Exemple #1
         $text .= "| <A HREF=\"sperre.php?http_host={$http_host}&id={$id}&aktion=loginsperre0\">" . "Loginsperre: Deaktivieren" . "</A>\n";
     } else {
         $text .= "| <A HREF=\"sperre.php?http_host={$http_host}&id={$id}&aktion=loginsperre1\">" . "Loginsperre: Aktivieren" . "</A>\n";
     $query = "SELECT is_domain FROM ip_sperre WHERE is_domain = '-GAST-'";
     $result = mysql_query($query, $conn);
     if ($result && mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) {
         $text .= "| <A HREF=\"sperre.php?http_host={$http_host}&id={$id}&aktion=loginsperregast0\">" . "Loginsperre Gast: Deaktivieren" . "</A>\n";
     } else {
         $text .= "| <A HREF=\"sperre.php?http_host={$http_host}&id={$id}&aktion=loginsperregast1\">" . "Loginsperre Gast: Aktivieren" . "</A>\n";
     $text .= "| <A HREF=\"blacklist.php?http_host={$http_host}&id={$id}&neuer_blacklist[u_nick]={$uname}\">" . $zusatztxt . $t['menue3'] . "</A>\n";
 show_box2($box, $text, "100%");
 echo "<IMG SRC=\"pics/fuell.gif\" ALT=\"\" WIDTH=4 HEIGHT=4><BR>\n";
 // Soll Datensatz eingetragen oder geändert werden?
 if (isset($eintragen) && $eintragen == $t['sonst13']) {
     if (!isset($f['is_infotext'])) {
         $f['is_infotext'] = "";
     if (!isset($f['is_domain'])) {
         $f['is_domain'] = "";
     $f['is_infotext'] = htmlspecialchars($f['is_infotext']);
     $f['is_domain'] = htmlspecialchars($f['is_domain']);
     // IP zusamensetzen
     $f['is_ip'] = $ip1 . "." . $ip2 . "." . $ip3 . "." . $ip4;
     if (strlen($f['is_domain']) > 0 && $f['is_ip'] != "...") {
         echo "<P>{$t['sonst5']}</P>\n";
Exemple #2
         if ($result and mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) {
             $themen = $themen - mysql_result($result, 0, 0);
         // Anzahl Postings
         $query = "select count(po_id) from posting";
         $result = mysql_query($query, $conn);
         if ($result and mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) {
             $beitraege = mysql_result($result, 0, 0);
         if ($beitraege && $themen) {
             $text .= str_replace("%themen%", $themen, str_replace("%beitraege%", $beitraege, $t['default8']));
     show_box2(str_replace("%chat%", $chat, $ft0 . $t['default5'] . $ft1), $text, "100%", false);
     echo "<IMG SRC=\"pics/fuell.gif\" ALT=\"\" WIDTH=4 HEIGHT=4><BR>\n";
 if (!isset($unterdruecke_raeume)) {
     $unterdruecke_raeume = 0;
 if (!$unterdruecke_raeume && $abweisen == false) {
     // Wer ist online? Boxen mit Usern erzeugen, Topic ist Raumname
     if ($onlineanzahl) {
         if (!isset($keineloginbox)) {
 // result wird in "show_who_is_online" freigegeben
 // mysql_free_result($result2);
Exemple #3

include "functions.php";
$query = "SELECT o_who,o_name,o_level,r_name,r_status1,r_status2, r_name='Lobby' as lobby FROM online left join raum on o_raum=r_id WHERE (UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW())-UNIX_TIMESTAMP(o_aktiv)) <= 300 and r_name is null ORDER BY lobby desc,r_name,o_who,o_name";
$result = mysql_query($query);
$text = "";
while ($a = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
    $text .= "{$a['o_name']} &nbsp;";
show_box2("User online im FORUM:", $text, "100%", false);
Exemple #4
                    $msg .= statsPrintGraph($c_host, $STAT_TXT["0102"], $STAT_TXT["0105"]);
        show_box2($t['statistik3'], $msg, "100%");
    case "stunde":
        $h = 24;
        $msg = "";
        $showtime = time() - ($h - 1) * 60 * 60;
        statsResetHours($showtime, $h);
        $r0 = @mysql_query("SELECT *, DATE_FORMAT(c_timestamp,'%k') as stunde FROM chat WHERE UNIX_TIMESTAMP(c_timestamp)>{$showtime} AND c_host LIKE '{$v}' ORDER BY c_timestamp");
        if ($r0 > 0) {
            $i = 0;
            $n = @mysql_num_rows($r0);
            while ($i < $n) {
                $x = @mysql_result($r0, $i, "stunde");
                $c_users = @mysql_result($r0, $i, "c_users");
                $grapharray["{$x}"] += $c_users;
            $title = $v;
            $msg .= statsPrintGraph($title, $STAT_TXT["0102"], $STAT_TXT["0103"]);
        show_box2($t['statistik2'], $msg, "100%");
// switch
function show_who_is_online($result)
    // Funktion gibt Liste der Räume mit Usern aus
    // $result ist gültiges Ergebnis einer Query, die o_userdata* und r_name enthalten muss
    global $ft0, $ft1, $t, $whotext;
    $text = "";
    $r_name_alt = "";
