function renderVLANMembership($object_id) { try { $data = getSwitchVLANs($object_id); } catch (RTGatewayError $re) { showWarning('Device configuration unavailable:<br>' . $re->getMessage()); return; } list($vlanlist, $portlist, $maclist) = $data; $vlanpermissions = array(); foreach ($portlist as $port) { if (array_key_exists($port['vlanid'], $vlanpermissions)) { continue; } $vlanpermissions[$port['vlanid']] = array(); foreach (array_keys($vlanlist) as $to) { if (permitted(NULL, NULL, 'setPortVLAN', array(array('tag' => '$fromvlan_' . $port['vlanid']), array('tag' => '$vlan_' . $port['vlanid']))) and permitted(NULL, NULL, 'setPortVLAN', array(array('tag' => '$tovlan_' . $to), array('tag' => '$vlan_' . $to)))) { $vlanpermissions[$port['vlanid']][] = $to; } } } if (isset($_REQUEST['hl_port_id'])) { assertUIntArg('hl_port_id'); $hl_port_id = intval($_REQUEST['hl_port_id']); $object = spotEntity('object', $object_id); amplifyCell($object); foreach ($object['ports'] as $port) { if (mb_strlen($port['name']) && $port['id'] == $hl_port_id) { $hl_port_name = $port['name']; break; } } } echo '<table border=0 width="100%"><tr><td colspan=3>'; startPortlet('Current status'); echo "<table class=widetable cellspacing=3 cellpadding=5 align=center width='100%'><tr>"; printOpFormIntro('setPortVLAN'); $portcount = count($portlist); echo "<input type=hidden name=portcount value=" . $portcount . ">\n"; $portno = 0; $ports_per_row = 12; foreach ($portlist as $port) { // Don't let wide forms break our fancy pages. if ($portno % $ports_per_row == 0) { if ($portno > 0) { echo "</tr>\n"; } echo "<tr><th>" . ($portno + 1) . "-" . ($portno + $ports_per_row > $portcount ? $portcount : $portno + $ports_per_row) . "</th>"; } $td_class = 'port_'; if ($port['status'] == 'notconnect') { $td_class .= 'notconnect'; } elseif ($port['status'] == 'disabled') { $td_class .= 'disabled'; } elseif ($port['status'] != 'connected') { $td_class .= 'unknown'; } elseif (!isset($maclist[$port['portname']])) { $td_class .= 'connected_none'; } else { $maccount = 0; foreach ($maclist[$port['portname']] as $vlanid => $addrs) { $maccount += count($addrs); } if ($maccount == 1) { $td_class .= 'connected_single'; } else { $td_class .= 'connected_multi'; } } if (isset($hl_port_name) and strcasecmp($hl_port_name, $port['portname']) == 0) { $td_class .= (strlen($td_class) ? ' ' : '') . 'border_highlight'; } echo "<td class='{$td_class}'>" . $port['portname'] . '<br>'; echo "<input type=hidden name=portname_{$portno} value=" . $port['portname'] . '>'; if ($port['vlanid'] == 'trunk') { echo "<input type=hidden name=vlanid_{$portno} value='trunk'>"; echo "<select disabled multiple='multiple' size=1><option>TRUNK</option></select>"; } elseif ($port['vlanid'] == 'routed') { echo "<input type=hidden name=vlanid_{$portno} value='routed'>"; echo "<select disabled multiple='multiple' size=1><option>ROUTED</option></select>"; } elseif (!array_key_exists($port['vlanid'], $vlanpermissions) or !count($vlanpermissions[$port['vlanid']])) { echo "<input type=hidden name=vlanid_{$portno} value={$port['vlanid']}>"; echo "<select disabled name=vlanid_{$portno}>"; echo "<option value={$port['vlanid']} selected>{$port['vlanid']}</option>"; echo "</select>"; } else { echo "<select name=vlanid_{$portno}>"; // A port may belong to a VLAN, which is absent from the VLAN table, this is normal. // We must be able to render its SELECT properly at least. $in_table = FALSE; foreach ($vlanpermissions[$port['vlanid']] as $v) { echo "<option value={$v}"; if ($v == $port['vlanid']) { echo ' selected'; $in_table = TRUE; } echo ">{$v}</option>\n"; } if (!$in_table) { echo "<option value={$port['vlanid']} selected>{$port['vlanid']}</option>\n"; } echo "</select>"; } $portno++; echo "</td>"; } echo "</tr><tr><td colspan=" . ($ports_per_row + 1) . "><input type=submit value='Save changes'></form></td></tr></table>"; finishPortlet(); echo '</td></tr><tr><td class=pcleft>'; startPortlet('VLAN table'); echo '<table class=cooltable cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 align=center width="100%">'; echo "<tr><th>ID</th><th>Description</th></tr>"; $order = 'even'; global $nextorder; foreach ($vlanlist as $id => $descr) { echo "<tr class=row_{$order}><td class=tdright>{$id}</td><td class=tdleft>{$descr}</td></tr>"; $order = $nextorder[$order]; } echo '</table>'; finishPortlet(); echo '</td><td class=pcright>'; startPortlet('Color legend'); echo '<table>'; echo "<tr><th>port state</th><th>color code</th></tr>"; echo "<tr><td>not connected</td><td class=port_notconnect>SAMPLE</td></tr>"; echo "<tr><td>disabled</td><td class=port_disabled>SAMPLE</td></tr>"; echo "<tr><td>unknown</td><td class=port_unknown>SAMPLE</td></tr>"; echo "<tr><td>connected with none MAC addresses active</td><td class=port_connected_none>SAMPLE</td></tr>"; echo "<tr><td>connected with 1 MAC addresses active</td><td class=port_connected_single>SAMPLE</td></tr>"; echo "<tr><td>connected with 1+ MAC addresses active</td><td class=port_connected_multi>SAMPLE</td></tr>"; echo '</table>'; finishPortlet(); echo '</td><td class=pcright>'; if (count($maclist)) { startPortlet('MAC address table'); echo '<table border=0 class=cooltable align=center cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5>'; echo "<tr><th>Port</th><th>VLAN ID</th><th>MAC address</th></tr>\n"; $order = 'even'; foreach ($maclist as $portname => $portdata) { foreach ($portdata as $vlanid => $addrgroup) { foreach ($addrgroup as $addr) { echo "<tr class=row_{$order}><td class=tdleft>{$portname}</td><td class=tdleft>{$vlanid}</td>"; echo "<td class=tdleft>{$addr}</td></tr>\n"; $order = $nextorder[$order]; } } } echo '</table>'; finishPortlet(); } // End of main table. echo '</td></tr></table>'; }
function renderPortsInfo($object_id) { try { if (permitted(NULL, NULL, 'get_link_status')) { $linkStatus = queryDevice($object_id, 'getportstatus'); } else { showWarning("You don't have permission to view ports link status"); } if (permitted(NULL, NULL, 'get_mac_list')) { $macList = sortPortList(queryDevice($object_id, 'getmaclist')); } else { showWarning("You don't have permission to view learned MAC list"); } } catch (RTGatewayError $e) { showError($e->getMessage()); return; } global $nextorder; echo "<table width='100%'><tr>"; if (!empty($linkStatus)) { echo "<td valign='top' width='50%'>"; startPortlet('Link status'); echo "<table width='80%' class='widetable' cellspacing=0 cellpadding='5px' align='center'><tr><th>Port<th><th>Link status<th>Link info</tr>"; $order = 'even'; foreach ($linkStatus as $pn => $link) { switch ($link['status']) { case 'up': $img_filename = 'link-up.png'; break; case 'down': $img_filename = 'link-down.png'; break; case 'disabled': $img_filename = 'link-disabled.png'; break; default: $img_filename = '1x1t.gif'; } echo "<tr class='row_{$order}'>"; $order = $nextorder[$order]; echo '<td>' . $pn; echo '<td>' . '<img width=16 height=16 src="?module=chrome&uri=pix/' . $img_filename . '">'; echo '<td>' . $link['status']; $info = ''; if (isset($link['speed'])) { $info .= $link['speed']; } if (isset($link['duplex'])) { if (!empty($info)) { $info .= ', '; } $info .= $link['duplex']; } echo '<td>' . $info; echo '</tr>'; } echo "</table></td>"; finishPortlet(); } if (!empty($macList)) { echo "<td valign='top' width='50%'>"; $rendered_macs = ''; $mac_count = 0; $rendered_macs .= "<table width='80%' class='widetable' cellspacing=0 cellpadding='5px' align='center'><tr><th>MAC<th>Vlan<th>Port</tr>"; $order = 'even'; foreach ($macList as $pn => $list) { $order = $nextorder[$order]; foreach ($list as $item) { ++$mac_count; $rendered_macs .= "<tr class='row_{$order}'>"; $rendered_macs .= '<td style="font-family: monospace">' . $item['mac']; $rendered_macs .= '<td>' . $item['vid']; $rendered_macs .= '<td>' . $pn; $rendered_macs .= '</tr>'; } } $rendered_macs .= "</table></td>"; startPortlet("Learned MACs ({$mac_count})"); echo $rendered_macs; finishPortlet(); } echo "</td></tr></table>"; }
function doGenericSNMPmining($device) { global $objectInfo, $known_devices, $iftable_processors; if (FALSE === ($sysObjectID = $device->snmpget('sysObjectID.0'))) { showFuncMessage(__FUNCTION__, 'ERR3'); // // fatal SNMP failure return; } $sysObjectID = preg_replace('/^.*(enterprises\\.|joint-iso-ccitt\\.)([\\.[:digit:]]+)$/', '\\2', $sysObjectID); if (!isset($known_devices[$sysObjectID])) { showFuncMessage(__FUNCTION__, 'ERR4', array($sysObjectID)); // unknown OID return; } $sysName = substr($device->snmpget('sysName.0'), strlen('STRING: ')); $sysDescr = substr($device->snmpget('sysDescr.0'), strlen('STRING: ')); $sysDescr = str_replace(array("\n", "\r"), " ", $sysDescr); // Make it one line showSuccess($known_devices[$sysObjectID]['text']); updateStickerForCell($objectInfo, 2, $known_devices[$sysObjectID]['dict_key']); // HW type updateStickerForCell($objectInfo, 3, $sysName); detectSoftwareType($objectInfo, $sysDescr); switch (1) { case preg_match('/^9\\.1\\./', $sysObjectID): // Catalyst w/one AC port // Catalyst w/one AC port case preg_match('/^9\\.5\\.18/', $sysObjectID): $exact_release = preg_replace('/^.*, Version ([^ ]+), .*$/', '\\1', $sysDescr); $major_line = preg_replace('/^([[:digit:]]+\\.[[:digit:]]+)[^[:digit:]].*/', '\\1', $exact_release); $ios_codes = array('12.0' => 244, '12.1' => 251, '12.2' => 252, '15.0' => 1901, '15.1' => 2082); updateStickerForCell($objectInfo, 5, $exact_release); if (array_key_exists($major_line, $ios_codes)) { updateStickerForCell($objectInfo, 4, $ios_codes[$major_line]); } $sysChassi = $device->snmpget(''); if ($sysChassi !== FALSE or $sysChassi !== NULL) { updateStickerForCell($objectInfo, 1, str_replace('"', '', substr($sysChassi, strlen('STRING: ')))); } // some models have the console port located on a module instead of the chassis $no_console = array('9.1.222', '9.1.283', '9.1.503'); if (!in_array($sysObjectID, $no_console)) { checkPIC('1-29'); commitAddPort($objectInfo['id'], 'con0', '1-29', 'console', ''); // RJ-45 RS-232 console } if (preg_match('/Cisco IOS Software, C2600/', $sysDescr)) { commitAddPort($objectInfo['id'], 'aux0', '1-29', 'auxillary', ''); } // RJ-45 RS-232 aux port $dual_ac = array('9.1.222', '9.1.283', '9.1.956'); if (in_array($sysObjectID, $dual_ac)) { // models with two AC inputs checkPIC('1-16'); commitAddPort($objectInfo['id'], 'AC-in-1', '1-16', 'AC1', ''); commitAddPort($objectInfo['id'], 'AC-in-2', '1-16', 'AC2', ''); } elseif ($sysObjectID != '9.1.749' and $sysObjectID != '9.1.920') { // assume the rest have one AC input, but exclude blade devices checkPIC('1-16'); // AC input commitAddPort($objectInfo['id'], 'AC-in', '1-16', '', ''); } break; case preg_match('/^9\\.5\\.42/', $sysObjectID): // Catalyst 2948 running CatOS // Catalyst 2948 running CatOS case preg_match('/^9\\.6\\.1\\./', $sysObjectID): // Cisco SF series // Cisco SF series case preg_match('/^2011\\.2\\.239?\\./', $sysObjectID): // Huawei checkPIC('1-681'); commitAddPort($objectInfo['id'], 'con0', '1-681', 'console', ''); // DB-9 RS-232 console checkPIC('1-16'); commitAddPort($objectInfo['id'], 'AC-in', '1-16', '', ''); break; case preg_match('/^9\\.12\\.3\\.1\\.3\\./', $sysObjectID): // Nexus $exact_release = preg_replace('/^.*, Version ([^ ]+), .*$/', '\\1', $sysDescr); $major_line = preg_replace('/^([[:digit:]]+\\.[[:digit:]]+)[^[:digit:]].*/', '\\1', $exact_release); $nxos_codes = array('4.0' => 963, '4.1' => 964); if (array_key_exists($major_line, $nxos_codes)) { updateStickerForCell($objectInfo, 4, $nxos_codes[$major_line]); } updateStickerForCell($objectInfo, 5, $exact_release); $sysChassi = $device->snmpget(''); if ($sysChassi !== FALSE or $sysChassi !== NULL) { updateStickerForCell($objectInfo, 1, str_replace('"', '', substr($sysChassi, strlen('STRING: ')))); } checkPIC('1-29'); commitAddPort($objectInfo['id'], 'con0', '1-29', 'console', ''); // RJ-45 RS-232 console checkPIC('1-16'); // AC input commitAddPort($objectInfo['id'], 'AC-in-1', '1-16', 'AC1', ''); commitAddPort($objectInfo['id'], 'AC-in-2', '1-16', 'AC2', ''); break; case preg_match('/^11\\.2\\.3\\.7\\.11\\.(\\d+)$/', $sysObjectID, $matches): // ProCurve $console_per_product = array(33 => '1-29', 63 => '1-29', 78 => '1-29', 79 => '1-29', 80 => '1-29', 84 => '1-29', 86 => '1-29', 87 => '1-29', 94 => '1-29', 95 => '1-29', 154 => '1-29', 19 => '1-681', 31 => '1-681', 34 => '1-681', 58 => '1-681', 59 => '1-681'); if (array_key_exists($matches[1], $console_per_product)) { checkPIC($console_per_product[$matches[1]]); commitAddPort($objectInfo['id'], 'console', $console_per_product[$matches[1]], 'console', ''); } $oom_per_product = array(33 => '1-24'); if (array_key_exists($matches[1], $oom_per_product)) { checkPIC($oom_per_product[$matches[1]]); commitAddPort($objectInfo['id'], 'mgmt', $oom_per_product[$matches[1]], 'mgmt', ''); } checkPIC('1-16'); commitAddPort($objectInfo['id'], 'AC-in', '1-16', '', ''); $exact_release = preg_replace('/^.* revision ([^ ]+), .*$/', '\\1', $sysDescr); updateStickerForCell($objectInfo, 5, $exact_release); break; case preg_match('/^2636\\.1\\.1\\.1\\.2\\.3(0|1)/', $sysObjectID): // Juniper EX3200/EX4200 $sw_version = preg_replace('/^.*, kernel JUNOS ([^ ]+).*$/', '\\1', $sysDescr); updateStickerForCell($objectInfo, 5, $sw_version); // one RJ-45 RS-232 and one AC port (it could be DC, but chances are it's AC) checkPIC('1-29'); commitAddPort($objectInfo['id'], 'con', '1-29', 'CON', ''); // RJ-45 RS-232 console checkPIC('1-16'); commitAddPort($objectInfo['id'], 'AC-in', '1-16', '', ''); // Juniper uses the same sysObjectID for multiple HW models, override if necessary if (preg_match('/^Juniper Networks, Inc. ex3200-48t internet router/', $sysDescr)) { updateStickerForCell($objectInfo, 2, 902); } if (preg_match('/^Juniper Networks, Inc. ex4200-48t internet router/', $sysDescr)) { updateStickerForCell($objectInfo, 2, 907); } break; case preg_match('/^1991\\.1\\.3\\.53\\.1\\.2$/', $sysObjectID): // TurboIron 24X // TurboIron 24X case preg_match('/^2636\\.1\\.1\\.1\\.2\\./', $sysObjectID): // Juniper checkPIC('1-681'); commitAddPort($objectInfo['id'], 'console', '1-681', 'console', ''); // DB-9 RS-232 console break; case preg_match('/^1991\\.1\\.3\\.45\\./', $sysObjectID): // snFGSFamily // snFGSFamily case preg_match('/^1991\\.1\\.3\\.46\\./', $sysObjectID): // snFLSFamily // snFLSFamily case preg_match('/^1991\\.1\\.3\\.54\\.2\\.4\\.1\\.1$/', $sysObjectID): // FCX 648 $exact_release = preg_replace('/^.*, IronWare Version ([^ ]+) .*$/', '\\1', $sysDescr); updateStickerForCell($objectInfo, 5, $exact_release); # FOUNDRY-SN-AGENT-MIB::snChasSerNum.0 $sysChassi = $device->snmpget('enterprises.1991.'); if ($sysChassi !== FALSE or $sysChassi !== NULL) { updateStickerForCell($objectInfo, 1, str_replace('"', '', substr($sysChassi, strlen('STRING: ')))); } # Type of uplink module installed. # table: FOUNDRY-SN-AGENT-MIB::snAgentBrdMainBrdDescription # Possible part numbers are: # FGS-1XG1XGC (one fixed CX4 port) # FGS-2XGC (two fixed CX4 ports) # FGS-2XG (two XFP slots) # And for FLS result (which is not handled here) would be: # 1991. = STRING: "FLS-24G 24-port Management Module" # 1991. = STRING: "FLS-1XG 1-port 10G Module (1-XFP)" # 1991. = STRING: "FLS-1XG 1-port 10G Module (1-XFP)" # (assuming, that the device has 2 XFP modules in slots 3 and 4). foreach ($device->snmpwalkoid('enterprises.1991.') as $module_raw) { if (preg_match('/^STRING: "(FGS-1XG1XGC|FGS-2XGC) /i', $module_raw)) { $iftable_processors['fgs-uplinks']['dict_key'] = '1-40'; // CX4 break; } } # AC inputs # table: FOUNDRY-SN-AGENT-MIB::snChasPwrSupplyDescription # "Power supply 1 " # "Power supply 2 " foreach ($device->snmpwalkoid('enterprises.1991.') as $PSU_raw) { $count = 0; $PSU_cooked = trim(preg_replace('/^string: "(.+)"$/i', '\\1', $PSU_raw, 1, $count)); if ($count) { checkPIC('1-16'); commitAddPort($objectInfo['id'], $PSU_cooked, '1-16', '', ''); } } # fixed console port checkPIC('1-681'); commitAddPort($objectInfo['id'], 'console', '1-681', 'console', ''); // DB-9 RS-232 console break; case preg_match('/^1916\\.2\\./', $sysObjectID): // Extreme Networks Summit $xos_release = preg_replace('/^ExtremeXOS version ([[:digit:]]+)\\..*$/', '\\1', $sysDescr); $xos_codes = array('10' => 1350, '11' => 1351, '12' => 1352); if (array_key_exists($xos_release, $xos_codes)) { updateStickerForCell($objectInfo, 4, $xos_codes[$xos_release]); } checkPIC('1-681'); commitAddPort($objectInfo['id'], 'console', '1-681', 'console', ''); // DB-9 RS-232 checkPIC('1-16'); commitAddPort($objectInfo['id'], 'AC-in', '1-16', '', ''); break; case preg_match('/^6027\\.1\\./', $sysObjectID): # Force10 commitAddPort($objectInfo['id'], 'aux0', '1-29', 'RS-232', ''); // RJ-45 RS-232 console $m = array(); if (preg_match('/Force10 Application Software Version: ([\\d\\.]+)/', $sysDescr, $m)) { updateStickerForCell($objectInfo, 5, $m[1]); $ftos_release = preg_replace('/^([678])\\..+$/', '\\1', $m[1]); $ftos_codes = array('6' => 1592, '7' => 1593, '8' => 1594); if (array_key_exists($ftos_release, $ftos_codes)) { updateStickerForCell($objectInfo, 4, $ftos_codes[$ftos_release]); } } # F10-S-SERIES-CHASSIS-MIB::chStackUnitSerialNumber.1 $serialNo = $device->snmpget('enterprises.6027.'); # F10-S-SERIES-CHASSIS-MIB::chSysPowerSupplyType.1.1 if ($device->snmpget('enterprises.6027.') == 'INTEGER: 1') { checkPIC('1-16'); commitAddPort($objectInfo['id'], 'PSU0', '1-16', 'PSU0', ''); } # F10-S-SERIES-CHASSIS-MIB::chSysPowerSupplyType.1.2 if ($device->snmpget('enterprises.6027.') == 'INTEGER: 1') { checkPIC('1-16'); commitAddPort($objectInfo['id'], 'PSU1', '1-16', 'PSU1', ''); } if (strlen($serialNo)) { updateStickerForCell($objectInfo, 1, str_replace('"', '', substr($serialNo, strlen('STRING: ')))); } break; case preg_match('/^171\\.10\\.63\\.8/', $sysObjectID): // D-Link DES-3052 // D-Link DES-3052 case preg_match('/^202\\.20\\./', $sysObjectID): // SMC TigerSwitch // SMC TigerSwitch case preg_match('/^674\\.10895\\.4/', $sysObjectID): // Dell PowerConnect // Dell PowerConnect case preg_match('/^674\\.10895\\.300(3|4|7|9)/', $sysObjectID): case preg_match('/^674\\.10895\\.301(0|4|7|9)/', $sysObjectID): case preg_match('/^674\\.10895\\.302(0|1|8)/', $sysObjectID): case preg_match('/^3955\\.6\\.1\\.20(24|48)\\.1/', $sysObjectID): // Linksys // Linksys case preg_match('/^3955\\.6\\.50(24|48)/', $sysObjectID): // Linksys // Linksys case preg_match('/^4526\\.100\\./', $sysObjectID): // NETGEAR (with console) // NETGEAR (with console) case preg_match('/^11863\\.1\\.1\\.1/', $sysObjectID): // TPLink // TPLink case preg_match('/^11863\\.6\\.10\\.58/', $sysObjectID): // one DB-9 RS-232 and one AC port checkPIC('1-681'); commitAddPort($objectInfo['id'], 'console', '1-681', '', ''); // DB-9 RS-232 checkPIC('1-16'); commitAddPort($objectInfo['id'], 'AC-in', '1-16', '', ''); break; case preg_match('/^388\\.18/', $sysObjectID): // Motorola RFS 4000 // one RJ-45 RS-232 and one AC port checkPIC('1-29'); commitAddPort($objectInfo['id'], 'console', '1-29', 'console', ''); checkPIC('1-16'); commitAddPort($objectInfo['id'], 'AC-in', '1-16', '', ''); break; case preg_match('/^207\\.1\\.14\\./', $sysObjectID): // Allied Telesyn // one RJ-45 RS-232 and two AC ports checkPIC('1-29'); commitAddPort($objectInfo['id'], 'console', '1-29', 'console', ''); checkPIC('1-16'); commitAddPort($objectInfo['id'], 'AC-in-1', '1-16', 'AC1', ''); commitAddPort($objectInfo['id'], 'AC-in-2', '1-16', 'AC2', ''); break; case preg_match('/^674\\.10895\\.3000/', $sysObjectID): // one DB-9 RS-232, one 100Mb OOB mgmt, and one AC port checkPIC('1-681'); commitAddPort($objectInfo['id'], 'console', '1-681', '', ''); // DB-9 RS-232 checkPIC('1-19'); commitAddPort($objectInfo['id'], 'mgmt', '1-19', '', ''); checkPIC('1-16'); commitAddPort($objectInfo['id'], 'AC-in', '1-16', '', ''); break; case preg_match('/^43\\.1\\.16\\.4\\.3\\./', $sysObjectID): // 3Com $sw_version = preg_replace('/^.* Version 3Com OS ([^ ]+).*$/', '\\1', $sysDescr); updateStickerForCell($objectInfo, 5, $sw_version); // one RJ-45 RS-232 and one AC port checkPIC('1-29'); commitAddPort($objectInfo['id'], 'console', '1-29', '', ''); // RJ-45 RS-232 console checkPIC('1-16'); commitAddPort($objectInfo['id'], 'AC-in', '1-16', '', ''); break; case preg_match('/^10977\\.11825\\.11833\\.97\\.25451\\.12800\\.100\\.4\\.4/', $sysObjectID): // Netgear $sw_version = preg_replace('/^.* V([^ ]+).*$/', '\\1', $sysDescr); updateStickerForCell($objectInfo, 5, $sw_version); // one AC port, no console checkPIC('1-16'); commitAddPort($objectInfo['id'], 'AC-in', '1-16', '', ''); break; case preg_match('/^171\\.10\\.76\\.10/', $sysObjectID): // D-Link DGS-1210-24 // D-Link DGS-1210-24 case preg_match('/^207\\.1\\.4\\./', $sysObjectID): // Allied Telesyn AT-GS950/24 // Allied Telesyn AT-GS950/24 case preg_match('/^4526\\.100\\.4\\.(6|10)/', $sysObjectID): // NETGEAR (without console) // one AC port, no console checkPIC('1-16'); commitAddPort($objectInfo['id'], 'AC-in', '1-16', '', ''); break; case preg_match('/^30065\\.1\\.3011\\./', $sysObjectID): // Arista checkPIC('1-29'); commitAddPort($objectInfo['id'], 'console', '1-29', 'IOIOI', ''); $sw_version = preg_replace('/^Arista Networks EOS version (.+) running on .*$/', '\\1', $sysDescr); updateStickerForCell($objectInfo, 5, $sw_version); if (strlen($serialNo = $device->snmpget('mib-'))) { # entPhysicalSerialNumber.1 updateStickerForCell($objectInfo, 1, str_replace('"', '', substr($serialNo, strlen('STRING: ')))); } break; case preg_match('/^119\\.1\\.203\\.2\\.2\\./', $sysObjectID): # NEC checkPIC('1-681'); commitAddPort($objectInfo['id'], 'console 0', '1-681', 'console', ''); checkPIC('1-16'); commitAddPort($objectInfo['id'], 'PS1', '1-16', '', ''); commitAddPort($objectInfo['id'], 'PS2', '1-16', '', ''); break; case preg_match('/^26543\\.1\\.7\\./', $sysObjectID): # IBM checkPIC('1-29'); commitAddPort($objectInfo['id'], 'console', '1-29', '', ''); # RJ-45 RS-232 console break; default: // Nortel... break; } if (isset($known_devices[$sysObjectID]['modular'])) { // this is a modular device // TODO: put the entire mining operation inside a single transaction (not possible now because commitAddPort() LOCKs/UNLOCKs the Port table which auto-commits any open transactions) global $snmp_data; $snmp_data = array(); foreach ($device->snmpwalkoid('mib-') as $raw_key => $raw_value) { $key = substr($raw_key, strlen('SNMPv2-SMI::mib-')); $value = substr($raw_value, strlen('INTEGER: ')); $snmp_data['entPhysicalContainedIn'][$key] = $value; } foreach ($device->snmpwalkoid('mib-') as $raw_key => $raw_value) { $key = substr($raw_key, strlen('SNMPv2-SMI::mib-')); $value = str_ireplace(array('STRING: ', '"'), '', $raw_value); $snmp_data['entPhysicalDescr'][$key] = $value; } foreach ($device->snmpwalkoid('mib-') as $raw_key => $raw_value) { $key = substr($raw_key, strlen('SNMPv2-SMI::mib-')); $value = str_ireplace(array('STRING: ', '"'), '', $raw_value); $snmp_data['entPhysicalName'][$key] = $value; } foreach ($device->snmpwalkoid('mib-') as $raw_key => $raw_value) { $key = substr($raw_key, strlen('SNMPv2-SMI::mib-')); $value = str_ireplace(array('STRING: ', '"'), '', $raw_value); $snmp_data['entPhysicalModelName'][$key] = $value; } foreach ($device->snmpwalkoid('mib-') as $raw_key => $raw_value) { $key = substr($raw_key, strlen('SNMPv2-SMI::mib-')); $value = str_ireplace(array('STRING: ', '"'), '', $raw_value); $snmp_data['entPhysicalSerialNum'][$key] = $value; } updateStickerForCell($objectInfo, 1, $snmp_data['entPhysicalSerialNum'][1]); // OEM S/N 1, safe to assume that the chassis is the first array element foreach ($device->snmpwalkoid('mib-') as $raw_key => $raw_value) { $key = substr($raw_key, strlen('SNMPv2-SMI::mib-')); $value = str_ireplace(array('STRING: ', '"'), '', $raw_value); $snmp_data['entPhysicalFirmwareRev'][$key] = $value; } foreach ($device->snmpwalkoid('ifPhysAddress') as $raw_key => $raw_value) { $key = substr($raw_key, strlen('IF-MIB::ifPhysAddress.')); $value = str_ireplace(array('STRING: ', '"'), '', $raw_value); if (preg_match('/^[0-9a-f]{1,2}(:[0-9a-f]{1,2}){5}/i', $value)) { $addrbytes = explode(':', $value); foreach ($addrbytes as $bidx => $bytestr) { if (strlen($bytestr) == 1) { $addrbytes[$bidx] = '0' . $bytestr; } } } elseif (preg_match('/^[0-9a-f]{1,2}( [0-9a-f]{1,2}){5}/i', $value)) { // xx yy zz xx yy zz $addrbytes = explode(' ', substr($value, -17)); } elseif (preg_match('/22[0-9a-f]{12}22$/', bin2hex($value))) { // "??????" $addrbytes = array(substr(bin2hex($value), -14, 12)); } else { break; } // martian format // if this port's MAC is already assigned to another port, mark it as an empty string instead of causing a conflict $mac = implode('', $addrbytes); $snmp_data['ifPhysAddress'][$key] = (array_key_exists('ifPhysAddress', $snmp_data) and in_array($mac, $snmp_data['ifPhysAddress'])) ? '' : $mac; } // map entPhysicalIndex to ifIndex for MAC addresses association // first try to use entAliasMappingIdentifier (some devices don't support it) if ($entToIfMapping_raw = @$device->snmpwalkoid('mib-')) { foreach ($entToIfMapping_raw as $key => $value) { // find the entID and map it to the ifID $e_array = explode('.', $key); $e_index = count($e_array) - 2; $eid = $e_array[$e_index]; $iid = substr($value, strrpos($value, '.') + 1); $snmp_data['entToIfMapping'][$eid] = $iid; } } else { // entAliasMappingIdentifier isn't available, use entPhysicalName $ifName = array(); foreach ($device->snmpwalkoid('ifName') as $raw_key => $raw_value) { $key = substr($raw_key, strlen('IF-MIB::ifName.')); $value = str_ireplace(array('STRING: ', '"'), '', $raw_value); $ifName[$key] = $value; } // query entPhysicalClass and note which entries which are ports foreach ($device->snmpwalkoid('mib-') as $raw_key => $raw_value) { if (substr($raw_value, strlen('INTEGER: ')) == 10) { $snmp_data['entPhysicalPorts'][] = substr($raw_key, strlen('SNMPv2-SMI::mib-')); } } // do the mapping, but only for ports foreach ($snmp_data['entPhysicalName'] as $key => $value) { if (in_array($key, $snmp_data['entPhysicalPorts'])) { $snmp_data['entToIfMapping'][$key] = array_search($value, $ifName); } } } addModules(1, $objectInfo['id']); } else { // this is not a modular device $ifDescr_tablename = isset($known_devices[$sysObjectID]['ifDescrOID']) ? $known_devices[$sysObjectID]['ifDescrOID'] : 'ifDescr'; foreach (array_keys($known_devices[$sysObjectID]['processors']) as $pkey) { if (!array_key_exists($known_devices[$sysObjectID]['processors'][$pkey], $iftable_processors)) { showWarning('processor "' . $known_devices[$sysObjectID]['processors'][$pkey] . '" not found'); unset($known_devices[$sysObjectID]['processors'][$pkey]); } } $ifInfo = array(); foreach ($device->snmpwalkoid($ifDescr_tablename) as $oid => $value) { $randomindex = preg_replace("/^.*{$ifDescr_tablename}\\.(.+)\$/", '\\1', $oid); $value = trim(preg_replace('/^[^:]+: (.+)$/', '\\1', $value), '"'); $ifInfo[$randomindex]['ifDescr'] = $value; } foreach ($device->snmpwalkoid('ifPhysAddress') as $oid => $value) { $randomindex = preg_replace("/^.*ifPhysAddress\\.(.+)\$/", '\\1', $oid); $value = trim($value); // NET-SNMP may return MAC addresses in one of two (?) formats depending on // DISPLAY-HINT internal database. The best we can do about it is to accept both. // Bug originally reported by Walery Wysotsky against openSUSE 11.0. if (preg_match('/^string: [0-9a-f]{1,2}(:[0-9a-f]{1,2}){5}/i', $value)) { list($dummy, $value) = explode(' ', $value); $addrbytes = explode(':', $value); foreach ($addrbytes as $bidx => $bytestr) { if (strlen($bytestr) == 1) { $addrbytes[$bidx] = '0' . $bytestr; } } } elseif (preg_match('/^hex-string:( [0-9a-f]{2}){6}/i', $value)) { // Hex-STRING: xx yy zz xx yy zz $addrbytes = explode(' ', substr($value, -17)); } elseif (preg_match('/22[0-9a-f]{12}22$/', bin2hex($value))) { // STRING: "??????" $addrbytes = array(substr(bin2hex($value), -14, 12)); } else { continue; } // martian format $ifInfo[$randomindex]['ifPhysAddress'] = implode('', $addrbytes); } // process each interface only once regardless of how many processors we have to run foreach ($ifInfo as $iface) { foreach ($known_devices[$sysObjectID]['processors'] as $processor_name) { $newname = preg_replace($iftable_processors[$processor_name]['pattern'], $iftable_processors[$processor_name]['replacement'], $iface['ifDescr'], 1, $count); if ($newname === NULL) { showError('PCRE pattern error, terminating'); break 2; } if (!$count) { continue; } // try next processor on current port $newlabel = preg_replace($iftable_processors[$processor_name]['pattern'], $iftable_processors[$processor_name]['label'], $iface['ifDescr'], 1, $count); checkPIC($iftable_processors[$processor_name]['dict_key']); commitAddPort($objectInfo['id'], $newname, $iftable_processors[$processor_name]['dict_key'], $newlabel, $iface['ifPhysAddress']); if (!$iftable_processors[$processor_name]['try_next_proc']) { // done with this port continue 2; } } } } // No failure up to this point, thus leave current tab for the "Ports" one. return buildRedirectURL(NULL, 'ports'); }
