Exemple #1

/** SamsonPHP init script */
/** Set default locale to - Russian */
define('DEFAULT_LOCALE', 'ru');
// Check if composer is installed
if (!file_exists('../vendor/autoload.php')) {
    die('/vendor folder does not exists, probably you have not installed composer dependencies(composer install)');
/** Load SamsonPHP framework */
require '../vendor/autoload.php';
/** Set supported locales */
/** Start SamsonPHP web-application */
s()->environment(getenv('APPLICATION_ENV') ? getenv('APPLICATION_ENV') : null)->composer()->subscribe('core.e404', 'e404__handler')->start('main');
// Start framework
Exemple #2
if (!defined('DEFAULT_LOCALE')) {
    define('DEFAULT_LOCALE', 'ru');
/** Require composer autoloader */
if (!class_exists('samson\\core\\Core')) {
    require_once '../vendor/autoload.php';
/** Automatic parent web-application configuration read */
if (file_exists('../../../app/config')) {
    /** Special constant to disable local ActiveRecord configuration */
    define('EXTERNAL_CONFIG', true);
    // Signal core configure event
    \samsonphp\event\Event::signal('core.configure', array('../../../' . __SAMSON_CONFIG_PATH, __SAMSON_PUBLIC_PATH . __SAMSON_BASE__));
// Set supported locales
setlocales('en', 'ua', 'ru');
// Start SamsonPHP application
s()->composer()->subscribe('core.e404', 'default_e404')->subscribe('core.routing', array(url(), 'router'));
/** Automatic external SamsonCMS Application searching  */
if (file_exists('../../../src/')) {
    // Get reource map to find all modules in src folder
    foreach (\samson\core\ResourceMap::get('../../../src/')->modules as $module) {
        // We are only interested in SamsonCMS application ancestors
        if (in_array('samson\\cms\\App', class_parents($module[2])) !== false) {
            // Remove possible '/src/' path from module path
            if (($pos = strripos($module[1], '/src/')) !== false) {
                $module[1] = substr($module[1], 0, $pos);
            // Load