function SincerityGoldUnfreeze($user_id, $platformNo, $freezeRequestNo, $deal_id, $post_url, $sys = 'pc') { //$pWebUrl= SITE_DOMAIN.APP_ROOT."/index.php?ctl=collocation&act=response&class_name=Yeepay&class_act=SincerityGoldUnfreeze&from=".$_REQUEST['from'];//web方式返回 //$pS2SUrl= SITE_DOMAIN.APP_ROOT."/index.php?ctl=collocation&act=notify&class_name=Yeepay&class_act=SincerityGoldUnfreeze&from=".$_REQUEST['from'];//s2s方式返回 $yeepay_log = array(); $yeepay_log['code'] = 'UNFREEZE'; $yeepay_log['create_date'] = to_date(NOW_TIME, 'Y-m-d H:i:s'); $GLOBALS['db']->autoExecute(DB_PREFIX . "yeepay_log", $yeepay_log); $requestNo = $GLOBALS['db']->insert_id(); $data = array(); $data['platformNo'] = $platformNo; // 商户编号 $data['freezeRequestNo'] = $freezeRequestNo; $data['expired'] = NOW_TIME; //到期自劢解冻时间 // $strxml = SincerityGoldUnfreezeXml($data,$pWebUrl,$pS2SUrl); /* 请求参数 */ $req = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"yes\"?>" . "<request platformNo='" . $data['platformNo'] . "'>" . "<freezeRequestNo>" . $data['freezeRequestNo'] . "</freezeRequestNo>" . "</request>"; /* 签名数据 */ $sign = cfca($req); /* 调用账户查询服务 */ $service = "UNFREEZE"; $ch = curl_init($post_url . "/bhaexter/bhaController"); curl_setopt_array($ch, array(CURLOPT_POST => TRUE, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => TRUE, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER => 0, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST => 0, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => 'service=' . $service . '&req=' . rawurlencode($req) . "&sign=" . rawurlencode($sign))); $resultStr = curl_exec($ch); if (empty($resultStr)) { //$err_count ++ ; } else { require_once APP_ROOT_PATH . 'system/collocation/ips/xml.php'; $str3ParaInfo = @XML_unserialize($resultStr); $str3Req = $str3ParaInfo['response']; $result['pErrCode'] = $str3Req["code"]; $result['pErrMsg'] = $str3Req["description"]; if ($str3Req["code"] == 1) { //操作成功 $where = " platformUserNo=" . $user_id . " and deal_id =" . $deal_id . " and requestNo=" . $freezeRequestNo; $data['status'] = 2; $data['create_time'] = NOW_TIME; if (isset($str3Req['description'])) { $data['description'] = $str3Req["description"]; } $GLOBALS['db']->autoExecute(DB_PREFIX . "money_freeze", $data, 'UPDATE', $where); showIpsInfo('诚意金解冻成功', get_domain() . APP_ROOT . '/m.php?m=UserFreeze&a=index&'); } } }
function response($request, $class_act) { //print_r($_POST); //print_r($_GET); //print_r($_REQUEST); //print_r($request); $merchant_id = $this->cfg['merchant_id']; $terminal_id = $this->cfg['terminal_id']; $key = $this->cfg['key']; $iv = $this->cfg['iv']; $baofoo_log = array(); $baofoo_log['code'] = 'response'; $baofoo_log['create_date'] = to_date(TIME_UTC, 'Y-m-d H:i:s'); $baofoo_log['strxml'] = $class_act; $baofoo_log['html'] = print_r($_POST, true); $GLOBALS['db']->autoExecute(DB_PREFIX . "baofoo_log", $baofoo_log); //exit; $Md5sign = ""; if ($class_act == 'CreateNewAcct' || $class_act == 'DoDpTrade' || $class_act == 'DoDwTrade') { //Md5sign = Md5(result + ~|~ + "商户密钥") $result = $_POST["result"]; $sign = $_POST["sign"]; $Md5sign = Md5($result . '~|~' . $key); require_once APP_ROOT_PATH . 