Exemple #1
         // Will EXIT
         // We have EXITed already at this point!!
     if (is_logged_in() && $current_User->check_perm('users', 'edit', false)) {
         // Admins cannot close own accounts
         $Messages->add(T_('You cannot close your own account!'));
         // Redirect to show the errors:
         // Will EXIT
         // We have EXITed already at this point!!
     if (is_logged_in() && $current_User->update_status_from_Request(true, 'closed')) {
         // user account was closed successful
         // Send notification email about closed account to users with edit users permission
         $email_template_params = array('login' => $current_User->login, 'email' => $current_User->email, 'reason' => trim(param('account_close_type', 'string', '') . ' ' . param('account_close_reason', 'text', '')), 'user_ID' => $current_User->ID, 'days_count' => $current_User->get_days_count_close());
         send_admin_notification(NT_('User account closed'), 'account_closed', $email_template_params);
         // Set this session var only to know when display a bye message
         $Session->set('account_closing_success', true);
     } else {
         // db update was unsuccessful
         $Messages->add(T_('Unable to close your account. Please contact to system administrator.'));
     /* exited */
 case 'retrievepassword':
     // Send password change request by mail
     global $servertimenow;
     $login_required = true;
     // Do not display "Without login.." link on the form
     if (empty($login)) {
Exemple #2
            // Save Trigger page
            $UserSettings->set('registration_trigger_url', $session_registration_trigger_url, $new_User->ID);
        $UserSettings->set('created_fromIPv4', ip2int($Hit->IP), $new_User->ID);
        $UserSettings->set('user_domain', $Hit->get_remote_host(true), $new_User->ID);
        $UserSettings->set('user_browser', substr($Hit->get_user_agent(), 0, 200), $new_User->ID);
        // Auto subscribe new user to current collection posts/comments:
        if ($auto_subscribe_posts || $auto_subscribe_comments) {
            // If at least one option is enabled
            $DB->query('REPLACE INTO T_subscriptions ( sub_coll_ID, sub_user_ID, sub_items, sub_comments )
					VALUES ( ' . $DB->quote($Blog->ID) . ', ' . $DB->quote($new_User->ID) . ', ' . $DB->quote(intval($auto_subscribe_posts)) . ', ' . $DB->quote(intval($auto_subscribe_comments)) . ' )');
        // Send notification email about new user registrations to users with edit users permission
        $email_template_params = array('country' => $country, 'firstname' => $firstname, 'gender' => $gender, 'locale' => $locale, 'source' => $new_User->get('source'), 'trigger_url' => $session_registration_trigger_url, 'initial_hit' => $initial_hit, 'login' => $login, 'email' => $email, 'new_user_ID' => $new_User->ID);
        send_admin_notification(NT_('New user registration'), 'account_new', $email_template_params);
        $Plugins->trigger_event('AfterUserRegistration', array('User' => &$new_User));
        // Move user to suspect group by IP address. Make this move even if during the registration it was added to a trusted group.
