Exemple #1
if ($hide_inactive) {
    $q->addWhere('task_status >= 0');
if ($hide_complete) {
    $q->addWhere('task_percent_complete < 100');
if ($cost_code != '0') {
    $q->addWhere('task_log_costcode = "' . $cost_code . '"');
$project->setAllowedSQL($AppUI->user_id, $q, 'task_project');
$logs = $q->loadList();
$s = '';
$hrs = 0;
if (count($logs) == 0) {
    showEmptyRow(8, 'second');
} else {
    foreach ($logs as $row) {
        $mylog = $row['task_log_creator'] == $AppUI->user_id;
        $task_log_date = intval($row['task_log_date']) ? new CDate($row['task_log_date']) : null;
<tr class="second">
        if ($perms->checkModuleItem('tasks', 'edit', $row['task_id']) && $mylog) {
            showIconLink('images/edit_log.gif', 'js:doShowTaskLog(' . $row['task_id'] . ',' . $row['task_log_id'] . ',1)', 'Edit');
        } else {
            showIconLink('images/view.gif', 'js:doShowTaskLog(' . $row['task_id'] . ',' . $row['task_log_id'] . ',0)', 'View');
Exemple #2
echo showButton($AppUI->_('New contact'), 'js:doEditCard(0, \'&company_id=' . $company_id . '\')');
<table width="100%" border=0 cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" class="list">
	<th width="16">&nbsp;</td>
echo $AppUI->_('Name');
echo $AppUI->_('Email');
echo $AppUI->_('Department');
if (!$total) {
    showEmptyRow(3, 'padding');
} else {
    echo $s;
Exemple #3
	<th width="100">CC</th>
	<th width="90%"><?php 
echo $AppUI->_('Comments');
	<th width="24px" class="last">&nbsp;</th>
// Pull the task comments
$sql = "\nSELECT task_log.*, user_username, billingcode_name as task_log_costcode\nFROM task_log\nLEFT JOIN billingcode ON task_log.task_log_costcode = billingcode_id\nLEFT JOIN users ON user_id = task_log_creator\nWHERE task_log_task = {$task_id}" . ($problem ? " AND task_log_problem > '0'" : '') . " ORDER BY task_log_date\n";
$logs = db_loadList($sql);
$s = '';
$hrs = 0;
$nlogs = 1;
if (count($logs) == 0) {
    showEmptyRow(10, 'second');
} else {
    foreach ($logs as $row) {
        $task_log_date = intval($row['task_log_date']) ? new CDate($row['task_log_date']) : null;
        $style = $row['task_log_problem'] ? 'background-color:#cc6666;color:#f0f0f0' : '';
        $s .= $nlogs % 2 == 0 ? '<tr class="first">' : '<tr class="second">';
        $s .= '<td>';
        if ($row['task_log_creator'] == $AppUI->user_id || $isMyProject) {
            // && $perms->checkModuleItem('task_log', 'edit', $task_id)) {
            if ($tab == -1) {
                $s .= '<a href="?m=tasks&a=view&task_id=' . $task_id . '&tab=' . $AppUI->getState('TaskLogVwTab');
            } else {
                $s .= '<a href="?m=tasks&a=view&task_id=' . $task_id . '&tab=1';
            $s .= '&task_log_id=' . @$row['task_log_id'] . '#log" title="Edit">' . '<img src="images/edit_log.gif" title="Edit log"></a>';
Exemple #4
<table border="0" cellpadding="7" cellspacing="0" width="100%" class="infopanel">
	<td class="status">Total:</td>
	<td width="100%"><?php 
echo $total;
<table width="100%" border=0 cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" class="list">
echo $AppUI->_('Username');
	<th width="60%"><?php 
echo $AppUI->_('Full Name');
if (!$total) {
    showEmptyRow(2, 'padding');
} else {
    echo $s;
Exemple #5
		<th class="last" width="1%"><?php 
    echo $AppUI->_('Hours');

    $pdetail = array();
    $pdfdata = array();
    $subtotal = 0.0;
    $total_hours = 0.0;
    $uname = '';
    $cdate = '';
    if (count($logs) == 0) {
        showEmptyRow(5, 'second');
    } else {
        foreach ($logs as $log) {
            $project_name = $log['project_short_name'];
            $pdetail[$project_name] = $log['project_name'] . '  --  ' . $log['project_description'];
            $date = new CDate($log['task_log_date']);
            if ($uname != $log['contact_first_name'] . ' ' . $log['contact_last_name']) {
                if ($uname != '') {
                    echo '<tr class="second"><td colspan="5" align="right"><b>Sub total:</b></td>' . '<td align="right"><b>' . sprintf("%.2f", $subtotal) . '<b></td></tr>';
                    $pdfdata[] = array('', '', '', '', '<r><b>Sub total</b>', '<b>' . sprintf("%.2f", $subtotal) . '</b>');
                    $subtotal = 0;
                $uname = $log['contact_first_name'] . ' ' . $log['contact_last_name'];
                echo '<tr><td colspan="6"><b>' . $uname . '</b></td></tr>';
                $pdfdata[] = array('<s><b>' . $uname . '</b>', '', '', '', '', '');
                $cdate = '';