// extract ( $_SESSION , EXTR_REFS ) ; $err_message = " Unable to process your request due to the following problems: <br>\n"; //Code added to address security problem reported by Sebastian Held 14-Nov-2006 $header = "Setup Account"; $accepted_privilegeID_arr = array(3 => ""); $accepted_phaseID_arr = array(1 => "", 2 => "", 3 => "", 4 => ""); authentication($header, $accepted_privilegeID_arr, $accepted_phaseID_arr, $homepage, $php_root_path, $GLOBALS["DB_PREFIX"], &$err_message); if ($_POST["Submit"] == "Back") { $url = "Location: setup_new_account.php?accountType=" . $_POST["accountType"]; header($url); exit; } //Generate the random password $password = generate_password(); //Call the function to setup reviewer account $result = setup_new_account($_POST, $password); if ($result === true) { do_html_header("Successful Setup"); echo "<p>The following account has been setup successfully.<br><br>"; echo "Account Type: " . $_POST["accountType"] . "<br><br>"; echo "Login Name: <strong>" . $_POST["loginname"] . "</strong><br>"; echo "Email Address: <strong>" . $_POST["email"] . "</strong><br><br>"; if ($_POST["accountType"] == "Reviewer") { echo "You can either <a href=\"setup_new_account.php?accountType=Reviewer\"> Add </a> another reviewer or <a href=\"view_all_reviewers.php\">View Reviewer Accounts</a>.</p>"; } else { echo "Go back to <a href=\"view_all_users.php\">View All Users</a>.</p>"; } do_html_footer(); } else { do_html_header("Error Information"); echo "<p>{$result}</p>";
} if (isset($_SESSION["content"])) { $arrContent = $_SESSION["content"]; } //Establish connection with database $db = adodb_connect(); if (!$db) { do_html_header("Database Conntection Fail"); $err_message .= "Could not connect to database server - please try later."; do_html_footer(&$err_message); exit; } //get the conference info to get the contact mail $conferenceInfo = get_conference_info(); //Call the function to setup reviwer account if (setup_new_account($arrAccountInfo, $arrContent["password"])) { //Send Email to user //~ $mail = new Mail(); //~ $mail -> Organization($conferenceInfo -> ConferenceCodeName); //~ $mail -> ReplyTo($conferenceInfo -> ConferenceContact); //~ $mail -> From($conferenceInfo -> ConferenceContact); //~ $mail -> To($arrAccountInfo["email"]); //~ $mail -> Subject($arrContent["subject"]); //~ $mail -> Body($arrContent["content"]); //~ if ($arrAccountInfo["cc"] != "") //~ $mail -> Cc($arrAccountInfo["cc"]); //~ $mail -> Priority(1); //~ $mail -> Send(); $sender = $conferenceInfo->ConferenceContact; $recipient = $arrAccountInfo["email"]; $headers = array('From' => $conferenceInfo->ConferenceContact, 'To' => $arrAccountInfo["email"], 'Subject' => stripslashes($arrContent["subject"]), 'Organization' => $conferenceInfo->ConferenceCodeName, 'Reply-To' => $conferenceInfo->ConferenceContact, 'Cc' => $arrAccountInfo["cc"]);