        antispam_suspect_user_by_IP('', $new_User->ID, false);
        if ($Settings->get('newusers_mustvalidate')) {
            // We want that the user validates his email address:
            $inskin_blog = $inskin ? $blog : NULL;
            if ($new_User->send_validate_email($redirect_to, $inskin_blog)) {
                $activateinfo_link = 'href="' . get_activate_info_url(NULL, '&') . '"';
                $Messages->add(sprintf(T_('An email has been sent to your email address. Please click on the link therein to activate your account. <a %s>More info &raquo;</a>'), $activateinfo_link), 'success');
            } elseif ($demo_mode) {
                $Messages->add('Sorry, could not send email. Sending email in demo mode is disabled.', 'error');
            } else {
                $Messages->add(T_('Sorry, the email with the link to activate your account could not be sent.') . '<br />' . T_('Possible reason: the PHP mail() function may have been disabled on the server.'), 'error');
                // fp> TODO: allow to enter a different email address (just in case it's that kind of problem)
Exemple #3
 * Detect timed out cron jobs and Send notifications
 * @param array Task with error
 *             'name'
 *             'message'
function detect_timeout_cron_jobs($error_task = NULL)
    global $DB, $time_difference, $cron_timeout_delay, $admin_url;
    $SQL = new SQL('Find cron timeouts');
    $SQL->SELECT('ctsk_ID, ctsk_name, ctsk_key');
    $SQL->FROM_add('INNER JOIN T_cron__task ON ctsk_ID = clog_ctsk_ID');
    $SQL->WHERE('clog_status = "started"');
    $SQL->WHERE_and('clog_realstart_datetime < ' . $DB->quote(date2mysql(time() + $time_difference - $cron_timeout_delay)));
    $timeout_tasks = $DB->get_results($SQL->get(), OBJECT, $SQL->title);
    $tasks = array();
    if (count($timeout_tasks) > 0) {
        $cron_jobs_names = get_cron_jobs_config('name');
        foreach ($timeout_tasks as $timeout_task) {
            if (!empty($timeout_task->ctsk_name)) {
                // Task name is defined in DB
                $task_name = $timeout_task->ctsk_name;
            } else {
                // Try to get default task name by key:
                $task_name = isset($cron_jobs_names[$timeout_task->ctsk_key]) ? $cron_jobs_names[$timeout_task->ctsk_key] : $timeout_task->ctsk_key;
            $tasks[$timeout_task->ctsk_ID] = array('name' => $task_name, 'message' => NT_('Cron job has timed out.'));
        // Update timed out cron jobs:
        $DB->query('UPDATE T_cron__log
			  SET clog_status = "timeout"
			WHERE clog_ctsk_ID IN ( ' . $DB->quote(array_keys($tasks)) . ' )', 'Mark timeouts in cron jobs.');
    if (!is_null($error_task)) {
        // Send notification with error task
        $tasks[$error_task['ID']] = $error_task;
    if (count($tasks) > 0) {
        // Send notification email about timed out and error cron jobs to users with edit options permission
        $email_template_params = array('tasks' => $tasks);
        send_admin_notification(NT_('Scheduled task error'), 'scheduled_task_error_report', $email_template_params);
Exemple #4
 * Detect timed out cron jobs and Send notifications
 * @param array Task with error
 *             'name'
 *             'message'
function detect_timeout_cron_jobs($error_task = NULL)
    global $DB, $time_difference, $cron_timeout_delay, $admin_url;
    $SQL = new SQL('Find cron timeouts');
    $SQL->SELECT('ctsk_ID, ctsk_name');
    $SQL->FROM_add('INNER JOIN T_cron__task ON ctsk_ID = clog_ctsk_ID');
    $SQL->WHERE('clog_status = "started"');
    $SQL->WHERE_and('clog_realstart_datetime < ' . $DB->quote(date2mysql(time() + $time_difference - $cron_timeout_delay)));
    $timeouts = $DB->get_assoc($SQL->get(), OBJECT, $SQL->title);
    $tasks = array();
    if (count($timeouts) > 0) {
        foreach ($timeouts as $task_ID => $task_name) {
            $tasks[$task_ID] = array('name' => $task_name, 'message' => T_('Cron job was timed out.'));
        // Update timed out cron jobs
        $DB->query('UPDATE T_cron__log
			  SET clog_status = "timeout"
			WHERE clog_ctsk_ID IN ( ' . $DB->quote(array_keys($tasks)) . ' )', 'Detect cron timeouts.');
    if (!is_null($error_task)) {
        // Send notification with error task
        $tasks[$error_task['ID']] = $error_task;
    if (count($tasks) > 0) {
        // Send notification email about timed out and error cron jobs to users with edit options permission
        $email_template_params = array('tasks' => $tasks);
        send_admin_notification(NT_('Scheduled task error'), 'scheduled_task_error_report', $email_template_params);
Exemple #5
  * Send an email notification when user account has been changed
  * @param boolean true if the main profile picture was changed, false otherwise
  * @param mixed false if there was no new profile picture upload, the newly uploaded file ID otherwise
