function showMediaLibrary($messages = false, $addvar_check = false, $smarty_vars = array()) { global $serendipity; if (!serendipity_checkPermission('adminImagesView')) { return; } $output = ""; // After upload, do not show the list to be able to proceed to // media selection. if ($addvar_check && !empty($GLOBALS['image_selector_addvars'])) { return true; } if (!isset($serendipity['thumbPerPage'])) { $serendipity['thumbPerPage'] = 2; } $smarty_vars = array('textarea' => isset($serendipity['GET']['textarea']) ? $serendipity['GET']['textarea'] : false, 'htmltarget' => isset($serendipity['GET']['htmltarget']) ? $serendipity['GET']['htmltarget'] : '', 'filename_only' => isset($serendipity['GET']['filename_only']) ? $serendipity['GET']['filename_only'] : false); $show_upload = isset($serendipity['GET']['showUpload']) ? $serendipity['GET']['showUpload'] : false; $output .= serendipity_displayImageList(isset($serendipity['GET']['page']) ? $serendipity['GET']['page'] : 1, $serendipity['thumbPerPage'], isset($serendipity['GET']['showMediaToolbar']) ? serendipity_db_bool($serendipity['GET']['showMediaToolbar']) : true, NULL, $show_upload, NULL, $smarty_vars); return $output; }
function showMediaLibrary($messages = false, $addvar_check = false) { global $serendipity; if (!serendipity_checkPermission('adminImagesView')) { return; } if (!empty($messages)) { echo '<div class="imageMessage"><ul>'; foreach ($messages as $message) { echo '<li>' . $message . '</li>'; } echo '</ul></div>'; } // After upload, do not show the list to be able to proceed to // media selection. if ($addvar_check && !empty($GLOBALS['image_selector_addvars'])) { return true; } ?> <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript"> <!-- function rename(id, fname) { if(newname = prompt('<?php echo ENTER_NEW_NAME; ?> ' + fname, fname)) { location.href='?<?php echo serendipity_setFormToken('url'); ?> &serendipity[adminModule]=images&serendipity[adminAction]=rename&serendipity[fid]='+ escape(id) + '&serendipity[newname]='+ escape(newname); } } //--> </script> <?php if (!isset($serendipity['thumbPerPage'])) { $serendipity['thumbPerPage'] = 2; } serendipity_displayImageList(isset($serendipity['GET']['page']) ? $serendipity['GET']['page'] : 1, $serendipity['thumbPerPage'], true); }
$media['case'] = 'start'; break; case 'default': default: if (!empty($serendipity['GET']['adminAction']) && $serendipity['GET']['adminModule'] == 'images' && $serendipity['GET']['adminAction'] != 'default') { // Might need to set $serendipity['adminFile_redirect'] here. $serendipity['adminFile'] = 'serendipity_admin_image_selector.php'; ob_start(); include S9Y_INCLUDE_PATH . 'include/admin/'; $media['external'] = ob_get_contents(); $media['case'] = 'external'; ob_end_clean(); break; } $media['case'] = 'default'; $add_url = ''; if (!empty($serendipity['GET']['htmltarget'])) { $add_url .= '&serendipity[htmltarget]=' . serendipity_specialchars($serendipity['GET']['htmltarget']); } if (!empty($serendipity['GET']['filename_only'])) { $add_url .= '&serendipity[filename_only]=' . serendipity_specialchars($serendipity['GET']['filename_only']); } if (!isset($serendipity['thumbPerPage2'])) { $serendipity['thumbPerPage2'] = 3; } $media['external'] = serendipity_displayImageList(isset($serendipity['GET']['page']) ? $serendipity['GET']['page'] : 1, $serendipity['thumbPerPage2'], $serendipity['showMediaToolbar'] ? true : false, '?serendipity[step]=1' . $add_url . '&serendipity[textarea]=' . serendipity_specialchars($serendipity['GET']['textarea']), true, null); } $media = array_merge($serendipity['GET'], $media); $serendipity['smarty']->assignByRef('media', $media); $serendipity['smarty']->display(serendipity_getTemplateFile($showFile, 'serendipityPath')); /* vim: set sts=4 ts=4 expandtab : */