    $zeigen_alt = TRUE;
    if ($result) {
        while ($row = mysql_fetch_object($result)) {
            if ($row->o_level == "S" || $row->o_level == "C") {
                $nick = "<b>{$row->o_name}</b>";
            } else {
                $nick = $row->o_name;
            // Unterscheidung Raum oder Community-Modul
            if (!$row->r_name || $row->r_name == "NULL") {
                $r_name = $t['default10'] . $whotext[$row->o_who];
                $zeigen = TRUE;
            } else {
                // Nur offene, permanente Räume zeigen
                if (($row->r_status1 == 'O' || $row->r_status1 == 'm') && $row->r_status2 == 'P') {
                    $zeigen = TRUE;
                } else {
                    $zeigen = FALSE;
                $r_name = $t['default9'] . $row->r_name;
            // Textwechsel
            if ($r_name_alt != $r_name) {
                if (strlen($text) == 0) {
                    $text = "{$nick} ";
                } else {
                    // Nur offene, permanente Räume zeigen
                    if ($zeigen_alt) {
                        show_box2(str_replace("%raum%", $r_name_alt, $ft0 . $t['default4'] . $ft1), $text, "100%", false);
                        echo "<IMG SRC=\"pics/fuell.gif\" ALT=\"\" WIDTH=4 HEIGHT=4><BR>\n";
                    $text = "{$nick} ";
                $r_name_alt = $r_name;
                $zeigen_alt = $zeigen;
            } else {
                $text .= "{$nick} ";
        if ($zeigen_alt) {
            show_box2(str_replace("%raum%", $r_name_alt, $ft0 . $t['default4'] . $ft1), $text, "100%", false);
            echo "<IMG SRC=\"pics/fuell.gif\" ALT=\"\" WIDTH=4 HEIGHT=4><BR>\n";
Exemple #6
function AufladeFormular()
    global $f, $userdata, $sms, $chat, $u_id, $farbe_tabelle_zeile1, $farbe_tabelle_zeile2, $http_host, $u_nick;
    $box = $ft0 . "Guthaben aufladen" . $ft1;
    $text .= "Wenn Sie SMS aus dem {$chat} verschicken möchten, so müssen Sie zuerst ein SMS Guthaben kaufen.<BR>";
    $text .= "Dies funktioniert bequem im Lastschriftverfahren von Ihrem Bankkonto.";
    $text .= "<BR>Jede SMS kostet Sie nur <B>{$sms['preis']} Cent</B>. <BR>Sie können die SMS in verschiedenen Staffelungen kaufen.";
    $handynr = $userdata['u_sms_extra'];
    $handynr = unserialize($handynr);
    $handynr = $handynr['handynr'];
    $text2 .= '
function CalcSMS()
document.forms["sms"].smsanz.value= (Math.round(centbetrag / ' . $sms[preis] . '));
function pruefe()
if (pos == "0"){ alertmsg = "Bitte eine Betrag > 0 wählen";}
    if (alertmsg == "") {
        return true;
    } else {
        window. alert (alertmsg);
        return false;
<table align=RIGHT border=0 cellpadding=5 cellspacing=0 BGCOLOR="' . $farbe_tabelle_zeile1 . '">
<form action="' . $sms[ipayment] . '" METHOD=POST name="sms" onSubmit="return pruefe()">
<input type=hidden name="trxuser_id" value="' . $sms[ipayment_trxuser_id] . '">
<input type=hidden name="trxpassword" value="' . $sms[ipayment_trx_password] . '">
<input type=hidden name="redirect_url" value="' . $sms[ipayment_redirect_url] . '">
<input type=hidden name="addr_name" value="' . $userdata['u_name'] . '">
<input type=hidden name="addr_street" value="' . $f['ui_strasse'] . '">
<input type=hidden name="addr_zip" value="' . $f['ui_plz'] . '">
<input type=hidden name="addr_city" value="' . $f['ui_ort'] . '">
<input type=hidden name="addr_email" value="' . $userdata['u_adminemail'] . '">
<input type=hidden name="http_host" value="' . $http_host . '">
<input type=hidden name="u_id" value="' . $u_id . '">
<input type=hidden name="invoice_text" value="' . $chat . '">
<input type=hidden name="trx_user_comment" value="' . $http_host . '-' . $u_nick . '-' . $chat . '">
<input type=hidden name="u_nick" value="' . $u_nick . '">
<input type=hidden name="handynr" value="' . $handynr . '">
<input type=hidden name="trx_currency" value="EUR">
<input type=hidden name="trx_paymenttyp" value="elv">
<select name="trx_amount" onChange=CalcSMS()>
<option value="000">bitte wählen
<option value="300">3.00 Euro
<option value="500">5.00 Euro
<option value="1000">10.00 Euro
<option value="1500">15.00 Euro
<option value="2000">20.00 Euro
<option value="2500">25.00 Euro
<tr><td>Dafür bekommen Sie</td><td><input name="smsanz" readonly size=5> SMS</td></tr>
<input type=submit value="Jetzt SMS Guthaben aufladen">
    $atext = $text2 . $text;
    show_box2($box, $atext, "100%");