$tbw = new table("100%", "0", "1", "4", $th_box_title_bgcolor, $th_box_title_font_color, "center", "top", $th_box_body_bgcolor, $th_box_body_font_color, "left", "middle");
$tby = new table("100%", "0", "1", "4", $th_box_title_bgcolor, $th_box_title_font_color, "center", "top", "#ffcc00", $th_box_body_font_color, "left", "top");

<!-- content -->
if (!isset($leaves)) {
    $leaves = ":1:";
if (isset($addid)) {
    $leaves .= ":{$addid}:";
if (isset($delid)) {
    $leaves = str_replace(":{$delid}:", "", $leaves);
/*------------------------------------------------------- BOX tbllicense */
$bx->box_title($t->translate("Solutions by Category"));
/*----------------------------------------------------------- whole Tree */
select_category(0, 0);
<!-- end content -->

require "footer.inc";

require_once '../common/defineUtil.php';
require_once '../common/scriptUtil.php';
require_once '../common/dbaccesUtil.php';
if (empty($_GET['sns'])) {
    $_GET['sns'] = null;
$result_category = select_category(ex_sns($_GET['sns']));
$result_kind = select_kind(ex_sns($_GET['sns']));
$flag = false;
foreach ($result_category as $value_category) {
    if (ex_sns($_GET['sns']) == $value_category['snsID']) {
        $flag = true;
if ($flag == false) {
    <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; URL=<?php 
    echo ROOT_URL;
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="ja">
require_once '../common/defineUtil.php';
require_once '../common/scriptUtil.php';
require_once '../common/dbaccesUtil.php';
$result_category = select_category(5);
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="ja">
  <meta charset="UTF-8">
  <title>SNS Photos</title>
  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../css/css_index.css">
  <!--AJAX APIの読み込み-->
  <script type="text/javascript" src="https://www.google.com/jsapi"></script>
  <script type="text/javascript" src="scriptUtil.php"></script>
  <script type="text/javascript">
chart(null, $result_category);
    <div id="header">
      <div class="title">
        <a href="<?php 
echo ROOT_URL;
Exemple #4
						<a href="#" id="grid" class="btn btn-default btn-sm">
							<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-th"></span>
					<div class="btn-group">
						<form method="post" action="products.php">
							<!-- Sélection des Catégories -->
							<select id="prod_category" name="prod_category" class="btn btn-default btn-sm">
								<option value="">--- Catégorie ---</option>
								<!-- Appel des Catégories depuis la base de données -->

							<!-- Sélection des Editeurs -->
							<select id="prod_editor" name="prod_editor" class="btn btn-default btn-sm">
								<option value="">--- Editeur ---</option>
								<!-- Appel des Editeurs depuis la base de données -->

