Exemple #1
 * Finds or repairs errors in the database to fix possible problems.
 * Requires the admin_forum permission.
 * Calls createSalvageArea() to create a new board, if necesary.
 * Accessed by ?action=admin;area=repairboards.
 * @uses raw_data sub-template.
function RepairBoards()
    global $txt, $context, $sourcedir, $salvageBoardID;
    // Try secure more memory.
    // Print out the top of the webpage.
    $context['page_title'] = $txt['admin_repair'];
    $context['sub_template'] = 'repair_boards';
    $context[$context['admin_menu_name']]['current_subsection'] = 'general';
    // Load the language file.
    // Make sure the tabs stay nice.
    $context[$context['admin_menu_name']]['tab_data'] = array('title' => $txt['maintain_title'], 'help' => '', 'description' => $txt['maintain_info'], 'tabs' => array());
    // Start displaying errors without fixing them.
    if (isset($_GET['fixErrors'])) {
    // Will want this.
    // Giant if/else. The first displays the forum errors if a variable is not set and asks
    // if you would like to continue, the other fixes the errors.
    if (!isset($_GET['fixErrors'])) {
        $context['error_search'] = true;
        $context['repair_errors'] = array();
        $context['to_fix'] = findForumErrors();
        if (!empty($context['to_fix'])) {
            $_SESSION['repairboards_to_fix'] = $context['to_fix'];
            $_SESSION['repairboards_to_fix2'] = null;
            if (empty($context['repair_errors'])) {
                $context['repair_errors'][] = '???';
    } else {
        $context['error_search'] = false;
        $context['to_fix'] = isset($_SESSION['repairboards_to_fix']) ? $_SESSION['repairboards_to_fix'] : array();
        require_once $sourcedir . '/Subs-Boards.php';
        // Actually do the fix.
        // Note that we've changed everything possible ;)
        updateSettings(array('settings_updated' => time()));
        updateSettings(array('calendar_updated' => time()));
        if (!empty($salvageBoardID)) {
            $context['redirect_to_recount'] = true;
        $_SESSION['repairboards_to_fix'] = null;
        $_SESSION['repairboards_to_fix2'] = null;
  * Point d'entr�e de l'application
 function init()
     $c =& PmvConfig::getInstance();
     $Lang =& Lang::getInstance();
     // id used for caching
     define('SMARTY_CACHE_ID', md5(@$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . serialize($_GET) . serialize($_POST) . (isset($_COOKIE[COOKIE_NAME_SESSION]) ? serialize($_COOKIE[COOKIE_NAME_SESSION]) : '') . $Lang->getFileName() . date("Y-m-d") . TIME_BEFORE_NEW_DAY_ARCHIVE . PHPMV_VERSION . INTERNAL_STATS));
     $db =& Db::getInstance();
     if (defined('DB_HOST')) {
     // try to set memory limit to MEMORY_LIMIT
     $controller =& ApplicationController::getInstance();
Exemple #3
  * Constructor for the xml parser.
  * Example use:
  *  $xml = new xmlArray(file('data.xml'));
  * @param string $data the xml data or an array of, unless is_clone is true.
  * @param bool $auto_trim, default false, used to automatically trim textual data.
  * @param int $level, default null, the debug level, specifies whether notices
  *  should be generated for missing elements and attributes.
  * @param bool $is_clone, default false. If is_clone is true, the
  *  xmlArray is cloned from another - used internally only.
 public function __construct($data, $auto_trim = false, $level = null, $is_clone = false)
     // If we're using this try to get some more memory.
     // Set the debug level.
     $this->debug_level = $level !== null ? $level : error_reporting();
     $this->trim = $auto_trim;
     // Is the data already parsed?
     if ($is_clone) {
         $this->array = $data;
     // Is the input an array? (ie. passed from file()?)
     if (is_array($data)) {
         $data = implode('', $data);
     // Remove any xml declaration or doctype, and parse out comments and CDATA.
     $data = preg_replace('/<!--.*?-->/s', '', $this->_to_cdata(preg_replace(array('/^<\\?xml.+?\\?' . '>/is', '/<!DOCTYPE[^>]+?' . '>/s'), '', $data)));
     // Now parse the xml!
     $this->array = $this->_parse($data);
Exemple #4
 * A complicated but relatively quick internal search.
function AdminSearchInternal()
    global $context, $txt, $helptxt, $scripturl, $sourcedir;
    // Try to get some more memory.
    // Load a lot of language files.
    $language_files = array('Help', 'ManageMail', 'ManageSettings', 'ManageCalendar', 'ManageBoards', 'ManagePaid', 'ManagePermissions', 'Search', 'Login', 'ManageSmileys');
    // All the files we need to include.
    $include_files = array('ManageSettings', 'ManageBoards', 'ManageNews', 'ManageAttachments', 'ManageCalendar', 'ManageMail', 'ManagePaid', 'ManagePermissions', 'ManagePosts', 'ManageRegistration', 'ManageSearch', 'ManageSearchEngines', 'ManageServer', 'ManageSmileys', 'ManageLanguages');
    // This is a special array of functions that contain setting data - we query all these to simply pull all setting bits!
    $settings_search = array(array('ModifyCoreFeatures', 'area=corefeatures'), array('ModifyBasicSettings', 'area=featuresettings;sa=basic'), array('ModifyLayoutSettings', 'area=featuresettings;sa=layout'), array('ModifyKarmaSettings', 'area=featuresettings;sa=karma'), array('ModifySignatureSettings', 'area=featuresettings;sa=sig'), array('ModifyGeneralSecuritySettings', 'area=securitysettings;sa=general'), array('ModifySpamSettings', 'area=securitysettings;sa=spam'), array('ModifyModerationSettings', 'area=securitysettings;sa=moderation'), array('ModifyGeneralModSettings', 'area=modsettings;sa=general'), array('ManageAttachmentSettings', 'area=manageattachments;sa=attachments'), array('ManageAvatarSettings', 'area=manageattachments;sa=avatars'), array('ModifyCalendarSettings', 'area=managecalendar;sa=settings'), array('EditBoardSettings', 'area=manageboards;sa=settings'), array('ModifyMailSettings', 'area=mailqueue;sa=settings'), array('ModifyNewsSettings', 'area=news;sa=settings'), array('GeneralPermissionSettings', 'area=permissions;sa=settings'), array('ModifyPostSettings', 'area=postsettings;sa=posts'), array('ModifyBBCSettings', 'area=postsettings;sa=bbc'), array('ModifyTopicSettings', 'area=postsettings;sa=topics'), array('EditSearchSettings', 'area=managesearch;sa=settings'), array('EditSmileySettings', 'area=smileys;sa=settings'), array('ModifyGeneralSettings', 'area=serversettings;sa=general'), array('ModifyDatabaseSettings', 'area=serversettings;sa=database'), array('ModifyCookieSettings', 'area=serversettings;sa=cookie'), array('ModifyCacheSettings', 'area=serversettings;sa=cache'), array('ModifyLanguageSettings', 'area=languages;sa=settings'), array('ModifyRegistrationSettings', 'area=regcenter;sa=settings'), array('ManageSearchEngineSettings', 'area=sengines;sa=settings'), array('ModifySubscriptionSettings', 'area=paidsubscribe;sa=settings'), array('ModifyPruningSettings', 'area=logs;sa=pruning'));
    call_integration_hook('integrate_admin_search', array(&$language_files, &$include_files, &$settings_search));
    loadLanguage(implode('+', $language_files));
    foreach ($include_files as $file) {
        require_once $sourcedir . '/' . $file . '.php';
    /* This is the huge array that defines everything... it's a huge array of items formatted as follows:
    		0 = Language index (Can be array of indexes) to search through for this setting.
    		1 = URL for this indexes page.
    		2 = Help index for help associated with this item (If different from 0)
    $search_data = array('sections' => array(), 'settings' => array(array('COPPA', 'area=regcenter;sa=settings'), array('CAPTCHA', 'area=securitysettings;sa=spam')));
    // Go through the admin menu structure trying to find suitably named areas!
    foreach ($context[$context['admin_menu_name']]['sections'] as $section) {
        foreach ($section['areas'] as $menu_key => $menu_item) {
            $search_data['sections'][] = array($menu_item['label'], 'area=' . $menu_key);
            if (!empty($menu_item['subsections'])) {
                foreach ($menu_item['subsections'] as $key => $sublabel) {
                    if (isset($sublabel['label'])) {
                        $search_data['sections'][] = array($sublabel['label'], 'area=' . $menu_key . ';sa=' . $key);
    foreach ($settings_search as $setting_area) {
        // Get a list of their variables.
