 //bad data
 if (!isset($js->data->properties->funding_type)) {
     echo "!";
 //bad data
 //update invround
 if ($need_update_jsons) {
     $objname = $doc['id'];
     $url = "http://api.crunchbase.com/v/2/funding-round/" . $objname . "?user_key={$apikey}";
     //echo $doc['id'].": ".$js->data->uuid."\n";
     $res = askhost($url, FALSE, "", "", "1", 60000, "", true);
     $js = json_decode($res['data']);
     if (isset($js->data->uuid)) {
         save_json_to_mongo($js, $objname, $jsoninv_collection);
     } else {
         echo "_";
         $apikey = get_api_key();
         $js = $js2;
 $ftype = $js->data->properties->funding_type;
 if (!isset($js->data->properties->money_raised_usd)) {
     echo "no usdsum, skip\n";
 $usdsum = $js->data->properties->money_raised_usd;
 $fcurr = $js->data->properties->money_raised_currency_code;
 if (isset($fround->data->properties->series)) {
     $fser = $js->data->properties->series;
function process_tag($tag, $twitterApi, $lastid, $tagid, $tweets_collection)
    $json = $twitterApi->get('search/tweets', ['q' => $tag, 'count' => '2000', 'since_id' => $lastid]);
    //echo $json;
    $result = json_decode($json);
    //$res=json_encode($arr, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);
    $i = 0;
    $id = 0;
    foreach ($result->statuses as $arval) {
        $tid = 0;
        $place_name = "null";
        $place_c = "null";
        $id = $arval->id;
        save_json_to_mongo($arval, $id, $tweets_collection);
        $ts = date("Y-m-d H:i:sO", strtotime($arval->created_at));
        $text = $arval->text;
        // @todo process mensions
        $username = $arval->user->screen_name;
        $location = $arval->user->location;
        $retweet_count = (int) $arval->retweet_count;
        //if (0!=$retweet_count)
        if (isset($arval->retweeted_status->id)) {
            // this is retweet
            $tid = $arval->retweeted_status->id;
            pg_query("update twits set rtc={$retweet_count} where id={$tid}");
            echo "@";
        if (isset($arval->place->id)) {
            // have place?
            $place_name = $arval->place->name;
            $place_c = $arval->place->country_code;
            echo "\n {$place_name} {$place_c}\n";
        //echo "[$id] $ts $retweet_count : $text \n";
        echo ".";
        //$rj=base64_encode(bzcompress( print_r($result, true)));
        $text = pg_escape_string($text);
        $location = pg_escape_string($location);
        //$location=pg_escape_string(preg_replace('/[^A-Za-z0-9\ \-]/', '', $location));
        pg_query("insert into twits (t_id, id, userid, location, ttext, rtc, ts, placename, placecntry) values ({$tagid}, {$id}, '{$username}', '{$location}', '{$text}', 0, '{$ts}', '{$place_name}', '{$place_c}' );");
        if ($lastid < $id) {
            $lastid = $id;
    // each twit
    //file_put_contents("/tmp/t/$id.log", print_r($result, true) , FILE_APPEND);
    //echo "\n";print_r($result);echo "\n";
    //echo "($i) sleep 10 sec ... ";
    return $lastid;
Exemple #3
 $rcpt_path = strip_first_part($funding->invested_in->path);
 $newround['recipient'] = $rcpt_path;
 $fround = null;
 if (isset($fullinv[$round_uuid])) {
     $mnginv = load_json_from_mongo($round_uuid, $jsoninv_collection);
     $fround = json_decode(bzdecompress($mnginv['jsondata']->bin));
     echo "+";
 if (!isset($fround->data->uuid)) {
     echo "\nbad investment data: " . print_r($fround, true) . "\ntrying to reload ";
     $res2 = askhost("http://api.crunchbase.com/v/2/funding-round/" . $round_uuid . "?user_key={$apikey}", FALSE, "", "", "1", 60000, "", true);
     $fround = json_decode($res2['data']);
     if (isset($fround->data->uuid)) {
         save_json_to_mongo($fround, $round_uuid, $jsoninv_collection);
         //file_put_contents($round_fname, json_encode($fround,JSON_PRETTY_PRINT) );
         echo "-";
     } else {
         echo "!";
         $apikey = get_api_key();
 if (null == $fround) {
     echo "no investment data - skip";
 // skip "closed"
 if (!isset($fround->data->properties->money_raised_usd)) {
     echo "no amount data - skip";
Exemple #4
function update_object_and_related($objname)
    //global $jsoninv_collection;
    global $jsondata_collection;
    $cachetime = 12 * 60 * 60;
    // 12h
    $objjs = load_json_from_mongo($objname, $jsondata_collection);
    $ts = $data['ts'];
    if ($ts + $cachetime > time()) {
        echo ",";
        return true;
    $apikey = get_api_key();
    $res = askhost("http://api.crunchbase.com/v/2/" . $objname . "?user_key={$apikey}", FALSE, "", "", "1", 60000, "", true);
    $js = json_decode($res['data']);
    if (isset($js->data->uuid)) {
        save_json_to_mongo($js, $objname, $jsondata_collection);