 function send_account_changed_notification($avatar_changed = false, $new_avatar_upload = false)
     if (!is_logged_in()) {
         // User must be logged in for this action
     if (empty($this->significant_changed_values) && !$avatar_changed && !$new_avatar_upload) {
         // Nothing important was changed, so no need to send changed notification
     $email_template_params = array('user_ID' => $this->ID, 'login' => $this->login, 'fields' => array('login' => array('title' => NT_('Login')), 'grp_ID' => array('title' => NT_('Group'), 'className' => 'Group'), 'nickname' => array('title' => NT_('Nickname')), 'firstname' => array('title' => NT_('First name')), 'lastname' => array('title' => NT_('Last name')), 'gender' => array('title' => NT_('Gender')), 'ctry_ID' => array('title' => NT_('Country'), 'className' => 'Country'), 'rgn_ID' => array('title' => NT_('Region'), 'className' => 'Region'), 'subrg_ID' => array('title' => NT_('Sub-region'), 'className' => 'Subregion'), 'city_ID' => array('title' => NT_('City'), 'className' => 'City')), 'avatar_changed' => $avatar_changed, 'new_avatar_upload' => $new_avatar_upload);
     foreach ($email_template_params['fields'] as $user_field_name => $user_field_data) {
         // Set new and previous values for email template
         $field_was_changed = isset($this->significant_changed_values[$user_field_name]) && !empty($this->significant_changed_values[$user_field_name]);
         if (isset($user_field_data['className'])) {
             // The field value is an object ID, get the object name
             $Cache =& call_user_func('get_' . $user_field_data['className'] . 'Cache');
             $Object =& $Cache->get_by_ID($this->get($user_field_name), false, false);
             $user_field_data['new'] = empty($Object) ? NULL : $Object->get_name();
             if ($field_was_changed) {
                 // Get the old display value of the field
                 $Object =& $Cache->get_by_ID($this->significant_changed_values[$user_field_name]);
                 $user_field_data['old'] = $Object->get_name();
         } elseif ($user_field_name == 'gender') {
             // This is the gender field, get the display name of the gender
             $user_field_data['new'] = $this->get_gender();
             if ($field_was_changed) {
                 $user_field_data['old'] = $this->significant_changed_values[$user_field_name] == 'M' ? T_('A man') : T_('A woman');
         } else {
             // Get the field value
             $user_field_data['new'] = $this->get($user_field_name);
             if ($field_was_changed) {
                 // The field was changed
                 $user_field_data['old'] = $this->significant_changed_values[$user_field_name];
         if (!isset($user_field_data['old'])) {
             // The field was not changed or the old value was empty
             $user_field_data['old'] = array_key_exists($user_field_name, $this->significant_changed_values) ? NULL : $user_field_data['new'];
         $email_template_params['fields'][$user_field_name] = $user_field_data;
     send_admin_notification(NT_('User profile changed'), 'account_changed', $email_template_params);
     // Clear changed values
     $this->significant_changed_values = array();
Exemple #6
 * Report a user
 * @param integer reported User ID
 * @param string reported user status (fake, guidelines, harass, spam, other )
 * @param string more info
 * @return mixed 1 on success false on error
function add_report_from($user_ID, $status, $info)
    global $DB, $current_User, $localtimenow;
    $UserCache =& get_UserCache();
    $reported_User = $UserCache->get_by_ID($user_ID, false);
    if (!$reported_User) {
        // if user doesn't exists return false
        return false;
    $result = $DB->query('REPLACE INTO T_users__reports( urep_target_user_ID, urep_reporter_ID, urep_status, urep_info, urep_datetime )
						VALUES( ' . $DB->quote($user_ID) . ', ' . $DB->quote($current_User->ID) . ', ' . $DB->quote($status) . ', ' . $DB->quote($info) . ', ' . $DB->quote(date2mysql($localtimenow)) . ' )');
    if ($result) {
        // if report was successful send user reported notificaitons to admin users
        $email_template_params = array('login' => $reported_User->login, 'email' => $reported_User->email, 'report_status' => get_report_status_text($status), 'report_info' => $info, 'user_ID' => $user_ID, 'reported_by' => $current_User->login);
        // send notificaiton ( it will be send to only those users who want to receive this kind of notifications )
        send_admin_notification(NT_('User account reported'), 'account_reported', $email_template_params);
    return $result;
Exemple #7
     * Handle close user account request and update account close reason
     * @param boolean save modifications or not. User false only in case when User and UserSettings object will be saved later.
