notice_yesno(get_string('deletecheckfiles'), 'index.php', 'index.php', $optionsyes, $optionsno, 'post', 'get'); } else { notify(get_string('warningblockingdelete', 'resource')); $options = array('id' => $id, 'wdir' => $wdir, 'action' => 'cancel', 'choose' => $choose); # HU, CS Repository plugin support print_continue("index.php?id={$id}&wdir={$wdir}&action=cancel&choose={$choose}" . $repository->get_arg()); } } else { displaydir($wdir); } html_footer(); } break; case "move": html_header($course, $wdir); if ($count = setfilelist($_POST) and confirm_sesskey()) { $USER->fileop = $action; $USER->filesource = $wdir; echo "<p class=\"centerpara\">"; print_string("selectednowmove", "moodle", $count); echo "</p>"; } displaydir($wdir); html_footer(); break; case "paste": html_header($course, $wdir); if (isset($USER->fileop) and $USER->fileop == "move" and confirm_sesskey()) { foreach ($USER->filelist as $file) { $shortfile = basename($file); $oldfile = $basedir . '/' . $file;
case "zip": if (!empty($name) and confirm_sesskey()) { html_header($course, $wdir); $name = clean_filename($name); $files = array(); foreach ($USER->filelist as $file) { $files[] = "{$basedir}/{$file}"; } if (!zip_files($files, "{$basedir}/{$wdir}/{$name}")) { print_error("zipfileserror", "error"); } clearfilelist(); displaydir($wdir); } else { html_header($course, $wdir, ""); if (setfilelist($_POST)) { echo "<p align=\"center\">" . get_string("youareabouttocreatezip") . ":</p>"; print_simple_box_start("center"); printfilelist($USER->filelist); print_simple_box_end(); echo "<br />"; echo "<p align=\"center\">" . get_string("whattocallzip"); echo "<table border=\"0\">\n<tr>\n<td>\n"; echo "<form action=\"coursefiles.php\" method=\"post\" name=\"form\">\n"; echo " <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"id\" value=\"{$id}\" />\n"; echo " <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"wdir\" value=\"{$wdir}\" />\n"; echo " <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"action\" value=\"zip\" />\n"; echo " <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"sesskey\" value=\"{$USER->sesskey}\" />\n"; echo " <INPUT type=\"text\" name=\"name\" size=\"35\" value=\"\" />\n"; echo " <input type=\"submit\" value=\"" . get_string("createziparchive") . "\" />"; echo "</form>\n";
if (strpos($wdir, $gdocsstr) === 1) { if (link_to_gdoc($name, $filelink)) { $path = explode("/", $wdir); $fileid = $path[2]; add_file_tocollection($morsle, $fileid, $readfolderid); $wdir = '/' . $path[1]; } } else { if ($savelink) { $_POST['file1'] = $_FILES['userfile']['name']; } if (empty($_POST)) { $_POST['file1'] = $file; } $files = morsle_get_files($morsle, $wdir, $collectionid); setfilelist($_POST, $wdir, $owner, $files, $type); if (!empty($USER->filelist)) { foreach ($USER->filelist as $name => $value) { if (!link_to_gdoc($name, $value->link, $value->type)) { print_error("gdocslinkerror", "error"); } elseif (strpos($wdir, $deptstr) !== false || strpos($wdir, $userstr) !== false) { // need to share resource with course user account $acl_base_feed = '' . $value->id . '/acl'; assign_file_permissions($courseowner, 'writer', $owner, $acl_base_feed); // need to place anything from departmental or instructors resources into the read-only collection so students can see them add_file_tocollection($morsle, $readfolderid, $value->id); } } } } notify(get_string('linkedfile', 'block_morsle'));