sc.lat<{$squares['left-top']['lat']} and sc.long>{$squares['left-top']['lng']} and sc.long<{$squares['right-bottom']['lng']}"; $get_distance = $get_distance * 1000; $julis .= " where c.juli < " . $get_distance; } $sql = "select * from (select `s`.`store_id`, `s`.`name`, `s`.`logo`, `s`.`intro`,`sc`.`long`,`sc`.`lat`, ROUND(6378.138 * 2 * ASIN(SQRT(POW(SIN(({$lat}*PI()/180-`sc`.`lat`*PI()/180)/2),2)+COS({$lat}*PI()/180)*COS(`sc`.`lat`*PI()/180)*POW(SIN(({$long}*PI()/180-`sc`.`long`*PI()/180)/2),2)))*1000) AS juli from " . $db_prefix . "store_contact as sc, " . $db_prefix . "store as s where " . $wheres . " s.status = 1 and sc.store_id = s.store_id " . $where . $orders . " ) as c " . $julis . $order_juli . " limit {$offset},{$limit}"; $near_store_list = $this->db->query($sql); foreach ($near_store_list as $key => $value) { $value['url'] = option('config.wap_site_url') . '/home.php?id=' . $value['store_id'] . '&platform=1'; $value['pcurl'] = url_rewrite('store:index', array('id' => $value['store_id'])); if (empty($value['logo'])) { $value['logo'] = getAttachmentUrl('images/default_shop_2.jpg', false); } else { $value['logo'] = getAttachmentUrl($value['logo']); } $near_store_list[$key]['logo'] = $value['logo']; $near_store_list[$key]['url'] = $value['url']; $near_store_list[$key]['pcurl'] = $value['pcurl']; } return $near_store_list; }
public function index() { // 获取参数 $prop = $_GET['prop']; $start_price = $_GET['start_price'] + 0; $end_price = $_GET['end_price'] + 0; $page = max(1, $_GET['page']); $order = $_GET['order']; $sort = $_GET['sort']; $limit = 50; // 筛选属性ID集合 $prop_arr = array(); if (!empty($prop)) { $prop_arr = explode('_', $prop); } // url条件,价格在后面 $param['id'] = $this->cate_id; $param['page'] = $page; $param['order'] = $order; $param['sort'] = $sort; // 修正价格和排序 //$order_arr = array('sort', 'sales', 'price', 'collect', 'distance'); $order_arr = array('sort', 'sales', 'price', 'collect', 'distance'); $sort_arr = array('desc', 'asc'); if (!in_array($order, $order_arr)) { $order = 'sort'; } if (!in_array($sort, $sort_arr)) { $sort = $sort; } /* if ($order == 'sort' || $order == 'sales') { $sort = 'desc'; } */ if (!empty($start_price) && !empty($end_price) && $start_price > $end_price) { $tmp_price = $start_price; $start_price = $end_price; $end_price = $tmp_price; } $product_category_model = M('Product_category'); if (!empty($this->cate_id)) { // 顶级分类和子分类 $category_detail = $product_category_model->getCategory($this->cate_id); // 目前产品分类只支持两级 $cid = $category_detail['cat_id']; // 当访问的不是首分类时,修正为父级分类ID if ($category_detail['cat_fid'] != 0) { $cid = $category_detail['cat_fid']; } // 父类分类 $f_category = array(); $s_category = array(); // 搜索分类id $search_cat_id_arr = array(); $s_category = D('Product_category')->where(array('cat_fid' => $cid, 'cat_status' => 1))->order('cat_sort desc, cat_id asc')->select(); if ($cid == $category_detail['cat_id']) { $f_category = $category_detail; foreach ($s_category as $tmp) { $search_cat_id_arr[] = $tmp['cat_id']; } $search_cat_id_arr[] = $cid; } else { $f_category = $product_category_model->getCategory($cid); } } else { $s_category = D('Product_category')->where(array('cat_fid' => $cid, 'cat_status' => 1))->order('cat_sort desc, cat_id asc')->select(); } $property_list = array(); if (!empty($category_detail)) { $property_list = M('System_product_property')->getPropertyAndValue($category_detail['filter_attr']); } // 查询属性条件 $is_prop = false; $product_id_str = ''; if (!empty($prop_arr)) { $product_id_str = M('System_product_to_property_value')->getProductIDByVid($prop_arr); $is_prop = true; } // 查找满足条件产品的数量 $where_sql = '`status` = 1'; $where_sql2 = ""; if (!empty($start_price)) { $where_sql .= " AND `price` >= '" . $start_price . "'"; $where_sql2[] = " `p`.`price` >= '" . $start_price . "'"; $param['start_price'] = $start_price; } if (!empty($end_price)) { $where_sql .= " AND `price` <= '" . $end_price . "'"; $where_sql2[] = " p.`price` <= '" . $end_price . "'"; $param['end_price'] = $end_price; } if (!empty($this->cate_id)) { if (empty($search_cat_id_arr)) { $where_sql .= " AND `category_id` = '" . $this->cate_id . "'"; $where_sql2[] = " `p`.`category_id` = '" . $this->cate_id . "'"; } else { if ($_GET['id'] != 99999) { $where_sql .= " AND `category_id` in (" . join(',', $search_cat_id_arr) . ")"; $where_sql2[] = " `p`.