$r = db_query("SELECT * FROM {$table_domain} WHERE domain = 'ALL'"); if ($r['rows'] == 0) { db_insert('domain', array('domain' => 'ALL', 'description' => '', 'transport' => '')); // all other fields should default through the schema. } $values = array('username' => safepost('username'), 'password' => safepost('password'), 'password2' => safepost('password2'), 'superadmin' => 1, 'domains' => array(), 'active' => 1); list($error, $setupMessage, $errormsg) = create_admin($values); if ($error != 0) { $tUsername = htmlentities($values['username']); } else { $setupMessage .= "<p>You are done with your basic setup. "; $setupMessage .= "<p><b>You can now <a href='login.php'>login to PostfixAdmin</a> using the account you just created.</b>"; } } } if ($setuppw == "" || $setuppw == "changeme" || safeget("lostpw") == 1 || $lostpw_error != 0) { # show "create setup password" form ?> <div class="standout"><?php print $setupMessage; ?> </div> <div id="edit_form"> <form name="setuppw" method="post" action="setup.php"> <input type="hidden" name="form" value="setuppw" /> <table> <td colspan="3"><h3>Change setup password</h3></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Setup password</td>
$phone = safeget('phone'); if (!isset(sql("tacky", 0, "select * from users where phone = {$phone}")[0])) { sql("tacky", 0, "insert into users (name, phone) values ('{$name}', {$phone})"); } } else { if ($what == "new") { $from = safeget('from'); $to = safeget('to'); $title = safeget('title'); $fromKey = safeoffset(sql("tacky", 0, "select id from users where phone = {$from}"))[0]; $toKey = safeoffset(sql("tacky", 0, "select id from users where phone = {$to}"))[0]; sql("tacky", 0, "insert into tasks (who_from, who_to, name) values ({$fromKey}, {$toKey}, '{$title}')"); } else { if ($what == "move") { $id = safeget('id'); $comp = safeget('comp'); sql("tacky", 0, "update tasks set completion = {$comp} where id = {$id}"); } } } } } } } } header('Content-Type: application/json'); if (isset($data)) { echo json_encode($data); } function safeget($key) {
<?php include "sql.php"; $score = safeget("score"); $whichgrade = safeget("grade"); if (strlen($score) == 0) { header("Location: index.php"); die; } for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($score); $i++) { if (!($score[$i] >= '0' && $score[$i] <= '9')) { die("asshole."); } } if (!isset(sql("mathclass", 1, "select * from grades where grade = '{$whichgrade}'")[0])) { die("asshole."); } $qry = "create table if not exists {$whichgrade} (score int);"; sql("mathclass", 1, $qry); $qry = "insert into {$whichgrade} values ({$score});"; sql("mathclass", 0, $qry); $count = sizeof(sql("mathclass", 0, "select * from {$whichgrade}")); $qry = "create table if not exists " . $whichgrade . "_max (m int)"; sql("mathclass", 0, $qry); $maxresults = sql("mathclass", 0, "select * from " . $whichgrade . "_max"); if (isset($maxresults[0])) { $max = $maxresults[0][0]; if ($count > $max) { sql("mathclass", 0, "delete from " . $whichgrade . "_max where m = {$max}"); sql("mathclass", 0, "insert into " . $whichgrade . "_max values ({$count})"); }
* tInterval_time * * Form POST \ GET Variables: * * fUsername * fDomain * fCancel * fChange * fBack * fActive */ require_once 'common.php'; // only allow admins to change someone else's 'stuff' if (authentication_has_role('admin')) { $Admin_role = 1; $fUsername = safeget('username'); list(, $fDomain) = explode('@', $fUsername); $Return_url = "list-virtual.php?domain=" . urlencode($fDomain); # TODO: better check for valid username (check if mailbox exists) # TODO: (should be done in VacationHandler) if ($fDomain == '' || !check_owner(authentication_get_username(), $fDomain)) { die("Invalid username!"); # TODO: better error message } } else { $Admin_role = 0; $Return_url = "main.php"; authentication_require_role('user'); $fUsername = authentication_get_username(); } // is vacation support enabled in $CONF ?
