Exemple #1
  * A basic functional test example.
  * @return void
 public function test_create_ticket()
     $user = seed('User');
     $this->actingAs($user)->visit(route('tickets.create'))->type('Curso de VueJS', 'title')->press('Enviar solicitud');
     $this->see('Curso de VueJS');
     $this->seeInDatabase('tickets', ['title' => 'Curso de VueJS', 'status' => 'open']);
function parag($min, $max)
    $parag = "";
    $words = array("theres", "such", "a", "place", "as", "yarrow", "thou", "whose", "fancies", "from", "afar", "are", "brought", "little", "flowerill", "make", "stir", "when", "all", "alive", "with", "merry", "chimes", "has", "it", "in", "her", "power", "again", "and", "fortune", "gifts", "lies", "garland", "of", "seven", "lilies", "wrought", "should", "life", "be", "dull", "spirits", "low", "that", "they", "wanton", "wooers", "but", "we", "will", "leave", "growing", "years", "to", "mother", "bring", "distress", "prophet", "delight", "mirth", "inhale", "deeply", "right", "until", "level", "the", "dust", "noble", "horde", "preserve", "for", "thee", "by", "individual", "water", "you", "can", "start", "he", "was", "free", "write", "on", "snow", "yet", "left", "conquered", "mountain", "peaks", "this", "is", "calm", "there", "cannot", "stayed", "pushkin", "never", "tried", "flee", "together", "plungd", "into", "deep", "legs", "move", "not", "if", "set", "signboard", "blaze", "weakstraight", 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    if ($min == 1) {
        return $words[array_rand($words)];
    } else {
        $words_idx = array_rand($words, rand($min, $max));
        $first_upc = 1;
        $parag = array();
        foreach ($words_idx as $idx) {
            $word = $words[$idx];
            $rnd_num = rand(0, 1);
            $sym = "";
            if ($rnd_num) {
                $rnd_sym = array(",", " -", ":", ".");
                $rnd_num = rand(0, count($rnd_sym) - 1);
                $sym = $rnd_sym[$rnd_num];
                $word .= $sym;
            if ($first_upc) {
                array_push($parag, ucfirst($word));
                $first_upc = 0;
            } else {
                array_push($parag, $word);
            if ($sym == "." || $sym == ":") {
                $first_upc = 1;
        array_push($parag, $words[array_rand($words)]);
    return implode(" ", $parag) . ".";
  * A basic test example.
  * @return void
 public function test_see_popular_tickets()
     $popularTicket = seed('Ticket');
     $ticket = seed('Ticket');
     seed('TicketVote', 10, ['ticket_id' => $popularTicket->id]);
     seed('TicketVote', 2, ['ticket_id' => $ticket->id]);
     $this->visit('/')->click('Populares')->seeInElement('h1', 'Solicitudes populares')->see($popularTicket->title)->see('10 votos')->dontSee($ticket->title)->dontSee('2 votos');
Exemple #4
  * A basic functional test example.
  * @return void
 public function test_user_login()
     $user = seed('User', ['email' => '*****@*****.**', 'password' => 'secret', 'role' => 'admin', 'active' => 1, 'confirmation_token' => null]);
     $this->visit('/')->see('Inicia Sesión por favor')->type($user->email, 'email')->type('secret', 'password')->press('Entrar');
Exemple #5
 public static function random($model)
     if (!static::collectionExist($model)) {
         // If no objects are registered in the given
         // collection attempt to create a new one
         return seed($model);
     return static::$pool[$model]->random();
Exemple #6
  * A basic test example.
