function iTunesUpdate()
    global $DOWNLOAD, $info, $iTunes, $currentTrack;
    $currentTrack = $iTunes->CurrentTrack;
    if ($currentTrack) {
        $position = $iTunes->PlayerPosition;
        $info["refresh"] = true;
        $info["status"] = $iTunes->PlayerState;
        $info["name"] = $currentTrack->Name;
        // $info['name'] = 'Hello World! You are awesome! ...and stuff.';
        $info["num"] = $currentTrack->TrackNumber;
        $info["album"] = $currentTrack->Album;
        $info["artist"] = $currentTrack->Artist;
        $info["duration"] = $currentTrack->duration;
        $info["position"] = $position;
        $info["elapsed"] = secondsToMinutes($position);
        $info["remaining"] = "-" . secondsToMinutes($info["duration"] - $position);
        $info["volume"] = $iTunes->SoundVolume;
        $info["rating"] = $currentTrack->Rating;
        $info["genre"] = $currentTrack->Genre;
        $info["bitrate"] = $currentTrack->bitrate;
        $info["filesize"] = $currentTrack->size;
        $info["type"] = $currentTrack->kind;
        $info["download"] = $DOWNLOAD;
        // Javascript
        $myFile = "C:/xampp/htdocs/itrc/sync.txt";
        $fh = fopen($myFile, 'r');
        $data = fread($fh, filesize($myFile));
        $syncFile = json_decode($data, true);
        $info["syncState"] = $syncFile['syncState'];
        $info["javascript"] = $syncFile['javascript'];
        $info["register"] = $syncFile['register'];
function getQueue($session_code)
    global $connection;
    $query = "SELECT * FROM Tracks WHERE session_code='" . $session_code . "' AND status='queued' ORDER BY votes DESC, id";
    $tracks = mysqli_query($connection, $query);
    $numTracks = mysqli_num_rows($tracks);
    while ($track = mysqli_fetch_array($tracks)) {
        echo '<button class="queue-item text-left" onclick="promoteTrack(' . $track['id'] . ')">';
        echo '<span class="title">' . $track['title'] . '</span>';
        echo '<span class="length">' . secondsToMinutes($track['length']) . '</span>';
        echo '<span class="artist">' . $track['artist'] . '</span>';
        echo '<span class=divider">-</span>';
        echo '<span class="album">' . $track['album'] . '</span>';
        echo '<span class="votes">' . $track['votes'] . '</span>';
        //echo '<a class="remove" onclick="removeTrack(' . $track['id'] . ')"><i class="icon-remove-sign"></i></a>';
        echo '</button>';
    return true;
function getPlaying($session_code)
    global $connection;
    $query = "SELECT * FROM Tracks WHERE session_code='" . $session_code . "' AND status='playing'";
    $tracks = mysqli_query($connection, $query);
    $track = mysqli_fetch_array($tracks);
    echo '<div>';
    echo '<div id="progress"></div>';
    echo '<span id="now-playing" href="' . $track['spotify_uri'] . '">';
    echo '<span class="title">' . $track['title'] . '</span>';
    echo '<span class="length">' . secondsToMinutes($track['length']) . '</span>';
    echo '<span class="secs" style="display:none">' . $track['length'] . '</span>';
    echo '<span class="artist">' . $track['artist'] . '</span>';
    echo '<span class=divider">-</span>';
    echo '<span class="album">' . $track['album'] . '</span>';
    echo '<span class="votes">' . $track['votes'] . '</span>';
    echo '</span>';
    echo '</div>';
    return true;
     // end default
 // end default
 case 'post':
     $title = stripinput(trim($_POST['post']['title']));
     $text = clean_xhtml(trim($_POST['post']['text']));
     if ($title == null) {
         $ERRORS[] = 'You must specify a title.';
     } elseif (strlen($title) > 60) {
         $ERRORS[] = 'There is a maxlength=60 on that field for a reason.';
     if ($text == null) {
         $ERRORS[] = 'No message specified. It is possible that your HTML was so badly mal-formed that it was dropped by the HTML filter.';
     if (strtotime($User->getDatetimeLastPost()) + $APP_CONFIG['post_interval'] > time()) {
         $text = secondsToMinutes($APP_CONFIG['post_interval']);
         $ERRORS[] = "You may only post once every {$text}.";
     // end user posted too quickly
     if (sizeof($ERRORS) > 0) {
         $POST = array('board_id' => stripinput($_REQUEST['board_id']), 'title' => $title, 'message' => $text);
         $renderer->assign('post', $POST);
     } else {
         $thread = new BoardThread($db);
         $thread->create(array('board_id' => $board->getBoardId(), 'thread_name' => $title, 'user_id' => $User->getUserId(), 'thread_created_datetime' => $thread->sysdate(), 'thread_last_posted_datetime' => $thread->sysdate(), 'stickied' => 1, 'locked' => 'N'));
         $post = new BoardPost($db);
         $post->create(array('board_thread_id' => $thread->getBoardThreadId(), 'user_id' => $User->getUserId(), 'posted_datetime' => $post->sysdate(), 'post_text' => $text));
         $_SESSION['board_notice'] = 'Your thread has been created.';
         redirect(null, null, "threads/{$board->getBoardId()}");
$seed = substr(rand(), -1) . substr(rand(), -1) . substr(rand(), -1) . substr(rand(), -1);
srand(floor(time() / 2) * 1207);
$seed2 = "0." . substr(rand(), -1) . substr(rand(), -1) . substr(rand(), -1) . substr(rand(), -1);
$musicId = substr(rand() * rand(), -1) . substr(rand() * rand(), -1) . substr(rand() * 17, -1) . substr(rand() * 8 - rand(), -1);
if ($currentTrack) {
    $position = $iTunes->PlayerPosition;
    $info["status"] = $iTunes->PlayerState;
    // $info["name"] = $currentTrack->Name;
    $info['name'] = 'Hello World! You are awesome! ...and stuff.';
    $info["num"] = $currentTrack->TrackNumber;
    $info["album"] = $currentTrack->Album;
    $info["artist"] = $currentTrack->Artist;
    $info["duration"] = $currentTrack->duration;
    $info["position"] = $position;
    $info["elapsed"] = secondsToMinutes($position);
    $info["remaining"] = "-" . secondsToMinutes($info["duration"] - $position);
    $info["volume"] = $iTunes->SoundVolume;
    $info["update"] = $update;
    $info["seed"] = $seed;
    $info["rating"] = $currentTrack->Rating;
    $info["genre"] = $currentTrack->Genre;
    $info["bitrate"] = $currentTrack->bitrate;
    $info["filesize"] = $currentTrack->size;
    $info["type"] = $currentTrack->kind;
    $info["download"] = $downloadMusic;
    $info["seed2"] = $seed2;
    $myFile = "C:/xampp/htdocs/itrc/sync.txt";
    $fh = fopen($myFile, 'r');
    $data = fread($fh, filesize($myFile));
    $syncFile = json_decode($data, true);