Exemple #1
    echo '</div>';
    echo '<div class="col-sm-3">';
    dumpBootTextField("Industry", "Industry", 10, 30, ' ', "Industry");
    echo '</div>';
    echo '</div>';
    echo '<div class="row show-grid" style="margin-left: 5px; margin-top: 5px;">';
    echo '<div class="col-sm-3">';
    dumpBootTextField("Sector", "Sector", 10, 30, ' ', "Sector");
    echo '</div>';
    echo '<div class="col-sm-6">';
    dumpBootTextAreaField("WorkHisDetail", "WorkHisDetail", 1, 160, 2000, "Details");
    echo '</div>';
    echo '</div>';
    dumpLeavePopupSubmitButton("Update", "Update", "Save", "CleanLeavePage();", true);
    // save some form params
    saveExtraParams(array("FounderID", "CompanyID"));
    // end the form
    echo '</form>';
} else {
    echo '<div class="Err">Error retreiving founder information</div>';
// finish up the form
include "../Includes/Footer.php";
RENCI Open Source Software License
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (the "Licensor") through
its Renaissance Computing Institute (RENCI) is making an original work of
authorship (the "Software") available through RENCI upon the terms set
forth in this Open Source Software License (this "License").  This License
Exemple #2
// message for the user on post operations
if (isset($validationMessage) && !empty($validationMessage)) {
    echo '<div class="' . ($validated == true ? 'info' : 'err') . '">' . $validationMessage . '</div>';
echo '</br>';
// create a new form
echo '<form action="CompanyFunding.php" method="post">';
echo '<div style="margin-left: 20px;">';
dumpBasicSubmitButton("Refresh", "Refresh", "Refresh page", true);
echo '&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp';
dumpBasicSubmitButton("AddFunding", "AddFunding", "Add", true);
echo '</div>';
// add a div tag for the grid
echo '</br><div style="margin-left: 5px;" id="FundingListDiv"></div></br>';
// save the passed in company name for the return post
echo '</form>';
// finish up the form
include "../Includes/Footer.php";
RENCI Open Source Software License
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (the "Licensor") through
its Renaissance Computing Institute (RENCI) is making an original work of
authorship (the "Software") available through RENCI upon the terms set
forth in this Open Source Software License (this "License").  This License
applies to any Software that has placed the following notice immediately
following the copyright notice for the Software:  Licensed under the RENCI
Open Source Software License v. 1.0.
Exemple #3
    echo '<div class="col-sm-5">';
    dumpBootTextField("FinancingProvider4", "FinancingProvider4", 160, 200000, '', "Financing Provider", "Financing Provider");
    echo '</div>';
    echo '</div>';
    echo '<div class="row show-grid" style="margin-left: 5px; margin-top: 15px;">';
    echo '<div class="col-sm-10">';
    dumpBootTextField("DataSource", "DataSource", 160, 200000, '', "Data Source", "Data Source");
    echo '</div>';
    echo '</div>';
    echo '<div class="row show-grid" style="margin-left: 5px; margin-top: 15px;">';
    echo '<div class="col-sm-3">';
    displayFinancingTypePulldown("FinancingType", $FinancingType, "Financing Type");
    echo '</div>';
    echo '</div>';
    dumpLeavePopupSubmitButton("Update", "Update", "Save", "CleanLeavePage();", true);
    saveExtraParams(array("FundingID", "CompanyID"));
    echo '</form>';
} else {
    echo '<div class="Err">Error retreiving founder information</div>';
// finish up the form
include "../Includes/Footer.php";
RENCI Open Source Software License
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (the "Licensor") through
its Renaissance Computing Institute (RENCI) is making an original work of
authorship (the "Software") available through RENCI upon the terms set
forth in this Open Source Software License (this "License").  This License
applies to any Software that has placed the following notice immediately
Exemple #4
    echo '</td>';
    echo '</tr>';
    echo '<br>';
    echo '<table style="margin-left: 20px; width: 900px;">';
    echo '<tr>';
    echo '<td class="bold" width="16%">Source</td>';
    echo '<td>';
    dumpBasicTextAreaField("Source", "Source", 4, 140, 2000);
    echo '</td>';
    echo '</tr>';
    echo '</table>';
    echo '<br>';
    //Check Website Button
    dumpLeavePopupSubmitButton("Update", "Update", "Save", "CleanLeavePage();", true);
    saveExtraParams(array("CompanyID", "AcquisitionID", "FundingID"));
    echo '</form>';
} else {
    echo '<div class="Err">Error retreiving acquisition information</div>';
// finish up the form
include "../Includes/Footer.php";
RENCI Open Source Software License
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (the "Licensor") through
its Renaissance Computing Institute (RENCI) is making an original work of
authorship (the "Software") available through RENCI upon the terms set
forth in this Open Source Software License (this "License").  This License
applies to any Software that has placed the following notice immediately
Exemple #5
    echo '<div class="row show-grid" style="margin-left: 5px; margin-top: 15px;">';
    echo '<div class="col-sm-2">';
    dumpBootTextField("NewDegreeFrom", "NewDegreeFrom", 10, 30, ' ', "Degree From");
    echo '</div>';
    echo '<div class="col-sm-2">';
    displayYearPulldown("NewGraduatedYr", "-1", true);
    echo '</div>';
    echo '<div class="col-sm-3">';
    dumpBootTextField("NewMajor", "NewMajor", 10, 30, ' ', "Major");
    echo '</div>';
    echo '<div class="col-sm-2">';
    displayDegreeTypePulldown("NewDegreeType", "0", true);
    echo '</div>';
    echo '</div>';
    dumpLeavePopupSubmitButton("Update", "Update", "Save", "CleanLeavePage();", true);
    saveExtraParams(array("FounderID", "FounderEduID"));
    echo '</form>';
} else {
    echo '<div class="Err">Error retreiving founder education information</div>';
// finish up the form
include "../Includes/Footer.php";
RENCI Open Source Software License
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (the "Licensor") through
its Renaissance Computing Institute (RENCI) is making an original work of
authorship (the "Software") available through RENCI upon the terms set
forth in this Open Source Software License (this "License").  This License
applies to any Software that has placed the following notice immediately
Exemple #6
    echo '</tr>';
    echo '</table>';
    echo '<br>';
    echo '<table style="margin-left: 20px; width: 900px;">';
    echo '<tr>';
    echo '<td class="bold" width="16%">Source</td>';
    echo '<td>';
    dumpBasicTextAreaField("Source", "Source", 4, 140, 2000);
    echo '</td>';
    echo '</tr>';
    echo '</table>';
    echo '<br>';
    //Check Website Button
    dumpLeavePopupSubmitButton("Update", "Update", "Save", "CleanLeavePage();", true);
    saveExtraParams(array("CompanyID", "MergerID", "FundingID"));
    echo '</form>';
} else {
    echo '<div class="Err">Error retreiving merger information</div>';
// finish up the form
include "../Includes/Footer.php";
RENCI Open Source Software License
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (the "Licensor") through
its Renaissance Computing Institute (RENCI) is making an original work of
authorship (the "Software") available through RENCI upon the terms set
forth in this Open Source Software License (this "License").  This License
applies to any Software that has placed the following notice immediately