'system/collocation/ips/xml.php'; $str3ParaInfo = @XML_unserialize($result); $str3Req = $str3ParaInfo['crs']; } else { if ($class_act == 'RegisterCreditor' || $class_act == 'DoLoans') { require_once APP_ROOT_PATH . 'system/collocation/ips/xml.php'; $result = $_POST["result"]; $str3ParaInfo = @XML_unserialize($result); $str3Req = $str3ParaInfo['crs']; //Sign = MD5 ( code + ~|~ + msg + ~|~ + orderId + ~|~+商户秘钥 ); $Md5sign = Md5($str3Req['code'] . '~|~' . $str3Req['msg'] . '~|~' . $str3Req['order_id'] . '~|~' . $key); $sign = $str3Req["sign"]; } } if ($Md5sign == $sign) { //echo "<br/>验签通过";exit; // $pErrMsg = $str3Req['msg']; if ($class_act == 'CreateNewAcct') { require_once APP_ROOT_PATH . 'system/collocation/baofoo/CreateNewAcct.php'; $user_type = CreateNewAcctCallBack($str3Req); if ($request['from'] == 'app') { showIpsInfo($pErrMsg); } else { showIpsInfo($pErrMsg, SITE_DOMAIN . APP_ROOT); } } else { if ($class_act == 'DoDpTrade') { require_once APP_ROOT_PATH . 'system/collocation/baofoo/DoDpTrade.php'; DoDpTradeCallBack($str3Req); $pErrMsg = '充值完成'; if ($request['from'] == 'app') { showIpsInfo($pErrMsg); } else { if ($request['from'] == 'wap') { showIpsInfo($pErrMsg, SITE_DOMAIN . APP_ROOT . '/wap/index.php?ctl=uc_center'); } else { showIpsInfo($pErrMsg, SITE_DOMAIN . APP_ROOT); } } } else { if ($class_act == 'DoDwTrade') { require_once APP_ROOT_PATH . 'system/collocation/baofoo/DoDwTrade.php'; DoDwTradeCallBack($str3Req); $pErrMsg = '操作完成'; if ($request['from'] == 'app') { showIpsInfo($pErrMsg); } else { if ($request['from'] == 'wap') { showIpsInfo($pErrMsg, SITE_DOMAIN . APP_ROOT . '/wap/index.php?ctl=uc_center'); } else { showIpsInfo($pErrMsg, SITE_DOMAIN . APP_ROOT); } } } else { if ($class_act == 'DoLoans') { require_once APP_ROOT_PATH . 'system/collocation/baofoo/DoLoans.php'; DoLoansCallBack($str3Req); showIpsInfo($pErrMsg, SITE_DOMAIN . APP_ROOT); } else { if ($class_act == 'RegisterCreditor') { //投资,登记债权人 require_once APP_ROOT_PATH . 'system/collocation/baofoo/RegisterCreditor.php'; $ipsdata = RegisterCreditorCallBack($str3Req); if ($request['from'] == 'app') { showIpsInfo($pErrMsg); } else { if ($request['from'] == 'wap') { showIpsInfo($pErrMsg, SITE_DOMAIN . APP_ROOT . '/wap/index.php?ctl=uc_center'); } else { if ($ipsdata) { showIpsInfo($pErrMsg, url("index", "deal", array("id" => $ipsdata['deal_id']))); } else { showIpsInfo($pErrMsg, SITE_DOMAIN . APP_ROOT); } } } } } } } } } else { echo "<br/>验签不通过"; exit; } }
function response($request, $class_act) { //print_r($request); exit; $yeepay_log = array(); $yeepay_log['code'] = 'response'; $yeepay_log['create_date'] = to_date(TIME_UTC, 'Y-m-d H:i:s'); $yeepay_log['strxml'] = $_POST["resp"]; $yeepay_log['html'] = $_POST["sign"]; $GLOBALS['db']->autoExecute(DB_PREFIX . "yeepay_log", $yeepay_log); $resp = $_POST["resp"]; $sign = $_POST["sign"]; $localSign = $sign; //正式版本,需要加上验证; if ($localSign == $sign) { //echo "<br/>验签通过";exit; //echo $resp; require_once APP_ROOT_PATH . 'system/collocation/ips/xml.php'; $str3ParaInfo = @XML_unserialize($resp); $str3Req = $str3ParaInfo['response']; // if ($class_act == 'CreateNewAcct') { require_once APP_ROOT_PATH . 