							<!-- Sélection de la tranche de Prix -->

$custom_options = array(array("id" => 'c1', "type" => 'group_head'), array("title" => 'Logo', "type" => 'section_head'), array("id" => $theme_options_prefix . '_logo', "desc" => 'Upload a .jpg, .gif or .png logo file for your theme, or specify the image URL directly. If left blank, a plain text option will be on display.', "selectoptiondef" => '', "type" => 'input1'), array("type" => 'section_foot'), array("title" => 'Favicon', "type" => 'section_head'), array("id" => $theme_options_prefix . '_favicon', "desc" => 'Upload a 16px x 16px Png/Gif image that will represent your website&#039;s favicon.', "selectoptiondef" => '', "type" => 'input1'), array("type" => 'section_foot'), array("title" => 'Number of Posts Displayed on', "type" => 'section_head'), array("id" => $theme_options_prefix . '_homepage_num', "desc" => 'Homepage', "num_sum" => 20, "selectoptiondef" => 10, "type" => 'select1'), array("id" => $theme_options_prefix . 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This will be added into the footer template of your theme.', "selectoptiondef" => '', "type" => 'textarea2'), array("type" => 'section_foot'), array("type" => 'group_foot'), array("id" => 'c2', "type" => 'group_head'), array("title" => 'Enable featured slider?', "type" => 'section_checkbox_head'), array("id" => $theme_options_prefix . '_top_gallery_posts', "desc" => 'Check this to enable the Featured Content Slider.', "selectoptiondef" => 'true', "type" => 'checkbox'), array("type" => 'section_checkbox_foot'), array("title" => 'Featured Category', "type" => 'section_head'), array("id" => $theme_options_prefix . '_top_gallery_category', "options" => select_category(), "selectoptiondef" => '0', "type" => 'select3'), array("type" => 'section_foot'), array("title" => 'Number of Featured Sliders', "type" => 'section_head'), array("id" => $theme_options_prefix . 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'_ad125_location2', "class" => 'option_list', "title" => '125*125 Banner Ads #2 - Image Location', "selectoptiondef" => get_template_directory_uri() . '/images/125x125_02.gif', "desc" => 'Enter the URL for this Banner AD.', "type" => 'option_list'), array("id" => $theme_options_prefix . '_ad125_url2', "class" => 'option_list bor_bottom', "title" => '125*125 Banner Ads #2 - Destination URL', "selectoptiondef" => '#', "desc" => 'Enter the URL where this banner ad points to.', "type" => 'option_list'), array("id" => $theme_options_prefix . '_ad125_location3', "class" => 'option_list', "title" => '125*125 Banner Ads #3 - Image Location', "selectoptiondef" => get_template_directory_uri() . '/images/125x125_03.gif', "desc" => 'Enter the URL for this Banner AD.', "type" => 'option_list'), array("id" => $theme_options_prefix . '_ad125_url3', "class" => 'option_list bor_bottom', "title" => '125*125 Banner Ads #3 - Destination URL', "selectoptiondef" => '#', "desc" => 'Enter the URL where this banner ad points to.', "type" => 'option_list'), array("id" => $theme_options_prefix . '_ad125_location4', "class" => 'option_list', "title" => '125*125 Banner Ads #4 - Image Location', "selectoptiondef" => get_template_directory_uri() . '/images/125x125_04.gif', "desc" => 'Enter the URL for this Banner AD.', "type" => 'option_list'), array("id" => $theme_options_prefix . '_ad125_url4', "class" => 'option_list bor_bottom', "title" => '125*125 Banner Ads #4 - Destination URL', "selectoptiondef" => '#', "desc" => 'Enter the URL where this banner ad points to.', "type" => 'option_list'), array("id" => $theme_options_prefix . '_ad125_location5', "class" => 'option_list', "title" => '125*125 Banner Ads #5 - Image Location', "selectoptiondef" => '', "desc" => 'Enter the URL for this Banner AD.', "type" => 'option_list'), array("id" => $theme_options_prefix . '_ad125_url5', "class" => 'option_list bor_bottom', "title" => '125*125 Banner Ads #5 - Destination URL', "selectoptiondef" => '', "desc" => 'Enter the URL where this banner ad points to.', "type" => 'option_list'), array("id" => $theme_options_prefix . '_ad125_location6', "class" => 'option_list', "title" => '125*125 Banner Ads #6 - Image Location', "selectoptiondef" => '', "desc" => 'Enter the URL for this Banner AD.', "type" => 'option_list'), array("id" => $theme_options_prefix . '_ad125_url6', "class" => 'option_list bor_bottom', "title" => '125*125 Banner Ads #6 - Destination URL', "selectoptiondef" => '', "desc" => 'Enter the URL where this banner ad points to.', "type" => 'option_list'), array("id" => $theme_options_prefix . '_ad125_location7', "class" => 'option_list', "title" => '125*125 Banner Ads #7 - Image Location', "selectoptiondef" => '', "desc" => 'Enter the URL for this Banner AD.', "type" => 'option_list'), array("id" => $theme_options_prefix . '_ad125_url7', "class" => 'option_list bor_bottom', "title" => '125*125 Banner Ads #7 - Destination URL', "selectoptiondef" => '', "desc" => 'Enter the URL where this banner ad points to.', "type" => 'option_list'), array("id" => $theme_options_prefix . '_ad125_location8', "class" => 'option_list', "title" => '125*125 Banner Ads #8 - Image Location', "selectoptiondef" => '', "desc" => 'Enter the URL for this Banner AD.', "type" => 'option_list'), array("id" => $theme_options_prefix . '_ad125_url8', "class" => 'option_list bor_bottom', "title" => '125*125 Banner Ads #8 - Destination URL', "selectoptiondef" => '', "desc" => 'Enter the URL where this banner ad points to.', "type" => 'option_list'), array("type" => 'section_foot'), array("type" => 'group_foot'), array("id" => 'c6', "type" => 'group_head'), array("title" => 'Twitter Account:', "type" => 'section_head'), array("id" => $theme_options_prefix . '_twitter_account', "desc" => 'Enter your Twitter Account here.', "selectoptiondef" => 'GavynW', "type" => 'input2'), array("type" => 'section_foot'), array("title" => 'Twitter Text:', "type" => 'section_box_head1'), array("id" => $theme_options_prefix . '_twitter_text', "selectoptiondef" => 'Twitter!', "desc" => 'Edit Twitter Text you want to be displayed.', "type" => 'input2'), array("type" => 'section_box_foot1'), array("title" => 'About Us:', "type" => 'section_head'), array("id" => $theme_options_prefix . '_about_us', "desc" => 'Edit About Us you want to be displayed.', "selectoptiondef" => 'Wizzy,Awesome Theme', "type" => 'input2'), array("type" => 'section_foot'), array("title" => 'About Us Text:', "type" => 'section_head'), array("id" => $theme_options_prefix . '_about_text', "desc" => 'Edit About Us Text you want to be displayed', "selectoptiondef" => 'You were cries one clean tanglesome one a partywall, below the top of repentance on by the man was striking thing such a sing the twitterings and jackboots incloted, is the countrybossed bergones of his big cleanminded giant ivy.', "type" => 'textarea2'), array("type" => 'section_foot'), array("title" => 'Flickr:', "type" => 'section_head'), array("id" => $theme_options_prefix . '_flickr_account', "desc" => 'Enter your Flickr Account here.', "selectoptiondef" => '65961696@N02', "type" => 'input2'), array("type" => 'section_foot'), array("title" => 'Contact Form E-Mail:', "type" => 'section_head'), array("id" => $theme_options_prefix . '_contact_email', "desc" => 'Enter your Contact Email Account here.', "selectoptiondef" => get_bloginfo('admin_email'), "type" => 'input2'), array("type" => 'section_foot'), array("type" => 'group_foot'));