<?php include_once "../inc/global.inc.php"; require "../inc/user.inc.php"; /* * 请求处理,如果没有相应的处理程序,发出错误信息 */ if (!is_admins() && !is_manager()) { error("Admin Only Operation"); } $act = safeget('act'); $avail_functions = array('AddContestProblem', 'AddProblem', 'ContestEditProblem', 'CreateContest', 'EditContest', 'DeleteContest', 'IncContestProblem', 'DecContestProblem', 'EditContestProblem', 'DeleteProblem', 'DeleteContestProblem', 'EditProblem', 'ImportArchiveProblem', 'ExportProblem', 'ExportSource', 'ExportContest', 'RejudgeProblem', 'ResetContest', 'StartContest', 'CreateCourse', 'EditCourse', 'DeleteCourse', 'KickoutUser', 'StdSubmit'); if (in_array($act, $avail_functions) && function_exists($act)) { if (strtoupper($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']) == "GET") { $arg =& $_GET; } else { $arg =& $_POST; } $act($arg); } else { error('Illegal Opeartions'); } exit; /* * 上传rar和zip测试数据 */ function ArchiveUpload(&$arg, $problem_prefix, $handle) { // extract files $archive_file_name = $_FILES['arcfile']['tmp_name']; // unrar
* * fDomain * fDisplay * search */ require_once 'common.php'; authentication_require_role('admin'); $admin_username = authentication_get_username(); $list_domains = list_domains_for_admin($admin_username); $page_size = $CONF['page_size']; $fDomain = safepost('fDomain', safeget('domain', safesession('list-virtual:domain'))); if (safesession('list-virtual:domain') != $fDomain) { unset($_SESSION['list-virtual:limit']); } $fDisplay = (int) safepost('limit', safeget('limit', safesession('list-virtual:limit'))); $search = safepost('search', safeget('search', array())); # not remembered in the session if (!is_array($search)) { die(Config::Lang('invalid_parameter')); } if (count($list_domains) == 0) { if (authentication_has_role('global-admin')) { flash_error($PALANG['no_domains_exist']); } else { flash_error($PALANG['no_domains_for_this_admin']); } header("Location: list.php?table=domain"); # no domains (for this admin at least) - redirect to domain list exit; } if (is_array($list_domains) and sizeof($list_domains) > 0) {
/** * Replaces database specific parts in a query * @param String sql query with placeholders * @param int (optional) whether errors should be ignored (0=false) * @param String (optional) MySQL specific code to attach, useful for COMMENT= on CREATE TABLE * @return String sql query */ function db_query_parsed($sql, $ignore_errors = 0, $attach_mysql = "") { global $CONF; if ($CONF['database_type'] == 'mysql' || $CONF['database_type'] == 'mysqli') { $replace = array('{AUTOINCREMENT}' => 'int(11) not null auto_increment', '{PRIMARY}' => 'primary key', '{UNSIGNED}' => 'unsigned', '{FULLTEXT}' => 'FULLTEXT', '{BOOLEAN}' => "tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '" . db_get_boolean(False) . "'", '{UTF-8}' => '/*!40100 CHARACTER SET utf8 */', '{LATIN1}' => '/*!40100 CHARACTER SET latin1 */', '{IF_NOT_EXISTS}' => 'IF NOT EXISTS', '{RENAME_COLUMN}' => 'CHANGE COLUMN', '{MYISAM}' => 'ENGINE=MyISAM', '{INNODB}' => 'ENGINE=InnoDB', '{INT}' => 'integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0', '{BIGINT}' => 'bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0', '{DATE}' => "timestamp NOT NULL default '2000-01-01'", '{DATECURRENT}' => 'timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP'); $sql = "{$sql} {$attach_mysql}"; } elseif ($CONF['database_type'] == 'pgsql') { $replace = array('{AUTOINCREMENT}' => 'SERIAL', '{PRIMARY}' => 'primary key', '{UNSIGNED}' => '', '{FULLTEXT}' => '', '{BOOLEAN}' => "BOOLEAN NOT NULL DEFAULT '" . db_get_boolean(False) . "'", '{UTF-8}' => '', '{LATIN1}' => '', '{IF_NOT_EXISTS}' => '', '{RENAME_COLUMN}' => 'ALTER COLUMN', '{MYISAM}' => '', '{INNODB}' => '', '{INT}' => 'integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0', '{BIGINT}' => 'bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0', 'int(1)' => 'int', 'int(10)' => 'int', 'int(11)' => 'int', 'int(4)' => 'int', '{DATE}' => "timestamp with time zone default '2000-01-01'", '{DATECURRENT}' => 'timestamp with time zone default now()'); } else { echo "Sorry, unsupported database type " . $conf['database_type']; exit; } $replace['{BOOL_TRUE}'] = db_get_boolean(True); $replace['{BOOL_FALSE}'] = db_get_boolean(False); $query = trim(str_replace(array_keys($replace), $replace, $sql)); if (safeget('debug') != "") { printdebug($query); } $result = db_query($query, $ignore_errors); if (safeget('debug') != "") { print "<div style='color:#f00'>" . $result['error'] . "</div>"; } return $result; }
