/** * function to reset a user's password * @param: $email */ function resetPassword($email) { global $datetime,$borrowercentralCuser,$home_domain; $query=0; $query=mysqlquery("select * from vl_users where email='$email'"); if(mysqlnumrows($query)) { //reset the password and mail the user $newPassword=0; $newPassword=generatePassword(); //now reset the password mysqlquery("update vl_users set xp='".borrowercentralcSimpleEncrypt($newPassword)."', password='******' where email='$email'"); //inform the user by email //subject $subject=0; $subject="Password Reset"; //variables $password=0; $password=$newPassword; //the message $message=0; $message=" Your password has been reset. Your new password is: $password To preserve your privacy, we recommend that you login and change your password. Kind regards, System Team"; //mail the user sendPlainEmail($email,$subject,$message); } }
$message=" Your Password on the \"VL\" System has been changed to the following credentials: Email: $email Password: $password LOGIN INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Open Internet Explorer 2. Visit http://$default_systemIP/ from your Web Browser. 3. Login with your Email and Password Kind regards, System Team"; //mail the user sendPlainEmail($email,$from,$fromName,$subject,"",$message); //flag $modified=1; } break; case activate: //log table change logTableChange("vl_users","activate",$id,getDetailedTableInfo2("vl_users","id='$id'","activate"),"1"); //update vl_users mysqlquery("update vl_users set active='1' where id='$id'"); //flag $id=0; $activated=1; break; case deactivate: