function barDrawSimple($code)
    global $SYS;
    if (is_dir($SYS["DOCROOT"] . "/Extensions/barcodeGen_4v123pl1")) {
        /************************************** BARCODE */
        define('IN_CB', true);
        set_include_dir($SYS["DOCROOT"] . "/Extensions/barcodeGen_4v123pl1/-");
        // Including all required classes
        require 'class/index.php';
        require 'class/Font.php';
        require 'class/FColor.php';
        require 'class/BarCode.php';
        require 'class/FDrawing.php';
        // Including the barcode technology
        include 'class/code39.barcode.php';
        // Loading Font
        $font =& new Font($SYS["DOCROOT"] . '/Data/Fonts/Vera.ttf', 8);
        // Creating some Color (arguments are R, G, B)
        $color_black =& new FColor(0, 0, 0);
        $color_white =& new FColor(255, 255, 255);
        /* Here is the list of the arguments:
        		1 - Thickness
        		2 - Color of bars
        		3 - Color of spaces
        		4 - Resolution
        		5 - Text
        		6 - Text Font */
        $code =& new code39(60, $color_black, $color_white, 2, $code, $font);
        //$code =& new code39(60,$color_black,$color_white,2,"001492026D67",$font);
        /* Here is the list of the arguments
        		1 - Filename (empty : display on screen)
        		2 - Background color */
        $drawing =& new FDrawing('', $color_white);
        // Header that says it is an image (remove it if you save the barcode to a file)
        header('Content-Type: image/png');
        // Draw (or save) the image into PNG format.
        $bardata = $drawing->finish(IMG_FORMAT_PNG);
        /************************************** BARCODE */

require_once "coreg2.php";
debug("Import elements from CSV", "white");
foreach ($SYS["APPS"] as $app) {
    set_include_dir($SYS["BASE"] . "/Apps/" . $app . "/.");
$data = file($_FILES["fichero_csv"]["tmp_name"]);
$FIELDS = explode(";", current($data));
foreach ($FIELDS as $a => $b) {
    $FIELDS[$a] = strtolower(trim(strtr($b, "\"'", "  ")));
foreach ($data as $k => $v) {
    if ($k != 0) {
        $DATAFIELDS = explode(";", $v);
        foreach ($DATAFIELDS as $a => $b) {
            $DATAFIELDS[$a] = strtr($b, "\"'", "");
        $q = "INSERT INTO {$prefix}_{$table} (`" . implode("`,`", $FIELDS) . "`) VALUES (" . implode(",", $DATAFIELDS) . ")";

set_include_dir(dirname(__FILE__) . "/../Extensions/google/translate/-");
require "GTranslate.php";
Exemple #4
                $metadata["menu_entrys_items"] .= '
				<div id="menuEntry' . $v . '_box" class="thook"  style="display : none; position : absolute; z-index : 1;" onclick="flip(\'none\')"><div class="thookreal">';
                foreach ($menu_entry["items"] as $j) {
                    if ($j[3]) {
                        $metadata["menu_entrys_items"] .= '<img src="' . $SYS["ROOT"] . "/Apps/" . $k . "/local/Img/" . $j[3] . ' " align="left" style="margin-top:2px;margin-left:1px;" border="0"/>';
                    } else {
                        $metadata["menu_entrys_items"] .= '<img src="' . $SYS["ROOT"] . '/Backend/local/Img/menu_none.gif" align="left" style="margin-top:2px" border="0"/>';
                    $metadata["menu_entrys_items"] .= '
				<a href="' . $j[0] . '" target="' . $j[1] . '" class="tlink">&nbsp; ' . _rfixed($j[2]) . '</a><br>';
                $metadata["menu_entrys_items"] .= '</div></div>';
        $metadata["total_menu_items"] = $TMI;
        set_include_dir(dirname(__FILE__) . "/local/Tmpl/-");
        plantHTML($metadata, "mainview");
    } else {
        echo "Not found {$petition}";
        header("HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found");
echo '<div style="padding:10px;border:1px solid gray">';
echo "<hr>";
echo '</div>';
Exemple #5

require_once "coreg2.php";
foreach ($SYS["APPS"] as $v => $k) {
    set_include_dir($SYS["DOCROOT"] . "../Apps/{$k}/");
    //echo $SYS["DOCROOT"]."../Apps/$k"."\n";
function buildQuery($tokens)
    $fields = array($this->properties[$fieldtoshow]);
    $token = explode(" ", $tokens);
    foreach ($token as $kk => $vv) {
        foreach ($fields as $k => $v) {
            $xmultiquery[] = "{$k} LIKE '%{$vv}%' ";
        $multiquery = implode(" OR ", $xmultiquery);
        $smultiquery[] = "(" . $multiquery . ")";
    $query = implode(" AND ", $smultiquery);
    return $query;
$obj = newObject($CL);
header("Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT");
// Date in the past
header("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") . " GMT");
// always modified
header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate");
// HTTP/1.1
header("Pragma: no-cache");
// HTTP/1.0
Exemple #6