<?php require "./navigation.php"; $cid = safeget('cid'); $contest = new ContestsTbl($cid); $contest->Get() or error("No such contest"); if (isset($_POST['pwd'])) { $pwd = safepost('pwd'); if ($contest->detail['authtype'] != 'password') { error("No password is needed"); } if ($contest->detail['pwd'] == $pwd) { $_SESSION["access{$cid}"] = 1; MsgAndRedirect("contest_detail.php?cid={$cid}"); } else { $error_msg = "Password Incorrect"; } } if (isset($_SESSION["access{$cid}"]) && $_SESSION["access{$cid}"] == 1 || $contest->detail['authtype'] != 'password') { // already auth MsgAndRedirect("contest_detail.php?cid={$cid}"); } ?> <div class="background_container"> <div class="ui-corner-all ui-widget-content"> <table width="900" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td width="300" height="100" bgcolor="#F0F0F0"><img src="images/register_01.jpg" width="300" height="100"></td>
* @license GNU GPL v2 or later. * * File: delete.php * Used to delete admins, domains, mailboxes, aliases etc. * * Template File: none */ require_once 'common.php'; if (safeget('token') != $_SESSION['PFA_token']) { die('Invalid token!'); } $username = authentication_get_username(); # enforce login $id = safeget('id'); $table = safeget('table'); $active = safeget('active'); $handlerclass = ucfirst($table) . 'Handler'; if (!preg_match('/^[a-z]+$/', $table) || !file_exists("model/{$handlerclass}.php")) { # validate $table die("Invalid table name given!"); } $handler = new $handlerclass(0, $username); $formconf = $handler->webformConfig(); authentication_require_role($formconf['required_role']); if ($handler->init($id)) { # errors will be displayed as last step anyway, no need for duplicated code ;-) if ($active != '0' && $active != '1') { die(Config::Lang('invalid_parameter')); } if ($handler->set(array('active' => $active))) { $handler->store();
* * Template Variables: -none- * * Form POST \ GET Variables: -none- */ require_once 'common.php'; authentication_require_role('global-admin'); $CONF['backup'] == 'NO' ? header("Location: main.php") && exit : '1'; // TODO: make backup supported for postgres if (db_pgsql()) { flash_error('Sorry: Backup is currently not supported for your DBMS (' . $CONF['database_type'] . ').'); $smarty->assign('smarty_template', 'message'); $smarty->display('index.tpl'); die; } if (safeget('download') == "") { $smarty->assign('smarty_template', 'backupwarning'); $smarty->display('index.tpl'); die; } # Still here? Then let's create the database dump... /* SELECT attnum,attname,typname,atttypmod-4,attnotnull,atthasdef,adsrc AS def FROM pg_attribute,pg_class,pg_type,pg_attrdef WHERE pg_class.oid=attrelid AND pg_type.oid=atttypid AND attnum>0 AND pg_class.oid=adrelid AND adnum=attnum AND atthasdef='t' AND lower(relname)='admin' UNION SELECT attnum,attname,typname,atttypmod-4,attnotnull,atthasdef,'' AS def FROM pg_attribute,pg_class,pg_type WHERE pg_class.oid=attrelid AND pg_type.oid=atttypid AND attnum>0
} $_SESSION["search_{$table}"] = $search; $_SESSION["searchmode_{$table}"] = $searchmode; if (count($search)) { $handler->getList($search, $searchmode); } else { $handler->getList(''); } $items = $handler->result(); if (count($handler->errormsg)) { flash_error($handler->errormsg); } if (count($handler->infomsg)) { flash_error($handler->infomsg); } if (safeget('output') == 'csv') { $out = fopen('php://output', 'w'); header('Content-Type: text/csv; charset=utf-8'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment;filename=' . $table . '.csv'); print ""; # utf8 byte-order to indicate the file is utf8 encoded # print "sep=;"; # hint that ; is used as seperator - breaks the utf8 flag in excel import! print "\n"; if (!defined('ENT_HTML401')) { # for compability for PHP < 5.4.0 define('ENT_HTML401', 0); } # print column headers as csv $header = array(); $columns = array(); foreach ($handler->getStruct() as $key => $field) {