'system/collocation/yeepay/CreateNewAcct.php'; $user_type = CreateNewAcctCallBack($str3Req); if ($request['from'] == 'app') { showIpsInfo($str3Req["description"]); } else { if ($request['from'] == 'wap') { showIpsInfo($str3Req["description"], SITE_DOMAIN . APP_ROOT . '/wap/index.php?ctl=uc_center'); } else { showIpsInfo($str3Req["description"], SITE_DOMAIN . APP_ROOT); } } } else { if ($class_act == 'DoDpTrade') { require_once APP_ROOT_PATH . 'system/collocation/yeepay/DoDpTrade.php'; DoDpTradeCallBack($str3Req); if ($request['from'] == 'app') { showIpsInfo($str3Req["description"]); } else { if ($request['from'] == 'wap') { showIpsInfo($str3Req["description"], SITE_DOMAIN . APP_ROOT . '/wap/index.php?ctl=uc_center'); } else { showIpsInfo($str3Req["description"], SITE_DOMAIN . APP_ROOT); } } } else { if ($class_act == 'BindBankCard') { require_once APP_ROOT_PATH . 'system/collocation/yeepay/BindBankCard.php'; BindBankCardCallBack($str3Req); if ($request['from'] == 'app') { showIpsInfo($str3Req["description"]); } else { if ($request['from'] == 'wap') { showIpsInfo($str3Req["description"], SITE_DOMAIN . APP_ROOT . '/wap/index.php?ctl=uc_center'); } else { showIpsInfo($str3Req["description"], SITE_DOMAIN . APP_ROOT); } } } else { if ($class_act == 'DoDwTrade') { require_once APP_ROOT_PATH . 'system/collocation/yeepay/DoDwTrade.php'; DoDwTradeCallBack($str3Req); if ($request['from'] == 'app') { showIpsInfo($str3Req["description"]); } else { if ($request['from'] == 'wap') { showIpsInfo($str3Req["description"], SITE_DOMAIN . APP_ROOT . '/wap/index.php?ctl=uc_center'); } else { showIpsInfo($str3Req["description"], SITE_DOMAIN . APP_ROOT); } } } else { if ($class_act == 'DoBids') { require_once APP_ROOT_PATH . 'system/collocation/yeepay/DoBids.php'; DoBidsCallBack($str3Req); if ($request['from'] == 'app') { showIpsInfo($str3Req["description"]); } else { if ($request['from'] == 'wap') { showIpsInfo($str3Req["description"], SITE_DOMAIN . APP_ROOT . '/wap/index.php?ctl=uc_center'); } else { showIpsInfo($str3Req["description"], SITE_DOMAIN . APP_ROOT); } } } else { if ($class_act == 'RegisterCreditor') { //投资,登记债权人 require_once APP_ROOT_PATH . 'system/collocation/yeepay/RegisterCreditor.php'; $ipsdata = RegisterCreditorCallBack($str3Req); if ($request['from'] == 'app') { showIpsInfo($str3Req["description"]); } else { if ($request['from'] == 'wap') { showIpsInfo($str3Req["description"], SITE_DOMAIN . APP_ROOT . '/wap/index.php?ctl=uc_center'); } else { if ($ipsdata) { showIpsInfo($str3Req["description"], url("index", "deal", array("id" => $ipsdata['deal_id']))); } else { showIpsInfo($str3Req["description"], SITE_DOMAIN . APP_ROOT); } } } } else { if ($class_act == 'DoLoans') { require_once APP_ROOT_PATH . 'system/collocation/yeepay/DoLoans.php'; $ipsdata = RepaymentNewTradeCallBack($str3Req); if ($request['from'] == 'app') { showIpsInfo($str3Req["description"]); } else { if ($request['from'] == 'wap') { showIpsInfo($str3Req["description"], SITE_DOMAIN . APP_ROOT . '/wap/index.php?ctl=uc_center'); } else { if ($ipsdata) { showIpsInfo($ipsdata["info"], SITE_DOMAIN . APP_ROOT . "/m.php?m=Deal&a=full"); } else { showIpsInfo($str3Req["description"], SITE_DOMAIN . APP_ROOT); } } } } else { if ($class_act == 'RepaymentNewTrade') { require_once APP_ROOT_PATH . 