function apply8021qChangeRequest($switch_id, $changes, $verbose = TRUE, $mutex_rev = NULL) { global $dbxlink; $dbxlink->beginTransaction(); try { if (NULL === ($vswitch = getVLANSwitchInfo($switch_id, 'FOR UPDATE'))) { throw new InvalidArgException('object_id', $switch_id, 'VLAN domain is not set for this object'); } if (isset($mutex_rev) and $vswitch['mutex_rev'] != $mutex_rev) { throw new InvalidRequestArgException('mutex_rev', $mutex_rev, 'expired form data'); } $after = $before = apply8021QOrder($vswitch['template_id'], getStored8021QConfig($vswitch['object_id'], 'desired')); $domain_vlanlist = getDomainVLANs($vswitch['domain_id']); $changes = filter8021QChangeRequests($domain_vlanlist, $before, apply8021QOrder($vswitch['template_id'], $changes)); $desired_ports_count = count($changes); $changes = authorize8021QChangeRequests($before, $changes); if (count($changes) < $desired_ports_count) { showWarning(sprintf("Permission denied to change %d ports", $desired_ports_count - count($changes))); } foreach ($changes as $port_name => $port) { $after[$port_name] = $port; } $new_uplinks = filter8021QChangeRequests($domain_vlanlist, $after, produceUplinkPorts($domain_vlanlist, $after, $vswitch['object_id'])); $npulled = replace8021QPorts('desired', $vswitch['object_id'], $before, $changes); $nsaved_uplinks = replace8021QPorts('desired', $vswitch['object_id'], $before, $new_uplinks); if ($npulled + $nsaved_uplinks) { touchVLANSwitch($vswitch['object_id']); } $dbxlink->commit(); } catch (Exception $e) { $dbxlink->rollBack(); showError(sprintf("Failed to update switchports: %s", $e->getMessage())); return 0; } $nsaved_downlinks = 0; if ($nsaved_uplinks) { $nsaved_downlinks = initiateUplinksReverb($vswitch['object_id'], $new_uplinks); } // instant deploy to that switch if configured $done = 0; if ($npulled + $nsaved_uplinks > 0 and getConfigVar('8021Q_INSTANT_DEPLOY') == 'yes') { try { if (FALSE === ($done = exec8021QDeploy($vswitch['object_id'], TRUE))) { showError("deploy was blocked due to conflicting configuration versions"); } elseif ($verbose) { showSuccess(sprintf("Configuration for %u port(s) have been deployed", $done)); } } catch (Exception $e) { showError(sprintf("Failed to deploy changes to switch: %s", $e->getMessage())); } } // report number of changed ports $total = $npulled + $nsaved_uplinks + $nsaved_downlinks; if ($verbose) { $message = sprintf('%u port(s) have been changed', $total); if ($total > 0) { showSuccess($message); } else { showNotice($message); } } return $total; }
/** * VALIDATE() * * Valida dados enviados em formulários automaticamente de acordo com regras * descritas nos respectivos Models. * * @param mixed $data Contém os dados para validação * @param bool $sub Para verificar Models recursivamente, não deve ser usado * externamente. * @return bool Se validar, retorna verdadeiro */ public function validate($data, $sub = false) { /** * @todo - verificar $sub * * Se $this->invalidate() já foi chamado, não limpa session. */ /** * Limpa Session */ if (!$sub && !$this->invalidated) { unset($_SESSION["Sys"]["FormHelper"]["notValidated"]); } /** * Inicializa variáveis */ $validationRules = $this->validation; $vE = array(); if (is_array($data)) { foreach ($data as $model => $campos) { /* * Model principal */ if ($model == get_class($this) and !empty($validationRules)) { /** * Campos de um formulário enviado */ foreach ($campos as $campo => $valor) { /** * Se o campo possui regras de validação */ if (array_key_exists($campo, $validationRules)) { /** * VALIDAÇÃO */ $vR = $validationRules[$campo]; /** * Uma regra somente */ if (array_key_exists("rule", $vR)) { $allRules[] = $vR; } else { if (is_array($vR)) { foreach ($vR as $subRule) { if (array_key_exists("rule", $subRule)) { $allRules[] = $subRule; } } } } $paramsToValidate = array("valor" => $valor, "model" => $this, "campo" => $campo, "vR" => $vR); /** * Com todas as regras, faz loop validando */ if (!empty($allRules) and is_array($allRules)) { foreach ($allRules as $rule) { /** * VALIDA DE FATO * * Verifica se funções de validação existem */ /** * Função de validação pré-existente */ if (is_string($rule["rule"]) and method_exists("Validation", $rule["rule"])) { $result = call_user_func("Validation::" . $rule["rule"], $valor); } elseif (is_string($rule["rule"]) and method_exists($this, $rule["rule"])) { $result = $this->{$rule["rule"]}($valor); } elseif (is_array($rule["rule"]) and method_exists("Validation", reset(array_keys($rule["rule"])))) { $result = call_user_func("Validation::" . reset(array_keys($rule["rule"])), $valor, reset(array_values($rule["rule"]))); } elseif (is_array($rule["rule"]) and method_exists($this, reset(array_keys($rule["rule"])))) { $result = $this->{reset(array_keys($rule["rule"]))}($valor, reset(array_values($rule["rule"]))); } else { if (is_array($rule["rule"])) { $inexistentRule = reset(array_keys($rule["rule"])); } elseif (is_string($rule["rule"])) { $inexistentRule = $rule["rule"]; } showError("Regra de validação <em>" . $inexistentRule . "</em> do model <em>" . get_class($this) . "</em> inexistente"); } /** * [Não validou] */ if (!$result) { /* * Session para formHelper */ /* * Pega mensagem */ if (!empty($rule["message"])) { $message = $rule["message"]; } else { if (!empty($rule["m"])) { $message = $rule["m"]; } else { if (isDebugMode()) { showWarning("Mensagem de validação do campo " . $campo . " não especificada"); } $message = "Not validated!"; } } /** * Caso seja um model-filho no * relacionamento de models */ if ($sub) { $vE[$campo] = '1'; } else { $vE[$model][$campo] = '1'; } $_SESSION["Sys"]["FormHelper"]["notValidated"][$model][$campo]["message"] = $message; } // fim [não validou] } } unset($allRules); } } // fim foreach($campos) } elseif (empty($validationRules)) { /* * Não faz nada :) */ } else { if (!$this->{$model}->validate(array($model => $campos), true)) { $vE[$model] = 0; } } } } /** * $vE: Validations Errors */ /* se já houve invalidações manuais com $this->invalidate() */ if ($this->invalidated) { return false; } /** * Se validou, retorna true */ if (!empty($vE)) { return false; } else { return true; } }
function snmpgeneric_list($object_id) { global $sg_create_noconnector_ports, $sg_known_sysObjectIDs, $sg_portoifoptions, $sg_ifType_ignore; if (isset($_POST['snmpconfig'])) { $snmpconfig = $_POST; } else { showError("Missing SNMP Config"); return; } // sg_var_dump_html($snmpconfig); echo '<body onload="document.getElementById(\'createbutton\').focus();">'; addJS('function setchecked(classname) { var boxes = document.getElementsByClassName(classname); var value = document.getElementById(classname).checked; for(i=0;i<boxes.length;i++) { if(boxes[i].disabled == false) boxes[i].checked=value; } };', TRUE); $object = spotEntity('object', $object_id); $object['attr'] = getAttrValues($object_id); $snmpdev = new mySNMP($snmpconfig['version'], $snmpconfig['host'], $snmpconfig['community']); if ($snmpconfig['version'] == "v3") { $snmpdev->setSecurity($snmpconfig['sec_level'], $snmpconfig['auth_protocol'], $snmpconfig['auth_passphrase'], $snmpconfig['priv_protocol'], $snmpconfig['priv_passphrase']); } $snmpdev->init(); if ($snmpdev->getErrno()) { showError($snmpdev->getError()); return; } /* SNMP connect successfull */ showSuccess("SNMP " . $snmpconfig['version'] . " connect to {$snmpconfig['host']} successfull"); echo '<form name=CreatePorts method=post action=' . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] . '&module=redirect&op=create>'; echo "<strong>System Informations</strong>"; echo "<table>"; // echo "<tr><th>OID</th><th>Value</th></tr>"; $systemoids = array('sysDescr', 'sysObjectID', 'sysUpTime', 'sysContact', 'sysName', 'sysLocation'); foreach ($systemoids as $shortoid) { $value = $snmpdev->{$shortoid}; if ($shortoid == 'sysUpTime') { /* in hundredths of a second */ $secs = (int) ($value / 100); $days = (int) ($secs / (60 * 60 * 24)); $secs -= $days * 60 * 60 * 24; $hours = (int) ($secs / (60 * 60)); $secs -= $hours * 60 * 60; $mins = (int) ($secs / 60); $secs -= $mins * 60; $value = "{$value} ({$days} {$hours}:{$mins}:{$secs})"; } echo "<tr><td title=\"" . $snmpdev->lastgetoid . "\" align=\"right\">{$shortoid}: </td><td>{$value}</td></tr>"; } unset($shortoid); echo "</table>"; /* sysObjectID Attributes and Ports */ $sysObjectID['object'] =& $object; /* get sysObjectID */ $sysObjectID['raw_value'] = $snmpdev->sysObjectID; //$sysObjectID['raw_value'] = 'NET-SNMP-MIB::netSnmpAgentOIDs.10'; $sysObjectID['value'] = preg_replace('/^.*enterprises\\.([\\.[:digit:]]+)$/', '\\1', $sysObjectID['raw_value']); /* try snmptranslate to numeric */ if (preg_match('/[^\\.0-9]+/', $sysObjectID['value'])) { $numeric_value = $snmpdev->translatetonumeric($sysObjectID['value']); if (!empty($numeric_value)) { showSuccess("sysObjectID: " . $sysObjectID['value'] . " translated to {$numeric_value}"); $sysObjectID['value'] = preg_replace('/^.[\\.[:digit:]]+)$/', '\\1', $numeric_value); } } /* array_merge doesn't work with numeric keys !! */ $sysObjectID['attr'] = array(); $sysObjectID['port'] = array(); $sysobjid = $sysObjectID['value']; $count = 1; while ($count) { if (isset($sg_known_sysObjectIDs[$sysobjid])) { $sysObjectID = $sysObjectID + $sg_known_sysObjectIDs[$sysobjid]; if (isset($sg_known_sysObjectIDs[$sysobjid]['attr'])) { $sysObjectID['attr'] = $sysObjectID['attr'] + $sg_known_sysObjectIDs[$sysobjid]['attr']; } if (isset($sg_known_sysObjectIDs[$sysobjid]['port'])) { $sysObjectID['port'] = $sysObjectID['port'] + $sg_known_sysObjectIDs[$sysobjid]['port']; } if (isset($sg_known_sysObjectIDs[$sysobjid]['text'])) { showSuccess("found sysObjectID ({$sysobjid}) " . $sg_known_sysObjectIDs[$sysobjid]['text']); } } $sysobjid = preg_replace('/\\.[[:digit:]]+$/', '', $sysobjid, 1, $count); /* add default sysobjectid */ if ($count == 0 && $sysobjid != 'default') { $sysobjid = 'default'; $count = 1; } } $sysObjectID['vendor_number'] = $sysobjid; /* device pf */ if (isset($sysObjectID['pf'])) { foreach ($sysObjectID['pf'] as $function) { if (function_exists($function)) { /* call device pf */ $function($snmpdev, $sysObjectID, NULL); } else { showWarning("Missing processor function " . $function . " for device {$sysobjid}"); } } } /* sort attributes maintain numeric keys */ ksort($sysObjectID['attr']); /* DEBUG */ //sg_var_dump_html($sysObjectID['attr'], "Before processing"); /* needs PHP >= 5 foreach call by reference */ /* php 5.1.6 doesn't seem to work */ //foreach($sysObjectID['attr'] as $attr_id => &$attr) foreach ($sysObjectID['attr'] as $attr_id => $value) { $attr =& $sysObjectID['attr'][$attr_id]; if (isset($object['attr'][$attr_id])) { if (array_key_exists('key', $object['attr'][$attr_id])) { $attr['key'] = $object['attr'][$attr_id]['key']; } switch (TRUE) { case isset($attr['pf']): if (function_exists($attr['pf'])) { $attr['pf']($snmpdev, $sysObjectID, $attr_id); } else { showWarning("Missing processor function " . $attr['pf'] . " for attribute {$attr_id}"); } break; case isset($attr['oid']): $attrvalue = $snmpdev->get($attr['oid']); if (isset($attr['regex'])) { $regex = $attr['regex']; if (isset($attr['replacement'])) { $replacement = $attr['replacement']; $attrvalue = preg_replace($regex, $replacement, $attrvalue); } else { if (!preg_match($regex, $attrvalue)) { if (!isset($attr['uncheck'])) { $attr['uncheck'] = "regex doesn't match"; } } else { unset($attr['uncheck']); } } } $attr['value'] = $attrvalue; break; case isset($attr['value']): break; default: showError("Error handling attribute id: {$attr_id}"); } } else { showWarning("Object has no attribute id: {$attr_id}"); unset($sysObjectID['attr'][$attr_id]); } } unset($attr_id); /* sort again in case there where attribs added ,maintain numeric keys */ ksort($sysObjectID['attr']); /* print attributes */ echo '<br>Attributes<br><table>'; echo '<tr><th><input type="checkbox" id="attribute" checked="checked" onclick="setchecked("></td>'; echo '<th>Name</th><th>Current Value</th><th>new value</th></tr>'; /* DEBUG */ //sg_var_dump_html($sysObjectID['attr'], "After processing"); foreach ($sysObjectID['attr'] as $attr_id => &$attr) { $attr['id'] = $attr_id; if (isset($object['attr'][$attr_id]) && isset($attr['value'])) { if ($attr['value'] == $object['attr'][$attr_id]['value']) { $attr['uncheck'] = 'Current = new value'; } if (isset($attr['key']) && isset($object['attr'][$attr_id]['key'])) { if ($attr['key'] == $object['attr'][$attr_id]['key']) { $attr['uncheck'] = 'Current = new key'; } } $value = $attr['value']; $val_key = isset($object['attr'][$attr_id]['key']) ? ' (' . $object['attr'][$attr_id]['key'] . ')' : ''; $comment = ''; if (isset($attr['comment'])) { if (!empty($attr['comment'])) { $comment = $attr['comment']; } } if (isset($attr['uncheck'])) { $checked = ''; $comment .