$func = safeget($_REQUEST, "func", null, false); $param = safeget($_REQUEST, "param", null, false); if ($param != null) { // Make sure we don't have escaped quotes if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { $param = stripslashes($param); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Now, check if the call is correctly signed. // Compare our own computed signature with the received signature $REQUEST_IS_SIGNED = strcmp(md5($SIGNATURE_SECRET . $func . $param), $signature) == 0; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Log the call $now = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $logline = "[{$now}][" . basename(__FILE__) . "] Signed=" . $REQUEST_IS_SIGNED . " Func=" . safeget($_REQUEST, "func", null, false) . " Param=" . safeget($_REQUEST, "param", null, false); $logline .= "\r\n"; $logname = "calllog_" . date("Y-m-d") . ".txt"; file_put_contents($logname, $logline, FILE_APPEND); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Test the method name if ($func === null) { echo "No function name found!"; exit; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Optionally, get the param if ($param != null) { // If we have a param, then try to convert it from json $decode = json_decode($param, true); if ($decode != NULL) {
* * POST: * - save * - cancel * - all editable form values, see $fm_struct */ require_once 'common.php'; authentication_require_role('admin'); $extra_options = 0; if ($CONF['fetchmail_extra_options'] == 'YES') { $extra_options = 1; } # import control GET/POST variables. Form values are imported below. $new = (int) safeget("new") == 1 ? 1 : 0; $edit = (int) safeget("edit"); $delete = (int) safeget("delete"); $save = safepost("save") != "" ? 1 : 0; $cancel = safepost("cancel") != "" ? 1 : 0; $display_status = 1; if ($new || $edit) { $display_status = 0; } $fm_struct = array("id" => array(0, 0, 'id'), "mailbox" => array(1, 1, 'enum'), "src_server" => array(1, 1, 'text'), "src_auth" => array(1, 1, 'enum'), "src_user" => array(1, 1, 'text'), "src_password" => array(1, 0, 'password'), "src_folder" => array(1, 1, 'text'), "poll_time" => array(1, 1, 'num'), "fetchall" => array(1, 1, 'bool'), "keep" => array(1, 1, 'bool'), "protocol" => array(1, 1, 'enum'), "extra_options" => array($extra_options, $extra_options, 'longtext'), "mda" => array($extra_options, $extra_options, 'longtext'), "date" => array(0, $display_status, 'text'), "returned_text" => array(0, $display_status, 'longtext')); # labels and descriptions are taken from $PALANG['pFetchmail_field_xxx'] and $PALANG['pFetchmail_desc_xxx'] # TODO: After pressing save or cancel in edit form, date and returned text are not displayed in list view. # TODO: Reason: $display_status is set before $new and $edit are reset to 0. # TODO: Fix: split the "display field?" column into "display in list" and "display in edit mode". $SESSID_USERNAME = authentication_get_username(); if (!$SESSID_USERNAME) { exit; }
* tMessage * * Form POST \ GET Variables: * * fTable * fDelete * fDomain */ require_once 'common.php'; authentication_require_role('admin'); $SESSID_USERNAME = authentication_get_username(); $error = 0; $fTable = escape_string(safeget('table')); # see the if blocks below for valid values $fDelete = escape_string(safeget('delete')); $fDomain = escape_string(safeget('domain')); $error = 0; if ($fTable == "admin") { authentication_require_role('global-admin'); $fWhere = 'username'; $result_admin = db_delete($table_admin, $fWhere, $fDelete); $result_domain_admins = db_delete($table_domain_admins, $fWhere, $fDelete); if (!($result_admin == 1) and $result_domain_admins >= 0) { $error = 1; $tMessage = $PALANG['pAdminDelete_admin_error']; } else { $url = "list-admin.php"; header("Location: {$url}"); } } elseif ($fTable == "domain") { authentication_require_role('global-admin');