        $config_vars = $setting_area[0](true);
        foreach ($config_vars as $var) {
            if (!empty($var[1]) && !in_array($var[0], array('permissions', 'switch'))) {
                $search_data['settings'][] = array($var[isset($var[2]) && in_array($var[2], array('file', 'db')) ? 0 : 1], $setting_area[1]);
    $context['page_title'] = $txt['admin_search_results'];
    $context['search_results'] = array();
    $search_term = strtolower(un_htmlspecialchars($context['search_term']));
    // Go through all the search data trying to find this text!
    foreach ($search_data as $section => $data) {
        foreach ($data as $item) {
            $found = false;
            if (!is_array($item[0])) {
                $item[0] = array($item[0]);
            foreach ($item[0] as $term) {
                if (stripos($term, $search_term) !== false || isset($txt[$term]) && stripos($txt[$term], $search_term) !== false || isset($txt['setting_' . $term]) && stripos($txt['setting_' . $term], $search_term) !== false) {
                    $found = $term;
            if ($found) {
                // Format the name - and remove any descriptions the entry may have.
                $name = isset($txt[$found]) ? $txt[$found] : (isset($txt['setting_' . $found]) ? $txt['setting_' . $found] : $found);
                $name = preg_replace('~<(?:div|span)\\sclass="smalltext">.+?</(?:div|span)>~', '', $name);
                $context['search_results'][] = array('url' => (substr($item[1], 0, 4) == 'area' ? $scripturl . '?action=admin;' . $item[1] : $item[1]) . ';' . $context['session_var'] . '=' . $context['session_id'] . (substr($item[1], 0, 4) == 'area' && $section == 'settings' ? '#' . $item[0][0] : ''), 'name' => $name, 'type' => $section, 'help' => shorten_subject(isset($item[2]) ? strip_tags($helptxt[$item[2]]) : (isset($helptxt[$found]) ? strip_tags($helptxt[$found]) : ''), 255));
     * Get admin information from the database.
     * Accessed by ?action=viewadminfile.
    public function action_viewadminfile()
        global $modSettings;
        require_once SUBSDIR . '/AdminDebug.subs.php';
        // Don't allow non-administrators.
        if (empty($_REQUEST['filename']) || !is_string($_REQUEST['filename'])) {
            fatal_lang_error('no_access', false);
        $file = adminInfoFile($_REQUEST['filename']);
        // @todo Temp
        // Figure out if sesc is still being used.
        if (strpos($file['file_data'], ';sesc=') !== false) {
            $file['file_data'] = '
if (!(\'elkForum_sessionvar\' in window))
	window.elkForum_sessionvar = \'sesc\';
' . strtr($file['file_data'], array(';sesc=' => ';\' + window.elkForum_sessionvar + \'='));
        // Lets make sure we aren't going to output anything nasty.
        if (!empty($modSettings['enableCompressedOutput'])) {
        } else {
        // Make sure they know what type of file we are.
        header('Content-Type: ' . $file['filetype']);
        echo $file['file_data'];
  * A complicated but relatively quick internal search.
 public function action_search_internal()
     global $context, $txt, $helptxt, $scripturl;
     // Try to get some more memory.
     // Load a lot of language files.
     $language_files = array('Help', 'ManageMail', 'ManageSettings', 'ManageCalendar', 'ManageBoards', 'ManagePaid', 'ManagePermissions', 'Search', 'Login', 'ManageSmileys', 'Maillist');
     // All the files we need to include.
     $include_files = array('AddonSettings.controller', 'AdminLog.controller', 'CoreFeatures.controller', 'ManageAttachments.controller', 'ManageAvatars.controller', 'ManageBBC.controller', 'ManageBoards.controller', 'ManageCalendar.controller', 'ManageDrafts.controller', 'ManageFeatures.controller', 'ManageLanguages.controller', 'ManageMail.controller', 'ManageNews.controller', 'ManagePaid.controller', 'ManagePermissions.controller', 'ManagePosts.controller', 'ManageRegistration.controller', 'ManageSearch.controller', 'ManageSearchEngines.controller', 'ManageSecurity.controller', 'ManageServer.controller', 'ManageSmileys.controller', 'ManageTopics.controller', 'ManageMaillist.controller', 'ManageMembergroups.controller');
     // This is a special array of functions that contain setting data
     // - we query all these to simply pull all setting bits!
     $settings_search = array(array('settings_search', 'area=logs;sa=pruning', 'AdminLog_Controller'), array('config_vars', 'area=corefeatures', 'CoreFeatures_Controller'), array('basicSettings_search', 'area=featuresettings;sa=basic', 'ManageFeatures_Controller'), array('layoutSettings_search', 'area=featuresettings;sa=layout', 'ManageFeatures_Controller'), array('karmaSettings_search', 'area=featuresettings;sa=karma', 'ManageFeatures_Controller'), array('likesSettings_search', 'area=featuresettings;sa=likes', 'ManageFeatures_Controller'), array('mentionSettings_search', 'area=featuresettings;sa=mention', 'ManageFeatures_Controller'), array('signatureSettings_search', 'area=featuresettings;sa=sig', 'ManageFeatures_Controller'), array('settings_search', 'area=addonsettings;sa=general', 'AddonSettings_Controller'), array('settings_search', 'area=manageattachments;sa=attachments', 'ManageAttachments_Controller'), array('settings_search', 'area=manageattachments;sa=avatars', 'ManageAvatars_Controller'), array('settings_search', 'area=postsettings;sa=bbc', 'ManageBBC_Controller'), array('settings_search', 'area=manageboards;sa=settings', 'ManageBoards_Controller'), array('settings_search', 'area=managecalendar;sa=settings', 'ManageCalendar_Controller'), array('settings_search', 'area=managedrafts', 'ManageDrafts_Controller'), array('settings_search', 'area=languages;sa=settings', 'ManageLanguages_Controller'), array('settings_search', 'area=mailqueue;sa=settings', 'ManageMail_Controller'), array('settings_search', 'area=maillist;sa=emailsettings', 'ManageMaillist_Controller'), array('settings_search', 'area=membergroups;sa=settings', 'ManageMembergroups_Controller'), array('settings_search', 'area=news;sa=settings', 'ManageNews_Controller'), array('settings_search', 'area=paidsubscribe;sa=settings', 'ManagePaid_Controller'), array('settings_search', 'area=permissions;sa=settings', 'ManagePermissions_Controller'), array('settings_search', 'area=postsettings;sa=posts', 'ManagePosts_Controller'), array('settings_search', 'area=regcenter;sa=settings', 'ManageRegistration_Controller'), array('settings_search', 'area=managesearch;sa=settings', 'ManageSearch_Controller'), array('settings_search', 'area=sengines;sa=settings', 'ManageSearchEngines_Controller'), array('securitySettings_search', 'area=securitysettings;sa=general', 'ManageSecurity_Controller'), array('spamSettings_search', 'area=securitysettings;sa=spam', 'ManageSecurity_Controller'), array('moderationSettings_search', 'area=securitysettings;sa=moderation', 'ManageSecurity_Controller'), array('bbSettings_search', 'area=securitysettings;sa=badbehavior', 'ManageSecurity_Controller'), array('generalSettings_search', 'area=serversettings;sa=general', 'ManageServer_Controller'), array('databaseSettings_search', 'area=serversettings;sa=database', 'ManageServer_Controller'), array('cookieSettings_search', 'area=serversettings;sa=cookie', 'ManageServer_Controller'), array('cacheSettings_search', 'area=serversettings;sa=cache', 'ManageServer_Controller'), array('balancingSettings_search', 'area=serversettings;sa=loads', 'ManageServer_Controller'), array('settings_search', 'area=smileys;sa=settings', 'ManageSmileys_Controller'), array('settings_search', 'area=postsettings;sa=topics', 'ManageTopics_Controller'));
     call_integration_hook('integrate_admin_search', array(&$language_files, &$include_files, &$settings_search));
     loadLanguage(implode('+', $language_files));
     foreach ($include_files as $file) {
         require_once ADMINDIR . '/' . $file . '.php';
     /* This is the huge array that defines everything ... it's items are formatted as follows:
     			0 = Language index (Can be array of indexes) to search through for this setting.
     			1 = URL for this indexes page.
     			2 = Help index for help associated with this item (If different from 0)
     $search_data = array('sections' => array(), 'settings' => array(array('COPPA', 'area=regcenter;sa=settings'), array('CAPTCHA', 'area=securitysettings;sa=spam')));
     // Go through the admin menu structure trying to find suitably named areas!
     foreach ($context[$context['admin_menu_name']]['sections'] as $section) {
         foreach ($section['areas'] as $menu_key => $menu_item) {
             $search_data['sections'][] = array($menu_item['label'], 'area=' . $menu_key);
             if (!empty($menu_item['subsections'])) {
                 foreach ($menu_item['subsections'] as $key => $sublabel) {
                     if (isset($sublabel['label'])) {
                         $search_data['sections'][] = array($sublabel['label'], 'area=' . $menu_key . ';sa=' . $key);
     foreach ($settings_search as $setting_area) {
         // Get a list of their variables.
         if (isset($setting_area[2])) {
             // an OOP controller: get the settings from the settings method.