= ', ' . $attr['uncheck']; } else { $checked = ' checked="checked"'; } $updateattrcheckbox = '<b style="background-color:#00ff00">' . '<input style="background-color:#00ff00" class="attribute" type="checkbox" name="updateattr[' . $attr_id . ']" value="' . $value . '"' . $checked . '></b>'; $comment = trim($comment, ', '); echo "<tr><td>{$updateattrcheckbox}</td><td title=\"id: {$attr_id}\">" . $object['attr'][$attr_id]['name'] . '</td><td style="background-color:#d8d8d8">' . $object['attr'][$attr_id]['value'] . $val_key . '</td><td>' . $value . '</td>' . '<td style="color:#888888">' . $comment . '</td></tr>'; } } unset($attr_id); echo '</table>'; $object['breed'] = sg_detectDeviceBreedByObject($sysObjectID); if (!empty($object['breed'])) { echo "Found Breed: " . $object['breed'] . "<br>"; } /* ports */ /* get ports */ amplifyCell($object); /* set array key to lowercase port name */ foreach ($object['ports'] as $key => $values) { $object['ports'][strtolower(shortenIfName($values['name'], $object['breed']))] = $values; unset($object['ports'][$key]); } $newporttypeoptions = getNewPortTypeOptions(); // sg_var_dump_html($sysObjectID['port']); if (!empty($sysObjectID['port'])) { echo '<br>Vendor / Device specific ports<br>'; echo '<table><tr><th><input type="checkbox" id="moreport" checked="checked" onclick="setchecked("></th><th>ifName</th><th>porttypeid</th></tr>'; foreach ($sysObjectID['port'] as $name => $port) { if (array_key_exists(strtolower($name), $object['ports'])) { $disableport = TRUE; } else { $disableport = FALSE; } $comment = ''; if (isset($port['comment'])) { if (!empty($port['comment'])) { $comment = $port['comment']; } } if (isset($port['uncheck'])) { $checked = ''; $comment .= ', ' . $port['uncheck']; } else { $checked = ' checked="checked"'; } $portcreatecheckbox = '<b style="background-color:' . ($disableport ? '#ff0000' : '#00ff00') . '"><input style="background-color:' . ($disableport ? '#ff0000' : '#00ff00') . '" class="moreport" type="checkbox" name="portcreate[' . $name . ']" value="' . $name . '"' . ($disableport ? ' disabled="disbaled"' : $checked) . '></b>'; $formfield = '<input type="hidden" name="ifName[' . $name . ']" value="' . $name . '">'; echo "<tr>{$formfield}<td>{$portcreatecheckbox}</td><td>{$name}</td>"; if (isset($port['disabled'])) { $disabledselect = array('disabled' => "disabled"); } else { $disabledselect = array(); } foreach ($port as $key => $value) { if ($key == 'uncheck' || $key == 'comment') { continue; } /* TODO iif_name */ if ($key == 'porttypeid') { $displayvalue = getNiftySelect($newporttypeoptions, array('name' => "porttypeid[{$name}]") + $disabledselect, $value); } else { $displayvalue = $value; } $formfield = '<input type="hidden" name="' . $key . '[' . $name . ']" value="' . $value . '">'; echo "{$formfield}<td>{$displayvalue}</td>"; } $comment = trim($comment, ', '); echo "<td style=\"color:#888888\">{$comment}</td></tr>"; } unset($name); unset($port); echo '</table>'; } /* snmp ports */ $ifsnmp = new ifSNMP($snmpdev); // needed for shortenIfName() $ifsnmp->object_breed = $object['breed']; /* ip spaces */ $ipspace = NULL; foreach ($ifsnmp->ipaddress as $ifindex => $ipaddresses) { foreach ($ipaddresses as $ipaddr => $value) { $addrtype = $value['addrtype']; $netaddr = $value['net']; $maskbits = $value['maskbits']; $netid = NULL; $linklocal = FALSE; //echo "<br> - DEBUG: ipspace $ipaddr - $netaddr - $addrtype - $maskbits<br>"; /* check for ip space */ switch ($addrtype) { case 'ipv4': case 'ipv4z': if ($maskbits == 32) { $netid = 'host'; } else { $netid = getIPv4AddressNetworkId(ip_parse($ipaddr)); } break; case 'ipv6': if (ip_checkparse($ipaddr) === false) { /* format ipaddr for ip6_parse */ $ipaddr = preg_replace('/((..):(..))/', '\\2\\3', $ipaddr); $ipaddr = preg_replace('/%.*$/', '', $ipaddr); } if (ip_checkparse($ipaddr) === false) { continue 2; } // 2 because of switch $ip6_bin = ip6_parse($ipaddr); $ip6_addr = ip_format($ip6_bin); $netid = getIPv6AddressNetworkId($ip6_bin); $node = constructIPRange($ip6_bin, $maskbits); $netaddr = $node['ip']; $linklocal = substr($ip6_addr, 0, 5) == "fe80:"; //echo "<br> - DEBUG: ipspace $ipaddr - $addrtype - $maskbits - $netaddr - >$linklocal<<br>"; break; case 'ipv6z': /* link local */ $netid = 'ignore'; break; default: } if (empty($netid) && $netaddr != '::1' && $netaddr != '' && $netaddr != '' && $netaddr != '' && !$linklocal) { $netaddr .= "/{$maskbits}"; $ipspace[$netaddr] = array('addrtype' => $addrtype, 'checked' => $maskbits > 0 ? true : false); } } unset($ipaddr); unset($value); unset($addrtype); } unset($ifindex); unset($ipaddresses); /* print ip spaces table */ if (!empty($ipspace)) { echo '<br><br>Create IP Spaces'; echo '<table><tr><th><input type="checkbox" id="ipspace" onclick="setchecked(" checked=\\"checked\\"></th>'; echo '<th>Type</th><th>prefix</th><th>name</th><th width=150 title="reserve network and router addresses">reserve network / router addresses</th></tr>'; $i = 1; foreach ($ipspace as $prefix => $ipspace) { $netcreatecheckbox = '<b style="background-color:#00ff00">' . '<input class="ipspace" style="background-color:#00ff00" type="checkbox" name="netcreate[' . $i . ']" value="' . $ipspace['addrtype'] . '"' . ($ipspace['checked'] ? ' checked=\\"checked\\"' : '') . '></b>'; $netprefixfield = '<input type="text" size=50 name="netprefix[' . $i . ']" value="' . $prefix . '">'; $netnamefield = '<input type="text" name="netname[' . $i . ']">'; $netreservecheckbox = '<input type="checkbox" name="netreserve[' . $i . ']" checked="checked">'; echo "<tr><td>{$netcreatecheckbox}</td><td style=\"color:#888888\">{$ipspace['addrtype']}</td><td>{$netprefixfield}</td><td>{$netnamefield}</td><td>{$netreservecheckbox}</td></tr>"; $i++; } unset($prefix); unset($addrtype); unset($i); echo '</table>'; } echo "<br><br>ifNumber: " . $ifsnmp->ifNumber . "<br>indexcount: " . $ifsnmp->indexcount . "<br><table><tbody valign=\"top\">"; $portcompat = getPortInterfaceCompat(); $ipnets = array(); $ifsnmp->printifInfoTableHeader("<th>add ip</th><th>add port</th><th>upd label</th><th title=\"update mac\">upd mac</th><td>upd port type</th><th>porttypeid</th><th>comment</th></tr>"); echo '<tr><td colspan="11"></td> <td><input type="checkbox" id="ipaddr" onclick="setchecked(;" checked="checked">IPv4<br> <input type="checkbox" id="ipv6addr" onclick="setchecked(;" checked="checked">IPv6</td> <td><input type="checkbox" id="ports" onclick="setchecked("></td> <td><input type="checkbox" id="label" onclick="setchecked(;" checked="checked"></td> <td><input type="checkbox" id="mac" onclick="setchecked(;" checked="checked"></td> <td><input type="checkbox" id="porttype" onclick="setchecked(;"></td></tr>'; foreach ($ifsnmp as $if) { $createport = TRUE; $disableport = FALSE; $ignoreport = FALSE; $port_info = NULL; $updatelabel = false; $updateporttype = false; $updatemaccheckbox = ''; $hrefs = array(); $comment = ""; if (trim($ifsnmp->ifName($if)) == '') { $comment .= "no ifName"; $createport = FALSE; } else { if (array_key_exists($ifsnmp->ifName($if), $object['ports'])) { $port_info =& $object['ports'][$ifsnmp->ifName($if)]; $comment .= "Name exists"; /* ifalias change */ if ($port_info['label'] != $ifsnmp->ifAlias($if)) { $updatelabel = true; } $createport = FALSE; $disableport = TRUE; } } if ($ifsnmp->ifPhysAddress($if) != '') { $ifPhysAddress = $ifsnmp->ifPhysAddress($if); $l2port = sg_checkL2Address($ifPhysAddress); if (!empty($l2port)) { $l2object_id = key($l2port); $porthref = makeHref(array('page' => 'object', 'tab' => 'ports', 'object_id' => $l2object_id, 'hl_port_id' => $l2port[$l2object_id])); $comment .= ", L2Address exists"; $hrefs['ifPhysAddress'] = $porthref; $createport = FALSE; // $disableport = TRUE; $updatemaccheckbox = ''; } $disablemac = true; if ($disableport) { if ($port_info !== NULL) { if (str_replace(':', '', $port_info['l2address']) != $ifPhysAddress) { $disablemac = false; } else { $disablemac = true; } } } else { /* port create always updates mac */ $updatemaccheckbox = '<b style="background-color:#00ff00">' . '<input style="background-color:' . '#00ff00" type="checkbox"' . ' checked="checked"' . ' disabled=\\"disabled\\"></b>'; } if (!$disablemac) { $updatemaccheckbox = '<b style="background-color:' . ($disablemac ? '#ff0000' : '#00ff00') . '">' . '<input class="mac" style="background-color:' . ($disablemac ? '#ff0000' : '#00ff00') . '" type="checkbox" name="updatemac[' . $if . ']" value="' . $object['ports'][$ifsnmp->ifName($if)]['id'] . '" checked="checked"' . ($disablemac ? ' disabled=\\"disabled\\"' : '') . '></b>'; } } $porttypeid = guessRToif_id($ifsnmp->ifType($if), $ifsnmp->ifDescr($if)); if (in_array($ifsnmp->ifType($if), $sg_ifType_ignore)) { $comment .= ", ignore if type"; $createport = FALSE; $ignoreport = TRUE; } else { if ($port_info) { $ptid = $port_info['iif_id'] . "-" . $port_info['oif_id']; if ($porttypeid != $ptid) { $comment .= ", Update Type {$ptid} -> {$porttypeid}"; $updateporttype = true; } } } /* ignore ports without an Connector */ if (!$sg_create_noconnector_ports && $ifsnmp->ifConnectorPresent($if) == 2) { $comment .= ", no Connector"; $createport = FALSE; } /* Allocate IPs ipv4 and ipv6 */ $ipaddresses = $ifsnmp->ipaddress($if); if (!empty($ipaddresses)) { $ipaddrcell = '<table>'; foreach ($ipaddresses as $ipaddr => $value) { $createipaddr = FALSE; $disableipaddr = FALSE; $ipaddrhref = ''; $linklocal = FALSE; $addrtype = $value['addrtype']; $maskbits = $value['maskbits']; $bcast = $value['bcast']; //echo "<br> - DEBUG: ip $ipaddr - $addrtype - $maskbits - $bcast<br>"; switch ($addrtype) { case 'ipv4z': case 'ipv4': if ($maskbits == 32) { $bcast = "host"; } $inputname = 'ip'; break; case 'ipv6z': $disableipaddr = TRUE; case 'ipv6': $inputname = 'ipv6'; if (ip_checkparse($ipaddr) === false) { /* format ipaddr for ip6_parse */ $ipaddr = preg_replace('/((..):(..))/', '\\2\\3', $ipaddr); $ipaddr = preg_replace('/%.*$/', '', $ipaddr); } if (ip_checkparse($ipaddr) === false) { continue 2; } // 2 because of switch /* ip_parse throws exception on parse errors */ $ip6_bin = ip_parse($ipaddr); $ipaddr = ip_format($ip6_bin); $node = constructIPRange($ip6_bin, $maskbits); $linklocal = $node['ip'] == 'fe80::'; $createipaddr = FALSE; break; } //switch $address = getIPAddress(ip_parse($ipaddr)); /* only if ip not already allocated */ if (empty($address['allocs'])) { if (!$ignoreport) { $createipaddr = TRUE; } } else { $disableipaddr = TRUE; $ipobject_id = $address['allocs'][0]['object_id']; $ipaddrhref = makeHref(array('page' => 'object', 'object_id' => $ipobject_id, 'hl_ipv4_addr' => $ipaddr)); } /* reserved addresses */ if ($address['reserved'] == 'yes') { $comment .= ', ' . $address['ip'] . ' reserved ' . $address['name']; $createipaddr = FALSE; // $disableipaddr = TRUE; } if ($ipaddr == '' || $ipaddr == '' || $ipaddr == '::1' || $ipaddr == '::' || $linklocal) { $createipaddr = FALSE; $disableipaddr = TRUE; } if ($ipaddr === $bcast) { $comment .= ", {$ipaddr} broadcast"; $createipaddr = FALSE; $disableipaddr = TRUE; } if (!$disableipaddr) { $ipaddrcheckbox = '<b style="background-color:' . ($disableipaddr ? '#ff0000' : '#00ff00') . '"><input class="' . $inputname . 'addr" style="background-color:' . ($disableipaddr ? '#ff0000' : '#00ff00') . '" type="checkbox" name="' . $inputname . 'addrcreate[' . $ipaddr . ']" value="' . $if . '"' . ($disableipaddr ? ' disabled="disabled"' : '') . ($createipaddr ? ' checked="checked"' : '') . '></b>'; } else { $ipaddrcheckbox = ''; } $ipaddrcell .= "<tr><td>{$ipaddrcheckbox}</td>"; if (!empty($ipaddrhref)) { $ipaddrcell .= "<td><a href={$ipaddrhref}>{$ipaddr}/{$maskbits}</a></td></tr>"; } else { $ipaddrcell .= "<td>{$ipaddr}/{$maskbits}</td></tr>"; } } // foreach unset($ipaddr); unset($value); $ipaddrcell .= '</table>'; // if(!empty($ipaddresses)) } else { $ipaddrcreatecheckbox = ''; $ipaddrcell = ''; } /* checkboxes for add port and add ip */ /* FireFox needs <b style=..>, IE and Opera work with <td style=..> */ if (!$disableport) { $portcreatecheckbox = '<b style="background-color:' . ($disableport ? '#ff0000' : '#00ff00') . '"><input class="ports" style="background-color:' . ($disableport ? '#ff0000' : '#00ff00') . '" type="checkbox" name="portcreate[' . $if . ']" value="' . $if . '"' . ($disableport ? ' disabled="disbaled"' : '') . ($createport ? ' checked="checked"' : '') . '></b>'; } else { $portcreatecheckbox = ''; } /* port type id */ /* add port type to newporttypeoptions if missing */ if (strpos(serialize($newporttypeoptions), $porttypeid) === FALSE) { $portids = explode('-', $porttypeid); $oif_name = $sg_portoifoptions[$portids[1]]; $newporttypeoptions['auto'] = array($porttypeid => "*{$oif_name}"); } $selectoptions = array('name' => "porttypeid[{$if}]"); if ($disableport && !$updateporttype) { $selectoptions['disabled'] = "disabled"; } $updateporttypecheckbox = ""; if ($updateporttype) { $updateporttypecheckbox = '<b style="background-color:#00ff00;">' . '<input class="porttype" style="background-color:#00ff00;" type="checkbox" name="updateporttype[' . $if . ']" value="' . $port_info['id'] . '"></b>'; } $porttypeidselect = getNiftySelect($newporttypeoptions, $selectoptions, $porttypeid); $updatelabelcheckbox = ""; if ($updatelabel) { $updatelabelcheckbox = '<b style="background-color:#00ff00;">' . '<input class="label" style="background-color:#00ff00;" type="checkbox" name="updatelabel[' . $if . ']" value="' . $port_info['id'] . ($updatelabel ? '" checked="checked"' : '') . '></b>'; } $comment = trim($comment, ', '); $ifsnmp->printifInfoTableRow($if, "<td>{$ipaddrcell}</td><td>{$portcreatecheckbox}</td><td>{$updatelabelcheckbox}</td><td>{$updatemaccheckbox}</td><td>{$updateporttypecheckbox}</td><td>{$porttypeidselect}</td><td nowrap=\"nowrap\">{$comment}</td>", $hrefs); } unset($if); /* preserve snmpconfig */ foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) { echo '<input type=hidden name=' . $key . ' value=' . $value . ' />'; } unset($key); unset($value); echo '<tr><td colspan=15 align="right"><p><input id="createbutton" type=submit value="Create Ports and IPs" onclick="return confirm(\'Create selected items?\')"></p></td></tr></tbody></table></form>'; }
