echo $pv_qty = $product_pv * $items['item_qty']; $total_pv += $pv_qty; ?> </td> <td> <?php //total price $product_price = selectname('products', 'product_price_member', 'product_id', $items['product_id']); echo $sum_price = $items['item_qty'] * $product_price; //echo $sum_price=$items['order_total']; $total_price += $sum_price; ?> </td> <td> <?php $product_cost = selectname('products', 'product_cost', 'product_id', $items['product_id']); echo $total_cost = $product_cost * $items['item_qty']; ?> </td> <td> <?php echo $sum_price - $total_cost; ?> </td> </tr> <?php } ?> <tr> <td colspan="4" align="right"></td> <td align="right"><b>Total PV</b></td>
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$product_id = $_REQUEST['product_id']; $product_delete = mysqli_query($connect, "DELETE FROM products WHERE product_id='{$product_id}'"); if ($product_delete) { $picture_query = mysqli_query($connect, "SELECT * FROM product_pictures WHERE product_id={$product_id}"); while ($picture = mysqli_fetch_array($picture_query)) { unlink("../gallery/product/" . $picture['picture_id'] . "." . $picture['picture_type']); } mysqli_query($connect, "DELETE FROM product_pictures WHERE product_id='{$product_id}'"); } $goto = $site_url . "/products"; } elseif ($process == "product_picture_delete") { $picture_id = $_REQUEST['picture_id']; $picture = $picture_id . "." . selectname('product_pictures', 'picture_type', 'picture_id', $picture_id); unlink("../gallery/products/" . $picture); unlink("../gallery/products/thumb/" . $picture); $goto = $site_url . "/product?action=edit&id=" . selectname('product_pictures', 'product_id', 'picture_id', " {$picture_id} LIMIT 1"); $picture_delete = mysqli_query($connect, "DELETE FROM product_pictures WHERE picture_id='{$picture_id}'"); } elseif ($process == "order_sent") { $order_id = $_REQUEST['order_id']; $order_send = mysqli_query($connect, "UPDATE orders SET order_status='sent',date_sended=NOW() WHERE order_id={$order_id}"); } elseif ($process == "withdraw_approve") { $withdraw_id = $_REQUEST['withdraw_id']; $withdraw_amount = mysqli_fetch_assoc(mysqli_query($connect, "SELECT withdraw_amount FROM withdraw WHERE withdraw_id={$withdraw_id}")); $withdraw_amount = $withdraw_amount['withdraw_amount']; $member_id = mysqli_fetch_assoc(mysqli_query($connect, "SELECT member_id FROM withdraw WHERE withdraw_id={$withdraw_id}")); $member_id = $member_id['member_id']; $member_jWallet = mysqli_fetch_assoc(mysqli_query($connect, "SELECT jWallet FROM members WHERE member_id={$member_id}")); $member_jWallet = $member_jWallet['jWallet']; if ($member_jWallet >= $withdraw_amount) { $jWallet_update = $member_jWallet - $withdraw_amount; $withdraw_approved = mysqli_query($connect, "UPDATE members SET jWallet='{$jWallet_update}' WHERE member_id={$member_id}");