  * @return void
 public function testExample()
     $duilio = seed('User', ['name' => 'Duilio', 'email' => '*****@*****.**']);
     $jeffer = seed('User', ['name' => 'Jeffer', 'email' => '*****@*****.**']);
     $jesus = seed('User', ['name' => 'Jesus', 'email' => '*****@*****.**']);
     seed('User', ['name' => 'Clemir', 'email' => '*****@*****.**']);
     seed('User', ['name' => 'Dimitri', 'email' => '*****@*****.**']);
     seed('User', ['name' => 'Rafael', 'email' => '*****@*****.**']);
     $this->get('autocomplete/users?term=duilio')->seeStatusCode(200)->seeJsonEquals([['id' => $duilio->id, 'name' => 'Duilio', 'email' => '*****@*****.**']]);
     $this->get('autocomplete/users?term=je')->seeStatusCode(200)->seeJsonEquals([['id' => $jeffer->id, 'name' => 'Jeffer', 'email' => '*****@*****.**'], ['id' => $jesus->id, 'name' => 'Jesus', 'email' => '*****@*****.**']]);
Exemple #7
 public function test_select_resource()
     // Having
     $user = seed('User');
     $ticket = seed('Ticket', ['title' => $this->title, 'user_id' => $user->id, 'status' => 'open']);
     $comment = seed('TicketComment', ['ticket_id' => $ticket->id, 'link' => $this->link]);
     // When
     $this->actingAs($user)->visit(route('tickets.details', $ticket))->press('Seleccionar tutorial');
     // Then
     $this->seeInDatabase('tickets', ['id' => $ticket->id, 'status' => 'closed', 'link' => $this->link]);
     $this->seeInDatabase('ticket_comments', ['id' => $comment->id, 'selected' => true]);
     $this->seePageIs(route('tickets.details', $ticket));
     $this->seeLink('Ver recurso', $this->link);
Exemple #8
 public function test_administrator_select_two_resources()
     // Having
     $user = seed('User', ['role' => 'admin']);
     $ticket = seed('Ticket', ['user_id' => $user->id]);
     $comment1 = seed('TicketComment', ['ticket_id' => $ticket->id, 'link' => 'https://styde.net']);
     $comment2 = seed('TicketComment', ['ticket_id' => $ticket->id, 'link' => 'https://twitter.com/StydeNet']);
     // When
     // Then
     $this->seeInDatabase('tickets', ['id' => $ticket->id, 'link' => 'https://twitter.com/StydeNet']);
     $this->seeInDatabase('ticket_comments', ['id' => $comment1->id, 'selected' => false]);
     $this->seeInDatabase('ticket_comments', ['id' => $comment2->id, 'selected' => true]);
    <td height="15" colspan="6"><span class="STYLE7">时间:<?php 
echo date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
function seed()
    list($msec, $sec) = explode(' ', microtime());
    return (double) $sec;
echo rand(10, 10000);
    <td width="28" rowspan="3"><div align="center"><strong><span class="STYLE4">付款人</span></strong></div></td>
    <td width="96" height="23"><div align="center"><span class="STYLE4">业主姓名</span></div></td>
    <td width="131">&nbsp;<?php 
echo $业主;
    <td width="28" rowspan="3"><div align="center"><span class="STYLE5">规格</span></div></td>
    <td width="108"><div align="center" class="STYLE4">车牌号</div></td>
    <td width="142">&nbsp;<?php 
Exemple #10
function seed($depth, $player)
    if ($depth == 0) {
        return 1;
    } else {
        if ($player % 2) {
            // impair
            return seed($depth - 1, intval(($player + 1) / 2));
        } else {
            return pow(2, $depth) + 1 - seed($depth - 1, intval(($player + 1) / 2));
Exemple #11
         $selectlist .= "";
 echo "<table cellspacing=2 cellpadding=2 border=0>";
 echo "<tr><td class=title colspan=7 align=middle>1/{$finale} {$strFinale}</td></tr>";
 $db->where("type = 'W'");
 $db->where("finale = {$finale}");
 $db->where("tournois = {$s_tournois}");
 $matchs = $db->exec();
 /** pour tous les matchs de 1/finale **/
 while ($match = $db->fetch($matchs)) {
     echo "<tr>";
     $seed1 = seed($match->equipe1, $s_tournois);
     $seed2 = seed($match->equipe2, $s_tournois);
     if ($match->equipe1) {
         echo "<td class=info><a href=?page=finales&op=delete&id={$match->id}&side=1>[{$strS}]</a></td>";
         echo "<td class=text align=left width=120>" . $show($match->equipe1, $op, '', $seed1) . "</td>";
     } elseif ($list == 1) {
         echo "<td class=info></td><td class=text align=center width=120>";
         echo "<form method=post>";
         echo "<input type=hidden name=op value=add>";
         echo "<input type=hidden name=id value={$match->id}>";
         echo "<input type=hidden name=side value=1>";