function handlePackageError($error) { showWarning($error['description']); $actionList = $error['actions']; $actionList = getExtraActions($actionList); showPackageActions($actionList); $actions = array_keys($actionList); $actions = '[' . implode('], [', $actions) . ']'; $userInput = getUserInput(" Plese choose one of the following actions( {$actions} ): "); return $userInput; }
postInstallAdminSiteaccessINIUpdate($params); postInstallUserSiteaccessINIUpdate($params); createTranslationSiteAccesses($params); // updateTemplateLookClassAttributes() and updateTemplateLookObjectAttributes(); $classIdentifier = 'template_look'; $newAttributeIdArr = expandClass($classIdentifier); foreach ($newAttributeIdArr as $id) { updateObject($classIdentifier, $id); } $templateLookData = templateLookObjectData($params); $siteInstaller->updateContentObjectAttributes(array('object_id' => $webinInstaller->setting('template_look_object_id'), 'attributes_data' => $templateLookData)); $siteInstaller->swapNodes(array('src_node' => array('name' => "eZ Publish"), 'dst_node' => array('name' => "Home"))); $siteInstaller->removeContentObject(array('name' => 'eZ Publish')); $webinInstaller->postInstall(); } // // Output installation status. // showMessage2('Installation complete.'); showMessage('URLs to access eZWebin sites:'); foreach ($siteaccessUrls as $siteaccessType => $siteaccessInfo) { showMessage(" {$siteaccessType}:"); foreach ($siteaccessInfo as $siteaccessName => $urlInfo) { showMessage(" {$siteaccessName}: " . $urlInfo['url']); } } } else { showWarning("Unable to find installation script dir."); } } $script->shutdown(0, 'Done');
function queryTerminal($object_id, $commands, $tolerate_remote_errors = TRUE) { $objectInfo = spotEntity('object', $object_id); $endpoints = findAllEndpoints($object_id, $objectInfo['name']); if (count($endpoints) == 0) { throw new RTGatewayError('no management address set'); } if (count($endpoints) > 1) { throw new RTGatewayError('cannot pick management address'); } // telnet prompt and mode specification switch ($breed = detectDeviceBreed($object_id)) { case 'ios12': case 'fdry5': case 'ftos8': $protocol = 'netcat'; // default is netcat mode $prompt = '^(Login|Username|Password): $|^\\S+[>#]$'; // set the prompt in case user would like to specify telnet protocol break; case 'air12': $protocol = 'telnet'; # Aironet IOS is broken $prompt = '^(Username|Password): $|^\\S+[>#]$'; break; case 'vrp53': case 'vrp55': $protocol = 'telnet'; $prompt = '^\\[[^[\\]]+\\]$|^<[^<>]+>$|^(Username|Password):$|(?:\\[Y\\/N\\]|\\(Y\\/N\\)\\[[YN]\\]):?$'; break; case 'nxos4': $protocol = 'telnet'; $prompt = '(^([Ll]ogin|[Pp]assword):|[>#]) $'; break; case 'xos12': $protocol = 'telnet'; $prompt = ': $|\\.\\d+ # $|\\?\\s*\\([Yy]\\/[Nn]\\)\\s*$'; break; case 'jun10': $protocol = 'telnet'; $prompt = '^login: $|^Password:$|^\\S+@\\S+[>#] $'; break; case 'eos4': $protocol = 'telnet'; # strict RFC854 implementation, netcat won't work $prompt = '^(\\xf2?login|Username|Password): $|^\\S+[>#]$'; break; case 'ros11': $protocol = 'netcat'; # see ftos8 case $prompt = '^(User Name|\\rPassword):$|^\\r?\\S+# $'; break; case 'iosxr4': $protocol = 'telnet'; $prompt = '^\\r?(Login|Username|Password): $|^\\r?\\S+[>#]$'; break; case 'ucs': $protocol = 'ucssdk'; break; default: $protocol = 'netcat'; $prompt = NULL; } // set the default settings before calling user-defined callback $settings = array('hostname' => $endpoints[0], 'protocol' => $protocol, 'port' => NULL, 'prompt' => $prompt, 'username' => NULL, 'password' => NULL, 'timeout' => 15, 'connect_timeout' => 2, 'prompt_delay' => 0.001, 'sudo_user' => NULL, 'identity_file' => NULL); if (is_callable('terminal_settings')) { call_user_func('terminal_settings', $objectInfo, array(&$settings)); } // override settings if (!isset($settings['port']) and $settings['protocol'] == 'netcat') { $settings['port'] = 23; } $params = array($settings['hostname']); $params_from_settings = array(); switch ($settings['protocol']) { case 'telnet': case 'netcat': // prepend command list with vendor-specific disabling pager command switch ($breed) { case 'ios12': $commands = "terminal length 0\n" . $commands; break; case 'nxos4': case 'air12': case 'ftos8': $commands = "terminal length 0\nterminal no monitor\n" . $commands; break; case 'xos12': $commands = "disable clipaging\n" . $commands; break; case 'vrp55': $commands = "screen-length 0 temporary\n" . $commands; break; case 'fdry5': $commands = "skip-page-display\n" . $commands; break; case 'jun10': $commands = "set cli screen-length 0\n" . $commands; break; case 'eos4': $commands = "enable\nno terminal monitor\nterminal length 0\n" . $commands; break; case 'ros11': $commands = "terminal datadump\n" . $commands; $commands .= "\n\n"; # temporary workaround for telnet server break; case 'iosxr4': $commands = "terminal length 0\nterminal monitor disable\n" . $commands; break; case 'dlink': $commands = "disable clipaging\n" . $commands; break; } // prepend telnet commands by credentials if (isset($settings['password'])) { $commands = $settings['password'] . "\n" . $commands; } if (isset($settings['username'])) { $commands = $settings['username'] . "\n" . $commands; } // command-line options are specific to client: telnet or netcat switch ($settings['protocol']) { case 'telnet': $params_from_settings['port'] = 'port'; $params_from_settings['prompt'] = 'prompt'; $params_from_settings['connect-timeout'] = 'connect_timeout'; $params_from_settings['timeout'] = 'timeout'; $params_from_settings['prompt-delay'] = 'prompt_delay'; break; case 'netcat': $params_from_settings['p'] = 'port'; $params_from_settings['w'] = 'timeout'; $params_from_settings['b'] = 'ncbin'; break; } break; case 'ssh': $params_from_settings['port'] = 'port'; $params_from_settings['proto'] = 'proto'; $params_from_settings['username'] = '******'; $params_from_settings['i'] = 'identity_file'; $params_from_settings['sudo-user'] = '******'; $params_from_settings['connect-timeout'] = 'connect_timeout'; break; case 'ucssdk': # remote XML through a Python backend $params = array(); # reset # UCS in its current implementation besides the terminal_settings() provides # an additional username/password feed through the HTML from. Whenever the # user provides the credentials through the form, use these instead of the # credentials [supposedly] set by terminal_settings(). if ($script_mode != TRUE && !isCheckSet('use_terminal_settings')) { genericAssertion('ucs_login', 'string'); genericAssertion('ucs_password', 'string'); $settings['username'] = $_REQUEST['ucs_login']; $settings['password'] = $_REQUEST['ucs_password']; } foreach (array('hostname', 'username', 'password') as $item) { if (empty($settings[$item])) { throw new RTGatewayError("{$item} not available, check terminal_settings()"); } } $commands = "login {$settings['hostname']} {$settings['username']} {$settings['password']}\n" . $commands; break; default: throw RTGatewayError("Invalid terminal protocol '{$settings['protocol']}' specified"); } foreach ($params_from_settings as $param_name => $setting_name) { if (isset($settings[$setting_name])) { if (is_int($param_name)) { $params[] = $settings[$setting_name]; } else { $params[$param_name] = $settings[$setting_name]; } } } callHook('alterTerminalParams', $object_id, $tolerate_remote_errors, array(&$settings['protocol']), array(&$params)); $ret_code = callScript($settings['protocol'], $params, $commands, $out, $errors); if ($settings['protocol'] != 'ssh' || !$tolerate_remote_errors) { if (!empty($errors)) { throw new RTGatewayError("{$settings['protocol']} error: " . rtrim($errors)); } elseif ($ret_code !== 0) { throw new RTGatewayError("{$settings['protocol']} error: result code {$ret_code}"); } } elseif (!empty($errors)) { // ssh and tolerate and non-empty $errors foreach (explode("\n", $errors) as $line) { if (strlen($line)) { showWarning("{$settings['protocol']} {$settings['hostname']}: {$line}"); } } } return strtr($out, array("\r" => "")); // cut ^M symbols }
<?php $timeStart = microtime(true); session_start(); ob_start(); if (empty($_SESSION)) { exit(header("Location: ../../index.php")); } require_once $_SESSION['File_Root'] . '/Kernel/Include.php'; require_once $_SESSION['File_Root'] . '/HTML/Header.php'; require_once 'Functions/SQL.php'; redirectToLogin($accountID, $linkRoot); redirectToBattle($verifyBattle, $linkRoot); ?> <br> <div class="panel panel-warning"> <div class="panel-heading"></div> <div class="panel-body"> <?php if ($totalWarning > 0) { showWarning($bdd, $accountID); } else { echo $warning2; } ?> </div> </div> <?php require_once $_SESSION['File_Root'] . '/HTML/Footer.php';
function queryTerminal($object_id, $commands, $tolerate_remote_errors = TRUE) { $objectInfo = spotEntity('object', $object_id); $endpoints = findAllEndpoints($object_id, $objectInfo['name']); if (count($endpoints) == 0) { throw new RTGatewayError('no management address set'); } if (count($endpoints) > 1) { throw new RTGatewayError('cannot pick management address'); } // telnet prompt and mode specification switch ($breed = detectDeviceBreed($object_id)) { case 'ios12': case 'ftos8': $protocol = 'netcat'; // default is netcat mode $prompt = '^(Login|[Uu]sername|Password): $|^\\S+[>#]$|\\[[^][]*\\]\\? $'; // set the prompt in case user would like to specify telnet protocol $commands = "terminal length 0\nterminal no monitor\n" . $commands; break; case 'air12': $protocol = 'telnet'; # Aironet IOS is broken $prompt = '^(Username|Password): $|^\\S+[>#]$'; $commands = "terminal length 0\nterminal no monitor\n" . $commands; break; case 'fdry5': $protocol = 'netcat'; // default is netcat mode $prompt = '^(Login|Username|Password): $|^\\S+[>#]$'; // set the prompt in case user would like to specify telnet protocol $commands = "skip-page-display\n" . $commands; break; case 'vrp55': case 'vrp85': $commands = "screen-length 0 temporary\n" . $commands; /* fall-through */ /* fall-through */ case 'vrp53': $protocol = 'telnet'; $prompt = '^\\[[^[\\]]+\\]$|^<[^<>]+>$|^(Username|Password):$|\\[[Yy][^\\[\\]]*\\]\\s*:?\\s*$'; break; case 'nxos4': $protocol = 'telnet'; $prompt = '(^([Ll]ogin|[Pp]assword):|[>#]) $'; $commands = "terminal length 0\nterminal no monitor\n" . $commands; break; case 'xos12': $protocol = 'telnet'; $prompt = ': $|\\.\\d+ # $|\\?\\s*\\([Yy]\\/[Nn]\\)\\s*$'; $commands = "disable clipaging\n" . $commands; break; case 'jun10': $protocol = 'telnet'; $prompt = '^login: $|^Password:$|^\\S+@\\S+[>#] $'; $commands = "set cli screen-length 0\n" . $commands; break; case 'eos4': $protocol = 'telnet'; # strict RFC854 implementation, netcat won't work $prompt = '^\\xf2?(login|Username|Password): $|^\\S+[>#]$'; $commands = "enable\nno terminal monitor\nterminal length 0\n" . $commands; break; case 'ros11': $protocol = 'netcat'; # see ftos8 case $prompt = '^(User Name|\\rPassword):$|^\\r?\\S+# $'; $commands = "terminal datadump\n" . $commands; $commands .= "\n\n"; # temporary workaround for telnet server break; case 'iosxr4': $protocol = 'telnet'; $prompt = '^\\r?(Login|Username|Password): $|^\\r?\\S+[>#]$'; $commands = "terminal length 0\nterminal monitor disable\n" . $commands; break; case 'ucs': $protocol = 'ucssdk'; break; case 'dlink': $protocol = 'netcat'; $commands = "disable clipaging\n" . $commands; break; } if (!isset($protocol)) { $protocol = 'netcat'; } if (!isset($prompt)) { $prompt = NULL; } // set the default settings before calling user-defined callback $settings = array('hostname' => $endpoints[0], 'protocol' => $protocol, 'port' => NULL, 'prompt' => $prompt, 'username' => NULL, 'password' => NULL, 'timeout' => 15, 'connect_timeout' => 2, 'prompt_delay' => 0.001, 'sudo_user' => NULL, 'identity_file' => NULL); // override default settings if (is_callable('terminal_settings')) { call_user_func('terminal_settings', $objectInfo, array(&$settings)); } // make gateway-specific CLI params out of settings $params = callHook('makeGatewayParams', $object_id, $tolerate_remote_errors, array(&$settings), array(&$commands)); // call gateway $ret_code = callScript($settings['protocol'], $params, $commands, $out, $errors); if ($settings['protocol'] != 'ssh' || !$tolerate_remote_errors) { if (!empty($errors)) { throw new RTGatewayError("{$settings['protocol']} error: " . rtrim($errors)); } elseif ($ret_code !== 0) { throw new RTGatewayError("{$settings['protocol']} error: result code {$ret_code}"); } } elseif (!empty($errors)) { // ssh and tolerate and non-empty $errors foreach (explode("\n", $errors) as $line) { if (strlen($line)) { showWarning("{$settings['protocol']} {$settings['hostname']}: {$line}"); } } } return strtr($out, array("\r" => "")); // cut ^M symbols }