if (!empty($serendipity['GET']['adminAction']) && $serendipity['GET']['adminModule'] == 'images' && $serendipity['GET']['adminAction'] != 'default') { // Might need to set $serendipity['adminFile_redirect'] here. $serendipity['adminFile'] = 'serendipity_admin_image_selector.php'; ob_start(); include S9Y_INCLUDE_PATH . 'include/admin/'; $media['external'] = ob_get_contents(); $media['case'] = 'external'; ob_end_clean(); break; } $media['case'] = 'default'; $add_url = ''; if (!empty($serendipity['GET']['htmltarget'])) { $add_url .= '&serendipity[htmltarget]=' . htmlspecialchars($serendipity['GET']['htmltarget']); } if (!empty($serendipity['GET']['filename_only'])) { $add_url .= '&serendipity[filename_only]=' . htmlspecialchars($serendipity['GET']['filename_only']); } if (!isset($serendipity['thumbPerPage2'])) { $serendipity['thumbPerPage2'] = 3; } ob_start(); $block = serendipity_displayImageList(isset($serendipity['GET']['page']) ? $serendipity['GET']['page'] : 1, $serendipity['thumbPerPage2'], $serendipity['showMediaToolbar'] ? true : false, '?serendipity[step]=1' . $add_url . '&serendipity[textarea]=' . $serendipity['GET']['textarea'], true, null, false); $media['external'] = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); serendipity_smarty_fetch('MEDIA_LIST', $block); } $media = array_merge($serendipity['GET'], $media); $serendipity['smarty']->assign_by_ref('media', $media); $serendipity['smarty']->display(serendipity_getTemplateFile($showFile, 'serendipityPath')); /* vim: set sts=4 ts=4 expandtab : */
function show() { global $serendipity; if (!headers_sent()) { header('HTTP/1.0 200'); header('Status: 200'); } if (!is_object($serendipity['smarty'])) { serendipity_smarty_init(); } $_ENV['staticpage_pagetitle'] = preg_replace('@[^a-z0-9]@i', '_', $this->get_config('base_directory')); $serendipity['smarty']->assign('staticpage_pagetitle', $_ENV['staticpage_pagetitle']); $serendipity['smarty']->assign('const', array('filesize' => PLUGIN_EVENT_USERGALLERY_FILESIZE, 'filename' => PLUGIN_EVENT_USERGALLERY_FILENAME, 'dimension' => PLUGIN_EVENT_USERGALLERY_DIMENSION, 'uponelevel' => PLUGIN_EVENT_USERGALLERY_UPONELEVEL, 'back' => PLUGIN_EVENT_USERGALLERY_BACK, 'previous' => PLUGIN_EVENT_USERGALLERY_PREVIOUS, 'next' => PLUGIN_EVENT_USERGALLERY_NEXT, 'PREVIOUS_PAGE' => PREVIOUS_PAGE, 'NEXT_PAGE' => NEXT_PAGE)); $sub_page = $this->get_config('subpage'); $permalink = $this->get_config('permalink'); $serendipity['smarty']->assign('plugin_usergallery_httppath', $serendipity['rewrite'] != 'none' ? $permalink : $serendipity['indexFile'] . '?serendipity[subpage]=' . $sub_page); $serendipity['smarty']->assign('plugin_usergallery_httppath_extend', $serendipity['rewrite'] != 'none' ? $permalink . '?' : $serendipity['indexFile'] . '?serendipity[subpage]=' . $sub_page . '&'); //Can't trust $serendipity['GET'] on all servers.... so we build it ourselves from subpage if ($serendipity['rewrite'] != 'none') { $uri_parts = explode('?', str_replace('&', '&', $serendipity['GET']['subpage'])); $parts = explode('&', $uri_parts[1]); if (count($parts) > 1) { foreach ($parts as $key => $value) { $val = explode('=', $value); $val0 = str_replace('serendipity[', '', $val[0]); if ($val[0] == $val0) { $_GET[$val[0]] = $val[1]; } else { $val0 = str_replace(']', '', $val0); $serendipity['GET'][$val0] = $val[1]; } } } else { $val = explode('=', $parts[0]); $val0 = str_replace('serendipity[', '', $val[0]); if ($val[0] == $val0) { $_GET[$val[0]] = $val[1]; } else { $val0 = str_replace(']', '', $val0); $serendipity['GET'][$val0] = $val[1]; } } } switch ($this->get_config("image_order")) { case 'nameacs': $orderby = ''; $order = 'ASC'; break; case 'namedesc': $orderby = ''; $order = 'DESC'; break; case 'dateacs': $orderby = ''; $order = 'ASC'; break; case 'datedesc': $orderby = ''; $order = 'DESC'; break; } if (isset($serendipity['GET']['image'])) { $this->displayImage($serendipity['GET']['image'], $orderby, $order); } else { $num_cols = $this->get_config('num_cols'); $base_directory = $this->get_config('base_directory'); $show_objects = serendipity_db_bool($this->get_config('show_objects', false)); if ($this->get_config('style') == "thumbpage") { $images_per_page = $this->get_config('images_per_page'); $display_dir_tree = $this->get_config('display_dir_tree', 'no'); $show_1lvl_sub = $this->get_config('show_1lvl_sub', 'no'); $dir_list = $this->get_config('dir_list'); $num_cols = $this->get_config('num_cols'); $permitted_gallery = false; if ($base_directory == 'gallery') { $limit_directory = ''; } else { $limit_directory = $base_directory; } $limit_images_directory = $limit_directory; $limit_output = $limit_directory; $serendipity['smarty']->assign('plugin_usergallery_currentgal', ''); $serendipity['smarty']->assign('plugin_usergallery_uppath', ''); $serendipity['smarty']->assign('plugin_usergallery_toplevel', 'yes'); //Let's get a directory listing that has all our ACLs applied already! $directories_temp = serendipity_traversePath($serendipity['serendipityPath'] . $serendipity['uploadPath'], $limit_directory, NULL, $pattern, 1, NULL, "read", NULL); //Check to see if we are calling a gallery directly if (isset($_GET['gallery']) && $_GET['gallery'] != '') { //replace weird characters. Was more important before we used the database. $getpathtemp = str_replace("//", "/", str_replace("..", "", urldecode($_GET['gallery']))); //Ok, let's check the out directory is actually in the returned directories. if (is_array($directories_temp)) { foreach ($directories_temp as $f => $dir) { if ($getpathtemp == $dir['relpath']) { //yay! We have access to the directory. $permitted_gallery = true; break; } } } //If we have a matching directory, let's set the gallery up. if ($permitted_gallery) { $limit_images_directory = $getpathtemp; $temp_array = explode('/', $getpathtemp); array_pop($temp_array); $limit_output = array_pop($temp_array); if ($display_dir_tree == 'no') { $up_path = implode('/', $temp_array); if ($up_path != "") { $up_path = $up_path . "/"; } } $serendipity['smarty']->assign('plugin_usergallery_currentgal', $getpathtemp); $serendipity['smarty']->assign('plugin_usergallery_uppath', $up_path); $serendipity['smarty']->assign('plugin_usergallery_toplevel', 'no'); } } else { //We weren't calling a gallery directory, so it is set up in the configuration. If it is the base 'uploads' directory there are never any permissions on it. if ($limit_images_directory != '') { $perm_test_array = array(array('name' => str_replace("/", "", $limit_images_directory), 'depth' => 1, 'relpath' => $limit_images_directory, 'directory' => 1)); if (serendipity_directoryACL($perm_test_array, 'read')) { $permitted_gallery = true; } } else { $permitted_gallery = true; } } $where = $show_objects ? '' : "WHERE mime LIKE 'image/%'"; $query = "SELECT path, count(id) FROM {$serendipity['dbPrefix']}images " . $where . " GROUP BY path"; $rs = serendipity_db_query($query, false, 'assoc'); if (is_array($rs)) { foreach ($rs as $f => $record) { if ($limit_directory != '') { $temp_count = strlen($limit_directory); if (strcmp(substr($record['path'], 0, $temp_count), $limit_directory) == 0) { $temp_filecount[$record['path']] = $record['count(id)']; } } else { $temp_filecount[$record['path']] = $record['count(id)']; } } } if ($dir_list == 'yes') { if ($display_dir_tree == 'yes') { if (!isset($temp_filecount[$limit_directory])) { $temp_filecount[$limit_directory] = '0'; } $serendipity['smarty']->assign('plugin_usergallery_maindir_filecount', $temp_filecount[$limit_directory]); } else { if ($up_path == '') { $temp_filecount[$up_path] = $temp_filecount[$limit_directory]; } if (!isset($temp_filecount[$up_path])) { $temp_filecount[$up_path] = '0'; } $serendipity['smarty']->assign('plugin_usergallery_maindir_filecount', $temp_filecount[$up_path]); } } if (is_array($directories_temp)) { usort($directories_temp, 'serendipity_sortPath'); foreach ($directories_temp as $f => $dir) { $directory = $dir['relpath']; $dir['filecount'] = $temp_filecount[$directory]; if (isset($dir['depth'])) { $dir['pxdepth'] = $dir['depth'] * $this->get_config('dir_tab', 10); } if ($dir['filecount'] == '') { $dir['filecount'] = 0; } if ($display_dir_tree == 'yes') { $directories[$dir['relpath']] = $dir; } else { if ($show_1lvl_sub == 'yes') { $temp_count = strlen($limit_images_directory); if (strcmp(substr($directory, 0, $temp_count), $limit_images_directory) == 0 && $directory != $limit_images_directory) { $full_length = strlen($directory); if (substr_count(substr($directory, $temp_count, $full_length), '/') == 1) { $directories[$dir['relpath']] = $dir; } else { $temp_count = $temp_count + 1 + strpos(substr($directory, $temp_count, $full_length), '/'); $directories[substr($directory, 0, $temp_count)]['filecount'] = $directories[substr($directory, 0, $temp_count)]['filecount'] + $dir['filecount']; } } } else { $temp_count = strlen($limit_images_directory); if (strcmp(substr($directory, 0, $temp_count), $limit_images_directory) == 0 && $directory != $limit_images_directory) { $directories[$directory] = $dir; } } } } } $serendipity['smarty']->assign('plugin_usergallery_subdirectories', $directories); $lower_limit = 0; $showpage = false; if ($images_per_page != 0 && $permitted_gallery) { $showpage = true; $total_count = $temp_filecount[$limit_images_directory]; if ($total_count <= $images_per_page) { $showpage = false; } if ($showpage) { if (isset($_GET['page']) && $_GET['page'] != '') { $current_page = intval($_GET['page']); } else { $current_page = 1; } $total_pages = ceil($total_count / $images_per_page); $previous_page = $current_page - 1; if ($previous_page == 0) { $lower_limit = 0; } else { $lower_limit = $previous_page * $images_per_page; } } } $serendipity['smarty']->assign(array('plugin_usergallery_pagination' => $showpage, 'plugin_usergallery_total_count' => $total_count, 'plugin_usergallery_total_pages' => $total_pages, 'plugin_usergallery_current_page' => $current_page, 'plugin_usergallery_next_page' => $current_page + 1, 'plugin_usergallery_previous_page' => $current_page - 1)); if ($this->get_config('image_strict') == 'yes') { $images = serendipity_fetchImagesFromDatabase($lower_limit, $images_per_page, $total, $orderby, $order, $limit_images_directory, '', '', array(), true); } else { $images = serendipity_fetchImagesFromDatabase($lower_limit, $images_per_page, $total, $orderby, $order, $limit_images_directory); } if (is_array($images)) { foreach ($images as $f => $image) { $is_image = serendipity_isImage($image); if (!