function sb_search_page_func($atts) { global $sb_config, $post, $size_low, $size_high, $price_low, $price_high; if (is_array($atts) and array_key_exists('server_override', $atts)) { $sb_config['server_address'] = $atts['server_override']; unset($atts['server_override']); } //add search box $a = "<div class='sb_wrapper'>\r\n\t\t\t<div class='smartbroker_section smartbroker_group'>\r\n\t\t\t<div class='smartbroker_col smartbroker_span_1_of_3'>"; $a .= sb_search_box_func($atts, get_the_ID()); $a .= '</div>'; $a .= "<div class='smartbroker_col smartbroker_span_2_of_3'>"; if (is_array($atts) and array_key_exists('parent_type', $atts)) { $sb_config['data']['pt'] = (int) $atts['parent_type']; } //print_r($sb_config['data']); $xml = load_results_xml($sb_config['data']); if ($xml !== FALSE) { $total_rows = $xml['count']; $returned_rows = count($xml); $requested_rows = $xml['requested_rows']; $start_row = $xml['start']; $end_row = $start_row + $returned_rows - 1; if ($total_rows > 0) { $results_string = sprintf(__('%s results found - showing results %s to %s.', 'smartbroker'), $total_rows, $start_row, $end_row); $a .= " {$results_string}<div id='results'>"; foreach ($xml->boat as $boat) { $a .= search_result_item($boat); } $a .= pagination_links($total_rows, $start_row, $requested_rows); } else { $a .= "<div id='results'>"; $a .= blank_slate_row(); } //data required by javascript $a .= "<div style='display: none;' id='sb_server_address'>" . $sb_config['server_address'] . "</div>\r\n"; $a .= "<div style='display: none;' id='sb_listing_page'>" . $sb_config['listing_page'] . "</div>\r\n"; $a .= "<div style='display: none;' id='sb_currency_1'>" . $sb_config['currency_1'] . "</div>\r\n"; $a .= "<div style='display: none;' id='sb_currency_1_symbol'>" . $sb_config['currencies'][$sb_config['currency_1']]['symbol'] . "</div>\r\n"; $a .= "<div style='display: none;' id='sb_currency_2'>" . $sb_config['currency_2'] . "</div>\r\n"; $a .= "<div style='display: none;' id='sb_currency_2_symbol'>" . $sb_config['currencies'][$sb_config['currency_2']]['symbol'] . "</div>\r\n"; $a .= "<div style='display: none;' id='sb_curr_2_rate'>" . $sb_config['currencies'][$sb_config['currency_2']]['rate'] / $sb_config['currencies'][$sb_config['currency_1']]['rate'] . "</div>\r\n"; } $a .= "</div>"; //end span 2_of_3 $a .= "</div>"; //end row $a .= "<!-- end sb_wrapper -->"; //end sb_wrapper return $a; }
function widget_smartbroker_search($args) { echo $before_widget; echo $before_title; //load options $data['size_low'] = get_option('sb_widget_size_low'); $data['size_high'] = get_option('sb_widget_size_high'); $data['price_low'] = get_option('sb_widget_price_low'); $data['price_high'] = get_option('sb_widget_price_high'); echo "<style> .sb_widget p {margin: 1em 0;} </style>"; echo "<div class='sb_widget'>" . sb_search_box_func($data) . '</div>'; echo $after_title; echo $after_widget; }