  * @return bool|void
 public function autoLogin()
     $Register = Register::getInstance();
     $FpsDB = $Register['DB'];
     // Если не установлены cookie, содержащие логин и пароль
     if (!isset($_COOKIE['userid']) or !isset($_COOKIE['password'])) {
         $path = '/';
         if (isset($_COOKIE['userid'])) {
             setcookie('userid', '', time() - 1, $path);
         if (isset($_COOKIE['password'])) {
             setcookie('password', '', time() - 1, $path);
         if (isset($_COOKIE['autologin'])) {
             setcookie('autologin', '', time() - 1, $path);
         return false;
     // Проверяем переменные cookie на недопустимые символы
     $user_id = intval($_COOKIE['userid']);
     if ($user_id < 1) {
         return false;
     // Т.к. пароль зашифрован с помощью md5, то он представляет собой
     // 32-значное шестнадцатеричное число
     $password = substr($_COOKIE['password'], 0, 32);
     $password = preg_replace("#[^0-9a-f]#i", '', $password);
     $res = $FpsDB->select('users', DB_FIRST, array('cond' => array('id' => $user_id, 'passw' => $password), 'fields' => array('*', 'UNIX_TIMESTAMP(last_visit) as unix_last_visit')));
     // Если пользователь с таким логином и паролем не найден -
     // значит данные неверные и надо их удалить
     if (count($res) < 1) {
         //$tmppos = strrpos( $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], '/' ) + 1;
         //$path = substr( $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], 0, $tmppos );
         $path = '/';
         setcookie('autologin', '', time() - 1, $path);
         setcookie('userid', '', time() - 1, $path);
         setcookie('password', '', time() - 1, $path);
         return false;
     $user = $res[0];
     if (!empty($user['activation'])) {
         //$tmppos = strrpos( $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], '/' ) + 1;
         //$path = substr( $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], 0, $tmppos );
         $path = '/';
         setcookie('autologin', '', time() - 1, $path);
         setcookie('userid', '', time() - 1, $path);
         setcookie('password', '', time() - 1, $path);
         return showInfoMessage(__('Your account not activated'), '/');
     // Если пользователь заблокирован
     if ($user['locked']) {
         //$tmppos = strrpos( $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], '/' ) + 1;
         //$path = substr( $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], 0, $tmppos );
         $path = '/';
         setcookie('autologin', '', time() - 1, $path);
         setcookie('userid', '', time() - 1, $path);
         setcookie('password', '', time() - 1, $path);
     $_SESSION['user'] = $user;
     // Функция getNewThemes() помещает в массив $_SESSION['newThemes'] ID тем,
     // в которых были новые сообщения со времени последнего посещения пользователя
     return true;
Exemple #2
  * Check user access and if all right
  * delete record with geting ID.
  * @param int $id
 public function delete($id = null)
     $this->cached = false;
     $id = (int) $id;
     if ($id < 1) {
     $target = $this->Model->getById($id);
     if (!$target) {
     //turn access
     if (!$this->ACL->turn(array($this->module, 'delete_materials'), false) && (!empty($_SESSION['user']['id']) && $target->getAuthor_id() == $_SESSION['user']['id'] && $this->ACL->turn(array($this->module, 'delete_mine_materials'), false)) === false) {
         return showInfoMessage(__('Permission denied'), '/' . $this->module . '/');
     //remove cache
     $this->Cache->clean(CACHE_MATCHING_TAG, array('module_' . $this->module, 'record_id_' . $id));
     $user_id = !empty($_SESSION['user']['id']) ? intval($_SESSION['user']['id']) : 0;
     if ($this->Log) {
         $this->Log->write('delete ' . $this->module, $this->module . ' id(' . $id . ') user id(' . $user_id . ')');
     return $this->showInfoMessage(__('Operation is successful'), '/' . $this->module . '/');
Exemple #3
  * Validate data and update record into 
  * Data Base. If an errors, redirect user to add form
  * and show error message where speaks as not to admit 
  * errors in the future
 public function update($id = null)
     $id = (int) $id;
     if (empty($id)) {
     $entity = $this->Model->getById($id);
     if (!$entity) {
         return $this->_view(__('Some error occurred'));
     if (!$this->ACL->turn(array('foto', 'edit_materials'), false) && (empty($_SESSION['user']['id']) || $entity->getAuthor_id() !== $_SESSION['user']['id'] || !$this->ACL->turn(array('foto', 'edit_mine_materials'), false))) {
         return showInfoMessage(__('Permission denied'), '/foto/');
     $errors = $this->Register['Validate']->check($this->Register['action']);
     // Обрезаем переменные до длины, указанной в параметре maxlength тега input
     $title = trim(mb_substr($_POST['title'], 0, 128));
     $description = trim($_POST['main_text']);
