$_STATE->calendar = serialize(clone $calendar); $_STATE->msgGreet = $_STATE->project_name . "<br>Select the list style and date range"; $_STATE->status = SELECT_SPECS; break 2; case SELECT_SPECS: //set the from and to dates require_once "calendar.php"; //catches $_GET refresh require_once "date_select.php"; $dates = unserialize($_STATE->date_select); if (!$dates->POST()) { $calendar = unserialize($_STATE->calendar); $_STATE->msgGreet = $_STATE->project_name . "<br>Select the list style and date range"; break 2; } set_state($dates); $_STATE->inactive_date = clone $_STATE->to_date; $_STATE->inactive_date->add(new DateInterval('P1D')); total_hours($_STATE); //for all projects $_STATE->status = SELECTED_SPECS; //for possible goback $_STATE->replace(); // break 1; //re_switch // break 1; //re_switch case SELECTED_SPECS: log_list($_STATE); $_STATE->msgGreet = "Log entry for " . $_STATE->person_name . "<br>To add or change hours: click on the lefthand column"; $_STATE->extension = ""; set_closedCols(); $_STATE->scion_start("SHEET");
function interpret($parsed, $disabled = false, $makediff = true, $stats = false) { global $gitpath; if (isset($parsed['file'])) { if ($parsed['strstaged'] == '?' || $parsed['strstaged'] == 'A') { if ($makediff) { $command = 'diff'; $args = array('-u', '/dev/null', $parsed['file']); if (isset($parsed['staged']) && $parsed['staged'] == 'A') { $args = array('diff', '--cached', $parsed['file']); $command = $gitpath; } $h = start_command($command, $args); close_stdin($h); $diff = htmlentities(get_all_data($h)); clean_up($h); } else { $diff = false; } $parsed['state'] = set_state($parsed['strmodified'], $parsed['strstaged']); $parsed['staged'] = set_staged($parsed['strmodified'], $parsed['strstaged']); list($str, $prefix) = html_file($parsed['file'], $parsed['state'], $parsed['staged'], $parsed['hash'], $diff, $disabled); echo $str; $parsed['prefix'] = $prefix; } elseif ($parsed['strmodified'] == 'M' || $parsed['strstaged'] == 'M' && $parsed['strmodified'] == ' ') { if ($makediff) { $args = array('diff', $parsed['file']); if ($parsed['strstaged'] == 'M' && $parsed['strmodified'] == ' ') { $args = array('diff', '--cached', $parsed['file']); } $h = start_command($gitpath, $args); close_stdin($h); $str = get_all_data($h); $diff = htmlentities($str); $exit = get_exit_code($h); clean_up($h); } else { $diff = false; } $parsed['state'] = set_state($parsed['strmodified'], $parsed['strstaged']); $parsed['staged'] = set_staged($parsed['strmodified'], $parsed['strstaged']); list($str, $prefix) = html_file($parsed['file'], $parsed['state'], $parsed['staged'], $parsed['hash'], $diff, $disabled); echo $str; $parsed['prefix'] = $prefix; } elseif ($parsed['strmodified'] == 'D') { if ($makediff) { $args = array('diff', '--', $parsed['file']); $h = start_command($gitpath, $args); close_stdin($h); $str = get_all_data($h); $diff = htmlentities($str); $exit = get_exit_code($h); clean_up($h); } else { $diff = false; } $parsed['state'] = set_state($parsed['strmodified'], $parsed['strstaged']); $parsed['staged'] = set_staged($parsed['strmodified'], $parsed['strstaged']); list($str, $prefix) = html_file($parsed['file'], $parsed['state'], $parsed['staged'], $parsed['hash'], $diff, $disabled); echo $str; $parsed['prefix'] = $prefix; } elseif ($parsed['strstaged'] == 'D') { if ($makediff) { $args = array('diff', '--cached', '--', $parsed['file']); $h = start_command($gitpath, $args); close_stdin($h); $str = get_all_data($h); $diff = htmlentities($str); $exit = get_exit_code($h); clean_up($h); } else { $diff = false; } $parsed['state'] = set_state($parsed['strmodified'], $parsed['strstaged']); $parsed['staged'] = set_staged($parsed['strmodified'], $parsed['strstaged']); list($str, $prefix) = html_file($parsed['file'], $parsed['state'], $parsed['staged'], $parsed['hash'], $diff, $disabled); echo $str; $parsed['prefix'] = $prefix; } elseif ($parsed['strstaged'] == 'R') { if ($makediff) { $args = array('diff', '--cached', '--', $parsed['file']); $h = start_command($gitpath, $args); close_stdin($h); $str = get_all_data($h); $diff = htmlentities($str); $exit = get_exit_code($h); clean_up($h); } else { $diff = false; } $parsed['state'] = set_state($parsed['strmodified'], $parsed['strstaged']); $parsed['staged'] = set_staged($parsed['strmodified'], $parsed['strstaged']); list($str, $prefix) = html_file($parsed['file'], $parsed['state'], $parsed['staged'], $parsed['hash'], $diff, $disabled); echo $str; $parsed['prefix'] = $prefix; } elseif ($parsed['strstaged'] == 'C') { $info = htmlentities('file ' . $parsed['newfile'] . ' is a copy of ' . $parsed['oldfile']); $parsed['state'] = set_state($parsed['strmodified'], $parsed['strstaged']); $parsed['staged'] = set_staged($parsed['strmodified'], $parsed['strstaged']); list($str, $prefix) = html_file($parsed['file'], $parsed['state'], $parsed['staged'], $parsed['hash'], $info, $disabled); echo $str; $parsed['prefix'] = $prefix; } else { interpret_not_supported($parsed, __FILE__, __LINE__); } } else { if (isset($parsed['dir']) && $parsed['strmodified'] == '?' && $parsed['strstaged'] == '?') { // is a dir, handled outside this function } else { // if type == 'link' -> readlink ( see Github issue #3 ) interpret_not_supported($parsed, __FILE__, __LINE__); } } return $parsed; }
function welcome() { set_state(1); ?> <br> Welcome to the <?php echo APP_NAME; ?> Database Upgrade Wizard.<P> If you have just updated your <?php echo APP_NAME; ?> code base, you will need to complete the upgrade process in order to ensure your system is fully operational with the new version. <P> You will not be able to log into <?php echo APP_NAME; ?> until your the database upgrade process is completed. <P> <font color=orange>!!NB!! You are advised to backup the database before attempting the upgrade. !!NB!!</font> <P> If you have already done this, you may skip this step can continue directly to the upgrade. <P> <input type=button value="cancel" onclick="document.location='..';"> <input type=button value="backup now" onclick="javascript:do_start('BackupConfirm');"> <input type=button value="next" onclick="javascript:do_start('UpgradeConfirm');"> <input type=button value="restore database" onclick="javascript:do_start('RestoreConfirm');"> <?php }