Exemple #1
// processes the messages (undo, resign, etc) (chessdb.inc.php)
// are we undoing ?
if ($undoing && 0 < $num_moves) {
    call("UNDO REQUEST");
    // just remove the last FEN entered into the history table
    $query = "\n\t\tSELECT MAX(h_time)\n\t\tFROM " . T_HISTORY . "\n\t\tWHERE h_game_id = '{$_SESSION['game_id']}'\n\t";
    $max_time = $mysql->fetch_value($query, __LINE__, __FILE__);
    $query = "\n\t\tDELETE FROM " . T_HISTORY . "\n\t\tWHERE h_game_id = '{$_SESSION['game_id']}'\n\t\t\tAND h_time = '{$max_time}'\n\t\tLIMIT 1\n\t";
    $mysql->query($query, __LINE__, __FILE__);
    if (!DEBUG) {
        header("Location: ./chess.php");
} elseif (isset($_POST['promotion']) && '' != $_POST['promotion'] && false != $_POST['promoting']) {
    // inserts promoted piece and saves to database (chessdb.inc.php)
    if (!DEBUG) {
        header("Location: ./chess.php");
} elseif (isset($_POST['fromRow']) && '' != $_POST['fromRow'] && '' != $_POST['fromCol'] && '' != $_POST['toRow'] && '' != $_POST['toCol'] || isset($_POST['castleMove']) && 'false' != $_POST['castleMove']) {
    call("MAKING A MOVE");
    /* ensure it's the current player moving                                 */
    /* NOTE: if not, this will currently ignore the command...               */
    /*       perhaps the status should be instead?                           */
    /*       (Could be confusing to player if they double-click or something */
    $is_valid = true;
    if ('white' == $curTurn) {
     $color = "b";
     if ($rounds == ($row2[0] + 1) / 2) {
         $color = "w";
     if ($rounds != 0) {
         $rounds = $rounds . $color;
     $notemsg = $_POST['note_msg'];
     $temparray = array($notemsg, $rounds);
     $_POST['note_msg'] = implode(" - MOVE #", $temparray);
     //Ahh I see now the purpose of colors
     mysql_query("insert into notes (fromID,note,game_id) VALUES ('" . $_SESSION[player_id] . "','" . $_POST['note_msg'] . "','" . $_SESSION[game_id] . "')");
 } else {
     if (!empty($_POST['promotion']) && $_POST['to_row'] != "" && $_POST['to_col'] != "") {
         $promoting_pawn = savePromotion();
         $board[$_POST['to_row']][$_POST['to_col']] = $_POST['promotion'] | $board[$_POST['to_row']][$_POST['to_col']] & BLACK;
         //Interesting shit- how does this work? better way to do it?
         $save_game_to_db = saveGame();
     } elseif ($_POST['from_row'] != "" && $_POST['from_col'] != "" && $_POST['to_row'] != "" && $_POST['to_col'] != "") {
         //DUMP the values here- this should be hit when submitting a move.
         // ensure it's the current player moving
         // NOTE: if not, this will currently ignore the command...
         // perhaps the status should be instead?
         // (Could be confusing to player if they double-click or something
         $tmpIsValid = true;
         //num moves comes from history - supposed to show whose move it is..
         //we have whose_turn available above. I'll work with this as-is for now til templating and
         //adodb are in, then get it *working* first before breaking it further.
         if ($numMoves == -1 || $numMoves % 2 == 1) {
             // White's move... ensure that piece being moved is white