mkdir($sessdir, 0777); } ini_set('session.save_path', $sessdir); function ae_nocache() { header("Expires: Tue, 03 Jul 2001 06:00:00 GMT"); header("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") . " GMT"); header("Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, max-age=0"); header("Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0", false); header("Pragma: no-cache"); } ae_nocache(); session_start(); ini_set('display_errors', 1); require_once "../auth.lib.php"; require_once "../"; mysqlConnect(); if (!checkSessionAuth()) { showWarning(1); exit(1); } if (isLevelCompleted($LEVELNAME)) { showWarning(2); exit(1); } $USERLOGGEDIN = true; updateUserAttempt($LEVELNAME); $LEVELPOINTS = getLevelPoints($LEVELNAME); ?>
function _printportlink($src_port_id, $dst_port_id, &$dst_link, $back = FALSE) { global $lm_multilink_port_types; $multilink = LM_MULTILINK; if (!isset($this->list[$dst_port_id])) { /* get port not in list */ // echo "<td>AHHH $src_port_id $dst_port_id --> $back</td>"; // echo "<td>load".$this->var_dump_html($dst_link)." tree</td>"; // echo "<td>".$dst_link['cable']." ".$dst_link['name']."</td><td>not displayed</td>"; if ($back) { echo "<td>></td>"; } // TODO check if multilink is needed here $this->printport($dst_link, $multilink && in_array($dst_link['type'], $lm_multilink_port_types)); echo "<td>...</td>"; return TRUE; // $this->_getportlist($this->list[$src_port_id], $back, !$back); } $dst_port = $this->list[$dst_port_id]; $object_id = $dst_port['object_id']; $obj_name = $dst_port['obj_name']; if ($obj_name == NULL) { $tmpobj = spotEntity('object', $dst_port['object_id']); $dst_port['obj_name'] = $tmpobj['dname']; $obj_name = $tmpobj['dname']; } $loop = FALSE; $edgeport = $dst_link == NULL || empty($dst_port['front']) || empty($dst_port['back']); if ($back) { $linktype = 'back'; } else { $linktype = 'front'; } $sameobject = FALSE; if (isset($dst_link['loop'])) { $loop = TRUE; } if ($dst_link != NULL) { $src_object_id = $this->list[$src_port_id]['object_id']; if (!$this->allback && $object_id == $src_object_id && $back) { $sameobject = TRUE; } else { $this->printlink($src_port_id, $dst_link, $linktype); } } else { $this->_printlinkportsymbol($dst_port_id, $linktype); $edgeport = true; if (!$back) { $this->printcomment($dst_port); } } if ($back) { if (!$sameobject) { $this->printobject($object_id, $obj_name); } echo "<td>></td>"; /* align ports nicely */ if ($dst_port['id'] == $this->port_id) { echo '</td></tr></table id=printportlink1></td><td><table align=left><tr>'; } } /* print [portname] */ // TODO check multilink symbols front/back edgeports $this->printport($dst_port, $multilink && in_array($dst_port['type'], $lm_multilink_port_types)); if ($loop) { echo '<td bgcolor=#ff9966>LOOP</td>'; } if (!$back) { /* align ports nicely */ if ($dst_port['id'] == $this->port_id) { echo '</td></tr></table id=printportlink2></td><td><table align=left><tr>'; } echo "<td><</td>"; $this->printobject($object_id, $obj_name); if (empty($dst_port['back'])) { $this->_printlinkportsymbol($dst_port_id, 'back'); } } else { if (empty($dst_port['front'])) { $this->printcomment($dst_port); $this->_printlinkportsymbol($dst_port_id, 'front'); } } if ($loop) { if (isset($dst_link['loopmaxcount'])) { $reason = " (MAX LOOP COUNT reached)"; } else { $reason = ''; } showWarning("Possible Loop on Port ({$linktype}) " . $dst_port['name'] . $reason); return FALSE; } return TRUE; }
$ver = trim($recent['version']); $uri = trim($recent['uri']); $msg = trim($recent['message']); if ($pretty) { $out .= '<ul> <li>Your version: <strong>' . $version . '</strong></li> <li>Latest version: <strong>' . $ver . '</strong></li> <li> </li>'; if ($recent['is_testing']) { $out .= '<li><strong>There is a newer testing version of Froxlor available, please update.</strong></li>'; } else { $out .= '<li><strong>There is a newer version of Froxlor available, please update.</strong></li>'; } if ($uri != '') { $out .= '<li> </li> <li><a href="' . $uri . '">' . $uri . '</a></li>'; } if ($msg != '') { $out .= '<li> </li> <li>Info: ' . $msg . '</li>'; } $out .= '</ul>'; showWarning($out); } else { echo $ver . '|' . $uri . '|' . $msg; } } } if ($pretty) { echo htmlFooter(); }
<?php /**************************************************************************** * Name: about.php * Author: Ben Barnes * Date: 2016-02-20 * Purpose: About page *****************************************************************************/ getGlobals_about($getPage_connection2); showTitle("About"); compileMenu($getPage_connection2, "about"); showWarning($getPage_connection2); showPageTitle($getPage_connection2, "About", false); showAboutInfo($getPage_connection2); require "section4.txt"; resetSession(true);
function renderDiscoveredNeighbors($object_id) { global $tabno; $opcode_by_tabno = array('livecdp' => 'getcdpstatus', 'livelldp' => 'getlldpstatus'); try { $neighbors = queryDevice($object_id, $opcode_by_tabno[$tabno]); $neighbors = sortPortList($neighbors); } catch (RTGatewayError $e) { showWarning($e->getMessage()); return; } $mydevice = spotEntity('object', $object_id); amplifyCell($mydevice); // reindex by port name $myports = array(); foreach ($mydevice['ports'] as $port) { if (mb_strlen($port['name'])) { $myports[$port['name']][] = $port; } } // scroll to selected port if (isset($_REQUEST['hl_port_id'])) { assertUIntArg('hl_port_id'); $hl_port_id = intval($_REQUEST['hl_port_id']); addAutoScrollScript("port-{$hl_port_id}"); } switchportInfoJS($object_id); // load JS code to make portnames interactive printOpFormIntro('importDPData'); echo '<br><table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 align=center class=widetable>'; echo '<tr><th colspan=2>local port</th><th></th><th>remote device</th><th colspan=2>remote port</th><th><input type="checkbox" checked id="cb-toggle"></th></tr>'; $inputno = 0; foreach ($neighbors as $local_port => $remote_list) { $initial_row = TRUE; // if port has multiple neighbors, the first table row is initial // array of local ports with the name specified by DP $local_ports = isset($myports[$local_port]) ? $myports[$local_port] : array(); foreach ($remote_list as $dp_neighbor) { $error_message = NULL; $link_matches = FALSE; $portinfo_local = NULL; $portinfo_remote = NULL; $variants = array(); do { // once-cyle fake loop used only to break out of it if (!empty($local_ports)) { $portinfo_local = $local_ports[0]; } // find remote object by DP information $dp_remote_object_id = searchByMgmtHostname($dp_neighbor['device']); if (!$dp_remote_object_id) { $dp_remote_object_id = lookupEntityByString('object', $dp_neighbor['device']); } if (!$dp_remote_object_id) { $error_message = "No such neighbor <i>{$dp_neighbor['device']}</i>"; break; } $dp_remote_object = spotEntity('object', $dp_remote_object_id); amplifyCell($dp_remote_object); // get port list which names match CDP portname $remote_ports = array(); // list of remote (by DP info) ports foreach ($dp_remote_object['ports'] as $port) { if ($port['name'] == $dp_neighbor['port']) { $portinfo_remote = $port; $remote_ports[] = $port; } } // check if ports with such names exist on devices if (empty($local_ports)) { $error_message = "No such local port <i>{$local_port}</i>"; break; } if (empty($remote_ports)) { $error_message = "No such port on " . formatPortLink($dp_remote_object['id'], $dp_remote_object['name'], NULL, NULL); break; } // determine match or mismatch of local link foreach ($local_ports as $portinfo_local) { if ($portinfo_local['remote_id']) { if ($portinfo_local['remote_object_id'] == $dp_remote_object_id and $portinfo_local['remote_name'] == $dp_neighbor['port']) { // set $portinfo_remote to corresponding remote port foreach ($remote_ports as $portinfo_remote) { if ($portinfo_remote['id'] == $portinfo_local['remote_id']) { break; } } $link_matches = TRUE; unset($error_message); } elseif ($portinfo_local['remote_object_id'] != $dp_remote_object_id) { $error_message = "Remote device mismatch - port linked to " . formatLinkedPort($portinfo_local); } else { // ($portinfo_local['remote_name'] != $dp_neighbor['port']) $error_message = "Remote port mismatch - port linked to " . formatPortLink($portinfo_local['remote_object_id'], NULL, $portinfo_local['remote_id'], $portinfo_local['remote_name']); } break 2; } } // no local links found, try to search for remote links foreach ($remote_ports as $portinfo_remote) { if ($portinfo_remote['remote_id']) { $remote_link_html = formatLinkedPort($portinfo_remote); $remote_port_html = formatPortLink($portinfo_remote['object_id'], NULL, $portinfo_remote['id'], $portinfo_remote['name']); $error_message = "Remote port {$remote_port_html} is already linked to {$remote_link_html}"; break 2; } } // no links found on both sides, search for a compatible port pair $port_types = array(); foreach (array('left' => $local_ports, 'right' => $remote_ports) as $side => $port_list) { foreach ($port_list as $portinfo) { $tmp_types = $portinfo['iif_id'] == 1 ? array($portinfo['oif_id'] => $portinfo['oif_name']) : getExistingPortTypeOptions($portinfo['id']); foreach ($tmp_types as $oif_id => $oif_name) { $port_types[$side][$oif_id][] = array('id' => $oif_id, 'name' => $oif_name, 'portinfo' => $portinfo); } } } foreach ($port_types['left'] as $left_id => $left) { foreach ($port_types['right'] as $right_id => $right) { if (arePortTypesCompatible($left_id, $right_id)) { foreach ($left as $left_port) { foreach ($right as $right_port) { $variants[] = array('left' => $left_port, 'right' => $right_port); } } } } } if (!count($variants)) { // no compatible ports found $error_message = "Incompatible port types"; } } while (FALSE); // do { $tr_class = $link_matches ? 'trok' : (isset($error_message) ? 'trerror' : 'trwarning'); echo "<tr class=\"{$tr_class}\">"; if ($initial_row) { $count = count($remote_list); $td_class = ''; if (isset($hl_port_id) and $hl_port_id == $portinfo_local['id']) { $td_class = "class='border_highlight'"; } echo "<td rowspan=\"{$count}\" {$td_class} NOWRAP>" . ($portinfo_local ? formatPortLink($mydevice['id'], NULL, $portinfo_local['id'], $portinfo_local['name'], 'interactive-portname port-menu') : "<a class='interactive-portname port-menu nolink'>{$local_port}</a>") . ($count > 1 ? "<br> ({$count} neighbors)" : '') . '</td>'; $initial_row = FALSE; } echo "<td>" . ($portinfo_local ? formatPortIIFOIF($portinfo_local) : ' ') . "</td>"; echo "<td>" . formatIfTypeVariants($variants, "ports_{$inputno}") . "</td>"; echo "<td>{$dp_neighbor['device']}</td>"; echo "<td>" . ($portinfo_remote ? formatPortLink($dp_remote_object_id, NULL, $portinfo_remote['id'], $portinfo_remote['name']) : $dp_neighbor['port']) . "</td>"; echo "<td>" . ($portinfo_remote ? formatPortIIFOIF($portinfo_remote) : ' ') . "</td>"; echo "<td>"; if (!empty($variants)) { echo "<input type=checkbox name=do_{$inputno} class='cb-makelink'>"; $inputno++; } echo "</td>"; if (isset($error_message)) { echo "<td style=\"background-color: white; border-top: none\">{$error_message}</td>"; } echo "</tr>"; } } if ($inputno) { echo "<input type=hidden name=nports value={$inputno}>"; echo '<tr><td colspan=7 align=center>' . getImageHREF('CREATE', 'import selected', TRUE) . '</td></tr>'; } echo '</table></form>'; addJS(<<<END \$(document).ready(function () { \t\$('#cb-toggle').click(function (event) { \t\tvar list = \$('.cb-makelink'); \t\tfor (var i in list) { \t\t\tvar cb = list[i]; \t\t\tcb.checked =; \t\t} \t}).triggerHandler('click'); }); END , TRUE); }
if ($autoMode != 'off') { $autoMode = 'on'; $importDir = eZPackage::repositoryPath() . "/{$packageRepository}"; showWarning("Processing in auto-mode: \n" . "- packages will be downloaded to '{$packageDir}';\n" . "- packages will be imported to '{$importDir}';\n" . "- installing of existing classes will be skipped;\n" . "- all files(extesion, design, downloaded and imported packages) will be overwritten;"); $action = getUserInput("Continue? [y/n]: "); if (strpos($action, 'y') !== 0) { $script->shutdown(0, 'Done'); } } /************************************************************** * do the work * ***************************************************************/ if (downloadPackages($packageList, $packageURL, $packageDir, $packageRepository)) { // install installPackages($packageList); } if (file_exists(installScriptDir($packageRepository, 'ezwebin_site'))) { include_once installScriptDir($packageRepository, 'ezwebin_site') . "/settings/ezwebininstaller.php"; include_once installScriptDir($packageRepository, 'ezwebin_site') . "/settings/ini-site.php"; include_once installScriptDir($packageRepository, 'ezwebin_site') . "/settings/ini-common.php"; showMessage2("Updating content classes..."); execUpdateFunction("updateClasses", $toVersion); showMessage2("Updating content objects..."); execUpdateFunction("updateObjects", $toVersion); showMessage2("Updating INI-files..."); execUpdateFunction("updateINI", $toVersion); } else { showWarning("no data for updating content classes, objects, roles, ini"); } showMessage2("Upgrade complete"); $script->shutdown(0);