/** * Replaces database specific parts in a query * @param String sql query with placeholders * @param int (optional) whether errors should be ignored (0=false) * @param String (optional) MySQL specific code to attach, useful for COMMENT= on CREATE TABLE * @return String sql query */ function db_query_parsed($sql, $ignore_errors = 0, $attach_mysql = "") { global $CONF; if ($CONF['database_type'] == 'mysql' || $CONF['database_type'] == 'mysqli') { $replace = array('{AUTOINCREMENT}' => 'int(11) not null auto_increment', '{PRIMARY}' => 'primary key', '{UNSIGNED}' => 'unsigned', '{FULLTEXT}' => 'FULLTEXT', '{BOOLEAN}' => 'tinyint(1) NOT NULL', '{UTF-8}' => '/*!40100 CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci */', '{LATIN1}' => '/*!40100 CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_swedish_ci */', '{IF_NOT_EXISTS}' => 'IF NOT EXISTS', '{RENAME_COLUMN}' => 'CHANGE COLUMN'); $sql = "{$sql} {$attach_mysql}"; } elseif ($CONF['database_type'] == 'pgsql') { $replace = array('{AUTOINCREMENT}' => 'SERIAL', '{PRIMARY}' => 'primary key', '{UNSIGNED}' => '', '{FULLTEXT}' => '', '{BOOLEAN}' => 'BOOLEAN NOT NULL', '{UTF-8}' => '', '{LATIN1}' => '', '{IF_NOT_EXISTS}' => '', '{RENAME_COLUMN}' => 'ALTER COLUMN', 'int(1)' => 'int', 'int(10)' => 'int', 'int(11)' => 'int', 'int(4)' => 'int'); } else { echo "Sorry, unsupported database type " . $conf['database_type']; exit; } $replace['{BOOL_TRUE}'] = db_get_boolean(True); $replace['{BOOL_FALSE}'] = db_get_boolean(False); $query = trim(str_replace(array_keys($replace), $replace, $sql)); if (safeget('debug') != "") { print "<p style='color:#999'>{$query}"; } $result = db_query($query, $ignore_errors); if (safeget('debug') != "") { print "<div style='color:#f00'>" . $result['error'] . "</div>"; } return $result; }
<?php require "./navigation.php"; $cid = safeget("cid"); $contest = new ContestsTbl($cid); if (!$contest->Get()) { error("No such contest"); } ?> <h1> Import User list for <?php echo $contest->detail['title']; ?> </h1> <h2> Example format of csv </h2> <table class="ui-widget"> <thead class="ui-widget-header"> <tr><th>username</th><th>password</th><th>email</th><th>nickname</th><th>signature</th></tr> </thead> <tbody class="ui-widget-content tr_odd"> <tr><td>hovey</td><td>123456</td><td>hoveychen@soj.me</td><td>Hovey Chen</td><td>A lazy boy</td></tr> <tr><td>more</td><td>and</td><td>more@fun</td><td>more</td><td>fun</td></tr> </tbody> </table> <p>Notice that the csv file should be encoded as gbk( i.e. from windows excel)</p> <p>If the password field is left emtpy, automatic generated password will be filled up.</p> <table class="ui-widget"> <thead class="ui-widget-header"> <tr><td> options </td> <td> values </td> </tr></thead> <tbody class="ui-widget-content tr_odd"> <form id="importuser" name="importuser" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];
* Template File: admin_list-domain.php * * Template Variables: * * -none- * * Form POST \ GET Variables: * * fUsername */ require_once 'common.php'; authentication_require_role('admin'); if (authentication_has_role('global-admin')) { $list_admins = list_admins(); $is_superadmin = 1; $fUsername = safepost('fUsername', safeget('username')); # prefer POST over GET variable if ($fUsername != "") { $admin_properties = get_admin_properties($fUsername); } } else { $list_admins = array(authentication_get_username()); $is_superadmin = 0; $fUsername = ""; } if (isset($admin_properties) && $admin_properties['domain_count'] == 'ALL') { # list all domains for superadmins $list_domains = list_domains(); } elseif (!empty($fUsername)) { $list_domains = list_domains_for_admin($fUsername); } elseif ($is_superadmin) {