`category_id` in (" . join(',', $search_cat_id_arr) . ")"; } } } // 不出现分销 $where_sql .= " AND `supplier_id` = '0'"; if ($order != 'distance') { if ($is_prop && $product_id_str) { $where_sql .= " AND `product_id` in (" . $product_id_str . ")"; $count = D('Product')->where($where_sql)->count('product_id'); } else { if ($is_prop) { $count = 0; } else { $count = D('Product')->where($where_sql)->count('product_id'); } } } else { if ($is_prop && $product_id_str) { if ($where_sql2) { $where_sql2 = implode(" and ", $where_sql2); } $where_sql2 .= " AND `p`.`product_id` in (" . $product_id_str . ")"; $count = M('Product')->getSellingBydistanceCount($where_sql2); } else { if ($is_prop) { $count = 0; } else { if ($where_sql2) { $where_sql2 = implode(" and ", $where_sql2); } $count = M('Product')->getSellingBydistanceCount($where_sql2); } } } $product_list = array(); $store_list = array(); $pages = ''; $total_pages = ceil($count / $limit); if ($count > 0) { $page = min($page, $total_pages); $offset = ($page - 1) * $limit; if ($order == 'distance') { $orders = "juli"; $product_list = M('Product')->getSellingBydistance($where_sql2, $orders, $sort, $offset, $limit); } else { $product_list = M('Product')->getSelling($where_sql, $order, $sort, $offset, $limit); //->where($where_sql)->order($order . ' ' . $sort)->limit($offset . ',' . $limit)->select(); } $store_id_list = array(); foreach ($product_list as &$product) { $store_id_list[$product['store_id']] = $product['store_id']; } $store_list = M('Store')->getStoreName($store_id_list); $store_contact_info = M('store_contact')->get_store_contact_info($store_id_list); // 分页 import('source.class.user_page'); $user_page = new Page($count, $limit, $page); $pages = $user_page->show(); } $search_sort = $sort == 'asc' ? 'desc' : 'asc'; if (empty($this->cate_id)) { //unset($param['id']); } // 排序 $search_param = $param; unset($search_param['page']); if (empty($search_param['order'])) { unset($search_param['order']); } if (empty($search_param['sort'])) { unset($search_param['sort']); } if (!empty($prop)) { $search_param['prop'] = 'prop_' . $prop; } // 热销url条件 $hot_param = $param; $hot_param['order'] = 'sales'; $hot_param['sort'] = $search_sort; if (!empty($prop)) { $hot_param['prop'] = 'prop_' . $prop; } unset($hot_param['page']); // 价格排序url条件 $price_param = $param; $price_param['order'] = 'price'; $price_param['sort'] = $search_sort; if (!empty($prop)) { $price_param['prop'] = 'prop_' . $prop; } unset($price_param['page']); //人气排序url条件 $collect_param = $param; $collect_param['order'] = 'collect'; $collect_param['sort'] = $search_sort; if (!empty($prop)) { $collect_param['prop'] = 'prop_' . $prop; } unset($collect_param['page']); //距离排序url条件 $distance_param = $param; $distance_param['order'] = 'distance'; $distance_param['sort'] = $search_sort; if (!empty($prop)) { $distance_param['prop'] = 'prop_' . $prop; } unset($distance_param['page']); // 默认排序url条件 $default_param = $param; if (!empty($prop)) { $default_param['prop'] = 'prop_' . $prop; } unset($default_param['page']); unset($default_param['order']); unset($default_param['sort']); //导航栏 //$categoryList = parent::nav_list(); // $this->assign('categoryList', $categoryList); //获取当前位置 $cookie_location = show_distance(); $this->assign('prop_arr', $prop_arr); $this->assign('category_detail', $category_detail); //当前的产品类别id $this->assign('f_category', $f_category); $this->assign('s_category', $s_category); $this->assign('product_list', $product_list); $this->assign('store_list', $store_list); $this->assign('search_url', $search_url); $this->assign('search_sort', $search_sort); $this->assign('pages', $pages); $this->assign('search_param', $search_param); $this->assign('default_param', $default_param); $this->assign('hot_param', $hot_param); $this->assign('price_param', $price_param); $this->assign('collect_param', $collect_param); $this->assign('distance_param', $distance_param); $this->assign('page_arr', array('current_page' => $page, 'total_pages' => $total_pages)); $this->assign('property_list', $property_list); $this->assign('store_contact_info', $store_contact_info); //获取全部的顶级分类 $top_cate_list = D('Product_category')->where(array('cat_fid' => 0))->field('cat_id,cat_name')->select(); $this->assign('top_cate_list', $top_cate_list); $this->assign('product_count', $count); $this->display(); }