function setSwitchVLANs($object_id = 0, $setcmd) { global $remote_username; $objectInfo = spotEntity('object', $object_id); $endpoints = findAllEndpoints($object_id, $objectInfo['name']); if (count($endpoints) == 0) { throw new RTGatewayError('no management address set'); } if (count($endpoints) > 1) { throw new RTGatewayError('cannot pick management address'); } $hwtype = $swtype = 'unknown'; foreach (getAttrValues($object_id) as $record) { if ($record['name'] == 'SW type' && strlen($record['o_value'])) { $swtype = strtr(execGMarker($record['o_value']), ' ', '+'); } if ($record['name'] == 'HW type' && strlen($record['o_value'])) { $hwtype = strtr(execGMarker($record['o_value']), ' ', '+'); } } $endpoint = str_replace(' ', '+', $endpoints[0]); $data = queryGateway('switchvlans', array("connect {$endpoint} {$hwtype} {$swtype} {$remote_username}", $setcmd)); // Finally we can parse the response into message array. foreach (explode(';', substr($data[1], strlen('OK!'))) as $text) { $message = 'gw: ' . substr($text, 2); if (strpos($text, 'I!') === 0) { showSuccess($message); } elseif (strpos($text, 'W!') === 0) { showWarning($message); } elseif (strpos($text, 'E!') === 0) { showError($message); } else { // All improperly formatted messages must be treated as error conditions. showError('unexpected line from gw: ' . $text); } } }
function cleanupUCS() { global $ucsproductmap; $oinfo = spotEntity('object', getBypassValue()); $contents = getObjectContentsList($oinfo['id']); $clear = TRUE; foreach ($contents as $item_id) { $o = spotEntity('object', $item_id); $attrs = getAttrValues($item_id); # use HW type to decide if the object was produced by autoPopulateUCS() if (!array_key_exists(2, $attrs) or !in_array($attrs[2]['key'], $ucsproductmap)) { showWarning('Contained object ' . mkA($o['dname'], 'object', $item_id) . ' is not an automatic UCS object'); $clear = FALSE; } } if (!$clear) { showNotice('nothing was deleted'); return; } $done = 0; foreach ($contents as $item_id) { commitDeleteObject($item_id); $done++; } showSuccess("Removed {$done} items from UCS Domain '{$oinfo['name']}'"); }
/** * NOTE: What if other data is also in the db? Either we do not convert it and * have it most likely corrupted, or we convert it - and leave to the client * for the other apps to set up NLS_LANG correctly to keep working. * * We could use the csalter script iff we where sure that db version was > 9... * * Oracle 9 exp exports data using the DB charset * * From May be the best procedure is the following one: On PROD Database: 1. export full=y rows=n file=export_db_structure.dmp 2. export full=y file=export_db_date.dmp On TEST Database: 1. create tablespaces with the same name on PROD 2. import full=y file=export_db_structure.dmp ignore=y Now we have users of PROD, on TEST database. SYSTEM user is not imported, because already exists. 3. import fromuser=user1,user2,user3 touser=user1,user2,user3 file=export_db_data.dmp ignore=y now we have user1..3 data on their tables... * Unfortunately even if we do that, Oracle will nto let us convert a db from * latin1 to utf8 charsets. The only way is to drop the db and creater it * from scratch. Since we have no clue about db storage, we will let the admin * take care of that part, and only do the export/import parts. * * @todo oracle servers might use UTF8 charset instead of AL32UTF8: check before executing! * * @todo using dbname as file name does not work with easy conection naming * * @todo log somewhere results of imp, exp commands for better understanding of errors */ function changeDBCharsetORACLE($charset, $collation) { global $db, $oracleDbaAccount, $oracleHome, $eZDir; //$db = eZDB::instance( false, array( 'user' => $oracleDbaAccount['user'], 'password' => $oracleDbaAccount['password'] ), true ); // since we are here, we should be connected with a dba account (extra conditions check did it) $oracleCharset = $db->arrayQuery("select value from nls_database_parameters where parameter = 'NLS_CHARACTERSET'"); $oracleCharset = $oracleCharset[0]['value']; //$oracleLocale = $db->arrayQuery("select language||'_'||territory as locale from (select value as language from nls_database_parameters where parameter = 'NLS_LANGUAGE'), (select value as territory from nls_database_parameters where parameter = 'NLS_TERRITORY')"); //$oracleLocale = $oracleLocale[0]['locale']; /*$users = $db->arrayQuery("select username from all_users where username not in ('SYS', 'SYSTEM')"); $oracleUsers = array(); foreach( $users as $row ) { $oracleUsers[] = $row['username']; }*/ if ($oracleCharset == 'AL32UTF8') { // lucky case: client was configued to use another charset, but db was internally utf8 already! showMessage3(" database charset is already UTF8: skipping."); } else { // get database name $dbName = $db->DB; //$dbversion = $db->databaseServerVersion(); // get connection params //$host = $db->Server; //$port = $db->Port; //$user = $db->User; //$pass = $db->Password; $connectionParams = $oracleDbaAccount['user'] . '/' . $oracleDbaAccount['password'] . "@{$dbName}"; // get temporary dir to store dumps $ini = eZINI::instance(); $dumpDir = $ini->variable('FileSettings', 'TemporaryDir') . basename(__FILE__, '.php'); $dumpFile1 = $dbName . "_structure_export.dmp"; $dumpPath1 = "{$dumpDir}/{$dumpFile1}"; $dumpFile2 = $dbName . "_full_export.dmp"; $dumpPath2 = "{$dumpDir}/{$dumpFile2}"; $commandPath = "{$dumpDir}/{$dbName}" . "_cmd.sql"; $logPath = "{$dumpDir}/{$dbName}" . "_cmd.log"; $users = implode(',', $oracleUsers); //$ora_charset = ""; // prepare utility commands $exe = eZSys::osType() == 'win32' ? '.exe' : ''; $exec = eZSys::osType() == 'win32' ? '' : './'; $expdb1 = "{$exec}exp{$exe} {$connectionParams} CONSISTENT=Y FULL=Y ROWS=N FILE={$dumpPath1}"; $expdb2 = "{$exec}exp{$exe} {$connectionParams} CONSISTENT=Y FULL=Y FILE={$dumpPath2}"; $impdb1 = "{$exec}imp{$exe} {$connectionParams} FULL=Y IGNORE=Y BUFFER=30960 FILE={$dumpPath1}"; $impdb2 = "{$exec}imp{$exe} {$connectionParams} FROMUSER={$users} TOUSER={$users} IGNORE=Y BUFFER=30960 FILE={$dumpPath2}"; /* $alterdb = "SET ECHO ON SPOOL $logPath; WHENEVER SQLERROR EXIT FAILURE; WHENEVER OSERROR EXIT FAILURE;"; if ( $dbversion['string'][0] == '8' ) { /// @todo: check if using oracle < 8.1.5: we have touse svrmgrl then, as sqlplus was not good enough yet $sqlplus = "{$exec}sqlplus{$exe} $connectionParams"; $alterdb .= " CONNECT $connectionParams AS SYSDBA"; } else { $sqlplus = "{$exec}sqlplus{$exe} -L $connectionParams as sysdba"; } //$dropdb = "dropdb $connectionParams"; //$createdb = "createdb $connectionParams"; foreach( $oracleUsers as $user ) { $alterdb .= " DROP USER $user CASCADE;"; } $alterdb .= " SHUTDOWN IMMEDIATE; STARTUP MOUNT; ALTER SYSTEM ENABLE RESTRICTED SESSION; ALTER SYSTEM SET JOB_QUEUE_PROCESSES=0; ALTER SYSTEM SET AQ_TM_PROCESSES=0; ALTER DATABASE OPEN; ALTER DATABASE CHARACTER SET AL32UTF8; SHUTDOWN IMMEDIATE; -- or SHUTDOWN NORMAL; STARTUP; EXIT; "; */ // finalizing changes. Note that since we asked for admin connection before, // disconnecting and reconnecting, this is surely a NOOP //showMessage3( 'finalizing current changes' ); //$db->commit(); /// @todo add a database logfile switch or checkpoint here? it would be nice... // close current connection $db->close(); showMessage3(' sleeping..'); sleep(5); // dump db showMessage3(" taking the db dump, tmp storage is '{$dumpPath1}', '{$dumpPath2}'"); eZDir::mkdir($dumpDir, false, true); chdir($oracleHome . '/bin'); eZExecuteShellCommand($expdb1, "failed to dump db schema. tried command '{$expdb1}'", true, true); eZExecuteShellCommand($expdb2, "failed to dump db data. tried command '{$expdb2}'", true, true); chdir($eZDir); // verify that dump files exist if (!file_exists($dumpPath1) || !file_exists($dumpPath2)) { showError("DB Dump files cannot be found. Aborting..."); } /* showMessage3( "altering db with charset '$charset'" ); $command = $sqlplus . " @$commandPath"; file_put_contents( $commandPath, $alterdb ); eZExecuteShellCommand( $command, "failed to alter db. tried command '$command'"); */ showMessage3(''); showMessage3("Now you will have to alter the database character set."); showMessage3("The recommended way is to create a new database from scratch"); showMessage3("using AL32UTF8 as character set (THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT),"); showMessage3("and delete the existing one."); showMessage3("The new database should be empty (all schemas will be recreated by this script)"); showMessage3("and have the same DBA account as the old one."); showMessage3("It should also use the same connect identifier as the old one."); showMessage3(''); showMessage3("PLEASE do not terminate this php script while doing that,"); showMessage3("use a different command line shell."); showMessage3(''); $continue = eZGetUserInput("Press Y when you are ready to continue... "); if ($continue != 'y' && $continue != 'Y') { showError("Aborting"); } // connect to new db with dba account, check that charset is OK while (true) { $db = eZDB::instance(false, array('user' => $oracleDbaAccount['user'], 'password' => $oracleDbaAccount['password']), true); if (!$db->isConnected()) { showWarning("Cannot connect to the new database.\n" . "Please check that it is up and running before continuing"); } else { $oracleCharset = $db->arrayQuery("select value from nls_database_parameters where parameter = 'NLS_CHARACTERSET'"); $oracleCharset = $oracleCharset[0]['value']; $db->close(); if ($oracleCharset == 'AL32UTF8') { break; } else { showWarning("The new database uses the {$oracleCharset} character set instead of AL32UTF8.\n" . "Please recreate the database using AL32UTF8 before continuing"); } } $continue = eZGetUserInput("Press Y when you are ready to continue. Any other letter to abort "); if ($continue != 'y' && $continue != 'Y') { showError("Aborting"); } } // restore dump into newly created db showMessage3(" restoring db dump"); chdir($oracleHome . '/bin'); eZExecuteShellCommand($impdb1, "failed to restore db dump. tried command '{$impdb1}'"); eZExecuteShellCommand($impdb2, "failed to restore db dump. tried command '{$impdb2}'"); chdir($eZDir); showMessage3(" cleaning up"); // clean up eZDir::recursiveDelete($dumpPath1); eZDir::recursiveDelete($dumpPath2); } // re-initialize db interface, *** this time in UTF8 - with the standard user *** $db = eZDB::instance(false, array('charset' => 'utf8'), true); if (!$db->isConnected()) { showError("Cannot reconnect to DB. Aborting..."); } //$db->begin(); }
if ($data['user_location']) { echo "<br /><span class='small'><strong>" . $locale['fb500'] . ":</strong> " . stripslash($data['user_location']) . "</span>\n"; } if ($data['user_birthdate'] !== "0000-00-00") { $birthday = explode("-", $data['user_birthdate']); $age = strftime("%Y") - $birthday[0]; if (strftime("%m") < $birthday[1]) { $age--; } elseif (strftime("%m") == $birthday[1]) { if (strftime("%d") < $birthday[2]) { $age--; } } echo "<br /><span class='small'><strong>" . $locale['fb512'] . "</strong> {$age}</span>\n"; } echo showWarning($data['user_id']); echo "<br /></td>"; echo "<td valign='top' class='tbl2' style='height:1px; margin-top:2px; padding:10px;' colspan='2'><div style='float:right' class='small'><a href='#post_" . $data['post_id'] . "' name='post_" . $data['post_id'] . "' id='post_" . $data['post_id'] . "'>#" . ($current_row + $_GET['rowstart']) . "</a></div>\n"; echo "<span style='font-size:18px; font-weight:bold;'><a href='" . BASEDIR . "profile.php?lookup=" . $data['user_id'] . "'>" . showLabel($data['user_id'], false, "post") . "</a>"; renderAwards($data['user_id']); echo "</span>"; echo $title; renderMods(false, true); echo "</span>"; echo "</td></tr><tr><td class='tbl1' colspan='2' valign='top' style='padding:8px;'>\n"; if (iMOD) { echo "<div style='float:right'><input type='checkbox' name='delete_post[]' value='" . $data['post_id'] . "' /></div>\n"; } if (isset($_GET['highlight'])) { $words = explode(" ", urldecode($_GET['highlight'])); $message = parseubb(highlight_words($words, $message));