             $controller = new $setting_area[2]();
             $config_vars = $controller->{$setting_area[0]}();
         } else {
             // a good ole' procedural controller: get the settings from the function.
             $config_vars = $setting_area[0](true);
         foreach ($config_vars as $var) {
             if (!empty($var[1]) && !in_array($var[0], array('permissions', 'switch', 'warning'))) {
                 $search_data['settings'][] = array($var[isset($var[2]) && in_array($var[2], array('file', 'db')) ? 0 : 1], $setting_area[1]);
     $context['page_title'] = $txt['admin_search_results'];
     $context['search_results'] = array();
     // Go through all the search data trying to find this text!
     $search_term = strtolower(un_htmlspecialchars($context['search_term']));
     foreach ($search_data as $section => $data) {
         foreach ($data as $item) {
             $found = false;
             if (!is_array($item[0])) {
                 $item[0] = array($item[0]);
             foreach ($item[0] as $term) {
                 if (stripos($term, $search_term) !== false || isset($txt[$term]) && stripos($txt[$term], $search_term) !== false || isset($txt['setting_' . $term]) && stripos($txt['setting_' . $term], $search_term) !== false) {
                     $found = $term;
             if ($found) {
                 // Format the name - and remove any descriptions the entry may have.
                 $name = isset($txt[$found]) ? $txt[$found] : (isset($txt['setting_' . $found]) ? $txt['setting_' . $found] : $found);
                 $name = preg_replace('~<(?:div|span)\\sclass="smalltext">.+?</(?:div|span)>~', '', $name);
                 if (!empty($name)) {
                     $context['search_results'][] = array('url' => (substr($item[1], 0, 4) == 'area' ? $scripturl . '?action=admin;' . $item[1] : $item[1]) . ';' . $context['session_var'] . '=' . $context['session_id'] . (substr($item[1], 0, 4) == 'area' && $section == 'settings' ? '#' . $item[0][0] : ''), 'name' => $name, 'type' => $section, 'help' => Util::shorten_text(isset($item[2]) ? strip_tags($helptxt[$item[2]]) : (isset($helptxt[$found]) ? strip_tags($helptxt[$found]) : ''), 255));
Exemple #7
 * Dumps the database.
 * What it does:
 * - It writes all of the database to standard output.
 * - It uses gzip compression if compress is set in the URL/post data.
 * - It may possibly time out, and mess up badly if you were relying on it. :P
 * - The data dumped depends on whether "struct" and "data" are passed.
 * - It is called from ManageMaintenance.controller.php.
function DumpDatabase2()
    global $db_name, $scripturl, $modSettings, $db_prefix, $db_show_debug;
    // We'll need a db to dump :P
    $database = database();
    // We don't need debug when dumping the database
    $modSettings['disableQueryCheck'] = true;
    $db_show_debug = false;
    // You can't dump nothing!
    if (!isset($_REQUEST['struct']) && !isset($_REQUEST['data'])) {
        $_REQUEST['data'] = true;
    // Attempt to stop from dying...
    $time_limit = ini_get('max_execution_time');
    $start_time = time();
    // @todo ... fail on not getting the requested memory?
    $memory_limit = memoryReturnBytes(ini_get('memory_limit')) / 4;
    $current_used_memory = 0;
    $db_backup = '';
    $output_function = 'un_compressed';
    // Start saving the output... (don't do it otherwise for memory reasons.)
    if (isset($_REQUEST['compress']) && function_exists('gzencode')) {
        $output_function = 'gzencode';
        // Send faked headers so it will just save the compressed output as a gzip.
        header('Content-Type: application/x-gzip');
        header('Accept-Ranges: bytes');
        header('Content-Encoding: none');
        // Gecko browsers... don't like this. (Mozilla, Firefox, etc.)
        if (!isBrowser('gecko')) {
            header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary');
        // The file extension will include .gz...
        $extension = '.sql.gz';
    } else {
        // Get rid of the gzipping alreading being done.
        if (!empty($modSettings['enableCompressedOutput'])) {
        } elseif (ob_get_length() != 0) {
        // Tell the client to save this file, even though it's text.
        header('Content-Type: ' . (isBrowser('ie') || isBrowser('opera') ? 'application/octetstream' : 'application/octet-stream'));
        header('Content-Encoding: none');
        // This time the extension should just be .sql.
        $extension = '.sql';
    // This should turn off the session URL parser.
    $scripturl = '';
    // Send the proper headers to let them download this file.
    header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . $db_name . '-' . (empty($_REQUEST['struct']) ? 'data' : (empty($_REQUEST['data']) ? 'structure' : 'complete')) . '_' . strftime('%Y-%m-%d') . $extension . '"');
    header('Cache-Control: private');
    header('Connection: close');
    // This makes things simpler when using it so very very often.
    $crlf = "\r\n";
    // SQL Dump Header.
    $db_chunks = '-- ==========================================================' . $crlf . '--' . $crlf . '-- Database dump of tables in `' . $db_name . '`' . $crlf . '-- ' . standardTime(time(), false) . $crlf . '--' . $crlf . '-- ==========================================================' . $crlf . $crlf;
    // Get all tables in the database....for our installation
    $real_prefix = preg_match('~^(`?)(.+?)\\1\\.(.*?)$~', $db_prefix, $match) === 1 ? $match[3] : $db_prefix;
    $tables = $database->db_list_tables(false, $real_prefix . '%');
    // Dump each table.
    foreach ($tables as $tableName) {
        // Are we dumping the structures?
        if (isset($_REQUEST['struct'])) {
            $db_chunks .= $crlf . '--' . $crlf . '-- Table structure for table `' . $tableName . '`' . $crlf . '--' . $crlf . $crlf . $database->db_table_sql($tableName) . ';' . $crlf;
        } else {
            // This is needed to speedup things later
        // How about the data?
        if (!isset($_REQUEST['data']) || substr($tableName, -10) == 'log_errors') {
        $first_round = true;
        $close_table = false;
        // Are there any rows in this table?
        while ($get_rows = $database->insert_sql($tableName, $first_round)) {
            if (empty($get_rows)) {
            // Time is what we need here!
            if (function_exists('apache_reset_timeout')) {
            } elseif (!empty($time_limit) && $start_time + $time_limit - 20 > time()) {
                $start_time = time();
            // for the first pass, start the output with a custom line...
            if ($first_round) {
                $db_chunks .= $crlf . '--' . $crlf . '-- Dumping data in `' . $tableName . '`' . $crlf . '--' . $crlf . $crlf;
                $first_round = false;
            $db_chunks .= $get_rows;
            $current_used_memory += Util::strlen($db_chunks);
            $db_backup .= $db_chunks;
            $db_chunks = '';
            if ($current_used_memory > $memory_limit) {
                echo $output_function($db_backup);
                $current_used_memory = 0;
                // This is probably redundant
                $db_backup = '';
            $close_table = true;
        // No rows to get - skip it.
        if ($close_table) {
            $db_backup .= '-- --------------------------------------------------------' . $crlf;
    // write the last line
    $db_backup .= $crlf . '-- Done' . $crlf;
    echo $output_function($db_backup);
Exemple #8
 * Writes data to a file, almost exactly like the file_put_contents() function.
 * - uses FTP to create/chmod the file when necessary and available.
 * - uses text mode for text mode file extensions.
 * - returns the number of bytes written.
 * @package Packages
 * @param string $filename
 * @param string $data
 * @param bool $testing
 * @return int
function package_put_contents($filename, $data, $testing = false)
    global $package_ftp, $package_cache, $modSettings;
    static $text_filetypes = array('php', 'txt', '.js', 'css', 'vbs', 'tml', 'htm');
    if (!isset($package_cache)) {
        // Try to increase the memory limit - we don't want to run out of ram!
        $mem_check = setMemoryLimit('128M');
        if (!empty($modSettings['package_disable_cache']) || $mem_check || stripos(PHP_OS, 'win') !== false) {
            $package_cache = array();
        } else {
            $package_cache = false;
    if (isset($package_ftp)) {
        $ftp_file = strtr($filename, array($_SESSION['pack_ftp']['root'] => ''));
    if (!file_exists($filename) && isset($package_ftp)) {
    } elseif (!file_exists($filename)) {
    if (!$testing && (strpos($filename, 'packages/') !== false || $package_cache === false)) {
        $fp = @fopen($filename, in_array(substr($filename, -3), $text_filetypes) ? 'w' : 'wb');
        // We should show an error message or attempt a rollback, no?
        if (!$fp) {
            return false;
        fwrite($fp, $data);
    } elseif (strpos($filename, 'packages/') !== false || $package_cache === false) {
        return strlen($data);
    } else {
        $package_cache[$filename] = $data;
        // Permission denied, eh?