         echo "<select name=participant onchange=submit()>{$selectlist}</select></td></form>";
     } else {
         echo "<td class=info></td><td class=text align=center width=120></td>";
     echo "<td class=nullfinale width=15>-</td>";
     echo "<td class=text>{$strVS}</td>";
     /*** traitement des manches ***/
     			$db->where("matchi = $id");
     			$db->where("equipe = ".$moi%2 + 1);
     			if($db->num_rows($manches)!=0) {
 } else {
     /*** affichage de la popup ***/
     echo "<SCRIPT>\r\n\t\t\t\tfunction oneOrNoCheckboxGroup (checkbox) {\r\n\t\t\t\t\tvar checkboxGroup = checkbox.form[checkbox.name];\r\n\t\t\t\t\tfor (var c = 0; c < checkboxGroup.length; c++)\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tif (checkboxGroup[c] != checkbox)\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tcheckboxGroup[c].checked = false;\r\n\t\t\t\t}\r\n\t\t\t\t</SCRIPT>";
     $seed2 = seed($match->equipe2, $match->tournois);
     $seed1 = seed($match->equipe1, $match->tournois);
     echo '<form name="form" method="post">';
     echo '<input type="hidden" name="op" value="do_report">';
     echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"id\" value=\"{$id}\">";
     echo "<table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 class=bordure1><tr><td>";
     echo "<table cellspacing=1 cellpadding=0 border=0 class=fiche>";
     if ($match->type == 'P') {
         echo "<tr><td class=headerfiche>{$strMatch} {$strPoule} {$match->poule} - {$strTour} {$match->tour}</td></tr>";
     } elseif ($match->type == 'W' || $match->type == 'L') {
         if ($match->type == 'W') {
             $type = $strWinner;
         } elseif ($match->type == 'L') {
             $type = $strLooser;
         if ($match->finale > 1) {
             echo "<tr><td class=headerfiche>{$strMatch} 1/{$match->finale} {$strFinale} {$type} #{$match->numero}</td></tr>";
function update_details_global($contest, $contest_id, $contest_type, $cid)
    //adding contest details
    //creating object of api
    echo "inside update global details ";
    $provider = "hackerearth";
    $api_table = new api_table();
    $api = new api($api_table->get_api_url($provider), $api_table->get_client_id($provider), $api_table->get_client_secret($provider));
    $json_data = $api->connect_api($contest_id);
    //creating object of data for getting valuable information from json data
    $data = new data();
    $coders_size = $data->coders_participated($json_data);
    echo $coders_size;
    if ($coders_size == 0) {
        die("Problem in connection with hackererth api : Reload to try again ");
    //creating object of coders main table
    //$coders = new coders();
    //creating object of coders rating table
    //$rating = new rating();
    //check for tables if not present then create them
    $candidate = new candidate_api($api_table->get_client_id($provider), $api_table->get_client_secret($provider));
    $coders = new coders();
    $rating = new rating();
    //looping to add new coders details
    $candidates_data = array();
    $index = 0;
    for ($i = 0; $i < $coders_size; $i++) {
        $hacker_id = $data->hacker_id($json_data, $i);
        $name = $data->name($json_data, $i);
        $email = $data->email($json_data, $i);
        $res = $candidate->connect_api($contest_id, $email);
        $institute = $data->institute($res);
        $pos1 = strpos($institute, "silchar");
        $pos2 = strpos($institute, "sichar");
        if ($pos1 != false || $pos2 != false) {
            $candidates_data[$index]['hacker_id'] = $hacker_id;
            $candidates_data[$index]['name'] = $name;
            echo 1 + $index . " " . $name . "<br>";
            if (!$coders->is_coder_present($hacker_id)) {
                $coders->add_new_coder($hacker_id, $name);
                echo "new coder added " . $name . "<br>";
        //	$coders->add_new_coder($hacker_id,$name);
        //echo "new coder added ".$name."<br>";
    echo "<pre>";
    $rating_val = array();
    for ($i = 0; $i < $index; $i++) {
        $hacker_id = $candidates_data[$i]['hacker_id'];
        $rate = $coders->get_final_rating($hacker_id);
        $rating_val[$hacker_id] = $rate;
    echo "<pre>";
    //array storing new calculated seed values
    $seed = seed($rating_val, $index, $coders);
    echo "<pre>";
    //array for storing new rating values