'system/collocation/yeepay/RepaymentNewTrade.php'; $ipsdata = RepaymentNewTradeCallBack($str3Req, $this->platformNo, $this->post_url); if ($request['from'] == 'app') { showIpsInfo($str3Req["description"]); } else { if ($request['from'] == 'wap') { showIpsInfo($str3Req["description"], SITE_DOMAIN . APP_ROOT . '/wap/index.php?ctl=uc_center'); } else { if ($ipsdata) { showIpsInfo($str3Req["description"], url("index", "uc_deal#quick_refund", array("id" => $ipsdata['deal_id']))); } else { showIpsInfo($str3Req["description"], SITE_DOMAIN . APP_ROOT); } } } } else { if ($class_act == 'RepaymentRepayCallBack') { require_once APP_ROOT_PATH . 'system/collocation/yeepay/RepaymentNewTrade.php'; $ipsdata = RepaymentRepayCallBack($str3Req); if ($request['from'] == 'app') { showIpsInfo($str3Req["description"]); } else { if ($request['from'] == 'wap') { showIpsInfo($str3Req["description"], SITE_DOMAIN . APP_ROOT . '/wap/index.php?ctl=uc_center'); } else { if ($ipsdata) { showIpsInfo($str3Req["description"], url("index", "uc_deal#quick_refund", array("id" => $ipsdata['deal_id']))); } else { showIpsInfo($str3Req["description"], SITE_DOMAIN . APP_ROOT); } } } } else { if ($class_act == 'RegisterCretansfer') { require_once APP_ROOT_PATH . 'system/collocation/yeepay/RegisterCretansfer.php'; RegisterCretansferCallBack($str3Req, $this->platformNo, $this->post_url); if ($request['from'] == 'app') { showIpsInfo($str3Req["description"]); } else { if ($request['from'] == 'wap') { showIpsInfo($str3Req["description"], SITE_DOMAIN . APP_ROOT . '/wap/index.php?ctl=uc_center'); } else { if ($request['from'] == 'app') { showIpsInfo($str3Req["description"]); } else { showIpsInfo($str3Req["description"], SITE_DOMAIN . APP_ROOT); } } } } else { if ($class_act == 'RegisterCretansferBack') { require_once APP_ROOT_PATH . 'system/collocation/yeepay/RegisterCretansfer.php'; RegisterCretansferBack($str3Req); if ($request['from'] == 'app') { showIpsInfo($str3Req["description"]); } else { if ($request['from'] == 'wap') { showIpsInfo($str3Req["description"], SITE_DOMAIN . APP_ROOT . '/wap/index.php?ctl=uc_center'); } else { if ($request['from'] == 'app') { showIpsInfo($str3Req["description"]); } else { showIpsInfo($str3Req["description"], SITE_DOMAIN . APP_ROOT); } } } } else { if ($class_act == 'Transfer') { require_once APP_ROOT_PATH . 'system/collocation/ips/Transfer.php'; $result = TransferCallBack($pMerCode, $pErrCode, $pErrMsg, $str3Req); if ($request['from'] == 'app') { showIpsInfo($pErrMsg); } else { if ($request['from'] == 'wap') { if (intval($str3Req["pTransferType"]) == 4) { showIpsInfo($pErrMsg, SITE_DOMAIN . APP_ROOT . '/wap/index.php?ctl=uc_center'); } else { showIpsInfo($pErrMsg, SITE_DOMAIN . APP_ROOT); } } else { if (intval($str3Req["pTransferType"]) == 4) { showIpsInfo($pErrMsg, url("index", "transfer#detail", array("id" => $result['id']))); } else { showIpsInfo($pErrMsg, SITE_DOMAIN . APP_ROOT); } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } else { echo "<br/>验签不通过:{$localSign}"; exit; } }