        $fp = @fopen($filename, 'r+');
        if (!$fp) {
            return false;
    return strlen($data);
  * Supporting function for the database maintenance area.
 public function action_database()
     global $context, $modSettings, $maintenance, $iknowitmaybeunsafe;
     // We need this, really..
     require_once SUBSDIR . '/Maintenance.subs.php';
     // Set up the sub-template
     $context['sub_template'] = 'maintain_database';
     if (DB_TYPE == 'MySQL') {
         $body_type = fetchBodyType();
         $context['convert_to'] = $body_type == 'text' ? 'mediumtext' : 'text';
         $context['convert_to_suggest'] = $body_type != 'text' && !empty($modSettings['max_messageLength']) && $modSettings['max_messageLength'] < 65536;
     // Check few things to give advices before make a backup
     // If safe mod is enable the external tool is *always* the best (and probably the only) solution
     $context['safe_mode_enable'] = @ini_get('safe_mode');
     // This is just a...guess
     $messages = countMessages();
     // 256 is what we use in the backup script
     $memory_limit = memoryReturnBytes(ini_get('memory_limit')) / (1024 * 1024);
     // Zip limit is set to more or less 1/4th the size of the available memory * 1500
     // 1500 is an estimate of the number of messages that generates a database of 1 MB (yeah I know IT'S AN ESTIMATION!!!)
     // Why that? Because the only reliable zip package is the one sent out the first time,
     // so when the backup takes 1/5th (just to stay on the safe side) of the memory available
     $zip_limit = $memory_limit * 1500 / 5;
     // Here is more tricky: it depends on many factors, but the main idea is that
     // if it takes "too long" the backup is not reliable. So, I know that on my computer it take
     // 20 minutes to backup 2.5 GB, of course my computer is not representative, so I'll multiply by 4 the time.
     // I would consider "too long" 5 minutes (I know it can be a long time, but let's start with that):
     // 80 minutes for a 2.5 GB and a 5 minutes limit means 160 MB approx
     $plain_limit = 240000;
     // Last thing: are we able to gain time?
     $current_time_limit = ini_get('max_execution_time');
     //something strange just to be sure
     $new_time_limit = ini_get('max_execution_time');
     $context['use_maintenance'] = 0;
     // External tool if:
     //  * safe_mode enable OR
     //  * cannot change the execution time OR
     //  * cannot reset timeout
     if ($context['safe_mode_enable'] || empty($new_time_limit) || $current_time_limit == $new_time_limit && !function_exists('apache_reset_timeout')) {
         $context['suggested_method'] = 'use_external_tool';
     } elseif ($zip_limit < $plain_limit && $messages < $zip_limit) {
         $context['suggested_method'] = 'zipped_file';
     } elseif ($zip_limit > $plain_limit || $zip_limit < $plain_limit && $plain_limit < $messages) {
         $context['suggested_method'] = 'use_external_tool';
         $context['use_maintenance'] = empty($maintenance) ? 2 : 0;
     } else {
         $context['use_maintenance'] = 1;
         $context['suggested_method'] = 'plain_text';
     // $context['package_ftp'] may be set action_backup_display when an error occur
     if (!isset($context['package_ftp'])) {
         $context['package_ftp'] = array('form_elements_only' => true, 'server' => '', 'port' => '', 'username' => '', 'path' => '', 'error' => '');
     $context['skip_security'] = !empty($iknowitmaybeunsafe);
Exemple #10
 * Generate a report on the current permissions by board and membergroup.
 * functions ending with "Report" are responsible for generating data
 * for reporting.
 * they are all called from ReportsMain.
 * never access the context directly, but use the data handling
 * functions to do so.
function BoardPermissionsReport()
    global $context, $txt, $modSettings, $smcFunc;
    // Get as much memory as possible as this can be big.
    if (isset($_REQUEST['boards'])) {
        if (!is_array($_REQUEST['boards'])) {
            $_REQUEST['boards'] = explode(',', $_REQUEST['boards']);
        foreach ($_REQUEST['boards'] as $k => $dummy) {
            $_REQUEST['boards'][$k] = (int) $dummy;
        $board_clause = 'id_board IN ({array_int:boards})';
    } else {
        $board_clause = '1=1';
    if (isset($_REQUEST['groups'])) {
        if (!is_array($_REQUEST['groups'])) {
            $_REQUEST['groups'] = explode(',', $_REQUEST['groups']);
        foreach ($_REQUEST['groups'] as $k => $dummy) {
            $_REQUEST['groups'][$k] = (int) $dummy;
        $group_clause = 'id_group IN ({array_int:groups})';
    } else {
        $group_clause = '1=1';
    // Fetch all the board names.
    $request = $smcFunc['db_query']('', '
		SELECT id_board, name, id_profile
		FROM {db_prefix}boards
		WHERE ' . $board_clause . '
		ORDER BY id_board', array('boards' => isset($_REQUEST['boards']) ? $_REQUEST['boards'] : array()));
    $profiles = array();
    while ($row = $smcFunc['db_fetch_assoc']($request)) {
        $boards[$row['id_board']] = array('name' => $row['name'], 'profile' => $row['id_profile']);
        $profiles[] = $row['id_profile'];
    // Get all the possible membergroups, except admin!
    $request = $smcFunc['db_query']('', '
		SELECT id_group, group_name
		FROM {db_prefix}membergroups
		WHERE ' . $group_clause . '
			AND id_group != {int:admin_group}' . (empty($modSettings['permission_enable_postgroups']) ? '
			AND min_posts = {int:min_posts}' : '') . '
		ORDER BY min_posts, CASE WHEN id_group < {int:newbie_group} THEN id_group ELSE 4 END, group_name', array('admin_group' => 1, 'min_posts' => -1, 'newbie_group' => 4, 'groups' => isset($_REQUEST['groups']) ? $_REQUEST['groups'] : array()));
    if (!isset($_REQUEST['groups']) || in_array(-1, $_REQUEST['groups']) || in_array(0, $_REQUEST['groups'])) {
        $member_groups = array('col' => '', -1 => $txt['membergroups_guests'], 0 => $txt['membergroups_members']);
    } else {
        $member_groups = array('col' => '');
    while ($row = $smcFunc['db_fetch_assoc']($request)) {
        $member_groups[$row['id_group']] = $row['group_name'];
    // Make sure that every group is represented - plus in rows!
    setKeys('rows', $member_groups);
    // Cache every permission setting, to make sure we don't miss any allows.
    $permissions = array();
    $board_permissions = array();
    $request = $smcFunc['db_query']('', '
		SELECT id_profile, id_group, add_deny, permission
		FROM {db_prefix}board_permissions
		WHERE id_profile IN ({array_int:profile_list})
			AND ' . $group_clause . (empty($modSettings['permission_enable_deny']) ? '
			AND add_deny = {int:not_deny}' : '') . '
		ORDER BY id_profile, permission', array('profile_list' => $profiles, 'not_deny' => 1, 'groups' => isset($_REQUEST['groups']) ? $_REQUEST['groups'] : array()));
    while ($row = $smcFunc['db_fetch_assoc']($request)) {
        foreach ($boards as $id => $board) {
            if ($board['profile'] == $row['id_profile']) {
                $board_permissions[$id][$row['id_group']][$row['permission']] = $row['add_deny'];
        // Make sure we get every permission.
        if (!isset($permissions[$row['permission']])) {
            // This will be reused on other boards.
            $permissions[$row['permission']] = array('title' => isset($txt['board_perms_name_' . $row['permission']]) ? $txt['board_perms_name_' . $row['permission']] : $row['permission']);
    // Now cycle through the board permissions array... lots to do ;)
    foreach ($board_permissions as $board => $groups) {
        // Create the table for this board first.
        newTable($boards[$board]['name'], 'x', 'all', 100, 'center', 200, 'left');
        // Add the header row - shows all the membergroups.
        // Add the separator.
        // Here cycle through all the detected permissions.
        foreach ($permissions as $ID_PERM => $perm_info) {
            // Is this identical to the global?
            $identicalGlobal = $board == 0 ? false : true;
            // Default data for this row.
            $curData = array('col' => $perm_info['title']);
            // Now cycle each membergroup in this set of permissions.
            foreach ($member_groups as $id_group => $name) {
                // Don't overwrite the key column!
                if ($id_group === 'col') {
                $group_permissions = isset($groups[$id_group]) ? $groups[$id_group] : array();
                // Do we have any data for this group?
                if (isset($group_permissions[$ID_PERM])) {
                    // Set the data for this group to be the local permission.