    $new_rating = array();
    for ($i = 0; $i < $index; $i++) {
        $hacker_id = $candidates_data[$i]['hacker_id'];
        $new_rating[$hacker_id] = new_rating($seed[$hacker_id], $i + 1, $contest_type, $rating_val[$hacker_id], $index);
    echo "<pre>";
    //adding a new column in coders rating table
    //updating new rating for each participated contest
    foreach ($new_rating as $key => $value) {
        $uid = $coders->get_uid($key);
        $coders->update_rating($key, $value);
        $rating->insert_new_rating($cid, $uid, $value);
        //echo "rating updated";
    //updating new coders to old
    //updating that contest is evaluated
             for ($j = $i; $j < count($tab_participants); $j = $j + $config['col_' . $equipesX]) {
                 $date = date_participe($tab_participants[$j]->id, $s_tournois);
                 if ($date != 0) {
                     $date = strftime(DATESTRING1, $date);
                 } else {
                     $date = 'N/A';
                 echo "<tr>";
                 echo "<td class=textliste align=center>" . $tab_participants[$j]->id . "<input type=hidden name=id_" . $tab_participants[$j]->id . " value=" . $tab_participants[$j]->id . "></td>";
                 echo "<td class=textliste>" . $show($tab_participants[$j]->id, $op) . "</a></td>";
                 echo '<td class="textliste" align="center"><input type="checkbox" name="participe_' . $tab_participants[$j]->id . '" value="1"';
                 if (participe($tab_participants[$j]->id, $s_tournois)) {
                     echo ' CHECKED';
                 echo ' style="border=0px;background-color:transparent;"></td>';
                 echo "<td class=textliste align=center><input type=text maxlength=3 size=2 name=seed_" . $tab_participants[$j]->id . " value=\"" . seed($tab_participants[$j]->id, $s_tournois) . "\"></td>";
                 echo "<td class=textliste align=center>" . $date . "</td>";
                 echo "</tr>";
             echo "</table>";
             echo "</td></tr></table>";
             echo "</td>";
         echo "</tr></table>";
         echo "<table cellspacing=1 cellpadding=2 border=0>";
         echo "<tr><td class=text align=center><a href=javascript:select_all('liste')>{$strToutSelectionner}<a/> - <a href=javascript:unselect_all('liste')>{$strToutDeselectionner}<a/></td></tr>";
         echo "<tr><td class=text align=center><input type=submit value=\"{$strValider}\"></td></tr>";
         echo "</form></table>";
 } else {
     $db->select("id, status, date, IFNULL(seed,10000) as seed");
Exemple #15
function prep_match($match, $side)
    echo '<div class="match' . $side;
    if (get_match_status($match['id']) == "running") {
        echo ' live_match';
    echo '" id="match' . $match['id'] . '">
    <dt class="band1' . winner($match['band1_id'], $match['id']) . '"><span class="seed">' . seed($match['band1_id']) . "</span><span class='band_abbr'>" . get_band_abbr($match['band1_id']) . "</span>";
    if ($match['show_score']) {
        echo "<span class='percentage'>" . vote_percentage($match['band1_votes'], $match['band2_votes']) . "</span>";
    echo '</dt><dt class="band2' . winner($match['band2_id'], $match['id']) . '"><span class="seed">' . seed($match['band2_id']) . "</span><span class='band_abbr'>" . get_band_abbr($match['band2_id']) . "</span>";
    if ($match['show_score']) {
        echo "<span class='percentage'>" . vote_percentage($match['band2_votes'], $match['band1_votes']) . "</span>";
    echo " </dt>\n</dl>\n</div>\n";
function show_match_poule($id, $op = '')
    global $db, $dbprefix, $s_joueur, $strVS, $strScore, $strMap;
    global $strCache, $strActif, $strEnCours, $strValidation, $strConflit, $strTermine, $grade;
    $match = match($id);
    if (!$match) {
    /*** verification securite ***/
    //if($op=='admin') verif_admin_tournois($s_joueur,$match->tournois);
    if ($op == 'admin') {
        verif_admin_tournois($s_joueur, $match->tournois, $grade['a'], $grade['b'], $grade['t']);
    /*** r&eacute;cup&eacute;ration des infos ***/
    $seed1 = seed($match->equipe1, $match->tournois);
    $seed2 = seed($match->equipe2, $match->tournois);
    $modeequipe_tournois = modeequipe_tournois($match->tournois);
    $modescore_tournois = modescore_tournois($match->tournois);
    if ($modeequipe_tournois == 'E') {