function response($request, $class_act) { //print_r($request); exit; $pMerCode = $request["pMerCode"]; $pErrCode = $request["pErrCode"]; $pErrMsg = $request["pErrMsg"]; $p3DesXmlPara = $request["p3DesXmlPara"]; $pSign = $request["pSign"]; $signPlainText = $pMerCode . $pErrCode . $pErrMsg . $p3DesXmlPara . $this->cert_md5; $localSign = md5($signPlainText); if ($localSign == $pSign) { //echo "<br/>验签通过";exit; $Crypt3Des = new Crypt3Des(); //new 3des class $str3XmlParaInfo = $Crypt3Des->DESDecrypt($p3DesXmlPara); //3des解密 require_once APP_ROOT_PATH . 'system/collocation/ips/xml.php'; $str3ParaInfo = @XML_unserialize($str3XmlParaInfo); $str3Req = $str3ParaInfo['pReq']; // if ($class_act == 'CreateNewAcct') { require_once APP_ROOT_PATH . 'system/collocation/ips/CreateNewAcct.php'; $user_type = CreateNewAcctCallBack($pMerCode, $pErrCode, $pErrMsg, $str3Req); if ($request['from'] == 'app') { showIpsInfo($pErrMsg); } else { showIpsInfo($pErrMsg, SITE_DOMAIN . APP_ROOT); } } else { if ($class_act == 'RegisterSubject') { require_once APP_ROOT_PATH . 'system/collocation/ips/RegisterSubject.php'; RegisterSubjectCallBack($pMerCode, $pErrCode, $pErrMsg, $str3Req); showIpsInfo($pErrMsg, SITE_DOMAIN . APP_ROOT); } else { if ($class_act == 'RegisterCreditor') { //投资,登记债权人 require_once APP_ROOT_PATH . 'system/collocation/ips/RegisterCreditor.php'; $ipsdata = RegisterCreditorCallBack($pMerCode, $pErrCode, $pErrMsg, $str3Req); if ($request['from'] == 'app') { showIpsInfo($pErrMsg); } else { if ($request['from'] == 'wap') { showIpsInfo($pErrMsg, SITE_DOMAIN . APP_ROOT . '/wap/index.php?ctl=uc_center'); } else { if ($ipsdata) { showIpsInfo($pErrMsg, url("index", "deal", array("id" => $ipsdata['deal_id']))); } else { showIpsInfo($pErrMsg, SITE_DOMAIN . APP_ROOT); } } } } else { if ($class_act == 'RegisterCretansfer') { require_once APP_ROOT_PATH . 'system/collocation/ips/RegisterCretansfer.php'; RegisterCretansferCallBack($pMerCode, $pErrCode, $pErrMsg, $str3Req); if ($request['from'] == 'app') { showIpsInfo($pErrMsg); } else { showIpsInfo($pErrMsg, SITE_DOMAIN . APP_ROOT); } } else { if ($class_act == 'GuaranteeUnfreeze') { require_once APP_ROOT_PATH . 'system/collocation/ips/GuaranteeUnfreeze.php'; GuaranteeUnfreezeCallBack($pMerCode, $pErrCode, $pErrMsg, $str3Req); showIpsInfo($pErrMsg, SITE_DOMAIN . APP_ROOT); } else { if ($class_act == 'DoDpTrade') { require_once APP_ROOT_PATH . 'system/collocation/ips/DoDpTrade.php'; DoDpTradeCallBack($pMerCode, $pErrCode, $pErrMsg, $str3Req); if ($request['from'] == 'app') { showIpsInfo($pErrMsg); } else { if ($request['from'] == 'wap') { showIpsInfo($pErrMsg, SITE_DOMAIN . APP_ROOT . '/wap/index.php?ctl=uc_center'); } else { showIpsInfo($pErrMsg, SITE_DOMAIN . APP_ROOT); } } } else { if ($class_act == 'DoDwTrade') { require_once APP_ROOT_PATH . 'system/collocation/ips/DoDwTrade.php'; DoDwTradeCallBack($pMerCode, $pErrCode, $pErrMsg, $str3Req); if ($request['from'] == 'app') { showIpsInfo($pErrMsg); } else { if ($request['from'] == 'wap') { showIpsInfo($pErrMsg, SITE_DOMAIN . APP_ROOT . '/wap/index.php?ctl=uc_center'); } else { showIpsInfo($pErrMsg, SITE_DOMAIN . APP_ROOT); } } } else { if ($class_act == 'RegisterGuarantor') { require_once APP_ROOT_PATH . 