                    $curData[$id_group] = $group_permissions[$ID_PERM];
                } else {
                    $curData[$id_group] = 'x';
                // Now actually make the data for the group look right.
                if (empty($curData[$id_group])) {
                    $curData[$id_group] = '<span style="color: red;">' . $txt['board_perms_deny'] . '</span>';
                } elseif ($curData[$id_group] == 1) {
                    $curData[$id_group] = '<span style="color: darkgreen;">' . $txt['board_perms_allow'] . '</span>';
                } else {
                    $curData[$id_group] = 'x';
                // Embolden those permissions different from global (makes it a lot easier!)
                if (@$board_permissions[0][$id_group][$ID_PERM] != @$group_permissions[$ID_PERM]) {
                    $curData[$id_group] = '<strong>' . $curData[$id_group] . '</strong>';
            // Now add the data for this permission.
function getSystemInformation(&$tpl)
    $infos = array();
    // directory to write
    $infos['dirs'] = checkDirWritable();
    // php version
    $infos['php_version'] = phpversion();
    $infos['php_ok'] = version_compare(PHP_VERSION_NEEDED, $infos['php_version']) === -1;
    $extensions = @get_loaded_extensions();
    // Gd version
    if (in_array('gd', $extensions)) {
        $gdInfo = gd_info();
        $infos['gd_version'] = $gdInfo['GD Version'];
        ereg("([0-9]{1})", $gdInfo['GD Version'], $gdVersion);
        $gdVersion[0] >= 2 ? $infos['gd_ok'] = true : ($infos['gd_ok'] = false);
        // Freetype
        $gdInfo['FreeType Support'] === true && function_exists('imagettfbbox') ? $infos['freetype_ok'] = true : ($infos['freetype_ok'] = false);
    // Mysql + version
    if (in_array('mysql', $extensions)) {
        $infos['mysql_ok'] = true;
        $infos['mysql_version'] = getMysqlVersion();
    // server version
    $infos['server_version'] = addslashes($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE']);
    // server os (linux)
    $infos['server_os'] = @php_uname();
    // servert time
    $infos['server_time'] = date('H:i:s');
    //Tous ce qui est relatif a XML
    if (in_array('xml', $extensions) 
    	&& function_exists('utf8_decode') 
    	&& function_exists('utf8_encode') )
    	$infos['xml_ok'] = true;
    if (function_exists('set_time_limit')) {
        $infos['set_time_limit_ok'] = true;
    if (function_exists('utf8_encode') && function_exists('utf8_decode')) {
        $infos['php_xml'] = true;
    if (function_exists('mail')) {
        $infos['mail_ok'] = true;
    //Registre global
    $infos['register_globals'] = ini_get('register_globals') != 0;
    if ($memoryValue = getMemoryValue()) {
        $infos['memory'] = $memoryValue . "M";
        if ($memoryValue < MEMORY_LIMIT) {
            $tpl->assign("memory_limit", "PHP's memory_limit is " . $infos['memory'] . ". If this is too low, phpMyVisites may not work correctly on high traffic websites! Attempting to raise limit to " . MEMORY_LIMIT . "M...");
            if (setMemoryLimit()) {
                $tpl->assign("memory_limit_ok", "Memory set to " . MEMORY_LIMIT . "M!");
                $infos['memory_ok'] = true;
            } else {
                $tpl->assign("memory_limit", "Failed to set memory_limit to 20M. If phpMyVisites doesn't work correctly, try to raise this limit to at least 20M, look in the php.ini file or ask your server administrator.");
            $infos['memory'] = @ini_get('memory_limit');
        } else {
            $infos['memory_ok'] = true;
    // server uptime from mysql uptime
    $res = query('SHOW STATUS');
    if ($res) {
        while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($res)) {
            $serverStatus[$row[0]] = $row[1];
        $infos['server_uptime'] = date("r", time() - $serverStatus['Uptime']);
    return $infos;
Exemple #12
 * Delete one or more members.
 * What it does:
 * - Requires profile_remove_own or profile_remove_any permission for
 * respectively removing your own account or any account.
 * - Non-admins cannot delete admins.
 * The function:
 * - changes author of messages, topics and polls to guest authors.
 * - removes all log entries concerning the deleted members, except the
 * error logs, ban logs and moderation logs.
 * - removes these members' personal messages (only the inbox)
 * - rmoves avatars, ban entries, theme settings, moderator positions, poll votes,
 * drafts, likes, mentions, notifications
 * - removes custom field data associated with them
 * - updates member statistics afterwards.
 * @package Members
 * @param int[]|int $users
 * @param bool $check_not_admin = false
function deleteMembers($users, $check_not_admin = false)
    global $modSettings, $user_info;
    $db = database();
    // Try give us a while to sort this out...
    // Try to get some more memory.
    // If it's not an array, make it so!
    if (!is_array($users)) {
        $users = array($users);
    } else {
        $users = array_unique($users);
    // Make sure there's no void user in here.
    $users = array_diff($users, array(0));
    // How many are they deleting?
    if (empty($users)) {
    } elseif (count($users) == 1) {
        list($user) = $users;
        if ($user == $user_info['id']) {
        } else {
    } else {
        foreach ($users as $k => $v) {
            $users[$k] = (int) $v;
        // Deleting more than one?  You can't have more than one account...
    // Get their names for logging purposes.
    $request = $db->query('', '
		SELECT id_member, member_name, email_address, CASE WHEN id_group = {int:admin_group} OR FIND_IN_SET({int:admin_group}, additional_groups) != 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS is_admin
		FROM {db_prefix}members
		WHERE id_member IN ({array_int:user_list})
		LIMIT ' . count($users), array('user_list' => $users, 'admin_group' => 1));
    $admins = array();
    $emails = array();
    $user_log_details = array();
    while ($row = $db->fetch_assoc($request)) {
        if ($row['is_admin']) {
            $admins[] = $row['id_member'];
        $user_log_details[$row['id_member']] = array($row['id_member'], $row['member_name']);
        $emails[] = $row['email_address'];
    if (empty($user_log_details)) {
    // Make sure they aren't trying to delete administrators if they aren't one.  But don't bother checking if it's just themself.
    if (!empty($admins) && ($check_not_admin || !allowedTo('admin_forum') && (count($users) != 1 || $users[0] != $user_info['id']))) {
        $users = array_diff($users, $admins);
        foreach ($admins as $id) {
    // No one left?
    if (empty($users)) {
    // Log the action - regardless of who is deleting it.
    $log_changes = array();
    foreach ($user_log_details as $user) {
        $log_changes[] = array('action' => 'delete_member', 'log_type' => 'admin', 'extra' => array('member' => $user[0], 'name' => $user[1], 'member_acted' => $user_info['name']));
        // Remove any cached data if enabled.
        if (!empty($modSettings['cache_enable']) && $modSettings['cache_enable'] >= 2) {
            cache_put_data('user_settings-' . $user[0], null, 60);
    // Make these peoples' posts guest posts.
    $db->query('', '
		UPDATE {db_prefix}messages
		SET id_member = {int:guest_id}' . (!empty($modSettings['deleteMembersRemovesEmail']) ? ',
		poster_email = {string:blank_email}' : '') . '
		WHERE id_member IN ({array_int:users})', array('guest_id' => 0, 'blank_email' => '', 'users' => $users));
    $db->query('', '
		UPDATE {db_prefix}polls
		SET id_member = {int:guest_id}
		WHERE id_member IN ({array_int:users})', array('guest_id' => 0, 'users' => $users));
    // Make these peoples' posts guest first posts and last posts.
    $db->query('', '
		UPDATE {db_prefix}topics
		SET id_member_started = {int:guest_id}
		WHERE id_member_started IN ({array_int:users})', array('guest_id' => 0, 'users' => $users));
    $db->query('', '
		UPDATE {db_prefix}topics
		SET id_member_updated = {int:guest_id}
		WHERE id_member_updated IN ({array_int:users})', array('guest_id' => 0, 'users' => $users));
    $db->query('', '
		UPDATE {db_prefix}log_actions
		SET id_member = {int:guest_id}
		WHERE id_member IN ({array_int:users})', array('guest_id' => 0, 'users' => $users));
    $db->query('', '
		UPDATE {db_prefix}log_banned
		SET id_member = {int:guest_id}
		WHERE id_member IN ({array_int:users})', array('guest_id' => 0, 'users' => $users));
    $db->query('', '
		UPDATE {db_prefix}log_errors
		SET id_member = {int:guest_id}
		WHERE id_member IN ({array_int:users})', array('guest_id' => 0, 'users' => $users));
    // Delete the member.
    $db->query('', '
		DELETE FROM {db_prefix}members
		WHERE id_member IN ({array_int:users})', array('users' => $users));
    // Delete any drafts...
    $db->query('', '
		DELETE FROM {db_prefix}user_drafts
		WHERE id_member IN ({array_int:users})', array('users' => $users));
    // Delete any likes...
    $db->query('', '
		DELETE FROM {db_prefix}message_likes
		WHERE id_member IN ({array_int:users})', array('users' => $users));
    // Delete any custom field data...
    $db->query('', '
		DELETE FROM {db_prefix}custom_fields_data
		WHERE id_member IN ({array_int:users})', array('users' => $users));
    // Delete any post by email keys...