require_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/../../coreg2.php";
foreach ($SYS["APPS"] as $apps) {
    set_include_dir(dirname(__FILE__) . "/../../../Apps/{$apps}/-");
if ($function = $_GET['function']) {
    foreach ($_GET as $k => $v) {
        if ($k != 'function' && $k != 'CL') {
            if (is_numeric($v)) {
                $args[] = $v;
            } else {
                $args[] = "'{$v}'";
    if ($args) {
        $args = implode(', ', $args);
    if ($CL = $_GET['CL']) {
        $element = newObject($CL);
    } else {

require_once "coreg2.php";
$SYS["PROJECT"] = "GlobalSche";
set_include_dir(dirname(__FILE__) . "/local/Tmpl/-");
set_include_dir(dirname(__FILE__) . "/-");
set_include_dir(dirname(__FILE__) . "/../Memo/-");
set_include_dir(dirname(__FILE__) . "/../../Framework/Extensions/xajax/-");
function generateJobsToday()
    $d = newObject("gtasklog");
    $d->deletes("estado='No iniciada' AND inicio>" . dateTodayStamp());
    $u = newObject("gtask");
    $ids = $u->allID();
    $d = array();
    $tasks = array(1);
    foreach ($ids as $id) {
        $o = newObject("gtask", $id);
        $cron = new Parser($o->getCronString());
        $RunsToday = $cron->getRuns(time());
        foreach ($RunsToday as $timeStampOfRun) {
            //echo strftime("%d/%m/%Y %H:%M",$cron_ran)." # ".$cron_ran;
            $tl = newObject("gtasklog");
            $tasklog = $tl->getByTaskDate($o, $timeStampOfRun);
            if ($tasklog) {
                $tasks[] = $tasklog->ID;
            } else {
                $tl = newObject("gtasklog");
Exemple #8

$SYS["PROJECT"] = $SYS["PROJECT"] ? $SYS["PROJECT"] : "Reports";
require_once "coreg2.php";
set_include_dir(dirname(__FILE__) . "/local/Tmpl/-");
set_include_dir(dirname(__FILE__) . "/-");

        } else {
            if ($_POST["QB_CMD"] == "condition") {
                set_include_dir($SYS["DOCROOT"] . "/../Apps/{$modulo}/-");
                $clases = unserialize(urldecode($clases));
                foreach ($clases as $k => $v) {
                    $o = newObject("{$v}", 1);
                    foreach (array_keys($o->properties) as $n => $p) {
                        $namee = $o->properties_desc[$p];
                        $data["{$prefix}_{$v}.{$p}"] = "{$v}.{$namee}";
                    $data["{$prefix}_{$v}.ID"] = "{$v}.ID";
                    $from_a[] = "{$prefix}_{$v}";
                $queryx = unserialize(urldecode($queryx));
                if (empty($condition3)) {
                    $query = $queryx . " AND {$condition1}{$condition}{$condition2}";
                } else {
                    if ($condition2 != 'Funcion') {
Exemple #10

require_once "Reports.php";
foreach ($SYS["APPS"] as $ONEAPP) {
    set_include_dir(dirname(__FILE__) . "/../{$ONEAPP}/-");
$magic = array();
$ID = isset($ID) ? $ID : 1;
$id_curso = isset($id_curso) ? $id_curso : 1;
$u = newObject("report", $ID);
$u->id_curso = $id_curso;
if ($u->tipo == 'HardCoded') {
    if ($print_mode != "yes") {
        $dummy = 1;
    } else {
        if (!ini_get("output_buffering")) {
    require_once "reports/{$u->url}.php";
    if ($print_mode != "yes") {
        $dummy = 1;
    } else {
        $data = ob_get_contents();
        require_once "Lib/lib_PDF.php";
        if ($SYS["GLOBAL"]["spooler"] == "ASPooler") {
            $cdata = urlencode($data);
            jsAction("location.href='http://" . $SYS["GLOBAL"]["ip_spooler"] . ":9090?{$cdata}'");
        } else {

/* Wrapper for phpmailer */
require_once "coreg2.php";
set_include_dir(dirname(__FILE__) . "/../Extensions/phpmailer/-");
require "class.phpmailer.php";

$SYS["PROJECT"] = "JasperReports";
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/../../Framework/coreg2.php";
set_include_dir(dirname(__FILE__) . "/local/Tmpl/-");
set_include_dir(dirname(__FILE__) . "/-");
set_include_dir(dirname(__FILE__) . "/phpjasper/-");
Exemple #13

$void_framming = "yes";
require_once 'Lib/lib_PDF.php';
require_once "Informes.php";
set_include_dir(dirname(__FILE__) . "/../Cursos/-");
class PDF_Rotate extends FPDF
    var $angle = 0;
    function Rotate($angle, $x = -1, $y = -1)
        if ($x == -1) {
            $x = $this->x;
        if ($y == -1) {
            $y = $this->y;
        if ($this->angle != 0) {
        $this->angle = $angle;
        if ($angle != 0) {
            $angle *= M_PI / 180;
            $c = cos($angle);
            $s = sin($angle);
            $cx = $x * $this->k;
            $cy = ($this->h - $y) * $this->k;
            $this->_out(sprintf('q %.5f %.5f %.5f %.5f %.2f %.2f cm 1 0 0 1 %.2f %.2f cm', $c, $s, -$s, $c, $cx, $cy, -$cx, -$cy));
    function _endpage()