<html> <head> <title>Quiz Machine</title> </head> <body> <center> <h1>Quiz Machine</h1> <?php getFiles(); showTest(); showEdit(); showLog(); function getFiles() { //get list of all files for use in other routines global $dirPtr, $theFiles; chdir("."); $dirPtr = openDir("."); $currentFile = readDir($dirPtr); while ($currentFile !== false) { $theFiles[] = $currentFile; $currentFile = readDir($dirPtr); } // end while } // end getFiles function showTest() { //print a list of tests for user to take
//-------------------------- $lNumCorrectPre = $lNumCorrectPost = 0; foreach ($QandA as $QA) { if ($QA->bPreTestRight) { ++$lNumCorrectPre; } if ($QA->bPostTestRight) { ++$lNumCorrectPost; } } $strPreTestScore = number_format($lNumCorrectPre / $lNumQuests * 100, 1) . ' %'; $strPostTestScore = number_format($lNumCorrectPost / $lNumQuests * 100, 1) . ' %'; echoT($clsForm->strLabelRow('Pre-test score', $strPreTestScore, 1)); echoT($clsForm->strLabelRow('Post-test score', $strPostTestScore, 1)); showTest($clsForm, 'datepicker1', 'txtPretestDate', 'Pre-test Date', $txtPretestDate, 'frmEditPPTest', $QandA, true); showTest($clsForm, 'datepicker2', 'txtPosttestDate', 'Post-test Date', $txtPosttestDate, 'frmEditPPTest', $QandA, false); echoT($clsForm->strSubmitEntry('Save Test Results', 1, 'cmdSubmit', 'text-align: center;')); echoT('</table>' . form_close('<br>')); closeBlock(); function showTest(&$clsForm, $strDatePickerName, $strDateFN, $strDateLabel, $strDateVal, $strFormName, &$QandA, $bPretest) { //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // //--------------------------------------------------------------------- $strPrePostLabel = $bPretest ? 'Pre' : 'Post'; $strDivName = 'divChk' . $strPrePostLabel; $strOut = ''; //-------------------------- // Pre/post-test date //-------------------------- $clsForm->strStyleExtraLabel = 'padding-top: 8px;';