function plugin_init_reports() { global $PLUGIN_HOOKS, $DB, $LANG; $PLUGIN_HOOKS['csrf_compliant']['reports'] = true; $plugin = new plugin(); //Define only for bookmarks Plugin::registerClass('PluginReportsReport'); Plugin::registerClass('PluginReportsStat'); Plugin::registerClass('PluginReportsProfile', array('addtabon' => array('Profile'))); if (Session::haveRight("config", UPDATE)) { $PLUGIN_HOOKS['config_page']['reports'] = 'front/config.form.php'; } $PLUGIN_HOOKS['menu_entry']['reports'] = false; $PLUGIN_HOOKS['item_clone']['reports'] = array('Profile' => array('PluginReportsProfile', 'cloneProfile')); $rightreport = array(); $rightstats = array(); foreach (searchReport() as $report => $plug) { $field = 'plugin_reports_' . $report; if ($plug != 'reports') { $field = 'plugin_reports_' . $plug . "_" . $report; } if (Session::haveRight($field, READ)) { $tmp = $LANG["plugin_{$plug}"][$report]; //If the report's name contains 'stat' then display it in the statistics page //(instead of Report page) if (isStat($report)) { if (!isset($PLUGIN_HOOKS['stats'][$plug])) { $PLUGIN_HOOKS['stats'][$plug] = array(); } $PLUGIN_HOOKS['stats'][$plug]["report/{$report}/{$report}.php"] = $tmp; } else { if (!isset($PLUGIN_HOOKS['reports'][$plug])) { $PLUGIN_HOOKS['reports'][$plug] = array(); } $PLUGIN_HOOKS['reports'][$plug]["report/{$report}/{$report}.php"] = $tmp; } } } }
/** * Look for all the plugins, and update rights if necessary */ function updatePluginRights() { $tab = searchReport(); $this->updateRights($tab); return $tab; }
GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with reports. If not, see <>. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ include_once "../../../inc/includes.php"; Plugin::load('reports'); Session::checkSeveralRightsOr(array("config" => "w", "profile" => "w")); Html::header(__('Setup'), $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], "config", "plugins"); echo "<div class='center'>"; echo "<table class='tab_cadre'>"; echo "<tr><th>" . __('Reports plugin configuration', 'reports') . "</th></tr>"; if (Session::haveRight("profile", "w")) { echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1 center'><td>"; echo "<a href='report.form.php'>" . __('Reports plugin configuration', 'reports') . "</a>"; echo "</td/></tr>\n"; } if (Session::haveRight("config", "w")) { foreach (searchReport() as $report => $plug) { $url = getReportConfigPage($plug, $report); $file = GLPI_ROOT . getReportConfigPage($plug, $report); if (is_file($file)) { echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1 center'><td>"; echo "<a href='" . $CFG_GLPI['root_doc'] . $url . "'>" . sprintf(__('%1$s: %2$s'), __('Report configuration'), $LANG['plugin_reports'][$report]); echo "</a></td/></tr>"; } } } echo "</table></div>"; Html::footer();