     * @return boolean true on success, false otherwise
    function update_status_from_Request($dbsave, $new_status = NULL)
        global $DB, $UserSettings, $current_User, $servertimenow;
        if ($dbsave) {
            // save required
        if (empty($new_status)) {
            $new_status = param('edited_user_status', 'string', true);
        // get close reason text - max 255 characters
        $account_close_reason = substr(param('account_close_reason', 'text', ''), 0, 255);
        if (!$this->check_status('is_closed') && $new_status == 'closed') {
            // account was not closed yet
            if (empty($account_close_reason)) {
                $account_close_reason = sprintf(T_('Account closed by %s'), $current_User->get('login'));
            $this->set('status', 'closed');
            $UserSettings->set('account_close_ts', $servertimenow, $this->ID);
            $UserSettings->set('account_close_reason', $account_close_reason, $this->ID);
            // delete last activation email data, this user must not be allowed to reactivate the account ( only admin users may change the status again )
            $UserSettings->delete('last_activation_reminder_key', $this->ID);
            $UserSettings->delete('last_activation_email', $this->ID);
            // create query to clear all session's of the user
            $clear_sessions_query = 'UPDATE T_sessions
								SET sess_key = NULL
								WHERE sess_user_ID = ' . $DB->quote($this->ID);
            if ($dbsave && $this->dbupdate() && $UserSettings->dbupdate() && $DB->query($clear_sessions_query) !== false) {
                // all db modification was successful
                if ($current_User->ID != $this->ID) {
                    // If admin closed some user account
                    // Send notification email about closed account to users with edit users permission
                    $email_template_params = array('login' => $this->login, 'email' => $this->email, 'reason' => $account_close_reason, 'user_ID' => $this->ID, 'closed_by_admin' => $current_User->login);
                    send_admin_notification(NT_('User account closed'), 'account_closed', $email_template_params);
                return true;
        } else {
            $new_status_is_active = $new_status == 'activated' || $new_status == 'autoactivated';
            $old_status_is_not_active = false;
            if ($this->check_status('can_be_validated') && $new_status_is_active) {
                // User was activated
                $old_status_is_not_active = true;
                // clear activation specific settings
                $UserSettings->delete('last_activation_reminder_key', $this->ID);
                $UserSettings->delete('last_activation_email', $this->ID);
                $UserSettings->delete('activation_reminder_count', $this->ID);
                $UserSettings->delete('send_activation_reminder', $this->ID);
            $old_status_is_not_active = $old_status_is_not_active || $this->check_status('is_closed');
            // set status
            $this->set('status', $new_status);
            $UserSettings->set('account_close_reason', $account_close_reason, $this->ID);
            if ($dbsave && $this->dbupdate()) {
                // db update
                if ($old_status_is_not_active && $new_status_is_active) {
                    // User was activated, create a welcome private message
                    if ($current_User->ID != $this->ID) {
                        // If admin activated some user account
                        // Send notification email about activated account to users with edit users permission
                        $email_template_params = array('User' => $this, 'login' => $this->login, 'activated_by_admin' => $current_User->login);
                        send_admin_notification(NT_('New user account activated'), 'account_activated', $email_template_params);
                return true;
        if ($dbsave) {
            // save was required, but wasn't successful
            return false;
        return true;
Exemple #8
function del($id, $act_as_admin = false, $quick = false)
    global $sess, $mytrail, $auth;
    if (!defined("DIRECTORY_NOTIFICATION_INC")) {
    include "messages/directory_notification.inc";
    rm_object((int) $id, true);
    if ($act_as_admin) {
        send_admin_notification($mytrail, LTMSG_TRAILDEL);
    //TODO: add reason
    if (!$quick) {
        include "directory/edit/del-confirmation.html";
    } else {
        Header("Location: " . $sess->url(build_good_url(parent_path($mytrail['path']))));