    $db->query('', '
		DELETE FROM {db_prefix}postby_emails
		WHERE email_to IN ({array_string:emails})', array('emails' => $emails));
    // Delete the logs...
    $db->query('', '
		DELETE FROM {db_prefix}log_actions
		WHERE id_log = {int:log_type}
			AND id_member IN ({array_int:users})', array('log_type' => 2, 'users' => $users));
    $db->query('', '
		DELETE FROM {db_prefix}log_boards
		WHERE id_member IN ({array_int:users})', array('users' => $users));
    $db->query('', '
		DELETE FROM {db_prefix}log_comments
		WHERE id_recipient IN ({array_int:users})
			AND comment_type = {string:warntpl}', array('users' => $users, 'warntpl' => 'warntpl'));
    $db->query('', '
		DELETE FROM {db_prefix}log_group_requests
		WHERE id_member IN ({array_int:users})', array('users' => $users));
    $db->query('', '
		DELETE FROM {db_prefix}log_karma
		WHERE id_target IN ({array_int:users})
			OR id_executor IN ({array_int:users})', array('users' => $users));
    $db->query('', '
		DELETE FROM {db_prefix}log_mark_read
		WHERE id_member IN ({array_int:users})', array('users' => $users));
    $db->query('', '
		DELETE FROM {db_prefix}log_notify
		WHERE id_member IN ({array_int:users})', array('users' => $users));
    $db->query('', '
		DELETE FROM {db_prefix}log_online
		WHERE id_member IN ({array_int:users})', array('users' => $users));
    $db->query('', '
		DELETE FROM {db_prefix}log_subscribed
		WHERE id_member IN ({array_int:users})', array('users' => $users));
    $db->query('', '
		DELETE FROM {db_prefix}log_topics
		WHERE id_member IN ({array_int:users})', array('users' => $users));
    $db->query('', '
		DELETE FROM {db_prefix}collapsed_categories
		WHERE id_member IN ({array_int:users})', array('users' => $users));
    // Make their votes appear as guest votes - at least it keeps the totals right.
    // @todo Consider adding back in cookie protection.
    $db->query('', '
		UPDATE {db_prefix}log_polls
		SET id_member = {int:guest_id}
		WHERE id_member IN ({array_int:users})', array('guest_id' => 0, 'users' => $users));
    // Remove the mentions
    $db->query('', '
		DELETE FROM {db_prefix}log_mentions
		WHERE id_member IN ({array_int:users})', array('users' => $users));
    // Delete personal messages.
    require_once SUBSDIR . '/PersonalMessage.subs.php';
    deleteMessages(null, null, $users);
    $db->query('', '
		UPDATE {db_prefix}personal_messages
		SET id_member_from = {int:guest_id}
		WHERE id_member_from IN ({array_int:users})', array('guest_id' => 0, 'users' => $users));
    // They no longer exist, so we don't know who it was sent to.
    $db->query('', '
		DELETE FROM {db_prefix}pm_recipients
		WHERE id_member IN ({array_int:users})', array('users' => $users));
    // Delete avatar.
    require_once SUBSDIR . '/ManageAttachments.subs.php';
    removeAttachments(array('id_member' => $users));
    // It's over, no more moderation for you.
    $db->query('', '
		DELETE FROM {db_prefix}moderators
		WHERE id_member IN ({array_int:users})', array('users' => $users));
    $db->query('', '
		DELETE FROM {db_prefix}group_moderators
		WHERE id_member IN ({array_int:users})', array('users' => $users));
    // If you don't exist we can't ban you.
    $db->query('', '
		DELETE FROM {db_prefix}ban_items
		WHERE id_member IN ({array_int:users})', array('users' => $users));
    // Remove individual theme settings.
    $db->query('', '
		DELETE FROM {db_prefix}themes
		WHERE id_member IN ({array_int:users})', array('users' => $users));
    // These users are nobody's buddy nomore.
    $request = $db->query('', '
		SELECT id_member, pm_ignore_list, buddy_list
		FROM {db_prefix}members
		WHERE FIND_IN_SET({raw:pm_ignore_list}, pm_ignore_list) != 0 OR FIND_IN_SET({raw:buddy_list}, buddy_list) != 0', array('pm_ignore_list' => implode(', pm_ignore_list) != 0 OR FIND_IN_SET(', $users), 'buddy_list' => implode(', buddy_list) != 0 OR FIND_IN_SET(', $users)));
    while ($row = $db->fetch_assoc($request)) {
        updateMemberData($row['id_member'], array('pm_ignore_list' => implode(',', array_diff(explode(',', $row['pm_ignore_list']), $users)), 'buddy_list' => implode(',', array_diff(explode(',', $row['buddy_list']), $users))));
    // Make sure no member's birthday is still sticking in the calendar...
    updateSettings(array('calendar_updated' => time()));
    // Integration rocks!
    call_integration_hook('integrate_delete_members', array($users));
  * New Topic posting controller, reads, parses, checks and posts a new topic
  * What it does:
  * - New topics do not have security keys in them so they are subject to spoofing
  * - It must be from the email of a registered user
  * - It must have been sent to an email ID that has been set to post new topics
  * - Accessed through emailtopic.
  * @param string|null $data used to supply a full body+headers email
 public function action_pbe_topic($data = null)
     global $modSettings, $user_info, $maintenance;
     // The function is not even on ...
     if (empty($modSettings['maillist_enabled'])) {
     // Our mail parser and our main subs
     require_once SUBSDIR . '/EmailParse.class.php';
     require_once SUBSDIR . '/Emailpost.subs.php';
     // Init
     // Get the data from one of our sources
     $email_message = new Email_Parse();
     $email_message->read_data($data, BOARDDIR);
     if (!$email_message->raw_message) {
         return false;
     // Parse the header and some needed details
     $email_message->read_email(true, $email_message->raw_message);
     // No key for this, so set some blanks for the error function (if needed)
     $email_message->message_type = 'x';
     $email_message->message_key_id = '';
     $email_message->message_id = 0;
     // If the feature is on but the post/pm function is not enabled, just log the message.
     if (empty($modSettings['pbe_post_enabled'])) {
         return pbe_emailError('error_email_notenabled', $email_message);
     // Load the user from the database based on the sending email address
     $email_message->email['from'] = !empty($email_message->email['from']) ? strtolower($email_message->email['from']) : '';
     $pbe = query_load_user_info($email_message->email['from']);
     // Can't find this email as one of our users?
     if (empty($pbe)) {
         return pbe_emailError('error_not_find_member', $email_message);
     // Getting hammy with it?
     if ($email_message->load_spam()) {
         return pbe_emailError('error_found_spam', $email_message);
     // The board that this email address corresponds to
     $board_number = pbe_find_board_number($email_message);
     if (empty($board_number)) {
         return pbe_emailError('error_not_find_board', $email_message);
     // In maintenance mode so just save it for the moderators to deal with
     if (!empty($maintenance) && $maintenance !== 2 && !$pbe['user_info']['is_admin'] && !$user_info['is_admin']) {
         return pbe_emailError('error_in_maintenance_mode', $email_message);
     // Any additional spam / security checking
     call_integration_hook('integrate_mailist_checks_before', array($email_message, $pbe));
     // To post a NEW topic, we need some board details for where it goes
     $board_info = query_load_board_details($board_number, $pbe);
     if (empty($board_info)) {
         return pbe_emailError('error_board_gone', $email_message);
     // Load up this users permissions for that board
     query_load_permissions('board', $pbe, $board_info);
     // Account for any moderation they may be under
     // Create the topic, send notifications
     return pbe_create_topic($pbe, $email_message, $board_info);
Exemple #14
 * This software is a derived product, based on:
 * Simple Machines Forum (SMF)
 * copyright:	2011 Simple Machines (http://www.simplemachines.org)
 * license:		BSD, See included LICENSE.TXT for terms and conditions.
 * This file resets a database back to Elkarte defaults by removing
 * rows / cols / tables / indexes and modsettings that addons added
if (!file_exists(dirname(__FILE__) . '/SSI.php')) {
    exit('Please verify you put this in the same place as SSI.php file.');
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/SSI.php';
// Memory is always good
// Now get to work ...
* file_source()
* - initialises all the basic context required for the database cleanup.
* - passes execution onto the relevant section.
* - if the passed action is not found it shows the main page.
* @return
function file_source()
    global $context, $table_prefix;
Exemple #15
  * Generate a report on the current permissions by board and membergroup.
  * functions ending with "Report" are responsible for generating data
  * for reporting.
  * they are all called from action_index.
  * never access the context directly, but use the data handling
  * functions to do so.
 public function action_board_perms()
     global $txt;
     // Get as much memory as possible as this can be big.