function doSwitchSNMPmining($objectInfo, $device) { global $known_switches, $iftable_processors; if (FALSE === ($sysObjectID = $device->snmpget('sysObjectID.0'))) { return showFuncMessage(__FUNCTION__, 'ERR3'); } // // fatal SNMP failure $sysObjectID = preg_replace('/^.*(enterprises\\.|joint-iso-ccitt\\.)([\\.[:digit:]]+)$/', '\\2', $sysObjectID); $sysName = substr($device->snmpget('sysName.0'), strlen('STRING: ')); $sysDescr = substr($device->snmpget('sysDescr.0'), strlen('STRING: ')); $sysDescr = str_replace(array("\n", "\r"), " ", $sysDescr); // Make it one line $ifDescr_tablename = isset($known_switches[$sysObjectID]['ifDescrOID']) ? $known_switches[$sysObjectID]['ifDescrOID'] : 'ifDescr'; if (!isset($known_switches[$sysObjectID])) { return showFuncMessage(__FUNCTION__, 'ERR4', array($sysObjectID)); } // unknown OID showSuccess($known_switches[$sysObjectID]['text']); foreach (array_keys($known_switches[$sysObjectID]['processors']) as $pkey) { if (!array_key_exists($known_switches[$sysObjectID]['processors'][$pkey], $iftable_processors)) { showWarning('processor "' . $known_switches[$sysObjectID]['processors'][$pkey] . '" not found'); unset($known_switches[$sysObjectID]['processors'][$pkey]); } } updateStickerForCell($objectInfo, 2, $known_switches[$sysObjectID]['dict_key']); updateStickerForCell($objectInfo, 3, $sysName); switch (1) { case preg_match('/^9\\.1\\./', $sysObjectID): // Catalyst w/one AC port $exact_release = preg_replace('/^.*, Version ([^ ]+), .*$/', '\\1', $sysDescr); $major_line = preg_replace('/^([[:digit:]]+\\.[[:digit:]]+)[^[:digit:]].*/', '\\1', $exact_release); $ios_codes = array('12.0' => 244, '12.1' => 251, '12.2' => 252); updateStickerForCell($objectInfo, 5, $exact_release); if (array_key_exists($major_line, $ios_codes)) { updateStickerForCell($objectInfo, 4, $ios_codes[$major_line]); } $sysChassi = $device->snmpget(''); if ($sysChassi !== FALSE or $sysChassi !== NULL) { updateStickerForCell($objectInfo, 1, str_replace('"', '', substr($sysChassi, strlen('STRING: ')))); } checkPIC('1-29'); commitAddPort($objectInfo['id'], 'con0', '1-29', 'console', ''); // RJ-45 RS-232 console if (preg_match('/Cisco IOS Software, C2600/', $sysDescr)) { commitAddPort($objectInfo['id'], 'aux0', '1-29', 'auxillary', ''); } // RJ-45 RS-232 aux port if ($sysObjectID == '9.1.956') { // models with two AC inputs checkPIC('1-16'); commitAddPort($objectInfo['id'], 'AC-in-1', '1-16', 'AC1', ''); commitAddPort($objectInfo['id'], 'AC-in-2', '1-16', 'AC2', ''); } elseif ($sysObjectID != '9.1.749' and $sysObjectID != '9.1.920') { // assume the rest have one AC input, but exclude blade devices checkPIC('1-16'); // AC input commitAddPort($objectInfo['id'], 'AC-in', '1-16', '', ''); } break; case preg_match('/^9\\.6\\.1\\./', $sysObjectID): // Cisco SF series checkPIC('1-681'); commitAddPort($objectInfo['id'], 'con0', '1-681', 'console', ''); // DB-9 RS-232 console checkPIC('1-16'); commitAddPort($objectInfo['id'], 'AC-in', '1-16', '', ''); break; case preg_match('/^9\\.12\\.3\\.1\\.3\\./', $sysObjectID): // Nexus $exact_release = preg_replace('/^.*, Version ([^ ]+), .*$/', '\\1', $sysDescr); $major_line = preg_replace('/^([[:digit:]]+\\.[[:digit:]]+)[^[:digit:]].*/', '\\1', $exact_release); $nxos_codes = array('4.0' => 963, '4.1' => 964); if (array_key_exists($major_line, $nxos_codes)) { updateStickerForCell($objectInfo, 4, $nxos_codes[$major_line]); } updateStickerForCell($objectInfo, 5, $exact_release); $sysChassi = $device->snmpget(''); if ($sysChassi !== FALSE or $sysChassi !== NULL) { updateStickerForCell($objectInfo, 1, str_replace('"', '', substr($sysChassi, strlen('STRING: ')))); } checkPIC('1-29'); commitAddPort($objectInfo['id'], 'con0', '1-29', 'console', ''); // RJ-45 RS-232 console checkPIC('1-16'); // AC input commitAddPort($objectInfo['id'], 'AC-in-1', '1-16', 'AC1', ''); commitAddPort($objectInfo['id'], 'AC-in-2', '1-16', 'AC2', ''); break; case preg_match('/^11\\.2\\.3\\.7\\.11\\.(\\d+)$/', $sysObjectID, $matches): // ProCurve $console_per_product = array(33 => '1-29', 63 => '1-29', 78 => '1-29', 79 => '1-29', 80 => '1-29', 86 => '1-29', 87 => '1-29', 19 => '1-681'); if (array_key_exists($matches[1], $console_per_product)) { checkPIC($console_per_product[$matches[1]]); commitAddPort($objectInfo['id'], 'console', $console_per_product[$matches[1]], 'console', ''); } $oom_per_product = array(33 => '1-24'); if (array_key_exists($matches[1], $oom_per_product)) { checkPIC($oom_per_product[$matches[1]]); commitAddPort($objectInfo['id'], 'mgmt', $oom_per_product[$matches[1]], 'mgmt', ''); } checkPIC('1-16'); commitAddPort($objectInfo['id'], 'AC-in', '1-16', '', ''); $exact_release = preg_replace('/^.* revision ([^ ]+), .*$/', '\\1', $sysDescr); updateStickerForCell($objectInfo, 5, $exact_release); break; case preg_match('/^4526\\.100\\./', $sysObjectID): // NETGEAR checkPIC('1-681'); commitAddPort($objectInfo['id'], 'console', '1-681', 'console', ''); // DB-9 RS-232 console break; case preg_match('/^2011\\.2\\.23\\./', $sysObjectID): // Huawei detectSoftwareType($objectInfo, $sysDescr); checkPIC('1-681'); commitAddPort($objectInfo['id'], 'con0', '1-681', 'console', ''); // DB-9 RS-232 console break; case preg_match('/^2636\\.1\\.1\\.1\\.2\\.3(0|1)/', $sysObjectID): // Juniper EX3200/EX4200 detectSoftwareType($objectInfo, $sysDescr); $sw_version = preg_replace('/^.*, kernel JUNOS ([^ ]+).*$/', '\\1', $sysDescr); updateStickerForCell($objectInfo, 5, $sw_version); // one RJ-45 RS-232 and one AC port (it could be DC, but chances are it's AC) checkPIC('1-29'); commitAddPort($objectInfo['id'], 'con', '1-29', 'CON', ''); // RJ-45 RS-232 console checkPIC('1-16'); commitAddPort($objectInfo['id'], 'AC-in', '1-16', '', ''); // Juniper uses the same sysObjectID for multiple HW models, override if necessary if (preg_match('/^Juniper Networks, Inc. ex3200-48t internet router/', $sysDescr)) { updateStickerForCell($objectInfo, 2, 902); } if (preg_match('/^Juniper Networks, Inc. ex4200-48t internet router/', $sysDescr)) { updateStickerForCell($objectInfo, 2, 907); } break; case preg_match('/^2636\\.1\\.1\\.1\\.2\\./', $sysObjectID): // Juniper detectSoftwareType($objectInfo, $sysDescr); checkPIC('1-681'); commitAddPort($objectInfo['id'], 'console', '1-681', 'console', ''); // DB-9 RS-232 console break; case preg_match('/^1991\\.1\\.3\\.45\\./', $sysObjectID): // snFGSFamily // snFGSFamily case preg_match('/^1991\\.1\\.3\\.46\\./', $sysObjectID): // snFLSFamily // snFLSFamily case preg_match('/^1991\\.1\\.3\\.54\\.2\\.4\\.1\\.1$/', $sysObjectID): // FCX 648 detectSoftwareType($objectInfo, $sysDescr); $exact_release = preg_replace('/^.*, IronWare Version ([^ ]+) .*$/', '\\1', $sysDescr); updateStickerForCell($objectInfo, 5, $exact_release); # FOUNDRY-SN-AGENT-MIB::snChasSerNum.0 $sysChassi = $device->snmpget('enterprises.1991.'); if ($sysChassi !== FALSE or $sysChassi !== NULL) { updateStickerForCell($objectInfo, 1, str_replace('"', '', substr($sysChassi, strlen('STRING: ')))); } # Type of uplink module installed. # table: FOUNDRY-SN-AGENT-MIB::snAgentBrdMainBrdDescription # Possible part numbers are: # FGS-1XG1XGC (one fixed CX4 port) # FGS-2XGC (two fixed CX4 ports) # FGS-2XG (two XFP slots) # And for FLS result (which is not handled here) would be: # 1991. = STRING: "FLS-24G 24-port Management Module" # 1991. = STRING: "FLS-1XG 1-port 10G Module (1-XFP)" # 1991. = STRING: "FLS-1XG 1-port 10G Module (1-XFP)" # (assuming, that the device has 2 XFP modules in slots 3 and 4). foreach ($device->snmpwalkoid('enterprises.1991.') as $module_raw) { if (preg_match('/^STRING: "(FGS-1XG1XGC|FGS-2XGC) /i', $module_raw)) { $iftable_processors['fgs-uplinks']['dict_key'] = '1-40'; // CX4 break; } } # AC inputs # table: FOUNDRY-SN-AGENT-MIB::snChasPwrSupplyDescription # "Power supply 1 " # "Power supply 2 " foreach ($device->snmpwalkoid('enterprises.1991.') as $PSU_raw) { $count = 0; $PSU_cooked = trim(preg_replace('/^string: "(.+)"$/i', '\\1', $PSU_raw, 1, $count)); if ($count) { checkPIC('1-16'); commitAddPort($objectInfo['id'], $PSU_cooked, '1-16', '', ''); } } # fixed console port checkPIC('1-681'); commitAddPort($objectInfo['id'], 'console', '1-681', 'console', ''); // DB-9 RS-232 console break; case preg_match('/^1916\\.2\\./', $sysObjectID): // Extreme Networks Summit $xos_release = preg_replace('/^ExtremeXOS version ([[:digit:]]+)\\..*$/', '\\1', $sysDescr); $xos_codes = array('10' => 1350, '11' => 1351, '12' => 1352); if (array_key_exists($xos_release, $xos_codes)) { updateStickerForCell($objectInfo, 4, $xos_codes[$xos_release]); } checkPIC('1-681'); commitAddPort($objectInfo['id'], 'console', '1-681', 'console', ''); // DB-9 RS-232 checkPIC('1-16'); commitAddPort($objectInfo['id'], 'AC-in', '1-16', '', ''); break; case preg_match('/^6027\\.1\\./', $sysObjectID): # Force10 commitAddPort($objectInfo['id'], 'aux0', '1-29', 'RS-232', ''); // RJ-45 RS-232 console $m = array(); if (preg_match('/Force10 Application Software Version: ([\\d\\.]+)/', $sysDescr, $m)) { updateStickerForCell($objectInfo, 5, $m[1]); $ftos_release = preg_replace('/^([678])\\..+$/', '\\1', $m[1]); $ftos_codes = array('6' => 1592, '7' => 1593, '8' => 1594); if (array_key_exists($ftos_release, $ftos_codes)) { updateStickerForCell($objectInfo, 4, $ftos_codes[$ftos_release]); } } # F10-S-SERIES-CHASSIS-MIB::chStackUnitSerialNumber.1 $serialNo = $device->snmpget('enterprises.6027.'); # F10-S-SERIES-CHASSIS-MIB::chSysPowerSupplyType.1.1 if ($device->snmpget('enterprises.6027.') == 'INTEGER: 1') { checkPIC('1-16'); commitAddPort($objectInfo['id'], 'PSU0', '1-16', 'PSU0', ''); } # F10-S-SERIES-CHASSIS-MIB::chSysPowerSupplyType.1.2 if ($device->snmpget('enterprises.6027.') == 'INTEGER: 1') { checkPIC('1-16'); commitAddPort($objectInfo['id'], 'PSU1', '1-16', 'PSU1', ''); } if (strlen($serialNo)) { updateStickerForCell($objectInfo, 1, str_replace('"', '', substr($serialNo, strlen('STRING: ')))); } break; case preg_match('/^202\\.20\\./', $sysObjectID): // SMC TigerSwitch // SMC TigerSwitch case preg_match('/^674\\.10895\\.4/', $sysObjectID): // Dell PowerConnect // Dell PowerConnect case preg_match('/^674\\.10895\\.300(3|4|7|9)/', $sysObjectID): case preg_match('/^674\\.10895\\.301(0|4|7|9)/', $sysObjectID): case preg_match('/^674\\.10895\\.302(0|1)/', $sysObjectID): case preg_match('/^3955\\.6\\.1\\.2048\\.1/', $sysObjectID): // Linksys // one DB-9 RS-232 and one AC port checkPIC('1-681'); commitAddPort($objectInfo['id'], 'console', '1-681', '', ''); // DB-9 RS-232 checkPIC('1-16'); commitAddPort($objectInfo['id'], 'AC-in', '1-16', '', ''); break; case preg_match('/^207\\.1\\.14\\./', $sysObjectID): // Allied Telesyn // one RJ-45 RS-232 and two AC ports checkPIC('1-29'); commitAddPort($objectInfo['id'], 'console', '1-29', 'console', ''); checkPIC('1-16'); commitAddPort($objectInfo['id'], 'AC-in-1', '1-16', 'AC1', ''); commitAddPort($objectInfo['id'], 'AC-in-2', '1-16', 'AC2', ''); break; case preg_match('/^674\\.10895\\.3000/', $sysObjectID): // one DB-9 RS-232, one 100Mb OOB mgmt, and one AC port checkPIC('1-681'); commitAddPort($objectInfo['id'], 'console', '1-681', '', ''); // DB-9 RS-232 checkPIC('1-19'); commitAddPort($objectInfo['id'], 'mgmt', '1-19', '', ''); checkPIC('1-16'); commitAddPort($objectInfo['id'], 'AC-in', '1-16', '', ''); break; case preg_match('/^43\\.1\\.16\\.4\\.3\\.29/', $sysObjectID): // 3Com $sw_version = preg_replace('/^.* Version 3Com OS ([^ ]+).*$/', '\\1', $sysDescr); updateStickerForCell($objectInfo, 5, $sw_version); // one RJ-45 RS-232 and one AC port checkPIC('1-29'); commitAddPort($objectInfo['id'], 'console', '1-29', '', ''); // RJ-45 RS-232 console checkPIC('1-16'); commitAddPort($objectInfo['id'], 'AC-in', '1-16', '', ''); break; case preg_match('/^10977\\.11825\\.11833\\.97\\.25451\\.12800\\.100\\.4\\.4/', $sysObjectID): // Netgear $sw_version = preg_replace('/^.* V([^ ]+).*$/', '\\1', $sysDescr); updateStickerForCell($objectInfo, 5, $sw_version); // one AC port, no console checkPIC('1-16'); commitAddPort($objectInfo['id'], 'AC-in', '1-16', '', ''); break; case preg_match('/^30065\\.1\\.3011\\./', $sysObjectID): // Arista detectSoftwareType($objectInfo, $sysDescr); checkPIC('1-29'); commitAddPort($objectInfo['id'], 'console', '1-29', 'IOIOI', ''); $sw_version = preg_replace('/^Arista Networks EOS version (.+) running on .*$/', '\\1', $sysDescr); updateStickerForCell($objectInfo, 5, $sw_version); if (strlen($serialNo = $device->snmpget('mib-'))) { # entPhysicalSerialNumber.1 updateStickerForCell($objectInfo, 1, str_replace('"', '', substr($serialNo, strlen('STRING: ')))); } break; default: // Nortel... break; } $ifInfo = array(); foreach ($device->snmpwalkoid($ifDescr_tablename) as $oid => $value) { $randomindex = preg_replace("/^.*{$ifDescr_tablename}\\.(.+)\$/", '\\1', $oid); $value = trim(preg_replace('/^[^:]+: (.+)$/', '\\1', $value), '"'); $ifInfo[$randomindex]['ifDescr'] = $value; } foreach ($device->snmpwalkoid('ifPhysAddress') as $oid => $value) { $randomindex = preg_replace("/^.*ifPhysAddress\\.(.+)\$/", '\\1', $oid); $value = trim($value); // NET-SNMP may return MAC addresses in one of two (?) formats depending on // DISPLAY-HINT internal database. The best we can do about it is to accept both. // Bug originally reported by Walery Wysotsky against openSUSE 11.0. if (preg_match('/^string: [0-9a-f]{1,2}(:[0-9a-f]{1,2}){5}/i', $value)) { list($dummy, $value) = explode(' ', $value); $addrbytes = explode(':', $value); foreach ($addrbytes as $bidx => $bytestr) { if (strlen($bytestr) == 1) { $addrbytes[$bidx] = '0' . $bytestr; } } } elseif (preg_match('/^hex-string:( [0-9a-f]{2}){6}/i', $value)) { // Hex-STRING: xx yy zz xx yy zz $addrbytes = explode(' ', substr($value, -17)); } elseif (preg_match('/22[0-9a-f]{12}22$/', bin2hex($value))) { // STRING: "??????" $addrbytes = array(substr(bin2hex($value), -14, 12)); } else { continue; } // martian format $ifInfo[$randomindex]['ifPhysAddress'] = implode('', $addrbytes); } // process each interface only once regardless of how many processors we have to run foreach ($ifInfo as $iface) { foreach ($known_switches[$sysObjectID]['processors'] as $processor_name) { $newname = preg_replace($iftable_processors[$processor_name]['pattern'], $iftable_processors[$processor_name]['replacement'], $iface['ifDescr'], 1, $count); if ($newname === NULL) { showError('PCRE pattern error, terminating'); break 2; } if (!$count) { continue; } // try next processor on current port $newlabel = preg_replace($iftable_processors[$processor_name]['pattern'], $iftable_processors[$processor_name]['label'], $iface['ifDescr'], 1, $count); checkPIC($iftable_processors[$processor_name]['dict_key']); commitAddPort($objectInfo['id'], $newname, $iftable_processors[$processor_name]['dict_key'], $newlabel, $iface['ifPhysAddress']); if (!$iftable_processors[$processor_name]['try_next_proc']) { // done with this port continue 2; } } } // No failure up to this point, thus leave current tab for the "Ports" one. return buildRedirectURL(NULL, 'ports'); }