 * @params object parameters set by user for the plugin
 * @return string a list of sef urls similar to that of the current page
function shGetSimilarUrls($path, $params)
    // init result
    $urls = '';
    // current path
    $path = JString::trim($path);
    $path = JString::trim($path, '.');
    // if empty, we may be on a non-sef urls
    if (empty($path)) {
        return $urls;
    $urlList = shFindSimilarUrls($path, $params);
    $urls = shFormatSimilarUrls($urlList);
    return $urls;
 * @params object parameters set by user for the plugin
 * @return string a list of sef urls similar to that of the current page
function shGetSimilarUrls($params)
    // init result
    $urls = '';
    // first get current sef url
    $shPageInfo =& shRouter::shPageInfo();
    // current path
    $path = JString::trim($shPageInfo->shCurrentPagePath);
    $path = JString::trim($path, '.');
    // if empty, we may be on a non-sef urls
    if (empty($path)) {
        return $urls;
    $urlList = shFindSimilarUrls($path, $params);
    $urls = shFormatSimilarUrls($urlList);
    return $urls;