     // Boards, first.
     require_once SUBSDIR . '/Boards.subs.php';
     require_once SUBSDIR . '/Membergroups.subs.php';
     // Lets get started
     $query_boards = array();
     if (isset($_REQUEST['boards'])) {
         if (!is_array($_REQUEST['boards'])) {
             $query_boards['boards'] = array_map('intval', explode(',', $_REQUEST['boards']));
         } else {
             $query_boards['boards'] = array_map('intval', $_REQUEST['boards']);
     } else {
         $query_boards = 'all';
     // Fetch the board names and profiles.
     // This returns id_board, name, id_profile keys
     $boards = fetchBoardsInfo($query_boards, array('sort_by' => 'id_board', 'selects' => 'permissions'));
     $profiles = array();
     foreach ($boards as $b) {
         $profiles[] = $b['id_profile'];
     // Groups, next.
     $query_groups = array();
     if (isset($_REQUEST['groups'])) {
         if (!is_array($_REQUEST['groups'])) {
             $query_groups = array_map('intval', explode(',', $_REQUEST['groups']));
         } else {
             $query_groups = array_map('intval', $_REQUEST['groups']);
         $group_clause = 'id_group IN ({array_int:groups})';
     } else {
         $group_clause = '1=1';
     // Get all the possible membergroups, except admin!
     require_once SUBSDIR . '/Reports.subs.php';
     $all_groups = allMembergroups($group_clause, $query_groups);
     if (empty($query_groups) || in_array(-1, $query_groups) || in_array(0, $query_groups)) {
         $member_groups = array('col' => '', -1 => $txt['membergroups_guests'], 0 => $txt['membergroups_members']) + $all_groups;
     } else {
         $member_groups = array('col' => '') + $all_groups;
     // Make sure that every group is represented - plus in rows!
     setKeys('rows', $member_groups);
     // Permissions, last!
     $boardPermissions = boardPermissions($profiles, $group_clause, $query_groups);
     $permissions = array();
     $board_permissions = array();
     foreach ($boardPermissions as $row) {
         foreach ($boards as $id => $board) {
             if ($board['id_profile'] == $row['id_profile']) {
                 $board_permissions[$id][$row['id_group']][$row['permission']] = $row['add_deny'];
         // Make sure we get every permission.
         if (!isset($permissions[$row['permission']])) {
             // This will be reused on other boards.
             $permissions[$row['permission']] = array('title' => isset($txt['board_perms_name_' . $row['permission']]) ? $txt['board_perms_name_' . $row['permission']] : $row['permission']);
     // Now cycle through the board permissions array... lots to do ;)
     foreach ($board_permissions as $board => $groups) {
         // Create the table for this board first.
         newTable($boards[$board]['name'], 'x', 'all', 100, 'center', 200, 'left');
         // Add the header row - shows all the membergroups.
         // Add the separator.
         // Here cycle through all the detected permissions.
         foreach ($permissions as $ID_PERM => $perm_info) {
             // Default data for this row.
             $curData = array('col' => $perm_info['title']);
             // Now cycle each membergroup in this set of permissions.
             foreach ($member_groups as $id_group => $name) {
                 // Don't overwrite the key column!
                 if ($id_group === 'col') {
                 $group_permissions = isset($groups[$id_group]) ? $groups[$id_group] : array();
                 // Do we have any data for this group?
                 if (isset($group_permissions[$ID_PERM])) {
                     // Set the data for this group to be the local permission.
                     $curData[$id_group] = $group_permissions[$ID_PERM];
                 } else {
                     $curData[$id_group] = 'x';
                 // Now actually make the data for the group look right.
                 if (empty($curData[$id_group])) {
                     $curData[$id_group] = '<span class="alert">' . $txt['board_perms_deny'] . '</span>';
                 } elseif ($curData[$id_group] == 1) {
                     $curData[$id_group] = '<span class="success">' . $txt['board_perms_allow'] . '</span>';
                 } else {
                     $curData[$id_group] = 'x';
             // Now add the data for this permission.
Exemple #16
 * See if we have enough memory to thumbnail an image
 * @package Graphics
 * @param int[] $sizes image size
function imageMemoryCheck($sizes)
    global $modSettings;
    // Doing the old 'set it and hope' way?
    if (empty($modSettings['attachment_thumb_memory'])) {
        return true;
    // Determine the memory requirements for this image, note: if you want to use an image formula
    // W x H x bits/8 x channels x Overhead factor
    // You will need to account for single bit images as GD expands them to an 8 bit and will greatly
    // overun the calculated value.
    // The 5 below is simply a shortcut of 8bpp, 3 channels, 1.66 overhead
    $needed_memory = $sizes[0] * $sizes[1] * 5;
    // If we need more, lets try to get it
    return setMemoryLimit($needed_memory, true);
  * Allow the admin to reset permissions on files.
 public function action_perms()
     global $context, $txt, $modSettings, $package_ftp;
     // Let's try and be good, yes?
     // If we're restoring permissions this is just a pass through really.
     if (isset($_GET['restore'])) {
         create_chmod_control(array(), array(), true);
         fatal_lang_error('no_access', false);
     // This is a time and memory eating ...
     // Load up some FTP stuff.
     if (empty($package_ftp) && !isset($_POST['skip_ftp'])) {
         require_once SUBSDIR . '/FtpConnection.class.php';
         $ftp = new Ftp_Connection(null);
         list($username, $detect_path, $found_path) = $ftp->detect_path(BOARDDIR);
         $context['package_ftp'] = array('server' => isset($modSettings['package_server']) ? $modSettings['package_server'] : 'localhost', 'port' => isset($modSettings['package_port']) ? $modSettings['package_port'] : '21', 'username' => empty($username) ? isset($modSettings['package_username']) ? $modSettings['package_username'] : '' : $username, 'path' => $detect_path, 'form_elements_only' => true);
     } else {
         $context['ftp_connected'] = true;
     // Define the template.
     $context['page_title'] = $txt['package_file_perms'];
     $context['sub_template'] = 'file_permissions';
     // Define what files we're interested in, as a tree.
     $context['file_tree'] = array(strtr(BOARDDIR, array('\\' => '/')) => array('type' => 'dir', 'contents' => array('agreement.txt' => array('type' => 'file', 'writable_on' => 'standard'), 'Settings.php' => array('type' => 'file', 'writable_on' => 'restrictive'), 'Settings_bak.php' => array('type' => 'file', 'writable_on' => 'restrictive'), 'attachments' => array('type' => 'dir', 'writable_on' => 'restrictive'), 'avatars' => array('type' => 'dir', 'writable_on' => 'standard'), 'cache' => array('type' => 'dir', 'writable_on' => 'restrictive'), 'custom_avatar_dir' => array('type' => 'dir', 'writable_on' => 'restrictive'), 'smileys' => array('type' => 'dir_recursive', 'writable_on' => 'standard'), 'sources' => array('type' => 'dir', 'list_contents' => true, 'writable_on' => 'standard'), 'themes' => array('type' => 'dir_recursive', 'writable_on' => 'standard', 'contents' => array('default' => array('type' => 'dir_recursive', 'list_contents' => true, 'contents' => array('languages' => array('type' => 'dir', 'list_contents' => true))))), 'packages' => array('type' => 'dir', 'writable_on' => 'standard', 'contents' => array('temp' => array('type' => 'dir'), 'backup' => array('type' => 'dir'), 'installed.list' => array('type' => 'file', 'writable_on' => 'standard'))))));
     // Directories that can move.
     if (substr(SOURCEDIR, 0, strlen(BOARDDIR)) != BOARDDIR) {
         unset($context['file_tree'][strtr(BOARDDIR, array('\\' => '/'))]['contents']['sources']);
         $context['file_tree'][strtr(SOURCEDIR, array('\\' => '/'))] = array('type' => 'dir', 'list_contents' => true, 'writable_on' => 'standard');
     // Moved the cache?
     if (substr(CACHEDIR, 0, strlen(BOARDDIR)) != BOARDDIR) {
         unset($context['file_tree'][strtr(BOARDDIR, array('\\' => '/'))]['contents']['cache']);
         $context['file_tree'][strtr(CACHEDIR, array('\\' => '/'))] = array('type' => 'dir', 'list_contents' => false, 'writable_on' => 'restrictive');
     // Are we using multiple attachment directories?
     if (!empty($modSettings['currentAttachmentUploadDir'])) {
         unset($context['file_tree'][strtr(BOARDDIR, array('\\' => '/'))]['contents']['attachments']);
         if (!is_array($modSettings['attachmentUploadDir'])) {
             $modSettings['attachmentUploadDir'] = unserialize($modSettings['attachmentUploadDir']);
         // @todo Should we suggest non-current directories be read only?
