Exemple #1
 function process_lead($client_program_id, $request_id)
     // Decode program name
     $program_name = $this->Programs_model->get_program_name($client_program_id);
     $apply_now = $this->session->userdata('apply_now');
     if ($this->config->item('portal_active') == "true") {
         // Check if our result is what we expect from Partners
         if ($request_id == NULL || !is_numeric($request_id)) {
             // Log the error
             $error = 'An error was found with Request_ID returning from Forms. The value was ' . ($request_id == null ? 'NULL' : $request_id) . '.';
             log_message('error', $error);
             send_error_email('Request_ID is null or non numeric', $error);
             $this->load->view(SITE . '/thank_you');
         $result = $this->Users_model->create_from_lead($request_id);
         // Store request id in session
         $this->session->set_userdata('uid', $request_id);
         $this->session->set_userdata('client_program_id', $client_program_id);
         $this->session->set_userdata('program_name', $program_name);
         $this->session->set_userdata('has_stp', $this->Programs_model->has_stp($client_program_id));
         // Set this to mark first login for welcome modal to display
         $this->session->set_userdata('first_login', true);
         // Show errors if user wasn't able to register
         if (isset($result['errors'])) {
             $this->session->set_flashdata("error", $result['errors']);
         // Login
         if ($this->tank_auth->login($result['email'], $result['password'], false, false, true)) {
             // Clear password (just for any case)
             $apply_now ? redirect('/leadform/welcome/apply') : redirect('/leadform/welcome');
         } else {
             // Show errors if they exist after login
             $errors = $this->tank_auth->get_error_message();
             // Probably no longer needed, leaving here for now
             if (isset($errors['banned'])) {
                 $this->_show_message($this->lang->line('auth_message_banned') . ' ' . $errors['banned']);
             } elseif (isset($errors['not_activated'])) {
             } else {
                 foreach ($errors as $k => $v) {
                     $result['errors'][$k] = $this->lang->line($v);
         $this->load->view('lead_form', $result);
     } else {
         $this->load->view(SITE . '/thank_you');
Exemple #2
/** Main function to send email if necessary */
function sendemail($handler, $projectid)
    include 'config/config.php';
    include_once 'include/common.php';
    require_once 'include/pdo.php';
    require_once 'models/build.php';
    require_once 'models/project.php';
    require_once 'models/buildgroup.php';
    $Project = new Project();
    $Project->Id = $projectid;
    $sendEmail = null;
    if ($CDASH_USE_LOCAL_DIRECTORY && file_exists('local/sendemail.php')) {
        include_once 'local/sendemail.php';
        $sendEmail = new SendEmail();
    // If we shouldn't sent any emails we stop
    if ($Project->EmailBrokenSubmission == 0) {
    // If the handler has a buildid (it should), we use it
    if (isset($handler->BuildId) && $handler->BuildId > 0) {
        $buildid = $handler->BuildId;
    } else {
        // Get the build id
        $name = $handler->getBuildName();
        $stamp = $handler->getBuildStamp();
        $sitename = $handler->getSiteName();
        $buildid = get_build_id($name, $stamp, $projectid, $sitename);
    if ($buildid < 0) {
    //add_log("Buildid ".$buildid,"sendemail ".$Project->Name,LOG_INFO);
    //  Check if the group as no email
    $Build = new Build();
    $Build->Id = $buildid;
    $groupid = $Build->GetGroup();
    $BuildGroup = new BuildGroup();
    // If we specified no email we stop here
    if ($BuildGroup->GetSummaryEmail() == 2) {
    $emailCommitters = $BuildGroup->GetEmailCommitters();
    $errors = check_email_errors($buildid, $Project->EmailTestTimingChanged, $Project->TestTimeMaxStatus, !$Project->EmailRedundantFailures);
    // We have some fixes
    if ($errors['hasfixes']) {
        // Get the list of person who should get the email
        $lookup_result = lookup_emails_to_send($errors, $buildid, $projectid, $Build->Type, true, $emailCommitters);
        $userids = $lookup_result['userids'];
        foreach ($userids as $userid) {
            $emailtext = array();
            $emailtext['nfixes'] = 0;
            // Check if an email has been sent already for this user
            foreach ($errors['fixes'] as $fixkey => $nfixes) {
                if ($nfixes == 0) {
                if (!check_email_sent($userid, $buildid, $fixkey)) {
                    $emailtext['category'][$fixkey] = $nfixes;
                    $emailtext['nfixes'] = 1;
            // Send the email
            if ($emailtext['nfixes'] == 1) {
                send_email_fix_to_user($userid, $emailtext, $Build, $Project);
    // No error we return
    if (!$errors['errors']) {
    if ($CDASH_USE_LOCAL_DIRECTORY && file_exists('local/sendemail.php')) {
        $sendEmail->BuildId = $Build->Id;
        $sendEmail->Errors = $errors;
    // If we should send a summary email
    if ($BuildGroup->GetSummaryEmail() == 1) {
        // Send the summary email
        sendsummaryemail($projectid, $groupid, $errors, $buildid);
        if ($CDASH_USE_LOCAL_DIRECTORY && file_exists('local/sendemail.php')) {
    // Send build error
    if ($CDASH_USE_LOCAL_DIRECTORY && file_exists('local/sendemail.php')) {
    // Lookup the list of people who should get the email, both registered
    // users *and* committers:
    $lookup_result = lookup_emails_to_send($errors, $buildid, $projectid, $Build->Type, false, $emailCommitters);
    // Loop through the *registered* users:
    $userids = $lookup_result['userids'];
    foreach ($userids as $userid) {
        send_error_email($userid, '', $sendEmail, $errors, $Build, $Project);
    // Loop through "other" users, if necessary:
    // ...people who committed code, but are *not* registered CDash users, but
    // only if the 'emailcommitters' field is on for this build group.
    if ($emailCommitters) {
        $committeremails = $lookup_result['committeremails'];
        foreach ($committeremails as $committeremail) {
            send_error_email(0, $committeremail, $sendEmail, $errors, $Build, $Project, getHandlerErrorKeyPrefix($handler));

include_once 'header.php';
include_once 'menubar.php';
<div id="content">
try {
} catch (Exception $exception) {
<p>An error was encountered processing your request.  Technical support has been notified and we hope
to correct the problem soon.  We apologize for this inconvenience.</p>
include_once 'footer.php';