# should never happen and indicates a bug in $handler->init() flash_error($handlerclass . "->init() failed, but didn't set any error message"); } flash_error($handler->errormsg); header("Location: " . $formconf['listview']); exit; } } $form_fields = $handler->getStruct(); $id_field = $handler->getId_field(); if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == "GET") { if ($new) { # new - prefill fields from URL parameters if allowed in $formconf['prefill'] if (isset($formconf['prefill'])) { foreach ($formconf['prefill'] as $field) { $prefillvalue = safeget($field, safesession("prefill:{$table}:{$field}")); if ($prefillvalue != '') { $form_fields[$field]['default'] = $prefillvalue; $handler->prefill($field, $prefillvalue); } } } $form_fields = $handler->getStruct(); # refresh $form_fields - a prefill field might have changed something } else { # edit mode - read values from database if (!$handler->view()) { flash_error($handler->errormsg); header("Location: " . $formconf['listview']); exit; } else {
<?php require "./navigation.php"; $course_id = safeget("course_id"); $courseTbl = new CourseTbl($course_id); if (!$courseTbl->Get()) { error("Course not found"); } $course = $courseTbl->detail; if ($course['require_cinfo'] && !is_info_complete()) { MsgAndRedirect("profile_edit.php", "Your information is not complete."); } if ($course['require_bound'] && !is_authorized()) { MsgAndRedirect("netid_bind.php", "You need to bind your netid with your account first."); } if (is_course_registered($course_id)) { MsgAndRedirect("course_detail.php?course_id={$course_id}"); } $now = time(); ?> <table class="ui-widget tblcontainer ui-widget-content ui-corner-all" width="100%"> <caption> Course Detail </caption> <thead> <tr class="ui-widget-header"> <th width="50">ID</th> <th width="200">Name</th> <th width="200">Teacher</th> <th>Statistics</th> </tr>
* @version $Id: delete.php 1733 2014-11-02 23:06:13Z christian_boltz $ * @license GNU GPL v2 or later. * * File: delete.php * Used to delete admins, domains, mailboxes, aliases etc. * * Template File: none */ require_once 'common.php'; if (safeget('token') != $_SESSION['PFA_token']) { die('Invalid token!'); } $username = authentication_get_username(); # enforce login $id = safeget('delete'); $table = safeget('table'); $handlerclass = ucfirst($table) . 'Handler'; if (!preg_match('/^[a-z]+$/', $table) || !file_exists("model/{$handlerclass}.php")) { # validate $table die("Invalid table name given!"); } $is_admin = authentication_has_role('admin'); $handler = new $handlerclass(0, $username, $is_admin); $formconf = $handler->webformConfig(); if ($is_admin) { authentication_require_role($formconf['required_role']); } else { if (empty($formconf['user_hardcoded_field'])) { die($handlerclass . ' is not available for users'); } }
<?php require "./navigation.php"; $pid = safeget('pid'); $cid = 0; $problem = new ProblemTbl($pid); $problem->Get() or error("Invalid Problem ID"); $problem = $problem->detail; $cid = 0; $status_vals = array("", "Accepted", "Wrong Answer", "Compile Error", "Runtime Error", "Time Limit Exceeded", "Memory Limit Exceeded", "Output Limit Exceeded", "Presentation Error", "Restrict Function", "Running", "Other", "Waiting"); $display_status = array("", _("Accepted "), _("Wrong Answer"), _("Compile Error"), _("Runtime Error"), _("Time Limit Exceeded"), _("Memory Limit Exceeded"), _("Output Limit Exceeded"), _("Presentation Error"), _("Restrict Function"), _("Running"), _("Other"), _("Waiting")); ?> <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="../js/edit_area/edit_area_compressor.php"></script> <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="../css/submit.css"/> <script type="text/javascript"> function initEditor() { var langName = ["c", "cpp", "pas"]; editAreaLoader.init({ id : "source" // textarea id , syntax: langName[lang-1] // syntax to be uses for highgliting , start_highlight: true // to display with highlight mode on start-up , replace_tab_by_spaces: 4 , allow_toggle: false , allow_resize: false ,
public function second_teacher() { eval(ADMIN); $userId = xassert(safeget("show"), Error("get")); $list = DBModel::getByFields('second_teacher', array('id' => $userId)); $this->assign('list', $list[0]); eval(NDSP); }