         foreach ($modSettings['attachmentUploadDir'] as $dir) {
             $context['file_tree'][strtr($dir, array('\\' => '/'))] = array('type' => 'dir', 'writable_on' => 'restrictive');
     } elseif (substr($modSettings['attachmentUploadDir'], 0, strlen(BOARDDIR)) != BOARDDIR) {
         unset($context['file_tree'][strtr(BOARDDIR, array('\\' => '/'))]['contents']['attachments']);
         $context['file_tree'][strtr($modSettings['attachmentUploadDir'], array('\\' => '/'))] = array('type' => 'dir', 'writable_on' => 'restrictive');
     if (substr($modSettings['smileys_dir'], 0, strlen(BOARDDIR)) != BOARDDIR) {
         unset($context['file_tree'][strtr(BOARDDIR, array('\\' => '/'))]['contents']['smileys']);
         $context['file_tree'][strtr($modSettings['smileys_dir'], array('\\' => '/'))] = array('type' => 'dir_recursive', 'writable_on' => 'standard');
     if (substr($modSettings['avatar_directory'], 0, strlen(BOARDDIR)) != BOARDDIR) {
         unset($context['file_tree'][strtr(BOARDDIR, array('\\' => '/'))]['contents']['avatars']);
         $context['file_tree'][strtr($modSettings['avatar_directory'], array('\\' => '/'))] = array('type' => 'dir', 'writable_on' => 'standard');
     if (isset($modSettings['custom_avatar_dir']) && substr($modSettings['custom_avatar_dir'], 0, strlen(BOARDDIR)) != BOARDDIR) {
         unset($context['file_tree'][strtr(BOARDDIR, array('\\' => '/'))]['contents']['custom_avatar_dir']);
         $context['file_tree'][strtr($modSettings['custom_avatar_dir'], array('\\' => '/'))] = array('type' => 'dir', 'writable_on' => 'restrictive');
     // Load up any custom themes.
     require_once SUBSDIR . '/Themes.subs.php';
     $themes = getCustomThemes();
     foreach ($themes as $id => $theme) {
         // Skip the default
         if ($id == 1) {
         if (substr(strtolower(strtr($theme['theme_dir'], array('\\' => '/'))), 0, strlen(BOARDDIR) + 7) === strtolower(strtr(BOARDDIR, array('\\' => '/')) . '/themes')) {
             $context['file_tree'][strtr(BOARDDIR, array('\\' => '/'))]['contents']['themes']['contents'][substr($theme['theme_dir'], strlen(BOARDDIR) + 8)] = array('type' => 'dir_recursive', 'list_contents' => true, 'contents' => array('languages' => array('type' => 'dir', 'list_contents' => true)));
         } else {
             $context['file_tree'][strtr($theme['theme_dir'], array('\\' => '/'))] = array('type' => 'dir_recursive', 'list_contents' => true, 'contents' => array('languages' => array('type' => 'dir', 'list_contents' => true)));
     // If we're submitting then let's move on to another function to keep things cleaner..
     if (isset($_POST['action_changes'])) {
         return $this->action_perms_save();
     $context['look_for'] = array();
     // Are we looking for a particular tree - normally an expansion?
     if (!empty($_REQUEST['find'])) {
         $context['look_for'][] = base64_decode($_REQUEST['find']);
     // Only that tree?
     $context['only_find'] = isset($_GET['xml']) && !empty($_REQUEST['onlyfind']) ? $_REQUEST['onlyfind'] : '';
     if ($context['only_find']) {
         $context['look_for'][] = $context['only_find'];
     // Have we got a load of back-catalogue trees to expand from a submit etc?
     if (!empty($_GET['back_look'])) {
         $potententialTrees = unserialize(base64_decode($_GET['back_look']));
         foreach ($potententialTrees as $tree) {
             $context['look_for'][] = $tree;
     // ... maybe posted?
     if (!empty($_POST['back_look'])) {
         $context['only_find'] = array_merge($context['only_find'], $_POST['back_look']);
     $context['back_look_data'] = base64_encode(serialize(array_slice($context['look_for'], 0, 15)));
     // Are we finding more files than first thought?
     $context['file_offset'] = !empty($_REQUEST['fileoffset']) ? (int) $_REQUEST['fileoffset'] : 0;
     // Don't list more than this many files in a directory.
     $context['file_limit'] = 150;
     // How many levels shall we show?
     $context['default_level'] = empty($context['only_find']) ? 2 : 25;
     // This will be used if we end up catching XML data.
     $context['xml_data'] = array('roots' => array('identifier' => 'root', 'children' => array(array('value' => preg_replace('~[^A-Za-z0-9_\\-=:]~', ':-:', $context['only_find'])))), 'folders' => array('identifier' => 'folder', 'children' => array()));
     foreach ($context['file_tree'] as $path => $data) {
         // Run this directory.
         if (file_exists($path) && (empty($context['only_find']) || substr($context['only_find'], 0, strlen($path)) == $path)) {
             // Get the first level down only.
             fetchPerms__recursive($path, $context['file_tree'][$path], 1);
             $context['file_tree'][$path]['perms'] = array('chmod' => @is_writable($path), 'perms' => @fileperms($path));
         } else {
     // Is this actually xml?
     if (isset($_GET['xml'])) {
         $context['sub_template'] = 'generic_xml';
Exemple #18
 * Supporting function for the database maintenance area.
function MaintainDatabase()
    global $context, $db_type, $db_character_set, $modSettings, $smcFunc, $txt, $maintenance;
    // Show some conversion options?
    $context['convert_utf8'] = $db_type == 'mysql' && (!isset($db_character_set) || $db_character_set !== 'utf8' || empty($modSettings['global_character_set']) || $modSettings['global_character_set'] !== 'UTF-8') && version_compare('4.1.2', preg_replace('~\\-.+?$~', '', $smcFunc['db_server_info']()), '<=');
    $context['convert_entities'] = $db_type == 'mysql' && isset($db_character_set, $modSettings['global_character_set']) && $db_character_set === 'utf8' && $modSettings['global_character_set'] === 'UTF-8';
    if ($db_type == 'mysql') {
        $colData = $smcFunc['db_list_columns']('{db_prefix}messages', true);
        foreach ($colData as $column) {
            if ($column['name'] == 'body') {
                $body_type = $column['type'];
        $context['convert_to'] = $body_type == 'text' ? 'mediumtext' : 'text';
        $context['convert_to_suggest'] = $body_type != 'text' && !empty($modSettings['max_messageLength']) && $modSettings['max_messageLength'] < 65536;
    // Check few things to give advices before make a backup
    // If safe mod is enable the external tool is *always* the best (and probably the only) solution
    $context['safe_mode_enable'] = @ini_get('safe_mode');
    // This is just a...guess
    $result = $smcFunc['db_query']('', '
		FROM {db_prefix}messages', array());
    list($messages) = $smcFunc['db_fetch_row']($result);
    // 256 is what we use in the backup script
    $memory_limit = memoryReturnBytes(ini_get('memory_limit')) / (1024 * 1024);
    // Zip limit is set to more or less 1/4th the size of the available memory * 1500
    // 1500 is an estimate of the number of messages that generates a database of 1 MB (yeah I know IT'S AN ESTIMATION!!!)
    // Why that? Because the only reliable zip package is the one sent out the first time,
    // so when the backup takes 1/5th (just to stay on the safe side) of the memory available
    $zip_limit = $memory_limit * 1500 / 5;
    // Here is more tricky: it depends on many factors, but the main idea is that
    // if it takes "too long" the backup is not reliable. So, I know that on my computer it take
    // 20 minutes to backup 2.5 GB, of course my computer is not representative, so I'll multiply by 4 the time.
    // I would consider "too long" 5 minutes (I know it can be a long time, but let's start with that):
    // 80 minutes for a 2.5 GB and a 5 minutes limit means 160 MB approx
    $plain_limit = 240000;
    // Last thing: are we able to gain time?
    $current_time_limit = ini_get('max_execution_time');
    //something strange just to be sure
    $new_time_limit = ini_get('max_execution_time');
    $context['use_maintenance'] = 0;
    // External tool if:
    //  * safe_mode enable OR
    //  * cannot change the execution time OR
    //  * cannot reset timeout
    if ($context['safe_mode_enable'] || empty($new_time_limit) || $current_time_limit == $new_time_limit && !function_exists('apache_reset_timeout')) {
        $context['suggested_method'] = 'use_external_tool';
    } elseif ($zip_limit < $plain_limit && $messages < $zip_limit) {
        $context['suggested_method'] = 'zipped_file';
    } elseif ($zip_limit > $plain_limit || $zip_limit < $plain_limit && $plain_limit < $messages) {
        $context['suggested_method'] = 'use_external_tool';
        $context['use_maintenance'] = empty($maintenance) ? 2 : 0;
    } else {
        $context['use_maintenance'] = 1;
        $context['suggested_method'] = 'plain_text';
    if (isset($_GET['done']) && $_GET['done'] == 'convertutf8') {
        $context['maintenance_finished'] = $txt['utf8_title'];
    if (isset($_GET['done']) && $_GET['done'] == 'convertentities') {
        $context['maintenance_finished'] = $txt['entity_convert_title'];