'system/collocation/ips/RegisterGuarantor.php'; RegisterGuarantorCallBack($pMerCode, $pErrCode, $pErrMsg, $str3Req); showIpsInfo($pErrMsg, SITE_DOMAIN . APP_ROOT); } else { if ($class_act == 'RepaymentNewTrade') { require_once APP_ROOT_PATH . 'system/collocation/ips/RepaymentNewTrade.php'; $ipsdata = RepaymentNewTradeCallBack($pMerCode, $pErrCode, $pErrMsg, $str3Req); if ($ipsdata) { showIpsInfo($pErrMsg, url("index", "uc_deal#quick_refund", array("id" => $ipsdata['deal_id']))); } else { showIpsInfo($pErrMsg, SITE_DOMAIN . APP_ROOT); } } else { if ($class_act == 'Transfer') { require_once APP_ROOT_PATH . 'system/collocation/ips/Transfer.php'; $result = TransferCallBack($pMerCode, $pErrCode, $pErrMsg, $str3Req); if ($request['from'] == 'app') { showIpsInfo($pErrMsg); } else { if ($request['from'] == 'wap') { if (intval($str3Req["pTransferType"]) == 4) { showIpsInfo($pErrMsg, SITE_DOMAIN . APP_ROOT . '/wap/index.php?ctl=uc_center'); } else { showIpsInfo($pErrMsg, SITE_DOMAIN . APP_ROOT); } } else { if (intval($str3Req["pTransferType"]) == 4) { showIpsInfo($pErrMsg, url("index", "transfer#detail", array("id" => $result['id']))); } else { showIpsInfo($pErrMsg, SITE_DOMAIN . APP_ROOT); } } } } } } } } } } } } } } else { echo "<br/>验签不通过:{$localSign}"; exit; } }
function SincerityGoldFreeze($user_id, $platformNo, $pTrdAmt, $deal_id, $from, $post_url, $sys = 'pc') { //$pWebUrl= SITE_DOMAIN.APP_ROOT."/index.php?ctl=collocation&act=response&class_name=Yeepay&class_act=SincerityGoldFreeze&from=".$_REQUEST['from'];//web方式返回 //$pS2SUrl= SITE_DOMAIN.APP_ROOT."/index.php?ctl=collocation&act=notify&class_name=Yeepay&class_act=SincerityGoldFreeze&from=".$_REQUEST['from'];//s2s方式返回 $user = array(); $user = $GLOBALS['db']->getRow("select * from " . DB_PREFIX . "user where id = " . $user_id); $yeepay_log = array(); $yeepay_log['code'] = 'FREEZE'; $yeepay_log['create_date'] = to_date(NOW_TIME, 'Y-m-d H:i:s'); $GLOBALS['db']->autoExecute(DB_PREFIX . "yeepay_log", $yeepay_log); $requestNo = $GLOBALS['db']->insert_id(); $data = array(); $data['requestNo'] = $requestNo; //请求流水号 $data['platformUserNo'] = $user_id; // $data['platformNo'] = $platformNo; // 商户编号 $data['amount'] = $pTrdAmt; //$data['feeMode'] = 'PLATFORM';//费率模式PLATFORM $data['deal_id'] = $deal_id; $data['expired'] = to_date(NOW_TIME + 3600 * 12 + 3600 * 24 * 30 * app_conf("MORTGAGE_MONEY_UNFREEZE"), "Y-m-d H:i:s"); //到期自动解冻时间 // $strxml = SincerityGoldFreezeXml($data,$pWebUrl,$pS2SUrl); /* 请求参数 */ $req = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"yes\"?>" . "<request platformNo='" . $data['platformNo'] . "'>" . "<requestNo>" . $data['requestNo'] . "</requestNo>" . "<platformUserNo>" . $data['platformUserNo'] . "</platformUserNo>" . "<amount>" . $data['amount'] . "</amount>" . "<expired>" . $data['expired'] . "</expired>" . "</request>"; /* 签名数据 */ $sign = cfca($req); /* 调用账户查询服务 */ $service = "FREEZE"; $ch = curl_init($post_url . "/bhaexter/bhaController"); curl_setopt_array($ch, array(CURLOPT_POST => TRUE, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => TRUE, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER => 0, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST => 0, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => 'service=' . $service . '&req=' . rawurlencode($req) . "&sign=" . rawurlencode($sign))); $resultStr = curl_exec($ch); if (empty($resultStr)) { //$err_count ++ ; } else { require_once APP_ROOT_PATH . 