     $in_cat = intval($_POST['cats_selector']);
     if (empty($in_cat)) {
         $in_cat = $entity->getCategory_id();
     $className = $this->Register['ModManager']->getModelNameFromModule($this->module . 'Categories');
     $catModel = new $className();
     $cats = $catModel->getById($in_cat);
     if (!$cats) {
         $errors[] = __('Can not find category');
     // errors
     if (!empty($errors)) {
         $data = array('title' => $title, 'description' => $description, 'in_cat' => $in_cat);
         $data['errors'] = $errors;
         $_SESSION['FpsForm'] = $data;
         redirect('/foto/edit_form/' . $id);
     $description = mb_substr($description, 0, Config::read('description_lenght', 'foto'));
     if (!empty($_FILES['foto']['name'])) {
         try {
             $filename = $this->__saveFile($_FILES['foto'], $id);
             if (!$filename) {
                 throw new Exception('ERROR: FILE_UPL');
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             $data = array('title' => null, 'description' => null, 'in_cat' => $in_cat);
             $data = array_merge($data, $_POST);
             $data['errors'] = array(__('Some error occurred'));
             $_SESSION['FpsForm'] = $data;
     //clean cache
     $this->Cache->clean(CACHE_MATCHING_TAG, array('module_foto', 'record_id_' . $id));
     if ($this->Log) {
         $this->Log->write('editing foto', 'foto id(' . $id . ')');
     return $this->showInfoMessage(__('Operation is successful'), '/foto/');
Exemple #4
  * action view category of loads
 public function category($id = null)
     //turn access
     $this->ACL->turn(array($this->module, 'view_list'));
     $id = intval($id);
     if (empty($id) || $id < 1) {
     $SectionsModel = $this->Register['ModManager']->getModelInstance($this->module . 'Categories');
     $category = $SectionsModel->getById($id);
     if (!$category) {
         return showInfoMessage(__('Can not find category'), '/' . $this->module . '/');
     if (!$this->ACL->checkCategoryAccess($category->getNo_access())) {
         return showInfoMessage(__('Permission denied'), '/' . $this->module . '/');
     //формируем блок со списком  разделов
     if ($this->cached && $this->Cache->check($this->cacheKey)) {
         $source = $this->Cache->read($this->cacheKey);
         return $this->_view($source);
     $where = array();
     $where[] = $this->_getDeniSectionsCond($id);
     if (!$this->ACL->turn(array('other', 'can_see_hidden'), false)) {
         $where['available'] = '1';
     if (!$this->ACL->turn(array('other', 'can_premoder'), false)) {
         $where['premoder'] = 'confirmed';
     $total = $this->Model->getTotal(array('cond' => $where));
     list($pages, $page) = pagination($total, $this->Register['Config']->read('per_page', $this->module), '/' . $this->module . '/category/' . $id);
     $this->Register['pages'] = $pages;
     $this->Register['page'] = $page;
     $this->addToPageMetaContext('page', $page);
     $this->addToPageMetaContext('category_title', h($category->getTitle()));
     $navi = array();
     $navi['add_link'] = $this->ACL->turn(array($this->module, 'add_materials'), false) ? get_link(__('Add material'), '/' . $this->module . '/add_form/') : '';
     $navi['navigation'] = $this->_buildBreadCrumbs($id);
     $navi['pagination'] = $pages;
     $navi['meta'] = __('Count material in cat') . $total;
     $navi['category_name'] = h($category->getTitle());
     if ($total <= 0) {
         $html = __('Materials not found');
         return $this->_view($html);
     $params = array('page' => $page, 'limit' => Config::read('per_page', $this->module), 'order' => $this->Model->getOrderParam());
     $records = $this->Model->getCollection($where, $params);
     if (is_object($this->AddFields) && count($records) > 0) {
         $records = $this->AddFields->mergeRecords($records);
     // create markers
     foreach ($records as $result) {
         $this->Register['current_vars'] = $result;
         $markers = array();
         $markers['moder_panel'] = $this->_getAdminBar($result);
         $entry_url = entryUrl($result, $this->module);
         $markers['entry_url'] = $entry_url;
         $markers['announce'] = $this->Textarier->getAnnounce($result->getMain(), $result, $this->Register['Config']->read('announce_lenght', $this->module));
         $markers['category_url'] = get_url('/' . $this->module . '/category/' . $result->getCategory_id());
         $markers['profile_url'] = getProfileUrl($result->getAuthor()->getId());
         //set users_id that are on this page
         $this->setCacheTag(array('user_id_' . $result->getAuthor()->getId(), 'record_id_' . $result->getId()));
     $source = $this->render('list.html', array('entities' => $records));
     //write int cache
     if ($this->cached) {
         $this->Cache->write($source, $this->cacheKey, $this->cacheTags);
     return $this->_view($source);