$is_image && !$show_objects) { continue; } // do not include Non-Image objects to array if ($is_image) { $image['link'] = $serendipity['serendipityHTTPPath'] . $serendipity['uploadHTTPPath'] . $image['path'] . $image['name'] . '.' . $image['thumbnail_name'] . '.' . $image['extension']; $image['dimension'] = $image['dimensions_width'] . 'x' . $image['dimensions_height']; $image['isimage'] = true; } else { $image['isimage'] = false; $image['link'] = serendipity_getTemplateFile('admin/img/mime_unknown.png'); } $image['fullimage'] = $serendipity['serendipityHTTPPath'] . $serendipity['uploadHTTPPath'] . $image['path'] . $image['name'] . '.' . $image['extension']; $image['filesize'] = round($image['size'] / 1024); $image['popupwidth'] = $is_image ? $image['dimensions_width'] + 20 : 600; $image['popupheight'] = $is_image ? $image['dimensions_height'] + 20 : 500; $process_images[$image['name']] = $image; } } $gallery_array = explode('/', $up_path); foreach ($gallery_array as $f => $gallery) { $gallery_path = $gallery_path . $gallery . "/"; if ($gallery_path != $base_directory) { $path_array[$gallery]['path'] = $gallery_path; $path_array[$gallery]['name'] = $gallery; } } unset($path_array['']); if ($limit_output == $base_directory) { $limit_output = ''; } // this needs the latest >= v. 2.0 lightbox plugin installed! $lightbox_type = $this->get_config('lightbox_type'); $lbtype = 'rel="lightbox[]"'; if ($lightbox_type == 'prettyphoto') { $lbtype = 'rel="prettyPhoto[]"'; } elseif ($lightbox_type == 'colorbox') { $lbtype = 'rel="colorbox[]"'; } elseif ($lightbox_type == 'magnific') { $lbtype = 'rel="magnificPopup[]"'; } $serendipity['smarty']->assign(array('plugin_usergallery_title' => $this->get_config('title'), 'plugin_usergallery_cols' => $num_cols, 'plugin_usergallery_preface' => $this->get_config('intro'), 'plugin_usergallery_fixed_width' => $this->get_config('fixed_width'), 'plugin_usergallery_image_display' => $this->get_config('image_display'), 'plugin_usergallery_gallery_breadcrumb' => $path_array, 'plugin_usergallery_dir_list' => $dir_list, 'plugin_usergallery_display_dir_tree' => $display_dir_tree, 'plugin_usergallery_colwidth' => round(10 / $num_cols * 10 - 6, 2), 'plugin_usergallery_limit_directory' => preg_replace('@[^a-z0-9]@i', ' ', $limit_output), 'plugin_usergallery_uselightbox' => serendipity_db_bool($this->get_config('show_lightbox', false)), 'plugin_usergallery_lightbox_script' => $lightbox_type, 'plugin_usergallery_lightbox_dir' => $this->get_config('lightbox_path'), 'plugin_usergallery_lightbox_jquery' => !class_exists('serendipity_event_jquery') && !$serendipity['capabilities']['jquery'] ? true : false, 'plugin_usergallery_lightbox_type' => $lbtype, 'plugin_usergallery_images' => $process_images)); $content = $this->parseTemplate('plugin_usergallery.tpl'); echo $content; } else { $add_url = '?serendipity[subpage]=' . $this->get_config('subpage'); if ($base_directory == 'gallery') { $limit_directory = ''; } else { $limit_directory = $base_directory; } serendipity_displayImageList(isset($serendipity['GET']['page']) ? $serendipity['GET']['page'] : 1, $num_cols, false, $add_url, false, $limit_directory); } } }