        $show = "show_equipe";
    } else {
        $show = "show_joueur";
    if ($op != 'admin' && $match->status == 'C') {
        $match = '';
    if ($op) {
        $op_str = "&op={$op}";
    } else {
        $op_str = '';
    if ($match->status == "C") {
        $title = $strCache;
    if ($match->status == "A") {
        $title = $strActif;
    if ($match->status == "D") {
        $title = $strEnCours;
    if ($match->status == "V") {
        $title = $strValidation;
    if ($match->status == "F") {
        $title = $strConflit;
    if ($match->status == "T") {
        $title = $strTermine;
    // info du match
    echo '<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0"><tr><td>';
    echo '<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0"><tr valign=center>';
    if ($op == 'admin') {
        echo "<td class=\"info\">{$match->status}</td>";
        $hauteur = 450;
    } elseif ($op == 'report') {
        $hauteur = 400;
    } else {
        $hauteur = 350;
    echo "<td class=\"info\"><input type=\"radio\" name=\"match\" value=\"{$match->id}\" onclick=\"javascript:ouvrir_fenetre('?page=matchs_gestion{$op_str}&id={$match->id}&header=win','match',{$hauteur},500)\" style=\"border: 0px;background-color:transparent;\" title=\"{$title}\">";
    if ($op == 'admin' && ($match->status == 'C' || $match->status == 'A' || $match->status == 'D' && ($modescore_tournois == 'M4' || $modescore_tournois == 'AB'))) {
        echo "<td class=\"info\"><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"tab_matches[]\" value=\"{$match->id}\" style=\"border: 0px;background-color:transparent;\"></td>";
    echo '</tr>';
    echo '</table>';
    echo '</td>';
    // ekip 1
    echo '<td class="text" align="left" width="120">';
    if ($match->statusequipe == 'F1') {
        echo $show($match->equipe1, $op, 'F', $seed1);
    } elseif ($match->statusequipe == 'D1') {
        echo $show($match->equipe1, $op, 'D', $seed1);
    } else {
        echo $show($match->equipe1, $op, '', $seed1);
    echo '</td>';
    echo show_score1($match->score1, $match->score2, $match->frags1, $match->frags2, $match->type, $match->status, $match->statusequipe, $match->modematchscore);
    echo '<td class="text" align="center" width="20">' . $strVS . '</td>';
    echo show_score2($match->score1, $match->score2, $match->frags1, $match->frags2, $match->type, $match->status, $match->statusequipe, $match->modematchscore);
    // ekip 2
    echo '<td class="text" align="right" width="120">';
    if ($match->statusequipe == 'F2') {
        echo $show($match->equipe2, $op, 'F', $seed2, 'right');
    } elseif ($match->statusequipe == 'D2') {
        echo $show($match->equipe2, $op, 'D', $seed2, 'right');
    } else {
        echo $show($match->equipe2, $op, '', $seed2, 'right');
    echo '</td>';
    echo '</tr>';
    /** info du match **/
    if ($op != 'report' && ($match->status != 'T' && $match->status != 'F' && $match->status != 'V' || $op == 'admin')) {
        $map = '';
        /** manche **/
        if ($match->status == 'A') {
            $manches = manches($match->id);
            for ($i = 0; $i < count($manches); $i++) {
                if ($manches[$i]->map) {
                    $map .= $manches[$i]->map . ',';
            $map = substr($map, 0, -1);
        } elseif ($match->status == 'D') {
            $mancheactive = manche_active($match->id);
            if ($mancheactive->map) {
                $map = $mancheactive->map;
                if (nb_manches($match->id) > 1) {
                    $map .= ': ' . $mancheactive->score1 . '/' . $mancheactive->score2;
        if ($map) {
            $map = "- {$map}";
        /** date **/
        /*$date_now = time();
        		$date=strftime(DATESTRING, $match->date);
        		if(!$match->date) $date='';
        		if($match->date < $date_now && ($match->status=='C' || $match->status=='A'))
        			$date='<font color="red">'.$date.'</font>';
        		if($match->date && ($match->status=='C' || $match->status=='A')) $date="- $date";
        		else $date='';*/
        echo '<tr height="10">';
        echo '<td></td>';
        echo '<td class="info" colspan="5" nowrap ><img src="images/next.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle" alt="next"><small>' . $match->id . ' ' . $map . '</small></td>';
        echo '</tr>';
    echo '</td></tr></table>';