'system/collocation/ips/xml.php'; $str3ParaInfo = @XML_unserialize($resultStr); $str3Req = $str3ParaInfo['response']; $result['pErrCode'] = $str3Req["code"]; $result['pErrMsg'] = $str3Req["description"]; if ($str3Req["code"] == 1 && $str3Req["description"] == "操作成功") { //操作成功 $data['code'] = $str3Req["code"]; //1 成功 0 失败 2 xml参数格式错误 3 签名验证失败 101 引用了不存在的对象(例如错误的订单号) 102 业务状态不正确 103 由于业务限制导致业务不能执行 104 实名认证失败 $data['is_callback'] = 1; $data['status'] = 1; $data['pay_type'] = 0; $data['create_time'] = NOW_TIME; if (isset($str3Req['description'])) { $data['description'] = $str3Req["description"]; } $GLOBALS['db']->autoExecute(DB_PREFIX . "money_freeze", $data, 'INSERT'); $id = $GLOBALS['db']->insert_id(); if ($from == 'web') { showIpsInfo('诚意金支付成功', url("deal#show", array("id" => $deal_id))); } elseif ($from == 'wap') { showIpsInfo('诚意金支付成功', url_wap("deal#index", array("id" => $deal_id))); } elseif ($from == 'app') { echo "诚意金支付成功<br />请点左上角<b>返回</b>按钮"; } } else { if ($from == 'web') { showIpsInfo($str3Req["description"], url("deal#show", array("id" => $deal_id))); } elseif ($from == 'wap') { showIpsInfo($str3Req["description"], url_wap("deal#index", array("id" => $deal_id))); } elseif ($from == 'app') { echo $str3Req["description"] . "<br />请点左上角<b>返回</b>按钮"; } } } }
function DoLoansCallBack($str3Req) { $requestNo = $str3Req["requestNo"]; $platformNo = $str3Req["platformNo"]; $GLOBALS['db']->query("update " . DB_PREFIX . "yeepay_cp_transaction set is_callback = 1 where is_callback = 0 and requestNo = " . $requestNo); $result['pErrCode'] = $str3Req["code"]; $result['pErrMsg'] = $str3Req["message"]; $result['pIpsAcctNo'] = $str3Req["requestNo"]; if ($str3Req["code"] == 1) { $sql = "update " . DB_PREFIX . "yeepay_cp_transaction set is_complete_transaction = 1,update_time = " . TIME_UTC . " where is_callback = 1 and requestNo = " . $requestNo; $GLOBALS['db']->query($sql); $deal_load = array(); $deal_load['is_has_loans'] = 1; //1#转账成功 $where = " pP2PBillNo = " . $requestNo; $GLOBALS['db']->autoExecute(DB_PREFIX . "deal_load", $deal_load, 'UPDATE', $where); } $ipsdata = $GLOBALS['db']->getRow("select * from " . DB_PREFIX . "yeepay_cp_transaction where is_callback = 1 and requestNo =" . $requestNo); $count = $GLOBALS['db']->getOne("select count(*) from " . DB_PREFIX . "deal_load where is_has_loans = 0 and deal_id = " . $ipsdata["tenderOrderNo"]); if ($count == 0) { //已经全部放款完成,生成:还款计划以及回款计划; $repay_start_time = intval($ipsdata['repay_start_time']); require_once APP_ROOT_PATH . "app/Lib/common.php"; $result = do_loans($ipsdata["tenderOrderNo"], $repay_start_time, 1); showIpsInfo($result["info"], SITE_DOMAIN . APP_ROOT . "/m.php?m=Deal&a=full"); } else { return 1; } }